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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

Whereas we, the students admitted and registered into the course of Diploma in Diagnostic Radiography
and associated courses within the Universities, in the United Republic of Tanzania {herein after shall be
called the Students} have solemnly and firmly resolved to form in our own country an autonomous,
independent, democratic students association founded on the principles of Justice, freedom, harmony,
love, moral and fraternity.
And whereas, the Student Radiographers Association of Tanzania believes that only a diligent,
autonomous and independent students association is run democratically by the students themselves will
be wholly responsible to the students and serve their interests to the best level
And whereas, research shows that students have collectively and successfully performed the
responsibilities given to them by their nation as students, citizens and future leaders of their nations and
world at large under different discipline of our course.
Now therefore, this constitution is enacted for and on the behalf of the Students Radiographers
Association of Tanzania, for the purpose of building such an association that among other things, would
adhere to the above stated basic principles.

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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

Chapter one
(Establishments and objectives of the Association)
Article One
It is hereby established a University Students Association to be known as The Students Radiographers
Association of Tanzania to be known also by its acronym as SRAT and its headquarters shall be at the
Muhimbili Institute of Allied Health Sciences Main Campus, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania.
Article Two
In this Constitution unless the context otherwise requires
Account shall mean and be construed as Account as prescribed under the Article 25 of this Constitution
AGM shall mean and be construed as the Annual General Meeting as defined in Article 16 of this
Association shall mean and be construed as Association of the University Students taking a course in
Diagnostic Radiography all over the country approved for that purpose of their establishment.
Student shall mean and be construed as a person registered by Tanzanian University taking a Course in
diagnostic Radiography.
Office Bearers shall mean the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary General and Treasury Officer.
TARA is the Abbreviation for Tanzania Radiographers Association
Ex-Com shall mean and be construed as the Executive Committee as defined in Article 12 of this
Article Three
The official language of SRAT shall be English Language and for recording purposes. However, Swahili
language may be used when effective communication can be facilitated.
Article Four
SRAT shall be a students Association in Tanzania as defined in this constitution under the trusteeship of
its members shall be capable of purchasing, holding, alienating, managing and disposing off of any
property whether movable or immovable by way of investment or otherwise and catering into such
Contracts as may be necessary or expedient for the performance of its functions under this constitution.

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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

Article Five (Objectives)

i. Promoting academic excellence as for the Competence based curriculum where the students will
be encouraged and motivated in terms of all the activities concerned with our field of study.
ii. Playing a part in the improvement of Radiography as a profession in terms of ethics, code of
conduct as well as recognition by voicing out our concerns through the right channels.
iii. Increasing Positive interactions with other organs like TARA and those from foreign countries in
the need of exchanging experience and knowledge.
iv. Taking a part whether directly or indirectly contribution in the improvement of the study
curriculum for the Radiography students so as to meet international standards and qualifications.
v. Aiding the Graduating qualified students with the necessary qualifications in the process of
obtaining their Certified Radiographer Licensing.
vi. Encouraging and motivating the students to conduct academic researches related to our fields of
study for the betterment of our profession.
vii. To motivate and encourage the graduate students to pursue further professional studies
Article Six
The SRAT shall not be affiliated to any other students organ in the country but shall always be affiliated
with other Healthcare Professionals Associations within and outside the country and shall maintain total
autonomy. SRAT shall be entirely apolitical, with no relationship with any political body in the country
including its political activities.

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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

Chapter Two
Article Seven
Every student admitted as a student in the course of radiography within a University Countrywide is
automatically a member of the SRAT. However, there shall be the official forms of membership to SRAT
i. Active membership; shall be open to all the radiography students residents working in Tanzania,
upon the payment of dues on time.
ii. Associate membership; shall be open to other individuals. May have the privilege to voice on the
floor but cannot vote. Associate members are not allowed to hold office, but may serve on the
committees upon the timely payment of dues.
iii. Honorary membership; Those who served with excellence and longevity within the Association
may be renominated at the discretion of the executive board and voted for by (50%) majority vote
of the attending members at the associations Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be entitled to
all the privileges of the active members except holding office.
Article Eight
There shall be a membership fee per Annum, to be stated by the General Assembly.
Article Nine
The Rights of the Members
i. The right to be recognized and treated as a part of health care professionals
ii. Right to vote or be voted for
iii. The right to audience regarding any kind of activity that requires the presence of an audience as
long as it does not disrupt the unity or peace among the students.
iv. The right to stand and defend oneself when faced with accusations.
v. The right to be a part of all the activities organized and conducted by the Association.
vi. The right to be provided with a financial aid when in need if all the terms and conditions required
are met.

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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

Article ten
Responsibilities of the members of the SRAT as per the provisions of this constitution save only if
otherwise stated within the General Assembly.
i. Timely payment of all the dues required by the Association.
ii. Attending all the meetings required to by the Association.
iii. To Perform well in class and other Academic duties to Ones best ability.
iv. To be creative, assertive in the matters concerning the welfare of everyone be academically,
socially and economically.
v. To be responsible and accountable for ones behavior and moral conduct and prove to be a good
example to others especially in the Clinical areas.
Article Eleven
Following going against the constitution, a member shall be expelled on a motion carried by at least two
thirds majority members of the Ex-com present.
Membership shall be terminated or suspended :
i. Following Death of a member
ii. Following bad behavioral conduct and immorality
iii. Following graduating from being an active member and not acquiring other from membership.
iv. Following going against the financial Provisions set by the General Assembly.

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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

Chapter Three
Part I (The Executive Committee)
Article twelve
The executive committee shall be the governing body of the SRAT and shall have full power to act on its
behalf in the period between the General Assembly in accordance with the SRAT policy. The Ex-Com
shall consist of;
Those entitled with Voting rights
i. The Chairperson
ii. Vice-Chairperson
iii. Secretary General
iv. Treasury Officer
Those not entitled with voting rights
i. Executive Advisors
ii. Two Ex-Official Members
iii. All the Chairpersons of the special operating committee
Article Thirteen
According to this constitution the following are the duties of the Office bearers save only if stated
otherwise by the Ex-Com
i. The Chairperson
There shall be a Chairperson of the association who shall be the Chief spokesperson of the Association
and thus shall carry out the following functions
He/she serves as the Associations representative to all bodies in which the SRAT has interests
real or apparent in Tanzania or Abroad and as an Ex-officio member of the Executive Board as
appointed by the concerning authorities.
Take a full and final responsibility on the smooth running of the SRATs activities
Ensure order and harmony by the due observance of the constitution and by the laws of the
Appoints the chairpersons of all the committees subject to approval of the executive board
Serve by laws as a member of any commission or any other organs formed by the government of
Tanzania that deals with Radiographers Issues.
To call for and preside all the Annual General meeting and executive board meetings
Be one of the absolute signatories of the SRAT financial Affairs
To sign approved minutes of all the meetings of the Association

The immediate past Chairperson

Assists and advices the Chairperson and the executive board
Serve in the executive committee as an Ex-Officio member

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ii. Vice-Chairperson
There shall be a Vice-Chairperson who shall;
Cooperate with the chairperson on all the official matters
Acts as an Ex-Officio representative of all community, local and other functions as designed by
the executive board
Serves as the Chairperson of the Governance Committee and should be knowledgeable of the
basics of the SRAT procedures
Assume the Chairpersons responsibilities in his/her absence or if the chairperson is unable to
perform such duty
Automatically serves as the Chairperson for the remainder of term in the event when the
Chairperson resigns, dies or vacates his office.

iii. Secretary General

Signs and posts all the notices concerned with the Association
Prepare the Agendas for the meetings
Keeps the minutes of all the General and executive meetings of the Association
Handles the internal and external correspondence of the Organization
Performs any other official functions as may be directed by the executive board

iv. The Treasury Officer

Responsible for all the financial affairs of the Association
Submits a financial report twice a year on the general Assembly meeting
Secures a bond for the coverage of the Associations funds
Submits to the Associations auditing committee for its review of all moneys, books, accounts,
vouchers, receipts and records including bankbooks.
Transfers all monies, books, accounts, papers, vouchers, receipts and records including
bankbooks to his/her successor after elections
Pay all regular bills except over 50,000/= which has to be approved by the Executive Committee,
countersigned by the Chief of Operations or Chairperson of the Auditing Committee

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Part two (Elections for the Ex-Com)

Article Fourteen
i. There should be general elections for the Executive Committee which should be free and fair. The
elections are to be held on every beginning of July.
ii. The nominated Electoral committee chairperson shall present a list of the running candidates to
the attending members at the AGM and if there is any other member interested in running for
iii. The Ex-Com officers of the Association shall be elected by more than one half majority vote of
the active attending members at the AGM.
iv. In any circumstances or emergency preventing attendance, the candidates shall notify the
nominating chairperson or the existing Chairperson of the Association before the day of the
elections. Otherwise it is provided in this constitution that all the running candidates must appear
in the Annual General Meeting for official recognition.
v. The tenure for all the Office bearers is one year from the elections day.
vi. For all the registered active members, there shall be voting by Email or SMS where regular
manual voting seems impossible.
vii. The Ex-com shall appoint two ex-officio members who will assist for a period of one year, if
occasion warrants may continue for a period of one more year.

Part Three (The Executive Board)

Article Fifteen
There shall be an Executive Board of the Association which shall consist Chairperson of the Association,
vice-Chairperson and Secretary General from each chapter in the Nation.
This board is Vested with the Power and Authority to foresee the Activities of other Chapters and
Collaborative Purposes.

Part Four (The General Assembly)

Article Sixteen
There shall be a General Assembly of the Association and it is the Supreme Authoritative body of the
The General Assembly shall be Composed of all the Active members of the Association
The General Assembly must convene at least once in a year depending upon the current financial budget
of the Association in The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members. The Quorum to the General
Assembly meeting must exceed the number of all the Active members of SRAT.
Whenever there is urgency, a General Assembly meeting may be called unless the budget does not allow.

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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

Part Five (Special Operating Committees)

Article Seventeen
i. There shall be special Committees established for carrying out the important tasks for the
ii. Each committee shall have a chairperson, Secretary and two other members appointed by the Ex-
Com (Except for the Audit Committee)
iii. The special committees are regarded as the functional units of the Association due to their
specialties, when the need arises a new committee may be formed or an old one nullified
iv. Each of these committees is responsible for preparing an official proposal based upon the
committees goals and make a years activity plan and keep all documents concerning the
v. Each of the committees shall prepare a formal report of its activities and expenditure to the
executive committee
vi. It is hereby provided in this constitution the activities of each committee

a. Committee of professional matters and electives

b.The Audit Committee

Responsible for examining reports of treasury officer, bankbooks, vouchers and other records.
The Audit shall be made at least once a semester, or whenever ordered by the Chairperson
Shall Advice the treasury officer and assist for budget planning for the future
Chairperson shall present the report to the Executive Board as well as the General Assembly
Shall have a maximum number of three members and strictly none from the Executive board nor
The Audit Committee shall possess full autonomy in its all its activity

c. Committee for social affairs

To coordinate and plan the Annual social activities for the Students for the major purpose of
preserving unity and harmony
Supervising the activities of giving comfort and support to the Students who are facing hard times
To coordinate the relationship and interactions with the other professional associations as well as
other organs which may be affiliated to the SRAT as per the provisions of this constitution
To coordinate the system of saving and lending and identify the needy students in order to support
Ensuring the link between the Students with those outside our Country Responsible for the
Associations official publications, news and information
Administering all the activities on the Internet site of SRAT including the Gmail, Facebook and
Instagram Accounts.

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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

d. Committee for continuing education and Research

For encouraging the Students to conduct scientific researches in our fields of study in the modern
qualitative methods
Aiding and coordinating workshops and conferences that will act as Academic medium for
professionals to learn new experiences
Encouraging and facilitating the graduating students to pursue higher levels of education and
Courses that will enhance the growth of our profession as per international standards

e. Registration and Licensing Committee

Shall be responsible for the close follow up of the Licenses for the graduating students and their
provision on time

Article Eighteen
Each member in the special committee is entitled with certain duties as per this constitution
The chairperson shall;
Be the head of each committee and the chief spokesperson and control over the meetings
Be answerable towards the Ex-Com with the matters concerned with his or her committee
Be the one responsible for making positive changes aiming at improving the different activities conducted
by the committee together with the secretary
The secretary shall;
Be the Chief executive officer of the committee and shall be the caretaker of all the records concerned
with the committee
Be the head of the Committee, chief spokesperson and control all meetings in the absence of the

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The Students Radiographers of Tanzania

Part Six (The Board of trustees)

Article Nineteen
There shall be a board of trustees of the SRAT comprising of the following members
Article Twenty
i. The first trustee is appointed by the SRAT executive Board whereas subsequent trustees shall be
Appointed by the General Assembly
ii. Trustees shall hold office for the term of three years and may be reappointed
iii. All the property belonging to the SRAT shall rest to the board of trustees for the use and benefits
of the organization and members thereof and subject to all rights and obligations of trust property
according to this constitution and the rules made thereunder.
Article twenty-One
The Board of trustees shall exercise the following functions
i. Be the custodian of the SRAT property
ii. Give guidance and instruction to the executive as may be necessary for the better implementation
of the organizations objectives
iii. Without prejudice to any other article of this constitution the board of trustees shall do all such
acts as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Association
under the provisions of this constitution
Article Twenty-two
A member of the board of trustees may cease to be a member in any one of the following circumstances.
i. If he dies
ii. If he resigns
iii. If he becomes incapacitated because of severe illness.
iv. If connected to any offences and sentenced to six months or more of imprisonment

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Chapter Four
(Property and Financial Provisions)
Article Twenty-three
The sources of funds for the SRAT shall be
i. Membership fee
ii. Annual subscription fees
iii. Investments
iv. Loans or Grants
v. Any Other lawful sources
Article Twenty-Four
To properly control the finance, the following shall be done.
i. The funds shall only be used to finance the objectives and goals of the association
ii. Each committee shall prepare its own annual budget and submit it to the Ex-com for approval and
iii. Official expenses which shall be planned by the Chairperson of the Association, Vice-
Chairperson, Secretary General and the treasury Officer must be minimal and cost effective.
iv. The General assembly may pass a rule providing for the following;
Establishment of the Contingencies fund and authorizing the Chairperson of the committee to
borrow money from the fund to meet the costs of an urgent and unforeseen need for which no
funds have been provided
Authorizing the chairperson to apply money specifically appropriated for a certain business to
meet the costs of an urgent and unforeseen need as referred to in paragraph (a) of this Sub-Article
Article Twenty-Five
i. All the revenue derived from the various sources for the use of the SRAT should be put into one
special fund to be known as the SRAT Bank Account.
ii. The monitoring transaction of SRAT are to be done through bank,
iii. For the purpose of affecting the payment from the SRAT Bank Account, the Ex-Com shall
nominate three signatories to that Account including the treasury officer.
No remuneration rule
It is hereby provided in this constitution that no Office Bearer will paid any remuneration as salary, but
agreeable allowances may be provided in the meetings

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Chapter Five
(Miscellaneous Provisions)
Article Twenty-Six
i. Any person holding office established by this constitution may resign by giving a notice in
writing and signed by him in accordance with the following procedure
ii. If such a person was appointed by one person then the notice shall be addressed and submitted to
the person who appointed him/her where as if he was appointed by a group of people, such a
notice is to be sent to the group.
iii. If the person resigning has all the necessary qualifications and is in every respect eligible, he may
be reappointed or renominated to hold such office in accordance with the provisions of this
Article Twenty-Seven
i. Amendment of this constitution may be done as per the dynamic needs of the members of the
ii. Following the Sub article (i) above, a motion to amend this constitution must be presented to the
Executive committee and passed by over 2/3 attendance.
iii. The proposed amendments are to be approved by 2/3 majority attendance at the General
Assembly called upon for the SRAT constitutional amendment.
Article Twenty-Eight
i. This constitution may be cited as the constitution of SRAT 2017
ii. This constitution shall come into force immediately upon resolution by the General Assembly and
passed by two thirds majority Attendance.
iii. The constitution shall Apply to all the members of the SRAT.

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