Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 : Cell Structure and Cell Organisation

Bab 2 : Struktur Sel dan Organisasi Sel

Learning Objective/Objektif Pembelajaran

Understand the cell structure and function/memahami struktur sel dan fungsi
Understand cell organisation/ memahami organisasi sel
Appreciate the uniqueness of the cell/menghargai keunikan sel

2.1. Cell Sturcture/Struktur Sel

i. Cells are the building block of organisms. Sel merupakan struktur
asas binaan organism.
ii. Unicellular organisms are organisms which consist of one
cell.Organisma unisel terdiri daripada satu sel sahaja.
iii. Multicellular organisms are organisms which consist of more than
one cell. Organism multisel terdiri daripada banyak sel yang
bergabung bersama.
Cellular Component of Animal and Plant Cells/ Komponen-
komponen Sel Haiwan dan Tumbuhan
i. Cell is the basic unit of life. Sel adalah unit asas kehidupan
ii. The word cell was given by Robert Hooke (1663) based on
examination of cork under microscope and observed structure that
resembles as tiny rooms. Perkataan Sel mula digunakan oleh
Robert Hooke (1663) berdasarkan kepada pemeriksaan keatas
gabus di bawah mikroskop yang menunjukkan struktur yang
kelihatan seperti bilik-bilik kecil.
iii. Plasma membrane makes up the boundary that separates the cell
from its environment. Membran plasma bertindak membentuk
sempadanan yang memisahkan sel dari persekitarannya.
iv. Plasma membrane controls the exchange of substances into and
out of the cell. Membran Plasma mengawal pertukaran bahan-
bahan kedalam dan keluar sel.
v. Living component inside the cell is called protoplasma (nucleus
+ cytoplasma). Komponen hidup didalam sel adalah
protoplasma ( nuklues+ sitoplasma)
vi. Plant cell have a cell wall that distinguishes it from animal cell. Sel
tumbuhan mempunyai dinding sel yang membezakannya daripada
sel haiwan.
a. Cell wall is rigid structure outside of the plasma membrane
(polysaccharide; cellulose).
b. Give plant define shape and support the individual structure
of plant
vii. Cell contains membrane-enclosed structures called organelles.


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