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Lecture -6: Listen to part of a lecurein a geography class. 1. What aspect of deltas docs the profesor manly discus? (1) A. The mbod of thet formation Bi, The wife that ives there . Ancient delta formations D, Hans that ive there 22 The shape ofa river dela is maitly influenced by which ofthe following? (lai ) A The tide, waves, and iver speed. 1B These, wind and waves. . River sped, simi type. nd wind D. Waves tds, and dams 4. Listen agin opt ofthe festre Then answer the question © [A The Nile dls stil increasing in size despite the waves BB. The waves have ha small nluene on the delta, . The Nile dla as eine te sae size for many years D. The Nile dla shrinking insize as rest ofthe waves. 4, How des the professor organize the lecture? {A She talks about diferent geographic regions and the deltas fond her. B. Sheexplains an inportsnt pont about deltas and then provides examples. ~ G. She icusss everthing abot dts and then provides some examples. D. She examines the history of elas a wel a man’s influence on them Inthe lecture, th profesor discuss rivers and theit dla, Taicate with which river and its delta the following statements ae connect weed (uv) = reduce ‘ile | Missisippt [Niger [ Amazon ‘A. Tempies io the Allatie Osean 1B. dela is boing reduced by waves. ‘ dela not inluexeed much by z the tide or waves. * Di Ithas the gest doa e {6 What does the professor imply atout the Aswan Dam? [A. has been a greet benefit o Egypt B. Its managed to contol flooding. . Itovas an ecological mistake ~ D. Ithas totally destroyed the dela, ‘Conversation 7-11: Listen to part ofa conversation between the student and an office secretary. “1. Why docs the student need to ook a room? |A. Fora study group presentation VC, For a science club project presentation B. Fora science class presentation D. Fora seionce project presentation ‘8, What isthe main problem withthe classroom available Saturday afternoon? A. Teds not have the expert needed BB. The oom s located in an older building C. A professor may need that cessromn. . The funiture s damaged, anc the rom is ness. ‘9. Listen again to pat ofthe conversation. Then answer the question. [A. She enjoys getting up carly ou Saturday, B, She never gets up early on Saturday. Shodislikes getting up early on Saturday. D. Sheusually gets up ealy on Saturday. 10, Which atementis associated wih which day of the wee disused in the conversation? Monday | Friday | Saturday | $ __| ening vor “A: Maay tember of thr seienes eb [> Shy cas en B. The cssoom mall ws Tine Y hat ange teen pjetor ‘© Ths isthe normal cay the lence club meets. ” v Dy The caso aval a ti tne isin th scene bug 1. What ab infeed about the scfm te conversation? {A Hes th president ofthe science cub {01 He has never booked clan before. C. Heis anew member ofthe sence cb. D. Hes aptly hard orig invidual LLocture 12-16: Listen to part of a keture ina psychology lass. 12, What aspect of fear docs the profesor mainly discuss? ‘A. Mapping fear in te brain 1, The things tht people fea . Thebody’'s reactions to fear D. Vietnam veteran's problems 13, According to the profesor, what ere the two types of responses the brain as to danger? ‘A. Physical and mental 1B. Rational and inate (©. Traumatic and immediate D. Memory and fear 14, Listen again to pat ofthe lecture Then answer the question. [7 ‘A. People think modern society i sae, but sil has many dangers B. People should not believe wha they see on TV news . The nightly news often depicts society as being dangerous. . Modem society i safe except for what we see on the news. 15. In the lecture, the professor deserbes the physical symptoms of fer. Indicate to which pat of the body the {ollowing physical responses are elated, Hye Mises [Skin [Speen ‘A. Absorbs more blood BB. Pumps out more wiite blood ells and clotting agents ae G. Gets bigger D._ Contracts and causes chill z 16, What can be inferred abot the pysical sigs oF fear and cowardice? ‘A. People who show physical signs of fear are being cowards. B. Coward is directly related fo Fear and the signs a person shows, . Physical signs of fear are natural and not a sign of cowardice. . Everyone exhibits physical signs of fear, and not everyone is a coward ‘Lecture 17-22: Listen to part ofa leture fn 8 world history lass. 17. Which aspoct of Genghis Khan's ife docs the professor mainly discuss? A. His military conquests and death (C. His fr-sanging influence on the world BB. How he decided on his succesor D. His childhood and rise o power crucial role in Genghis Khan’s development as a 18. According to the profesor, wha dramatic event played warroe? A. The demh of his father at an erly age B. The killing of his elder half-brother (©. The kidnapping of his wie by another D. His victory over te Mongol ties 19, Listen again o part ofthe lectre. Then answer the question, ‘A. To show that the Mongols were mereifl in their dealings with people 1B, To imply that mercy was nota pat af the Mongol waetior . To-emphasize that the Mongols treated some people very harshly . To say that people showed mercy to the Mongols who surrendered 20. Why does the professor discuss Genghis Khan’s early life in great detail? ‘A, To show how Genghis Khan became a warrior BB. To depict vividly how harsh Mongol life was C. Toexplain why there were succession problems D. To demonsteate that he wa s lawless criminal 21 In the lecture, the professor deseibes some important events in Genghis Khan life, Indicate during which ‘att of his life the following evens took pace Middle [Tater years | Tite ildhood ‘A. The Kidnapping of is wife - 'B. The conquest of Mongol ibes | - CC. Tho succession criss, cs The killing of his halromher mara 22, What can be inferred about why Genghis Khan’s wo eldest sons hated exch other? [A. Genghis Khan made his second son the successor of his empire. 'B. The socond son thought that he was Genghis’ real fist son. CC. The first son was analeoboli and wasted everyone’s wealth . Genghis Khan failed to teach them to respect each ther ‘Conversation 23-27: Listen to partof a conversation between a student and a professor. 23, Why does the student visit the professor? ‘A. She wants to diseus her work a the autism center 1B. Sho is having difficulty in choosing her thesis topic. . Sheneeds to choose a different subject for a paper. D. She wants to discuss the diferent ways to teat atin, 24, What danger does the professor varn the stent about concerning the field of study she i interested in? A. Too many people ae writing about that Feld these days B, There are very few resources concerning her field of study. C. Her fold of study i open to sejudical opinions ifone isnot careful. D. There isa lot of controversy with many conflicting opinions inthe Fed 25, Liston again to pat ofthe conversation. Then answer the question. A. She should make sure she understands everything she observes, ‘She should not make any judgments until her study i complete. ~ . She mst len as mach abou atism a she can before beginning, D. She needs to keop he opinions to herelf throughout her research, 26, What was the professor's atitude when the student mentioned some of the mathers were raising autistic children alone? at fe ‘A. He found this oe very curicus. ©. He felt symmpatheti to them, 7 B He was somewhat disinterested, D. He was heatbroken by the thought. 4 27. hat can be infeed abot the posor from the conversation? ‘A. Hes some knowlege in th aren the stent wants to stay. He isthe schools leading eet on th den’ area of sty. CC. Heras ot eal intrested nthe topic the stant chose. Dy He sa sng pate ying tag hs own aii chil Lecture 28-32: Listen to part of etre ina mal as 28. What isthe ain tpi ofthe esr? x bleocl = let tung ‘A. Blooleting andthe history of lod rnsfosions Hl 1B. The history of blood trnsfusons nd how plasma is ed C. Their of blood transfison and diferent blood spss D, Different blood types and how plasm is wed by doctors 29. Lien again topo th etre. Ten nawer the question. &7 ‘A Ttwasone considered god neicl prcion. Bevas an usu treatent the tine. C. itis on aceped meal practic, D. ttissimilar fo how people dent lod. 30, According tthe profesor, whats ne abot the we of bad rnsfision? ‘A Twas very common in the seencenth centr. Bi. itenved many elder Ives rng wate . thee lengthened George Washington i D, It ot beoome common us eel 34. Lien agin opt ofthe etre. Then answer the question. (7 ‘A. She thinks tat tereae enough donors with O negative blod. B. She believes ransfisions with O negative blood arth est. She worst thr are not nough blood donor in the oun. D, She el hat heres not nag Oneptve blood dated in Ameren, Stes eps dts eps an oe oi type log Seeercires atid kia tment - Rh factor Plasma | Type O- | Type AB ‘A. Tean be given to any patent, '._Itcan be negative or yositive. E (C_Itcan receive any type of blood, ¥ 'D. Itis used to reat trauna victims. x

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