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Integrative activity

Walter lopez Quiroz

I am going to ask questions, at this time about the day of the dead.
To talk about it, I chose the Mayans

Tell me
1 One How did the ancient Mayans celebrate the day of the dead?
2 Two What kind of ceremonies did they do to celebrate the day of the
3 Three Meanwhile they were celebrating, were they really happy at that
4 Four How did they feel when they remember their relatives?
5 Five Did women participate in the ceremonies of the day of the
6 Six Did the celebration was related with the Mayan religion?
7 Seven Did they play hundreds of drums and flutes this day?
8 Eight How the colonial time did influence in this celebration?
9 Nine Did they drink some kind of alcohol to celebrate?
10 Ten Did your parents celebrate this day like the ancient Mayans did
it when you were a child?
11 Eleven Did this tradition start long time ago?
12 Twelve Who was the main god of the Mayans at that time? Did they
have about twenty gods?
13 Thirteen Did they eat turkey or lamb during the celebration? Did they eat
it on a table?
14 Fourtee Did they celebrate this day on top of the ceremonial temples?
n Did they have hundreds of cities and temples?
15 Fifteen How was the organization of the Mayans at that day?
16 Sixteen How many people did participate in the ceremony?
17 Sevente Did they celebrate this day on the first and second of november
en like nowadays?
18 Eightee What was the name of the celebration at that time?
19 Ninetee Why did they stop on their special way to do it?
20 Twenty Did the ancient Aztecs celebrate this day with colorful
vestments like the ancient Mayans?

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