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SPE 65631

Two-Phase Relative Permeability Prediction Using a Linear Regression Model

M. N. Mohamad Ibrahim, SPE, University Science of Malaysia
L. F. Koederitz, SPE, University of Missouri-Rolla

Copyright 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting held in
Relative permeability, a dimensionless quantity, is the ratio of
Morgantown, West Virginia, 17-19 October 2000.. effective permeability to a base permeability. The effective
permeability is a measure of the ability of a single fluid to flow
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as through a rock when the pore spaces of the rock are not
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position
completely filled or saturated with the fluid. The base
of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE permeability can be absolute air permeability, absolute liquid
meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for permeability or effective oil permeability at irreducible water
commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 saturation. Relative permeability measurements and concepts
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgement become important due to the fact that nearly all hydrocarbon
of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P. O. Box 833836,
Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. reservoirs contain more than one phase of homogeneous fluid.
Relative permeability is a function of pore structure, saturation
Abstract history and wettability1,2.
In the absence of laboratory measured data or in the case when Laboratory methods for measuring relative
a more general representation of fluid flow in a reservoir is permeability were probably introduced to the petroleum industry
needed, empirical relative permeability correlations become back in 1944 by Hassler3. Since then various methods of
useful. These correlations will also apply to simulation studies measuring relative permeability have been developed. Some of
which require adjustments to the relative permeability values to the more commonly used laboratory methods are Penn-State,
account for grid effects. A linear regression model approach is Single-Sample Dynamic, Stationary Fluid, Hassler, Hafford,
employed to develop prediction equations for water-oil, gas-oil, JBN, Capillary Pressure and Centrifuge2. In general, these
gas-water, and gas-condensate relative permeability from methods can be categorized into two major groups which
experimental data. Use of the SPE CD-ROM has allowed a consist of steady-state and unsteady-state methods.
rapid and thorough data retrieval for this study; 416 sets of Laboratory measurement of relative permeability using
relative permeability data were obtained from published either steady-state or unsteady-state methods can be expensive
literature and various industry sources. Improved equations and time consuming. Laboratory measurement is considered a
were developed for water-oil and gas-oil systems based on micro process because a single measurement is insufficient to
formation type and wettability. Additionally, general equations represent the entire reservoir. Therefore several core samples
for gas-condensate and gas-water systems were formulated. from representative facies in the reservoir must be taken and
Craigs rule for determining the rock wettability has been tested. Since results of the relative permeability tests performed
modified to cover a wider range of relative permeability data on several samples often vary, it is necessary to average the data
currently available. Available data has increased significantly before a scaling up from core to reservoir scale is performed.
since the last published work in this area. The prediction An accurate numerical procedure for determining
equations are compared with previously published correlations relative permeability values provides an alternative technique,
where possible. and at the same time it can overcome the previous shortcomings.
In contrast to laboratory measurement, this is a macro process

which provides a better statistical representation of relative Data Normalization

permeability values for the reservoir as a whole. The relative permeability curves used in this study did not
originally have the same format, i.e., some of the curves were
Objectives presented in the classical form while the rest were in
Realizing that an ample amount of published relative normalized form. Even worse are gas-water systems, where the
permeability data could be extracted from the Society of normalization process was not consistent. Some of the curves
Petroleum Engineers' literature (published from 1950 through defined the absolute permeability as the effective permeability
1998) plus unpublished data from various oil and gas companies of gas at Swc (krgw = 1.0 at Swc where krgw is the relative
and individuals, an improvement to previously published permeability of gas with respect to water), while others defined
prediction equations4 for relative permeability is presented and the absolute permeability as the 100 percent water saturation
new equations are developed for other systems. Furthermore, permeability (krw = 1.0 at Sg = 0).
the larger amount of data available today will give a better It is necessary to convert these curves into the same
representation of prediction equations since they cover a wider format (either the classical or the normalized) before the
range of domain. regression analysis is performed in order to be consistent. Since
In order to create predicting models that represent less than half of the data collected were in the classical form,
producing reservoirs, certain criteria in selecting data (relative the normalized form was chosen to be the standard form
permeability curves and other pertinent information) were throughout this study. Moreover, it is easier to convert the
imposed. The data selection criteria used in this study were: classical data into the normalized form than converting the
1. The relative permeability curves are generated from normalized data into the classical form. This is due to the
either steady-state or unsteady-state experiments. In other difficulties in locating the classical relative permeability end-
words, relative permeability curves obtained from correlations point absolute permeability values (which most authors did not
or data obtained from hypothetical simulation studies are supply) in the articles reviewed. The classical data form was
excluded in this study; usually found in much older data, which is another justification
2. The core used in the experiment must be a naturally to convert all of the data into the more current normalized form.
formed rock sample. Data obtained from synthetic or man-made In the case of the gas-water system, the first definition of
cores such as Alundum cores is not considered; absolute permeability (krgw = 1.0 at Swc) was chosen to be the
3. Only imbibition data are used for oil-water and gas- standard form since most of the data obtained from the literature
water systems whereas for gas-oil and gas-condensate systems, were presented in this manner. For the gas-condensate systems,
only drainage data are used in the analysis; and the same normalization procedure as in the gas-oil systems is
4. Only the primary data is selected when multiple employed where the effective permeability of liquid
imbibition or drainage processes are presented. (condensate) at Sg = 0 is defined as the absolute permeability.
The prediction equations for relative permeability of Since the collected curves did not have the same range
oil-water systems for both sandstones and carbonates, which of saturation values (as far as the abscissa is concerned) due to
include limestones and dolomites, are presented for four the fact that some of the curves were longer than others owing
different types of rock wettability, i.e., strongly water-wet, to differences in the critical wetting and non-wetting phase
water-wet, intermediate (or mixed-wet) and oil-wet based on saturations, this inconsistency would contribute to high
Craigs rule5; however, many oil-water curves did not strictly variation in the response (ordinate). Thus, there is a need to
follow Craigs rule. This is not unexpected because Craigs rule find a way to plot each curve in its class on the same horizontal
was not based on detailed experimental studies but simply a scale in order to reduce this variation so that a better prediction
heuristic rule dating prior to 1971; therefore it will not be true model can be achieved. This can be accomplished by
for all cases. Some adjustments to the rule were made by normalizing either the wetting phase saturation or the non-
introducing tolerances into it without changing its basic wetting phase saturation which results in the horizontal axis
principle in order to categorize data which slightly violated the always ranging from zero to one.
original rule. Table 1 summarizes the modified Craigs rule that For oil-water systems, the normalized water saturation
was used in determining the wettability in this study. While is defined as6:
many datasets had no additional wettability indicators, data
having an Amott's Index or Modified U.S.B.M. Wettability Test S w S wi
Sw* = (1)
was in agreement with the modified Craig's rule. 1 S wi S orw
Additionally, relative permeability equations for gas-oil
systems for sandstones and carbonates are also improved. The
scope of this study also includes developing predictive relative Except for the oil-water system, the rest of the systems
permeability equations for gas-water and gas-condensate have the relative permeability to liquid with respect to gas (krlg)
systems. curves which are almost always longer than the relative
permeability to gas (krg) curves due to the presence of the critical

gas saturations (Sgc). Therefore, separate saturation The relative permeability equations developed were
normalization equations must be used for each curve as follows: compared with correlations of Honarpour et al4, Rose8 and Narr
et al9. These works either did not employ wettability preferences,
S g S gc or did not distinguish between oil-wet and intermediate (mixed)
Sg* = (2) wettability, and between water-wet and strongly water-wet
1 ( S gc+ Slc ) systems. Additionally, Rose's and Narr's equations are so general
that they do not specify the type of rock. The curves are in
Sg close agreement with each other in terms of normalized relative
Sl * = 1 (3) permeability of oil with respect to water as shown in Figure 3 for
1 Slc
a water-wet sandstone. The same is also true for a carbonate
formation. Figure 4 shows normalized water relative
Regression Analysis permeability values calculated using the various correlations.
In this study, a forward stepwise multiple linear regression The equation developed falls between Honarpour's and Rose's
technique was employed in developing relative permeability curves. Roses plot seems to give unrealistic prediction values
prediction equations. This technique is based on an automatic for a water-wet system because the endpoint of the krw* curve
search procedure concept which develops the best subset of (krw* at Sw = 1-Sorw) is much higher than expected for a water-
independent variables sequentially, at each regression step wet case. A criticism of Honarpours model is that the water
adding or deleting one independent variable at a time in an relative permeability values appeared low resulting in optimistic
attempt to get the highest possible coefficient of multiple recoveries. This criticism lead the present study to separate the
determination, R2 value. The R2 is interpreted as the proportion strongly water-wet curves from the regular water-wet curves.
of observed values of Yi that can be explained by the regression Figure 5 clearly illustrates this point. For gas-oil systems, the
model and is used to measure how well the model fits the data. equations presented have eliminated the requirement of an
The higher the value of R2, the more successful the model is in endpoint value for krg.
explaining the variation of Y. A value of one indicates that all
points lie along the true regression line, whereas a value of zero Conclusions
indicates the absence of a linear relationship between variables. Twenty four, two phase relative permeability prediction
In the latter case, the modeler has to search for an alternative equations have been developed through extensive trial and error
model such as a nonlinear model. Since observational data model building processes using linear regression analysis for
(data obtained after the experiments were completed) were used four different systems which commonly exist in the petroleum
in this analysis, an R2 value slightly higher than 60% was industry. In oil-water systems, prediction equations for three
considered highly satisfactory6. One criticism of using the R2 types of rock wettability were formed in addition to
criteria as the only indication of goodness of fit is that the R2 classification of the equations on the basis of rock type, i.e.,
value will keep increasing if more independent variables are sandstone and carbonate. Additionally, completely new
introduced into the model. To balance the use of more correlations for strongly water-wet system for both sandstone
parameters against the gain in R2, many statisticians use the and carbonate were developed. As in the oil-water systems,
adjusted R2 value (R2adj)7. Very simply, the R2adj value prediction equations according to rock type were successfully
approaching R2 indicates that excessive terms were not included developed for gas-oil systems. Completely new correlations
in the model. based on a linear regression analysis were developed for gas-
water and gas-condensate systems. Based on an extensive
Discussion and Comparisons review of existing data, modifications to wettability
The prediction equations developed in this study are listed in determination were developed.
Appendix A and defined in Table 2 which summarizes the
characteristics of the equations developed for all four fluid Nomenclature
systems. All R2 values well exceed 60% and all R2adj values are Capital Letters
within 1.5% of R2 thus indicating a reasonable fit without
excessive terms. Figures 1 and 2 graphically illustrate R2 = coefficient of multiple
normalized oil-water and gas-oil relative permeability values for determination
both sandstone and carbonate formations. Tables 3 and 4 list the R2adj = adjusted coefficient of
ranges of rock properties and fluid saturations used in multiple determination
developing prediction equations for oil-water and gas-liquid Sg = gas saturation, fraction
systems, respectively. Sgc = critical gas saturation

Sl = liquid saturation, fraction References

Slc = total of critical liquid 1. Unalmiser, S. and Funk, J. J : Engineering Core Analysis,
saturations present in the Journal of Petroleum Technology, April, (1998).
system, fraction
2. Honarpour, M., Koederitz, L. and Harvey, A. H. : Relative
Sorg = residual oil saturation in oil-
Permeability of Petroleum Reservoirs, CRC Press. Inc., Florida, (1986).
gas system, fraction
Sorw = residual oil saturation in oil- 3. Hassler, G. L., U.S. Patent 2,345,935, (1944).
water system, fraction
Sw = water saturation, fraction 4. Honarpour, M., Koederitz, L. F. and Harvey, A. H.: "Empirical
Swc = critical (connate) water Equations for Estimating Two Phase Relative Permeability in
saturation, fraction Consolidated Rock," Trans. AIME, vol. 273, (1982), pp. 2905 ff.
Swi = initial water saturation,
5. Craig, F. F., Jr. : The Reservoir Engineering Aspects of
Waterflooding Monograph, Vol. 3, Society of Petroleum Engineers
WW = water-wet of AIME, Henry L. Doherty Series, Dallas, Texas, (1993), p. 20.
Yi = ith observed value where
i =1,2,3,.....n 6. Koederitz, L. F., Harvey A. H. and Honarpour M. : Introduction to
Petroleum Reservoir Analysis, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston,
Lowercase Letters Texas, (1989).

ka = absolute permeability, md 7. Devore, J. L. : Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the
Sciences, Duxbury Press., California, (1995), pp. 474 ff.
krcg = relative permeability of
condensate with respect to 8. Rose, W. : Theoretical Generalizations Leading to the Evaluation
gas, fraction of Relative Permeability, Trans. AIME, vol. 186, (1949), pp. 111 ff.
krg = relative permeability of
gas, fraction 9. Naar, J. and Henderson, J. H. : An Imbibition Model, its
krgw = relative permeability of gas Applications to Flow Behavior and the Prediction of Oil
with respect to water, fraction Recovery, Trans. AIME, Part II, vol. 222, (1961), p. 61.
krlg = relative permeability of liquid
with respect to gas, fraction General Reference
krog = relative permeability of oil Mohamad Ibrahim, M. N. :"Two-Phase Relative Permeability Prediction
Using A Linear Regression Model", Ph.D. Dissertation, University of
with respect to gas, fraction
Missouri, Rolla, (1999)
krow = relative permeability of oil
with respect to water, fraction
krw = relative permeability of
water, fraction

Greek Symbol

N = porosity, fraction


* = normalized value

Appendix A

2 3 4
krow * = 1 21529
. S w * + 0.6389135 S w * + 14345325
. S w * 0.919704 S w * ( A1)

krw * = 0.09101641 S w *1.5 01841405

. 0.5 S w *1.4 0.0001629 S w * ka S wc 2.6
S orw 5 S w *2.5
. S orw S w * +0.64933067
3 1.5
+ 212270704
. 6Sw *

+ 0.01375097 (ln ka )S w * ( A2 )

krow * = 1 0.7233267 S w * 17720584

. S w *2 + 150407908
. S w *3 ( A3)

krw * = 0.28483482 S orw S w * 0.0324527 S w * +0.07113168 S w *1.5

2.2461759 S wc Sorw1.7 S w *2 ( A4)

krow * = 1 3090996
. S w * +2.8670229 S w *1.6 0.768952 S w *2 ( A5)

S w *3
krw * = 0.22120304 S w *1.6 +0.24933592 S orw 2 + 21370925
. S w *2 S orw 5

+ 83.491972 4 S w *5 S orw1.5 0.4562939 S wc 3S w *4 +116107198
. ( 2 S wc S orw S w *) 2
8.7866012 S orw 3S w *2.3 +0.00000578 S w *3 ( S wc ln ka )10 (1 S orw )0.4
12.841061 S w *2 ((ln ka )S wc )3 6 ( A6 )

krow * = 1 2.65253 S w * +2.4720911 S w *2 0.814367 S w *3 ( A7)

krw * = 01163954
. S w *4 +2.66958338 S w *0.8 ( S wc S orw )2 + 0.47536676 S w *( S wc ln ka )2
0.3912824 S w *( S wc ln ka )3 + 752.014909 ( S wc S w *)2 3 398.40214 2.5 S wc 2 S w *2.2
152.43629 ( S orw )3 S w *2.7 +0.22964285 S orw 0.5 S w * ( A8 )

krow * = 1 2.985766 S w * + 31548084

. S w *2 1171486
. S w *3 ( A9)

krw * = 0.2441795 S w * 0.355058 S w *2 + 0.5117625 S w *3 ( A10)

krow * = 1 4.985409 Sw * + 21322192

. Sw *2 29.04644 Sw *2.5 + 11723526
. Sw *3 ( A11)

krw * = 0.46689293 (ln ka )S wc S w * 0.0589939 S w * 01938748

. S w * 1.5 ( S orw ln ka )2
+ 0.24253563 S w *3 0195414
. S w *0.9 ( S wc ln ka )2 + 66.6228413 S orw S w * S wc 2
. 1.5 ( S wc S w *)2.5 + 125.291504 S w * S orw 2.5 3 ( A12 )

krow * = 1 3254725
. S w * +38176666
. S w *2 1563216
. S w *3 ( A13)

krw * = 0.3643225 S w * 0.7458182 S w *2 +106090802

. S w *3 ( A14)

krow * = 1 8.6102768 S w * +87.9417721 S w *2 207.03656 S w *2.5 +187.099163 S w *3

60.388661 S w *3.5 ( A15)

krw * = 0.2178721 S w *0.4 +0.00536612 (ln ka )2 S w *0.5 9.7494266 S w *0.7 ( S orw S wc )2

. S w * S orw 2 4.5717726 S w *0.5 S wc 2 + 0.57604803 S w *1.5 ( A16)

krog * = 01599039
. S l * 1045545
. Sl *2 +4.0843698 S l *3 5.414161 S l *4
+ 3.2103149 Sl *5 ( A17)

krg * = 0.9396949 S g *2 0.774167 S org S g *2 1216298

. S wc S g *2 +11628119
. S g *2
. S gc S g *2 ( A18)

krog * = 4.465936 S l *2 0.252752 Sl * 22.93637 S l *3 + 53000956

. S l *4 5519912
. S l *5
+ 21917911
. Sl *6 ( A19)

krg * = 0.3296593 S g *2 0.001723 ka S g *2 +2.0568057 S wc S g * +12314265

. S g *2 ( A20 )

krgw * = 13046802
. S g * 8159598
. S g *2 + 2550978
. S g *3 3153754
. S g *4
+ 13883828
. S g *5 ( A21)

krw * = 0.94555376 S l * 12967293

. Sl *1.7 + 169592185
. S l *3 0.0424518 S gc (ln ka )3 S l *5
. S wc1.5 ( S l *)2 + 0.02764389 S wc ( ka S gc )2 Sl *4 ( A22)

krcg * = 01194373
. S l * 0.089246 S l *2 +0.9606793 S l *3 ( A23)

krg * = 333929676
. S g *1.2 + 6.75670631 S g *0.9 S lc1.2 20.926791 S g * Slc 2 S gc
+ 101654474
. S g * S gc 4 7.3835856 Slc 0.5 S g * ( A24)

Table 1. Modified Craig's rule

Rock Swc Sw at which krw * krw* at Sw = 100-Sorw

Wettability and krow* are equal (fraction)

Water-Wet: 15% 45% 0.07

Water-Wet: 10% 45% 0.07 < krw* 0.3

Oil-Wet: 15% 55% 0.5

Intermediate: 10% 45% Sw 55% > 0.3

(Mixed-Wet) OR
15% 45% Sw 55% < 0.5

Table 2. Summary of characteristics of equations developed in this study

System Wettability Lithology Equation Number of Number of R2 R2adj

Data Sets Data Points

Sandstone A1 16 127 87 86

Strongly A2 16 127 82 81
Carbonate A3 6 49 99 99

A4 6 49 89 88

Sandstone A5 102 870 93 93

Water-Wet A6 102 870 75 75

Carbonate A7 28 317 94 94
Oil-Water A8 28 317 80 80

Sandstone A9 43 396 93 93
Wettability A10 43 396 90 90
Carbonate A11 29 278 93 93

A12 29 278 85 85

Sandstone A13 31 245 95 95

Oil-Wet A14 31 245 89 88

Carbonate A15 19 184 86 86

A16 19 184 86 85

Sandstone A17 98 962 95 95

Gas-Oil A18 92 799 90 90

Carbonate A19 14 133 94 94

A20 14 119 89 89

Gas-Water All A21 19 144 89 89

A22 19 166 88 87

Gas-Condensate All A23 17 123 95 95

A24 17 115 85 85

Table 3. Ranges of rock properties and fluid saturations used in developing oil-water relative permeability equations

Equations N (%) ka (md) Swc (%) Sorw (%)

A1 & A2 9.9 - 63.2 2.23 - 3,070 15.3 - 50.0 15.0 - 51.1

A3 & A4 11.7 - 18.0 0.84 - 7.2 30.0 - 46.2 7.0 - 32.2

A5 & A6 8.4 - 37.1 0.52 - 8,440 3.6 - 67.5 6.6 - 47.3

A7 & A8 6.2 - 33.0 0.27 - 3,100 6.0 - 43.5 13.0 - 50.6

A9 & A10 8.0 - 32.6 3.4 - 10,500 5.0 - 38.9 11.09 - 44.4

A11 & A12 5.9 - 38.3 1.08 - 4,018.7 7.0 - 41.0 13.9 - 50.0

A13 & A14 9.1 - 33.0 1 - 5,010 4.7 - 44.0 7.67 - 55.0

A15 & A16 9.8 - 35.0 1.3 - 1,420 8.0 - 53.6 9.8 - 57.0

Table 4. Ranges of rock properties and fluid saturations used in developing relative permeability equations for gas-liquid systems

Equation N (%) ka (md) Sgc (%) Swc (%) Sorg (%)

A17 6.3 - 39.0 1.48 - 5580 0.6 - 25.0 3.28 - 50.0 3.5 - 48.0

A18 6.3 - 39.0 1.48 - 3650 0.6 - 25.0 3.28 - 50.0 5.0 - 48.0

A19 & A20 9.0 - 34.9 4.3 - 731 0.01 - 13.52 6.0 - 51.1 5.0 - 38.6

A21 & A22 5.0 - 25.0 0.1 - 345 3.0 - 47.9 10.0 - 61.2 Not Applicable

A23 & A24 6.0 - 26.6 Not Available 2.0 - 30.0 9.0 - 60.0

Figure 1 Figure 2
Oil-Water Relative Permeability Gas-Oil Relative Permeability
Water-Wet Rocks Sandstone & Carbonate
= 15%
ka = 100
0.8 Sandstone
0.8 md
Swc = 15%
Sorg =15%
0.6 0.6
kr *

= 15%

kr *
0.4 ka =100 md
Swc =20%
Sorw =20%


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Sw (fraction) 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Sg (fraction)

Figure 3 Figure 4
Water-wet Sandstone Water-Wet Sandstone
Oil Relative Permeability to Water Water Relative Permeability

Equation A6
= 15%
ka = 100 md
Honarpour's Equation A5 Swc = 20%
0.6 Sorw = 20%
krow *

= 15% Honarpour's
ka = 100 md Rose's
krw *

0.4 Swc = 20% 0.4

Sorw = 20% Rose's

0.2 Narr's

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0
Sw (fraction) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Sw (fraction)

Figure 5
Water-Wet System

0.5 WW
= 10%
ka = 100 md
Swc = 20% Strongly WW
kr *

0.3 Honarpour's WW



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Sw (fraction)

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