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Energy Efficiency of
Measures to make Buildings ‘Green’

Ashutosh Agrawal

The following paper was submitted and presented at IIT, Madras during my Build
India Scholarship Training program with Larsen & Toubro, ECC Division.

Ashutosh Agrawal
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CE506: Industrial Seminar

Course Faculty: Dr. K. Ramamurthy

Report on

Ashutosh Agrawal
M.Tech, CT&M
Ashutosh Agrawal (CE02M086)

After oil crisis of 1973, ways to limit energy usage were looked for. Buildings
turned out to be a viable candidate. Currently buildings amount to 20% of total
energy consumption. This report discusses various measures, which can be
taken to improve energy efficiency of buildings. To justify the implementation of
these measures, cost and savings associated with it has been discussed.

In buildings, energy efficiency means using minimum energy to provide
appropriate internal environment without sacrificing the quality of that
environment. It implies, using less energy for heating, cooling, and lighting. It
also means buying energy-saving appliances and equipment for use in a
Energy efficiency first gathered importance after oil embargo of 1973. Since
then significant improvements have been made in this field.
Used energy results in
 Global warming.
 Depletion of finite fossil fuels.
 Air pollution and environmental damage.
 Costs money.
Hence, improving efficiency of energy use has its social, economic and environmental
Walls, roofs, floors, windows, and doors constitute the envelope of a building.
Various measures can be applied to envelope of a building to improve energy
efficiency. Some commonly recommended measures are:
a. Addition of thermal insulation
Addition of thermal insulation reduces transmission losses. This results in
reduction in heating and cooling loads.
b. Replacement of windows
When windows represent a significant portion of exposed building surfaces,
energy efficient windows should be opted for.
Energy efficiency of window can be increased by [1]:
1. Insulating the spacers between glass panes to reduce conduction
heat transfer.
2. Installing multiple coating to reduce heat transfer by radiation.
3. Inserting argon or krypton gas between the panes can decrease the
convection heat transfer.
4. Providing exterior shading devices.
Some new technologies in this area are [1]:
Chromogenic Glazings which change properties automatically, depending
on temperature or light level (similar to photochromatic glasses).
Integrated Photovoltaic Panels that can generate electricity while absorbing
solar radiation and reducing heat gain (typically used in roofs).
c. Reduction of air leakage
Leaks in walls through frames of windows, electrical outlets, plumbing operations
etc constitute major source of air leakage. Some techniques to improve air
tightness of a building are [1 ]:

1. Caulking: Caulking materials like urethane, latex and polyvinyl can be

applied to seal various leak sources, like around window, door frame,
holes for pipes etc.
2. Weather Stripping: By applying foam rubber with adhesive backing,
windows and doors can be air sealed.
3. Landscaping: This consists of planting shrubs and/or trees around the
4. Air Retarders: These can be applied around the building exterior shell to
form a continuous wrap around the building walls. Some air retarder
types are liquid applied bituminous, liquid applied rubber, sheet
bituminous, and sheet plastic.

Electrical systems consume major part of energy in buildings:
a. Lighting
Lighting constitutes on average 40% of total electrical energy use in a typical
office building [1].
Some advances in this area are:
1. High efficiency fluorescent lamps I" 11: Their efficacy is about 70-80
lumens/watt. These have diffuse light distribution, and long operating life.
2. Compact halogen lamps f l ] : These are used as direct replacements of
incandescent lamps. These produce white light, last longer and are 30%
more efficient.
3. Electronic Ballasts [T1: Ballasts provide the voltage level required to start
electric arc and regulate the intensity of the arc.
4. Electronic Ballasts use so-lid state technology and produce high frequency
(20-60 MHz) current. As a result light is cycling more quickly and appears
brighter. These Ballasts have high power factor, less flicker and less noise.

5. Automatic light controls HI: These controls and operate lighting system in
accordance with required illumination.
 Occupancy sensors: These sensors save light by automatically turning
off lights in spaces that are not occupied. Currently two types of
motion sensing technologies are available in market, which are
Infrared sensors and Ultrasound sensors.
 Light Dimming Systems: Dimming controls allow the variation of
intensity of lighting system output based on natural lighting level,
manual adjustments and occupancy.
b. Electrical Appliances
1. Office Equipment: almost all office equipment have power management
systems integrated in them. For instance, computer can enter low-power
"sleep" mode when idle for a specific period of time. Copiers can go in low
power mode of 15-45 Watts after 30-90 minutes of inactivity.
2. Residential Appliances: Minimum energy efficiency standards have been
set for various appliances in various countries. The energy standards are in
terms of maximum allowable energy consumption in a year for an
appliance. US have come up with these standards for every appliance and
compliance to them is mandatory [1]. In India, energy-efficiency standards
are available for Refrigerators. Room Air conditioners and Central Air
Conditioning. The compliance status is voluntary in India.
c. Motors
The energy cost to operate motors is significant for any commercial or
industrial building. Energy efficiency in motors can be improved by [1]:
1. Reducing operating time. Turning it off when not in use.
2. Better design and use of better materials to reduce losses.

3. Adjustable Speed Drives: ASD's can change speed of AC motors with no

moving parts. ASD's are electronic solid state devices, which convert the
fixed-frequency AC power supply (50-60 Hz) first to a DC power and then
to a desired variable frequency AC power.
The energy use due to HVAC systems are up to 40% of total energy consumed
by a typical commercial building [1].
Some measures to increase energy efficiency of HVAC systems are [1]:
a. Changing thermostat temperatures: During unoccupied periods,
thermostat temperature can be lowered in case of heating and can be
increased in case of cooling.
b. Variable Air Volume Systems: Existing systems use constant air volume
systems. In these systems the cooled air is heated at end, to meet required
thermal loads.
On other hand variable air volume systems reduce the amount of air supplied
as cooling load decrease, eliminating the energy consuming reheating
c. Retrofit of Central Heating Plants: Energy efficient boilers can replace old
boilers. The efficiency of a boiler can be drastically improved by adjusting
the fuel-air ratio for proper combustion.
d. Retrofit of Central Cooling Plants: Chillers, that are energy efficient and
easy to control to operate can be retrofitted.
e. Heat Recovery Systems: In heating systems the exhaust hot air, or heat
from boiler stacks can be used to heat up outdoor intake air through a heat
Similarly, in cooling systems the exhaust air (relatively cooler than outdoor air) can
be used to cool the outdoor intake air.

f. Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Systems use less expensive off-peak

power to recharge a storage system. For instance, operating refrigerating
plant in off-peak hours to convert water into ice and storing it. The storage
system is discharged during on-peak hours. As a result a significant portion
of on-peak demand is shifted to off-peak demand. Cost savings are realized
because utility rates favour levelled energy consumption.
Compressed air has become an indispensable tool for most manufacturing
facilities. It is estimated that only 20-25% of input electrical energy is delivered
as useful compressed air energy. Leaks accounts for 10-15% of waste and
misapplication accounts for 5-40% [1].
Some energy conservation measures for compressor systems are:
a. Reduction of inlet air temperature.
b. Reduction of discharge pressure. When the maximum pressure required by all
end use equipment is noticeably less than air pressure developed by
compressor system, the discharge pressure of the compressor must be
reduced to reduce its energy use.
c. Repair of air leaks. Leaks result in unnecessary waste of compressed air.


With the constant decrease in the cost of computer technology, automated control of a
wide range of energy systems within commercial and industrial buildings is becoming
increasingly popular and cost-effective. An energy management and control system
(EMCS) can be designed to control and reduce the building energy consumption within
a facility by continuously monitoring the energy use of various equipment and making
constant adjustments.

Two approaches for EMCS are typically applied [1]:

a. Load Tracking: The actual need of a facility is determined by continuously
monitoring it through sensors. Then operation of equipment is modulated in
respond to actual needs in the facility.
b. Load Anticipation: Here the needs of facility are predicted by analyzing
historical pattern of load variations. Then the operation of equipment is
modulated accordingly.
The process of generating both electrical and thermal energy is generally
referred as cogeneration. Electricity is produced from fuel and waste thermal
energy is recovered in form of hot water or steam, which is then used to meet the
heating load in a building.

In recent years, the cost of water usage has increased significantly and represents
an important fraction of total utility bills.
Water conservation strategies are grouped in three main categories[1]:
a. Indoor Water Management: Use of water efficient plumbing systems like
water-saving showerheads, water-saving toilets and water-saving faucets.
Repair of water leaks and use of water efficient appliances (clothes washer,
dishwashers etc.).
b. Outdoor Water Management: Use of low flow sprinkler heads. Replacing
all or part of a landscape with less water dependent components such as
rocks and indigenous vegetation, known as Xeriscaping. Use of drip system
to water plants etc.
c. Waste Water Reuse: Gray water is a form of waste water with lesser quality than
potable water but higher quality than black water (which contains significant
concentration of organic waste from toilets and kitchen). Gray water comes from
washingmachines, baths and showers and is suitable for reuse in toilet
flushing. In addition, it can be used to supply of some irrigation needs, as it
contains nitrogen and phosphorus, which are essential plant nutrients.
Rainwater of which much is wasted can be can be conserved by wide range
of harvesting systems to collect and distribute water.
Landscaping implies controlling surrounding landscape by planting trees,
shrubs, vines, grasses, and hedges. A well-designed landscape will:
 Cut your summer and winter energy costs dramatically.
 Protect your home from winter wind and summer sun.
 Reduce consumption of water, pesticides, and fuel for
landscaping and lawn maintenance.
 Help control noise and air pollution.
Shading and Evapotranspiration (the process by which a plant actively moves
and releases water vapour) from trees can reduce surrounding air temperatures
as much as 9° F (5°C) [6].
Proper orientation and landscaping can boost up energy efficiency considerably.
In the northern hemisphere, it is usually best to align the home's long axis in an
east-west direction. The home's longest wall, with the most window area, should
face south or southeast. The home's north-facing and west-facing walls should
have fewer windows because these walls generally face winter's prevailing
winds. North-facing windows receive little direct sunlight [6].
Solar heat passing through windows and being absorbed through the roof is the major
reason for air-conditioner use. Shading is the most cost-effective way to reduce solar
heat gain and cut air conditioning costs.

Trees can be selected with appropriate sizes, densities, and shapes for almost any
shading application. To block solar heat in the summer but let much of it in
during the winter, use deciduous trees [6]. To provide continuous shade or to
block heavy winds, use evergreen trees or shrubs. Deciduous trees with high,
spreading crowns (i.e., leaves and branches) can be planted to the south of your
home to provide maximum summertime roof shading. Trees with crowns lower
to the ground are more appropriate to the west, where shade is needed from
lower afternoon sun angles [6].
During the summer, tall spreading trees planted close to the home shade the roof.
Broad, shorter trees on the west side block afternoon solar heat. A windbreak on
the northwest side can shield the home from prevailing winter winds [6].
Trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants can also shade the ground and pavement
around the home. This reduces heat radiation and cools the air before it reaches
your home's walls and windows.

During the summer, tall spreading trees planted close to the home shade the roof.
Broad shorter trees on the west side block afternoon solar heat. A windbreak on the
northwest side can shield the home from prevailing winter winds.

Wind Protection
The best windbreaks block wind close to the ground by using trees and shrubs
that have low crowns. For maximum protection, plant your windbreak at a
distance from your home of two to five times the mature height of the trees [1],
If snow tends to drift in your area, plant low shrubs on the windward side of your
windbreak. The shrubs will trap snow before it blows next to your home.
To cool the south and west sides of the home,
reduce paved areas, plant shade trees, or a d d a

Everybody loves energy-efficient homes. There is clear evidence that energy
efficiency is a great long-term investment, and requires initial additional
construction cost.
Various programs already underway are listed below. An effort called "Building
America" is now underway to find ways to cut energy use by 50 percent
compared to current practice without increasing overall construction cost [5].
The State of Iowa's Department of Natural Resources (DNR), established an
ambitious Building Energy Management Program to install all energy
management improvements with an average payback of 6 years in all public and
non-profit facilities statewide by
1995. The DNR predicted such a program would require a $300 million
investment, create energy savings of $50 to $60 million a year, i.e. around 16%
overall improvement in energy efficiency [3].

State Committee of Ukraine for Energy Conservation, U.S. Department of

Energy has implemented a program for more than 1,300 educational, healthcare
and cultural buildings. Payback period is about 7 years. Recommended measures
lower energy consumption by about 27% of baseline consumption [4].

A program called Energy Bank in U.S. has improved energy efficiency of

various official and unofficial buildings, puts it like this. For every $1 million
investment in energy efficiency, $167,000 is saved in energy costs annually. In
six years, that initial investment is repaid [5].

Now one can appreciate that there is a wide scope for improvement in energy
efficiency of a building. Some of the measures are for free and some call for
initial investment. But with payback periods ranging from 3-12 years, they are
worth investing. With depleting resources, its imperative to concentrate on
reducing energy cost. No other area could be better than buildings, which
currently account for 20% of total energy consumption and also provide a good
scope to control its energy consumption.
1. Krarti Moncef, "Energy Audit Of Building Systems", Florida, CRC Press
2. "Energy Bank",, (12 Feb 2003).
3. "The Building Energy Management Program",, (12 Feb 2003).
4. "Agency For Rational Energy Use And Ecology ",, (21 Mar 2003).
5. "Rebuild America", http://www., (21 Mar 2003).
6. "Landscape For Energy Efficiency", (10 Mar 2003).

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