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English test N^2

Surname class : 1pt Name

Text :

Hi ,my name is Dave . I am 12 years old . I am a

pupil at St James school . I live in London .
London is a lovely city .

Task one : Read and comlpete( 4 pts )

Name age School City

.. ..

Tasktwo : find in the text( 1pt )

Nice = ..

Town =..

Mastery of language

Task one : choose the right punctuation and put it in the right place (3pts)

- Hi pupils


-Paul and Tina are in the class And you

Tasktwo : Reorder thewords to getstatements(2pts)

Name .Myis Anna

Anna . Nice meetto ,you

Taskthree : completewith the right possessive adjectives(my _your ) 3pts

Whatcolouris ..puppet ?


puppetis white and black . It is panda

Task four : cross wordswhichdoes not have the same sound (2pts) :

Sunday,play , I ,my , nine ,

game ,book ten
game , play
book , game

Essay :4pts
Introduceyour self to your new friend in your face book profile ( name , age , school , city )

Hi ,



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