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I. Vocabulary ( 2 20%)

1. People in Guam are amiable, relaxed, and _____, and any visitor who stays more than a day or two
soon catches the spirit.
(A) hospitable (B) turbulent (C) provocative (D) legitimate
2. Dwight W. Morrow, American ambassador to Mexico during the 1920s, is remembered as a(n) _____
diplomat during a period that marked a new spirit of cooperation in U.S. relations with Latin America.
(A) abrupt (B) outrageous (C) clumsy (D) shrewd
3. The wandering albatross, gliding effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht, would come down and
light on the water and float there very _____.
(A) submissively (B) inevitably (C) transparently (D) majestically
4. The servant girl burst into tears when the lady of the house _____ her for breaking an antique vase.
(A) endeavored (B) condemned (C) diminished (D) impelled
5. Lisas mother told her to put down her new doll and come to luncheon, but the little girl shook her
head, _____ the doll tighter to her breast.
(A) scratching (B) disrupting (C) clutching (D) reigning
6. Mr. Chen had _____ about letting his daughter go on a weekend camping trip with her friends, but
Mrs. Chen assured his husband that the children would be all right.
(A) incredibility (B) perspective (C) conveyance (D) misgiving
7. Johnny withheld the truth from us and held us in _____. As a result, we passed an uneasy night.
(A) suspense (B) inadequacy (C) ambivalence (D) conversion
8. From stationary to toaster ovens, credit cards to dental fillings, tens of thousands of new products
every year are _____ with the Hello Kitty logothe cute cat is even the subject of a Tokyo theme
(A) reconciled (B) contradicted (C) adorned (D) vaccinated
9. As the years rolled on, we found it hard to please Miss Medusa, for she became more and more _____.
She usually behaved in an angry and unfriendly way.
(A) contradictory (B) intolerant (C) obsolete (D) distinguished
10. After his love affairs had been exposed, the leader ______ admitted he had been wrong.
(A) grudgingly (B) inquiringly (C) prevailingly (D) susceptibly

II. Grammar ( 2 20%)

11. Many researchers have written on the subject with all of them ______ a similar conclusion.
(A) drawn (B) drawing (C) have drawn (D) drew
12. He requested that the contest ______ after the exam.
(A) was held (B) held (C) be held (D) to be held
13. ______ by his mother, he would have played online games with his friends last night.

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(A) If Tom wasnt grounded (B) If Tom werent grounded
(C) Shouldnt Tom be grounded (D) Hadnt Tom been grounded
14. All people show compassion for these fishermen, one of ______ was shot by the pirates.
(A) them (B) those (C) whom (D) that
15. ______ the volcano erupted, most inhabitants were buried alive by ash.
(A) Despite (B) No matter what (C) Before long (D) The moment
16. In recent years, a great number of ______ have been internationally recognized.
(A) Taiwan-filmed documentaries (B) Taiwan-filming documentaries
(C) documentaries that are filming in Taiwan (D) documentaries that filmed in Taiwan
17. ______ your help, we could not have succeeded two years ago.
(A) As long as (B) In terms of (C) Had it not been for (D) Thanks to
18. Dont eat too much candy ______ sugar would rot your teeth.
(A) in order that (B) unless (C) in spite of (D) for fear that
19. No sooner ______ than it began to rain.
(A) the game ended (B) had the game ended (C) did the game end (D) the game was ended
20. There ______ no taxi, all people had to walk home.
(A) being (B) was (C) are (D) been

III. Matching ( 2 10%)

21. Our government has canceled the Double Tenth Days celebrations ______.
22. The more tourists are visiting this fishing village, ______.
23. She couldnt succeed in making her dream come true ______.
24. The problem may recur later ______.
25. He turned pale ______.

(A) as if he had seen a ghost

(B) owing to the disaster caused by the typhoon
(C) despite the fact that the treatment for skin cancer is usually successful
(D) the more prosperous it becomes
(E) no matter how hard she worked

IV. Cloze ( 2 20%)

Rich Dad, Poor Dad has the title of a novel rather than a how-to guidebook and, indeed, much of
the book is written in story form. Its central (26) is summed up by the subtitle What the Rich
Teach Their Kids about Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not. The author strongly criticizes
the (27) of most people to work for money rather than letting money work for them.
The writer, Robert T. Kiyosaki, (28) his point in the first part of the book by telling a
story based on his childhood experiences. The title refers to the authors own (29) educated
father, the poor dad who always had to work hard to meet the familys needs, and a neighbor who had
dropped out of high school, but (30) keen business sense transformed him into a
multimillionairethe rich dad.

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26. (A) initiative (B) strategy (C) motif (D) disillusion
27. (A) tendency (B) distinction (C) assurance (D) coherence
28. (A) notifies (B) estimates (C) compromises (D) illustrates
29. (A) largely (B) highly (C) regularly (D) casually
30. (A) because (B) also (C) that (D) whose

The Rio Tinto is an unusual 100-kilometer river running from the Sierra Morena mountains of
Andalusia into the Gulf of Cdiz on the southwestern coast of Spain. What makes it so unique is its deep
red water. In Spanish, the name Rio Tinto (31) means red or stained river.
For the past 5,000 years, the Rio Tinto (32) civilizations with invaluable metals. The river
bed has an abundance of elements, such as gold, silver, copper, sulfur, and iron. It played a key role in
providing the minerals which made the Copper and Bronze Ages possible. (33) , it is believed
some of the first Roman coins were made from silver and gold taken from the Rio Tinto.
The rivers dark red color is a result of these mining activities. The mining process exposes sulfide
minerals, such as pyrite, (34) air and water, which transforms sulfide into sulfuric acid. This
sulfuric acid then oxidizes iron in the river, producing the red sediment which has dyed the river red.
Besides its economic value, the Rio Tinto has also proved helpful to the scientific community.
Scientists have been able to observe how several odd organisms survive in its waters. Since the river is
highly acidic, it is unfit for most forms of life. (35) , some microbes, called extremophiles, are
able to survive and thrive in this harsh environment by feasting on sulfide minerals.

31. (A) systemically (B) literally (C) essentially (D) annually

32. (A) has provided (B) provided (C) had provided (D) might have provided
33. (A) For example (B) For one thing (C) In other words (D) In addition
34. (A) with (B) through (C) to (D) into
35. (A) Instead (B) In contrast (C) To sum up (D) Yet

V. Structure ( 2 10%)

It is believed that William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. His
father, John Shakespeare, produced gloves, bought and sold wool, and lent money to other people.
(36) Shakespeares mother, Mary, was the daughter of a prominent farmer. Besides William, she
gave birth to seven other children, but only five lived beyond childhood.
(37) However, for reasons unknown, Shakespeare left school when he was 15 and did not
pursue further studies. Just three years later, in 1582, he married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years
his senior. Soon after, they started a family.
(38) But in the 1590s, he left Stratford-on-Avon and moved to London to pursue a career
in theatre. In 1599, he joined The Lord Chamberlains Men, an acting company protected by the Queen
herself. The actors of the day were jacks-of-all-trades. (39)
During his lifetime, Shakespeare authored an impressive 37 plays. His achievements also included
writing 154 sonnets. Each of these poems is fourteen-lines long. (40) Over the years, they have
been published countless times and are available today in everything from pocket editions to beautifully
illustrated books.

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(A) As a boy, William likely attended grammar school and studied subjects like Greek and Latin
(B) They express a wide range of human emotion, from love and joy to jealousy and grief.
(C) Therefore, it can be assumed that Shakespeare was already skilled in dancing, singing, acrobatics
and playing musical instruments.
(D) He was also an important citizen in the town, becoming its mayor in 1568.
(E) No one really knows how or when Shakespeare first began writing and acting.

VI. Reading Comprehension ( 2 10%)

Since 2001, China has loosened severe travel restrictions, and the rapid rise of the bourgeoisie has
sent curiousbut often churlish or even destructivevisitors throughout the world. There have been
reports of Chinese tourists littering famous historic sites and even defecating in public. One tourist even
opened the door of an airplane, as it prepared for takeoff, reportedly to get fresh air.
One reason tourism is hard to regulate is its positive associations, not only with pastime and
leisure but also with cultural prestige. People are proud of the vistas, landmarks and monuments that
their homelands are best known for. Though many local officials around the world are exasperated by
tourists boorish and disrespectful behavior and have appealed for a crackdown on tourism, their requests
are usually rejected by their national government, which want the tax revenue from tourists. Therefore,
efforts to regulate tourism arent always popular.
However, Denmark and France are exceptions. The quiet zones, the residential areas where
tourists, once they enter, are expected to respect the local peoples lifestyles, are emblematic of the
Danish philosophy toward tourists: They should blend in with the Danish way of life, not the other way
around. The Danes have prohibited foreigners from buying vacation cottages on their seacoasts and
strictly limited bars and restaurants from taking over Copenhagen. The question, says a spokesman for
the citys tourism office, is: How do you take advantage of the growth in tourism and not be taken over
by mass tourism?
Like Copenhagen, Paris uses noise and zoning laws to keep tourism from getting out of control.
And it handles the flow of tourists with the seriousness of a military operation. The Eiffel Tower, with
seven million visitors each year, is the worlds most heavily visited paid attraction. Tickets are limited
and timed to the half-hour. Visitors move up and down under the watch of discreet guards. The gardens
surrounding the tower are kept manicured by a full-time crew of 38 workers. Loitering is forbidden,
street vendors strictly regulated. Similar restrictions also apply for other tourist spots, like the gardens of
Claude Monet in nearby Giverny.
Paris is, first of all, for Parisians. That was illustrated in a rare standoff between tourists and
locals. For several years, tourists had disfigured the Pont des Arts by hanging padlocks on the pedestrian
span as a sign of love. Parisians despised these love locks. After several compromises failed, the city
government removed them.
Without serious government attention, many beloved places will be at risk of being trammeled and
damagedwhat those in the tourism industry call being loved to death.

41. What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) Tourism has done damage on many tourist attractions.
(B) Economic incentives and cultural pride will hinder the regulation of tourism.
(C) Tourists are expected to behave in a civilized manner when traveling abroad.
(D) Some countries have taken measures to control the rapid growth of tourism.

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42. In the fifth paragraph, Paris is, first of all, for Parisians implies ___________.
(A) locals should be given top priority when their interest is harmed by tourism
(B) much-visited tourist attractions should be left for foreigners first
(C) Parisian artistic perspectives on the layout of the city is taken into account
(D) this city doesnt welcome the foreign visitors with rude and disruptive behavior
43. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be referred to as positive associations in the second
(A) Venice Gondola Ride.
(B) Canadian Rocky Mountains.
(C) The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
(D) Leonardo da Vincis The Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum.
44. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
(A) Chinese socially unacceptable behavior results in a revolt against tourism in Denmark and
(B) Some countries are in a dilemma of choosing between tax revenues from tourists and urban
(C) The love-lock incident in Paris suggests the fears of losing national identities.
(D) The Danish way of life is kept intact because of their attitude toward tourists.
45. The meaning of the underlined word standoff is closest to ___________.
(A) generosity (B) deadlock (C) riot (D) hospitality

VII. Blank-filling ( 1 10%)

With her mothers encouragement, she m______ it ______ those difficult times.
47. Aaron
It d______ ______ me that Aaron had been right all along.
48. John
John did not s_____ up ______ himself; instead, he remained reticent when his mother wrongly
blamed him for the mistake.
In order to b______ ______ his muscles, he has been working out for three hours a day.
Policemen r_____ a higher r______ of losing their own lives at work than most people in other
professions do.

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