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Asia-Pacific Network Weekly Report (Jul 26) 1/1

Weekly human rights monitoring

1. Near neighbours
a) Fiji
 (July 25) Ex-Fijian Prime Minister Mahendra Pal Chaudhry has been charged with crimes relating to
money laundering and tax evasion. Chaudhry was held hostage for 56 days before being deposed in the
2000 coup.
 (July 23) Pacific island nations have reportedly backed Commodore Bainimarama’s 2014 election plans.
b) Indonesia
 (July 24) A surge in anti-Christian violence allegedly by the Islamic Defenders Front in the satellite cities
around Jakarta. There have been multiple incidents of churches being stoned, burnt, closed or torn
 (July 23) Indonesian and US-based human rights organizations urged the US not to lift its ban on ties
with the Indonesian Army Special Forces (Kopassus). According to Papang Hidayat from the
Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), Kopassus members from the Rose
team who were implicated in human rights abuses in Papua and Acheh, and were punished but have
since been released to hold strategic positions in the military and civil institution.
 (July 22) Indonesian court will rule next month whether the Indonesian State Censors have the right to
ban the Australian film Balibo because of its “political content”. Balibo depicts Indonesian soldiers
murdering 5 Australia-based newsmen in the East Timorese border town in 1975. The Indonesian
official explanation was that those men were killed in crossfire.
 (July 22) Indonesian government is taking steps to block pornographic websites before the fasting
month of Ramadhan.
 (July 21) 3 Americans were expelled from Acheh, a devoutly Islamic province after being accused of
trying to convert Muslims to Christianity.
c) Timor Leste
 (July 21) Timor-Leste activists have rejected Australia’s proposed plan to set up a refugee processing
centre in Timor-Leste. This plan was voted down by the Timorese Parliament earlier on July 12.
d) PNG and Western Papua
 (Jul 22) PNG’s Prime Minister Michael Somare has appointed 8 new positions after plans for mass
defection to the opposition failed.
 (Jul 22) Amnesty International and International Disabilities Alliance urged the UN to call upon PNG to
do more to combat violence and discrimination against women at the 46 th CEDAW session.
2. Asia- Pacific
a) Cambodia (July 27) Cambodia war crimes tribunal convicted Khmer Rouge general, Kain Guek Eav
(Duch) of crimes against humanity for his role in mass executions, torture and other crimes.
 Singapore (July 27) The International Federation for Human Rights, is concerned about the arrest of
and charges level against British journalist Mr Alan Shadrake on July 18 by the Singaporean authorities
for his book, “Once a Jolly Hangman: Singapore Justice on the Dock”. Mr Shadrake’s book suggests
double standards in Singapore’s policy and use of the death penalty.
 China (July 24) Uighur journalist, Hairat was tried, convicted on state security charges and sentenced to
15 years imprisonment.

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