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In order to study two-dimensional motion we took a look at projectile motion using a
motion sensor, a launcher, and a ball. Initially, we shot the ball straight up into the air in order to
calculate its velocity from a one dimensional motion perspective. Later on we performed
launches from horizontal perspectives. In this experiment the ball was subject to a single force
which was the constant force of gravity. In order to find the initial velocity at which the ball
began to travel, we used the measured ranges at various heights from the horizontal shoots and
obtained the averages. Finally, we performed several trials but this time changing the angle of the
launch and we were able to see that at 45 the value for the range is at its maximum.

One dimensional motion is referred to as straight line motion in which we look at one
variable of motion over a period of time. In Part one of this experiment we shot a ball up in
straight line motion. Vertical motion is described by the constant acceleration (gravity) in the
vertical direction which can be found using y(t) = y0 + v0t - (1/2) gt2. In order to obtain a second-
order polynomial, which needed to be found in order to calculate the velocity and position, we
plotted the data. An error of propagation was also implemented in this lab in order to determine
the uncertainty of an answer obtained by the calculator. These uncertainties found in distance and
time measurements can lead to wrongful answers when calculating the velocity of an object
When it comes to two-dimensional motion as the ball is launched in the horizontal
direction, it has a downward acceleration which is strictly dependent on gravity. If air resistance
is negligible, then there will be no horizontal acceleration acting upon the ball and the horizontal
movements is due to the inertia of the ball. According to newtons first law: an object will remain
in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless it is acted upon. We were able to
calculate the time of fight in this part of the experiment by using the equation 0=h-gt2/2 and then
found the average velocity of the horizontal shoot using xav=vavt. When the angles of a
projectile are changed, the greater the value for the initial y velocity the higher the projectile will
rise but the smaller the initial value for velocity that shorter the hang time of the projectile will

Part 1: Vertical launch
A launcher is attached vertically in the upward direction. A motion sensor is attached to the
higher end of the stand and far enough so that the ball cannot hit the sensor after launch.
After the sensor is activated, the ball is launched into the air. After the ball reaches back to the
launcher height, the motion sensor is stopped.
Part 2: Horizontal launch:
A launcher is attached horizontally and perpendicular to the stand. The stand is on the table and
perpendicular to the table. The projection of the launching point will be mark on the table. The
ball will be launched into 2 sheets of paper: a piece of carbon paper on top of a white blank piece
of paper. After each launch, the mark will be circled and the distance from the mark to the
projection of the launching point will be measure. This experiment is repeated at 5 different
heights and 4 times each height.
Part 3: Launch at an angle:
The stand is put on the ground. The launcher is attached to the stand so that the upper part of the
stand andh the launcher creates 25o angle. The bottom of the launcher is at table-top height and at
the edge of the table. At this angle, the experiment is repeated three times. After that, the
experiment is repeated at each angle, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, and 65. At each angle,
the bottom of the launcher is set again so it is at table-high level, and the ball is launched three
times into 2 sheets of paper: a piece of carbon paper on top of a white blank piece of paper. After
each launch, the mark will be circled and the distance from the mark to the projection of the
launching point will be measure.

Data and Analysis

Part 1
The data collected from the motion sensor are as below:

Time (s) Position (m)
0.6023 0.5433
0.6998 0.1502
0.8 0.2079
0.9024 0.6508

After the data are normalized, the data look like below
Time Position
(s) (m)
0 0.5433
0.0975 0.1502
0.1977 0.2079
0.3001 0.6508

The graph of the data is as below:

0.6 f(x) = 20.84x^2 - 5.86x + 0.54
R = 1
Position (m) 0.3

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

Time (s)

From the above graph, it can be observed that the acceleration is 20.836 m/s2 and the initial
speed is 5.8624 m/s because the displacement function for y is y = y0 + v0t + 0.5(ay)t2. The
velocity equation is derived by taking the derivative of the position equation. As such, the
velocity equation is v = 41.672t 5.862. However, due to experimental error, these results are
not reliable. As the motion is solely in the y-direction, the only force on the ball is gravity, the
acceleration is g = 9/81 m/s2.
Part 2
Ran Ran Ran Ran
Heigh Time ge x ge x ge x ge x Average
th Average R Stand. De
of flig trial trial trial trial Velocity
(m) ange (m) v. (m)
ht (s) 1 (m 2 (m 3 4 (m (m/s)
) ) (m) )
0.2376 2.81938525
0.277 4 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0 4
0.01832177 2.87152063
0.415 0.2908 0.804 0.841 0.85 0.846 0.83525
74 7 7
1.109 0.00555129 2.94850509
0.696 0.3766 1.12 1.107 1.106 1.11068
91 7 5 5
0.3959 2.86018777
0.769 53 1.134 1.136 1.14 1.12 1.1325 0.00753326 9
0.4257 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 0.001479
0.889 1.24275
27 5 2 1 3 02 2.924210496
Average 2
Propagation of Errors

Sprea Spread
Heigh Time d in in
t (m) (s) range velocity
(m) (m/s)
0.2376 2.81938
0.277 4
0.67 525
0.2908 2.87152
0.415 74
0.83525 064
0.3766 2.94850
0.696 91
1.11068 509
0.3959 2.86018
0.769 53
1.1325 778
0.4257 2.91912
0.889 27
1.24275 302
Averag 2.883744
e 36

Velocity Comparison

Velocity Part I Average % difference

(m/s) Velocity Part 2

5.8624 2.88374436 68.11

Part 3:
Projectile Data: Launch from an angle
Angl Range tr Range tr Range tr Averag Theoretic Theoretic
e (de ail 1 (m) ail 2 (m) ail 3 (m) e al Range al Range
grees Range (using (using
) (m) Part I v) Part II v)
(m) (m)
25 0.53 0.554 0.4 0.4946 2.683711 0.651287
667 67 57
30 0.7 0.69 0.681 0.6903 3.033978 0.736290
333 64 94
35 0.796 0.797 0.8 0.7976 3.292059 0.798922
667 72 48
40 0.821 0.82 0.797 0.8126 3.450113 0.837279
667 22 16
45 0.795 0.79 0.779 0.788 3.503336 0.850195
77 54
50 0.816 0.83 0.841 0.829 3.450113 0.837279
22 16
55 0.82 0.81 0.83 0.82 3.292059 0.798922
72 48
60 0.73 0.72 0.723 0.7243 3.033978 0.736290
333 64 94
65 0.536 0.516 0.529 0.527 2.683711 0.651287
67 57

Conclusion: Antwan Hilton

In this lab we tested the effects of projectile motion in the X, Y and XY directions.
During the lab the ball was launched in the Y direction. During the ball's launches in the
Y axis the only force acting on it was gravity. The force of gravity at 9.81m/s^2, held
constant, shows why projectiles slow down when they fly through the air. During the
final part of the lab the ball was shot on an angle at a constant height. This portion of the
lab demonstrates a change in velocity due to gravity which sends the ball flying in arc
path. The ball, however doesnt hit the same spot every time but rather was proven to
change with the angle.

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