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Feb. 27, 2007 Vol. 12, No.


Processing of all three shuttles NASA, DOD partner to manage

under way for future missions aeronautical test facilities

Shuttle Update: Last week, periods of time. Work is also under tion and Technology Division, will
the STS-117 payload was installed way to change out Discovery's cock- speak about "Getting Rid of E-mail
into Atlantis' cargo bay. In addition, pit windows, with the removal and Clutter." Guests are welcome. The
technicians continued their prepara- replacement of window No. 8 com- optional dinner costs $11. Please
tions for the hypergolic propellant pleted last week. RSVP by March 12 to Debbie Carter
load, scheduled for this week. Shuttle at or 321-426-
NASA Update: NASA and 3003. Reservations can also be made
interface testing and validation test-
the Department of Defense recently through the chapter Web site at
ing of launch pad systems are also
signed an agreement to develop an iaapcentralbre-
under way.
integrated national strategy for man- Regular chap-
Endeavour remains in Orbiter
aging their respective aeronautical ter meetings are the second Tuesday
Processing Facility bay 2, and techni-
test facilities. NASA Administrator of each month.
cians continue preparing the vehicle
Michael Griffin and Undersecretary
for its first launch in more than four NASA College Scholarship
of Defense for Acquisition, Technol-
years, mission STS-118. Last week, Fund Inc. — This non-profit organi-
ogy and Logistics Kenneth Krieg
technicians completed preparations zation awards undergraduate scholar-
signed the National Partnership for
for the mating of the aft orbital ma- ships to qualified NASA dependents
Aeronautical Testing agreement.
neuvering system pod to the reaction pursuing a course of study in science
The agreement expands the dia-
control system. Final mate and inter- or engineering fields. Up to six schol-
logue beyond the test and evaluation
face verification was scheduled for arships will be awarded this year. In-
communities to include industry, aca-
the weekend. Work is also under way formation on the guidelines for
demia and the science and technology
to prepare the orbiter for installation applying for the scholarship can be
interests from both agencies. Aero-
of the orbiter boom sensor system, found at:
nautical test facilities are used for
which is a robotic arm extension. Fi-
testing vehicles (e.g., aircraft, mis-
nal testing of the orbiter's fuel cells olarship/index.htm. Applications
siles or space vehicles) or for related
was completed last week. are now being accepted and must be
scientific and engineering studies.
Processing of Discovery, which received by the corporation scholar-
They include wind tunnels, propul-
returned from the STS-116 mission ship committee at Johnson Space
sion test facilities, simulation facili-
on Dec. 22, continues in Orbiter Center no later than March 20. For
ties and open-air ranges.
Processing Facility bay 3. The right- additional details, please contact
hand orbital maneuvering system pod Administrative Professionals Debbie Bitner at 867-0510 or Deb-
was removed last week. Technicians To Meet — The Central Brevard
are busy working on Discovery's Chapter of the International Associa-
electrical system, preparing for the tion of Administrative Professionals Did You Know? NASA has issued
installation of the new station-to- invites all administrative support per- a request for proposal for the Ares I launch
shuttle power transfer system modifi- sonnel to its monthly meeting at 5:30 vehicle upper-stage element that will transport
cation. This system will allow the or- p.m. March 13 at the Courtyard by the Orion crew exploration vehicle and its
biter and International Space Station Marriott on 3425 N. Atlantic Avenue crew and cargo to low-Earth orbit. The upper-
stage proposals are due to Marshall Space
to share power, which will enable the in Cocoa Beach. Kimmarie Barrett,
Flight Center no later than 2 p.m. April 13.
orbiter to remain docked for longer with the Lockheed Martin Informa-

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