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I AIMS OF EDUCATION— A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY RS. PETERS ‘example, on ‘discovery’ or ‘eeatvity’—and to pu cup into an educa. ‘nt tenchers had to have some sort of s booster every five ar te years fo kep thiols up ibe teste ae no Tone any ocd: so sipets ‘tresarch have fo do instead! Traonly, of cows, sch boos Ive ben coiled ‘neo doeaon But why? Panaceas hve abounded npc: ut we do ot bese abou as of poi. Why shuld ed tin in prot Se asnited ith time? Or Ba i prey coain ‘Whitehead ater put ogeherncllacton of esayn and sarees under {he tileet Phe dis of Eucston ond eo fag vas se? Ors there “ind T the ime—and also the neces seholersbip—T wauld Uke to follow up ths question an dacovr the pres ped a which ed fotos became, twee egreminded Bat tsk i hs sy osm, ao understand iso exbitt te ppeoach ofthe anata Fiilonpterto ucts tbc! sine of efsetion, nt that of te hs {einai ides, One has to ak therefor, wy te deta for eda toro forme aime sere so natral, whatever is Novel, tnd wnt soto fonction ie perfermed by sock formulations Ia ober {aun comments hve fo be made about the fonction perored Io Teal ot uve ne eter lt uesions todo wit tbe Justin of sing ich sin, both plvophicaly nd practi speaking he frost inrering std important gusoss abo hem. Phlsophy, 8 1 sr onan a a Clad 7 esteode (Heche Cale Pieter FR Onno lane for Stn saeony p Repeiid vey bis mut hat sisting oy sont “Amn Beton In Chap VI his Democracy and Edtcton; ye oe of te femedingweakaeses of he tome of the cnet of’ i tht evecare equivalent fo ht of purpose’! OF couse ‘sm! belons to he ue tay of concep dos arp’ 0 sso doen fud'motves They a ail conepuny,comected wth acon od Elven bot tere are sible aiferences Between dm in the ways in wich they ae 0 conse eto sad ties re enti, in he mai, by efrence to how the agent cose athe dong. OF couse hr ate very ofa Chavet overeat of fe oa BT ae cer suet Fr ‘emacs fr toc, tt oc wing {eiy oor cess tn people hve thir end raed, Bt sch Sponndon ean een wow nina fit woul neo {Eittewar aegis band. Perbup he was tena the decton of {he wind, vlng. or galing fo srmeooe, We cout hus ent ti ceo ey of tat ne wo pobbl ave tak tim iw tobe se We might to Are you saline tbuomeone or test the diction of he wig? Tf howee, we wee eave sur um he ones wa senate seientons eh ene git sy What pour perpose i bing your hand?” We ul ther worden toa inal see a a oda {Ne and sek explanation of by ating forth gz purpose ie ertoming the aston so seid. We mit eve, ncaa spec Somaru ne perape we ere npn wel pled, boa! is SSC he rn wm tea is ann foe Sok > tooked ns i he wa gong fo thro someting Wat then, se conayrf Mavbeion onus Rowieige @ Kept Pel 13, 190) See alt caad Vo 8m 1, AINS OF RDUCATION—A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 18 fe about th concept of un whlch vs rset the quest of ck asitod ith is natural hme in coutexts of shooting and towing tion of some pce objective. The desis of the agent ate dete, x ‘tere, towards some ian tars and thre must be concent ‘ote andstenon inorder to Hit hs The Queton What are you ning a heer rather like the esion What sre you ting fable objcute. ‘Alin iso ike eying” in tat it sages hat there some i cal ivetved inthe task and very real pos of flag sort ot ‘you aiming at” is asked, there avery deiteimplistion of bunting nd eanfoion, of efor aot propery eo-rdantd or dite, In tht in eprd to prac, stalk sont “eee ae sonnei with ister: they pick oat objtines which by defanon exon be rend telomere i, thoy become "ser, wich ae objctier tht eon be sine, gen eocenraton and coordination of eo Bt there Sl the very sng pont of failure farkng in the Dakar IBeadles Yo sy the ei ‘purpose’ caries ao auch suaeron, ouch the term “ntenon sugpee the pomblty of nae ater than of fer: (CompateWht be intend to 0" and What was ing ‘These fetes of the concept of ‘an indete the apis sia function performed By zing qutionsaboat the ins nations or ‘ctv. "Ain conveys sto a some suggestion of tn eetive at Duggestin hat the ation or ty in guerion i not ool ‘ued i ration to sich an abet, We ase people wht ey are ‘ming a wen they reworking saya someting bt nat ie dear at what Tt ko oer word am step to get them fo sey a ‘tio ot sett in relton to soe bjevtive tnt ent aoe 400 trying todo?” To ask a person what be i aiming a is nt primarily dean exlnation fr wht he lg. Ife more a 2 cn ov a am eaortton than ats reqhest fora elation, Hi Riya es iin peaty the fait prey in order to bing tothe forfrot what ix secs fpeonin forensic iein, Sa eerie ar sean aia ment of he pole foe hit itso 0 tnt oe eee compris om SERA 'Shaneo be inthe plnopy of eduction, and, howe the / SESS CmSynaepecidy acby wet | 2. Aims suggest the concentration on and the direction of effort towards { 2 ies are {Ts Copetve tt not too pla or cos to hand 2 asm pgs te posto flea fling shor re concerr or eoveaion ‘why shoud al his be so pest poi the ca Aju soos night be tat ection et MY dife andi ‘ey iach may ees pone oe wth ee ues ‘Siuowt ting stg clu wat te ae yng todo. The demand Tor ama of eda i thtefore lua eos for teaches to Sor'atenton on tem, and Sicard seen Alo a fb ule ae nery Sa fo cme in edcato, he constant possbty ening shor of never geting of ays present the cate Hence he aporopritnet ol he ak bout ‘i AMS OP EBUCATION—A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 15 “hans lose. OF 1 ut more conte the general onto of the avr eight what a aig ae the Specie fenue ofthe concept of 'sSteston’ which would make Kintera 1 we would fy, "Go sling oa pt on ih Your teueie acannon ality han forming or inpeovng te. Wa "Edmation Ike reform snot conse fc iting ou any specie nto. We donot sy, Tve you been educating hem or arcing {hem in losis ths ning? Though we ng, Have 900 Been ‘sing them Ey entucting hem algebra hs moring? Thee sre Ttmunersie sets Waki might coon ss edscring poole sta fhe ae inner ee that ght cout rfnming hen. To ‘The ceria involved can be divided into two main groups. There will ‘the form af an educated mun; theee wil be, scondly, those that charac- {eae te proce by eats of wkh people gual become eds ‘Sut tey cant be charcertae snglyby sing at they ae een tens for prods Sse end. They ae he, ay of one ng aks coming inthe manifldschivemas involved In Boing ean imeinely be seen why tht i tadency to tak both aout the ims ot edbeton and sbot the ans of term. or oth tere ‘very distant target for sich activites, and which structures them in @ rain diecton, "Eduction ke etm) pes outa fan of pro family of presses clminating in pron having an oto a frm ‘contradiction fo sy “My son bes been edocated, bot nothing desirable bun changad no way Cr the bts” Bot concepts in tee words ‘tugs of processing anon, "This comostion with commendation dost no, of ours, prevent ue from speaking of “poor eenton” when 2 watiwe ha Bes 16 RLS. PETERS, 4, WOODS, AND W. HL DRAY botebe, or “od edo’ en we tink that much of what neope te woking as aot month whl though it ase question to ete tine at whet pot ne pase fom sang that something is had cen iu osying tat ot edention a Thee so the eva tive deve ven en we ay tat «pts Was edad” ata publ shoo) tas ne might say of sotebouy that be was 2 "ood" man. “Toe word sansa heed derivative Sm» purely exes dsspie wey when we speak of an ational ten, t ee can Ue the ttm orl of emeone cove witht consti ores to the Sse of ae of hee howe cade it Anthropologst ca ak {tthe moral sem of 2 tbe, ao ako can we lk ae soilogs oF ‘Sonos of the estos system of = commu In employing tb msth whl, but member ft sity, howe pte 5, St Thame apt of oth ‘eat’ ander makes them both spel csc of what ye el ‘achivernet tebe? They fe IRE “i ind "omember’ aT” hat some srt f tes i led by they ier, however, tat here sno oe ivr sch tometing, mat be of vale. Any aren, therefore, tothe auton Consist ina moce erful pesto of he scioverets costing ng eduatd or beng reoned. Asn, Romever,gpess same di tint cee anda posible to teachings ke sence o ae iat ch re uy at for wn en, wi i {ony tos if looking fr sme dita ejects beyond edaton hich edatrs might be tying to bing abut gn ects thi Roi be pone edcton mene the naton ot peop nto 3 ‘Rethilefrn of it; or hom could tere eve be ty od 0 vale yond thie which # would be pele to bing abou? The mistake ‘Coe ough iting Gostos shoot what education elf nt Fad for to hh are pertpnt enouph when asad about sctvites of ‘acer thet are seul but not li, condos for educational Tress Engoesing, fine, cane aap io schools or calles ply mith ew to increasing predocay; bat people cannot be Se it Rly The Concept af Min (London: Hots, 194% AIMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 17 stated by being toghtenpnestng ith vw to binging about eying which would not ihe fll under the concept of wht tStcstedperon fn And eaginss cin be highly edueted people. OF fours, economists or plftane can lok at stool ot atonal ‘psterms ae were, fom the cle nd an serie iseumental SSthem But propose of hat sore arent sey speaking, propa ‘out the sine of edction. Rather, they ae aogaetons tat hinge Should be GUE, cr seats usd, farpurpones that are not sty stile th sve beeen the aoc of purely Yocaonl taining snd Se advocte of docton, A deende of tinny might gest ‘ion invert sniation of peopl nto a worthenhie for of ie Tec mlght maintain that the community dno he rerurces for sich Toray, To thst advocate of eduction might ep that he sono ‘ts aston i wltinttyinoberent. For if edstonlvoles the fasion of what ential words wil, wt going toe oe abot is tanemisson i the shoo ze paced purely to the notation of technician o keep the whess of nduty aie? For ‘ber sock prodotie wark mt il become endowed with etna Smidcanes or st be rep se iasrmenal to samen te ‘hh so endowed In eer ca, sore edstion wl ave 10 E008 Somewhere, aswel teins. And no the argument might contin ‘The analy ‘of edvestion’ would ne of coe see te sae sunie ie; for mora desslos can nove be extra fon cin ‘ep analy Buti doce at at lp opti the po st whieh ‘ecnons hae tobe ake, ‘Bsa, ten, ike efor, st nor but to which generate ‘be ss whe edeatrs strive to develop or ata, Bt the norm {to einm ae tere rusts to specify he norm more covert bite same of rsp that important in the ease of ror? (eri concer forte? fe Khe development of eal wacenae Bh case of edestion? Or is it senaiiy to thers si ST fm? Probing int “uns” Way of eaidatng the content tat = from pres to the conept of "eing reformed” ev “ning elite ous ‘sine of edscrton” re, therfore posi, depending poe ba etue o's worth nse frm ote say edueto unk mast portant o foster In spt, however, of thie oevisble uty a wht net the mensions along whi the ate or Porites ‘This tat nom be brit aterpte “he i thing tht must bes thot an ected man that Be {sence or cooking, at who tz capable of pursing it fr what there ‘hes ets cot be and often are para for numa eso inty tring Ht we wot ot cal pron ested les be wat ‘Spat, to carta exten, of dling in sich tings for iro ‘ae, A fallnack of» good school eth exe to whch losin Pula dese fo goon nh hing nomic they have bee i. "ed when th presses tel sa wheather inno exie reason ot ‘nonin ia them, "Tix erteron of ommiznntto what intra to worth stv es, Bei the pursit of uu fr Is own sake o the determination to re something of iting form, mecoary ut nt sue fe {hing educsted. For 4 yoron cou e's tind Ualetdaner of bare ‘ates anennelly month sl sh a potery-making, Wi ‘ot being eds. What might he lctng fr someting to do ith nowedge aod understanding for teing edited demands moe han ‘ing highy sled. An ducted man mst ao posses some Bos of Anowedge and rome ind of cence scm 10 rae this abot he Ievel of callation of dated fc, Ths pie ome understand ag ‘oguety argued, An edad person mist sko ave some unde. faning ofthe recon wh” of hier. Te Spartans wore marly 2 tnltany tin. They Hoey how to fabt and they eae Wat wes Fie and wrong hey were ato poomsed of eran tect of folklore, Which ensbled them to masuse provide they Hyed in Spars, But {er thay tad meter Geen eocousged Co gat tps ofthe pails cerns toe cove ‘Some develope in depth of knowles and awareness hee must, be fora nant be eds Bot srsbing sil king: fra ean mie bo ey ily eine alent, yet we mht ese teal in AIMS OF EDUCATION™~A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 19 educated man, This vould aot be bse there i nolling worth Tou not be because sch mun cares nothing abot it and has no tpsp of pcp: for he hype that etd oad fos a good grounding ine penis, What, tent Ickag ich ight make 'us ‘told the depen af “duce” from each 2 fersn? Tes sunt the psy tat he might be monty spesland. ie mio work aay at sence and Know aimost nothing of anything tie . “es ‘When editions prolsin tat education is of the whole man ‘ck jan rales oat apy sent spach to ac ts Tink’ f the diflerene, fr insanc, betwen fx edetion 8nd set ining We we th pase ined in nese for hen re wa to tlk aboot vocations, utiatin, oF west pumas We {not speak of peeon bing ted ino for ot taping Felco This doesnot mean, of cure, at an eeated an ms te ainensomething Italy rls eu the pty 0 i ing oedueated mn; for he may have deep bot cessed eer Sundng inthe sere To bat eset person bas fo decoy fn Abe varour forms of svarenen (Gr exuaple, et, histor, Imbert, moral ses, religious) iq onder be ted wold We iteule wo dts The sin uncon of this eterion so re ‘unser spc rater thant sug postive einen "There i one farther positive reqient tut mat dep thst Sons he dtd an arp of Ewe oa Far than be “ved off Ite posi for a man t kao 4 lot of ‘questions im examinations and claicooms, yet this might never allect tie way in wah fe toked the bldings and instonesroond| He might never connect what he had leant abou the Taga olution wit what hes inthe We aly o in Manchester We night sete sich «man ayEnomlegesb’ Bat we woul ot dover fees by what he knows, “This teisafornig quality of edoetan Is what makes she sontit hat mere ting is transformed nto 4 ality of ie, For how x man thes epends upon what he es and snetans Ip chal nd ol Togs tere bof cours,» concetaton on aes he Mert, ‘ce ao tory. nach have ih eee copie conten. But {rotted peso nee one who simply ese on engin in och ‘isn aves initio he ou whe wl ne So end tis prove for at U hve reared chewhere To be ed Slows Wa ic equeé oot feverish reparation for something tat Teruhea_ bute wort wih peson, peson, nd tte m worth “hese, tie, ae the more ape fetaes of Being ested. But 28 mull ceri reveled obvious eno hat empha wl be ena deren pera fo aieent apes of wit fe means 1 Fe cn Sch enfin merge as of education For, a» Deny Steely rennin For the ements ater of copa at easel iy ssh thing a te taking exe of thems aly Ta We end rater ore our stent onthe ba he ets hd neds of he cntenporary snton: we ke fo rented, toot let sistent nich would te of no oe, aleve lo iet or 2p Fatima 0" Sm fora eit eon Thi book famine cpus the spon ofthe inguin dei {Stattsor tt asm fo andetanng PSE es eae Spal be deveopment of spetaation, da teton oe Porunc af wheene? The tof he ale” tacked by those Who sear ‘thetnng of charae ota nance the cane Tesh est fo cuneate boing eet of be mam med ‘eveyone ern peat of {Se tert nen scien or sn that spl Eu deernte ptr oi alk ofan wes rater oe: bat when ihren up of sts reve toward chat of eds a re hy indent, the dean for ‘in serves an obviws ttn focuses tenon os smn neploted peony sad BD Acoust New Yar” Howse Pr 196, 6 AIMS OF EDUCATION CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY — 21 e might be objested that some overall a might te scribed 10 alton a gry of cite, ja at might be sre to polis, {Coot ot bes, for stan, tu sto thea of refore is t Snake men beter soe an of econ ote men ina rece {efor ier snide saat t noa no bo vey ingens the fori would be merely aay of raving tent what meas {0 edoae or reform someone: Tore ar ines when i necenty #0 Say sac hima: tae ae ies wha ef neey toy a fo tnaform an educational str ito system of vocational nd ‘eli sing, nigh he be appropri to dra stetion tothe nestion tween eseaton soe nrc Yalu of «comma ty eunsiing ach an overall sin, Io other word, would serve ‘tefl fncton in content whee the eluetonal fenton of shoal tr callege as isis from ter ting. or weve foacton, Wie being sesfeted ut a remarh lke thie wuld ave Ute faction in ‘ring the ata of ators to whit ws nortan within esc. Yin that i, asnming tht hey wer leans Wits edveston sh Tre to education. sili Way, somebody speaking of what was done within » Bort or Approved School might sj "The ain of efor to mae nen ber, ou know Ths wold ave point he Fnmates of soch refortive inatations were may being wed 3 ‘Gap labour bythe tate or they were bung rally teat without ny atempt to strengthen thie die To became respectable cizes Bat he enunclton of sch overs sins would ba pointes a ido fing dear about priori thin rlorm or with eeation And {be fincton of tal about ins i edcation sully to clay the ‘Tare py homere, anther alton of ha odk ke er sine for education which haven rater diferent unto, ave iad at ‘ich a ‘growth and the slersaton ofthe india” These ae ‘en ited manus nis of education yet ey donot sen fo be autlogesmsering ms othe hi Which lsc 8 "o [ata man into wort for osm tobe, What i tobe ‘Soh ale po frter tap genera logan such a the development nda capac’, which fonction» demand that dustry Sho enon of lov ieee ht eben sald nt SOE Seo ufom a may. tor eld be adopted caret 0 Sincenc sy and pia. Px cha cena culd be made roy se enced about te efit proven of ences TRE et tawgh more ten ie mate by hs who ae eng ssi cesdeeton for he nea mater of dil Sn Bt emt pn has tod wt he buen of eon ig no acer pecs f essing provi cul te sratby ove ho are elo fo vry foal sn anor ‘Moog The le Honee, fore seit, oat hires shoo Ttlomedt oven rnjon sch uy dsbe ded “Aur soe have thc stores win a ais sto hou dy row aon te ao te indi ‘umes hs orm Sens Drape ter any for ren 0 Fe {eli ofl say ot toledo really or wee “Spt demand by the ste Such im’ point susan Sot'gamat ares of crim wii be mre of wit tet ea tt utqiny an tein re nara nel tae Th child mat bv alowed fo over things or hia and iets bymatine ha on ita aston i ie fsa on prox vey ducaten chive bth ppg hors abou ‘ee ea et pcs sot how cen boule eer ‘Sinn nit rapt and hep othe edo nthe ain et ecton the sven fe ‘Sit tat toy ra atten to'2 cist pede ot ‘eect ter thn pose any spc itn tenet or Teac chltcenrd bere het 20 frat mas le {itn my vow bat woceduer ving wit Davi Ausubel ls ‘ope teune sented atin, thy roe st ‘Ghee Sme tnd of tain oot grove; athe tl ot of fora ‘Eresion vies osc erg ot twat ection ta tere cuorbeetenyed ance enna ome bas {iSeamenton at orl ploy int on 0 wll ogo ob usd Aste, The Pstaley of Mesnafl Verb! Laaming New (Condon Geer Ale 2 Uowin HO, Onp. see ‘IMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPIUAL INQUIRY nto the importance of individ vents of exploration nection by enc ns odo with growth’ os “velopment ten ine thy impression hat Bean replace reernce to fldarooed ters todo wid content Lis ot so much te sea tio of knowinge that mater they arg, the inguing std It {oes not now matt the cd show mater sme sac Bose ‘Mite i rt; what mater that heap for chisel be na | fared by being presented wth tcnatvn Bet ebeton, think, ale | rath wht Dovey sid aboot ine n general apes peeinety To'ime such othe self elation o the ini whieh emp the importane af ering by lndvidl experience aod dncovery snd the importance «prince of option acu, Forth ses tr laid sleseazstion has pnt whea sn eeationa system ‘Sher geared to thr demands ofthe sate sch afr more cet oF | ‘ehnicans, ot when indvidals ae being moulded eae ino fonlance with some dal or dostasrepustern Thre point, wer | Sach condone in siege aiference tween people and the eis inspitof spect Tor such nda ight to deel inhi. Dut although sis each a thee canbe emuncted unde sch ou {enough not exp sted. Forno eestor when contrat With | ile and inclinations ach ax there of ouratr oof « Maras | ‘de Sace, wo ny hat there ought tobe develope fo the ul. No es | fhtor mould ndvoate ting and tills onthe coset i cil hoe ha, The ple for selene len fr type of procedure ‘th tes for rte mates of comet tbe ol-asioned ese Ibe le foe pico of ons within ange of ster snd mse conduct tate thought to be deca oe not all eile hegs Se min the ope of every inca stall of thom fn in some tind eve he net spark o ina. The ples Both for cating Teco of what desinble ccrdngt the lots fia pods 0th procoeral priciest sides sould be allowed soe The s-clton of tein, then, & Sted othe deveon- net ofr in mode of taught snd condoct tnt are regarded 8 Alsi ora let toot undeabl, The tadtioal conten of he scan and ofthe commis form of ie take for ranted but tin hee demand et te lndidal shold bellowed o row hie own poss fllo his own Bent, Farermore lle ence sell development ate ineecapably socal in character, They ate ) engaged with othr; ore is wally 2 Body af knowledge ora ast lime inf orate ter ven hey te the for of eames Gries there are good and bad wap of proceeding which tbe ‘isda bas to pik up fom fer more experienced in thes. The petites of te inna an be developed aly thin he fame ork cme scaly setae pare ito which be as tobe at. reaizaton of the india and ton. The Barden of 2) sepumeot 1 These ‘nde testo fo the Hmportinee of «group of pl ‘Sper vovedncetain yes ofeduetonl procedures connect ih ‘onmy, eltergnation ida hoe, and neve cierencs, 2 Siren ca ws rll moe of et takes or ranted asp of ‘tlm which were dat i above mer the concep of ene edocs ted. The wales of» community prvi the backwroupd of eaotnt ‘elton to which ple canbe made for invaaldifernces and & Prince of options. eee then, tht sims of eatin an ea att to pioiles ntnanest in yes festa! procedure a well ose of wat iments to be edseted. But why itmight be asd should ayn 0 th with poets ofeeston hate Searing on sims? Ite esh ‘rea al he alk shou the sel estan othe india to en hase cetiain procedures for developing eed eons why sul Enyoos enc he pines Inmenent in ach procedures into overall, tne? Alo? sate the sractarng of am ain a aan ection Provedne ape anit ores oes with ules alt nthe Hw ea rns invnanent ote be rerarde a arpecs af sin Wich ge ‘eton and concntation tothe avis cl eestor The answer, Sty, conested withthe inioslty of conceving of edoetons ross in accordance with mesne-ené mode and of aking OY holt separation betwen content se procedure, ter ad anne, in esing with the cone of cation I tinged fet of ale co erteria of Bing eet td ed to rate aims of education to Sinner on sme ae citeron rather han another iin te peer Sen I then dent rey wh ther sot of sine which draw ateton to pooiles immanent im the procecues for example, Instruction, AINS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 25 onl redeveloped Bt the pint mat now be ade that what bate ‘ed pnp of procedue ea le be reat very mich a a= Tero content The, one ofthe fstre of tdoraton ch rinks any atemgt to conceive Ha laking eas Toa eof 18 Cevloping a rod by mean of presente inaprropente ‘Conse, eto al th general ales nich mune eons co ations necenary for cantour teaching The dsipline Iposed by the fencer, the ely of comidestion with which he rest nie, the apt and pes of Uber which be aezords fo bem, sro ‘sneha, rer whch are nese fr te dsuton ab orgatzten ‘testi Bus om the ter bad at eset prt ofthe morales. ‘Son of eden that tey should make there enipl, wet frm {be ramenork of the explraions tht om. They wil develop a real beings i they teat the princes lmmanet in sich proefares Sr conteat wb le sty lpr to them. The sme sor of point ‘ee for earaog for example, masks o zee may lear quite Tht ot what he i expect fo eta, Bot he may sho pick p the pin Spe a efron worth ef mein see pple ao fr rerardaluched to iu And this fs negation of eos ofthe bse Steel of being ete "Sconly tere are thow principe of procedure which ae pre rst be respect for eideace and bun ob “ooking” of dsorting thers mnt be» linens oad tht one mistaken here mt Be st be a eset fr people a source of argbmet and an absece of ertna avvine snd contempt for wha hey say Beate of whe ey Be To eer since rot jut ter face ap to understand here: | ito ao to lesa to parcpate i a public form of fe goveoed by | ‘sch principles of proostare Ino ft therefore, sa paso x eared ‘esi, he wil have to ace these pail of procedure by tora of which the content of sci tong has ben secomlted fd is clon and develop ems ake thi sort of bc station {Sots own ited, endo tna gl sre ty te pices wch pie sists in wich be pata, "cational theory has oo lon been ante by miseasing mods of Tepid ican ove it which some highanided operator shapes’ een 2b 8. PETERS 1. WOODS, AND W. I, DRAY AIMS OF EDUCATION--A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 27 ‘he meaning of fe Ea moe seen es aftr the Tevoiion ni sna ete ge oie sl He pt vecontng to some speciation, or tops em up" wit owe; accoring 0 soe Gre ave thoe who mangle the asimtions of & 1. The ais both of sn sad of eatin shold reveal he in sarin of ean fn si of sion ned ‘Sot On th pn oa fm very mc geet ws Deve “lh mt ee he ay. he xpi ha ete re one Kode tout eat, ocyng tat es ‘ust to be concentration on edvaton. The netcake mule af | Ato fe ain etre ofthe one of eaton’ \ f(0 The fc ta th concer of a urate ma wich repeens the ‘icant it tein | hase on te etn otrcenes? aye lo oe meas Sing opt eh od ricamait | (Aims ca ao rte to princes manent in procedure fe thn sich athe importance of rescom sa nda vel criiation itn ped howe ta hee ae fo ate ftom ey ea bern oy uth i whch the ee Sheree o ose wih + sea var Sara for / Inthe ad eps, when the piso ma hoot of a3" srs «orm dike eisteae’ too ms os aed forthe plas er sn Teves tought tht be cou ite heel ectives Pe icon sn elas pronaos on God elo inmertaliy, ad 3. Sommtines, when peopl fee on othe es tt lop volves the analy of concept they embark on tis withoa ating AIMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 29 some sot of puri are ce woth wile han bes std why seme Sons ster thin wer ate file in Gesling at cen {per word, tink pote for »plvopber of eduation 10 ns for which a povided by the above anaes a "uns of ede tet Bet what Tink» plover exmnot do, qo pilosa, 10 pronounce on the elave Weight foe atcha to such pels, 10 Proc tht, for example, iterate ie more peta than Since, rth pnp of options cra sould be sesed rater than “nhlenat wich might involve «pester element of compan. ‘Te tileton of ruins one ing het pinion in conte comstnces is another Ie one Ung to give erent for geet tit ute anther toy which poreular one shoud be emp Sd in ontlagent erences. Phin hata portant com srry ta manatee 4 anions of ns Se cnous bt int ad ttn oe at makes thet atapeon & natal we arp et its fr fer pallor oD : se mp of oat he coment 1 even 10 mae mer nove, sued ak NOT SS, ek wm geria- compat tx modes ct shcugit fos! Somes fe ewe a ns, ch ve SOON Se way of culm is largely compose ‘wiry these sbould be thought worth wile rather than Pee nd bli ‘of course ° it the grounds of the Preferability = ra ld cm tnt sing ts eT inn tented HI pte tnt not elise om yl ht I foun ten ites of st NP TEEy ie atenpe bewbee? COMMENTARY F houah 1 agree with mach of the subsance of Profenar Pete’ pups, I contr 10 ting some mispvings out 19 plosophical ‘Sodeplonings Profesor Peters ne undertaken to provi, forthe ances of sian ouaton’ + ingustie ania whien il revel the appostenens of our speling of tucson (at opp, #9, 10 Ff csepiing or ssh a heving tin. We ned oan, tetfoe 0) ‘thts the sly anand duration are enable, and 2) wheter tin ar Being posse on. Bests T wl answer te fist gestion esta, 1 do nots how [ean propery adérene myaelt to the | Smiicpilosphy ie capble of any res! entation t0 theories of ct ine ed abo th ee {by 1 was a clad tat ‘ae of A tendo #08 epee Fr Pts eh Seta: sion can Be min et Sr roceures: Bat rea ao by noe ott a round, fr instances tht cig © eit meta of ein 6 Sag? Tae vale amen ee Tah fered te te eo Ta at een, em a eaten a ee ndaenl wk el ey 1 ee anda prin wnderrinine Bot fist « prelininay, of almost applig brevity on wba agi lc aalss of «concept supposed to eT te, etn, ht redton, uml of being unr. Suppose, bowere, ht If se toe isa Sebel, te, thanks to spel elton, he mie notes Spiatniay posed he wie rung of ue aces etn Se ee poche tee an we COMMENTARY Profenor Pete bas dace he queton wheter edsaon Bs si, Sint sew 10 cnying te st of ents an he TGpters con re to edveatons hery- et confess that sb be ‘Eight tte him showing thst ue experi badly ned ia ‘Bevin At Le Preor Woot, Howe, Ibe (0 foe Tamhalow Peer Pers ery, as a0 e whol conception of SS inp feats ak ah se of {o enurge fom hs oasis Let me dex Your attention fet 10 a Tat whch Iho be ay fave isterseated the piloapers {Shad ehen oon in whic ik he as te tt tsk cue “Water ot ao Proton Pee’ analy of sin and ‘eda! ater nd Tae at aor claim of i at Sent tnt the sete oes ft aout peaking of ection rng ales al No elem xed by ying someting Uke "The Tino vcs ml agi ctessedpeodetiy, fr this woul be ‘ihe an empl report of whet pope Rope to aclve by reas of ‘Seb ening ora prety tte precio of what hey shold see frm fier smo edt calration of the Tact acorting to Potessor Pte masquerade a ronoNNe ‘Bens soi sort nest) they are empty ttl. They 26 ‘Spas he vous subeet mates ied i edbeatag cor all then BEARS Rats tor exttne perpen oe alma. Such tautooge ffthemce fin hve a soci fenton’ The fist sr reminds ‘Stumsunces who ti may bave ben frgten, wat edison Sly hte second la ta contd but aeveries fective AIMS OF EDUCATION™-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 3s ‘Now, wht i ditarbing om bout tit specimen of atc philosophy of eduction i what may appeat to be the looper ‘Revptance of ba hin sraly, caer int cond cat of ease ‘pret defen of ling Ite tnt Profesor Dens ‘lass how "cra way of talking is but the reson eee txolnation that om hit a ong if an ern te tke ta tts the era; ute dos so nly In th suse of sbowing tell advanige at 2 peri devine nthe warfare of edvational priey-akers. 1 not aot Io steps thatthe sering of such ex nations snd the dtestion of such linge aces fall eompetaly fuse the snaytial pblowphers proper fonction. But Teg 8 ‘hat he should expose and deplore the errors in 40 far a8 he belives ‘Sem to ener into ecntonat theory. What Profenr Peters con ‘ses of statements ofthe fem The aim of education. ate sot only to put it this way is perbaps debatable, but I think Professoe Peters ‘ool be venti, however, doesnt realy Bring out the exten of he con cepa urepuariy whic 1 ke Profesor Pees aay fo repient 2 typial of educational theory. According to him, when We Say the tn of edition station Ito swore form of Iie, or the te uniting tose Bot sich tomes I ould want elim, logics, for example, Education i initiation’ or Education i euli- tation ofthe ntleet woald be, The Incaberens of taking Treo Ye ook ata more homely example. Compare te folowing two sat nets boot bel “Barbas (mons other thingy) sining to Bt ited bal “Thecim f tse among oe things) tot pee al: ‘ion, «game requiing the consuent aim of iting piteed bal BUL tien he cone th the rt be mond wate xt Inking he nt toes dent es ist sce oranges he metal ne of msg none for Seat be nity fairest twat might be ale he eM wa Cate icone ve tana thes the ‘iprton htaaltn phiosptes woul ot enerally ake fe shoo eset fine ie second genera eon aboot the jb ofthe asp pil sopher whch Protest Pees paper Teds me fo a i an ol {Bron among ro pilowpty a aaa Yt oom 0 Be oe whch pec import to have artclted in psophy ‘STodusadon Tus tbe quo, wove concept the pilsoner sox imine aaa n oder fo she i disinetv conti Gavto elution icy Pofecr eter dos proceeds be" hve te iy tdi rately art emery Spt escation to work spon. Many ofthe sete conceal cn Sins he vy onence m okrSo sme line indate afew examples “epfener Pee ie eeston 3 nan nt » wortharie forse esol betas rare pa adi vaso W874 the enarne spect of ie concept At Oe pot he nde ore 1 py thi ety hing it wold be nal ‘Seung frt tir toy MY sons een betel bt ing SUEDE hat happend fo han? 1 fod ts diet to nce. For the flier night surly be taken fo be sserng ute coherent thatthe fine ons son offer being edad was, om te wise, vasble ‘han hs tea the Deming feet be might be diven 1, ‘langle son ine press, tad come sel satis nb. Ser dcht seen fo tee oi of he concept opine the ae ‘Stee hs to aialy recognising the masa he ated mn fans ales so, Bu la them nearer al othe ‘Ean ert cones ec seem fo me much more Hay 9 ‘SBket whet Pos Peer ny Aout fitaton at » publi form See dna sbut tation tos vl one To hs eget co ‘em sl the conept Sn self employing a0 1 ub this [Sst ean owt Profesor Petrelli AIMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 37 eo if we accept te formula ition eto a worthwhile fora of stood by ining By thi, Prfenor Petey sometines appar to Uhdestandiag rather than mere knwdge. Mach of te tne, however te leary mesos a good del mre. Thus slough stone point he mists ita eterion of Being ested ony tat peo sould be ‘apaieof pursing «wore acy “or what there ein If, be oer on aime medio tl that what segue x commie nen To what interna in worth wil acti” Thi sons tm Interpret the conept i fr too bebsviural + way. One pathos) enmguence would beth impropriety of eaing nnn edd no ‘evolagast bi om cate. Tt oad regu Jw forest, to ‘Sy that St Paul sdenly ln education on the road to Dano, heres they ae mich ote ily to rep hin 5x an eucated rene fade And it would make qertons about ma character lopally Feundant, ence we have aarance ht his moral distin i epee fable, whereas I should waat to leave lapel rom for tying htt ‘asia part tbe exceence of mans moral edveation that cabled hme beso wicked: be Sally raped the moval eat sf what he everthler hos 0 60 T nye servations aio about Prfetoe Peter's central him tat there isa coocoptal ror ating tht someaie vs to bese dated for sme extase psp or aim. I scr Yo me petty foberent, for empl 10 sy of «pts who bees that God Hi Ss sob, that is propaing himel forthe ile eventing by coming edited. can unertnd Profesor Petes cling this out ving tea what he regu as eer dele metvaton nt the soocept of an educsed man; bet hit reading them im stkes me 23 Highly prescriptive I fad ie even moce ict to flow hin when (onl I have misundersiood his pt) be maker i» conceal Te ‘iremeot tat tbe man's eahers ao be property mia "Peple fanot be est he innit, by bing up snalnering witha We to ringing bout aayting wich och not fll acer the con ‘ot of what an educated peton i [4 far) Bat two sey be Smog to widra oer joigement tht man i edsented on dscover ing that hi teachers tad only pretend to ale tion for omy sake. Thus, when Profesor Pees dices tat economist aad pol ‘isan, who astteisiromental ane fo the aos do ot shel make propos about the sera of edueaton, Ica agtee only that SS. PETRG, J. WOODS, AND W. H. DRAY tdoaton shou, mot at coo Have such alms. Ad this i may. T evi to wonder wheter Xn fat share Profesor Pete's comapt of education nhen be iacorporntes cea procedures 10 the concept "Eowcaton, be ilu i comet Tor faving dows wis Bela tay fetter ctor. These resi chara: (Sneath ibe mucosal euone, the ducted man. andthe ietocng the Inte i ls expeaton ofthe concep, Profesor Fees Frnmably rater ia Jones! mpossiity to edu anyone tet “Fee ald sera apper to exci, sy, pugBog& ma in = Taran coseato’ machine Itsene not snplusble oi, homeves, 0 I tthe possibly nteneduston, any, aca ratet than Tope mtr tot obvious that ‘duct ik evened tsiseertain things sbi the Ristory of seferent, Yeti Profesor Peer Moo mech. For what I want to empnie i simply the diel for Dilnopical spas hat may ase out of gemae dereaces of eicettimengiividuls sad groupe, an perbaps lk sometines {for example inthe Preset cse) ou of iadtenacy of concept 38 Wrt. This fey eed to be sings trom the sor Profenoe ‘onde inn when be ee that rofence Bates di po infact art {he gia toute of detlon” ah Far the question i, wha it tosl be to ge trie ‘Not ht the problem of Heifyingexcty what the anal pila opts innupcse to ame igs o te plosophy of edteton. Butter i enendasdifernce betta tbe problem of soaisng {Be compe of education andthe pooblem, sy, of sling the com lot of Knowledge in evel eptenology, oo snget wat may ‘etn more tlerontcompatzo) the concepts of fact or inert fon in philosophy of history. The estnoogst ean aim wi con ‘Gerais paws thn the we, be Bde people sreing svt ‘nn yea say they ko ead wat wouM count sporting Unermisng sain to kowedge The phlesonher of history cn it Himself to aalying the fai sable conepoal petworks of hone who are Eenealyfeeno to Se historias and even Bef eoce to dt ht bebe sect only of what repute oo" ‘Soa dhe may sil fn that bis feet are on reasonably fm Pound Sach ground not 30 obriouly avaiable tthe anaytial AIMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 38 pfilsoper of efscatlon He oul always, of cour, mack ot seta {rors or sol wih it frie ambion than to ely ad $i) tii he ey emi era en for fny me, won sceptno rch min, wold tes be teeing {olin more presely ht he tke to be he objet ofthese Filowpher of eduction segs Wook he, for exp, rest the {erton tat wht the philosoper rely doc is aie concapt thes hope celui ny have a Beoeialeetwpon the shoal? Ie edestrs are ned to conser the contribution tat analy Philwphers cn ae to eda Dey they deere the er REPLY® Toma Tiana et hfe es itn ert teint fhe Seni: aan sop dt aes rt Ra Bs Wa ed 40 RS. PETERS, 3, WOODS, AND W. H. DRAY never theo the ef It sherefoe seme sproprate to alent Yo {obo the commenatre ad ysl joe BY auding 8 few fret onan, eer desig with pints Wat T mised together 38 my Tred resy expanding vore ofthe res tat I then 06 0% {hat ave hd some tne to sad more cael wha they Logie Impropriey of Tate abou "The A of Bécaion Tent) sosapt ster Dray’ fst point about te fi it pwopy of tlk aboot he ain of edocaton Mb account of what 1 tra yng to sy sb accurate and probably more catty pu han Thy ewe reson, He iy pobaps bt tarp whe when esol The forno being ates ore cal of he way of aking have, {he pan been very seal of fin saous tas and writin, and thought ht my mle sass war a plc sts T nut cofom, however, at whet Ivar ated 1 er et asin on ths jet forte Intron Siar Tak to mye: “Wht [there for me toy aout fT deeded to purse my longstanding funslenent xt farther sou! te once ofp” (on whi, ke the Stor out what could fv fe poop to tk inthis way aboot eds on Hence my mention sf natal which Profesor Dray finds 10 “derctsing Such atures th porety opcholoiea! mar; ‘Sonnet in my analasith the socal funon of talk abou ‘sn Profesor Dry set thnk that ence the piso has shown {hat ik about fe im of education often am unfortunate way of procisimingstaflopy or uring ao ame tu, he shoal’ op rope talig tke ts then set op shop. But sey, jst 1 Filles inecestig to explore the anal ane feats 20 the fans wre by ing oe ro esi rutae My soaps shows ton, tat thee ane many gle appropene Sweyrof wlogabn in eduatioaldisoune—for xa,‘ si 8 Timber ln eter word, der not leon th propriety of all fal of sls in dtetonlstasons. ‘The Cax ofthe Edcated Snob "A inte wo comes that Bion as turned out t Be seb secs of ate thn in spite fs ection think, sng eda AIMS OF EDUCATION—A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY at ‘oop exter, despite sort of wa, ik a perc who 98 of ‘imine reformed all ah; bo esa he takes ook Gn his wte: "Would how hat fon eae Contd ib tating pope ter? Tera, deserve oe cerca sducrion salto tan is ona Bible ans Beit equal UL ie sng, -Me rs torl us al but be fe is incometar wheter wl a wbat Hare cla the vet T do sot nk, by the wy, tat Profeor Dray’s sagen tha sted chge my fa carnation ot able for of ‘eto noc nt 4 pie foo of Le wil do. For sesig. {pb fof eB me Ul esate 0 ae en ith ‘Sveti, Profesor Dra ingens objeto tomy gestion that an eds ‘id. epeant ht such pein mst cre, to eal exe, about the point ofthe acti a he not unmoved bythe wtious tana Scop say parla content, for example, the law of sopoly and fermand if be been hated ato econo. Bat inthe cae of sen, for stance, 4 man mst hk ha to ere uth titer and it releraat evidence mut be Prdveed for asomptons inthe cate of moral the fering of others. siren, meno Be alts of indferoce to him. What sot of plotophicaledestion trond pron have had bedi tater rh about conisency lr esncy in rent? This dos ot py that sch = mam wil nt ecapatle of conking the evidence of bing cul or unt, ad ot ‘wing ncoeet a ne. it dos ply that he ll fel Bad he se behave in rash aye What the lew would have mid abou Sl ‘hich they Believed in sadoctintion, with the rd nen on an Sneha cone of Bel ht poe with But etl hey Would 42S PRTRRS, 1. WOODS, AND W. . DRAY Inve atthe wasnt edoated ihe a een quite ines fo al pes of relgiou experience Trewin f Tether rayon ae tion of each ees teat expanded a 7 pare Iwas ay conta ih the achlevemen rete of ft oka clears party wah view 10 sensing producti but ‘ele cnwot be edunted by feng wut ensnwing mth «EW 0 Bale Sah aoe nd ntl we the cnet ereaeShvaduated pron i” Profesor Dray adorn 10k ‘Jol canaot be edad (ore othe achievement sie, and Ears pero atthe session tat «erin Kind of mosaton GPtcahers in souaty if people cto enege sted men Bt SEinp nny semen, ‘pete coma be fut” was meat 1 fet 10 tesa tps Tet that info tenses wrk ay a “ee fel sd repr the eching a nent os wat fi ‘ian tay rent eps thee spect of enacting wich ste cot Sate ti conop of ao eduestes person. T wat onto ria Ot ‘WarUlgcrecne be gay edsted people, Buti woud cosy be ‘nly eps pcan to soar tht they wl emerge ats Solved empha he ebustona aspect of nnet- fnmvatber han sain bem fra Fer ese tk tt ts or ot cone he at Tin cans terse pueyt vostons nd sl rg tht Eat gees Gh ore do at pent orp tie ccd Ui Ska engineering or for ayting speci ich farming. Tn pane we ne re cent eS gS ir a Reuse erg gram act Te ee ea Se iE oie, ere d's ed Peale mena sie a eo AIMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 43 such contents we speak of tring. That is perhaps wy people say "aeuousthigs ite Beaton eo i'r they wtf ay that Tor somtig extn; yet the lope ofthe canept foie them to ‘peciyanyihiog in partake wiih eduction fr for thik Tah "HR about hic Ita Be the cake—indeed atest ltd nom Mayet prope are of mc epore oe In indy Ht they ae ‘sutte xher than ast toed in some sil tat uly somes ut ‘hd So education ir god inven rx the pont a iw othe economy. Hit tit does nt make Indu prodetiy the sim of acon, What Iai erge i ny paper however stat Ts cone ‘pal point abou eduction doo aot seh ama ate the pute bout poly beeen those who advocate edustion aod the Who dvoat cial til A Pabreted Concept? ‘Of coure I wes At my intention, x Profesor Dray daly hint st the cao hi cmment, fare conept of dustin at omy ‘sion of whit people oat fo become, Acai, ny sly thet ‘cotnee, which Profesor Woods, for eiferen reson, found sn Sstsficiory infarction with carpenters ad gn lye 1 the cone of eds’ tobe aout ax espe in tee content ‘someting ike oo" or wort wi wi the notin of tans Sion of oro ation nt! peed tot giy sone pec tian “goo beuse ef the copie rts to-do with depth and Dead of uogerstnding a wares that T gant seo went ilk But Tam more prepared to ester the eigeston tat tay Inve tihtaed up the coments it In my stale na tee {do foot that Profesor Dray is more sympathetic to the sort of com cepa nals tut was stamping both of edextin” an of an Tight or Looe Conceptual Connections Profesor Woods vias he tle sympathy for the typ of con- cepunlaalssthat stems fro te ter Wiest, i le of Bi fofening down of his approach In his outa" for wo ene who had much sympathy for su an apresch woul ake the hoary sxe ‘the relationship between ‘being bahar’ andbengunmaring a= 4 RS PETERS, 1. WOODS, AND W. HL DRAY ' paricunry helpful one i he wat itr in ging clearer bout onset abel and ehaive ar thse of un" and “daca! Mot more appropri psn wold Be cance sch a mote reform’ opened Nevers a8 Tad chea nthe do hic ase hs eps ht Be cnmetin ae he ncn nd wht Ie mgpeed a pat of thelr analyst Be con epuot rate than de fecta,® But 1 elon have » me Lore ‘Sono wht counts sconce connection fof what It WO Tepe t my, hem he as, But more of his ser te ang mPa Ws nee ae ce seminar) = Ee jean tia ha SS erases ee ees ees mame ay meer ara at ieee carers matin seins bout eatewias meee aerne ae i i i se ci ae et Sy mien Gr dy oeaetaa Fema eo eeiactore rat aca Ae ae AIMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 48 jn a wide varity of puruits a hobbies, abd he Ids him to have problems bout carpenters and gamerplayers* Treat only tat we Would say at = person ot dteted is underending Vs very aro spect wo be frter questo, how taped is time A carpenter in tht vim, could be an locted may even ‘hough e spends sn fh day on cape, He Would hae to have tome depth of udestnding in arpentry, not jt & know-how, ad Iis'undestanding and renner woul ave the aot lied fo carpentry. Ms “lucaon’ nt ene tld be revesed in for eX fines pesopal relationships, hs cenveraton with his ce, is (ai ‘of poles aad word sare. He would not essary have sng scenic experts t Bom, Thi rts oly tle out t= row specialization of thought. Ire ler in my pape tat it lays 4B Se ta ose smonn hen fee er pee toot tim They nent eed a moe re scion a a Pepe ef coneptal eeenecton, Coir a well Eaown etamle, People thotaht ete ta pat tt peal ee Now ie Soa ey sow sae nel wal hl ot Gene tte at sie, Io ober mors tha owt pate de fas raaton, Howes ‘uct be explored betwen concer oer th prey face Be lowing te relevant page rm te ety 'for I own sie nin apenas in deans te ening MiGs te a thir one dcr ents me ir10 acd by hit undestnding of thove pinion tat hes Hie ke ok ‘down no pout reuements; lo made it ea hat hs 2 co Sitne reget, People fica oppose that edveted 2eple 2 eS Tab Sime dna, when they eee stools and olla, ll {Bowe ting tit they id tate av dtint ste. This sity ‘ett ot tur, however, that heir aarenee sould Be ‘teStned in yrtus dimensions for example, moral sete, se ‘ie tortal and tht they should continue to Term and exlore ine witout making allo tem thir bobbi. T do ase wy 9 ‘Sau ker up capety, orwho fa devote of some ame should "tak hat my ov answer, together with Protesor Dray’ inter: seron inthe econ, dest edeuatel Wit he pin about a pri {ne siya neh Profesor Woods abo fd 1 gp what was SpacatzedEdwcaton Protesor Won point sbout pesszed eda’ not del to deat it eer for eien ye 208 a ative to cancel ow a {evon bu into n const thal Bas aul eters. The exam of ‘Khowedge’ i» good petal whic shoud be more acepiabe 0 Ts mith Profesor Wood prt proclivties. When & woman 395 {Batabe Lap tht aan sound, she sue that sheik Beis sound 0 tat ee good grounds for her view, a ©), ah Ecce ot aati il te ye ce acta nse pile ea Sa at ow SE Serres sacle are [IMS OF EDUCATIONA CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 47 tht tis tr that be sound But we cold an oe that she fern hnowidge’ ethic te” her asthe man fonction trenclng te criterion (0 tat sb has god grounds for hes view donot see why ‘piled duration sbold not be asa srt Etucotd at Lacy “To Prefer Wood's pont abou the pesca who, though fines, ans ons dvs nos go with he rene ors Bis yout, Mould rere wht {hve js sd bout hobbies etook on Tir specie eccupaton abd on fe generally was vey ile in fenced by the mates he had proper ne for nhs youth’ X would [By that be was eneducsted I, bowen, the presptatn of he were Su anogetier inert why in my ew shosié he not be called ed ed? The question of depve somes I, of cause; ut T donot pro Aiming at Wha Clow ot Hand and Easy to Hit “To trn othe concept of “nn whlh too Bae always Found aber sieve” The peliinary Pott ned ob made that T woul count {Sonepat wonton oe tat sprains to the general wse of 3 i foncept n= public language Kise pombe, howevee, tat cnet & onept hs Gen en ad bees, ee, to acu a fe of ts form ge develop that vem inconsistent hte general we. But ‘ ‘Goya preston the goer oes woul not be itll peat ftom Ge pemal ose To tke a veltknown example: G. 1M. ‘Arsombe es segue nto one ould itll be si jst i Wentz sucer of mud, For whatever could op d with iene hadi? f {Wentng it agp, pir some exten sch sti) Bo cul {tote seguod in rely tht te conspe of “antag” fat in send stig wen theron ssid ad tt general thei connected wih sch stuaton: bu that, once thas beast TRean te spied pctetyintiy bythe oa aida stations store ths onion ot fled? There, ten, cones cone Teton betneen wating and beng abe to do something wt what [vane bt thie doesnot mean that there eaasoe be Ieyacratic taper here this connection does ot old. But these Inter ogc ld ott the general peat T would cll sport of eonneeton = ‘Stoepial one nd notte facto one TG. M. Amon nen (Oxo Maske, 15, 9.70. 4 RLS PETERS, 3, WOODS, AND W. H. DRAY “Tis gonel thesis about conceptual coneions enables me to ds ‘wit abet of Profesor Woo oections to my ches boat tbe Titel wre of mt He suggest ois Second objeto, tat thee i Fetine aconaten of ingusicaly deviant in saying chat we ae sient something that aly nt at hand and fat esy to ot. TRO wot ey! When ds tary near tr it ly 7) [Ro exunpe ons bot how th; fer Be as fo ad pei! buck ‘pound to mate such tak sound coaviscing He has fo pot is: “AT ‘nt a people bve the good see oa oly at howe tines whic fre anty wear at and od sty ely achieved He hen aks wheter Sault tat ve concep of sb” bad changed or tat people Eve shang, if italy everyone wadetook to aim at those tine ‘hut bbl comforaly scbiee But dos Be then think thst the rue of he conep ir independet of general fats aout ‘oma notre? T woul ik that, bocase people inthe mah ae at thay arent somentint prone to set themes diet 2 dant (Belen te conept fsa? oe detloped 2 general we oie {Entra bene of shooting al trowsne. It peopl been eet ‘Mey brat mout wt hve developed this ence. To tke pra ae Foc cone of ugh as very impertat Estion ony eee ‘Sen em remo and ave ecinstone which suggest erosive courses ‘St ncion to them, Onct, however, sn hae developed sich coment hey cans tem a deities leeoeatie wan “Accumteraf fact Profece Wood td objetion seems to me 0 depend ot ost ona deriatine but oa 8 guint way of speaking T ‘Nout never moray sy tat al i for in ie a roof over my Ih eweny dlrs 9 werk and wo oe 15 sucha hig T ould te the word int to pes ceria Kad of deitionary ale, be ‘hue ually tk aot pop ins la fe i inked wih th pei Sion of more tant and eked per of objective, Profecr ‘ons cai tht there wou be no ioconsstecy inthis shows 1 {ccomiaton tot the alse Sto leisy ie stack. My ai that would be gn beste ofthe primary ue of the cow tpt ot tan’ Concern sol shoal take account of tsi 85 ‘Tela of isantesy It sald ao be eset the mf! pr. ons srved by was of pening The Azsesent of Ain Peoteor Woos fs sbjstion i arly prety ave. He inks that he ac at we ca dace people's ns rom he point of ew of, AIMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY «9 ther mest counter-example tomy the ht the general fostion ff talk about sme i to et people to spt tha ebetives mare ‘resis: Surely al Goes to reply i ha he steeent of ss ‘Soog-ndo ype oak The concept of gets of the ground a Ketone such ay thowe tat T have saat. Hit once thie wey of Ug ete eae, we cam lasy sim and pronounce on hie teri To tate tps Cves The fact tat ws cat conpte the type commande ven by scbootmters and dell sergeais and ose then in vrigs ways alleen gay the anlar se of hed tne fonction pextored by he language of eran a sine, 3, Condsion Tree then, wit Profesor Woods thatthe connection btmeen the concept iat Tye dels it ana the 9p oni tae Fave soe [oed i nots tga hat bxton the coneep of acl? an ht Cine unmacre. would taken fo fong 16 expla Wh. i he ‘he of the conept of nepal, woul be bsuay simp ‘inded to lok for 5 connection gh a, But I hope Lave done Sng ome ine rf ens ssn at fatpcon, however, hat he tie ht the connections are ots iets tht of his favoured expla hey a too cane tobe phi oobi imporac. Such pit ew, I suse, would stp most trois n sic, pilospby of mid epistenelop,potealphilsony [icin andthe pllosophy of rion aswel inthe pilsopy f ebacston. And that woud eB FURTHER THOUGHTS ON THE CONCEPT ‘OF EDUCATION ‘The matter, however, not quite se sulahforward as this, for ‘Rdcation’ is not quite 40 saighforward a concet ax “cue oF "ftom In pata i dal whether ‘uration i as sed neat Rene Pt ew Yo tomate Pres, 190 PP 208 50 RLS. PETERS, J, WOODS, AND W, H. DRAY to designate proces ht lead pf general coa inthe way in wie rand "cern nays seem to be ed. Doubs cn be trovn toni poral by probing to soe wether any conditions that een ‘ela took lke lopesly aster conlioos tae ben provid fe {ste ft tern education, Tot heater examples tae tobe (©) Objections 19 the desirably condition. Roughly speaking, to topes af conditions have been sogzested for the ase of the tert Uhncato’ namely desi coaions and Koowtedge conins Ter on coder tint soateresampler tothe dsabiliy coniton ‘They ates follows (0 We often tt of te educational syste of «country without com Inendlag wt ter sem concerned opus on. Thi obeton ca be {tet by cling the gral of faking abut the moral code of anotber mmity or of subentire win oar own, Once we undesand rom our aa eee how lms such a educate’ and "nor foto, Ine can tse thm in am exeron dexiptve sat of way os do ano Tuiogns, economists, and the Le A observes we apreiat tht [the mova coset way of ee yall to tory and in theese fan edition sate, appreciate that those, woe er i, osier tnt they ae psing 08 what they think valbl Bu we, 8 ‘Seren nt eecsary commend wen We ie He word oT ‘redial to afer toi (i) Wen ak of por ebueton or bad education. Tht can be met by Saving thst me ace sggeting thatthe ob is Being bated ort he Sales yi wich concerned are not up to nh Gi Auch more scious obeto, however, that many ret bine (Gcted ar «tod ste to bein Tr sbjectos otto a pal ‘Mhcnon bar someting to do wih the tenemision of knowles ta underting Ines they probaly assist with books and “Deore, Ati i why thy ae saint Forte think of tet ‘Sunes or a eerupag, Of coune hey bring up tr own ie, Flslap a teal sis ad alors Bot they do tse an on ton telveen wnt hey salable ad ‘ea, nd have 90 ‘peste wordt ferent the handing on of what the nk wae ‘om nding on lt of ote ins. "hist pit apes one way in which he obeton could Be met AIMS OF EDUCATION—A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY — SI Ie could be reed, wit some cogensy, that eons who thik tht Being sdueted jp Hod sae To bes ck our conept of beige ected Their understndig hus aot bscome dieentated tothe extent of reading pei ord forrlering 10 the pusiag on of wh they think sve, Tey ve a cone of ebston; for they ze he tee fo tle to what goes on in achools and universes BU bey ave ao our once The ely tous about his way of dealing with the objection ici people who ack or conept of sueton Se, a dusted people and hore who ae feof coacetaed wit fhtons and ‘we’ ate aot in tbe ajay ot poole who ae the ord ‘Cessation’, Sots dull whstar the desi eandton of ea ‘Stoning nsessry condition ofthe lem hal eee ‘eit standin thi fltion ton more apes, diferente concep that ae emerpd. Tie positlity wil be coaidred Io moe detail Inte (ep. 33 ‘Azober way, Ho of really meting the abcton but of accounting {or the disap with reps othe erat condo, 0 sup feat tat the knowledge conditions are the onl” prope lg con flidons and tat the dee coon Ie depenent on than. Oa ‘his ate fuadueatl notion invoied in Ging educated Would be that of faving knowledge apd understanding, Bocuse knowedge and fnderending are valued in outst, bot fr their owm sake abd Tor'what toy conte to tesknoogy and tooo quay of he gone ay being eat has come tobe thought of at gly dsable te fo be inbut not by everybody. Whetier o nt the desi ‘ion I lle would depend, therefore, ypon contingent facts ‘Shout the atti of poole ing aot sacation Yo the passing ot ‘Stnowedge sd unertndog. The dexaby coon thtlor, ‘would aot be, roped speaking, lgclynecesary condion ofthe the ofthe en tation? HE would ater be contingent comes The way of inplying he anys har mucho commend it ( Wcertainy takes cae of those who regard edeation a bad thing ‘Aeon this vow he connostonheweon education ad seeing that itn depends enly on the coniaget fet tnt people vale Eno ledge and uncertain no supising that simple peopl or hand faded pestle ze gait it For it seems to serve 0 wsfal funtion in their ves indeed may be aeen ax un nonce tat is Iiely Yo unermin thie way iI thy sv that may lp he tuo farm o cates sien they may accord anid ale 0 bt only of a arent pe (Thee would be no ned Yo make any elaborate pilosopica mons {o seat wih eaves where we sped of elacton ad edveatonal yen ‘Gato approring or approving of what goes on Edson wou Thus indna tin somctine called he rong indy’ We col (i Poo ox “ad? ebvetion would simply mark the fey with (ebich tnowtedge man anded on ote wort ofthe type of know edge tat wa banded on “Thin he, 4 most rc smpifeaton ofthe amas, 1s malo esr, weer, I hat pts al the lah of te aaa on te owes conliosysod ii Qustionabie Whether cbey ae tong nought nopprt ie They ast therefore be tte by counter ‘rumen the sone Way ae the desirably enon. (0) Oblectons to knowledge conditions. The knowledge conditions, it ‘rt be emer atu Bot depth apd ret of wedestandng (An obvi couner-eample woud be, therefore hat we fe ak Srapectaeditcaton, This ebeton could be net by ing sat Seen ne have mokipe condone, we ea wham one of her ranogscounermanding word, Fo instance, people ak of Keown TBgs taely, whee Suey” coutermands ne of the tx niin ot inowadg’ nately tht me ave grounds for what me feteve Silay speed’ culd be repel os withdrawing te ‘ret codon of orton (i) We might tlk of Spat edueaton, oof ection a sameeren se static tribe, whun we know tnt they Bud nothing (0 ps8 09 ‘apt dnpe ls and folifore, This ebeton could, perhaps, be met Peer tnt he er wus beng etended alos a when ede open a ing nut’ ott he peopl xing te ter titer ut back to tb ease led mentioned of people who tink tit dation bad thing Aa there ze Toto pope who a in a aie ‘Sheauhd way about Spartan custo, ibe to maintain hat {he knoedge coon ae ogy nosey conitions ofthe term ‘generat on This pons istenthened by the ia beton AIMS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 53 (in Te ease of Spartan efetion jot one of a wider i of eae fan ed thot ts concep connection which sped ih TeSacige The La woed "duce on aly, thou not Ways, Us lola! development In iver Lain ‘eda was sed of the {eating of ans aod anal eel elien. In Eng the word “Siicion wer os ed oo alk 2 Serger ay about The binging up of chlfen and sia th seventeenth ety, fr Fosance ars ere sd to eights woods ape places of tei Gt Tiwi. The word was eien isd of animals sd Ds tat were Trine by human bingy sch se bounds ad fleoos To the sineteenth entry it even ised of tkworst (Gee OF-D) Nowadays We fSmetes we iin thie neal ma a whe, france, we ta about Shura educa at when we we of oor om foes of amin hat fino have any clove consti with Knowledge and understanding. "Arements Tra etymology, of cove, etblah ery ite, Attest ny poe ies whieh amas be wort wef flow up. In this Toe meaning With the coming of industrial, however, and the Inceig demand for knowledee an kl eonsoquent on it edeato! ‘Rese iccaingy aso with vhooling and withthe sort of Trinng sod fesrcton fat went on in special festons. Tis age Site change, culminating in the velopment of compulsory shoo {ora may mel ave boop about sch rodcalconeptal ten {ig up tt we now aly tnd to ete word im onaeton Wid the (ivclopment of knowledge af understanding We dstiguish now be fncen “sng! aid suction, whereas previous people dd not ‘would not now nturily speak of edveatig nana and we mould scraper in hs wy of pla, Bot we do speak o sing ania, These contereranples to bot the dstabiliy conton nd the nomicige codons of edvestio’ make ery dieu to maintain tin an adequate soni bas Hee gen ofthe concept. Is possible, However, tnt tere Some explaiton of tee counterexamples. ould 8 the cas oer or hat the cases tat fall o AC te ftlbah could therselven be linkedin tome ay. fe coud get ‘Stuer sbout the principle eating the counte-exmpler frtber Tat would be shed he concep of uration” gery. (© Bwcation and the educated man, As 2 mater of fact tere ix SM ——_RLS. PETERS, J. WOODS, AND W. HL DRAY snotberetymoloical point that may put ur on the tack ofthe expan. fiona com ato nt tthe cial ana A ite research nthe ‘GED. revel ton the noon of eds a characterising te all ound development ofs peroneal neta, abd spiettlly tip emeged in the nletcnth canary tna lens enty fhe dingion betmeeneGhcaon aad tein came toe tade ply The une was ery much conected wth struction by mens ‘of whith dsiable menta qualies were thous to be rodced, tral as withthe drawing ont ad develope! f atin thowgt 10 Id pesos been eed, fo refer tothe rating ad Beagae Up of chien and ail well at he sort of steve at Wee 08 {schoo In other words though previously othe neem entry ‘here ad be the ie of the elated peeon wha mate peed ‘ot the unl one for drawing alton to this ial. Tey hat the ‘Soncept bt they id tue the ord ested” ite with there over tones, Editon, theretore, wis nt those of ex a8 famy ‘tprocenes mc have a ner come the develope of ade ‘wed an ia the way in whih sno. "Nowads, eget i edestina cise, the concept of an ed cated man a apie har Very much kes roe It aul, teeor, for thew working in edstoal instttins Yo conceive of what they fe doing at beng connected with he denelopment of sich pero, ‘hey bate bosome very went to the dierence belveee Working We het in mind an having more lined ad specie gels, fF Vehich they wie the word "wai Wines, fr istant, the change In ‘omeosatue following he Robbins Repo, rom Tring College 6 {to Pua Education Im be, becase of the deelopent of the em ene ofan edeatd in, the cone feat’ has Bsa at fred up beens of tr str ation withthe development ach ‘peo, We dengish betvesn edustg people tad ang them ‘esse fort eduston po longs compete with ay natant Now athe stale provouly ven of “elution a being com parable oteforn and cue connection wat ased beeen of ‘ther people may not have developed ths more deena pe of once sect, but vas mautaied tht is portant 0 make ‘hese Usintos even I people do not we tens n'a spetceoough ny lo mask them ou Butt ould well eth he der we of edu ‘oni widesrend in whi thee ln seh fet onnecon beeen cated man. It ay Well be Uiat many people ill vse the word that goes on nacht but aloo ln ormaled chiveating pace Such'ts tlt tinng geting chen To be clean od tidy, and to though they have tle connection wit knooedge and undestandng T'dornot tine, however, that the mond In now teed except se heard it used to honour the Inbours of guedenees with thei plots. At Ica he concept ha fed oreo Ie iver In thee rspets Toss, herfore aif the concep of education” i very Bid one ‘atone end of cocinuum i the older and undiereatinted concep ich fers jx to any gmoes of ringing up resting in hich te ‘hunetonsiher nih what desshe r wih Knowledge pucly ff dota tats without any emphasis on nog thers may be er hich pit out the develpmect of edge ato pling is eas. The more recent and mre specie concept Hinks sack Jeage se understanding in dep and re, lb sug at ‘hey ae desl The analysis of eduction’ which compares It to "afon® eft more ierentined spss cooer Aimsof eduction ‘ow, the, weld reasons deriving for the Iter, more specie co: cept of “education provide gunonce Tora teicher concerned about ‘of a person, that involve depth and breadth of understanding, would Indicate omy tenes decton woul fer no specie ene ‘More spite guidance would hae to fe cisned by fhe teachin ating elener about his ime in esting people. For the function of torch, abe ltget a metaphorical sere. Tie ate to spect reverts fakes over further session from The context St abooting and throwing, where the conept of sin ha tal ome, namely thatthe ead in view ie no altogether ery to achieve, Dixanee and aiicaty seem to be eodenie to ends tbat we Would Characteiae shine Amn however, nonotepesfy tate of sas that wold be mare praca to ig about he espe they fer from ‘dei. Apetson can exptte his ies 2 Ton he ther ban be tempi to formate his ns, eas o ave reeard to prostate, He tng at to Be more spi than be i Teme to be if he i ated about rides An edicaonal Mel for inwance,mieht be tat every eld should Fern et the oy ff ecovery. A teacher ai inthe same conta, igi be 8 more ‘peste and stsinable objective such se that every chi in his ess ‘Soul be brought to see some oii eating wht had obese ing to aver the genera quuston ‘What the am of efron TS ‘an unl soreof question to sk this context because th answer tu either be» céncental th of = periace efeiton. Te would bea concept tu i meted am adequate alas the geet fd broveit about by proses of edition Ip other words, I te {seeping asia ofthe space concep of 'eacaton a he amy of Doras lending up 10 viable stats of mind i people involving Sep ané breath of understands, is more oF ls Aout hen I thesia of education H woul! be He sying that tes of efor to make men beter. And to reerte this would not provide mach fnidance forte teacher. Sopost, horee, tat smehing rere eo ‘rt ere produced a speston ofthis perl end. Suppo fe ‘Then stplative detain woul be produced ich Would ave he the open and ying ‘iy nnn edatng pope develo pect vere support wld be obtaie for he poly by trading on thes ‘seston tnt pursuing ts, and ely th ea, sone wht deat People. This it tte, would help the teacher in giving mae specie Eridance. Bi the bly woud bea the expense of conceal Slr people or these of partcaarelesioal nation, What sot of Enseer could be eu? Rouphly speaking any answer whi could be 2 ‘ore pes seifeston of what osred mani consiered toe. Features woul be empasied—eg. steal thinking, speci know Ted, tonoay, sestee saiy—wbich would be pur of the tescers underanding of what Ie means t0 be "betel. Content AINS OF EDUCATION-A CONCEPTUAL INQUIRY 57 the anal in ts of dentable knowledge conditions. Argv- Gable quite rather then thers Indeed hiss one nportat ‘ate about th ede of edston ther In abot the methods fo Be sdoped to promote thse ends The at oo re of eine, There Inemuch mare consensus bout what conte bung ced thea hte Isaboot what constts trae edvested ‘eduction’ is being sede bY poitclans talking bout the des Tine manpower issued. He might tink of edoation purely fa "hm way and hve no reratd forthe easevours of evento ho miht rip be concerned purely with be development of edsted men td Krom the ectoosi potat f Yew is tot mcramry atopic to being concerned With eduction i the moe spe sense: Indeed Te competence fo lt some oupunal rol ak Bt ui no fan edoctor. Fo hie thi eve consumes might be the alae of fn educated person. He mia In his appreac,concentate on peng Ihe pupie tecmsally quipped to do cerain joby and temps 10 make fecha sk ad knowledge the nein & person's dept ‘Shy a tencher might ech act such a cence with prey cational or economic enti ew He eit sepa hell fs 8 ‘spping people for voctons oar serving ation fortuna ‘lividus concrnd, a ini He might conceive of wt he wos sing jt a comibtng to seonomleerowth at teaching sien ‘rth tse ited nasi view ahold be ding from eosin People Teching, os has already bee poate ou, ot ees ‘needs, techer eight als teach rience because he regarded tis form. ‘ot undestaning as cea ois ence of an educated psa,

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