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APRIL 1 9 8 9 N u mb er 6 9 1 . 5 0

A p r i l : 19 B R IG H T O N , Top R a n k . 2 0 S O U T H E N D , C li ff s Pa v i l l i o n . 2 1 N O R W IC H , U n i v e r s i t y o f E ast A n g l i a . 2 3 C A M B R ID G E , C o rn E x c h a n g e .

2 4 B IR M IN G H A M , H u m m in g B ird . 25 N O T T IN G H A M , R ock C ity. 2 7 NEWCASTLE, P o ly te c h n ic . 2 8 G L A S G O W , Q u e e n M a r g a r e t U n iv e r s ity .

2 9 A B E R D E E N , V e n u e . 3 0 E D I N B U R G H , Q u e e n s H a l l . M a y : 2 M A N C H E S T E R , I n t e r n a t i o n a l 11.3 L I V E R P O O L , R o y a l C o u r t . 4 S H E F F I E L D , O c t a g o n .

5 LEEDS, P o l y t e c h n i c . 7 L EICESTER, U n i v e r s i t y . 8 B R I S T O L , S t u d i o . 9 C A RD IF F, U n i v e r s i t y . 1 0 L O N D O N , T o w n & C o u n t r y C l u b .

M L O N D O N , T ow n & C o u n t r y C lu b . J u ly : 5 L O N D O N , K ilb u r n N a t i o n a l B a llr o o m .


6 1 Collier Street
London N1 9BE
Tel: (01) 833 2843
Fax: (01) 833 4624 UPFRONT
Telex: 299579 (RGHTRD G) Product, label and media news
ATT: Catalogue " f IR E H O S E 'S " ,
EDITOR: Stunning third album s
Richard Boon NEW ROUTES
"fR O M O H IO " on S S T Records. Folk-rocking all over the world
Martin Aston To
" ... w ith a ll the in tu itiv e g ro u p c h e m is try o f th e (e a rly ) V io le n t DINOSAUR Jr
COVER: Those loverly laconic lads
Dinosaur Jr & Lunachicks Fem m es a n d S o nic Youth, say, the e ffic ie n c y o f The Byrds, songs
(pix:Michael Lavine) such as 'S om e Things' an d the anthem ic 'Liberty For O u r 1 1
F rie n d ' firm ly p la c e them in the tra d itio n o f the G r e a t A m e ric a n LUNACHICKS
Riad Akbur B and. G re a t b a n d , from a n y w h e re , really." Gang girls in scrumrock horror
Russell Brown
Nick Churchill - Richard Boon, The C a ta lo g u e , M a rc h , issue 6 8 1 4
John Crawford
John Crosby
Guy Hayden
W it h a 1 2 m o n th s u b s c rip tio n to T h e C a t a lo g u e y o u c a n The regular guide to current and
M r Hyde choose to receive this c e leb rated LP, for the price o f only postage forthcoming product available
a ir m a ile d o v e rs e a s ) a n d p a c k in g . S im p ly c o m p le te tne form

Kent Jolly from Cartel Wholesale this month
Pete Keeley ie lo w (x e ro x o r o th e r co p ies a c c e p ta b le ) a n d send it w ith y o u r
Biba Kopf
Steve Morris p aym en t, to: 1 8
Geoff Muncey SINGLES BAR
Liz Naylor Cath Carrol mops up
Harry Russell Subscriptions/ The Catalogue, 61 Collier Street, London N1 9BE
John Shaw 20
Colin Simmons
Marc Swallow ^ ~ "7 . 7 7 7~7 .7 7 7 7 7.".-. 7 7.7
Everett True Blue beat update
Peter W right (US) COMPANY.
DECODE DESIGN Martin Aston gets
(0 1 )4 8 7 5225
Black Francis in bed
A D D R E S S ....
Lithosphere Ltd
203-205 Pentonville Road JDST FOR THE
London N1 RECORD
1111! Masses of albums mulled over
Rough Trade Distribution Ltd
61 Collier Street, London N1 9BE
All rights reserved. Reproduction
UIC '"'f: Elsewhere MRIB's regular UK report &
of any material, in whole or in : 40 ROCKPOOL's relevant US indie +
part, by any means, prohibited
without prior permission. All . 35 import resume
opinions expressed are those of
the contributor and should not be
6 month sub ONLY. 1enclose 8 10 17.50
construed as those of the publish The alphabetical airplay of the
er or editorial staff. it by C h e q u e , P O , IM O m a d e p a y a b le to The
Unsolicited contributions must be UK's most rad radio shows
accompanied by (l)SAE and no ... -
responsibility is accepted for loss provide signature, card no + expiry date) RADIO SPOTLIGHT
or damage. East Berlin's Radio DT64


UB&KtflM-----------nmStmt.Edifibu<9hBV4PS....................(031)226 46)6 (031)226 3133
CJlirraam ._________271 Hjfkmgm Road. YorkY039BR..................(0904)651199 ..(0904)6249 * - .(031)226 3129
film mnr11iu m Wxrw&kfivte&x \sxrm

i Funk.. ..(01,
e -
Ethnic... Ireet, UdonN1.96iI M T j
2913.Fax; 46241 *


Boston's Pixies have their sec M id n ig h t M u sic are the latest ind epen den t to take a positive
ond full-length studio album approach towards single marketing. In the belief that singles buyers
'Doolittle' released mid-month want either all tracks (as on a 12") or only the 7" A-side, future singles
.by 4AD in all formats. Produced releases from the label will be either i2"-only self-titled EPs of (usually)
4 tracks (also in CD format), or singles with regular 12" (2/3 titles) and
By Gil Norton, the fifteen-track
cheap A-sided-only 7" versions, these set to retail at #1.00.
album includes the current single
The successful recent 'Alive Not Dead1 12"/CD by Sun & The Moon
'Monkey Gone To Heaven' and typifies the EP tactic, while this month sees the first four in the A-side
initial vinyl pressings include a only 7" series: Wolfhounds' 'Happy Shopper', Western Promise's 'If You
lavish 12"xl2" l6pp booklet of Tell Me You Love Me', Snake Corps' 'Calling You' and new French
artwork and lyrics designed by
Vaughan Oliver, with photogra
phy by Simon Larbalastier, which
will also be available seperately
as packs of postcards and posters.
These designs will also form the basis of POS and window dis
plays, as well as featuring on the latest marketing innovation for
the 'Chain With No Name' - a collectors item carrier bag avail
able only with purchases from 'Chain' stores. The release and
CWNN campaign are supported by wide consumer media

The Wolfgong Press pic.Simon Lorbalesfier

advertising, with national flyposting for album and 22-date tour,
mid-April through mid-May (see feature & review elsewhere).
Supporting guests on all dates are 4AD's Wolfgang Press
whose recent studio album 'Birdwood Cage' will be repromot
ed throughout the tour period. A 12" rem ix of
'ragtime'/'Bottom Drawer from the LP is set for release The Wolfhounds picGovin V Woollord
first week of May, available at a discounted price from Group Les Enfants Terribles' debut for the label.
CWNN participating stores and similarly supported by Meanwhile, Stateside, D u tch E ast announce P&D acquisition of a
POS material and consumer press ads. new label, SOL Records. Standing for 'Singles Only Label', SOL will be
Other CWNN campaigns at this time include repromo only releasing in 7" format. "Singles are quick, fun, dirty and cheap!"
tion of Hugo Largo's recent 'Mettle' album (Land Records) to they argue. "What better way to introduce a bunch of great new singers,
coincide with current UK TV and live activity, with POS and new songs and new ideas?" The theory is being tested with the first 5 lit
tle 45s from Warm Jets, David Postelthwaite, Angel Dean, The Zephyrs
consumer ads, and a further catalogue campaign on SST prod
and Friction Wheel.
uct, at planning stage at press-time. SOL R eco rd s, 6 1 1 B ro ad w ay # 6 l6 , New Y o rk N Y 10 0 1 2 , USA

Spring/Summer releases

from A pril 10th


If you w ant g reat singles, then follow th e Bears.
4 track 12" an d lim ite d 7".
12/7 TBL 2.

It never p auses fo r b r e a t h -it ju s t c h a nged g e a r from
tim e to tim e an d injected a fis tfu l of d y n a m ite into the
m echanics.
Ail th is and m o re fro m S h e ffie ld s fin e s t fo rg e s on 12".
12 TBL 3.

from T h u n d erb all R eco rds.,

35, Q u arry S pring s, H arlow , Essex, U S A . C M 20 3H R 0279-451 024
U K an d e xp o rt via R evolver.


Classic reggae label
Trojan finds what is S n e a k -p r e v ie w e d in t h e s e p a g e s in Ja n u a r y , f u lle r d e ta ils o f
hoped to be one of the ! m hrvUaS third UK S e m in a r are now available D a les rem ain a-,
more stable business rela :i n o w set a s Hai irrMiii
tionships of its recent and v. X::..: p j
somewhat previously che .......................o r is cuncnt
quered past with a new Distribution. Kelt i.tnce, idio. v . -n v. g
distribution deal with export), Copyright law (inch Publishing), Press, TV Hurt satel-
Bristol's Revolver. c.. r t ie s and Imi i i tr: t n ... (calming
With an im peccable experts ,S. personalities from each field, tins year's Seminar will
repertoire and pedigree,
the legacy of Trojan's o f th e in d e p e n d e n t sector: : x1'; r.U vTSi
archives is, in effect, a cru On lighter notes, the night of the 20th will see a number of
cial global resource, and " t ' v .. .............
one which should see w hile th e . i ay w [1 featu re t iolds-n B jo llv ' aw ards present.)
wider accessibility under Lions for label, distributor, album, single & video of the year.
this new, proactive mar U >inciding with the Seminar, ( 'nlbrella will be releasing two o p e r
keting of a series of cata ate compilations ( all three formatsO. one o f guitar-based bands, the
logue compilations that
1 ' n d iir iin g .\ O r d e r . 1 d : d,
concentrate on particular
Jamaican artists, producers
" :i: : o : . ed tra ck :. ;: .o s tl; CM : sr t i i j re\ ousl una\ at I
or stylistic periods.
thle Cddfijns. le n u x e s ot o u t-tak es) to the-p roject,
Kicking off the ongoing
n ib
campaign are a handful of
Umbrella Seminar Office. 14 Theberton Street. Ixmdon N1
LeeScratch Perry pjc: Kishi Yamamoto CD versions of acclaimed
vinyl sets: the double CD OQZ tel: (01) 220 }2 6 l fax: (01) 226 -745*
of 'Rebel Music', previously a celebrated DLP comp with Peter
Tosh, Horace Andy, Big Youth, John Holt and more, including
Dennis Brown and Gregory Isaacs, who each have CD versions of
classic material ('Money In My Pocket' and 'Early Years' respective F ro m n e x t m o n th , The Catalogue introduces a
ly, both with seminal productions by Winston 'Niney' Holness); n e w s e r v ic e - ju s t f o r th e H e ll o f it... Y e p ! Classified 5
DCD from Lee 'Scratch' Perry & pals (latterly a vinyl boxed triple),
Open The Gate', compiled by series consultant Steve Berrow; and Ads. W e t h o u g h t it c o u ld b e c u te to s ta rt a fr e e a d
a DLP comp of awesome slates cut at Studio 1 way back when by s e c tio n f o r u s e rs & s u b s c r ib e r s , d e p e n d in g o n
Clement 'Coxsone' Dodd, 'Musical Fever '67-'68'. r e s p o n s e . W e 'r e s e ttin g a t r ia l p e r io d o f 3 m o n th s to
A great start to a thrilling series and no mistake, all with full
product & promo support and - dig this - all bar-coded! Serious a s s e s s th is s e r v ic e , s o g e t it w h ile y o u c a n . If y o u
t'ing an' t'ing. w a n t to ta k e a d v a n t a g e o f o u r w h im , s e n d y o u r c le a r
(see elsewhere for comments on more contemporary Ska activi ly p r i n t e d e n t r y t o t h e u s u a l a d d r e s s , m a r k e d
Revolver also announce worldwide exclusive representation on 'C la s s if ie d '. In itia l c a te g o rie s: R e c o rd s
new releases from much-touted, highly revered Seattle indie Sub W a n t e d / F o r S a le , M u s ic ia n s W a n t e d , P u b lic a t io n s ,
Pop, home of many of the latest wave of serious Yank rockers, S e r v ic e s , F o r S a le .
kicking off this month with the self-titled LP/CD by Swallow. Next
month sees the single-CD release of SUB POP 200, already a col W e 'll s e e w h a t th e re s p o n s e is (& lib e r a lly a s s ig n
lected vinyl box set from a whole bunch of contemporary gnarly B o x N o s .) p r o te rn a n d if it lo o k s lik e s o m e th in g u s e
Yanks (not all from Seattle) and a CD-only comp of nearly all the
recordings to date of critically fetishised Mudhoney (just complet fu l, ta k e it fr o m th e re . M e a n w h ile (a s th e r e q u ir e d d is
ing UK/Euro live work), with more stuff from them and Nirvana c la im e r g o e s ) , w e 'll r e s e r v e th e r ig h t to re fu s e a n y a d
to follow soon... w it h o u t e x p la n a t io n .

this is your brain on drugs.

& .] Later, tycoon te fleets-

P erso n w W e e n t i r e
Yi&ick f e l f e s + e e n ^ < * " N<> j u j ' f p i s a t e x - r . h i e
W c rj-in id * n J ' . lq +r,i ... v)0 c M see i4
weenie tnfe 4ied vp it% ** a v o u f j e j . . . L>wf UJ h 4
4 h e receiving o f -fre e )
re Cordf. x t /xp horn- < t r ip -fv j+ i, T i + x - p i m
Pyin? p e r v e r s io n , Vl' + S I-, orvi e
.fuyijy o+ijet'wiSe normal
l-Poojy i*i+o teJiojy <~

@ tf Crau^rJ
7", 12" and CF ~ (MUTE 95)


Vague makes a welcome reappearance with issue 21 (per
fect-bound A4, ll6 p p ). Subtitled Cyberpunk this issue fea
tures a theoretical discourse on that genre; Jam ie Reid The first of on occasional series of literal Q&A sessions.
graphics, text & this issue's cover; in-depth interview with With product support.
writer Jon Savage on punk, pop, politics, morality, why he
hates Julie Birchill, and how long it's taking him to complete
his Sex P istols-as-m icro cosm -o f-U K -cu ltu re "England's
Dreaming" for Faber & Faber and much more - essential, real
ly - plus Stewart Home's "Assault On Culture" & "Class War"
and ed itor Tom Vague's continued self-m ythologisin g.
Damned good. Worth every penny of its mail-order p+p
included price of #4.00 (UK), #4.50 (overseas) from:
VAGUE, BCM Box 7207, London WC1N 3XX
Now an eagerly anticipated annual event, the Festival
Supplement issue of Folk Roots (# 70, 88pp), which fea
tures - as well as the 20pp Yellow Pages guide to this years
UK folk/roots festivals large & small with which to plan your
summer hols - Senegalese duo Pascal Diatta & Sona Mane,
John Kirkpatrick, Tymon Dogg & others, Readers Poll results,
exhaustive record & live reviews, news & info. # 1 : Mute Drivers
Folk Roots, PO Box 337, London N4 1TW tel: (01) 340
9651 fax: (01) 348 5626 Wire's Bruce Gilbert "Whot's the question you'd most like to be
With ambitious plans to transform itself eventually into a asked?"
national weekly with 50K sales, currently London-based Mute Drivers: "No-one ever asks us about the songs."
Outlook (A4, 44pp) reaches its third occasional issue, mixing
pop'n'politics'n'investigative news, with US punk, Rhythm MUTE DRIVERS: Waiting For World War III
King, Official Secrets Act, comix, film & video, London's (Irradiated MD004) DLP
transport crisis & cover stars Voice Of The Beehive. O K - let's g o : three IPs a n d a single u n d e r th e ir belts,
Outlook, 87 Kirkstall Road, London SW2 4HE tel: (01) the M u te D rivers n o w surpass them selves w ith a d o u b le
671 7920 a lb u m o f 2 3 songs w h ic h acts as a c om p re he nsive d o cu 7
This month's Skateboard! (A4, 66pp) sees the increasingly m ent o f th e ir stark sights a n d sounds o f the w o rld .
successful UK cult monthly continue to rival Yank import This is a non-stop n ig h tm a re jo u rn e y throu gh this tor
skate Bible "Thrasher" and begin to tease with an expanding tu re d a g e , s c ra p in g b a c k the skin o f a n a tio n on its
appropriate music section tucked away at the back. Apart knees. The relentless b a c k b e a t serves as the fo u n d a tio n
from all the rad deck tips'n'crits, frame by frame trick photo on w h ic h they construct songs o f fru stration a n d d is illu
analysis (what the Hell is a 'madonna revert1? - here's where sionm ent.
to find out), there're record reviews, offers & Sore Throat A n y b o d y c o m p a rin g this w ith those late C h ic a g o lum i
interview. narie s w ill be surprised to see the b oys re a c h in g tenta
Skateboard!, 32 St Paul Street, London EC2A 4LB tel: cles never e x p lo re d by A lb in i & C o.
(01) 729 3922/3804 fax: (01) 739 3169 Listen to this w h ile d riv in g d o w n the m o to rw a y in the
The Spring issue of folkzine Rock'n'Reel (A5, 40 crowded m id d le o f the n ig h t. Ironic? P ro b a b ly not.
pp) features thorough roots raps with Billy Bragg, Dick - C o lin Sim m ons
Gaughan, Oyster Band, Chumbawumba and more, with lotsa IRRADIATED CATALOGUE
news'n'reviews. Free magnifying glass required next ish, but July '87: Two live People; ltd. edn. cassette & bocAief (CASS001)
well worth a squint. Nov '87: lighten Up V e il: im m
Rock'n'Reel, 8 Dent Place, Cleator Moor, Cumbria April '8 8 :2 0 Thousand Milionoiies;
CA25 5EE tel: (0946) 812496 April '88: No-one Feels: Aitonymes: ltd. edn. 7" (ANOOD*
Sept '88: Stop Or 1 Scream: LP (MDQ03)
Also notew orth y, latest issu es o f stalw arts Soul Dec '88: Boomtown: fid. edn. 12 (12RAD001)
Undeground (#19; De La Soul, Gospel, Sandra Cross, Inner
City) and Strange Things (#5: Zappa, Straight Records, East Irradiated Records are distributed by Rough Trade (UK,
Coast Comix and more) - see previous Catalogue's for con West Germ any & Export), A aya Disques (France),
tacts or connect with Revolver in Bristol... Ixihuluh (Austria), Rec Rec (Switzerland)
(L P & C D C G A S 801)

(LP & CD CGAS 802)


(LP & CD CGAS 803)

(L P & C a C G A S 804)

(LP &CD CGAS 805)





CITADEL UK PH: (01) 354 0952 FAX: (01) 704 8452

A rtis t: M IC H A E L N E S M IT H


F o rm a t: L P /C A S S /C .D .
R e le a s e D a te : 1 0 th A p r il

m ic h a e l n e s m it h
T H E N E W E R S T U F F - F E A T U R I N G RI O
What you have here is a record which contains most of the music I have recorded over the last
decade. Some of it has never been heard outside of my own circle of friends and loved ones. So,
it is with great joy that I watch the romantic and goofy notions contained in these songs once
again get their share of the sunlight.
There are those of you who will always have my heartfelt thanks for sticking with me and this
music. It has meant more than I can say to hear of your searches through the recycled record
bins and the thousands of flea markets and swap meets to find these songs. Now here they are
all dressed up in their new CD or Tape or Whatever, ready to play again, not only for you but for
new listeners. 7 7
O f course, these are not all the songs I have recorded. I chose these because.... well, just
because I did. They certainly aren't the "greatest hits" because none o f them ever really were
They aren't my "favourites" since I never really think of them that way. I suppose they just seem
more appropriate to the times. Whatever the reason, I offer them with the greatest of gratitude
and w ill be satisfied if they w ill return to you just a portion of the good you nave given me over

There are a few tunes which have never been previously released. "Tanya," "I'll Remember
You, and "Formosa Diner," "Dreamer" and "Tahiti Condo" were all written and recorded
around 1980 or '81 as part o f Video Ranch, which was, and is, a movie musical that so far has not
gotten beyond the script stage. I'm not sure if it ever will. Maybe if enough of you write in to . . .
uh, well there's the problem. I don't know who you should write to. Me, I guess, since I always
love to hear from you. Is it possible to start a petition to get yourself to do something? T H E N E W E R S T U F F - F E A T U R I N G RIO
You will note there are no songs from The Prison included on this record. None of them really
stand alone from that LP so I thought it best to wait until, and if, I re-release The Prison for those A L B U M : AW L 1014
songs to come back out as they were intended. C A SS .: A W T 1014 (In c l, 2 e x tra tracks)
One other thing, over the years I have made music videos of seven of these songs and have C .D .: A W C D 1014 (In c l, 4 e xtra tracks) j
just put them all together on a video cassette. If you want it and can't find it at the store send me
a letter or call me at Pacific Arts in L.A.
Awareness Records are distributed in the UK]by Revolver/The Cartel.


/ you look, out o f y o u r

G reg so n & C o llister). 'G o o d b y e
window a n d see the sun, L o n e so m e , H e llo B a b y D o ll1 (I
bright a n d cheery, h ear think!) is currently in B ilbo ard 's
a w fu l bu t sa tisfy in g Top 30 Country Singles Chart and
rumours o f the earth warm - is a good taster for the album. This
ing-up, but the moment you is definitely country that ow es a lot
step o u ts id e clo u d s sc u d to rock 'n'roll and, w ith its en ter
across the sky, trees snap an d tain in g lyrics and w ry delivery,
icebergs fill the Thames, then could b e one o f those rare things -
you know its the start o f the a crossover hit.
Festival Season. For the next 5
m onths, the highw ays a n d
n e o f the m ost co n sis

byways o f Britain will be alive
with' th o u s a n d s o f p e o p le tently good world music
hunting out some o f the best, labels is W orld Circuit,
most exciting music fro m a ll w h o c e r ta in ly h a v e a
over the world in rain and, b u sy su m m er ahead.
sometimes, shine. D efinitely 'In d e p e n d e n c e ' (CD /PIR012) is
time to stock-up on catalogue the first album from Mozambique's
o f the various artists perform - O r c h e s t r a M a rr a b e n ta S ta r, a
ing season ally - w atch this 15-piece band that is that country's
space fo r details. most popular group. Drawing on
the many traditional rhythms that
So, w hile everybody is w ax have survived Portugese colonial
ing their Barbour Jackets and shav ism , th e O rch estra p lay m od ern
ing the b o b b le s o ff their w oolly M arrabenta m usic that is so alive
jumpers, does anyone release any and vital that o n e can easily see
thing? F'sure they do. how it was considered a 'danger
C o o k i n g V in y l, w ith th e ous' m usic b efo re ind epen den ce.
biggest release-to-staff ratio of any There are many nuances that may 9
label I've seen, bring us both the sound fam iliar to W estern aud i
excellent C ow b oy Ju n k ies' single ences, but the overall impression is
'S w e e t J a n e ' (FR Y 8/T) and the unique and joyous. The excellent
new O y s te r B a n d album 'Ride' sleeve notes explain all you could
(C O O K 020/ C / C D ). T h is is the want to know about the songs, and
O y sters' third for the la b e l and O Y ST ER BAN D pic Andrew Cleal have you wanting to know much
probably the best yet. A group that The last song on the album is 'Love From no tio n al 18th Century m ore, about the country, culture
knows exactly what it is doing and Vilgilantes', a brave co v er o f the Europe to the nowaday USA, with and h isto ry o f th e hom e o f th e
is entirely comfortable doing it. O f New Order song, which is actually the first release this d ecade from Marrabenta rhythm. Brilliant.
all the bands playing roots music much better than the original and M ik e N e s m i th , th e re lu c ta n t Well, with all this great music
today none sound more contem po is d e s tin e d fo r a irp la y , I'll b e M o n k e e . 'T h e N e w e r S tu ff' around and a TV show apparently
rary, m ixing sounds, instrum ents bound. 'Ride' is a very fine, confi (AWLP/TC/CD1014) is a com bina dedicated to bringing it to a wider
and influences with powerful lyrics dent album which sets the standard tion o f new and unreleased songs a u d ie n c e , w hat o f 'B ig W o rld
and an en th u siasm that sw eep s for any English group, folk or oth on one side and 5 o f his best from C a fe '? Sad ly , th is se e m s to b e
on e alon g. T elfer & P rosser are erwise, to aim at and w hich marks as far back as 7 6 on t'other (extra somewhat o f a missed opportunity.
proving to be two o f the best song the O ysters as a potentially very track s o n b o th c a ss e tte & CD). The main problem is that to bring
writers around, and the dual attack big-selling act indeed. Look out for Nesmith's songs are whimsical and m usic to a w ider au d ien ce, you
o f Jo n e s ' m elo d io n w ith T elfer's them with various label-m ates on ro m a n tic and lu sh ly p ro d u ced , must attract that audience, w hich
fiddle is so intense that rock audi the 'Treat Your Feet' tour across the d e liv e rin g w h at c a n o n ly b e m eans, in part, having the right
ences will have n o problem listen n ation ov er th e n ext few w eek s d escribed as a charm ing r e c o r d .. p re s e n te rs . In th e p re tty b u t
ing to th is (fo r th e m ) u n u su al (dates from New Routes on appli T he new er songs stand very well m oronic and intensely narcissistic
instrumentation. Side 1 is all self- cation). alon g sid e the old, sh ow ing that Eagle Eye Cherry and th e pretty
penned and in 'Tin Cans' the band although not many peo p le got to but m oronic what's-her-name BWC
start dow n the road on w hich all hear it w hen h e got it, he's never undoubtedly had none. The show
tay in g w ith th e

English Country D ance music must lost his touch. Many will rem em ber therefore has had nothing to hold
folk/dance side o f things
fo llo w : c la s s ic fo lk d a n c e , bu t '76's Top 30 hit, the classic 'Rio', it together and has b e en rem ark
fo r a m in u te, R o g u e
e n tir e ly re le v a n t and e n tire ly the full version o f w hich is includ able for not exacting one interest
R e c o r d s b rin g us th e
danceable in the '90s. Side 2 opens ed. Certainly Nesmith's finest com in g s n ip p e t fro m an y o f th e
long-waited new album from C ock
with a brave stab at the traditional m ercial m om ent, but w hen heard interview s or featu res seen . T he
& B u ll (FMSL2015/C). Now a 3-
'New York Girls' which, despite its in context in no way overshadows id e a o f m ix in g h ip h o p , ro c k ,
p ie c e o f P e te L o ck w o o d , P aul
vigour, does not quite shake off the his other songs. A tribute indeed to world and avant-garde is a sound
Martin and Jean-Pierre Rasle, this
spectre o f Steeleye Span's version th e s tre n g th o f h is w ritin g . one. However, that it now appears
hardw orkin g group from M ilton
(with Peter Sellers on ukelele and Congratulations to Awareness for to b e eschew ing any or all inde
Keynes has com e up with an excit
silly v o ic e ) w h ic h w as so making this available. p en den t m usic is an exam p le o f
ing b le n d o f E n g lish & F ren ch
appallining that the song is entire 'New Country' was an expres h o w u n c o m fo r ta b le th e p r o
country dance. 'C o n crete R outes,
ly, eternally ruined for me. Those sion o n e heard a lot o f a w hile gramme makers have been in try
S acred Cow s' is an hugely enjoy
w ho don't know that version are back, as was Independent Country, ing to m ake the show live up to its
able record and, as produced by
lucky, you'll p ro bab ly love this. to d escribe Country-tinged music a d v a n c e cla im s and id e a ls. A
Nigel Pegrum, their best to date.
'Take Me D ow n1 sees Jo h n Jo n es th at co u ld b e d is so c ia te d from shame, because I'm sure there's a
'Stony Brawl' stands out, as does
re a lly le t rip o n v o c a ls and Nashville. O ne such act was, and w o rk a b le an d w a tc h a b le p r o
the m edley o f 'Fine Companions,
'Cheekbone City' has som e marvel is, T h e L o n e s o m e S t r a n g e r s gramme waiting to b e made. This
T h e R h in e, R ond e Du Q u ercy '.
lo u s in te rp la y b e tw e e n A lan w h o se s e lf-title d n e w albu m has been very much less than the
There is both an international and
P rosser on guitar and the afo re sum of its parts.
a Barogue feel to this record. See (S P D / C 1 0 2 3 ) is o n S p e c i a l
m entioned m elodion and fiddle. them if you possibly can. D e l i v e r y (rid in g h ig h w ith Roots? Check 'em out!

------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------


A small, birdlike hand, with fin stantial and has a paint-splattered backsliding. Next you'll be wanting to
gers unfurled, com es snaking fast homemade shirt that reads "Mr. Pink do that stupid Frampton cover again."
across the table. SMACK! It deals a Eyes". The three thin ones smile patheti-
resounding blow to my cheek and "Look," Pink Eyes says, pointing caly and my eyes get dusty again.
people at other booths turn toward his finger at one of the smaller guys. Now the setting has altered, but
ours. "W ake up, girl!" Ja y M ascis "If you fuck up that change in 'Love the faces are the same. Pink Eyes is
sn eers. "We w ere a lw a y s into the Cats' o n ce m ore you'll b e playing sitting behind a huge oak desk, wear
Cure." Western Mass. Hard Core m atinees ing a three p iece suit. His girth is
"It's true," Lou Barton adds, toss your whole life." impressive and his hair is beautifully
ing a glass full of strawberuy yeast- "It's simple," he adds. Picking up a shaped. The rest of 'em are still skinny
shake into my lap. "My dad's cousin guitar he strums some notes. "What's and hairy (though lacking cloth es
used to go out with Robert Smith's the problem, Mascis? Maybe you're pins) and they cower in rickety fold
mom. Robbie even spent a summer just not cut out for street busking in ing chairs while Pink Eyes fires up a
with my family once in the early sev Cambridge." He kicks a little pair of cigar with an ornate crystal lighter.
enties." b o n g o s that have the w ords "You see this baby," Pink Eyes says,
"Northampton has always been a "Clothespin Jr." stencilled on their gesturing with the huge trinket. "This
10 Cure tow n," som e m oron pipes in side. Striding b ack and forth, the was a little token of affection from
from near my left elbow. Just at that clothespins in his 'doo clack against Salem. You think those gals would
moment the turbanned, clog-wearing each other menacingly. "Jesus, you bother to stay with me if I w eren't
waitperson decides she doesn't like guys are pathetic. Do you want a big alw ays right? Kee-rist, they'd walk like
my looks and clocks me with a huge ger cut of the food, is that it? 'Cause if jailbirds the second I gave 'em a bad
ceramic teapot. I go out like a god that's it, forget it. I get half. That's piece of advice. And they're still here
damn gigolo. final." and that means I'm always right. Read
When I come to, a pixie is holding "No, Gerard," one of them finally my lips No Frampton covers."
my hand and I'm floating somewhere mumbles. "It's just..." "B -b-b-bu t Gerard," one o f the
ab ov e cen tral M assachu setts. "It's "It's just whaft" Pink Eyes growls. rakes sputters. "Fram pton and the
true," she says. Her eyes tw inkle. "We just want to do some of the Cure... they're like the same thing
"Even when they were younger those earlier Cure stuff. Stuff from B o y s only at different times."
boys were very into the Cure." Don't Cry." It comes out as a sniffle. Pink Eyes sights down his stogie.
She waves her little wand and I "Fuck that," says Pink Eyes. "No "No Frampton. Period," he says as the
"see" Ja y and his lu m berjack dad
w alk in g into N ortham p ton,
Massachusetts' Main Stret Records. Jay
tugs his dad's beard and whispers
something in his ear. His dad takes his
axe and splits the sales desk in twain.
"Do you have a copy of B oys D on't
Cry!" he bellows. "You need a n o th er,
Mr. Mascis?" a meek clerk asks. Jays
dad puts his hands on his hips, throws
b a ck h is h ead and lau ghs lik e a
steroid-packed burro.
A sprinkle of pink dust gets in my
eyes. W hen I rub it away the scene
has changed. Four figures with long
dreads, each lock capped with a large
clothespin, are huddled around some
musical instruments in a subway sta
tion. Three of the huddlers are skinny
as picks, the fourth is rather more sub

scene fades out. F ram p ton w ould if he w as still ingly pasty man wearing a dark suit,
My vision clears in a record store. around. Or the way Madonna does. precariously balancing a head of hair
It smells like New York City and I'm It's like they're Frampton-The Group, as large as a small cow.
hovering over the divider card marked and Madonna is Frampton-The Chick. "Thanks people," Mascis shouts in
"CURE". Two hands reach out for the Its just..." the microphone. "Thanks a goddamn
section simultaneously. One belongs "I know," Mascis says. "I know..." load. W e're back. And it gives me
to M ascis, clad in R ob ert "Hey man," the tall one says. "My enormous satisfaction to introduce a
Sm ith./Sm ash H its T-shirt, the other nam e's Thurston and I've got this good friend of ours, Robert Smith.
mitt is attached to a gangly blonde band . You sh ou ld co m e see us Now, Robbie and I..."
wearing a huge Madonna button on ton ig h t. W e're lik e Fram p ton -era At that moment a horrendously
his tails-ou t B an io n button-dow n. Humble Pie mixed with the Cure back loud ringing, like an air-raid siren but
They look at each other as their hands in the Small Wonder days." worse, cuts the aether. It pauses for a
touch. Mascis' eyes roll back in his head second then starts again. Ja y starts
"Guh head," mascis mutters. and he sinks to the flo or. I start screaming obscenities and a frothing
"Thanks," the blonde says, pawing towards him, but the pixie grabs my Smith follows suit. The lights slowly
through the sectio n like a hungry wrist and shakes her head. W hen I darken.
goat, pulling about half the records turn around the scene's changed agan. I open my peepers and the phone
out of the bin while muttering, "Oh Mascis and the two other skinny is ringing. I pick up the receiver and
shit. Great. Great. Etc. Etc." Finally he guys are standing on a huge stage, look at it. Finally I put it to my ear. It's
has a stack o f about twenty LPs. He bathed in coloured spots, taking bows Pistol Pat Naylor from Blast First US.
turns to Mascis and says, "Your turn." while the air is split with applause. She sounds drunk and she wants me
Mascis begins to poke tentatively They depart for the wings and a gale- to guess what band Dinosaur Jr. do a
through the remaining discs, but he's fo rc e roar fills the hall. Flam ing cover of on their next record. I tell her
realy trying to get a surreptitious peek lighters and matches are held aloft by I've got no fuckin' idea and slam the
at what he missed out on. Eventually thousands of invisible hands and the phone down.
he gives up, looks up at the tall guy p u lse o f fe e t stom ping in u nison Y'know, I'll bet it's Madonna.
and says, "The Cure rea lly rock . makes everything quiver.
Y'know?" After endles, thudding minutes the B yron C oley is Jazz E ditor o f Forced
E x p o s u r e (P O B o x 1 6 1 1 , W a lth a m ,
"Y eah. T o ta lly ," the b lo n d e three emerge from behind the cur M A 02254, U SA ) and a u th o r o f biog rap h ies
answers. "It's like they rock the way tains. Accompanying them is a shock of C h u ck N orris and M o tley C rue, b o th . 11

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A ndrea K usten introduces N ew Y o r k s
t I ^ >

rock'n'roll needs a good kick

E very f e w years, nal 'Sugar Love', the first song wrote that together." "Yeah,"
in the ass. When the final waves of last year's they ever wrote. continues the "Squidley one",
"latest" trends are being absorbed by the brain- Female bonding is an inte "we wrote it together then we

dead masses, those that really love and under gral part.of this group's mys both forgot it - we each

stand the potent art form known as rock'n'roll

tique, as Lunachicks, the gang remembered it a different way,
of friends, preceded so we just put the two parts
are anxiously sifting through the sounds bub Lunachicks, the band. Singer together and had a song..."
bling up from the underground, waiting and Theo explains, "Me and Once Luna-pal Sindi was con
hoping to tap into something real... something (bassist) Squid got to be best vinced to dust off her long-for-

genuine that reminds them just why their life friends at like the end of gotten electric guitar and

revolves around a drummer's beat and the eighth grade. Gina (the lead Theo's (then) boyfriend, Mike

sound of a loud guitar.

guitarist) I had met like the Fasaro, was recruited to play
summer before... Squid was at drums, The Lunachicks were
(the High School of) hatched. This was in mid 1987
o many thousands of "Brady-Partridge Generation" Performing Arts and me an' and by Jan '88 The Lunachicks

S words have been

written trying to
describe the some
times elusive "spirit of rock
couldn't have embodied itself
in a better set of spokesper
sons than The Lunachicks. The
results of the combination of
Gina were at Music and Arts
and the schools merged..."
Rhythm guitarist Sindi, the
eldest original member of the
were ready to explode onto
the NYC club scene.
Unlike the glut of all-female
groups inspired by the likes of
'n'roll", but one thing can be musical and cultural influences group, remembers meeting the The Go-Gos, Bangles, et al, or
said for it: you know it when conjure images of what might others "one day I was having a the ultra-serious, image-con-
you see it; that sheer all- have happened had The party at my apartment..." Theo cious metal girlbands, The
encompassing passion for the Runaways kidnapped the interrupts, "No, that wasn't the Lunachicks are a mega-explo
music and a lifestyle that Brady girls, force-fed them lots first time. The first time was sion of glitter'n'gloop, blood-
means freedom to express of acid, let them rummage Jennifer's birthday party when 'n'cookies and platforms'n'per-
oneself. It's a powerful thing, through a Slade groupie's I was passed-out." Sindi con sonality, with the roar of a
especially in the hands of a wardrobe for something to tinues, "That was the first time four-way, high speed collision
new generation. wear, and turned them loose at I met you... but you were between The Ramones,
Meet The Lunachicks, five a Motorhead concert. passed-out. And then the sec Stooges, Motorhead and Black
girls from the streets of Yes, folks, The Lunachicks ond time I met her she came to Sabbath. The guys who
Brooklyn, New York, who live are bubbling up from the a party at my house. She was showed up at Lunachicks gigs
and breathe the spirit of rock underground and their melt on quaaludes and there was expecting the usual heavy
'n'roll with a vengeance. They ing-pot sound should reach a like these 14 year old girls in metal leather'n'lace T&A dis
represent the new wave of boil with the release of their my house and they were play were in for quite a sur
folks just reaching their 20s; four song debut on Blast First. soooo wasted I was like, oh- prise when confronted with
the kids that were born in the The package is set to be my-God, who are these little the sight of Theo in a blood-
mud of Woodstock, who felt released as a gatefold double girls?!*1' spattered hospital gown, one
the shockwaves of Glam and 7" set containing three origi The four became fast arm hooked to an IV bottle,
Kissmania only to reject it for nals and one cover, 'Get Off friends and the core of the waving a rubber chicken in
the excitement of the p- The Road' (from the film 'She group was formed, though it their faces while singing about
unk/hardcore movement. Devils On Wheels'), a nod to was several years before the roly-poly TV icon Mabel King.
They're a strange breed, these girl gangs of the past. The orig idea to have a band was seri New York audiences may have
children that grew up singing inals, which provide a good ously considered. "It started been caught offguard by The
along with the Partridge introduction to The with Gina and Squid, 'cause Lunachicks but the response to
Family and undoubtedly iden Lunachicks' wild'n'wacky Gina was learning guitar, so the band was phenomenal.
tifying with one of the Brady worldview, include the hard Squid bought a bass," recalls Within months of their debut,
kids, while being subjected to and fast ode to imagined bes Theo, ever the extrovert, "so the girls were gigging regularly
heavy doses of made-for-TV tiality, 'Makin' It With Other naturally I volunteered to on the club circuit, playing to
movies and "after school spe Species', an upbeat rdcker sing." packed houses of ardent fol
cials" about teenagers with about spiritual possession by Gina: "Our first song was lowers and curiosity-seekers
problems. The spirit of this 'Jan Brady', and the phenome 'Sugar Love'. Me an' Squid alike.

The one drawback The Hendrix as a toddler, and

Lunachicks faced throughout Becky claims to have been
1988 was the lack of a perma introduced to Janis Joplin "at
nent drummer. Mike left the some music fair in Atlantic
girls to fend for themselves City." The all-important, first
when his own band, adolescent absorption into a
Nevermore, was approached rock'n'roll scene, however,
by Rick Rubin and signed to occurred for the girls during
Def Jam. What followed was a the punk rock explosion.
seemingly neverending pro Sindi: "I was in England during
cession of temporary drum the summer of 77. I was 13."
mers, mostly friends in other 'Nuff said.
bands that could only obligate Theo: "The first shows I
themselves for a gig or two. went to in NY were like hard
While the chore of breaking-in core and stuff..." thus the
a new drummer every few hard/fast element of The
weeks wore on everyone's Lunachicks sound.
nerves, it gave the girls a What about the 70s influ
chance to fine-tune the ence, both musically and visu
arrangements of their original ally? Theo: "I don't believe all
material and improve their this stuff about a 70s revival. I
musicianship by leaps and mean, these were the influ
bounds. By the time they were ences we grew up with, a part
introduced to future perma of our life", though both she
nent drummer Becky Wreck in and Sindi admit that the band's
the fall of '88, they had devel fixation on Kiss, Alice Cooper,
oped into a truly competent etc., was largely a process of
band with a unique twist in discovery.
their strong sense of songwrit As far as their relationship
ing. to the NYC music scene, The
Becky, a true rock'n'roll Lunachicks continue to share
gypsy, spent a decade globe the bill with such diverse
trotting and drumming with bands as Da Willys, Freaks,
such diverse acts as San Sloth, Sharkey's Machine,
Francisco hardcore outfit Raging Slab, PMS, Krave and
Clown Alley and La Muerte, a even Sonic Youth, who pro
death-rock band based in p ic : M ic h e a l L a v in e duced one of the band's earlier
Belgium. Becky remembers interpretation of the tripping Theo giggles and responds, demos and introduced them to
Karen Carpenter as her first babysitter that inadvertently "Oh well, one day I was on the Blast First.
inspiration to pick up the cooks the baby in the oven subway and I was imagining In an attempt to slap a label
sticks: "She was like the only ("Walls are melting. What's that how mad I'd be if someone on a new generation of bands
female drummer back then. funny smell?"). took a permanent marker and busting out of the Lower east
My folks took me to see The It's quite a trip, surpassed Gwrote all over my Ace Side, some opportunistic pro
Carpenters when I was a kid only by the tour-de-force per Frehley jacket." moters have coined the term
and I was like so impressed formance that the band give All of the girls are surpris "scumrock", to which Sindi
with that clear lucite drumset... on 'Theme Song'. This pure ingly upbeat people. When the points out "I don't know why
and Karen's purple granny anger packaged as music is authouresses of such anti-sta they have to put a label on it.
dress. I wanted that purple like a ritual exorcism for The tus quo anthems as 'Glad I'm What they're calling scumrock,
granny dress." Lunachicks. Theo is so con Not Yew' and 'Born To Be I think, is mostly people that
In a typical Lunachicks set, vincing running around the Mild' are baited into an antici were punks that are now out
Theo brings the songs to life stage, wielding goop that pated tirade on yuppies and growing it."
by running through a gamut of resembles coagulated blood middle Americans, the surpris With a successful tour of
personalities, utilizing her and screaming "I was gonna ing response is, "We don't hate California under their belts and
chameleon-like vocal chords, a kill you! I was gonna kill anybody... But we'd like to an impending trip to England
wide variety of facial expres you!", that the weak-hearted wake them up." fast approaching, Sindi is opti
sions and a bag of stage props usually run for the door. The The Lunachicks' music is so mistic about the band's future
for added clout. A highlight of strong stay lined at the stage much their own that attempt in the new music scene. "We
this Lunachick in action is her banging their heads in rhythm ing to describe it is almost want to be considered the
dual role-playing in the audi with this tribal release of pointless, but it is interesting to forefathers, er, foremothers of
ence fave 'Babysitters On unadulterated rage that usually examine their influences. With whatever it's going to be
Acid', which features her cari culminates with Theo lying on parents ranging from moder called."
cature of a suburban house the floor, sobbing, while the ates to out-and-out hippies, all
wife ("Hello dear, there's some band creates an almost intoler the girls grew up with a home Andrea K listen is a member
of N Y group The Freaks and a
popcorn in here. There's soda able swell of feedback. listening environment full of contract ninja killer for V illage
and ice-cream, but don't touch When queried about the '60s and '70s classics. Sindi Voice.
the beer") interacting with her inspiration for 'Theme Song1, evan recalls meeting Jimi


AUTOPSY: SEVERED SURVIVAL........................ ......................PEACEVILLE (VILE012)
BAND OF SUSANS: LOVE AGENDA................. ...................... BLAST FIRST (BFFP43)
BARBARIAN LOVERS: THE FATAL EMBRACE .....................................AURA (AUL735)
From Long Island, NY
B L U R T : KENNY ROGERS GREATEST HIT (TAKE 2 ) ............................. TOEBLOCK (TBLP666)
G L E N BRANCA: SYM PHONY NO. 6 .....................................................BLAST FIRST (BFFP39)
R H Y S CH A TH A M : DIE DONNERGOTTER...................................... HOMESTEAD (H M S 120-1)
C O W B O Y JU N K IES: THE TRINITY SESSIONS.........................COOKING VINYL (C 00K 011 )
TO BE THERE...............................................BIG BIG MASSIVE (BBM LP001)
C R U E L LA : VENGEANCE IS M IN E ................................................................. U S . METAL (US013)
D E A T H IN JUNE: OH HOW WE LAUGHED...............EYAS MEDIA (EYAS011) Live in 1982.
DE ATH RA G E: SELF CONDITIONED - SELF L IM IT E D ............................ SHARK (SHARK011)
D E C A D E N C E W IT H IN : THIS LUNACY.....................................................PEACEVILLE (VILE10)
D E S T IN Y : ATOMIC W INTER............................................................................U.S. METAL (US014)
FR E A ko H O W : S /T .......................................................................................................AURA (AUL734)
T H E FROGS: IT'S ONLY RIGHT & NATURAL................................. HOMESTEAD (H M S 169-1)
(AW LP1012) Dbl. LP.
H O L E : OTHER TONGUES OTHER FLE S H ............................................ EYAS MEDIA (EYAS017)
Debut mini LP.
JA IL C E L L R EC IPES: ENERGY IN AN EMPTY TANK ............................ FIRST STRIKE (FST3)
Bhangra from one of India's biggest male artists.
S E X CLARK FIV E : STRUM & D R U M ..................................................SUBWAY (SUB0RG007)
S H A V A SHAVA: BACHKE RAHEYO....................................MULTITONE (M U T1067) Bhangra.
Mid price dbl. LP.
S W A L L O W : S /T .................................................................................................. TUPELO (TUPLP001)
TO R A N A G A : BASTARD BALLADS.......................................................... PEACEVILLE (VILE005)
V A R IO U S : NORTH ATLANTIC NOISE.................................................. M ANIC EARS (ACHE017)
V A R IO U S : TECHNOLOGICAL...................... BLUE CHIP (BLUETEC1) Detriot Techno-dance.
V A R IO U S : TOTALLY W IR E D ...................................................................ACID JAZZ (JAZIDLP013)
V A R IO U S : W ORONZOID......................WORONZOW (W 010) Dbl. LP budget priced sampler.

A S M S TIETCHENS: A.BFLEISCHUNG H AM STER .............................................. (HAM25)

Experimental/ambient. Early Apr.
BULLET LA VOLTA: ................................................................................... TAANG! T029) Apr
TERRY BURROWS: THE WHISPERING SCALE ....................................HAMSTER (HAM26)
Experimental/ambient. Early Apr.
CASINO ROYALE: SOMEONE SAYS ................................................. UNICORN (PHZA032) 1
talian ska/soul. Early Apr.
CHAM PION DOUG VEITCH: T.B.A............................................... BONGO (CDVLP001) Apr.
Anglo-French roots. M id Apr.
CRANES: SELF NON-SELF .................................................................... BITE BACK! (BBI017)
M in i LP o f dance noise terror. Late Apr.
Swedish garage rock. Early Apr.
CURRENT 9 3 : EARTH COVERS.................................... UNITED DAIRIES (UD029) M id Apr.
DAW N AFTER D ARK: T.B.A.......................................... CHAPTER 22 (CHAPLP41) Late Apr.
DEEP FREEZE M IC E : LIVE IN SWITZERLAND ............................................. LOGICAL FISH
8 0 8 STATE: T.B.A....................................................................... CREED (STATE004) M id Apr.
BARBARA JE A N ENGLISH: EXPERIENCE..................................BLUE CHIP (BLUEBJLP1)
House/soul by veteran NY songstress. M id Apr.
GIBSON BROS.: ....DEDICATED FOOL ........................ HOMESTEAD (HMS141-1) Late Apr.
THE GRISWALDS: T.B.A..................................... NERVOUS (NERD047) Rockabilly. Late Apr.
(HALF8-1) M id Apr.
HONOR ROLE: RICTUS .................................................HOMESTEAD (HMS102-1) Late A pr
JERRY'S K ID S : KILL, KILL, K IL L ............................................................TAANG! (T027) Apr.
JU S T IC E : THE DESOLATE ONE ........................... SLEEPING BAG (SBUKLP005) Early Apr.
LEMONHEADS: LIC K ............................................................................... TAANG! (T032) Apr.
LONESOME STRANGERS: S/T ........................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (SPD1023)
Raunchy country-tied guitar band from LA. Late Apr.
(CHIMEOO.46S) '60s meet. 80s head on.Late Apr.
M ICHAEL N ESM ITH: BEST OF .................................................... AWARENESS (AWL1014)
Comp. inc. h it "R10 single. M id Apr.
OYSTER B AND: RIDE................................................ COOKING VINYL (COOK020) M id Apr. PROUDLY PRESENTS
Very K illing Joke. M in i LP. M id A pr
PASTELS: SITTING PRETTY .............................................................. CHAPTER (CHAPLP43) KITCHENS OF DISTINCTION
1st studio LP fo r over 18 months. Late A pr "The 3rd Time We Opened The Capsule"
PIX IE S: DOOLITTLE .......................................................................4.A.D. (CAD905) M id A pr
REZILLOS: T.B.A....................................................... DAMAGED GOODS (FNARR4) M id Apr. One Little Indian (12/TP019) 7/12
APNA SANGEET: CHAKDEYPHATTAY........................................... MULTITONE(MUT1072)
Big bhangra group. Early Apr.
SPRINGFIELDS: T.B.A.....................................................SUBWAY(SUB0RG6) M in i LP Apr. THE PASTELS Sitting
SUGAR RAY & THE BLUETONES: KNOCKOUT!.................................SPECIAL DELIVERY Chapter 22 (CHAPLP43)
(SPD1021) Boston bar-room R & B . Late A pr
Rockabilly. Late Apr. THE BODINES "Decide"
(M 0E7-1) Early Apr. Play Hard (DEC18) 12"
VARIOUS: ......................................A TACKY SOUVENIR OF PRE-REVOLUTIONARY NORTH UlL 4K tB *
OF ENGLAND BOP(BIP501) The future o f house! M id Apr.
Rockabilly. Late Apr. Edwards"
VARIOUS: EDWARD NOT EDWARD.....................................WOODEN (W 00D007) M id A pr
VARIOUS: PRIDE OF INDEPENDENTS................................................. BEECHWOOD (TT06)
Icicle (KELP002) LP
20 independent chart hits. M id Apr.
VARIOUS "Edward Not Edward"
Follow up to "King Edward Presents". M id Apr.
WOLFHOUNDS: BRIGHT & GUILTY .............. MIDNIGHT MUSIC (CHIME00.48S) Late Apr. Wooden (WOOD007) LP
XYSTER: IN GOOD FAITH ............................. CMFT (CMFT2) Thrash/death metal. M id Apr.
AND ALSO THE TREES: LADY D'ARBANVILLE......................................... REFLEX (RE015T) Unicorn (PHZA32) LP
DJ DZIRE: BAD PLACE TO GET H IT ..............................FURIOUS FISH (FFD002) Rap/funk.

Hi-NRG reissue.
GROOVE FARM: HATE US & WE'LL LOVE YOU TO DEATH EP.......................RAVING POP 6 New Street
IN MOTION: AINT NOBODY............................................................BLUE CHIP (BLUECHIP15)
Dance re-working of Chaka Khan hit.
LAY-ZEE MUTHAS: CUT & R U N ....................................................... ACID JAZZ (JAZID011T)
MAROON TOWN: POUND TO THE DOLLAR................................ STACCATO (12RUDE002)
THE MOMENT: READY TO FALL.............................................................BIG STUFF (STUFF1)
RORSHACH: 2 BUSTED FLIPPERS.................................................. BIG TRUCK (TRUCK001) NEW FROM BACKS DISTRIBUTION
SIXTH COMM: THE TASTE OF FLESH.............................................EYAS MEDIA (EYAS005)
First ed. of their debut 12". BLUE CHIP
SICA VILLE TRAIN: COOL IT O U T................................................ TOP BEAT (TBUK002) Ska. BARBARA JEAN ENG LISH - EXPERIENC E
TRU FUNK POSSE: BREAK THE BEAT........................................ THREE STRIPE (SAM1115)
SUSPENDED JELLY (SJR2) Second single. Late Apr.
BEAT HOTEL: HEY HEY AUDACIOUS................................. HOUSEHOLD (H0LD006T) A pr
H E ID I BERRY: BELOW THE WAVES....................................CREATION (CRELP48) M id Apr LITTLE RED S C HO O LH O USE
THEBODINES: DECIDE ...........................................................PLAYHARD (DEC18) M id Apr. G RO O VY - LP - DOM 3
CHESTERFIELDS: FOOL IS A MAN. ..................HOUSEHOLD (HOLD005T) 4 track EP. Apr.
DAW N AFTER D AR K : HABIT ........................................CHAPTER 2 2 (12CHAP40) M id Apr.
DINOSAUR J R : JUS HEAVEN ................................................BLAST FIRST (BFFP47) TH E G ADGETS
1 sided, etched on flip, extra track on 12". Early Apr. - INFANTREE - LP - PLA S LP12
D JD Y N A M IX : T.B.A.......................................................................... G-ZONE(TBA) M id Apr. - G ADG ETREE - LP - PLASLP 13
ECSTACY CLUB: T.B.A........................................................ SWORDFISH (DROP3) M id Apr. - LOVE C U R IO S ITY FRECKLES & DOUBT
FIESTA: BRILLIANT .......................................................... VCN (12VCN6) Hi-NRG. Early Apr. LP - PLASLP 14
H IT THE ROOF: CONTACT.................................... ONE LITTIE INDIAN (12TP I5) Early Apr
INSPIRAL CARPETS: PLANE CRASH ........... COW (M 0 0 1 ) 1st single reissued. Early Apr. - TH E BLUE ALBUM - LP - PLASLP 16
KILGORE TROUT: T.B.A.................................................. THUNDERBALL (12TBL3) Late Apr. WAX
K LF: LOVE TRANCE.......................................................................... KLF (KLF006T) M id A pr
L KAGE: LIKE A BUTILRFLY .................................................. G K G II2 2 ) VeryFYC. M id Apr. ARNOLD C O R NS (Bowie) - HANG O N TO YOURSELF
LAR R Y & THE ACTORS: CRASHING THE GATE......................................... PLASTIC HEAD 12" - 12 WAX 5


PRINCE BUSTER & THE TROJANS: STACK-O-LEEGAZ'S ............................ (12GAZ010) *' D bleLP - L P S D 135
Ska meets New Orleans. Early Apr. VARIOUS - TH E SO UL O F D ETROIT
R H YTH M M ODE D : FLEX WITH THE POSSE ........................... BLUE CHIP (BLUECHIP18) Dble LP - LPSD 136
H ip hop. Early Apr.
Popular Goth band. M id A pr ANGELS IN ASPIC - DRIVE ME TO TH E C ENTRE...
SYN-DEE: WHICH WAY IS UP ............................................. BIG ONE (VVBIG014) Early Apr.
2 B A D : S/T................................................................ SLEEPING BAG (SBUK009T) Early Apr. BACKS DISTRIBUTION
- '
NO RW ICH, PHONE: (0603) 624290
VjoWDY! The Sarae asked me clue HMAfW
>A FR IC A: SIMPLE WORDS................................ RED RIVER (MRC096) Late Apr.
you -folks ro w ith what's new
" , his pals at FAST 7" & 12" SINGLES
:9 r Wa B D , E dinburgh's, BIRDLAND: HOLLOW HEART/THE BIRDLAND E P ................................. LAZY (LAZY013(T))
COWBOY JUNKIES: SWEET JANE........................................ COOKING VINYL (FRY008(T))
rock'n ro ll M otorTbol! MOMUS: HAIRSTYLE OF THE DEVIL.................................................CREATION (CRE063(T))
SHIMMYDISC is Budget price ltd. ed. 7", extra track on 12".
distributed in-the PACIFIC: SHRIFT.................................................................................. CREATION (CRE064(T))
Budget price ltd. ed. 7", extra track on 12".
w these critters. (DING/DONG049) Budget priced 1 sided 7".
[3 6 WATERS IAN BROUDIE: PURE & SIMPLE..................................................... GHETTO (TBA) Late Apr.
: r ix x je i DANIELLE B A X : WHITE KNUCKLE RIDE ......................AWESOME (A0R023(T)) Early Apr.
pTSUMMERalbwn 14 ICED BEARS: MOTHER SLEEP........................................THUNDERBALL (7/12TBL002)
Budget price 7". Early A pr
j'andthe'D B.TlU i KITCHENS OF DISTINCTION: T.B.A................ ONE U H L E INDIAN (7/12TP19) Early Apr.
CPTLikewisel/ LATIFAH: WRATH OF M Y MADNESS ....................................... GEE STREET (TBA) Late Apr.
[exclusive are-ltese LESENFANTS TERRIBLES: T.B.A............................ MIDNIGHT MUSIC (DING/DONG051)
Budget price 1 sided 7 ' from French group. Late Apr.
JP A M C ertR IA M IRAC LE LEGION: YOU'RE THE ONLY..................... ROUGH TRADE (RT(T)226) Early Apr.
rtio 0 ie s b y OYSTER B AND: NEW YORK GIRLS ....................................... COOKING VINYL (FRY009(T))
Prev. unavailable B-side. Extra track on 12". Late Apr.
'C tW ffC lS 'm in iL P P M M LfO O J SNAKE CORPS: CALLING YOU ................................ MIDNIGHT MUSIC (DING/DONG050)
r M cCARlHY- la 6uillotine^,, Budget priced 1 sided 7". M id Apr.
^y&JUS ftV T f^P - M ars' dawmlp on Budget priced 1 sided 7". Early A pr
olXCdMM(^O-TurnofThe Wh^fp YAZZ: WHERE HAS ALL THE LOVE GONE ...........................BIG LIFE (BLR008(T)) M id Apr.

1<3 >(10 ONE-T>anpfttiQ>w3i*S

A fFB3kft2UZfsh... IW9 CP1)
ROKAAAA:The 9ecre+Eyeof LaylaH* 7 " SINGLES
(LP-PEf?aog) DR & THE CRIPPENS: LIVE...............................................................FIRST STRIKE (FST004)
FASTBACKS: IN THE WINTER...............SUBWAY (SUBWAY024) Seattle's best pop outfit.
and last but not lea st OALAXIE SCO 's GREAT PLAINS: EXERCISE.............................................................HOMESTEAD (HMS129-7)
Todayip(Auioefl Au<y>2)repafte4 /a|ave HERESY: WHOSE GENERATION?.................................................. IN YOUR FACE (FACE004)
^Collectivespin atSomeYouiH HQ A ll-froM ..
l r\w> i FORWARD BASTRO: SHOOT M E A DEER..................................... HOMESTEAD (HMS131-7) Early Apr.
THE BUSTERS: SOMEONE SA YS ........ UNICORN (PHZ037) New ska pop single. M id Apr.
RKX -031 226 3133/-PH0UE- 031220 3129 EM2 4PS
H AP P Y FLOWERS: BB GUN ........................................HOMESTEAD!HMS i 35-7jfa riy Apr.
LEMONHEADS: LUKA .............................................................................. TAANG! (T031)Apr.

f lr 4 A S T ***-*'
A U T O P S Y : SEVERED SURVIVAL........................................................ PEACEVILLE (VILEC012)
THf SECOHP f*Hl,K B A N D OF SUSANS: LOVE AGENDA....................................................BLAST FIRST (BFFP43C)
Co m ?U.AT?H / '
| / > /Crr O G L E N BRANCA: SYM PHONY NO. 6 ....................................................BLAST FIRST (BFFP39C)
* ' /y R H Y S CH A TH A M : DIE DONNERGOTTER...................................... HOMESTEAD (H M S 120-4)

' S Sja /&

g S T H E FROGS: IT'S ONLY RIGHT & NATURAL................................. HOMESTEAD (H M S 1 69-4)
(AW TC1012) Dbl. play cassette.
H A T S H E P S U T :.....................................................................BOP (BIP504) Parisienne world jazz.
T H E M A N FR O M DELM O NTE: BIG N O IS E ...........................................................BOP(BIP503)
(5 ? B A l Live at the Broadwalk, Manchester.
K : ' R E B A : RAGASANGEET................................................. BOP (BIP402) N. Indian classical vocal.
S H A V A SHAVA: BACHKE RAHEYO................................................... MULTITONE (C M U T1067)
S IX T H C O M M : A NOTHING LIFE...........................................................EYAS MEDIA (EYAS003)
Ltd. ed. of 990 w/hand mounted sleeve.
-JUUIt ^.w T O S S THE FEATHERS: LIVE AT THE 3 2 ................................................................BOP (BIP304)

BETAAB SANGEET: CHALLA CHALLA .................... BOP (BIP405) Bhangra beat. Early Apr.
BULLET LA V O LTA :.............................................................................. TAANG!(T029C) Apr.
COCK & BULL: CONCRETE ROUTES SACRED COWS ........................ ROGUE (FMSL3015)
Anglo-French roots. M id Apr.
T lf l / GIBSON BROS.: ....DEDICATED FOO L ........................ HOMESTEAD (HMS141-4) Late A pr
v ftAis aiUieji ^ Cass, version w/extra & longer tracks. M id A pr
(HALF8-4) M id Apr.
HONOR ROLE: RICTUS ................................................. HOMESTEAD (HMS102-4) Late Apr
JER R Y'S K ID S: KILL, KILL, KILL ......................................................... TAANG! (T027C) A pr

^ lY i N G i
JU S T IC E : THE DESOLATE ONE......................... SLEEPING BAG (SBUKMC005) Early Apr.
v < LEMONHEADS: LIC K .............................................................................TAANG! (T032C) Apr.
LONESOME STRANGERS: S/T......................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (SPDC1023) Late Apr
M ICHAEL N ESM ITH : BEST OF..................................... AWARENESS (AWT i 014) M id Apr
^ s r i S k * f m .
THE OH SET: THE POOL OF LIFE .............................................PROBE PLUS (PROBE019C)
Country/roots mersey beat now on cass. w/extra tracks. M id Apr.
OYSTER B AND: RIDE.............................................. COOKING VINYL (COOKC020) M id Apr.
PASTELS: SITTING PRETTY.............................................. CHAPTER (CHAPMC43) Late Apr.
V O LU M E 6
P IX IE S : D O O LIITIE ..................................................................... 4.A.D. (CADC905) M id Apr.
APNA SAHGEET: CHAKDEY PHATTAY.......................MULTITONE (CMUT1072) Early Apr.
(M 0E7-4) Early Apr.
(BIP501) M id A pr
VARIOUS: PRIDE OF INDEPENDENTS............................ BEECHWOOD (TT06MC) M id Apr
XYSTER: IN GOOD FAITH.............................................................. CMFT (CMFT2C) M id Apr.

A U T O P S Y : SEVERED SURVIVAL......................................................PEACEVILLE (VILECD012)
B A N D OF SUSANS: LOVE A G EN D A ................................................BLAST FIRST (BFFP43CD)
B L U R T : KENNY ROGERS GREATEST HIT (TAKE 2 ) ............................ TOEBLOCK (TBCD666)
G L E N BRANCA: SYM PHONY NO. 6 ................................................BLAST FIRST (BFFP39CD)
R H Y S C H A TH A M : DIE DONNERGOTTER..................................... HOMESTEAD (H M S 120-2)
TO BE THERE...............................................BIG BIG MASSIVE (BBM CD001)
D E S T IN Y : ATOMIC W INTER...................................................................... U.S. METAL (US014CD)
D O O M : TOTAL DO O M ............................................................................. PEACEVILLE (VILE011 CD)
(C 0 0K C D 019 )
(AW CD1012)
T H E HO RSEFLIES: HUMAN FLY............................................ COOKING VINYL (COOKCD013)
S W A L L O W : S / i .................................................................................................. TUPELO (TUPCD001)
TO R A N A G A : BASTARD BALLADS.....................................................PEACEVILLE (VILE005CD)
T H E TRO JANS: A LA S K A ................................................. GAZ'S (CDGAZ002)Ska, extra tracks. OUT NOWON DOUBLE ALBUM
V A R IO U S : NORTH ATLANTIC NOISE.................................................. MANIC EARS (ACHE017)
V A R IO U S : ACID BEAT.................................................................. TEMPLE (TOPYCD041)
V A R IO U S : TOTALLY W IR E D ..................................................................ACID JAZZ FJAZIDCD013)
H E ID I BERRY: BELOW THE WAVES.......... . CREATION (CRELP48CD) Extra track. M id Apr.
BULLET LA VOLTA: TAANG! ............................. (T029CD) 7 extra songs. Apr. 17
C H AM PIO N DOUB VEITCH: T.B.A ................................ BONGO (CDVMC001) Apr. 20 OF THE BEST INDIE HIT
SHEILA CHANDRA: THE STRUGGLE ........ ...........M NW (SCHCD3) N ow on CD. Early Apr.
JER R Y'S K ID S : KILL, KILL, K IL L .............. ............................... TAANG! (T027CD) Apr.
LEMONHEAOS: LIC K ................................ ................................ TAANG! (T032CD) Apr. THE SCREAMING TREES THE PARACHUTE MEN
MEKONS: ORIGINAL S IN ............ .............. ......................RTD (RTDCD105) Comp. Apr. THE COLOURBLIIO JAMES EXPERIENCE
M ICHAEL N ES M ITH : BEST OF. ......... AWARENESS (AWCD1014) M id Apr.
P IX IE S : D O O L im I .................................. ...................... 4.A.D. (CAD905CD) M id Apr. THE ROSE OF AVALANCHE FRONT 242
APNA SANGEET: CHAKDEY ..... ......... MULTITONE (DMUT1072) Early Apr.
Extra studio & live tracks from '76. Early Apr.
THE SNEETCHES: SOMETIMES THAT'S ALL WE HAVE ......................................CREATION
(CRELP043CD) M id Apr. Visual & Audit
(M 0E7-2) Early Apr.
VARIOUS: PRIDE OF INDEPENDENTS ........................... BEECHWOOD (n C D 0 6 ) M id Apr.
VARIOUS: SONGS OF INDIA .................................................. M NW (MNWCD156) Early Apr.
VARIOUS: STOMPING A T THE KLUB FOOT VOLS. 1 & 2 .................. ABC (ABCD036) Apr.
VARIOUS: STOMPING A T THE KLUB FOOT VOLS. 3 & 4 .................. ABC (ABCD008) Apr.
V A R IO U S :............................ STOMPING AT THE KLUB FOOT VOL 5 &THE JAMES DEAN
V^ ry s o o j j
...... ............................................SOUL U (S O U L018)
featu rin g 14 of th e best at
Full contact a g re a t price! in c lu d in g :-
information on page 3 BUDS, LOOP, SHAMEN, DANI ELLE DAX,

Which leads you to wonder further
LEFT FOR DEAD BY LANGUAGE about its origins. Maybe it6s a cultural
prank from Champion Doug Veitch. So
ne of the many virtues of this world music busi
what? It would still be great. Then para
ness are those cute-sounding foreign words. As we noia set in. What if it were another

all know. It's not so much that you don't know incarnation of Spizz?.. Just suppose. I

what they're on about. If that were the case, Mike mean the bawdiness would definitely

'El'Alway would certainly qualify as world and would find

lose its enchantment of otherness if you
knew it was bloody Spizz at the other
himself dogged by Andy Kershaw begging to have his end. You see, language can make you
Weltanschauung in session. Nah. You can bet your pixie lose all sense of the here and now. A
boots that all these charming musics are as equally nddled call to Rhythm King gave the assurance
with folksy cliches and bad word-play as the stuff sung in that these were indeed French people.

England's blighted mother-tongue. It's just that there's some Some kind of Gypsy Kings set up. .

thing enchanting about the fact that the most mundane

Acrobats? M on frere!

concepts suddenly acquire this aural unfamiliarity.

Authenticity. It can screw you up.
Another multi-cultural corker manifests
itself with UNKNOWN CASES:
Having said all that, there's nothing some peculiar flam enco interludes. M asim ba B ele 8 9 (R o u g h T rad e
mundane about LES NEGRESSES Over the top is this rowdy communal Deutschland RTD044T) which appar
VERTES: Zobi La Mouche (Rhythm bellow ing which could either be a ently takes us to the north of Brazil
King LEFT033/T) though there does bunch of fired-up cajuns laying waste to (B ah ia, or Byrne Country to us
seem to be a fair bit of sauciness going their culture or a French punk band try Gringos). Over a most delightful rhyth
on there. It's easily one of the best ing to get on the Andy Kershaw show. mic grind there is some gimpy Afro-
records of the last 12 months, an elas- The bit where they appear to be draw chanting going on. Ha! We're not stupid!
tene Bo Diddley stomp powered by ing the listeners' attention to the nice This is the Nolan sisters in league with
accordians which break into some girl with the jolies fesses (my dictionary the Devil. Satan is making them sound
strung-out solos that come straight from translates this as 'pretty buttocks'. What like men! Actually that's not far off...
Buzzcocks' 'Another Music...' era plus do you say?) sort of suggests the latter. another phone call secured the info that


Happy Shopper (DING 46)
A ls o o n 1 2 -in c h w ith 3 m o r e tr a c k s (D O N G 4 6 )

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A ls o o n 1 2 -in c h w ith 2 m o re tr a c k s (D O N G 4 9 )

Calling You (DING 50)
R e m ix e d & e x te n d e d v e rs io n s + 1 m o re t r a c k o n 1 2 -in c h (D O N G 5 0 )

Paths Of Glory (DING 51)
A ls o o n 1 2 -in c h w ith 2 m o r e tra c k s (D O N G 51)
N ew LPs d ue soon from all th e above artists
S u g g ested retail price of A -side o nly 7-inch sin gles is 1/10F/3DM


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this is a German perpetration headed by (Reflex 12RE15) which was originally

the late Reebop Kwabu Bah (formerly of done by Ayatollah Cat Stevens. AATT's
Can, Traffic, the Nolans...) and it was make it sound statlier and more remote
recorded in 1983, one year b efore than ever but it's too full of posture for
Reebop went to heaven. It rocks! To hell you to contemplate it taking steps any
with these phone calls. where. Buying this record would result
BEATMASTERS FEATURING MC in giving Cat Stevens more money with
MERLIN: W h o 's In T he H ou se which to persecute Salman Rushdie, the
(Rhythm King LEFT31/T) is a belter man who thought up the 'Naughty But
that brings us closer to home. It's a hi- N ice1 cream cakes slogan. Hey, Mr
octane, non-eco friendly ankle-blaster Bartender. For that reason alone I'll take
with the m agical bad-dude-go-any- 20 ...
where enunciation of Merlin who can 14 ICED BEARS: Sleep
say 'Don't be shy, take o f f y ou r top' and (Thunderball 7/12T B L2) is a niced,
still sound endearing. My, I'll never tire old-fashioned lovely for y'awl. A kind of
of that Conway Twitty Plays The Best of hovering somnambulent Sonic Youth
Benzedrine piano riff. YAZZ: W here with lofty crooning. This record reminds
Has All The Love Gone? (Big Life you that Ian Curtis always seemed to be
BLR008/T) has an interesting linguistic singing with the wrong voice. I think he
moment when she pleads 'Get rid o f should have had this one. THE HEART-
the ghettoes' as if communicating via a THROBS: B lo o d F ro m A S to n e
ventriloquist's dummy. I liked that. That (Profum o PROS/T2) is another cutie
apart, she's added a wispy candy-stripe that chimes with the bells of yesteryear,
to her voice, found a folksy social con the singer has a self-flanging voice and
science and made her best single ever. Photo Robert Mapplethorpe despite the clarity of the song structure
It's not often that children make spleen. We can hold Kim and Thurston it still makes me think: N o o sh a F o x
good records... hah. No challengers to sort of responsible for the next two 'cos thru' a rain bow lightly. On the other
that statemrent. But soft! Here are TRU legend has it that both THE hand, WESTERN PROMISE: If You
FUNK POSSE (aged 11 and 13 years) LUNACHICKS and DINOSAUR J r are Tell Me You Love Me (M id n ig h t
w ith Break The Beat (T hree Stripe their secret love-children. YES. ALL OF M usic DIN G /D O N G 49) makes me 19
SAM1115) setting a pert precedent. It's THEM. Why else would they have nur think of The Pleasers which is unfair on
one of those great boxy sound tured their careers so lovingly? I had this them since they sound nothing like
thumpers with a hipsy-massive bass horrid dream the other night wherein I them, more like early Van Morrison with
undertow and cavernous break beats. was being teased and bullied by Cilia Black's vowel sounds. They actual
The great thing is that the boys sound Fuzzbox and just as I was about to start ly do sing of auburn hu u r and beg you
their age. In a p recise, m alevolent crying in burst The Lunachicks. They to cu u r which doesn't happen a lot in
squeak one of them announces they're trampled Fuzzbox to a pulp. If I hadn't pop.
'co-produced by Smith a n d Mighty' as if have woken up they'd have done the THE WOLFHOUNDS: H ap p y
it happens to kids in Bristol every day. same to me, I expect, but with Get Off Shopper (M id n ig h t M usic
No swagger. Just facts. Over in the big The Road (Blast First BFFP044) they can' DING/DONG46) sounds very much
boys' league RICHIE RICH checks in really go wrong either way. The like that band The Wolfhounds, spikey
w ith a f u n k ie r e n o u g h f l ie r in Ramones with runny mascara. Oh girls, and spritely whilst PACIFIC: S h rift
R ockin On The GoGo Scene (Gee how can I ever thank you? Dinosaur (Creation CRE046T) is simply baffling.
Street GEET12) but in the end it's really J r 's Ju s t Like H eaven (B last F irst Some kind of New Age disco sampler.
quite dull. B F F P 047) has the drowsy lads from Oh god, I don't know. Put those excel
Unlike Canada. Don't you just love Syracuse weaving wide-awake wonder lent shouters SNUFF on the turntable
the advert for it? After years of being with this auld Cure song. It's hard to with their EP (W o rk e rs P la y tim e
laughed at for Rush, Canada is certainly believe that those spacey, tangential PLAY008). Boisterous guitarama, the
wreaking its revenge chart-wise. The lat guitar lines come from a man too lazy to sort that has you waking up bruised for
est ambassadors are THE COWBOY climb a flight of stairs to the toilet. Well, no fathomable reason. A wonky axe ref
JUNKIES: Sweet Jan e (Cooking Vinyl not too lazy... he just couldn't be both erence to 'Hey, Girl, Don't Bother Me'
FRY008) which is a fine falling-asleep- ered, like. But that's another story. And kicks the whole thing off very winning-
forever rendition of our Lou's song. In The Lunachicks dream is true as well... iy-
fact our Lou is everywhere. He pops up So. What's out-there, rocking and Finally KITCHENS OF DISTINC
more tangibly with old mate MOE gorges itself nightly on the blood of TION: The Third Time We Opened
TUCKER: Hey Mersh! (5 0 Skidillion french poodles? DANIELLE DAX of T h e C a p su le (O n e L ittle In d ia n
Watts MOE6-0) doing some gonzoid T- course. Actually the poodle blood bit is 19TP12) is one with a winsome twist to
Rex lead axe and Lou-ish backing vox. a lie but like Moe Tucker and the mythi it. The song passes itself o ff as a
It's a racing garage two-step with Moe cal superm arket, La Dax she-rocks resp ectable tribute to Bowie/Petty
shouting indignantly. I'd like to think it through White Nuckle Ride (Awesome except that when it builds up to the
was recorded in a supermarket but it AOR23T) like a woman riding on a inevitable chorus, the chorus just disap
probably wasn't. The additional track poodle-chariot to an icy Hades. Get the pears. It eats its own words. You are just
'Talk So Mean' features Kim and picture? Oh, well... Forget the poodles. left with these spiralling clouds of radi
Thurston from Sonic Youth but they Here's AND ALSO THE TREES with ated guitar. Ooh, matron. My geiger
don't really get to vent their sonic their versh o f L ad y D 'A rb an v ille counter...

ten years h e n ce to sw ap original the struggle to transcend such con
"SID LIVES!" Westwood 'Vive La Rock' T-shirts and
ratty hair tips, their ripped'n'zipped
straints b y a n y m ean s n e ce ssa ry -
this referral to im m ediate history
- graffito, East London, 1989 Osh Kosh-clad wains in tow, drool determ ines, as much as it requires,
ing over 'Swindle' off-cuts and Nip co n serv atio n .
p ic -s le e v e 7 -in c h e s o f 'C 'M on Take 'Rock & Roll is h e r e to stay,

nd, one is fo rced to
Everybody'. for one. Too damn right. And just to
presum e, he does. It's happening - in seed form, at make sure we d o n 't leave too soon,
Ju st as Elvis does least. Like last year's 100 Club Pistols a slew of UK domestic radio stations
(a n d we're talking, like festival, the recent Cult'n'Smiths fan now endlessly reinvent the '60s (at
d angoes, the perpetual D ylannual least) for us, effectively monopolising
the punk Gnostic rhetoriti- e v e n ts h o ste d b y 'W an ted M an' cultural m em ory w ith 'G old' p ro
cian Bishop o f D u rh a m , cultzine... It can only get worse, or at gram m ing in an attem pt to, if not
any rate, get m ore. defray, then brake the imperative of
in n a sp iritu a l sense, progress (to Yanks, this is old hat.
As W estern co n su m erism ,
here). Or, are we? increasingly represents the triumph Under perestroika, our Soviet com
o f f a c tio n a lis m over any form of rad es kn ow n o th in g e lse , having
Whatever, one must admit that accepted consensus notion o f p lu b e e n similarly totally colon ised by
the consequences of the irruption ralism , the myth of "authenticity" is the '60s beforeh an d , if only by its
into history of any particular youth celebrated in the persistence of such in accessibility at the time. As they
cult, whether of P re sle y or Vicious, stubborn disavowals o f the process must believe, it's n o w . Talk about
are certain to include, at least, its sub of history as these. dumping redundant technology onto
sequent fetishisation. As much as the underlying trend the 3rd World - w haddabout dead
Just as ageing Teds holiday at of progressive popular culture o f the culture?. I f on ly tim e sto o d still...
weekend conventions, with 'The late 20th century has b een its own Take 'Rudy', for another. O nce
King' lookalike trials, big buckle-and- refutation - an admittedly incoherent the archetypal Staggerlee figure hit
hairdo competitions, Priscilla home- programme o f activity dedicated to m ythical T rench tow n w orldw ide -
movie out-take screenings and mem leaving the present for the premise form er C arib c o lo n ie s reassertin g
orabilia stalls and contests, so one of the future, w hether by the post their culture as modified by ex-colo
can readily fantasise all of the Sid m odernist tactic o f believing in the nial Yank R&B forms (the modified
clones of the last decade reuniting mins (and dancing on them), or by Afro-beat that saturates Western pop,

after all) - slavery days seemed over. w e re n 't from th e UK. T h e re 's a
From m ento to lovers rock , roots tre m e n d o u s o u tp o u rin g from
w ere rev ea led , tra n sfo rm ed , and Germ any, right now. It must have
effectively relocated. som ething to do with the 'oompah'
As w ith 'T ed ', as w ith 'p u n k 1, tradition in music over there, that off
SKA becam e part of the grammar pop beat, because Tw o Tone wasn't as
walks like it talks. Rudy may have much o f a hit there as here." Ranking
grown up and got married (s h o tg u n UNICORN RECORDS
Skaos as the m ost significant band
w ed d in g or not) but, f sure, was here from G erm an y, fo llo w e d by T h e THE TOASTERS: ..'Pool Shark......... ......(PHZA-5) LP
to stay. THE TOASTERS: (PHZA-18) MLP
Busters and The Braces, Unicorn are VARIOUS:
So, typically, from time to time, considering opening a German wing. The World Vol 1... (PHZA/C/CD-21)LP/MC/CD
this essential part o f the chatter of "France has a few bands," he contin THE DONKEY SHOW: Bali Island. . (PHZA-26) MLP
pop appears to speak louder. We had ues, "though, as ever, they're quite THE BUSTERS:
it with Two Tone,a decoade ago pro NAPOLEON SOLO:
insular." THE BRACES:
How To Steal The World (PHZA-29) MLP
(PH7A-30) i P
gressively rehabilitating w hat had However, it was France that culti THE DELTONES: . Nana ChocChoc In Pans . (PI17A 31)1 P
eventually becom e the soundtrack to vated the UK's Deltones, a 9 girl, 1 VARIOUS: . Skankin'Round
closed skinhead culture - itself oper The World Vol 2 ............ ....(PHZA-33) LP
boy com bo formed way back in the CASINO R0YALE: ...Ten Golden Guns......... ....(PHZA-32) LP
ating by a set of dress codes as rari- m id-'80s. "They spent a long time THE DELTONES:
fied as that o f gay key- or handker Mr REVIEW: ... Walkin' Down Brentford Road.... (PHZA-36) LP
plugging the majors, who as we all
ch ief-sig n allin g (and, confusingly, know always follow and never lead," Unicorn Records
crossing-over and merging with such Mark explains, "but French indepen 191 Seven Sisters Road
London N4 3NG
signals) - w hile its root com m unity dant label Boucherie took them over tel: (01)281 2821
w as driven to the u topian ism s o f to record in Paris out o f necessity, Distribution: Nine Mile
either Rastafari or else assimilation. recognising the follow ing the band
And, -it would seem , there's an had e s ta b lis h e d by liv e w o rk ." SKA RECORDS
8 0 's g ra s sro o ts sw e ll o f A n glo- Licensing to Unicorn followed. VARIOUS: ...................SkavilleUSA Vol t ................ (SKAR001) LP'
Am erican b lu ebeat revivalism. Not Hand in glove with this resur BIM SKALA B IM : ......... Boston Bluebeat.....................(SKAR002) LP
that it ever went away, natch. g en ce o f contem porary m usicians' VARIOUS:................... Skavitte USA Vol2 .................. (SKAR003) LP*
NY CITIZENS: ............. Pounding The Pavement.......... (SKAR004) LP
"Ska is sk a ," a ss e rts Roddy interest in ska is the revitalisation of THE BOILERS:............. Flockin' Stead/........................ (SKAR005) LP
M oreno o f Ska Records, "whether classic catalogue material, whether it VARIOUS: ......................Skaville USA Vol 3 ..................... (SKAR006) LP
SHOT BLACK & WHITE: Understand......................... (SKAR007) LP
it's Prince Buster or Fishbone playing b e Trojan's or that o f sem inal '60s BIM SKALA BIM: ........ Tuba C ity .............................. (SKAR008) LP
it. Any 'revival' is only a revival of producer King Edwards on Brian GANGSTER FUN: ........ Come See Come Ska ...............(SKAR009) LP
media interest. And while that might VARIOUS: .................. SkavilleUSA V ol4 .................. (SKAR010) LP
Harris' Icicle label. Harris echoes THE TOASTERS: ........ EasISideBeal.................(SKAT001) 12 EP
b rin g 2 0 0 0 p e o p le to a fe stiv a l, previous comments that Europe pro
(combined CD-SKACD001)
there'll always be the hardcore fans v id es a m ore p o p u lar m arket for
Ska Records
w ho've always b een there and will even archive ska m aterial than the 3 Machen Street
still b e th ere w hen the m edia get UK where, he feels, "There's appar Grangetown
Cardiff CF1 7NT
bored and move on." ently a lot of interest, but it's not bro Wales
His v iew is sh a red by M ark ken nationally. It's still an u nd er tel: (0222) 221825
Distribution: Revolver
Johnson o f modernist label Unicorn: g ro u n d in te re s t, m ed ia o v e rk ill
"What's happening now is a culmina aside."
tion of all the influences o f the past. That said, the current spate of UK ICICLE RECORDS
Ska is exciting and to younger kids its label activity bodes well for the con VARIOUS:.......................King Edwards
new, but with the new groups there's tinuance of the ska form, at whatever Presents - Skavolution.............(KELP001) LP
more of a fusion thing, with groups lev el,, w ith ev e n v e te ra n JA star Essential King Edwards.............(KELP002) LP
starting from '60s covers but adding Laurel Aitken, now in his sixties
R&B, soul and jazz influences. It's Icicle Records
and demonstrating more energy than 80 Ruskin Chambers
'new ska', if you like." people one third his age, being suffi 191 Corporation Street
While such phraseology may be a Birmingham B4 6RP
ciently enthused to record with such tel: (021) 233 1256
sop to the recen t presum ption o f young upstarts as Potato 5 (for Gaz's Distribution: Nine Mile
'revivalism', as lauded by the UK pop Rockin' R ecords). "He loves it!"
w eeklies, Mark admits that the cur cites Johnson. GAZ s ROCKIN' RECORDS
rent activity is "as much of a surprise The Second London International
POTATO 5 :..................... Western Special.............................(GAZ001) 7"
to us as it is to anyone". The issuing Ska Festival takes place over May 27- LAUREL AITKEN: Mad About You (GAZ002) 7"
o f contem prary ska m aterial was a 29 at Finsbury's Sir G eorge R obey LAUREL AITKEN:
natural part o f Unicorn's avowed rep (d e ta ils (0 1 ) 281 2 8 2 1 ) w ith th e TROJANS: Gaelic Ska (GAZ12/006) 7/12'
resen ta tio n o f the p o st-m o d ern ist crea m o f E u ro p ea n a cts, plus TROJANS: Phocmx (GA712006) 12
Mod scen e, not a sp ecfic, but "we FOREST HILLBILLIES:....Munslers Theme . (GAZ12/007) 7/12"
A m erican h igh ligh t T h e T o asters. TROJANS: 1GA71200R) 1?"
fou n d o u rselv e s h a n d lin g 2 o r 3 Sure to b e opinion making, media SKA FLAMES: .....Ska Fever................. ..................(GAZ009) 7"
things a month and their sales war attracting and, consequently, another PRINCE BUSTER
& THE TROJANS: (GAZ12010)12
rant co n tin u a tio n o f that lev el o f stage of the perpetual 'revival'. POTATO 5: .............(GAZLP001) LP
releasing." It's hard to argue with Moreno's TROJANS:
TROJANS: .....Spirit........................ .............(GAZLP003) LP
While the bulk o f sales achieved who-gives-a-shit attitude - "Well, the SKA FLAMES: ............Ska Fever................................ (GAZLP004) LP
by labels dealing with 'new ska' are more people who buy these records,
a b ro a d , M ark id e n tifie s last whoever they are, the more we can Gaz's Rockin' Records
c/o 8 Orme Square
D ecem ber's London ska festival as put out" - when all's said and done. London W2 4RS
"fo cu ssin g a tte n tio n on E ngland , And, when all's said and done... tel: (01)241 2075
Distributor: Backs
ev en th o u g h m ost b an d s playin g RUDY LIVES!

--------------------------------------------- * ^ * -----------------------------------------------

he Pixies, in the space o f time it takes to skin a Bros, have been hailed as rock's saviours,
Those That Will Save Us From Retrogression. Music press euphoria - or should that be 'eure
ka!!'? - has been matched by the group's mixture o f bemusement an d glee; "lean talk fo r
days if you want", offered Pixies' singer/writer Charles Francis at the end o f 75 early-morn
ing minutes with an audible, giggly shrug, bless him. But Pixies' music is a revelation, as their netv
"Doolittle" album makes even clearer - rock as urgent, melodic, unpredictable an d possessed specta
cle again, possessed by perversity an d punchlines you can sing. Plus interesting m ugs, obvious atti
tude in the shape ofm ucho irreverence, black comedy, punk, surrealism, unpredictable views on
weird sex an d religion, a wierd little Espanol bent an d that sharp sense o f anecdotal user-friendli
ness we expectfrom Americans.... Yes, but what does Charles Francis m ake o f all the commotion?
6 p m w as c o n sid e re d a d e ce n t i t c o m e s o u t. I g u e ss it is k in d a d eod eran t. I t b low s m y m ind."
e n o u g h tim e to c a ll h im ; 1 p m fo r tw isted b u t th a t w as m y w ay in to
h im in B o sto n USA, tim e en o u g h to th e c irc u it. It's e a sie r to b e avant- The Pixies strike me as a pretty
re g iste r a n d re sp o n d to q u estio n s. gard e th a n it is to b e m ain stream sweaty group, no deodorisingeris-
B u t n o , h e h a d to re m ix a n o th e r B- a n d still b e good . I f you d o n 't k n o w ing.
side o r su m m at an d co u ld w e ca ll h o w to p la y th e g u ita r v e ry w e ll "I do sw eat a lo t, th at's true. And I
7 a m h is tim e? Uh? R ep o rts o f T h e an d y o u 're try in g to b re a k in to th e e a t a lo t o f g a rlic a n d p eo p le te ll
P i x i e s ' s u p e r h u m a n e f f o r t s to lo c a l clu b circu it, th e n y o u gotta b e m e th a t I sm e ll lik e garlic."
r e b ir th r o c k w e re o n e th in g , b u t lo u d a n d b e a little e c c e n tr ic o r
th is d ed icatio n fo r 2 4 h o u r serv ice s o m e th in g , th e n e v ery o n e That's not quite what I meant,
w as su m m at e lse. 9 am th e n ..... g o es,(p u ts o n sn id y v o ice), 'oh , did you think rock should be
y o u h e a r th a t n ew band?', an d th e n sweaty, like a kind of bodily func
Am I interrupting an important Pixies y o u 're in th e c irc u it h ah ah a." tion rather than something clinical
day by phoning at ninp?
and intellectual?
C h arles: "No, n o t at all. I'm still in Does that mean that when you've
learnt to play, The Pixies will sound "Well, I se e it b o th w ays. I lik e Iggy
b ed ." O h."A nd I'm read in g Sounds
all slick and professional? P op b u t I lik e XTC to o . I p ro b ab ly
m a g a z in e . I'v e a ls o g o t NME a n d
p r e f e r a ll th e sw e a ty s t u f f m o r e
M elody M aker h e re . R igh t now , I'm "T h a t c o u ld b e , b u t I d o n 't th in k o fte n th a n th e c l in i c a l stu ff, b u t
r e a d in g an in te r v ie w w it h it'll h a p p e n b e c a u se w e 'v e h ad to
A n th rax." so m e o f it c a n b e g o o d . It a ll
r e h e a r s e to g e t th e s e gigs a n d to d e p e n d s . I d o n 't u s e d r u m
p u t to g e th e r th e s e r e c o r d s . We m a ch in e s o r a rtificia l types o f sam
Does the article tell you anything you h a v e o u r o w n little d ic tio n a ry o f
need to know? p lin g gadgets, b u t I lik e b an d s th at
P ix ie ru le s , h o w w e a r r a n g e th e d o th at, i f it's d o n e righ t."
"Nah, n o n e o f th is s tu ff ev er te lls
m u s ic , a n d I d o n 't k n o w i f i t 's
y o u a n y th in g , h a h a h a . It's alw ays
g o in g to g et b o rin g a fte r a w h ile, You said that, 'nothing beats vol
u s e le s s i n f o r m a t i o n b u t I e n jo y
th a t's a ls o a p o s s ib ility , b u t w e ume, lights and drunk people
2 2 read in g it. 1 alw ays go d o w n to th e
s tic k to o u r o w n u n w ritte n ru les, "Well, b eca u se th a t is th e stand ard
r e c o r d s h o p a n d g e t t h e B r itis h
lik e I su p p o se a lo t o f o th e r bands
m u sic w e e k lie s. It's g r e a t b e c a u se r o c k 'n 'r o ll se t up , b ass, drum s and
its a ll u se less b u t th e y c ra m to n s o n e o r tw o gu itars an d th e n ig h t
o f in fo rm a tio n in to th e pages. It's Give me an example, say, Pixie rule clu b , an d th at's th e m o st trad itio n
m u c h b e t t e r th a n th e A m e r ic a n number three. al, u n le ss w e go a n o th e r 60 y e a rs
m u sic m ags." o f k ey b o ard ban d s."
"R ule th re e is ju s t th at, th e n u m b er
lo you like to read what they say th r e e a n d th e p a rt it p lay s in th e People nearing 30 (approx defini
about The Pixies? a rr a n g e m e n ts an d h o w I p u t tion) might fe e l th at rock is
"O h , c e r t a in ly . I t 's a m u s in g ,
c h o r d s to g e th e r a n d re a rra n g e approaching redundancy, with the
y'k now ."
lin e s. I u se th re e a lo t. Y ou c a n put rise of newer rhythms like hip-hop,
th e fo u rth c o rn e rs to n e c h o r d in a acid house, world musics. Are you
Does any of it make any sense to p r o g r e s s io n b u t it's b e t te r w h e n personally bored with most rock?
you? Do you agree with comments y o u tak e it o u t an d it flip -flop s o v e r "Y eah . I w a tc h MTV e v e ry sin g le
like, "surreal phonetic poetry", or, itse lf, lik e (fu rio u sly ) "1-2-3-4, 1-2- m o rn in g , I p u t it o n w h e n I d on 't
"natural fluid chaos, not a contrived 3-4, 1-2-3-4, b a c k again!, 1-2-3-4, 1- h a v e to t h i n k to o m u c h , a n d it
aesthetic notion of same but...." 2 -3 -4 . T h e n it a lw ay s so u n d s lik e b lo w s m y m in d h o w b a d it is! I
y o u 'r e p la y in g t h e e n d in g o f a used to b la m e it o n MTV o r so m e o f
"A h , y e s , t h a t s o u n d s l i k e t h e so n g! U h, I d o n 't k n o w i f you c a n
B r i t i s h to m e , t h e m a s t e r s o f th o s e b ig r e c o r d c o m p a n ie s th a t
get w h a t I'm sayin g. We also do lots p u t o u t a ll th a t m ed io c re crap , b u t
h y p e r b o le ." ( l a u g h s l i k e a s m a ll o f 6 -4 (sta rts o f f y a b b erin g in w h at
d r a in ) . T h e y 'r e f in e . I ju s t re a d as I've g row n a little b it o ld er and
m u st su rely b e 6 -4 tim e), an y th in g m o re m atu re p erh ap s, I'v e re alise d
th e m an d so m etim es I ev en g et to to ja r it u p a little."
re a d w h at I said." th a t th e y a r e g iv in g p e o p le w h a t
'I'm impressed. You're singing and th e y w an t, an d th at's w h at p eo p le
Do their comments sum up the feel entertaining me while you're lying w a n t. A n d p e o p le a r e m e d io c r e
ings you get? in bed. Are you really all snuggled an d b lan d ! A nd i f y o u tr y to play
"Som etim es it d oes. H ey, I h a te to up, with three pillows under you? th e m w h a t p e o p le l ik e y o u o r I
give su c h vague, sh itty a n sw ers to w ould c a ll gro o v y r o c k m usic, th e y
'Y ea h , I g o t m y g irlfrien d 's p illow , w o u ld t u r n o f f a n d g o fin d , o h
y o u r q u estio n s, y 'k n o w . B u t I guess w h ic h sh e 's h a d sin c e b irth , an d I
I'm cu rio u s ab o u t h o w w e sound . I m a n , o h m a n a t's w h y th o s e
g o t m y o w n , a n d a ll th e B r itis h b an d s c a n play a t W em bley an d a ll
lik e, to read d e fin itio n s o f w h a t w e m u s ic w e e k lie s h e r e in b e d . I'v e
a re lik e, 'o h , th a t's w h a t w e so u n d th e c o o l b a n d s a re so m e w h e re
a lrea d y ta k e n m y sh ow er." else."
like!' I've n e v e r th o u g h t a b o u t 'su r
re a list p h o n e tic p o etry ' b e fo r e b u t And then you get back into bed But isn't even most cool rock'n'roll
I gu ess th a t's w h a t it's like." again (aghast). getting stuck too? Or do The Pixies
Don't worry about it. Do you con Y e a h , p re tty m u ch ev ery day. I get prove otherwise?
sciously think about what you're u p r e a lly e a r ly b e c a u s e m y g ir l "I g u ess w e p ro v e o th e r w is e , b u t
doing? Like, as people are saying, frie n d h a s to b e up a t 6 .3 0 to go to w e 're n o t playin g a t W em bley. B u t
The Pixies take rock music and w o rk . I f I'm n o t to ta lly dry, a fte r I r o c k m u s ic , o r p o p u la r m u s ic ,
twist it, redefine it? to w el d ry m yself, th e n th e pillow s ra d io m u sic, is re a lly , r e a lly fr a c
a n d th e sh e e ts ju s t so ak up a ll th e tu re d , a n d th e r e a r e a ll d iffe r e n t
"I gu ess so , b u t h a lf o f th a t is th a t e x tra m o istu re." th in g s y o u c a n b u y n o w . I gu ess
I'm n o t re a lly a m u sicia n . I'm k in d
So you don't use Johnson's Baby th a t's tr u e an d th a t r o c k 'n 'r o ll is
o f a n erd , b u t I lik e r o c k m u sic an d
Powder? k in d a dead, b u t I d o n 't th in k ab ou t
I alw ays h a v e s in c e I w as a young,
it to o m u ch . I still lis te n to th in g s,
y o u n g b o y . I lis te n to a ll o f it. In "No, I d o n 't u se an y th in g lik e th a t b u t I 'm r e a lly o u t o f it. I k n o w
m y o w n n a iv e w ay, I w a n t to m ak e a t a ll! I 'm a lw a y s a m a z e d a t th e w h at's available a n d w h a t I lik e to
r e c o r d s a n d b e a r o c k s ta r a n d a ll n u m b e r o f m e n w h o u s e th in g s pu t o n m y little b o o m b o x . I p u t o n
th a t stuff, s o I d o it an d th a t's h o w lik e m o u sse o r a fte rs h a v e o r T h e B e a tle s ' 'W h ite A lb u m ', a n d

t h e n I m ig h t p u t o n P a ilh e a d "K in d a , lik e , h e r e 's S te v e A lb in i d o n 't r e a lly a n sw e r to E le k tra . I f ( s i n g s f a m i l i a r 'T e l s t a r ' g u ita r
b eca u se I th in k it's n eat. I f I w as a fr o m B ig B la c k a n d t h e n th e r e 's th e y put it out, great, i f th e y don 't, so u n d ) an d 'M r P ostm an ', a ll th a t
r e c o r d re v ie w e r o r a c r itic , th e n G ill N o r t o n , f r o m ... O r c h e s t r a l w e 'll m ak e less m on ey. M aybe after stu ff sou n d s great, an d th e y 're a ll a
m a y b e I'd b e b u r n t o u t b e c a u s e M an o eu v res In T h e D ark, h ah ah a, w e s e ll so m e re co rd s, th e p re ssu re m in u te an d 2 0 se c o n d long."
t h o s e g u y s l i s t e n to s o m a n y o r E ch o & T he Bunnym en, w ill b e o n . B u t w ith 4AD, th e y lik e
fu c k in ' r e c o r d s . A re th e s e b la n d , T h r o w in g M u s e s , W et W et W et! o u r m u sic an d p re tty m u c h le t us Nothing on 'D oolittle' breaks two-
b o re a ss an sw ers? I d o n 't h ave m y T h e y 're c o m p le te ly d iffe re n t p e o do w h at w e w an t. T h e y o ffe r lo ts o f minutes or thereabouts does it?
T hesauru s h ere ." p le an d ta stes b u t I lik ed th e w ay it su g g e stio n s w h ic h w e so m e tim e s "T h at's w h a t w e d o anyw ay. E ven
w o rk ed ou t. We h a d to fig h t a lo t d e clin e o r a cce p t. It's good fo r us th e so n g s th a t w e do long , b asically
Does it disappoint you that people w ith G ill in p re -p ro d u ctio n in o u r b e c a u s e a t le a s t in A m e ric a , 4AD
generally avoid asking about the w h at you 've g o t is th e m eat o f th e
re h e a rsa l studio, b u t a fter h e h ung h a s t h e C o c te a u T w in s k in d o f so n g h ap p en in g in th e firs t m in u te
music but more your opinion about o u t w ith u s fo r a m o n th a n d lis
AIDS? im age, a ll th a t k in d o f m usic, and o r 9 0 se c o n d s an d th e re s t is th e
te n e d to us p la y o u r so n g w as w e 're n o t, so it's n o t lik e p e o p le o u tro . lik e th e en d in g c h o rd s ov er
"Y e a h , i t 's u n f o r t u n a t e b e c a u s e s o r t a , 'h e y , y o u k n o w , m a n , h e t h in k w e 'r e o n 4AD s o w e m u st a n d o v e r. I lik e s h o r te r s o n g s . I
th at's th e o n ly th in g I fe e l p a ssio n h u n g o u t i n A m e r ic a a n d a te s o u n d l i k e T h e C o c te a u T w in s, th in k ju s t a b o u t e v e ry b o d y p lay s
ate about really , ro c k 'n 'ro ll re co rd s A m erica n s t u ff's a plu s to have b e c a u s e t h e y k n o w w e d o n 't , th e ir son gs to o long."
an d m a k in g th em . T h at's a ll I ca re s o m e o n e lik e u s, o u r p o p s tru c u n less th e y n ev e r h ea rd us. (e x a c t
a b o u t a t th is m o m e n t in m y life . tu r e s , m e lo d ie s a n d th e w a y w e ly, C h arles). I d o n 't k n ow w h at it's Our editor was particularly taken
T h in gs alw ays get o f f th e su b je c t in p re sen ted o u rselves, w h ic h h e did. lik e to b e o n a n o th e r la b e l a n y w ith the tw angy g u ita r in 'Here
interview s. B u t I lik e ta lk in g about I th in k h e w an ted us to play a little w ay." Comes Your Man' to the point of ask
m u sic. I'm a fa n an d th a t's w h y I'm m o re tig htly . H e's m o re in to u sin g ing me to ask you, and I quote that
m akin g th e m a n d th at's a ll th e r e is c o n te m p o ra r y te c h n o lo g y in , i f I How appreciative is America right famous question, 'just how do you
to it. A ll th e o th e r stu ff is in te re st m ig h t sa y so , a v e ry B r itis h w ay, now? get that fantastic sound'?...
in g and it a ll fits in to w h a t y o u 're w h ic h is fin e b eca u se h e's B ritish . "We a re n 't re a lly to o h ip ov er h ere. "T hat w as a 12-strin g R ick en b ack er,
w r itin g a b o u t, b u t i t a l l c o m e s B u t w e h a d to fig h t w ith h im to T h e y t h i n k w e 'r e s o m e s t u p id w h ic h w e w ou ld n e v e r ev en play.
d o w n to a b u n c h o f p e o p le w h o re m a in sim p le. B u t w e k e p t to th e u n d e r g r o u n d c o ll e g e b a n d . We W e c a n b a r e ly h o ld o u r f in g e r s
lik e reco rd s. sa m e P ix ie se t o f ru les. W e're a lit a r e n 't h ip at a ll. I gu ess w e h ave d ow n o n th a t s o r t o f fr e tb o a r d . I
tle less h yper, i f yo u k n o w w h at I fa n s b u t w e d e fin ite ly d o n 't h av e d o n 't e v e n lik e 1 2 -s trin g s u n le s s
So let me ask you about the album m e a n . W e 'r e g e ttin g m o r e i n t o th e r e s p e c t. We g et a ll th e n e rd s t h e y 'r e e l e c t r i c . I h a te 1 2 -s tr in g
cover, hahaha..does the monkey on p la y in g , w e ll, a g r o o v y k in d o f
"Doolittle" take over from "Surfer an d stu ff, n o t th e h ard er, u h ....w e acou stics, th at s ju st lik e a p rod u c
r o c k as o p p o se d to h y p e r (im p e r g e t t h e r e g u la r J o e - t y p e p e o p le tio n th in g . We do lik e a lo t o f su r f
Rosa'"s nude, like, a theme maybe... so n a tio n o f h y p e r cat). At th e start, w h o ju s t lik e to o n s, th a t d o n 't sit m u sic to o . I th in k so m e o f o u r
"T h e o n ly th e m e th a t w e h ave ru n w e s e n t d e m o s o f f to th e r e c o r d aro u n d an d w o n d e r i f w e 're play s t u f f s o u n d s k in d a s u r fy s o m e
n in g is th a t w e lik e fig u res o n th e co m p a n y , w ith ly rics m ade up o n in g loud o r w ie rd en o u g h . P eo p le tim e s . T h e s o u n d is r e a lly b a s ic
cover. We te ll V aughn O liver a t 23 th e spot, th e w ro n g ly rics, y'know , w h o d o n 't ev en fu ck in ' k n ow w h o an d totally involves c h o rd p ro g res
E n v elo p e to do w h at h e w an ts, and a n d t h e n S te v e A lb in i r o lls in to S o n ic Y o u th is, y o u k n ow . 'H ey, I s i o n s a n d a c u te l i t t l e r i f f , a n d
h e d e scrib e s w h a t h e 's d o in g a n d to w n, lik e, 'yeah, m an , let's m ak e a h e a rd T h e P ix ie s o n co lle g e rad io th a t's o n e o f o u r r u le s to o , th e
s e n d s m e p a c k a g e s in th e m a il, re co rd ', tu rn in g ev ery th in g o n and today, y o u guys a re GREEAATTT....'. c h o r d p r o g r e s s io n a n d th e so n g
y'k no w , p ro o fs o f th e artw o rk , and th a t w as it, a s o p p o sed to th is, sit T h e y ju st d o n 't c are." itself, an d th e n w h atev er cu te little
th e n in th e en d, I a g ree w ith h im . I tin g d o w n w ith a guy an d p layin g riffs w e can put on to p o f it."
d o n 't w a n t to get in to th e artw o rk t h e s o n g s w i t h h im f o r t h r e e But you're surely too weird and way-
really . B u t I lik e it, I th in k h e's an w eeks, eig h t h o u rs a day, an d fin e- out for Mom's apple pie stadium-par- The Spanish influence has always
i n t e r e s t i n g a r t i s t , s o I t h i n k it tu n in g ev ery little n ic h e and c ra n tying guy... distinguished T ie Pixies, but is it
w ou ld su ck i f I w as to w o rk h an d ny!" "I fin d th a t o u t e v e ry o n c e in a being phased out? The only notice
in h a n d w ith h im an d p u t in a ll m y w h ile. So m etim es I lau g h b eca u se I able b it of E s p a iiil is on Crackity
stupid ideas." You've talked about The Stooges and th in k w e 're so fu ck in ' stra ig h tfo r Jones", who you get to call 'Jose
especially "Funhouse". If that album Jones', plus tine song sounds like an
w a rd a n d e a s y to sw a llo w , b u t I
But does the monkey signify any is a barometer of the true spirit of evil little Spaghetti Western theme.
thing? g u e s s t h a t w e 'r e k i n d a w i e r d
rock'n'roll, (and, hey, it is, OK?) does
b e c a u s e th a t's w h a t I h e a r fr o m "H eh h e h . T h a t s g o t a c o u p le o f
"W ell, h e p ic k e d it o u t fr o m th e it m a tte r th a t 'D o o little ' is less
p eo p le . I guess I'm so used to m y S p a n ish lin e s i n it. I w ish I could
'M o n k ey 's G o n e T o H ea v en ' so n g "Funhouse", than, "Surfer Rosa"?
ow n m usic." w r ite m o re so n g s in S p a n ish b u t
a ft e r I s e n t h im th e d e m o s . T h e More groovy than sweaty?
it's n o t n atu ral fo r m e. I d on 't live
m o n k ey is a b so lu tely m ean in g less. "N ah , i t d o e s n 't b o t h e r m e . T h e Play "Mr. Grieves" to them and the in P u erto R ico a n y m o re. I f I h ave
T h e so n g an d r i f f is tw o y e a rs o ld m a in r e a s o n is th a t th e p ro d u c e r way you sing "everything is alright'1 to f a c e c o m in g u p w it h o n e o f
an d I n e v e r h a d a n y w o rd s fo r it, w e used d o e sn 't s it arou n d an d lis (like with a ruptured diaphram). th o se S p a n ish tu nes, y k n o w ...o b v i
e x c e p t fo r (s in g s ), 'th is m o n k e y 's t e n to 'F u n h o u s e '. H ey , i t 's s t il l "I n e v e r e v e n t h i n k a b o u t it. I o u s ly I 'm n o t g o in g to f o o l a n y
g o n e to h eaven ', w h ic h I w as stu ck loud , it's s till b ig b a r c h o r d s an d alw ays th o u g h t th a t w as k in d a lik e b o d y b y c r e a t in g th is n ic h e f o r
w ith." w e still u se M arsh all am p s. It's still T h e K in k s o r so m eth in g ! I guess it m y se lf, lik e 'o h , h e s th a t w a c k o
gu itar-rock! A ll w e've d o n e so fa r is don't!" w h ite guy th a t sin gs th o se Sp an ish
Is 'Doolittle1equally meaningless? b e sw eaty really , a n d I d o n 't th in k so n g s..'. It's re a lly c o rn y . U n less fo r
"We alw ay s ta k e s o n g title s o u t o f w e 'v e e v e r b e e n a s s w e a ty as Way off, Charles, way off. so m e re a so n I sta rt talk in g S p an ish
th e ly rics. 'D o o little' c o m e s o u t o f 'Fu nh ouse'. I d o n 't th in k w e 're bad- "O h m an , I gu ess th at's w h at it is, again b eca u se o f w h ere I m livin g
th e s o n g 'M r. G r ie v e s ', m e a n in g a rsed h a rd r o c k m u sician s. We play I'm ju s t w ay off. I'm ju s t a fu ck in' o r s o m e th in g , it w o n t c o m e up
D o cto r D o o little. I t h a s so m e sig n if it loud. W e've n ev e r tried to an aly se cock-up!" n atu rally ."
ic a n c e in th e so n g b u t n o t as an th in g s b e f o r e , a n d m a k e a r o c k
a lb u m tit le . A c tu a lly , th e a lb u m re co rd . B u t w e n e v e r got b lan d o n To you, it's straightforward, isn't it; The Puerto Ricani part of your life
title w as g o in g to b e 'W h o re a n d anybody! W e ju st try an d c o m e up sex and death and religion... hasn't come minder such scrutiny.
th e n I g o t a little fla k fo r it a n d I w ith so m e to o n s th a t sou n d good "Yeah, I d o n 't th in k I'm th a t w ierd. "T h e lo st y ears, hahaha!! P eo p le ask
said, I d o n 't give a sh it, th at's w h at to us a n d th e y ju st go, 'yeah y eah ! We d o n 't so u n d lik e B ig B lack. You b u t th e y d o n t k e ep o n . It's lik e ,'
it's goin g to b e called , b u t Vaughn th a t so u n d s n eat!'. T hat's us liste n c a n sn a p y o u r fin g e r s to o u r w h a t a b o u t th e w h o le S p a n is h
ch an g ed th e a rtw o rk id ea a n d said in g to th e playback!" tu n es." th in g?' an d I go.. I used, to live in
h e w a s g o in g to u se th is m o n k ey P u erto R ico 1, and they go O h ' and
an d h a lo , so I th o u g h t p eo p le w e re What's your current listening list? There are a couple of sublime out- o n m ove to t h e n e x t question.
"L e t me s e e .. h o l d on a and-out pop songs on the new album.
g o in g to th in k I w as so m e k in d o f
s e c o n d ...(s o u n d o f g e ttin g o u t o f OK....what Ad ym ; ha im Puerto Rico,
a n ti-ca th o lic o r th a t I'd b e e n raised "Y eah, th e m o st p o p p y so n g o n th e
b ed ) Am K u rious O ran j', b y T h e w h o le album , w h ic h w e c a n 't ev en Charles?
C atho lic a n d try in g to g et in to th is
F a l l , t h o s e u n r e l e a s e d V e lv e t
C atholic n augh ty-boy s o r t o f stuff, p lay live i f w e tried , 'H ere C om es "I w en t to sc h o o l fo r six m o n th s. I
U n d e r g r o u n d s o n g s , 'A n o th e r
l i k e K e n R u s s e l l d o e s i n h is Y o u r M an ', I w r o te w h e n I w as m anaged to drop out o f m o st o f m y
V ie w ', a n d P a ilh e a d . I p la y th e
m ovies. A m o n k e y w ith a h a lo , ca ll a b o u t 1 5 , an d so m e h o w it en d e d cla sses an d h u n g ou t w ith an odd
B u lg a ria n v o ic e s o n c e in a w h ile.
in g it 'W h ore', th a t w ou ld b rin g a ll up o n o u r firs t d em o. P oep le h ave g r o u p o f p e o p le a n d liv e d i n a
A nd h e y , I e v e n lik e a c o u p le o f
kin d s o f sh it th a t w ou ld n 't b e true. b e e n te llin g u s to r e c o r d it e v e r slu m m y little se c tio n o f to w n and
t h o s e G y p s y K in g s o n g s ! W e
So I said I'd c h a n g e th e title." sin c e so w e fin a lly did. We w ould w e n t to th e b e a c h a l o t I did n't pay
lice n se d th e alb u m to E le k tra h e re
n e v e r p lay th a t so n g live, w e 're to o m y r e n t an d I ended up d rop p in g
That doesn't seem quite right, that so w e raid ed th e ir CD vau lt. I've got
f a r r e m o v e d f r o m i t . I t 's to o o u t o f sc h o o l after th a t an d startin g
the change was pretty much put on t h e c o m p le te C u re CD c a ta lo g u e
w im p y -p o p p y . W e're n o t u se d to T h e P ix ie s, so it d id n 't serv e an y
you. h e r e . T h e y 'r e o n e o f t h o s e b ig
p la y in g so sin g -so n g y ...I lik e th a t acad em ic pu rp ose."
a re n a b an d s I actu ally like."
"But it's a lo t m o re fu n to see w h at k in d o f m usic, y'k n ow , b u t ..I c a n 't
th is gu y s e n d s u s in th e m a il Does working w ith a major label ev en liste n to fu ck in ' rad io, co lleg e Shall I ask you more about Puerto
lik e ,'o h , th a t's w h a t h e d id ..', lik e change your approach? ra d io , a n d th e b ig u n d e r g r o u n d Rico or go on to the next question?
it's so m eb o d y else's album . We lik e altern ativ e rad io to tally sucks, an d I f y o u s ta y e d o n t h e b e a c h a n d
h is a r t w o r k . W e'd r a t h e r t h i n k "N ot re a lly , e x c e p t e v e ry o n e is as o f c o u rs e m a in strea m rad io su cks,
h y p e r as sh it b eca u se th ey 're goin g d ro p p e d o u t, th e n th e o n ly q u es
a b o u t m a k in g re c o r d s . H e d o e sn 't an d e v e n th e s ta tio n s th a t say t i o n l e f t is w h a t d r u g s y o u g o t
r e p r e s e n t u s in a c o r n y o r b ad to p rin t up 5 0 ,0 0 0 o f th e m o th e r th e y 're p ro g ressiv e a in 't. T h e o n ly
fu ck ers, a n d m a k e su re eveythin g's cau g h t up w ith . "I did n 't u se drugs
w ay." th in g I c a n liste n to is O ldies 103, th e n . I w as n e v e r to o m u c h o f a
d o n e ju s t r ig h t . B u t w e 'r e o n ly in B o sto n , WCOD, a ll th e y p la y is
lice n se d to E lektra. W e're sign ed to drug user. I used to p lay p o o l a lo t
Did you find the change between e a r ly s ix tie s a n d la te fiftie s s tu ff an d I d ru n k a lo t o f b eer, I guess,
Steve Albini and Gill Norton drastic? 4AD, w h o w e h ave a frie n d ly an d an d th a t stu ff is g reat, lik e 'Telstar',
c a s u a l r e la t i o n s h i p w it h , s o w e w h ic h I d o n 't r e a lly do eith er."
In a British interview, when you were do, sit a ro u n d an d p lay re co rd s. A earth !! Law stu d ents a re th e w o rst th a t is fu ck in' dirty! Y ou 're talk in g
asked if you had any goals, you lo t o f p e o p le d o n 't h ave th a t k in d f u c k i n ' v e r m i n i n t h e w o r ld !!! g ru n g y ! It's p a th e tic , it's tw iste d
replied, wannna do some heavy, o f p atien ce. S o n g s a b o u t t h e s e g ir ls a r o u n d an d it's sad an d its d e p ressin g and
heavy hallucinogenics in Peru1. h e re a re ju s t lik e ..., m an o h m an , it's w o n d e r fu l a n d e x c i t i n g a n d
"Yeah, tak in g E cstasy w ith a b u n c h Thinking of nature, the birds, green w h at's w ro n g w ith th em , th e y keep aw ful, a ll ro lle d in to o n e . It's d is
o f b o z o s s lo s h e d o u t o f th e ir fields, little lambkins etc, are you p e r m in g t h e i r h a ir !!!! A n d th e y ease-rid d en an d fu ck s w ith p eop le's
m ind s, I w ould fr e a k out! I w ou ld
planning acoustic roots record? w ear aw ful c lo th in g an d act aw ful..I m in d s o v e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s w it h
n 't e n jo y th at, b u t ta k in g so m e se r i "No, never, n ev er..(su d d en to n e o f h a te to p u t th e m d ow n b e c a u se I o th e r peop le, an d it's aw fully tw ist
o u s h a llu c in o g e n ic s o n th e h o r r o r ). As m u ch as I lik e c o u n try d on 't lik e p u ttin g p e o p le dow n, b u t ed. And fo r h a lf o f th e p eo p le w h o
m o u n ta in to p , eatin g so m e r ic e and a n d q u iet th in gs, I d o n 't live th ere, th ey 're aw ful!!!!! T h ey cou ld b e se x y w alk th is earth , s e x is a n ev il an d
b e a n s a n d d a n c in g so u n d s O K to b u t i n t h e c i t y , w h e r e I g o to b u t t h e y 'r e n o t. T h e y c o u ld b e h a s w re c k e d th e m in o n e w ay o r
m e. T h at seem s th e w ay to d o it, to m o v ie s a n d l i s t e n to r o c k 'n 'r o l l in te r e s tin g p e o p le b u t th e y k e e p a n o th er. It h as w ith m e, y o u know ?
h av e th e e x tre m e s . B u t I d id tak e re co rd s an d th at's v ery, v ery u rb an , stu ffin g th e ir fa c e s w ith M ozzarella It's a g lan d u lar re a c tio n . L ik e get
s o m e h a llu c in o g e n ic m u sh ro o m s a n d I d o liv e in th e U n ited States s tic k s an d B u ffa lo w in gs a n d g et tin g h ungry."
r e c e n t l y a n d I w a t c h e d 'T h e a n d I d o liv e in 1 9 8 9 a n d it's a ll tin g totally d ru n k ev ery n ig h t an d
B e v e r le y H illb illie s ' w ith m y g irl u rb a n d e ca y an d a ll th a t sh it, an d s h a k in g th e ir a r s e s a ll o v e r If people say you write twisted lyrics
frie n d , h a h h a h a !" th e w orld is gettin g w a rm er b y th e C o m m o n w e a lth A v e n u e !!!!!!" about sex, you haven't written yet
m in u te , a ll th a t s t u f f th a t su c k s , (w h o o aah h , C harles!!!!!!!) about fetishes, like scatology or
Did the characters leap out the a n d th at's w h ere I live. I h ate it and something...
screen at you? e n jo y as m u c h as ev ery b o d y else, "Doolittle" starts off with "Debaser", then "I c a n 't ev en re m e m b e r w h a t sc a
"Well, th e o n ly th in g th a t happend- m akin g c o m m en ts o n w h at's goin g the torrid tale behind Tame", swiftly fol to lo g y m ean s rig h t now ."
ed w as th a t th e rig h t-h n a d c o r n e r o n a ro u n d th em ." lowed by "Wave Of M utilation" and "I
o f th e s c re e n k e p t b en d in g . I w as Bleed", plus the ten million tons of pollut It's the study of excrement, (thinks,
c o n v in c e d t h e r e w a s s o m e t h in g Has it surprised you how quickly and ed sludge dumped on New York and New do I really want to he encouraging
w ro n g w ith th e tap e th a t th e y w ere venemently Britain has reacted to Jersey in "Monkey's Gone To Heaven", Charles?)
playin g o v e r th e air! I w as fo cu ssed
you? Do you which sounds
ever think The lik e enough "O h. It's n o t in m y m u sic b u t it's
in o n th a t v e ry u n im p o rta n t b it o f d e fin ite ly in m y h u m o u r. I m ak e
P ixies are decay and disin
detail. But m y g irlfrien d lau g hed a tegration for the p len ty o f sh it jo k es! D o you know ,
lo t a n d I to ld a lo t o f jo k e s . S h e w as fans... m y g ir lf r ie n d to ld m e la s t n ig h t
m y au d ien ce a n d I w as th e co m ed i "Y o u m ig h t b e
th a t w h e n sh e w as young, h e r sib
a n an d th is w e n t o n fo r a b o u t fo u r righ t. We m ig h t "I g u e ss I d o lin g s an d h e r w ou ld w a tc h te lev i
h ou rs." be o v e rra te d w r ite a lo t s i o n a n d t h e w a y t h e y w o u ld
b u t th e n w e about th a t w a tc h , th e y w ou ld ta lk a b o u t th e
Who would you take to Peru with m ig h t b e good . k in d o f s t u f f c h a ra cte rs o n th e sc re e n an d re la te
you? We do w ell o v er b u t it's a ll, I w h a t t h e i r f a r t m u st s m e ll lik e !
"My g irlfrie n d . We h a n g o u t a lo t th ere. We a re n 't h a te to say it, I s n t th a t g rea t? I th in k th a t's so
to g e th e r. I'm v e ry e n te r ta in e d b y p la y in g at v e ry s p o n ta am azing! So fu n n y , lik e,'o h , h is fart
h e r p re sen ce ." W e m b le y , b u t n eo u s, and m u st s m e ll lik e a sp a ra g u s, uu ur-
th e y p a c k o u t h a s m o r e to rg g h h ..."
So you wouldn't take The Pixies up th e c lu b s an d do w it h
the mountainside with you? ev ery on e's rhyming What's your favourite TV programme?
"O h G o d , n o ! W e s p e n d e n o u g h enthusiastic. w ord s and (subliminal question..)
tim e w ith e a c h o th e r in h o te l O v e rra te d or gettin g th in g s
'At th e m om en t, it's 'Car 45 , W h ere
ro o m s, b a rs a n d re co rd in g studios. n o t, I do w h a t I to m ath em ati
A re You?'. B u t B ritis h TV is great,
d o a n d t h a t 's c a lly f it in a
We h a rd ly e v e r h a n g o u t to g e th e r p r o b a b ly b e c a u s e I'm A m e r ic a n
w h e n w e 're h o m e . I m frie n d s w ith all. I d o n 't p r o n ic e w a y in an d it d oes se e m a lo t stran ger"
fe ss to b e a n y th in g great. I'm ju st a m y so n g s. I d o n 't th in k a b o u t th e
ev erybody in th e b an d b u t it's o n ly
gu y w h o lo v e s re c o r d s an d w an ts w o rd s to o m u c h , I ju s t c o m e up And is 'Blue Velvet' your favourite
Jo e y w h o I k n ew outsid e th e b an d
to m ak e th em . I'm in c o m p etitio n w ith th em , th in g s th a t ju st p o p in to film?
an d w e ju s t a rtificia lly pu t a b an d
w ith m y fa v o u rite r e c o r d s o f a ll m y head. T h e y 're trad itio n ally su r
tog eth er, it w a sn 't lik e, 'h o ly sh it, "O n e o f th em . It's up th e r e in th e
tim e . I 'm n o t a s g o o d a s t h o s e r e a l, I g u e ss. T o s it a r o u n d a n d
w e 'v e b e e n h a n g in g a ro u n d h e r e top 10. B u t I h a te to ju m p o n th e
re co rd s b u t th at's w h at I try to do. au tom atically w rite an d n o t w o rry
ev ery Saturd ay n ig h t playin g to o n s, ban d w ag on. It's ju s t th a t it's good."
Y o u th in k w e 'r e o v e rra te d , d o n 't to o m u ch ab ou t w h at it m ean s, and
h ell, w e've g o t a b a n d h e re , let's get
th is th in g o n th e road !!!' It w as defi you, h a h a h a ." kin d a h ave a n id ea b u t n o t b e too The film and The Pixies seem to have
n itely , 'let's sta rt a b a n d a n d try to c lo se to it, an d n o t n e c e ssa rily have something in common in that both
W, actually. I always start a p o in t o r a m essage, an d ju st get it uncover, in a supposedly freaky and
m ak e a re co rd a n d play a clu b '. off thinking the new Pixies record is fr o m y o u r o w n l i t t l e m in d , y o u twisted way, the gunk beneath the
overrated but end up glued to it. d o n 't c la r ify th in g s to o m u c h fo r accepted face of normality that in
So when do you plan to go off to
Peru? Have you got enough money " T h is r e c o r d 's s l o w e r t h a n t h e anybody, w h ic h I th in k is w h at su r truth, is as normal as what lies above
yet? o th e r tw o r e c o r d s . T h is gu y G ill re a l is. It's also c o n n e c te d to w h at it (did I just say that??).
N orton did p o lish us up a b it b u t h e y o u r d r e a m w o r l d is m a d e o f , "Y ea h , to ta lly . B u t y o u p r o b a b ly
"Uh, I b lew it a ll o n ta x i ca b s and
re a lly got in to w h a t w e w e re doing, w h e n y o u sleep ."
re sta u ra n ts! It's b e tte r th a n a m a s k n o w b e tte r th a n I. Y o u 're o n th e
an d in th e en d , w e w e re in ag ree o u tsid e lo o k in g in . W e're ju s t s it
sage. I'm addicted to th em . It's like, Hence good, tw isted lyrics about
't a x i ! '.. .. i f I'v e g o t c a s h , I ta k e a m e n t o n tak es. He slow ed us dow n tin g h e re ju st th in k in g ab ou t w h at
a b it a n d m ade us fe e l m o re co ck y s e x seems a lot of people are
c a b .'T a k e m e h e r e , t h e r e ..', a n d afraid to w rite about sex because c h o r d w e 're playing."
an d p o m p o u s ab o u t w h at w e w ere
th e y ta k e you to a re sta u ra n t an d they'll be branded sexist, or they're
you say, 'b rin g m e th is fo o d ', and p la y in g ..'d o n 't ju s t p la y th e son gs, Do you think the main difference
w h a t a r e y o u p la y in g , y o u d o n 't
too tainted by the spectre of AIDS.
y o u e a t it an d th e y take y o u r plate Some people would have disliked the between American and British bands
away! T hat's great. n e e d to r u s h th r o u g h th in g s , b e is that you have the daily presence of
nude on the cover of "Sufer Rosa",
c o n fid e n t a b o u t th o s e c h o r d s , b e
and the fact you were considering MTV to rally against? If we had MTV,
Are you bone idle by nature? c o n f id e n t a b o u t th e m a n d p la y calling the album, "Whore". we'd put it on every day, like we
th e m o n tim e a n d in tu n e !'. T h a t w atch 'Top Of The Pops' as a
"I am w h e n I'm in th e city. I d o n 't "B u t t h e r e a r e m a le a n d fe a m le masochistic ritual, to see what's on,
w as th e m a in th in g h e did, talk in g
lik e th e c ity th a t m u c h , a n d th e p r o s t i t u t e s , a n d t h e y 'r e b o t h and watch the pretty colours.
ab o u t w h a t w e w e re p layin g. I t was
o n ly th in g I lik e a b o u t th e c ity is w h o res. I o n ly m ea n t it to b e In th e
kin d a schm altzy , w h ic h I liked." "W ell, y o u se e it, an d re a lis e h ow
r e s ta u r a n ts a n d m o v ie t h e a t r e s , m o re trad itio n al se n se o f th e w ord,
an d to a le s s e r d egree, n ig h tclu b s. I m assive it is, an d h ow it sells in so
Talking schmaltz, is "Doolittle" as th e m o re o p e r a tic , b ib lic a l s e n s e ,
m a n y m illio n s o f u n tis, a n d h o w
w ou ld ra th e r live in th e co u n try . I f preoccupied with sex as the last two y o u k n o w , "W H O RE!!", as in th e
I w as, I w ou ld b e o u t w a lk in g th e b a d it is , a n d h o w u n r o c k 'n 'r o l l
Pixies records? The one lyric I noted g reat w h o re o f B ab y lon . W h o re is a
c o u n tr y s id e a n d g o in g u p l i t t l e down was, "lips like Cinderella". an d ev ery th in g. It d e fin tiely m akes
g rea t w o rd w ith a lo t o f c o n n o ta
m o u n ta in s an d lo o k in g a t little a n i y o u fe e l lik e m o re a ro c k 'n 'ro lle r ,
tio n s...m e rc a n tile c o n n o ta tio n s an d
m als, m ayb e h a v e a g a rd en (a squil- " I t 's h ip s a c tu a lly . I d o n 't e v e n lik e it's lik e re b e llin g again st w hat
p o litics, ev ery th ing."
lio n sq u a lid fa n ta s ie s o f C h a rle s k n o w i f I lik e th e ly r ic s to th a t is r o c k 'n 'r o l l i t s e lf h e r e , h a h a h a !
'E r a s e r h e a d ' F r a n c i s q u ic k ly so n g . T h a t so n g is ju s t a b o u t a ll But most people shy aw ay from You c a n 't ev en te ll i f y o u 're w atch
ru in e d ) b ecau se I e n jo y v e ry quiet, th e s e fu c k in ' stu p id a r s e fu c k in ' broaching the s ubject of sex in g a v id eo o r a TV c o m m e r c ia l.
o u td o o r life w h ic h I d o n 't d o very a rse stu d ents th a t live aro u n d th is although people like sex (our survey Y ou h ave to w ait an d see, h ah ah a!
m u ch b eca u se o f th e w o rk th a t I'm n eig h b o u rh o o d . M an, o h m an, th ey said...). I reckon they like the fact B u t th e th in g is, th at's w h at p eop le
in , so a s a re su lt, I'm a fa t slo b th a t a re th e ru d est m o th erfu ck ers in th e The Pixies write about sex, especial w an t, an d I d o n 't b la m e MTV o n e
ta k es ta x i c a b s to re sta u ra n ts an d w o r ld . T h e y 'r e a l l f u c k i n ' r i c h , ly in your own depraved, twisted way, little b it, y'know ?"
gets h ig h w ith m y frien d s a n d talk s w h ic h is fin e , I d o n 't c a re , I w ish I with the right amount of dirt. Woody
a b o u t r o c k 'n 'r o l l r e c o r d s . T h a t's w as to ta lly ric h , b u t th e y sup posed Allen when asked whether sex was This is it, The Pixies are manna from
w h a t I d o , I g o o v e r m y fr ie n d s ly c o m e f r o m a n u p p e r m id d le - dirty, replied, "only if you're doing it heaven, come to save rock'n'roll!
h o u se, sm o k e a b o n g an d go , 'hey, c la ss b ackgro u n d , th e y 're educated, right".... "I h o p e w e h ave th a t rep u tatio n . In
let's liste n to th is!'. It's ju s t m e lis a n d th e y 're g o in g to p riv ate u n iv er "Sure. S e x is p re tty dirty. P oep le go th e e n d anyw ay." en d s
t e n in g to th e s o u n d o f m y o w n s itie s , m e a n in g p u b lic in th e UK, ( i n M in n y M o u se v o ic e ), 'o h s e x Martin Aston
v o ic e , p o n tific a tin g a b o u t th e a n d th e y a r e th e ru d e s t, m o s t isn 't dirty, se x is c lea n ', an d th at's
fu ck in ' C lash o r so m eth in g . It's ju st u n co u th , m o st d isresp ectfu l p eo p le o n e sid e, b u t th e o th e r sid e is it's
ab ou t o n e o f m y fav o u rite th in g s to I'v e e v e r m e t o n th e fa c e o f th e dirty. You go to a p o r n sh o p an d
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eight minutes stretch lets Lee, Maybe the word 'Witchseasori is the sex, blasphemy, shrieks, bile,
Thurston and Kim from Sonic Youth broader, as in Joe Boyd's late-sixties surreal cartoonery, manic laughter
- obvious Velvets heirs - imagine they alliance with the first full flowering etc, but "Doolittle" is 15-track non
were the Velvets. The rerun through of British folk, and especially Nick stop ecstatic crunching. The slash-
"Pale Blue Eyes" is dewy-eyed, again Drake's aching, still waters. "Below and-run Pixie world of "Mr Grieves,
distinguished by Reed's uncannily The Waves" is equally and unnerv- "Crackity Jones" and "Tame" is famil
Frippertronic guitar; "Bo Diddley" is ingly calm; Berry's unforced, iar, but there is plenty of diversity: 1)
a five minute lock groove; unstretching quaver is still as vulner the lame reggae riff prising open "Mr
"Goodnight Irene" - a jukebox or able as more possessed, diva voices, Grieves"; 2) the outrageously cool,
radio favourite from Anytown - a but this collection of ballads, marked sarcastic surf bubblegum of "La La
missing, crushed Velvet 3rd album out by acoustic guitars, violins and Love You1', sung by hunk drummer
song a la "After Hours" and "Andy", pianos, is almost disengaged, in David; 3) the cutest Shangri-La teen-
Mo's harmonious Warhol lament retreat, hardly showing a ripple or pop of "Here Comes Your Man"; 4)
coloured by a simple, repeated, "I tear (as in 'rip', but...). Such a well of Kim's parched ballad-with-spurs,
lost an old friend today". For rock melancholy never overflowing into "Silver"; 5) the ongoing redefining
archivists, Tucker's return is like an doleful misery, and don't you believe and reclaiming of the Noo Wave Riff.
older sister and family coming home that's an easy achievement. One With The Pixies, rock '89 isn't just a
after emigrating. The European tour potential industry snag is that Berry historical compilation, and that in
will only increase all the attention. A should be fearsome competition, but rewriting the chapters, The Pixies
chance to experience a part of The since most of the late-eighties rising have drawn up a new textbook.
Velvets we never had? Go along and and risen women singers are 'charac Totally worthy saviours. M A
see. M A ters' of sorts, her reticence - at least
Maureen Tucker
as you hear her - might be a prob PETER COYLE
MAUREEN TUCKER VARIOUS lem. But the roots scene must surely I'd Sacrifice 8 Orgasms W ith Shirley
Life In Exile A fte r Abdication North Atlantic Noise Attack take to her openheartedly. M A Maclaine Just To Be There
(5 0 Skidillion W a tts Recards) LP /C D (M anic Ears A CHE017) LP/CD (Big Big M assive B B M L P /C D 0 0 1)L P /C D
Is there a more elegible cult Manic Ears give us a very varied
compilation that spans the whole Bastard Ballads
queen on the premises? The ex- THE SNEETCHES
spectrum of UK hardcore at the (Peaceville V IL E 00 5 ) LP /C D
Velvet Underground beat-keeper's Sometimes That's All W e H ave Creation
twenty years in the wilderness hasn't moment (as well as a bonus 12 of Well, I reviewed this a few months C R E L P /C D 4 3)L P /C D
been totally silent, re the totally self- North American bands). You get back and Toranaga seem to be the Peter Coyle has certainly come a
made "Playing Possum" album in bands like Intense Degree, Dr & The darlings of the Metal world now. So - long way since his days in the Lotus
1982 arid the "MoeJadKateBarry" EP Crippins, Extreme Noise Terror, nothing new to say from the old Eaters. So far, in fact, that some
four years later, but "Life In Exile.." is Heresy, Napalm Death and Concrete review except this is now re-released might say he has lost it altogether.
the most cogent and important letter Sox, who are all very popular at the in a spiffing "sinister black sleeve Not so, however, on this evidence at
from Mo's mid-American exile yet. moment and are considered by some OR in CD format! As with Manic Ears' least. Coyle insinuates and tricks his
For several possible reasons - her to be the voice of UK hardcore at the compilation, CD fever hits the punk way into hearts made flabby by too
isolation, taste, or wish to work out moment. Then you get what I con labels! Crazy. KJ much pop pap. He nudges and
sider to be more of the real sound of
the past - after bringing up her five winks and makes obscene sugges
kids without recording schedules the UK - strong and powerful tracks
THE PIXIES tions and we forgive him every time
and budgets, Tucker has retained the by Ripcord, Visions Of Change and
Doolittle because he has something special.
spirit and graces of the original Civilised Society?, as well as the rela
(4A D C A D /C /9 0 5 /C D ) L P /M C /C D That something is talent! A rare com
Velvet blueprint, which for our tively new Jailcell Recipes who I
modity in any shape or form. Here it
younger readers, is...oh, come on, think put in the real stick-in-your- Once you're fist-deep into
is given expression in a set of jagged,
not even one per cent of readers head standout tracks. A little some "Doolittle", you won't miss Steve
unhinged, even beautiful songs. In a
here doesn't know that sound. Its thing for everyone on this LP - plus Albini's bag o'spanners production
few years time this will be a land
retrieval is touching, accurate and the excellent bonus 12" with all touch on "Surfer Rosa", nor maintain mark of sorts.
lovingly so, proving Tucker was an North American bands - Septic that Gill Norton's cleaning up of their
The Sneetches are a departure for
intuitive co-driver of 'the sound' and Death, Transgression, Adversity, Fear rhythm section is off the mark, as it's
Creation, geographically at least.
not the passenger. Itself, No Fraud and Desecration. All more than balanced by his concen
Hailing from Statesville they look set
Mo debuts her first songs too, packaged up in a great spoof cover, trated campaign to sharpen those
to continue the label's impressive
adding to that unique tub-thumping this is definitely worth grabbing. KJ serrated, pointy Pixie parts, leaving a
roster and build upon a back cata
trademark, while friends Half- newly unleaded, but pure perfor
logue that reads like a history of our
Japanese - the JadKate connection - HEIDI BERRY mance bone machine. If "Surfer
time. The Sneetches snort and growl
and ultra-special guests help out. Below Ik e W aves Rosa" had one gigantic forward
and breath fire in an odd individual
"Life In Exile" subsequently checks (CREATION CREEP 0 4 8 )L P /C D punch, "Doolittle" is a contortion of
kind of way. The Sneetches have a
out the housewife's choice for once, gleaming hooks. The Pixies are
I hope Heidi Berry, unheralded way about them that is winning, and
you know, shopping, food, chores, garageland in excelsius, with knobs
co-star of Creation's 'Kids' comp, of course we all know where that
as told by "Hey Mersh!", "Spam on, and have no equals.
won't be offended to read about will get them. SM
Again" and "Work", Lou Reed himself All their trickeries are present and
obvious Other Voices in the first sen correct; the scouring guitars pound
adding an archetypal ostrich guitar to MEAT BEAT MANIFESTO
tence, but in naming the late, great ing down yet another of Black
the former's cemented two-chord
haunts of Sandy Denny, the ground Francis' adhesive, angst-beaten,
Storm The Studio
spiral. Naturally, there's garage and
"Below The Waves chooses to occu blue-black gut-pop Beantown (S w eatbox S D X 0 4 0 /C D ) L P /C D
there's garage minimalism, and
py might be hallowed but Berry melodies, Kim Deal's backing wail, After receiving rave reviews for
"Chases" rumbling instrumental
doesn't suffer by the comparison. their live shows, Meat Beat Manifesto
now present their 80 minute debut operations, and brave ones to boot. issue, it is fitting that the music A thin vocal line lets down some
double album, 'Storm The Studio1, Reba Bhaduri, with her late husband retains its national identity justly tracks, especially 'Guilty', but in all
which could well be an apt title doc Tribib, is a vastly experienced lectur proud of the noble legacy it comes cases the harmonies are strong
umenting their approach to record er, demonstrator and performer of from, yet Toss The Feathers have a enough to carry it. However, the
ing, containing the two singles Got the Indian classical vocal music that distinctly youthful and modern feel. main gripe is the horn section,
The Fever' and 'God OD' among its has taken third place to instrumental If you've been put off by Foster & sounding weak in places that
four, four-part tracks. music and modern vocal film sound Allen and other phoney folkies, demand full-blown brass punctua
By all accounts the stage shows tracks, which misses the fact that it is brave a listen to this and remember tion. Musical grammar aside, 'Prime
were (short) monstrous orgies of the classical vocal traditions that are the music of the Emerald Isle has a Cut', with its barber imagery, is a
video and physical displays that the basis of the instrumental music. beauty and majesty that belies and clean-shaven first ska-chievement for
would take rap from the confines of "Raga Sangeet" redresses the balance, transcends Ireland's troubled history. The Braces who, having been well-
the turntable and implant it in the compiling four different genres of Just listen. NC received at the first London Skafest
depths of your worst nightmares. North Indian vocal music, sung over last year, are promising (threaten
Meat Beat Manifesto's ability to emu the sitar and percussion in the style BAND OF SUSANS ing?) to return for the second in May.
late this on vinyl is questionable. I of raga but not in the familiar high- Love Agendo NC
guess all the right ingredients are pitched singing style o f Indian films. (Blast First BFFP 4 3 /C /C D ) L P /M C /C D
here: the dislocated samples, the The music pulses and sways without
When the Susans supported RUN WESTY RUN
slimeball beats, the gross-out rap moving toward the complexities of a
Rapeman last Ocober, they enter Run W esty Run
attacks, but it comes over as a riot Ravi Shankar, while Reba and
tained me under the guise of the (SST SSTT99) L P /M C /C D
with no purpose, like their name, a Tribibs voices criss-cross overhead.
clinical policy for something natural. Indian classical music - or folk music, loudest band EVER in the history of 'Run Westy Run' is an LP of pleas
This is Death Disco at its most dis of course - is less ecstatic than this planet, so I approached this sec ant enough US Rock; none of its
membered - a House upheaval that Qawwal from neighbouring Pakistan ond album from the safety of the tracks sound unfamiliar, none of
rubs out razor blade precision but its ebb and flow is equally hyp next room but one. Their raison d'e- them grate, but then none of them
replacing it with a sewer-rusty sword notic. Maybe we are too used to our tre-to rub/build/agitate x amount of pin down your pinnas and demand
hack that can never delight, only dis own, and Indian music is unexotic guitar progressions with a split ratio movement.
turb. and familiar. Bhangra similarly suf of three parts to two parts minimalist The set kicks off with 'Mop It Up',
Current dancefloor safety clearly fers. But that would be a mistake. repetition ( amateurish approxima a '60s garage-style ramble of major
needs a kick in the as.s, but that can tion) to overwhelm and unleash the chord patterns not without commer
Start here. MA
only be achieved with a regeneration receiver- seems to depend on vol cial appeal, progresses through the
of beauty in dance music not ume, which is always a slight cause next three tracks in much the same
through the starkness of the distorted for concern. Argue accordingly. vein before 'Rags-X-Bones' erupts
drum machine. Saddle technology to Their bombardment of energy works with a riffin' sniffin romp through
melody, not rip the two apart. for their punkish stairway grooves, the heritage (?) of Hard Rock, side 1
Frustratingly, lurking behind the but The Susans still lack diverse closes with the album's best song,
aural assault could be something melodies, and as such, don't carry 'Heaven's Not That Far Away', which
more; they may really be saying the same gravity's pull as, say, Sonic sounds like everything your '60s-
somethin' only they lack the subtlety Youth's expansive "Daydream casualty of an uncle assures you was
to say it loud. Sad. NC Nation". Cruel or not to directly line great about that time and conjures up
the two up, both forge music by way unfocussed photos of autumn wood
of an 'intellectual garage' approach, land, purple scarves, brown floppy
and where Sonic Youth soar and hats and unruly hair. Open' on side 2
buckle with an unpredictably does just that with little finesse or
(SST S ST238) L P /M C /C D
dynamic flux, Love Agenda" is too appeal. I fancy buyers o f this album
Again a guitar-based alternative weighed down by its density, like it's will be most impressed with tracks
rock that, here, is a more basic, Toss the Feathers trying to arm-wrestle you into sub like 'Bad Guys', 'Bad News Wagon1
frontal thrashsound. Power chord mission. The "Hope Without Hope" and 'Gee' with their Page. Blackmore
songs like "Goddess" sprinkle debut still sounds like the Susans' et al riff references, but they're far
straight slabs of headbanging rock most emphatic blaze to date. But too derivative ffor this reviewer to
(Bop B IP 3 04 ) MC
that suddenly fly off on a completely when they turn it up, well, expect to enthuse.
unsuspected tangent. Use of fine Toss The Feathers are an 8 piece be trampled underfoot. M A In their favour. Run Westy Run
time changes in a classic DK's mould outfit with a nice line in modern
play a workmanlike, if somewhat
find songs like "Conquest" and "King interpretations of traditional Irish THE BRACES Luddite approximation of a variety of
of the Pit" fitting a structure that songs using a mixture of acoustic Prime Cut styles; side 1 sounds fairly encourag
thrash chicken-dance fanatics should instruments underpinned by a solid (Unicorn P H Z A -30 ) LP ing a foundation, unfortunately
be pleased with. It's not at all subtle, bass and drum. It would be easy,
copyist Progressive Rock wins the
screaming overdrive guitars, hard unfair and thoughtless to make any The much-vaunted New Ska
genre battle over on side 2. NC
core drums and sneering vocals pro comparison with Camden Town's sound only hints at its internationalist
viding upfront rock grooves in a finest. Their's are different shenani nature with West German ensemble
The Braces' debut release. 'Prime THE LEAVING TRAINS
Californian dream style. "Wastin' My gans altogether. In fact, 1
Cut' contains several incisive exam Trunsporlational D. Vices
Time" almost conforms to a straight 'Lisdoonvama' name-checks The
ples of the blossoming monster (SST SST221) L P /M C /C D
contender for the Heavy Metal Chieftains, Mary O'Hara and Christy
charts. In general side 2 is a side of Moore, with whom Toss The sound explosion showing a keen A previous release thoughtfully
far more blues-influenced rock, with Feathers undoubtedly have a closer grasp of pop values ('Julie Julie', dubbed 'Fuck1, a lead singer assum
"Talking Behind Your Back" an affinity than Shane's motley crew. 'Girls Of Today'), acknowledgements ing the moniker Falling James (after
example of guitar solos and scream Recorded live at Manchester's 32 of the instnimental tradition of the an unsuccessful negotiation of a
ing ", baby..." vocals. A band Club, this cassette-only release gives Jamaican ska masters ('Something flight of stairs), gigs where fists fly,
very much in the Californian style of the listener a chance to hear Toss Special' being the best example), as guitarists walk and phlegm accrues
progressive punk that hasn't pro The Feathers at their live and lively well as a modern addition to the in the throat gathering momentum
duced a classic album but one sure best, working with and for their sound - Thomas Orth's violin on for the moment of appropriate dis
to appeal to such devotees of this appreciative audience. They dont 'Riding West' and @it's OK' in particu charge, a reputation prompting
stray too far from their source materi lar. visions of gnarly, grungy thrash pre
sound as there are.JS
al, though 'Skidoo' is almost funky at It's not all lightweight bounce, cedes them. Hellraisers to a T.
its outset, with the banjo, flute and though. 'In Ska Mood' with its kitsch Rawk'n'Roll, Daddiol!
tin whistle keeping the music splen intro has a big band Jump influence However, halfway into the first
Raga Sangeet
didly tied to the Old Country. 'Rock and 'No Reason' is a fresh-faced shot tune - yes, tune! - of this, fourth, LP
(BOP MIC B IP 4 0 2 )
On Rockall' and Nation Once at social comment on race relations, by this LA four-piece, I'm flounder
Isn't it about time Bop's quiet cata Again' infer political content but any low pay and autonomy, with as ing. The ominous phrase 'curious
loguing of minority and world would-be rebels looking for a Party accomplished a reading of the ska departure' in the press release con
musics should be amplified? Such is Line will be disappointed. form as you're likely to hear from firms my suspicions.
the lot of 99 per cent of cassette With self-determination such an any of their peers. 'Transportational D. Vices' is very
much that, The Leaving Trains, rusting acoustic out by its total use of tars, vocals and drums, all manic indi movement four, strong drums with a
regrouping, maturing, moving on. the powers of destructive sampling a viduals but contriving to create an more subtle wash of flighty guitars
The feedback is kept to a minimum, la Young Gods. "Shrine", "Coprolalia", alternative pop. Including a token scurrying from small melodic frag
the songs relying on traditional struc "War On Sleep" and "Rising" are all of Surf-punk track, "Spy Surf", followed ments to chords creating an overall
ture with few deviations. A song like a different nature. Subtle mega dub by the Zappaesque "No Unlawful layer of pure energy. The fifth and
'Dude The Cat1, an exuberant stomp, mixes of soft sounds, almost serene Sex" and the surreal "She Was final movement echoes all that has
though lyrically crass is undeniably strings, drums and bass interjected Bananas", using accordian sea- gone before, but with a monumental
cuddly; or 'Everybody Loves A with vocal stabs, glass smashes and shanties and confusion equal to a aspect of retrospection, being far
Clown', steeped in parody with electronic overload. This all culmi Bunuel bar scene, it is an album of calmer within its own method of
snarly bohemian Cave-isms, and the nates in the oriental feeling of extreme interest and diversity, which madness. Manic guitar washes
recklessness of 'Pay Day', conjuring "Rising", vast plains of sound using as far as I am concerned these days swathe through the drums, creating
up fast girls, cheap perfume, smoke- bells tympani, a thousand voices and has got to be a good thing. JS an orchestral feel that builds to mas
filled bars and vacated motel rooms, single steady drumbeat,'taking us
sive proportions, forcing one to for
display The Leaving Trains fine pop away from the turmoil of the previ get all ideas of the rhythm, etc, and
sensibilities lying somewhere ous sounds and Firmly laying us to just become totally enveloped by the
between the angst of conscientious rest. JS monolithic, inspiring music. Well, I
post-punk pop and '60s garage.
did find this unique music to listen to
Steadfast tunesmiths of the old RHYS CHATHAM and not to label it avant-garde should
school, their music is strong and Die Donnergotter be a triumph. JS
vibrant, albeit clumsy and uninnova-
(Homestead H M S 1 2 0 ) L P /M C /C D
tive. it is ultimately light relief from
Stockhausen or Burt Weedon? COLDCUT
the cosmic meanderings of Brit pop
and for that alone I am grateful. RA Genius or Boring Bastard? Can Rhys W hat's That Noise?
Chatham play the electric guitar? (A Head O f Our Time C C U T L P /M C /C D 00 1 )
JAMES Does Rhys Chatham require a hear L P /M C /C D
ing trumpet?
One M an Clapping Well, well, well; would ye take a
Gentlefolk and elves, this is the
(One M an U P ) L P /M C /C D look at the featured vocalists on this
enigma of Rhys, they call him Mister,
Chatham. The answers are: some here pop disc. Why! there's yum-
M A N FROM DELMONTE where in between, somewhere in some Yazz on "Wallpaperin' The
Big Noise between, possibly and probably. House" (as featured on "That's What I
(Bop B IP 5 03 ) MC Call Music Vol 758"); Gosh! it's
Within that rather daunting brittle
shell of music academia; the centre jumpin' Junior Reid on "Stop This
'One Man Clapping' is a master Crazy Thing"; Make way! steamin'
piece. Hard to believe from a band pieces date from 7 7 to '86. The
scream is rock and rawl decibels, the down the tracks here comes tootin'
who've had more than their fair share Glen Branca rootin' Lisa Stansfield on the super
of ups and downs. James take the line-up features Nina Canal (UT),
Wharton Tiers (cf.Ciccone Yoof Godspelly, gospelly "People Hold
pop beast in all its stubborn, one GLEN BRANCA
sleeve notes), Karen Haglof and sexy On" (sales point = 3 singles, so let's
dimensional, primary baseness and Symphony No 6
Bobby Poss (Band Of Susans); have those stickers on the cover);
insist on adding to it. In their capable (Blast First BFFP39) L P /M C /C D Yikes! what's this? it's mealy, weaselly
hands it becomes a feast, a riot of Chatham's role as instigator and inno
vator in all that is New York becomes Glen Branca produces a vast work Mark E. Smith guesting on a dis
colour, a tragedy, a cure and just cotheque record - "(I'm) In Deep",
apparent. . of intriguing sounds set out in a five
about everything under the sun. With pouts Mark E. over a pulsating, throb
Musically it's identified by an unre movement piece that stretches the
a glint in the eye, a skip in the stride bing beat, and you know he's just a
lenting and constantly building imagination and concentration to the
and the slightest hint of menace they girl who cannae say nae (crossover
soubd that leads the listener to a extremes in musical terms. Sitting
have presented to the great ungrate salespoint = Mark E. Smith).
series of false climaxes - flooding a alone save for my trusty bottle of
ful, narrow-minded public a gem Well.,. well, what do you expect?
sense of unwitting expectation and Guinness, strange discordant systems
quite unworthy of just being a pop Lucidity? It's pop music daddio and
eventual anxiety, rhys Chatham is a start emerging from the speakers. A
record. With the best title ever for a further proof of the funsome, frolick-
sex god. You can't hum the tunes straight compound time is beaten by
live record this will surely see them some talent currently residing in
either. the star drummer to guitar mono-
elevated to the heights they fully Britain. The land that spawned
With the coinciding Blast First tones that gradually, over a matter of
deserve. This one will run and run. Freddie & The Dreamers and Mark
release of Glen Branca's "Symphony minutes, build with a metallic grind
The Man From Delmonte are a Moore will not let you down.
No 6" (and Glenny baby was an early that weaves into plucked piano,
definite shit sandwich. A stinker on It's grand. And grown-ups can join
member of Rhys' ensemble), the zither timbres, suggesting a thousand
an almighty scale. Twee to the point in the fun too. LN
recent South Bank show on the more interwoven instrumental
of idiocy, they grin and prance and
Archies/Sonic Youth... well, in a fair sounds by staggered use of rhythm.
caper and generally end up being JAILCELL RECIPES
world (guv), Chatham should receive This builds fanatically, with the
students of the worst kind. Just some
the acclaim he's been a long time drums starting to lay. down more Energy In An Empty Tank W orld
times critics should say when things
cornin'. counter rhythms to which the guitars (First Strike FST003) LP
are rubbish. Punches should not be
My (badly recorded) review tape react wildly with their own sermon of
pulled. Eventually, the truth will out. Ah - what a change to get 12 well
was recorded over some New Order cacophony. The effect is dazzling, a
The Man From Delmonte. This man, played fun thrashy punk tunes
swill. I heartily approve. LN mesmeric feeling where melody is
he definitely say "No. SM instead of the usual (these days) 60-
found within the layers of rhythmic
70 crap songs that speed by (thank
SLOVENLY juxtaposition, always moving forward
HOLE fully) in a blur.
W e Shoot For The Moon
and upward for whatever release the
O ther Tongues, O ther Flesh
Jailcell Recipe are a sprightly
movement's discordant, collapsing
(SST S ST209) L P /M C /C D young $ piece from the north west,
(Eyas M edia EYAS017) LP end brings. The second movement
this is their debut LP (though you've
From the USA, Slovenly present an has more of the plucked, single-note
Hole release a mini-LP this month probably heard the name as they've
album of raw excitement. The inter sound, rising painfully by quarter-
as a prelude to some single releases been on a few comps and done a few
est lays in the use of basic musician- tones to land firmly with a choir, sub
later this year. Side I features two tours, most recently with Youth Of
ship to create originality. Rock as in dued on one chord, that then builds
high-powered dancefloor slabs of Today), and thank goodness they're
Beefheart guitar-based songs, deli with the drums to create the sound
energy based around dead-wakening here! J.R. play in a style akin to US
cate rhythm changes that slide like one could imagine hearing if your
drum tracks and use of samples and hardcore - and by this I mean they
Smiths ditties but go on and in differ head were to explode. Stirring stuff
sequencing to enhance the mesmeric aren't afraid to let us know that they
ent directions. "Running For Public indeed. Movement three takes stock
quality of rhythm. "Discordia forcing know the meaning of the words
Office" and "Self Pity Song" being of the by now heightened senses by
the feet to move through sheer per "tune" and "melody"! These are skill
prime examples of this balladeering. descending on them with a
sistence, a prime example of this fully blended with a harder-edged
The vocals are integral but gain a cer vengeance, more wild, but strangely
style, followed by "Breaking The punk to give us an excellent LP with
tain seperation, as in lyrical Fall, subdued drum patterns with fanatical
Circuit". An aural landscape of elec loads of live energy. Can't wait to
expressive and unique, but part of guitar screams and again the great
tronic wasteland, almost convincing hear more! KJ
the overall feel - illustrated by the sense of strict rhythm. This is taken
one that we all ought to get the old
title track, searing with disjointed gui further by the counterpoint echoes of
Compiled for The Catalogue by MRIB, 3 Montague Row, London W1 Tel: (01) 935 0346. Fax: (01) 935 0111.
Youth Radio DT64
East Berlin
FM 93.1 MHz
1 Too Many Broken Hearts........... Jason Donovan ............. ,PWL
2 Round And Round..................... New Order....................... Since December 1987 Youth Radio DT64 has featured two 2
........................ Factory hour weekly shows covering the broad spectrum of internation
3 Monkey Gone To Heaven.......... .Pixies.............................. ..............................4AD
4 Power Of Lard............................ al independent music, including broadcast materialfrom the
.Lard................................. .Alternative Tentacles increasingly important East German underground scene.The
5 People Hold O n......................... Coldcut............................
6 Made Ot Stone........................... Stone Roses
..A Head Of Our Time
most established show is Parocktikum Saturdays, 22.00-
0.00) hosted by Lutz Schramm covering "die rock,with
7 Voodoo Ray................................ A Guy Called Gerald..... ...........................Rham! occasional live gig transmissions and domes:material, with
8 Ticking Timebomb..................... Tackhead........................ .......................... World no irritating interruptions to songs to interfere .. th fie home-
9 Touch Me I'm Sick/Halloween.. Sonic Youth/Mudhoney ................... Blast First taping that's an essential means of disseminating information
10 Hollow Heart.............................. Bird land.......................... .............................. Lazy
around East Germany, where the bulk of records r ayed are
11 Hey Music Lover...................... S'Xpress.......................... unavailable. Lutz also hosts V ib ration s every other
..............Rhythm King
12 I'd Rather Jack.......................... Reynolds G irls............... Wednesday, 23.00-0.00), a show for reggae, Africa' arid world
.............................PWL dance music.Ronald Galenza hosts Trends (Sundays,
13 Everything Counts (live).......... OepecheMode.............. .............................Mute
14 Less Than Senseless............... 22.00-0.00), a show devoted to special themes, with in depth
Mega City 4 ................... ...........................Decoy artist and label profiles. Recent spotlights have included Sonic
15 Trainsurfing EP......................... Inspiral Carpets............. .............................. Cow Youth, Go Betweens, Creation Records and Flying Nun.AII
16 I Havent Stopped Dancing Yet. Pat & M ic k ..................... ............................. PWL shows produce (impressive) playlist reports and narrative tran
17 Never Stop................................. Front 2 4 2 ........................ .............................. RRE scripts.
18 This Is S ka ................................ Longsy 0 ......................... ..... Big One Contact:
19 Baby You're Just You............... Pastels............................ .Chapter 22 Lutz Schramm
20 Destroy The Heart..................... House Of Love .Creation Jugend-Radio DT64
Nalepastrasse 10-50
ALBUMS Berlin 1160
1 3 Feet High & R ising........ De La Soul................... ................ Big Life
2 101................. ........ or directly:
Oepeche M ode........... ......................Mute Moosdorfer Strasse 6
3 Original Soundtrack.......... S'Xpress...................... ......Rhythm King Berlin 1193
4 Technique........................... New Order................... .................Factory DDR
5 Superfuzz Bigm uff............ Mudhoney................... ....... Glitterhouse or:
6 Daydream Nation.............. Sonic Youth ............Blast First Ronald Galenza
7 Playing With Fire.............. Spacemen 3 ................ ....................... Fire Rlgaer Strasse 23
8 Ecstasy And Wine............. My Bloody Valentine ......................Lazy Berlin 1035
9 Trinity Session................... Cowboy Junkies........ ....Cooking Vinyl DDR
10 One Man Clapping.......... Jam es.......................... .............One Man
30 11 Holocaust In Your Head... Extreme Noise Terror ....Head Eruption Access to material depends very much on the DJs' private con
12 Moss Side Story.............. Barry Adamson.......... ....................Mute tacts and opportunities to travel and, of course, on labels sup
13 Bug..................................... Dinosaur Jr.................. ............Blast First plying samples and information.
14 Never Another Sunset...... Rose Of Avalanche ............. Avalantic
15 The Fear............................ Acid Reign.................. ..Under One Flag
16 fromohio............................ firehose ....................... SST
17 A Change In The Weather Gregson & Collister .Special Delivery
18 Surfer Rosa....................... Pixies........................... ......................4AD The only UK poll of alternative radio play from the
19 Vini Reilly......................... Durutti Column........... ................ Factory best new music shows in the land
20 Hunkpapa.......................... Throwing Muses ......................4AD Barry Adamson Moss Side Story
(Mute LP)
(c) 1989 MRIB Ivor Cutler Peel Session
(Strange Fruit 12")

US INDIES De La Soul 3 Feet High And Rising

(Big Life LP)
Easterhouse Come Out Fighting
Compiled for The Catalogue by Rockpool from its Power Radio,College Radio, Retail & Club Charts (Rough Trade 12")
fIREHOSE fromohio
(WOC: weeks on chart/LC: last chart/TC: this chart) (SST LP)
Charts compiled 23rd March 1989
Front 242 Never Stop
(Red Rhino Europe 12")
Head Of David Saveanna Mixes
(Blast First 12")
1 . ...D eLaSoui......................... .3 Feet High And Rising ............Tommy Boy
4 3 2 ------- Bruce Cockburn................ .Big Circumstance........ ............Gold Castle
Jimi Hendrix Radio 1 Sess :
4 7 3 ------- Full Fathom Five............... ,4A.M .......................... (Castle Communications LP:
4 ....................My Bloody Valentine.. .isn 't Anything ............. .Creation/Relativity Hugo Largo Mett -
5 ....................M iracle Legion............
.Me & M r Ray.............. ....Rough Trade US (Land LP)
6 ---------------- Thelonius M onster___ .Stormy Weather........... .................Relativity Lard Power Of Lar:
7 ---------------- Black Sun Ensemble... .Lambent Flame........... ..................Reckless (Alternative Tentacles 12 )
8 ---------------- They Might Be Giants_ .Lincoln ....................... .Bar None/Restless NIC Buzz B How Sleep The Bra. e
22 1 9 -------- Front 242..................... .Front 242.................... ................. Wax Trax (Play Hard 12 i
10 ------Morphy's Law .................... .Back With A Bong!...... ......................Profile Mudhoney Superfuzz Biigmofi
(Glitterhouse LP)
Prong 3rd From The Sun
US IMPORTS (Spigot 12")
Michelle Shocked When I Grow Up
WOC LC TC (Cooking Vinyl/London 12")
4 2 1 .. ................... Pay It A ll Back Vol 2 ...... Lakim Shabazz Pure Righteousness
- - 2... (Tuff City LP)
8 1 3 .. Manufacture........ Sonic Youth/Mudhoney Touch Me I'm Sick/Halloween
- - 4 .. .......Ceta Jauu...... ................................ Have In M ind ..................... 7YX (Blast First 12")
- - 5 .. Death In June___ --------------------------- 93 Dead Sun Wheels........................ ...........................NER Stone Roses Made Of Stone
- - 6 ... Parachute M en......................__ The Innocents.............. (Silvertone 12")
- - 7 .. ___The Sundays They Might Be Giants Lincoln
4 5 8 .. Bigod 20...'._____ ...............________ America.............. 7YX (One Little Indian LP)
8 9 S.. Baby Ford....____
4 Throwing Muses Dizzy
10 1 0 ........S M stian D eath... ................................ Sex & Drugs & Jesus Christ.............. (4AD 12")
Rockpool, 83 Leonard S treet, 2nd Floor, Hew York NY10013, USA te l (212) 219 0777 What? Noise Vein
(Cut Deep 12")
After her much acclaimed LP release, Rough Trade Records
are ru s h -re le a s in g a s in g le by Lucinda Williams

The s in g le is "I Just W anted

To See You So Bad" (RT224 RT(T) 224)
a n d is o u t o n M a y 2 .
Lucinda plays the Mean Fiddler
on May 3 & the Bloomsbury Theatre May 21,


their new album on Rough Trade
records/tape & CD on A pril 24.
The LP is called "Century Flower"
(R137). They tour worldwide with
The Cure culminating at Wembley
A re n a o n 1 8 ,1 9 & 2 0 J u ly .

REPUBLIC have a new single by

M .D .E M M (featuring Nasih).
"G e t Hip To This" (LIC(T)22)
r e le a s e d A p r il 2 4 .
Out" (Tommy Musto Breakin Bones
Mix/Shy Boys Rugged Riddim Mix)
(LIC (T )2 2) re le a s e d M a y 2.

T h e s e r e c o r d s a r e h o t! !

APRIL 1 9 8 9 Num


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