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Government Of India ‘Copyright Office Extract from the Register of Copyrights Registration Number Name, adress and nationality f the applicant Nature of he aplcan terest in he copy of the work sai ‘lass anddescristion af the work The ofthe work Language o tne work Name, adress and nationality ofthe author ond # the Suthers deceased, date of hit daceare ‘Whether the work i published or unpublished Year and country of frst publication and name, Sdaress: ‘and natlonalty ofthe publisher Years and countries of subsequent publeatons, If any, fond "names, addresses end. natonaites of Ne pubtshers Names; adéreses and nationites of the overs of ‘any, authorised to assign ar lean of rhs Gomering the copyrant 3. the work is an “Arse woe’, the location of the fngine werk, including name, address and natonaty ‘ofthe person in postesion of the work (Un he cose of fon orcitecturl ark, the year of completion af the ‘ont should algo be show IF the wore i an “Artistic wor’ whetner i epietred ‘under the Designs Act 2000 yes give etal. the work Is an "Aniste work, capeble of being: fegistered "a5" 3" design under | the Designs "Act 200.nhether has been apled to a article hough an Industrial process and i yes the number of times i Is ‘produces Remarks, any Diary number Date of Apaticaon Date ot Regt 786/2013-con, 2eyorjao1s Siyoreo13 Dated :30/10/2013 L-55891/2013 = DR. G. YUVARA , 43, SUNARAM PILLAT ST, PURASAWALKAM, CHENNAL- INDIAN (OR. SO, VICTOR , 43, SUNDARAM PILAL ST, PURASAWALKAM, CHENNAI-~ INDIAN ‘OR. G. YUVARAY, 43, SUNDARAM PILLAI ST, PURASAWALKAM, CHENNAT- DR. SO. VICTOR , 43, SUNDARAM PILAL ST, PURASRWALKAM, CHENNAI NDtan NA. NA DRG. YUVARAD, 43, SUNOARAM PILLAI ST, PURASAWALKAM, CHEN DR. $0. VICTOR, 43, SUNDARAM PILLAI ST, PURASAWALKAM, CHENNAT-~

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