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navya .

Data Hub.Net Developer - TMNA Services, LLC, Bala

Bala, Jammu and Kashmir - Email me on Indeed:

Around 8 years of experience in Information Technology, Module Design, Development and Maintenance,
Testing, Documentation, System analysis, full life-cycle project development experience.
Experience in .Net development, encompassing analysis, design, development and execution of business
applications in N-Tier and SOA architectures.
Experience in detection of bugs, Rectifying the bugs, Supporting the application and Application
Having extensive subject matter expertise in IT Infrastructure Planning (Database, Server & Network
Management), IT Services Management (ITSM), Methods, Processes, Strategic Technology & Developing
Cost Effective Solutions to meet customer / business requirements.
Experience in .Net Framework [] Asp.Net, ADO.Net, C#, MVC 4.0/5.0, AJAX, WCF, Web Services(SOAP),
Pl/SQL, SQL Server [] WPF, Web API.
Experience in using Net framework [] technologies such as WCF and WPF.
Strong experience in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and methodologies.
Experience in creating and consuming Web Services using C#. Experience in Object Oriented programming.
Experience working in Agile development methodology.
Programming concepts and Design Patterns (MVC, MVP).
Good exposure to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and
Agile Software Development.
Communicated with the clients and the Management. Involved in the Planning and the Requirement
Experience with Microsoft Enterprise Library.
Extensive experience in creating rich content Web-Forms, Win-Forms, WWF, Web User Controls, Server
Controls, Dev Express controls, Multithreading, Windows Service, .NET Remote technologies and Web
Experience in implementing Authentication and Authorization security mechanisms.
Expertize in developing web based applications using ASP.NET, C# .NET, ADO.NET, Entity Framework, VB.
Net, Silverlight, JavaScript, JQuery, WCF, LINQ, JSON, Bootstrap, Angular JS, MSEL, HTML5, CSS, CSS3,
Strong understanding and Implementations knowledge of Design Patterns
Hands on experience in web-application including front-end & database
Ability to handle complex queries, sub queries, joins, stored procedures, triggers
Experience in writing SQL statements, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views, and Functions in SQL Server.
Experience in creating and consuming Web Services using C#.
Experience in developing websites using MVC3 with Razor views.
Experience implementing web application frameworks using n-tier, MVP, MVC with Entity Framework, Web
API architecture.
Experience in configuring web sites and virtual directories in IIS []
Proven skills in relationship management with clients and effectively guiding teams during the project
development life cycle and delivering the product within time line, cost and quality.
Ability to work closely with users, lead cross-functional teams and handle multiple concurrent assignments
Excellent communication and inter personal skills
Fast learner with excellent problem solving capabilities.
Willing to relocate: Anywhere

Data Hub.Net Developer

TMNA Services, LLC, Bala - Cynwyd, PA, US - October 2015 to Present
Project Title 1: Coverage Verification Service
Description: It's an integration project, Service takes policy number, Claim, Report date as input and query the
Rapid sure data base for the claim information for all the different product types like Vehicle, Fitness trainers,
Studios, Inland Marine, PhillyBonds, Companies etc, on corresponding dates in which the effective coverage's
on the policy and retrieve those coverage's with applying business logic on it and send output in XML format.

Project Title 2: PBS Billing Instructions Service

Description: Service receives PBS, RapidSure, AQS xml's and process the xml's to common format of Billing
Notify xml format and then convert it to Billing center xml format and return that as response to Web Methods.

Understanding system requirements and execution of tasks allocated to maintain and develop Web pages.
Work extensively with cross functional teams in a Agile Scrum environment to achieve the tasks within the
given sprint deadline.
Analysis, design, and implementation of web services for integration related components of the enterprise
solution for SPIRE transformation program.
Intensively worked in application using SOA architecture developing Web Services around existing business
Implemented the DAL using the the Entity Framework.
Used Generics, Lambda Expressions, Extension Methods, Linq to SQL, Linq to Objects.
Update and track the tasks on Rally (Scrum Project Management) tool for effective sprint burn down.
Excellent Experience in writing Data Access Layers using entity Frame Work and LINQ to SQL.
Creating and consuming Web Services using C#.
Develop unit test cases for the web services in SoapUI test Suite with all possible assertions.
Involved in developing the requirement with C#, ASP.NET, WCF and Web services in .Net Technologies,
unit testing, and system testing and release management.
Involved in developing the WCF, Web services and integrating with different applications.
Developed MS SQL Server 2000 and 2005 database driven applications using Stored Procedures, Functions
and Triggers using T-SQL
Modified Web Services to interact with the other applications and exposed them using SOAP and HTTP.
Experience in web applications with .NET framework 3.5/4.0 using ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET, SOAP,
WebServices, XML and XSL.

Environment: Windows 7, .Net Framework 3.5/4.0, C# 4.0, IIS 7.0, Team Foundation Server, Web Services/
WCF, MS SQL Server2012/2008, Visual studio 2010, SOAPUI, SharePoint, Altova XML SPY.

Sr .Net Developer
Wells Fargo Bank, Charolette, NC - February 2013 to September 2015
Project Title: Security Solutions Design Automation.
Description: It is an inventory management system, Developed a frontend for the network security services.
The requests are generated by the clients and also the internal from the organizations. This project started
in 2005, we added many other features and improvements to the existing system and provided support and
maintenance to the system.

Understanding system requirements and execution of tasks allocated to maintain and develop Web pages.
Involved in the everyday scrum meeting which included the management.
Involved in supporting and maintaining the application after production.
Creating the routing logic by using Controller in ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework.
Updating the entire application to be cross browser compatible
Ensuring quality of deliverables with Testing and Supply chain teams.
Perform enhancements for Web using C# ASP.Net using Visual studio 2012 and SQL Server
Used N-tier architecture for presentation, business and data access Layers.
Involved in coding member validation business functionality using WCF Rest services.
Implemented web user interface design using HTML5, Master Pages, Themes, CSS, AJAX, Jquery and
Used LINQ in data and business layers.
Responsible for troubleshoot and bug fix of the defects
Ensured the delivery of the desired deliverables using AGILE Methodology.
Analyze defects and find strategic and logic solution.
Developed web applications using ASP.NET and AJAX Extensions under MVC architecture.
Implemented Web User Interface elements using C#, Bootstrap, AngularJs, HTML, Javascript, JQuery.
Developed GUI front end using Windows forms (Win Forms) in C# and Design, code, test, debug and
document the programs.
Involved in consuming Restful web services to validate the data entered by the user.
Involved in generating Enterprise level reports using SSRS and used SSIS for data transformation.
Used LINQ to query the objects to get the orders and availability.
Used LINQ to SQL to get data from database.
Used Server Controls like Data Grid, Datasets to display, manipulate data along with SQL Stored procedures
to interact with the database
Unit and Integration Testing for the modules.

Environment: MS Visual Studio 2012, .NET Framework 4.5, C#, ASP.NET, AJAX, WCF, LINQ, MVC 4.0, Agile
development, SQL Server 2008, T-SQL, Web Services, IIS7.0, HTML5, CSS3, XML, XSLT, JQuery, Angular
Js, Bootstrap, Team Foundation Server, Windows 7

Sr .Net Developer
Quest Diagnostics, OH - July 2011 to January 2013
Project Titile: Multifactor Authentication
Description: Multifactor Authentication address critical security gap by delivering an integrated set of strong,
risk based solution that effectively complement changes in Ameriprise's online Business environment. These
changes provide the capability for Clients to access Client facing applications from anywhere at any time, over
the internet.

Understanding system requirements and execution of tasks allocated to maintain and develop Web pages.
Involved in maintaining the application after production and detecting and rectifying bugs.
Documenting functional specifications and implementing UI elements in the Model and View layers.
Creating the routing logic by using Controller in ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework.
Updating the entire application to be cross browser compatible.
Ensuring quality of deliverables with Testing and Supply chain teams.
Perform enhancements for Web using C# ASP.Net using Visual studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008.
Used N-tier architecture for presentation, business and data access Layers.
Involved in coding member validation business functionality using WCF Rest services.
Implemented web user interface design using HTML5, Master Pages, Themes, CSS, Web Parts, AJAX,
Jquery and JavaScript.
Used LINQ in data and business layers.
Responsible for troubleshoot and bug fix of the defects
Ensured the delivery of the desired deliverables using AGILE Methodology.
Analyze defects and find strategic and logic solution.
Created User Interface presentation layer using ASP.NET, CSS, JavaScript, the data access layer (DAL)
using ADO.NET.
Developed the modules using MVC4 (Razor Views) with SQL Server as the backend database and the
business logic is written in C#.
Responsible for developing and consuming WCF Services.
Written the Stored Procedures, user-defined functions, SQL queries, triggers, creating database users in
SQL server.
Documenting functional specifications and implementing UI elements using C#, Bootstrap, AngularJs.
Consumed the data from the third party/vendor services which is displayed and used in TESS application.
Involved in identifying the FxCop and StyleCop issues throughout the project.
Responsible for deploying the files to the development and test servers, configuration management
Environment: NET Framework 3.5/4.0, VisualStudio.Net 2008/2010, ASP.NET, MVC, C#, ADO.NET, Entity
Framework, CSS, XML, XSLT, AJAX, Angular Js, JavaScript, WCF, LINQ, SQL Server

Jr .Net Developer
Cudd Well Control - Houston, TX - August 2010 to May 2011
Description: Designed a user interface builder which they can be able to use the controls like labels, textbox,
button, graphs, Images, etc. The user should be able to move the created controls around work space. At
the end the application should generate the xml document using all the controls used by the user in the work
space dynamically.
* Interacted with Business Users for gathering business requirements and involved in analyzing, documenting
business requirements, functional requirements for developing Forms, Documents and Reports.
* Created dynamic web portal for authorized information requestors sub module using ASP.Net Web Forms
application in Visual studio and developed reports using Reporting services.
* Developed the sub modules using ASP.NET with business logic written in C# with Visual Studio
* Used Data Set, Data Reader, Data Adapter, Grid view, Data Repeater for retrieving and displaying
* Created ASP.NET web services using WSDL and SOAP for interacting with other sub systems and to access
Reports, Forms and Notices.
* Implemented WCF security features.
* Developed online Billing Systems for users to view invoices
* Developed online public information center and Web-based Query center applications
* Used JQuery, JavaScript for advanced user controls and client side scripting for rendering dynamic content.
* Developed the modules using MVC4 (Razor Views) with SQL Server as the backend database and the
business logic is written in C#.
* Extensively used LINQ to retrieve and manipulated data as strongly typed objects.
* Experienced in creating Master pages, User Controls and used Cascading Style Sheet, HTML5 for ASP.NET
web applications.
* Implemented Ajax for creating interactive web application and for avoiding reloading of page for each request.
* Session management of the application was well handled.
* Used ADO.NET for connecting to SQL Server database
* Complex Stored Procedures were created in SQL Server
* Generated Enterprise level reports using SSRS and used SSIS for data transformation solutions and
extraction solutions.
* Communicated with Agencies for Business Requirements, Analysis and Reports phase.
* Involved in maintaining and supporting the application after production.
* Involved in unit and functional testing.
* Built xml templates and validated the generated files on a large scale for the business layer.
* Implemented Authentication and Authorization security mechanisms

Environment: ASP.NET 3.5 in C#, XML, HTML, CSS, SQL Server 2005

Jr .Net Developer
VSoft Technologies - Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - May 2008 to July 2010
Description: Designed an estimation software, This is a web based software which allows the estimator to
estimates the time and cost of their job based on the paper size, colors, size of books, copies, quality, old
jobs scheduled and their priority, etc. It also allows the customer to track the status of their scheduled job,
deadlines, intermediate job outputs to verify and make any corrections if needed.
PROJECT TITLE 2: Automation of Medical Camp's Patient Information System
Description: It is a web-based project that maintains patient details and tracks the patient's presence to the
camp. The project's Medical camp Website offer ready access to treatment details of patient, Pharmacy details,
Donors involved in the camp & financial information of the camp diseases handled by the camp, Pharmacy,
treatment details.
Involved in design, development of application using .NET Framework as an application Framework.
Developed a Sales site website using ASP.Net and C#.NET where sales representative share that link to
the prospective customers
Developed UI using HTML, which would display the plan information for a particular enterprise.
Developed User Interface using ASP. Net.
Designed, modeled and architected multi-threaded, enterprise N- tier software agent using web service
hosted in a Windows service.
Extensively used ASP.NET controls for developing the UI.
Involved in resolving major bug fixes within the application.
Wrote the stored procedures using SQL SERVER.
The task included developing user controls, writing JavaScript functions, Creating CSS style sheets
Worked on Web Forms to achieve some functionality locally.
Consumed web service that would display the plan information for a particular plan.
Implemented Data Access layer using ADO.NET to access the SQL Server database.
Have extensively used datasets, Data table and Data view to retrieve and manipulate data and display it in
an ASP.NET page.

Environment: .NET 2.0, C#.NET, VS 2008, SQL Server 2005, Oracle 11g PL / SQL, TFS


Bachelors of Technology in Computer science

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

.NET (8 years), ASP.NET (8 years), ADO.NET (8 years), VB. Net (8 years), C# (7 years), JavaScript (7
years), JQuery (7 years), WCF (6 years), LINQ (8 years), JSON (7 years), Bootstrap (7 years), Angular
JS (7 years), HTML5 (7 years), CSS3 (7 years), XML (7 years), MVP (7 years), MVC (7 years), WPF (8
years), Web API. (7 years), Web Services (6 years), MVP (7 years), T-SQL (6 years), SQL (7 years), MS
Visual Studio (7 years), IIS (6 years), TCP/IP (6 years), Agile (6 years), SOA (7 years), SharePoint (6 years),
SOAPUI (7 years), Oracle (7 years), UML (7 years)


Technical Skills:
Languages C, C++, C#, PL/SQL, T-SQL, SQL, UML2.0
Microsoft .Net Technologies .NET Framework [] ASP.NET [] ADO.NET,WCF,MVC, Win-forms, Web-
forms, Web Services
Web Technologies HTML/DHTML, JavaScript, XML , XSL, XSLT, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap,
Development Tools (IDEs) MS Visual Studio.NET []
Web Services IIS 6.0 / IIS 7.0
Design Patterns MVC, Front Controller, Session Faade, Singleton, Business Delegate and DAO patterns
RDBMS Oracle [] MS SQL Server [] SQL Server []
Operating System Windows Server [] XP, Vista/ Windows 7, Unix, Linux
Testing Tools SoapUI, MSTest
Networking Protocols TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SOAP

Methodologies Agile Methodology

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