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SpidersScribe Elaborate Detailed Explanation of Description of Little to no

explanation of explanation of pattern of Julius description of
Julius Caesars life Julius Caesars Julius Caesars Caesars life Julius
with in-depth life. May refer to life discussed. and main key Caesars life.
research key events, May refer to events noted.
conducted. May actions of key events.
refer to key events, individuals
actions of historical
individuals Julius context.
historical context.
Timetoast Creation of a Creation of a Creation of a Creation of a Incomplete
timeline of Julius timeline of timeline of partially timeline of
Caesars life Julius Caesars Julius Caesars complete Julius
showing his life, life with four to life showing his timeline Caesars life.
death and eight or seven key life, death and showing his Little or
more key events of events of four key life and death irrelevant use
great historical historical events. Use of and one to of pictures.
significance. Use significance. relevant three other
of informative Use of relevant pictures. events. Limited
pictures to pictures. use of
illustrate events pictures.
Padlet Elaborate analysis Detailed Explanation of Description of Outline of
of Julius Caesars analysis of events and events and events used
life and key events Julius Caesars causes within causes used within
named and used life. Explicit and argument. within the argument.
appropriately to logical Argument argument.
Outline of their
demonstrate justification of makes logical Description of
argument. own links between their own
Argument includes interpretation of events interpretation
of the past
historical the past. researched of the past with
with no
inferences of the Arguments and the opinion little reference
reference to
historical context makes presented. to key events.
key events.
and the reference to
significance of historical fact.
Fakebook Explanation of own Explanations of Explanations of Explanations Explanations
opinion explicit in own opinion own opinion of own opinion of own opinion
the Fakebook using Fakebook using not clear using not presented
page, using page made Fakebook Fakebook on Fakebook
important dates known, using page, using page. page. Less
and research to some dates and less than three Argument uses than two key
support argument. important key dates to less than two events
Historical context events to justify justify key dates to mentioned on
of Caesar argument. argument. justify page.
mentioned and Historical Historical argument.
No historical
time period stated. context context Historical
mentioned. mentioned. context

Literacy and Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

presentation high level of moderate level a need for a low level of extremely low
literacy with little to of literacy with literacy to be literacy that level of
no spelling or some spelling or improved with needs to be literacy with
grammatical grammatical many improved. frequent and
errors. errors. grammatical or Many and repeated
spelling errors. frequent grammatical
grammatical and spelling
and spelling errors.


Elaborate: to discuss at length with careful consideration and presentation of ideas

Detailed: a demonstration of ideals with all elements discussed

Explanation: to state elements of ideas in a clear manner

Description: a simplistic overview of elements of ideas

Outline: elements of ideas named

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