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The Official Chinese Constitution

(Two Parties, One Nation)

To be Enacted and Enforced by the
Government of China from
hereon out from this date in 2071
(June 4th, 2071)

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch

1a) The Legislative Bodies of China are hereby established.

1b) The Legislative Branch will handle the law making function and the
Judiciary function of the Chinese Federal Government

2) The Chinese Congress will be separated into two Houses, the Parliament of
China, and the Supreme Court of the Chinese People

3a) The Parliament of China will now have the power and the duty to Create

3b) Each law must pass with an over 50% Majority

3c) The Chinese Parliament will be initially established with 10 members and
the Vice President being president of Congress and the Speaker being the Vice
President of the Parliament

3d) A Majority is 6 Votes, but if the parliament is to grow or shrink this vote
count is to fluctuate

3e) The Parliament of China is to approve

- The Attorney General of China
- The Minister of Defense of China
- The Minister of the Treasury of China
- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China
- The Vice President of China
- All additions to the Supreme Court of the Chinese People
3f) These Confirmations take only a simple 50% majority to pass

4) The Supreme Court of the Chinese People will have the powers to decide
- If a Law is Unconstitutional
- If impeachment of the President or a Parliament member is valid
and actually is for a Valid offense

5a) Supreme Court members may have cabinet positions but Parliament
members cannot

5b) Members of the Courts may propose Amendments and Laws but may not
vote on them

6) Members of the Parliament Vote in the Following ways and ONLY the
Following ways

7) If a Parliament member is to Resign, Retire, be Impeached, a Special
Election is to be held

8) The Speaker of the Parliament is to keep record on which bills pass and
which bills fail the chinese congress

9) The Congress MUST Create and enforce a Bill every presidential cycle

10) Parliament members will not have term limits

11) The Supreme Court of China will have 4 Members which will Serve Till
Death or Resignation

12a) Bill life will stand at 24 Hours, after that, and if a majority is not met, the
Bill will not pass

12b) Any and all voting done in Chats vs on the Chinese Account will be viewed
as Invalid

13) Congressmen are required to propose a bill every term or are to be


14) Impeachment of a Congressmen can take place on the grounds of and/or

- Inactivity
- Unlawful Action
- Conspiring to Overthrow the Government
- Changing the Name of the Congressional Chat
- Sending Obscene Photos, and Harmful Photos into the Chats
- Spam


AND WILL REQUIRE A 60% PASSING RECORD (6 Yays in a 10man congress)
Votes), as well as an approval from the Supreme Court

Article 2 - The Executive Branch


1) The President will be the Commander of the Chinese Armed Forces and is
required to enact all laws passed by Parliament

2) A President will be elected by the Congress of China

3) A Presidential Candidate needs > 50% vote count to win the election. If
he/she does not meet this number, a runoff election will be held

4) The president of China has a 4 Year Term, which is renewable once (2 Total

5) A President cannot be impeached with-in 3 IRL Days of Taking office,

and cannot be impeached until taking office

6a) The president can conduct executive orders. If the executive order is not
constitutional itll go through review by the Supreme Court.

6b) The Parliament of Congress can revoke an EO a 60% Vote Against the Order
7) A President cannot Executive Order an Amendment to the Constitution, and if
done, this can be seen as illegal action

8) An amendment needs 70% Vote in Approval to pass and to be added into the

9) The President of China can assign a Cabinet, the Cabinet will consist of
- The Attorney General of China
- The Minister of Defense of China
- The Minister of the Treasury of China
- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China
- The Vice President of China

10) If a President is removed from office for any reason, the Vice President will
Take Office if he is removed, the following line of succession will take place
- 1) Vice President
- 2) Speaker of the Parliament
- 3) Head of the Supreme Court
- 4) Minister of Defense
- 5) Minister of Foreign Affairs
- 6) Attorney General
- 7) Minister of the Treasury
- 8) Designated Survivor
- 9) The Deputies of Each Department Back in Order

11) The president can Veto any law proposed by Parliament, but
Parliament can override Veto with a 70% Vote in Favor

12) The President, if he deems all action totally needed and necessary, he, as
the Commander and Chief has the power to conduct military operation without
Congressional approval for 2 IRL Days. Afterwards, the congress can come back
and either nullify his actions or force a Declaration of war

13) President has control over all rights of Immigration

14) Voting Bribery is legal, unless blackmail. This is the Spoil system
Article 3 - Bill of Rights

1) All people have the right to.

- Citizenship granted by birth or legal process
- Life
- Property
- Free Speech
- Free Religion
- Free Expression
- Freedom to Bear Arms
- Freedom to Vote
- Freedom to Own Property
- Freedom to dress or undress to their desire
- A Speedy and Fair Trial
- Freedom against Slavery or Servitude
- Freedom to own and/or run a business
- Freedom from unfair or unlawful punishment
- Freedom to surrender rights during process of a Capital Crime

These rights can be defined and worked by the Supreme Court

2) Congress has the right to Expand or Contract the Size of Congress

3) Filibustering is Prohibited
4) All other, and new Amendment can be added below, if an Amendment of the
Constitution is revoked by vote, it will not be deleted from this document but
rather crossed out

Article 4 - The SOE and the Admin

1) An SOE Will be elected every presidential cycle, and will run
2) An SOE will run the elections with the Admin
3) The SOE doesnt have term limits
4) The Admin cannot be removed from office and has no Term limits
or elections
5) The SOE can be impeached with Supreme Court Approval and
Congressional Simple Majority (50%)

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