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GROUP2: CHE-4201: Aluan, Fabregar, Reyes

Names: ______________________________________________
_____________________________________________ Section: _____________
Score: ____________


I. IDENTIFICATION: Write the name of the given II. MULTIPLE CHOICE:

Encircle the letter of
Packings shown below. the correct answer.

1. It occurs in countercurrent flow
towers when inlet gas flow
1 rate is so high.
A. Tellerette
B. Flooding
C. Stripping
D. Absorption

2 2. It isHackett
consists of a cap, 3 to 6
. inches in diameter, mounted
over and above a concentric
riser, 2 to 3 inches in diameter.
A. Bubble-cap Tray
3 B. Sieve Tray
Metal Fleximax
. C. Valve Tray
D. Plate Columns

3. This absorption is
Metal Top Pak by a rapid and
. irreversible neutralization
reaction in the liquid phase
A. Reactive
B. Chemical
5 C.Hiflow
Plastic Both Ring
A and B
. D. Neither A and B

4. These are vessels containing

one or more sections of
II. ENUMERATION packing over whose surface
the liquid flows downward as a
Types of Absorption
film or as droplets between
1. Physical Absorption packing elements.
2. Chemical or Reactive AbsorptionA. Wetted Columns
B. Packed Columns
C. the
Plate Columns
To increase the rate of mass transfer, following
D. None of the Above
Must be maintained:

1. a high concentration gradient5. The gas velocity in an

2. high mass transfer area operating packed column must
obviously be lower than the
3. low resistance to mass transfer
flooding velocity.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Insufficient Information

GROUP2: CHE-4201: Aluan, Fabregar, Reyes


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