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On the 26th of January 1857, the Master of the Rolls

submitted to the Treasury a proposal for the publication
of materials for the History of this Country from the
Invasion of the Romans to the Reign of Henry VIH.
The Master of the Rolls suggested that these materials
should be selected for publication under competent editors
without reference to periodical or chronological arrange-
ment, without mutilation or abridgment, preference being
given, in the first instance, to such materials as were most
scarce and valuable.
He proposed that each chronicle or historical document
to be edited should be treated in the same way as if the
editor were engaged on an Editio Princeps and for this

purpose the most correct text should be formed from an

accurate collation of the best MSS.
To render the work more generally useful, the Master
of the Rolls suggested that the editor should give an
account of the MSS. employed by him, of their age and
their peculiarities ; work a brief
that he should add to the
account of the life and times of the author, and any
remarks necessary to explain the chronology ; but no other
note or comment was to be allowed, except what might be
necessary to^ establish the correctness of the text.
The works to be published in octavo, separately, as
they were finished ; the whole responsibility of the task
resting upon the editors, who were to be chosen by the
Master of the Rolls with the sanction of the Treasury.
The Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury, after a careful
consideration of the subject, expressed their opinion in a
Treasury Minute, dated February 9, 1857, that the plan
recommended by the Master of the Rolls " was well
calculated for the accomplishment of this important
national object, in an effectual and satisfactory manner,
within a reasonable time, and provided proper attention be
paid to economy, in making the detailed arrangements,
without unnecessary expense."
They expressed their approbation of the proposal that
each chronicle and historical document should be edited
in such a manner as to represent with all possible correct-
ness the text of each writer, derived from a collation of the
best MSS., and that no notes should be added, except
such as were illustrative of the various readings. They
suggested, however, that the preface to each work shoidd
contain, in addition to the particulars proposed by the
Master of the Rolls, a biographical account of the author,
so far as authentic materials existed for that purpose, and
an estimate of his historical credibility and value.
Rolls House,
December 1857.



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MAR 1 8 I960


MAR 25 1971

Printed by
Eyre and Spottiswoode, Her Majesty's Printers.
For Her Majesty's Stationery Office

Preface ---- Page


Hekbaricjm of Apuleius 1

continued from dioskorides, etc. - - 248

Medicina de Quadrupedibus 326

Leechdoms from Fly Leaves op MSS. _ - - 376

Charms (in part) 384



5 8ir

It will be difficult for tlie kindliest temper to give Prepossessions

a friendly welcome to the medical philosophy of Saxon

days. As man has an ever recurring proneness to
make himself the standard of truth, to condemn, sneer
at, and despise all that he does not choose or is unable

to comprehend, so in a greater degree every generation

of men admires its own wisdom, skill, science, art, and
progress it calls its own, whatever it has learnt from

men of former days, and counts the few improve-

ments which have had their birth in its own time, as
triumphs and distinctions which elevate it above all
the past.
If we consider the history of the ages gone by, these Our debt to
^^^^ ^^^^*
high pretensions will soon abate somewhat of their
confidence. The progress of those contrivances towards
our comfort, which we sum up in the term civilization,
has been very creeping and laborious. Our great
capitals are smaller than Rome, the fortunes of our
men of millions are trifles to the wealth of a Crassus
or a Lucullus, our houses are less carefully warmed
in winter than the Roman villas, our poetry has no
Homeros, our sculpture no Praxiteles, our architecture
no Parthenon, our philosophy has never seen a century
such as that between Perikles and Alexandres, those
hundred years of Attic wit and wisdom have given
us an education in dead languages, and in the lore
and manners of two thousand years since, and are
driving our native words from oif our tongues and
making them strange to our ears.

The Saxons Tlie same victory over future ages which puts into
accept Greek
and Latin the hands of our children a Virgilius, a Demosthenes
learning. an Horatius, produced a similar effect upon our fore-
fathers. When their driving, conquering, advancing
spirit brought them into the island of the Britons
and gave them the Keltic careless tribes for a prey,
they also found it worth their while to inquire what
wa-s this system of Latin science, which raised fertile
crops of wheat for the food of every mouth, built
houses which gave warmth amid the tempest, and
fetched from foreign distant lands aids and helps
whether to health or to disease and they, like our-

selves, became students of Latin and Greek. Something

of course they had learned of southern arts before,
but when they arrived in and became owners of ter-
ritories improved by the southron, they could only
enjoy their new acquisitions fully by understanding
the method of ordering them.
Indigenous The Gothic nations had a knowledge of their own
botany of the
in the kinds and powers of worts, that is they had
races. the more useful practical part of botany this is ;

plainly proved by the great number of native names

of plants which are found in the works now printed,
in glossaries, and in the Gothic languages generally.
Their medicine must have consisted partly in the
application of the qualities of these worts to healing
purposes, for otherwise the study was of no real utility.
The uses of hemp and liquorice were first learnt by
the Hellenes, from the Skythians.^ The Saxons evi-
dently were also willing to rely much upon amulets
and incantations, for while these resources are accepted
by the later Greek physicians, they occur much more
frequently as the northern nations obtained a wider
footing in the Roman empire.

llerodot. lib. iv. cap, 74. Theofrastos, Hist. Plant, lib. ix. cap. 15.

From the cradle modern Englishmen are taught to Charms,

light an angry battle against superstition, and they
treat a talisman or a charm with some disdain and
much contempt. But let us reflect that these play-
things tended to quiet and reassure the patient, to
calm his temper, and soothe his nerves objects which, ;

if we are not misinformed, the best practitioners of

our own day willingly obtain by such means as are
left them. Whether a wise physician will deprive a
humble patient of his roll of magic words, or take
from his neck the fairy stone, I do not know but :

this is certain, that the ChristianChurch of that early

day, and the medical science of the empire by no
means refused the employment of these arts of healing,
these balms of superstitious origin. The reader may
enjoy his laugh at such devices, but let him remember
that dread of death and wakeful anxiety must be
hushed by some means, for they are very unfriendly
to recovery from disease.
Some part of the prevailing superstition must have Partly origi-

come from the Magi, for we find them ordering that S^e^Magl"^
the modern feverfue, the Fyrethrum partheniuTn, must
be pulled from the ground with the left hand, that
the fevered patients name must be spoken forth, and
that the herbcrist must not look behind him.-^
Plinius says also,^ that the Magi and the Pytha-
goreans had many foolish tales about the eryngium,
known in England as sea holly.^ That they ordered
the pseudo anchusa to be gathered with the left hand,
the name of him, who was to profit by it to be
uttered, and that it should be tied on a man for
the tertian fever.^ They used the ayXao(pooT)^, or
pseony,^ for evocation of spirits.^ They got cures for

Plin. xxi. 104 = 30. ^ Plin. xxii. 24 = 20.
2 Id. xxii. 9 = 8. ^ If it is the peeony.
^ E. campestre, being very rare. *^Plin. xxiv. 102 = 17.

head aclie, bleared eyes, dim sight, pearl, excrescences in

the eyes, tooth ache, rheumatism, quartan fevers, gout,
spasms, lumbago, sterility, ghosts and nightmares,
phrenzy, fiimily discord, indifference to wives, epilepsy,
snakes, shiverings, darts, barking of dogs, fascina-
tion, gripes, gravel, childbirth, magic arts, mad dogs,
dysentery, poison, tyranny, and a potent effeminacy,
love charm, a Lasses come follow me, from the hyena :

but he must be caught when the moon .is in Gemini.'

The Magi had a special admiration for the mole,
if any one swallowed its heart palpitating and fresh,
he would become at once an expert in divination.^
The heart of a hen, placed upon a womans left breast
while she is asleep, will make her tell all her secrets.^
This the Roman calls a portentous lie. Perhaps he
had tried it. They were the authors of the search
for red or white stones in the brood nestlings of
swallows, mentioned by our Saxons.* A crazy fellow
(lymphatus) would recover his senses if sprinkled with
the blood of a mole and those troubled with nocturnal

spirits and by Fauns would be relieved if smeared

with a dragon's tongue, eyes, gall, and intestines
boiled down in wine and oil.^ Bulls dung was good
for dropsical men, cows dung for woraen.^
The Magi also taught to drink the ashes of a pigs
pizzle in SAveet wine, and so to make water into a
dogs kennel, adding the words " lest he, like a hound,
" should make urine in his own bed." " If a man
in the morning made water a little on his own foot
it would be a preservative against mala medicamenta,

doses meant to do him harm. For quartan fevers

they catch with the left hand the beetle that has

Plin. xxviii. 27 = ^ Id. XXX. 24 = 10.
2 Id. XXX. 7 = 3. " Id. xxviii. 68.
3 Id. xxix. 26. "
Id. xxviii. 60 = 15. See below,
* Id. xi. 71). p. xxxi.
PREI''A(^E. XI 11

reflected antennre, and make an amulet of liim.' For

sleep the gall of a sacrificed goat smeared on the
e^^es or put under the pillow was good.^

Demokritos was a devoted adherent of the teaching Demokritos.

of the Mao-i, "ma^^orum studiosissimus." He wrote '"^

of an herb, the root of which wrought into pills and

swallowed in wine would make guilty men confess
everything, tormented at night by strange visions of
the spirit world. Another, ewv ^p^nov, food of Gods,
which kept the kings of Persia in health and vigour
of mind.* I'he cayysAtf, or gospel plant, was drunk
l)y the Magi before divination. The yt-XooTo^puAAic-, or
laughter plant, produced fantoms and laughtt;r, that
only ceased by drinking pine nuts, pepper, and honey
in date wine. They had also an herb for begetting
handsome and good children. A disciple of Demokri-
tos, Apollodoros, had a wort to make old love, even

what had turned to hate, revive again. All these had

magic names. Plinius view of the general credit in
which the doctrine of the Magi stood, is that it was
of all sciences on the face of the globe most fraudulent,
(which, be it observed, is a great deal to say,) and
that it owed its acceptance to its embracing within
itself the three sciences most influential among men
medicine, and that, as it shewed the profounder and
more venerable religion, in the darkness of which, says

he, the human race is still involved, (to call it super-

stition would be to modernize here), and the mathe-
matics, that is, astronomy.
Pythagoras held that the whole air is full of spiritual Pythagoras,

beings, who send men dreams, and the symptoms of

disease and health nor to men only, but to sheep and

other cattle ; that to these spirits are naturally m^de

lustrations, and averting ceremonies, and invocations.

riin. XXX. 30. {
^ Id. xxiv. 102 = 17.
- Id. xxviii. 79. 1
' Ibid.


and tlie like.^ He tauMit anetlmm, that

tliat lioldino-

is dill, in the hand, is good against epilepsy.- Pytha-

goras was the founder of the healing art among the
Hellenic peoples.
Pythagoras taught that water would freeze with the
herbs coracesia and calycia, also the flower of the aqui-
folia or hoUy.^ Chrysippus, that an animal, nobody
knew anything about, was a goodthe phryganium,
amulet for quartan fevers.'* Cato, that a man would
go comfortably to sleep after eating hare and says ;

Plinius, there must be something in the general^ per-

suasion that after hare a man is good looking for
nine days.^
Serapion. Serapion of Alexandria flourished (B.C. 278) forty
years after the death of Alexander the Great, and was
one of the chiefs of the Empiric school, who relied upon
observation and experiment in preference to specula-
tion and thoughtful reasoning yet he in epilepsy pre- ;

scribed the warty excrescences on the forelegs of animals,

camels brain and gall, rennet of seal, dung of crocodile,
heart of hare, blood of turtle, stones of boar, ram, or
Soranos. Soranos, an early writer of the methodic school, while
he refused incantations as cures for diseases, testifies
in so doing to their prevalence *'
Alii cantilenas :
" adhibendas probaverunt, ut etiam Philistionis frater
" idem memorat libro xxii. de adiutoriis, scribens quen-
" dam fistulatorem loca dolentia decantasse, qu?e cum
" saltum sumerent palpitando, discusso dolore mites-
" cerent. Alii denique hoc adiutorii genus Pythagoram

Kai a'jTorpoina(Tfiovs fiavriKriv re iracrav

TTAcWJ/' KlA UTTO TOVTOiV 7rfJLirff6ai Koi KKridSpas Kol ra <ifx.oia.

avdpdnroLS rovs re uveipovs Kal ra Diofjenes, Laert. V. Pytliag. 32*

arifxeta v6aov re koX vyLsias' ical ov - Plin. XX. 73.
fx6vov avOpUTTois oAAo Kal Trpofidrois >
Id. xxiv. 102. 72.
Kal Tois &\hoLs KTr]ve(np. E'ls re '
Id. XXX. 30.
rovTOvs yiueaOai tovs re Kadapfiovs, -'
Id. X xviii. 79.

" memorant invenisse : sed Sorani iiidicio videntur hi

" mentis vanitate iactari, qui modulis et cantilena
" passionis robur excludi posse crediderunt." ^

Plinius records that the rule is to sow basil with riinius

curses and ugly words ;^ that pills of elaterium, the .

drastic juice of a wild cucumber, hung about the waist

in rams wool, help parturition, if the patient knows

nothing about the resource f he knew a man of prae-

torian rank, a chief man in Spain, who was cured of
intolerable disorders of the uvula by carrying hung to
his neck by a thread a root of purslane f that Sappho
fell in love with Phaon because he found a masculine

root of eryngium ;^ that an amulet of the seed of

tribulus cures varicose veins f that tradition avers
men afflicted with tertian fever are relieved of it
if they tie on themselves a root of autumnal nettle,
provided that when the root is dug the sick mans
and names are duly pronounced aloud ;^
his parents
that if a man carry a poplar wand in his hand he
will not get his legs chafed ;^ the herb selago, which
was like savine, was gathered without use of iron,
with the right hand, in pickpocket fashion, " velut a
" furante," poked through the left armhole of the tunic,

in a white robe, with naked clean washed feet, after

an oblation of wine and bread.^ Since ordinary " clinic"
medicine avails not in quartan fevers, he will tell us
how to cure it by the dust in which a
by amulets ;

hawk, has been rolling himself tied up in a bit of

cloth with a red thread by the longest tooth of a

black dog by a solitary wasp caught in the left hand


^ Cselius Aurelianus, Chron. lib. ' Id. xxii. 9 = 8.

V. cap. 1, p. 555, ed. of 1709. Id. xxii. 12 = 10.
2 Cum maledictis ac probris, xix. ' Id. xxii. 16 = 14.
37 = 7. **
Id. xxiv. 32 = 8.
3 Plin. XX. 3 = 1. '
Id. xxiv. 62 = 11.
* Id. XX. 81=20.
b 2

and tied on ; by the head of viper cut ofl*, or its liv-

ing heart cut out, in a piece of cloth ; by the snout

and tips of the ears of a mouse in a rose-coloured patcli,
the animal itself to be let loose ;by the right eye of
a living lizard poked out, in a bit of goats skin by ;

the ball rolling scarabcieus (.s\ sfercorarius) ;^ a holly

planted in (the courtyard of) a house keeps off witch-
crafts f they say that an amulet of the chamaeelsea
(Da/ne laureola, B.'mezereuon) will cure pearl " albugo
in the eyes, provided that the plant be gathered before
sunrise, and the purpose be outspoken f an herb picked
from the head of a statue and tied up in a red
thread will cure head ache ;^ an herb by which dogs
stale, if drawn untouched by iron, cures dislocations;''

Enough, perhaps, has been said to mark the character

of Plinius collections.
losephos. With Plinius was contemporary Joseph, or Josephus.
The tales about the mandrake current much later,
and found in the Saxon Herbarium,^ are traceable to
what he says of the Baaras, an herb that runs away

from the man that wants to gather it, and won't stop
till one throws on it oupov ywaixog to 6[j^[xt^vov a.i[xa,

for nastiness is often an element of mysteries, and even

then it kills the dog that draws it out. It is not cer-
tain that the mandrakes berries are meant in Genesis
XXX. 14.
Philagrios. Philagrios (.364 A.D.) thought it superfluous and un-
becoming to add to a prescription a direction to spit
once into the drug pot, once on the earth, with some
barbarous names, since without the names it would
be equally efficacious.^

Plin. XXX. 30 = 11. " IJell. lud. VII. vi. .T = p. 117.
Id. xxiv. 71 = 13. '
Art. cxxii,
Id. xxiv. 82 = 1.'). **
Aetiiis, 007. c. in tho ]\Iedica;
Id. xxiv. lOfi 19. I Arti.s Principos, unpublisluHl in the

Id. xxiv. Ill ==10. oriffinal lan/rnaffe.


Xoriokratcs, who, says Galenos, llourisliod two i^eiK}- Xt-nokratcs.

rations, or sixty years before himself, writes with an

air of confidence on the good effects to be obtained by
eating of the human brain, flesh, or liver ; by swallow-
ing in drink the burnt or unburnt bones of the head,
shin, or fingers of a man, or the blood. He had also
a good list of nasty prescriptions, for which the veil
of a dead language is required.^
Galenos is citedby Alexander of Tralles,^ as doing Galonus.
a reluctant homage to incantations. His words,
})erhaps,do not go further than the conclusions of an
unprejudiced physician of our own day might do, were
he Avilling to brave the quick rising imputation of
superstition. " Some think that incantations are like
" old wives tales : tis I too did for a long v^^hile. But
" at last I was convinced that there is virtue in them
by plain proofs before my eyes. For I had trial
" of their beneficial operation in the case of those
scorpion stung, nor less in the case of bones stuck
" fast in the throat, immediately, by an incantation,
" thrown up. And many of them aie excellent, seve-
" rally, and they reach their mark."
Pampliilos makes Galenos angry with his gipsy Pamphilos.
trickeries; "his old wives tales, his Egyptian quackeries,
" Ids babbling incantations used by the folk einployed
" to collect the plants, his periapts, and his humbugs,
" not merely useless, not merely unprofessional, but
" all false no good even to little boys, not to say

Hoais 5' ISpirSs re ical uupov ical ytypacpe Sh ical ircpl rod icara ra JjTa

icaTai,n]uiov yvvaiKhs aaeXyyis ical /35e- j

pvirov KaraTnyo/JLeuov.
A.ipa, ical Tovrwu ovSeu fjrroi/ vj k6- \
Qalen. (h simpl. mixt. ct fuc,
irpo%, V SlaxplO|.Uv)^v re ro7s icara rh
lib. xx. vol. xii., p. 248, ed.
aroi^i-a Koi t/V (pdpvyya fiop'.ois ei's n j

^ .
^ ,. . -!., I
- Lib. ix.cap. -1, p. .'38, ed. ir)jG.

students of medicine." Pampliilos had written in
alphabetical order about herbs.
Alexander of Alexander of Tralies (A.D. 550) frequently prescribes
periapts, that is, amulets, and wise words thus for :

colic, he guarantees by his own experience and the

approval of almost all the best doctors, dung of a

wolf, with bits of bone in it, if possible, shut up in
a pipe, and worn during the paroxysm, on the right
arm, or thigh, or hip, taking care it touches neither
the earth nor a bath. A lark eaten is good. The
Thracians pick out its heart, while alive, and make a
periapt, wearing it on the left thigh. A part of the
caecum of a pig prepared with myrrh, and put up in
a wolfs or dogs skin, is a good thing to wear. A
ring with Hercules strangling a lion on the Median
stone, is good to wear.^ A bit of a childs navel, shut
up in something of silver or gold with salt, is a periapt
which will make the patient at ease entirely. Have
the setting of an iron ring octagonal, and engrave
upon it, " Flee, Flee, Ho, Ho, Bile, the Lark was
on the head of the ring have an N ^ en-
searching ''

graved this is potent, and he thinks it would be


strange not to communicate so powerful an antidote,

but begs it may be reserved from casual folk, and told

' OvTco o)} Kal Hd/uLcpiXos iTToirjaaTo Tovs fivdovs, firjTL 76 5r] rots /neTiiuai
tV Tepi rcov ^oravooi/ Trpayfiareiav. (TTrevdovai to. t^j larpiK?}? pya. Kai
aAA.' iKiivos fifv ei's re ixvQovs ypaSjv fioi So/fe? irpbs 'IiriroKpaTovs euOfoos cV
rivas i^erpaTrero uai Tivas yor]Te'tas apxijruv acpopicr/JLuv elprjaBai b ^ios
AlyvTTTLas XrjpwSeis afxa rlaiP iircfdais, IBpaxvs, 7] Se re'x*'?? /J.aKpa, x<^P^'-^ "^ov

Sls auaipov,uuoi ras fiordvas eViAe- (x^j KaTavaXiffK^iv rohs XP^^'^^^ ^'^

yovai, Kal S?? Ke^p'O'^ai irphs TrepiaTTra &XPVO'T<^-

Kal ^Was fxayyo.veias ov Trcpiepyovs Galen, defacult. simpL, lib. vi.

(xdvov, 01/5' e|co t/js larpiicris r^^vrjs, p. 792, ed. Kiihn.

oAAo Kol y]/vde7s airdcras. 7/,ue?s 5e - A Gnostic device. See Mont-
oijTe T0VT03V ovSev oure Tas tovtcov ert faucon, plates 1.59, 161, 1G3.
Kr)pu}deis fj-erafiopcpucreis fpov/mev. owSe ' The N on the ring is Gnostic ;

yap To7s /.iiicpois iraia) KoixiSfj ^prjai- see Montfaucon, t. cl., clxix.,
fiovs vixoKa^^dvofJiiv Hvai rohs roiov- clxxvii.

only to such as can and are trusty

keep secrets,
(^iAapgVou^).^ For the gout he recommends a certain
cloth, ^opYig 7roip$iVou to TrpcoTOV sx. rm Kcx-Tuf^Yivioov puKog
ui,o\vvQiv, also the sinews of a vultures leg and toes tied
on, minding that the right goes to the right, the left
to the left ; also the astragali of a hare, .leaving the
poor creature alive ; also the skin of a seal for soles
also a line of Homeros, rsxpij^st 8' oLyopri, vtto 8e o-rova-

X^K-'^^ yoCiu, when the moon is in Libra

on gold leaf,

also a natural magnet found when the moon is in Leo.

Write on gold leaf, in the wane of the moon, " mei,
tlireu, mor, for, teux, za, zon, the, lou, chri, ge, ze, ou,
" as the sun is .consolidated in these names, and is
" renewed every day, so consolidate this plaster as it
" was before, now, now, quick, quick, for, behold,
I pronounce the great name, in which are consoli-
" dated things in repose, iaz, azuf, zuon, threux, bain,
" chook, consolidate this plaster as it was at first, now,
" now, quick, quick/' ^ Then bits were to be chopped
off a chamseleon, and the creature living was to be
wrapped up in a clean linen rag, a^nd buried towards
the sunrise, while the chopped bits were to be worn
in tubes all to be done when the moon was in the

wane. Then again for gout, some henbane, when the

moon is in Aquarius or Pisces, before sunset, must be
dug up with the thumb and third finger of the left
hand, and must be said, I declare, I declare, holy wort,
to thee I invite thee to-morrow to the house of

Fileas, to stop the rheum of the feet of M. or N., and

say, I invoke thee, the great name, Jehovah, Sabaoth,
the God who steadied the earth and stayed the sea,
the filler of flowing rivers, who dried up Lot's wife,
and made her a pillar of salt, take the breath of thy
mother earth and her power, and dry the rheum of
the feet or hands of N. or M. The next day, before
sunrise, take a bone of some dead animal, and dig the

* Lib. ix. p. 165, ed. 1548. (from some of their words nothing
This is also probably Gnostic : | rational has been elicited.

root up with this bone, and say, I invoke thee by

the holy names lao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Eloi, and put
on the root one handful of salt, saying, ''As this salt
" will not increase, so may not the disorder of N.
" or M." And hang the end of the root as a periapt
on the For agues, " the little animal
sufferer, etc.^
that sits and weaves with the view to catch flies,
" tied up in a rag, round the left arm, is good."'-^

Trallianus mostly wrote very good sense. The Gnostics

professed a medley of all the religions they could
hear of
Alexander Trallianus also recommends for epilepsy,
from Asklepiades 6 (papfxaxsvTriC, a metal cross, rjKov
ho-TOLuf^ajfjievov, tied as a periapt to the arm. He obtains
from Zalachthes and Osthanes, interpreters of the Magi,
a recommendation to try jasper and coral, with root
of nux vomica in a linen clotli. Demokrates, an
Athenian, who consulted the Delfic oracle, was told to
get some worms out of a goats brain. The occipital
bone of an asses head in a skin is also a good periapt.
Get a big rivet from a wrecked ship, make a broach
of it, and insert a bone cut from the heart of a living
Antiquity and ^he arts of magic, real arts, with effects visible to

magic. ^^6 ^y^j sciences, if the modern latitude of language

be allowable, had at a very early period arrived at
high perfection in Egypt, when Jannes and Jambres
withstood Moses and Aaron, turning their rods into
serpents, and water into blood (1600 B.C.) ; in Syria,
when the witch or ventriloquist of Eiidor promised
her clients conferences with the dead (1100 B.C.); in
Hellas, when Vlysses visited the spirit woi'ld, and
Kirke turned men into swine (1100 B.C.); and in
Persia, beyond chronological limits.

Jd. ip. lOS, I'J'J. That curious ]
Id. p. 234, C^^vcpiou.
Gnostic charm seemed to deserve '
^ Alex. Trail,, lib, i. pp. 81', 83,
quotation at length. S4, cd. 1556.

T]ie practical wisdom of such men as Hippokrates, Tlic influence

and the Epikurean scepticism of the age of Horatins new"d^*^
Flaccus, had reduced the influence of magicians among
cultivated minds to some reasonable limits. The re-
vival of their power has been attributed to the de-
pressing effect of imperial tyranny but a larger share ;

is probably due to the inroad of barbaric minds which

the calm light of knowledge had not reached.

Saxons, Anejles,
'o and all the Gothic races were wholly llejnyading

unable to accept, to use, to learn, the medical

... Barbcinans not
skill of educated up to
^'""^^ '^^"
Hellas and of its The point to Avhich sur-
pupil Italy.
gery had been brought was high and if we don't say ;

the same of physic, perhaps, we are not very good

judges, having discovered very few specifics of our own.
Our measure of their proficiency will be much safer
in surgery than in pharmacy.
It seems pretty well agreed by competent and carefiil Examples of

critics that the book on Wounds of the Head is by

the great Hippokrates, who flourished at Kos during
the Peloponnesian war (fl. 436, died 377 ?). He used
a (Tjotjxpoy TpvTTctvQv, a small trepan which implies also ^

some greater, a tt^/wv, or saw, which had a Trsfio^og or

circular motion, and w^hich is judged by medical men
to be the tryphine, and a Trpiwv ^upajcrog, or jagged
sUjVj, which is held to be the trepan,^ and he gives
anxious directions to the operator, to withdraw the
instrument frequently and cool both it and the bone
with cold water, and to exercise all vigilance not to
wound the lining membrane. The employment of
splints, vacSrjxac,^ on broken limbs, is not of much mark
here, as Ave find our Saxons could adopt the resource.
In the opinion of Dr. Greenhill, the "Opxog in the
works of Hippokrates may be his ; according to the
last editor of his works, it is his, or of the Koan

' Hippokr. p. 907, 913, fol. ed. 1615. Sprengel Versuch ciner
pragmatischen Geschichte dcr Arzneikunde, vol. i. p. 425.
- Hippokr. lit sup.
p. 755.

school ; it is a remarkable document, as laying down

the outlines of professional etiquette, of the broad line
of distinction between the physician and surgeon, and
for its plain statement that cutting for the stone was
then practised.^ The process is spoken of as familiar,
and its dangers are shortly expressed by Aretiieos
(A.D. 81), who observes that men sometimes die the
very day of the operation, which, however, is in-
dispensable.^ The same author mentions the relief
afforded to those afflicted with the stone by the
use of the catheter.^ Philagrios described in his lost
works his own treatment of a case, where the calculus
had escaped from the bladder and stuck fast in the
ureter, so that the man, with suppression of urine
and with pain, had almost gone. The stone had
made its way almost to the orifice of the canal, but
with a fine pair of forceps could not be extracted,
nor yet by gently moving it with a probe. He would
not cut the urethra from below, because that would
certainly end in an artificial and inconvenient urinary
orifice, but he cut down upon it from above.* Celsus,
in the case of a large stone, recommends, as of course,
Litholrity. that it should be crushed by the instrument invented
by Ammonios, the Ai5otojw,o?, or surgeon, who gave his
chief attention to this subject, and of course before
his own time (A.D. 15.)^ Ammonios is supposed to
have practised at Alexandria.

* Ov T/i6ft> 5e ouSe /.iV Xt-Bi^vTas. cussum quoque ten eat, ue is retro

eK%copT^ff'co 5e ipydrrfai av^pdai irp-f]- revolvatur ; turn ferramentuni ad-
^los rfjo-Se. (I write ipydrrjai not hibetur crassitudinis modicai, prima
ipydrrjffi.^ parte tenui, sed retusa, quod ad-
' Aret. Chronic, lib. ii. cap. 4. motum calculo, et ex altera parte
Id. Acut. lib. ii. cap. 9. ictum, eum findit ; magna cura

Philagrios in Actios, col. 551, habita, ne aut ad ipsam vesicam
in Med, Art. PrincipLS. The ferramentum perveniat, aut calculi
original is unpublished. fractura ne quid incidat. Celsus,
^ Id hoc modo fit. Vncus iniici- lib. vii. cap. 26. 3.
tur calculo, sic, ut facile cum con-

Asklepiades (B.C. 100), in extreme cases of difficult Laryngotomy,

from whatever obstruction of the trachea,

cut through the air tube of the throat.^ Antyllus^
wrote down the proper directions for even a timid
We find described in the Museo Borbonico ^ some Surgical in-
surgical instruments of bronze discovered in Hercula- ^^^^I"*^.'^^^^
num and Pompeii. There is the speculum magnum
matricis, or diozTpiov, with two branches and a travelling
yoke for them driven by a screw, for ocular examina-
tion of the organic state of the matrix ; it served
rather as a dilatator than as a speculum, and has
been superseded by a better instrument, the invention
of Kecamier. The careful use of it is described by
Paulus JEgineta.^ There is also the speculum ani, or
composed of two branches bent at right angles

and opening by pressure on the handles this instru- :

ment was known as to the author of the


book on haemorrhoids among the works of Hippokrates.^

Further has been found a forceps of a curious con-
struction, suited for removing pieces of bone from the
surface of the brain in cases of fractured skull. It
has been specially considered by Prof. Benedetto
Yulpes, [1847], who thinks have been
it may also
intended to take up an artery. The Greeks, he ob-
serves, as appears by an inscription dug up near Athens,
were able to tie an artery in order to stop haemorrhage,
and words implying so much are found in a treatise
of Archigenes, (A.D. 100,) existing in MS. in the
Laurentian library at Florence : Sc7rol3po^$Eov oh yj

A veteribus probatam approbat '-'
In Paullus ^gineta, lib. vi.

arteriae divisuram ob respirationem cap. 33.

faciendam, quam laryngotomiam ^ Vol. xiv. pi. 36, also Vulpes,
vocant. Cffilius Aurelianus, Acut. plate iv.
III. iv. p. 193. * Lib. vi. cap. 73.
^ Hiem., sect. 6.

vessels carrying (blood) toiuards the incision must he

tied or sewed up. Near the end of the sixteenth
century a French surgeon was the first to recover the
ligature of the artery, and the instrument he used
was very similar (somiglia moltissimo) to the forceps
in the Museum at Naples.^
forceps. A curious pair of forceps has also been found,
without a parallel among modern surgical instruments;
the blades have a half turn, and the grip is toothed
and spoon shaped, when closed. By construction it is
suited for introduction into some internal cavity, and
for holding firm and fast some excrescence there.
Professor Yulpes finds it well calculated for dealing
with the excrescences which grow upon the Schneiderian
membrane covering the nasal bones, or such as come
on the perifery of the anus or the orifice of the female
urethra especially such as having a large base can-

not be tied.^
A tap. There an instrument for tapping the
is further
dropsical, described by Celsus'^ and Paulus .^gineta.*
It was somewhat altered in the middle of the seven-
teenth century by Petit.

Another tap. An instrument suited to carry off the dropsical

humours by a little at a time on successive days, as
Celsus^ and Paulus ^gineta^ recommend, has also been
dug up. Rust and hard earth, which cannot safely be
removed, have blocked up the canal of the relic and
render conclusions less certain.'

The Probe, The probe, *' spocillum," jw,i5^>j, is reported by Cicero

to have been invented by tlie Arkadian Apollo, who

Vulpes, Illustrazione di tutti gli I
* Lib. vi. cap, 50.
Strumenti chirurgici scavati in i
Lib. vii. cap. 15.
Ercolano e in Porapei, Napoli, 1847. " Lib. vii. cap. 50.

- Ibid. ' Vulpes, ut supra.

^ Lib. vii. cap. 15. I

also was the first to Seven varie-

bind up a wound.'
ties are figured in the work of Professor Yulpes in one

plate, with ends obtuse, spoon shaped, flat and oval,

flat and square, flat and divided. The obtuse knob
was TTvpYjv the spoon was xucc&iTxog those which liad
; ;

a flat extremity were (r7ruQo[ji.Yi\ui such as had a knob ;

at each end were SiTruprjva.

The catheter of the ancients is figured by the same The catheter,

writer.' It was furnished with a bit of wood to be
drawn out by a thread,*^ to prevent the obstructive
effects of capillary attraction and to fetch the urine
after it when withdrawn. It is of bronze, and elastic
catheters seem to be of modern invention.
They have, or had in 184!7, eighty-nine specimens <^ther instru-
of pincers in the Naples Museum, fifteen are like what
are now called anatomical pincers, one only has the
form of the tenaculum, seventeen are depilatory pincers.
One pair of nippers is rectilinear, terminating in points
like a pair of compasses. Their names were \y.(5ioz:,


Hooks, hamuli, uy^io-rpu, to the number of fourteen,

had been laid up in the cases in 1847 also a trident ;

for cauterizing,* and a spatula ; a silver lancet was

accompanied in the excavating b}^ a small spoon, suited,
as medical men agree, for examining a small quantity'
of the flowing blood. There are also cupping vessels
of a somewhat spherical shape, from which air was
exhausted by burning a little tow. A fiem for bleeding
horses, of the same shape as that now used, and a
bent lever of steel, ij^o^Ximv, vectiarius, for raising the
bones of the cranium in case of depression by fracture.
Professor Yidpes has given us figures of eight steel
or iron knives for various surgical purposes, and of

Cicero de Nat. Deor., lib. iii. I
Galen. Medlcus, cap. xix
22. ^ Paulus yEginet., lib. vi. can.
- Plate IIT. fiff. ]. 48.

a small plate suitable in the form of its handle for

the application of cautery by fire.^

A drug. There exists a tract of twelve pages by Dr. Simpson

of Edinburgh, " On some ancient Greek medical vases
for containing Lykion "
[1856]. He knows "of four
ancient vases or druo; bottles intended to contain
" this valued eye medicine," " the Aumov IvSixov of Dios-
" korides.'' They are severally lettered Auxiov tiupol
Movcraiou, 'HpaxAe/ou Auxov [for AuxiOv], lua-ovog Aukiqv (two).

The drug is the rusot or ruswut of India, an inspissated

extract prepared from the wood or roots of several
species of berberis, as the berberis lycium, aristata, etc.'^

It is " most useful in all cases of inflammation of the

" external tunics of the eye." The vases in which
itwas found are of very small dimensions, and in
three of them the internal content is much smaller
than the external promise; this arose, of course, from
the high price of the drug.
Northern Beside these elaborate contrivances and this skilful
medicine. audacity of the Mediterranean peoples, northern medi-
cine shows not to advantage. Beda, one of our safest
and an account of a leech,
earliest authorities, gives
Cynifrid, or Cyneferth, who, A.D. 679, opened a tumor
for iEtheldryth, queen and abbess, without saving her

The name and office of leeches was familiar to

the people : the Leechbook, or Liber Medicinalis, is in-

tended for the use of a medicus, not of a layman and ;

the frequent expression, "as leeches know how," shows

that they received a professional education.
These leeches then, unable to use the catheter, the
searching knife, the lithotritic hammer, and ignorant
of the afar sought Indian drugs, were in their early
practice almost wholly thrown back U2:)0n the lancet.

' Vulpes, as before. '


wlicrewitli to let blood, and the " parabilia/' the

zi)'7:opi(TTu, the accessibles, chiefly worts from the field

and garden. Not only the Engle and Seaxe, the war-
rior inhabitants of our own island, but also all the races
of Gothic invaders, were too rude to learn much of Ga-
lenos, or of Alexander of Tralles, though they would fain
do The writings of Marcellus, called Empiricus, the

Herbarium of Apuleius, the stuff current under the

name of Sextus Placitus, the copious volumes of Con-
stantinus Africanus, the writings of St. Hildegard of
Bingen, the collections out of Dioskorides, the smaller
Saxon pieces, are all of one character, substituting for
the case of instruments and Indian drugs, indigenous
herbs, the worts of fatherland, smearings, and wizard
chants. Over the whole face of Europe, while the
old Hellenic school survived in Arabia, the next to hand
resource became the established remedy, and the search-
ing incision of the practised anatomist was replaced
by a droning song.
The triumphant barbarians had no Psean, no JEscula-
pius, no Chiron, far less an Hippokrates. That they
must have employed herbs before their pouring down
over the south seems indisputable, and leeches are
not only Teutonic in form of their name, but
are mentioned as driving a profession in the rudest

Limrunar skaltu kunna, Twig runes shalt thou ken,

ef J)u vilt laeknir vera if thou a leech wilt be
ok kunna sar at sia ; and ken a sore to see ;

a berki skal }>aer rista on bark shall one them write

ok a baSmi viSar and on branch of wood,
J)eim er luta austr limar.^ whose limbs to east do lout.
The Runic ceremony here described may be, if a
conjecture be allowed to us, analogous to the allocu-
tion to the wort, the declaration of healing purpose,

Sigrdrifumal II. in Saemundar Edda.


the announcement of the patients name, so often fonnd

in our Saxon volumes.
pat kann ek ainiat, That ken I second,
er |>urfu yta synir, there needs us sons of men,
))eir er vilja lasknar liva.' who will as leeches live.

What is nowvirus,'' " morbific

was with them
" venom ;" epidemics were produced by " flying venom ;"
there was also " red venom," which suggests scarlet fever,
" watchet venom," ''
white venom," " livid venom,'' and
so on; all no doubt appropriate names."
Religion of The state of feeling about sorcery among tliese
charms. northern hordes is best gathered from a perusal of the
elder Edda, which is a world of witchery the Gods ;

themselves were truly described as charm smiths.'*^ We

may perchance wonder at the slavery in which people
were held by the Church, during the earlier ages of
our modern period at the saying of medicine masses,

at the blessing the worts out of the field, at the

placing them upon the but the Church had de-
altar ;

livered men from a worse servitude than this, from

the tyranny and terror of the poisoner and the wizard.
The conscious helplessness of man, when the hand of
God is upon him, must gladly humble itself in the
dust, and lick the dirt in craving mercy. Let the
scornful reader, in head on
good health, not toss his
high at the so called superstition of the simple Saxon,
but consider rather how audacious an infidel that man,
in those ages, would have seemed, who had refused
to pray in the received manner for the restoration of
his health.
Practical I am scarce willing to take the tone of apology for
the magical syllables we find in these leechcrafts.
It will be well to take a practical view, and to say
that, especially in the centuries between 500 and

Flavamal, 148, ibid. ^ rjalldia smi'Sir. Yn^linpf-a S. vii.
- Lacnunga, fol. 1 i')2.

lOOO A.D., so strong was the general acccj)tanco of

magic influence, so general was the fashion set in that
direction, that every candidate for tlie confidence of
tlie public must fall in with it. Marcellus, otlierwise
a worthless author, showing both how the
is useful, as
skilful use of surgical instruments liad been lost, and
how much more rankly this weed of faitli in spiritual
influences had spread its growth. The date of this
writer is set at about 380 A.D.
He recommends, to avoid inflamed eyes, " when Examples.
you see a star fall or cross tlie heavens, count
" quickly, for you will be free from inflammation for

" as many years as you count numbers."^ For the

same disorder, write on a clean sheet of paper ou^aix,
and hang this round the patients neck, with a thread
from the loom.^ In a state of purity and chastity,
write on a clean sheet of paper cjjup^a^av, and hang
it round the mans neck; it will stop the approach
of inflammation.'*^ The following will stop inflammation
coming on, written on a clean sheet of paper povjSoc, ;

pvQvsipag pYj=Kiog ooc. xavrz^opu. xai iTavTBg YiuzoTEi it must ;

be hung to the neck by a thread and if both the patient ;

and operator are in a state of chastity, it will stop

inveterate inflammation.'^ Again, write on a thin plate
of gold with a Jieedle of copper opvM oupoo^ do this ;

on a Monday observe chastity it will long and much

; ;

avail.^ As soon as a man gets pain in his eyes tie in

unwrought flax as many knots as there are letters in
his name, pronouncing them as you go, and tie it
round his neck.'^ If a man have a white spot, as cata-
ract, in his eye, catch a fox alive cut his tongue out ;

let him go dry his tongue and tie it up in a red rag


and hang it round the mans neck.' If any thing to

cause annoyance get into a man's eye, with five fingers

' Col. 269 h. '

Col. 270 b.

Col. 270 a. I
Col. 270 c.
' Ibid. '
Col. 276 b.
* Ibid. I

of the same run the eye over and

side as tlie eye,
fumble at it, saying three times tetunc resonco, bregan
gresso, and spit thrice.^ For the same, shut the vexed
eye and say thrice, in mon deromarcos axatison, and
spit thrice; this remedy is " mirificum/'^ For the same,
shut the other eye, touch gently the vexed eye with the
ring finger and thumb, and say thrice, " I buss the
" Gorgons mouth." This charm repeated thrice nine
times will draw out a bone stuck in a mans throat.^
For hordeolum, which is a sore place in the eyelid, of
the shape of a barleycorn, take nine grains of barley
and with each poke the sore, with every one saying the
magic words >cvpia. xvpia. xoKractpioe. (rovf>co(p^i, then throw
away the nine, and do the same with seven throw ;

away the seven, and do the same with ^ve, and so

with three and one. For the same, take nine grains of
barley and poke the sore, and at every poke say,
(^evys, (pEvys jcpi^Yj os diwxsi, fiee, flee, barley thee chaseth.
For the same, touch the sore with the medicinal or ring
finger, and say thrice, vigaria gasaria."^ To shorten the
matter, blood may
be stanched by the words sicycuma,
cucuma, ucuma, cuma, uma, ma, a. Also by " Stupid
"on a mountain went, stupid stupid was;"'^ by
socnon socnon ;^ o-oxcroxajw. cryxj/xa;" by \(/a rJ/= \(/5 \l/>) rj/ij

\|/a \[/e.^ For toothache say, Argidam margidam stur-

gidam;^ also, spit in a frogs mouth, and request him
to make off For a troublesome
with the toothache. ^^
uvula catch a spider, say suitable words, and make a
phylactery of it.^^ For a quinsy lay Jiold of the throat
with the thumb and the rinor and middle fino^ers,
cocking up the other two, and tell it to be gone.^^
" If a shrewmouse fall into a rut, there by a natural

Col. 278 d.
Col. 290 f.

Ibid. " Id. So Leechbo.
Col. 278 e. ^ Col. 295 e.
Col. 279 e. '" Ibid.
Col. 289 e. " Col. 303 b.
'- 304
Col. 290 b. Col. d.

" fate lie perislies ; so wrap him up in clay or linen

cloth or red rag, and with him go three times round
" kernels behind the cars ; wondrously quickly wilt
" thou heal them."^ TJie following is a capital remedy
for sore about the neck in a red rag
throats ; tie

bound with a thread, the following words and be ;

pure in writing them

El&ov Tp//xop(poy ^puasov ToavaScv,
xa) TccoToicou^ov [SscTTrorrjv] Touo"ava5ov.

(Twdov fxs, (refj^vl vsprspcjov VTripraTs,"'

Another charm for a kernel, Albula glandula, pretty

white kernel, etc. Another, "nine sister kernels, eight
" sister kernels, seven sister kernels, and so on/' ^ For
a bone in the throat say or write for an amulet
M:^ [jLOi yopyslriv KS(pccKY)V Isivolo TTsXwpov

For disease in the kidneys, as an amulet Kapa^pccajQ.^

" In cubili canis urinam faciat, qui urinam non potest
" continere, dicatque dum facit, ne in cubili suo urinam

" ut canis faciat/'*^ To cure bites, put your hand on

the bitten mans belly and say thrice nine times,
Stolpus tumbled out of heaven, etc7 For belly-ache,
wear a gold ring with a dolphin engraved, and the

One, who does not want to have belly-ache, must take

care he always puts his left shoe on first, and must
wear on gold leaf
L ^- M E> I A
three times written, For buboes in the groin,

make seven knot!=v, naming seven old widows and seven

Col. 305 g. ^ Col. 358 b. This is nearly
- Col. 307 e. TpijxepTi, eel. viscera in Hebrevr.
3 Col. 308 f. Col. 362 e.

* Col. 309 b. Odyss. A. 633. A

Col. 373 h.
mixture of intelligible and unintel- " Col. 378 h.
ligible nonsense occurs at Col. 339 h. Col. 379 b.

C 2

wild beasts, etc' For chafing in riding or Avalking,

tie to the thigli on paper tlie word xvarogr For gont,
before getting out of bed in tlie morning, s})it on yonr
hand, rub all your sinews, and say, Flee, gout, flee,


Albertus It will not be out of place to compare here the

.statements of Albertus Magnus on the first of the herbs
on whicli he writes in his treatise De Virtutibus *'

" Herbarum." It is the heliotropion. If one gather it

in August and wrap it up in a bay leaf with a wolfs
tooth, no one can speak an angry word to the wearer.
Put under the pillow, it will bring in a vision before
the eyes of a man, who has been robbed, the thief,
and all his belongings. If it be set up in a place of
worship, none of the women present who have broken
their marriage contract will be able to quit the place
till it be removed. " This last is tried and most true."
Effects, bad. Charms,which act on the mind of the person
cliarmed, always have some effect; in incantations,
commonly a mischievous one. Hearne, the traveller in
North America, relates somewhere that beino- solicited
by an Indian to give him a charm against some
enemy, and convinced of the harmless foUy of such
sorceries, he complied, and drew on a sheet of paper
some circles, signs, and words. The Indian who re-
ceived this took care that the doomed man should
know it he immediately sickened and before long-

died. Hearne resolved to make no more magic papers.

Effects, good. Sometimes fliith produces a visible and useful effect.
A woman who had bad eyes obtained an amulet to
cure them. Hopeful of its efficacy, she refrained from
shedding tears, and her eyes recovered. But some
zealous enemj^ of sorceries attacked her upon the
wickedness of getting well in this Avay and prevailed ;

Col. 391 h. 3 Col. 411 a.

- Col. 392 b.

on her to him the amulet tu exiLmine. When


untbldevi, the paper showed nothing but these words

" Dor Teufel cratze dir die augen aus, und scheisse

" dir in die locher/' "laay the devil scratch thlitc cycn
out,and In the As soon
holes. as the woman
saw how she had been amended slie lost ftiith, took
to tears again, and her eyes ])ecame as bad as ever.^
The Catholic Church of the day, unequal to root Magic niixcd
out these superstitious and rarely beneficial ideas, tried ^\^^\^y
to iling a garb of religion round them to invoke holy
names to drive out devils by exorcisms.
The Saxon leech therefore, had he been as cool Magic in scpa-
headed as Hippokrates, as piggish an Epikurean as gJixon mTdi-
our friend Horatius, must have bowed before the cine.
fashion of the day and bemoaned his patients notions.
Possibly the makers of magic gibberish were as in-
credulous as men now are in its efficacy but what :

mattered that? TJie leechbook must adapt itself to

its day.
In considering the special forms of popular belief, it Nightmare,
is well that the Nightmare, in which men still believe,

should come first. Mare in that combination is some-

thing like Genius, Spirit ; it occurs in Woodmare,
which was the Saxon name for Echo.^ From the
accounts we have of the importance attached to its
efiects, it may be suspected that something beyond

the symptoms of an uneasy position in sleep, or an

undigested supper, must have been included in the
term. Yet, while we habitually divest our minds of
terror by referring this paroxysm to imprudence in
eating, it is in itself, while it lasts, an ugly mental
struggle, and much more like an emissary from the
sulfurous pit, than an angel visiting from heaven.
Scott relates some instances of tiie unwelcome atten-
dance of unembodied spectres or Mares " The door of ;

Wler, Opera, p. 403. man Mahr, masculine ; Isl. Mara,
2 Gl. Clcop. fol. 33 a. The Ger- feminine.

" the room an old hag enters with a

flies wide open ;

" frowning and incensed countenance, comes straight

"up to me with every demonstration of spite and

indignation, she rushes upon me says something, ;

" and then strikes me a severe blow with her staff.

" I fall from my chair in a swoon. To the recurrence
of this apparition I am daily subjected." Again ^

" My visions commenced two or three years since,

" when I found myself embarrassed by the presence
" of a large cat,which came and disappeared I could
" not exactly tell how. In the course of a few months
" it was succeeded by a sj)ectre of a more imposing
" sort. This was the apparition of a gentleman usher,
" arrayed in a court dress, with bag and sword, tam-
" boured waistcoat and chapeau bras he ascended the :

" stairs before me, as if to announce me in the drawing-

" room, and at times appeared to mingle with the com-

" pany. After a few months the phantom of the gen-

" tleman usher was seen no more, but was succeeded
" by one horrible to the sight, the image of death
" itself, the apparition of a skeleton. Alone or in
" company the presence of this last phantom never

" quits me. The patient sank under the malady.'""^ "A
" man, mentioned by Dr. Rush, imagined that he had a

" Caffre in his stomach, who had got into it at the Cape
" of Good Hope."'*^ I have somewhere read of a gentle-
man, who must always sleep sitting in a chair, for as
soon as he took a reclining position, he was attacked
by a ^spectre skeleton which throttled him even in ;

the chair, he would sometimes in his sleep drop

down, and was immediately attacked by his fright-
ful sleepmare; he was therefore always attended
by a man, whose duty it was to wake him when-

Scott's Demonology, p. 24. ^ Abercrombie on the Intellectual
- Ibid. p. 29. The narratives arc Powers, p. 319.
abridged here.

ever began to
he lose liis upright position. In
tlie Hellenic world Nightmare, as among our the
own forefathers, was considei'ed as a god or a demigod,
deus or semideus,^ for the physician Soranus denies
this popular belief, denies that it deserves a place
among the 7ra5>), passiones, ornow, as men phrase it

that it is worthy the attention of a pathologer, but

declares it a mere perturbation of sleep.^ This calling
a nocturnal horror by mean names does not dispose of
its alarms. Themison of Laodikeia, (B.C. 63,) called it

UviyccXiMv, Throttler, Choker, " siquidem pra^focat segro-

" tantes." ^ Others commonly called it the 'EcpjaArvjc,

which means, I suppose, as Actuarius and the dic-

tionaries say, the Jumper on ; and doctors tells us that
the disorder deserves attention at the very outset ; for
its perpetuation is by insanity or epilepsy.
Oribasios calls it a strong disease, and anticipates the
same where it comes on every night, dwell-
ill effects,

ing on those cases, where it has its origin in the

brain. Some of the most horrible of these visitations
arise from the sympathies of night with mental agony
in the day, but our authorities take no notice of these.
To this night demon many passages in the works now
published refer not under the exact term Nightmare,

but as monstrous night visitors," and perhaps under

'' '^

the general term, " temptations of the fiend.'' ^ The

Cselius Aurelianus, Chron. lib. i. vapKccdris (TvpaLa6r}(ns irapa rovs viruovs,

cap. iii. p. 289, ed, 1709. iruLy/xod (pavracria Kal icardXrj'^LS, u>s

- Somni turbatio, ibid. eViTrecrcVroy tiuos, [xera tqv ahvuaTe7v

^ Hepl rov icpiakTOv. rhu iipLuA- Trphs (K^oup v) (poiveiu aarii.(.dpTa>s.

rr}u ol [xkv airh avdphs uvofidcrdai Ae- Evtoj 5e (papTaaiovPTai. kc.I aKoueiP
yovcri;^, v) airh tov (pauraaiouaOai rohs iToWuKis TOV ii^LTTQcrovros, KoX acppodi-

tV auT(^ "yivofjiivovs, oos icpaAXoixcvov (TioiP avTWP opiyeadai, (pevyeip ok

Tiuus. efi'KTwv 5e Sik rod d^Koirov roov TUP SaKTvXup Gvpax^^vrcap. Paulus
^TTKTTokiKwv TTViyaX'iuua TTpocrctivoixaaep, JEgincta, lib. iii. cap. 15.
iiTcos ttTTo ToD irviyeiv. '^vviffTarai Se ' Herbarium, i. 1 j Medicina de
Trept rovs KpaLirakovvras KcCi cruusxoifs Quadr. viii. 1 ; Leeclibook, lib. iii.

aeiTTOvvras. tois 5e iv avra yepo- cap. liii.

(x4vois TrapaKoXovOel SvaKiurjaia icai " Leeclibook, lib. iii. cap. lxii.,lxiv.

following story from the Heimskringia

is " Vanlaiidi :

" hight a son of SvcgS, who took to the kingship

after him, and managed the wealth of the Upsalers
" he was a mickle man of war, and he fared far and
" wide about lands. He stayed the winter in Finn-
" land with Snio the Old, and took to wife his
" daughter Drifa. In spring he went away, and Drifa
" was left behind and he gave his word to come

" again in three winters time but he came not in ten


" winters. Then Drifa sent after a cunning woman,

" Huld, and sent Visbur, son of herself and Yanlandi,
to Svithia, the Upsal country. Drifa chafiered with
" Huld, the cunning woman, that she should bewitch
Vanlandi into Finnland, or in the other case, if that
" went not w^ell, should do him to death. When the
" witcheiy was wrought, then was Yanlandi at Upsal
" then he made him ready to fare to Finnland but ;

" his friends and his redemen bade him not, and
said there was the hand of a Finn witch in his
" ready getting. Then there came upon him a heavy
" sleepiness, and he laid himself doAvn to slumber.
When he had slept a little, he called and said that
" a mare trod him.- His men came to him, and would
" help him but when they took up his head, then

" she trod his legs, so that they near broke. When
" they took up his feet, then she danced upon his
head so that he died/'

Grcndel. ^ still more frightful account of such a demon, and

going beyond these traditions of a Nightmare, yet
not excluded from the notion of hostile visits from a
Dwarf, is found in the deeds of Grendel and his mother.
" Then came from the moor, under a mist screen,
" Grendel, ganging. Gods ire he bore minded the ;

murderer, of man's kin, some one to seize, in the high
" saal ; he went under the welkin, till he the wine

Ynglinga Saga. -\vi.

" chamber, the gold-decked liall, gaviiished could sec,

" with flagons fair. Nor was that the first time, that
" he Hrothgars, liome liad sought yet never he in :

" okl da3's, had harder Ijcroes, hall

early or late,
thanes, found. Thus came then to that chaniher,
" that champion on, that being doomed, at the door
" he dashed, all iron fast and when his fingers plied :

" it, they liung it wide, it open flew, the room ho

" reached and rudely then, on the fair
; spread floor, ^

" the fiend set foot. Ireful he walked, wrath from

" his eyes, like lightning glared, a gleam of bale.
" Then viewed he there, of valiant men, not a few
" asleep assembled there, a manly band
; then laughed ;

" his mood to deal he minded, ere day should come,


" hateful awful one, to each one of them, a deadly

" doom ; then dawned upon him, of feasts a hope ; but
" ftite gave not, that more than one, of men that night,
devour he should. The valiant youth, Beowulf be-
" held, how the demon beast, would ^ fix his grasp,
with grip of
hand. Not that the loath one, thought
" of delay, but seized he soon, a sleeping man, for
" turn the first, and tore him uj) ; he broke his bones,
" his blood he drank, in snips he swallowed him
" soon he had, of the lifeless feast, form, all made a
" e'en feet and hands; then forth he stepped; he l.iid

" hand on, the hero chief, at rest in bed raught out ;

" at him," and so on. ...

To the Trolls of the Edda and to Grendel the light Dwarves in the
of the sun would be fatal ; they must seize on their
victims during the night. This is not so clear of
Dwarves, nor, of course, could it be true of Mares,
and in the pieces now published we find the dwarves
worrying the sick during the day.

' Fa^ne, TrotKi'Aoy, variegated, as if Purposed to.

vvith tessellae.

Daemonum Tiie liglit hearted Horatius, who believed nothing

but what he could eat and drink, touch and smell,
speaks with fashionable philosophy of the
" Immundo somnia visu." ^

The wider observation of the medical authors taught

them that this inconvenience grew in some patients
into a disease, and the manner of treating all subjects
belonging to the unknown, which prevailed among
l)eople whose imaginations were as lively as our own,
and whose book learning was less, represented, whether
truly or not, I say nothing, the same thing, as of the
devil. The earliest plain statement is from St. Augus-
tinus (387-430 A.D.) " Et quoniain creberrima fama

" est, multique se expertos, vel ab eis qui experti

" essent, de quorum fide dubitandum non esset,
" audisse confirmant, Silvanos et Faunos, quos vulgo
" incubos vocant,improbos ssepe extitisse mulieribus,
et earum appetisse ac peregisse concubitum et ;

quosdam daemones, quos Dusios Galli nuucupant,
" banc assidue immunditiam et tentare et efficere;
" plures talesque asseverant, ut hoc negare impudentiae
" videatur; non hinc aliquid audeo definire, utrum
" aliqui spiritus .... possint etiam banc pati
" libidinem, ut . . . sentientibus feminis mis-
Women more AVomen, sensitive to a sense of what is wrong, and
anxious to do right, were the quicker to complain of
and to give a demons form to these unhallowed visitors.
They were not always trusted " DiBmones incubos ;

" et succubos hominibus infestos, ex 1). Augustino et

" aliis patribus cognoscimus [leather, cogoiovhnus^
" verumtamen non fticile in similibus omnibus tides

Also Tope Gregorius in Beda, - August, de Civit. Dei, xv. 23.
p. 68.

" adhibenda, prsecipue femineo sexui, mirabilium for-

" maiiim in imaginatione suscepturo."^
Against these impure demons the Church appointed 'J'\'^' Clmrch
Exorcists, and that, perhaps, was not the best method doctrlne!^^
of getting rid of the torment it is anywise not that ;

which was prescribed by the Hellenic luTpol, and now

by our own medical men; for to exorcise a demon
affirms his presence, testifies to his
dangerous powers,
and does not prevent his return with seven others,
perhaps, worse than himself If the Exorcist was a
presentable person, and not of the severest iciness of
demeanour, his visits did more harm than good.^ In
the Church the Exorcist ranked after the subdeacon
and the acolyte.
The careful Exorcist is bid take note, whether from
a love of fashion and attraction women have not
brought upon themselves this affliction as a punish-
ment from heaven in that case they must be admo-

nished to curtail their expenses in dress. ''

" etiam prudens Exorcista utrum haec afflictio non
" infligatur a Deo aliquando feminis ob nimiam curio-
" sitatem in vestibus, ornatu
crinium et similibus,
" quibus non contentse naturali sua pulcritudine, variis
" fucis et mediis student allicere viros in sui amorem.
Quo fit, Deo permittente, ut fiant ludibrio dsemoni-
bus, qu8e nimium in sua gloriantur pulcritudine.
" Tales adducendse ad compunctionem peccatorum suo-
" rum, et emendationem vitae qua in posterum ab
" huiusmodi laqueis abstineant, et se componant ad
" modestiam, humilitatem, et verecundiam decentem.''^

This having to do with a devil is mentioned in the Mention by a

^^'''''' ''^^^''''
plainest terms in the Leechbook, lib. II. cap. Ixi., Con-
tents, ]7am monnum Ipe beojrol mib hsemeS. Grimm
says, " if " this be incubus, it is the oldest mention

^ Eynatten, Manualis Exorcismoi.'um, 1619, p. 220.

- Eynatten, p. 33, " voluptuosa incitamenta."
Id. p. 231.


extant.^ That it represents to a-uvova-Kxi^siv is quite

certain, and as certain that a devil is one of the

Praying. So far, these ideas, having something of reality in

them, were widespread and frequent. The Exorcist,
called upon sometimes to drive out other devils
beside Chemosh, was a recognised officer in the Church,
and was due position and dignity. It is
assigned his
much less common to find a woman pregnant by such
devilry, and of a pregnant she devil I have never
read. Hence in the passage, Leechbook, I. Ixiii., where
the only known significations of jzeban are 1. ^jro-
creare, ghrjneve, 'par eve ; 2. nutrlre, and the second
is inappropriate, we may understand the former
as applied to the father. The presence of the ar-
ticle )7one with mannan,
in case a devil 2^'>'ocreate
the Tiian, is somewhat irksome, but no cautious critic
will imagine a new and unsupported signification on
that account. Gejzebeb, Qiatij Beda, p. 565, 29, implies
an active verb jejieban, gignere. We have then in the
Leechbook not onl}^ the assertion that a devil ha^meS,
that is, that a she devil ceoplaS, or that a he devil
pipa'S,with mankind, but even that of this vile eon-
junction progeny may come. This is beyond the
ordinary run of opinion. Wier in his curious and un-
reserved work De Praestigiis, gives an account^ of a
monk and a she demon, also^ of a priest that had a
succuba, and he found the faith so deeply rooted of
the substantial reality of these g-vvovo-Ioh, ha^mebj^mj,
that he, with much earnestness, and with
about details
the u/x^jv, fitted for a forensic trial, urges matter of
fixct investigations, which, he hopes with some awk-
ward Ifs, will disabuse people of the notion that such
demon visits were realities. He mentions'^ a birth

Mythol. p. G71. ^ Page 524.
Pase 522. * Page 530.

from commerce with a devil, but this belief evidently

has not distm'bed him, and cannot have much obtained.
In the consultation of devils to so bring it about,
that a devil might be father of Merlin, was objected it

that any real commerce witli woman was impossible,

and that the end could only be obtained in case a
devil should be found who could take the forn\ of
a man ; and that was done. " Li uns dist :
De ce
" '
n'ei pooirne de semence en feme avoir Meis se le ;

" '
povoir en avoie, sachiez de voir {d.e vevo) je le
" '
feroie. C'une femme en men povoir ei ki fera
" ^
quanque je vourrei.' Nous avuns Li autre dient, '

" '
cilec un de nos compeignuns Qui fourme d'omme
" '
puet avoir Et femme de lui concevoir, Meis il
" '
convient que il Et que couvertement la
se feigne
" '
preigne/ Ainsi dient qu'engenrerunt un homme en
femme et nourrirunt." ^

One of the torments with which witchcraft worried The Knot.

meUj was the Knot, by which a man w^as withheld so
that he could not work his will with a woman. It
was called in the Latin of the times Nodus and
Obligamentum, and appears in the glossaries, translated
by the Saxons, into lyb, drug, (pctpixuxov, as the evil
effect might be produced by such means.^ The glossary
pi'inted by Somner^ has Spadatus vel enuchizatus, ''

" belifnob," but read from the Junian copy, which

Somner used, eunuchizatus, and by belifnob understand

be-lib-efn-ob so that the sense is onade a eunuch,

may be rendered hedrugged ; showing that in early

English times it was believed a man's chastity miglit
be maintained by the administration of drugs in spite
of his own wishes. To the same effect, from a qI.
unpublished,'* " Obligamentum lyb, lybsn,'' that is to

Roman de Saint Graal ; ed, ^^
P. 55 b.

Furnival, p. 43 a. * Fol. 44 a.
2 See the Glossary in Fopbepan,

say, pharmacy will put a man under a knot, and

render him incapable of haemebj^mj. Cures for this
poisoning are mentioned in the Leechhook/ and in
the Medicina de Quadrupedibus.
An accidental cause producing the same effect is

mentioned Med. de Quad. ix. 13.

in To make a
ligatura is pronounced
'' " detestable " by Theodorus,
Archbishop of Canterbury, in 668. The knot is still
known in and Nouer I'aiguillette is a resoi*t
of ill will. An example of such a knot is found in
the Njalsaga; m
the first instance it is spoken of as
arising from some words, which on an imagination
prepared to dwell on them, and a diffident misgiving
temper, might produce much effect. Desire, though
the strongest of passions, finds no home in a heart
already possessed with fear, hatred, jealousy, or any
other great emotion. But in the quotation from the
poet of that tragic story, the bewitched impotence of
the husband is attributed, as in the Saxon glossaries,
to poison.
Example of a The adventures of Hrut led him from Iceland to
Norway, where he formed a connexion with Gunnhilld,
mother of King Haralld Grayfell, grandson of Haralld
the Fair haired. By and bye Hrut tired of this queenly
bliss, and began to wish to return to Iceland. At the
parting, Hrut said " Many good gifts have I taken

" of thee/' Gunnhilld put her hands round his neck

and kissed him and said " If I have as much power

" upon thee as I ettle, then lay I that upon thee, that
thou may never come at bliss with the woman
" whom thou ettlest there in Iceland but thou shalt ;

" well frame thy will with other women. And now
" neither of us holdeth to the connexion between us.
" Thou trustedst me not to tell me." At this ban,
thus laid upon him, Hrut laughed, and sailed for Ice-

I. xlv. 6. - i. 4.
PREFACE. xliii

land, where he married an Icelandic maiden whose

name was Unna. But before long Unna could endure
this banned marriage no longer she rode with a neigli- ;

bour to the Thing or parliament, and there she met her

father. " What sayest thou to me,'' says he, " from
" Hrut thy fellow ? " She tried several times to
express herself in veiled language, which was, it proved,
too obscure to convey her meaning to her fatlier.
But, at length, compelled to speak out, she was sepa-
rated from Hrut.^
Unna believed Hrut had poison in his veins but ;

the spell of Gunnhilld might poison his imagination,

as the tale itself seems to represent.
Traces of this philosophy, for it is more physiology Knots in Latin
than superstition, are to be found elsewhere. Pliiiius ^uthorr^
says that southernwood is most efficacious against all
veneficia, quibus coitus inhibeatur." ^ Also that the
seed of the tamarisk mixed in a drink or meat with
the urina of a castrated ox will put an end to venus."^
Galenos * says that the ''
priests eat rue and agnus
" castus," it seems, as he says,
a refrigerative ; for
" and so the seed of rocket with honey and fenugreek
given to a man fasting incapacitates him (ovk la
'' " Maleficiorum vero genera multa sunt,
6 gQ ova-Sal)."
" incantationibus, nodis, imaginibusque illata. Nam
" alia hominum mentes perturbant coguntque succum-
" bere vehementibus animi motibus, ut intenso amore
" ingenito, aut odio efferato, aut terrore aliisque animi
vexationibus. Alia venereos actus impediunt ; et cet."^
We find protections *'
contra maleficium ligaturse ut
vocant." Priests are warned not to make alterations
in the mode of conducting the marriage service by

Sagan af Niali porgeirssyni, '
De Parabilibus Med. lib. iii. =
eel. 1772, p. 10. vol. xiv. p. 543, ed. Kiihn.
- Lib. xxi. 92 = 21. ^ Crosalpinus, Dsemonum Investi-
^ Lib. xxiv. 42. gatio, fol. 154.

any reason of these knots ;

" ne ob timorem innoda-
" tionis vel liGjaininis alicuius, niatrimonia solemnizent
" modo aliquo ab ordinario loci non approbato," for
tlieir doing so would only rivet the chains of this
terror upon the minus of tlie people, " ne ipsi, qui
' alios ab huiusmodi vano timore, verbo et exemplo
retrahere debent, ipsis mali et damnabilis timoris
exemplum praebere videantur." And the same author
uses the plain phrases ne impediantur ab opere con-"

" iugali ad impediendaai filiorum generationem." ^


Eecipcs for The processes in use for these mischievous purposes

were of course secret, both as valuable possessions and
as dangerous evidence against the doctor ; and either
as poisons or as ridiculous trash.
acfcual But a few
specimens are on record. " Si quem coire noles fierique
" cupies in usu venerio tardiorem, de lucerna qu?e
" sponte extinguetur, fungos adhuc viventes in potione
eius extingue, bibendamque inscio trade, confestim
" enervabitiu'." Again, ''
Si quem voles noctem per
cum foemina coire non posse, pistillum coronatum sub
" lecto illius pone.'"'^

Love charms. The wizard, witch, sorcerer, druggist, doctor, or

medicine man was equally ready at securing affection.
He played the part of a sort of ochreous Cupid.
Instead of smiles and bright eyes, his dealings were
with some nasty stuff put into beer, or spread slyly
upon bread. I have read somewhere of some agency
known to Theofrastos, not less potent than Spanish
flies,'^ but if the Saxon poisoners used tliem, they held

their tongues about it. In the warning against witch-

craft, however, it is expressly charged that some
women " work for tlieir wooers drinks or some mis-

Eynatten, Manualis Exorcis- ox^vTiKas Suj/ayttftr clvai, us Ka\
morum, 1G19, p. 220. l-ifXP'- f^fi^ojxiiKovTa (rvvovcriQ>v tiri-

- ^larcellus de Medicamentis, nX^'iv Koi Th Tc\euTa7ov avroTs al/Lia

396 e. cLTTOKpli'^ffdai. Athenceos, i. p. 19.

3 QciftppaaTOS 5'oi/t&j (jtrja't rivas
prefac:e. xU-

" ehievous sfcufr, that they may have tliem for wives."
In the Shrift book of Ecgbort, arclibislio]) of York, one
of their methods is censured, and it is so filtljy, tliat

I must leave it in the ol)SCurity of the original old

English. J^ip jfeo "Se menjS pejiej^ j-aeb on hijie mete
'j J>one \>icifi
f heo J^am ppepneb man pe leoppe ]fi;i;

jrrej'te heo in pinteji.^ It is necessary to quote

another record of their nasty ways, in a language
more generally known. " Qusedam audita) sunt iac-
" tantes excrementa propinasse,
se sua prsecipue
" menstrua, quibus cogant se amari." St. Hildegard '*

speaks of bewitched love as familiar *^ Sed si aliquis ;

" vir a muliere sen aliqua mulier a viro, ulla magica

" arte illusa fuerit, seu aliquo prestigio illius rei
" facta fuerit, seu ullis fantasticis et dyabolicis incan-
" tationibus coniurata fuerit, ita quod vir in amore -tionum. Ed.
" mulieris aut quod mulier in amore viri sic incantata
" insanit, turn bethoniam queerat."* The herb will be
a cure, " si nullum incitamentum amoris aut come-
" dendo aut bibendo gustavit." It is also a good
remedy for love caused by magic words.
A mans death was sometimes compassed by the arts Deadly deal-
of the sorcerer, who undoubtedly was a true veneficus,
making up venena, when occasion required, but who
was supposed to work by incantation and fascination.^
The prevalence of superstii-ion is well seen in a
Doom of king Knut ;
" And we forbid earnestly every
" heathenship ; heathenship is that a man reverence
" idols ;
^ that is, that a man reverence heathen gods.

' De Auguriis, p. 395, IMS. Bibl. gatio, fol. 154- b. Cccsalpinus died
Publ. Cantab. in 1603.
- Confessionale Ecgberti, 29. '
St. Hild. cxxviii. Bethonia is

Such things more generally in his perhaps rosemary.

Poenitentiale, lib. iv., sect. 18. ^ JEKlstans Dooms, No. G, with
A corroborative allusion, p. 390, Prices note.
sect. 10. See Edgars Canons, art. " Idola, etSojAa, in the old En-
39. glish ; which as a Greek Avord re-
- ^ Crcsalpinus,
Daraonura Investi quired explanation, /,/ rc/o^ ^'^-^^^^^^i

" and the sun or moon, fire or flood, waterwylls or

" stones, or any sort; or love
trees of the wood of
" witchcraft, or perform bad underhand work in any
" wise either by way of sacrifice or divining, or per-

" form any act of such delusions." Masking on new ^

years night in skins of beasts, is said to be part of

devil worship.
Abortion. Saxon women are often warned of the wickedness
of getting rid of an unborn child by abortive agencies,^
and especially by a drink.
Hildegard furnishes us with a talisman against
magic arts " dry the tail of a steinbock with skin

and and carry it in your hand
flesh, you will ;

" never be aff*ected by magic (zauber) without your

" own consent."^
Elves. We are acquainted with the Nightmare,* which, as
appears from the German Mahr, may be a masculine
word and with the Woodmare,'^
as well as feminine,
answering to the Hellenic, Echo, who was a nymph.
To translate various Greek words, the Saxon voca-
bularies mention mount elves, wood elves, sea elves,
downs elves, land elves,^ water elves. ^ The Leechbook ^
has a recipe for the " water elf disease, when the nails
" of the hands are livid, and the eyes lacrymose and

Cnuts Dooms, v. p. 167.

Cf. 17 ; p. 354, art. 19 ; p. 362, art. 5 ;

Northumbrian Laws, p. 419, art. 48. p. 370, art. 10, 11.

The word jyphc in these passages, De Auguriis ; and often in the


unexplained by the tormented edi- Laws, as Poenitent. Ecgberti, lib.iv.

tors, is commonly written ypihc, sect. 21 Edgars Canons, p. 406, x.

in the words Yjnh.'cpxm'g, (Lye), a ^ St. Hildegard, de Animalibus,

derivative of ypihtejie, (Narratiun- xii,

culse, p. 79). The changed place '

Incuba, maejie, gl. C, fol. 35 a.

of the R is in accordance with Thus feminine, for properly Incubus

phscnomena well known in philo- and Succuba were the Latin terms.
logy, (Examples in Spoon and ^ Gl. Cleop., fol. 33 a.

Sparrow, 729 a.) Thus in the " Ruricolas musas, Gl. Cleop.,
volume now published, jisejic, pain, fol. 108 d.
our village Wark, is always written ' Id. fol. 68 b.
Fpsec ; p. 342, art. 15 ; p, 346, art. ^ Lib. in. Ixiii.
PREFACE. xlvii

" downcast " tlie disease is to be cured by herbs and

an incantation. It has another for elf disease, with
sevei'al prescriptions, for elf hiccup/ the convulsive
Ayy/xoV of the Greek medical authors. It has a salve
for all the Elvish kin, and for nightcomers,^ another

for nightcomers ^ again, for elves and uncouth, that


is strange, company ;
* for a elf shot horse.
To the Latin Medicina de Quadrupedibus,
of the Dwarves,
tlie translator has added a receipt against a Dwarf

These beings, when offended, were terrible. They

seem to derive their name from f'peoji, }>pep, 'perverse,
and in gl. C.^ teter is translated buepc. According to
Grimm, the invisibility of the dwarves lies usually in
some definite part of their clothing, in a hat or mantle,
by the accidental removal or loss of which they
suddenly become visible. The Dwarf tales mention
nebelkappen, caps of darkness, grey frocks, and red
caps, scarlet mantles. Earlier centuries employ the
expressions hell cap, hell clothes, mist caps, and tarn
caps.'' But, as appears, the dwarves of this book
now printed, are more like the fearful creations of the
Many were bruited about of the power of Storms raised,
witches and wizards over storms, weapons, spirits,
love, and death. I have been assured that at this
day the country folk, some of them at least, tremble
at the sight of one of these gifted persons, or persons
of such repute, lest by some chance the sorcerers
eye lighting on them should kindle in him a dislike.
" A strange thing lately happened, as has been ascer-

" tained in Swabia a little girl, eight years old, was


led by her father, who was a bailiff, to visit the

Lib. III. Ixxii. ^ix. 17.

Gl. C, fol. 60 a.
Lib. III. Ixi.

3 Lib. IIL 53. ' Grimm, D, Mytliol., p. 431, ed.

' Lib. n. Ixv 1854.

d 2
xlviii PREFACE.

" and wlien he complained of the extreme drouth,

she said slie would soon get up some rain if there
" were need of it. Her fiither, in wonder, asked
whether she knew how to do it she declared she ;

" could get rain, or even hail if she chose. When

asked where she had learnt this, she said from her
" mother, and that instructors in these matters were
" at hand when required. To learn therefore by trial
whether the child told the truth, he bid her call for
" rain upon his farm. For that purpose the daughter
" said she should want a little water ; when then he
had brought her to a small stream just by, the child,
" in pursuance of her mothers instructions, stirred the
" water with her finger in the devils name hereupon ;

" the air was agitated and the rain descended as she
had predicted. Her father told her to fetcli some
" hail upon another field, and when she had done it
the man denounced his wife to the authorities. She
" was burnt alive, and the child was reconciled to
the church and made a nun."^
So in the Saga of Saint Olaf, The Finns made in *^

" the night violent weather with their cunning sorcery

" and a storm at sea/' ^ And in the story of king

Hakon Hakon arson : " King Hakon lay in the
" Southern Isles, the Hebrides, St. Michaels mass fell
" on a Saturday, and on the Monday night, that is,
" the night before Monday, came a mickle storm with
wild fury, and drove a cock boat and a long ship
" upon the coast of Scotland. On Monday the storm
was so fierce that some cut away their masts and
some ships drove. The kings ship drove also into the
" sound, and there were seven anchors out, and at
" last the eighth, which was biggest, but she drove
" notwithstandinof. A little later the anchor held fast.

Crcsalpinus Dscmonum Investi- - Iloimskringla, vol. ii. p 8.

gatio, fol. 155 1)., A.I). 159.3.

iiu:face. xlix

So iiuckl(j was this storm that men said it was tlio
work of enchantment, and one made upon it these
" skaldic verses :

" *
There met the much seiirchiiig
'' '
inaintainer of war
" '
the sorcerers arts
" *
of Scothinds warlecks.
" '
Roarins: the rasrins sea
" '
drove Avith its fair sails
" '
many a proud ship
" '
of the beah giver
" '
broken on Land.
'' '
Blew with its loud blasts
" ' on the brine skimmers,
" '
full fraught with warriors,
" '
fiercely the sea storm,
" *
stirred by the wizards.
" '
Up on to Scotland
" '
scattered and tossed
" '
broad barking billows
" '
threw brave men of battle
" '
Avith shields and war gear
" '
shivered and torn.' " ^

Tlie following story is told of the marriage of Erik,

son of Haralld the Fair-haired. " When he came back
" to Finmark his men found in a hut a woman, who
" equal in winsomeness they had never seen : She
" named lierself before them Gunnhilld, and said that
" her father dwelt in Halogaland," Helgeland, a hill
district in Norivay, " he hight Otzor Toti. I have '

" been here for the purpose,' said she, 'of getting
knowledge from two Finns, who are the Avisest in
" the Mark now they are gone forth to hunting

" and both of them want to have me and they are ;

" so cunning that they can follow a spoor like hounds,

" both in thaw and frost they are also so clever at ;

' Heimskringla, vol. v. p. 324. raising in Brands Popular Anti-

There is something on this storm- quities, vol, iii. p. 4.

going on snow shoes, that none can escape them,
" neither men nor deer ; whatsoever they shoot at,
they So they have destroyed every man who
came into the neighbourhood and if they become :

" wroth, the earth turns upside down at the sight of

them, and if anything quick comes within view of
" them, it falls down dead. Now therefore none must
" come in way I must hide you here in the
their ;

" hut, you must try if we can kill them.' They

" agreed to that. Then she hid them she took a ;

" linen sack, and they thought there were ashes in it

" she took that in her hand and sowed with them

" about the hut, within and without. A little after

" came the Finns home they speered what was come

there; she said that nothing was come there. To
" the Finns that seemed wonderful, for they had
" traced a spoor all the way to the hut, and beyond

" found they none. Then they prepared their fire

" and got some meat, and when they were satisfied,
" then Gunnhilld made ready her bed. There had by
this time passed three nights, that Gunnhilld had
" slept, and each of them had kept awake over against
" the other, for they mistrusted one another. Then
" said she to the Finns Come now hither and lie

" by the side of me each of you.' They heard this

" gladly and so did she put her hands round the

" neck of each of them they went to sleep imme-


" diately, but she waked them and instantly they ;

" went to sleep again, and so fast, that she could

" hardly wake them, and then they slept again, and
" now she could not wake them at all she set them up, ;

" yet still they slept. Then she took two mickle seal
" skins and turned them over their heads and bound
" them down stark and strong over their hands. Then
she gave a nod to the kings men they leapt forth, ;

" they bore weapons against the Finns, and despatched

" them and dragged them out of the hut. The night

alter there were such thunders of Thor riding, tha^
" they could not fare thence. But in tlie nioriiiiig
" they went aboard ship, and had Gunnhilhl with
them and brought her to Erik. Erik and she went
" south to Halagoland he then called to him Otzor

" Erik said, that he wished to take his daugh-

T6ti ;

" ter Otzor said yea to that then Erik took Gunn-
; ;

" hilld and had her with him south in the land." ^

Again In the time of king Olaf Tryggvason, " Rau^ AnotluT

: ex-

" the strong was the name of a powerful and wealthy

" yeoman, who lived in a firth in Helgeland, which

" hight Salfti, where is an island hight Go^ey. Rau^S

had with him many housecarls, and kept well to do
" men in his train, since he was the greatest headman
in the firths, and many Finns followed him in case
" he had need of them. RauS was a mickle man for
" sacrifices and a cunning man in witchcraft
" King Olaf kept his course northwards along shore,
" and made Christians of all folk wheresoever he came
when then he came north to Salfti, he ettled to go
into the firth and to find Rau^, but storm and bad
" weather were within the firth, so the king lay
without for a full week, and it held on always bad
" weather within the firth, but outside there was a
" breeze blowing to sail north along land so the king ;

sailed north to Avmd, and all the folk there under-
" went christening. Afterwards he bent his course
" southwards again. And when he came from the
" north to Salfti there was a tempest and a driving
" sea out of the firth. The king lay there for some
" nights and the weather was the same. Then the
" king spoke with bishop SigurS, and speered, if he
" knew of any plan to suggest. The bishop said that
he must try if God will give him power to over-
" come the might of the fiends there. By and bye

Harallds Saga ens Ilarfagra, cap. xxxa'.

" the bishop robed himself in mass vestments, all his

" and went to the stem of the kings ship he then ;

" had set up there a rood cross, and lifted tapers and
])iirnt incense, and read there the gospel and many '

" other prayers,' and sprinkled holy water about all

" the ship then he bade them take away the tilt or

" awning, and to row into the firth then he made ;

them call to the other ships, that all should row in
after them. Then when the rowers were ready in
" the Trana, then went she into the firth and found
" there no wind upon them, where the ships were,
and the sea in their track was as smooth as a lawn,
" so that there was a calm, yet on either side the
" sea was running so high that the fells were nowhere
seen. Each ship then rowed after other there in
" the calm, and so they went all day, and the night
" after, and a little before day they came to Go^ey.

And when they came to Rau^s dwelling, there


" floated in by land his mickle ship the Drake, or

" Dragon " (and so on). ^

Full faitli of Beda had full faith in the pretensions of these

the Saxons.
witches to raise storms. He how Germanus
and Lupus, bishops of Auxerre and Troyes, when sent
by a church synod to Britain, were encountered by
an " inimica vis dsemonum,'' a hostile lot of daemons,
who raise storms and turn day into night, driving the
bishops vessel from its course, and flinging the billows
over it. Lupus calls up Germanus, who felt somewhat
disordered by this tossing, and with the name of the
Trinity and some drops of water the tempest is stilled. -
Theodorus, archbishop of Canterbury, mentions this
power of the witches : "Si quis emissor tempestatis
" fuerit, id est maleficus, vii. annos poeniteat, iii. in
pane et aqua."

Saga Olafs Konungs Tryggva- ^ Beda Hist. Eccl., I. xvii.
sonar, 210,211. '
Penitentiale Theodori, p, 293.

It is related in theHerbarium, in an article on the

Castor oil jilant (clxxvi.), where the name of the plant
is taken probably from Dioskorides, and the receipt

is due to the proverbial ** stupidit^s Saxonum," that

that wort smootheth every tempest. The same is

delivered of the aglaofotis (art. clxxi.).
Herbs generally afforded the Saxons their materials Saxon cures.

for healing all bodily infirmities: but they drew some-

times from animals. Our own medicines are very
largely taken from what we call the vegetable king-
dom; but their composition is concealed from the
patient by the mysteries of prescriptions and of foreign
names. A sick man thinks himself effectually tended,
if he chance to make out that his doses contain
Taraxacum, Belladonna, Aconite, Hyoscyamus, or
Arneca, or if he be refreshed with Ammonia but; he
smiles contemptuously at the herb woman who
ministers dent de lion, nightshade, wolfsbane, henbane,
elecampane, or who burns horn in the sick chamber. '

Perhaps herbs are more really effectual than we shall

easily believe. The locksman at Teddington told me
that he had broken the bone of his little finger, and
for two months it was grinding and grunching, so
that he felt sometimes quite wrong in himself. One
day he saw Dr. go by
and told him
; he ;

said, you see there that comfrey, take a piece of the

root of it, and cham it, and put it to your finger, and
wrap it up. The man did so, and in four days his
linger was well. This story struck me the more since
comfrey is the confirma of the middle ages, and the
<Tuiu(^iiTov of the Greeks, both which names seem to
attribute to the plant the same consolidating virtue.
Besides the instances in the medical treatises which
survive, and which are the less characteristic as they
are boiTOwed, we find the healing power of worts
spoken of as a thing of course. Thus, '' Nis no wurt
" woxen on woode ne on felde )7er euure mage )7e lif

" uplielden." ^
No wort is waxen in wood or infield
which for ever may onans life uphold. In the Liber
Scintillarum, unpublished, the words Sicut uenenata
animalia fortiores herbal uel pigmenta expellunt, are
Spa fpa jeaittpube nytenu fcjienjpan pypt;a
oS^e pypt jemanju ut anybaS;^ as the stronger ivorts
or wort mixtures drive away poisonous ani'tnalsj
where it was not necessary to consider pigmenta as
made of herbs. Absurd remedies are not infrequent
besides those in this volume, we find shrifts for
burning corn " on the place where a dead man was,
" for the healing of the living ;' for woman " if she
swallows of her husbands blood by way of a leech-
" dom ;" " if she set her daughter over a house or in
" an oven, for the purpose of curing her of fever/' '^

Some, for a babys recovery, would creep through a

hole in the ground, and stop it up behind them with
thorns some to secure health would fast " in honour

" of the moon ^ some would treat a sick child by


witchcraft, or pull it through some earth at the cross-

Saxon botany. The botany
of the Angles and Saxons here printed
is not free from errors. How could it be expected ?
One fourth, they say, of the plants mentioned by
Dioskorides, has not yet, in 1863, been truly identified.
Even our own botanists are often scientifically at issue
with one another, and are certainly historically wrong
in settingupon the bilberry family of plants tlie name
vaccinium, which, as was clearly shown, more than a
hundred years ago, by John Martyn, professor of botany

> Proverbs of Alfred, p. 231, ed. bishop of Canterbury, p. 293.

Kemblc. " Foramen terra;."

^Fol. 17 b. ^ Pcenitentiale Ecgberti, in old

3 Shrift book of Ecgbert, 31, English ; lib. iv. sect. 20. Teo'S
32, 33. Penitent iale of Theodorus, heoiia cilh J^ujih 'Sa eoji'San
i yya
p. 292, ult. beoyle beca3ca'6' hi fvlje ] heojm
^ Peniteutialc of Theodorus, Areh beajin. Do Auguriis. MS.

in the University of Cambridge, and as must be con-

ceded by all of classical taste, is the 'Taxiv^oj. Plinius
makes many mistakes found on page 310; he
; one is

is also the author of the error that Cyprus is privet,

instead of Ligustrum. No one in the middle ages

thought of questioning the accuracy of this author.
The translator of a Latin w^ork containing names of
plants into English, had a hard task before him. He
did not, of course, always know what plant was meant
by the Latin name. In the Herbarium, art. xxix.
occurs Ostriago the translator made it, for want of

some better equivalent, luater elder, which it is not.

What Latin dictionary, now that the world is much
improved, will give any information on the subject,
I have not ascertained the best I know gives none.

Yet I cannot doubt the tree is the 'Ocrrpua, Oa-rpvlc

of Theofrastos, Ostrya of modern botany. It is
figured in Keichenbach, Flora Germanica, vol. xii., plate
G3o. In art. xxv., ^afxaUKuiu, the Dafne mezereoii,
is mistaken for ^x(/.cnXe(jov, a stalkless thistle, and trans-

lated luolfs comb, which is a thistle, but stalked. The

error in xcvii. may perhaps be a mere slip, from in-
attention. In art. c, hedera nigra is very far from
earth ivy. Tribulus (cxlii.) is not gorse Strychnus ;

(cxliv.) is not foxglove ; ^afx^l/u^og (cxlviii.) is not elder,

Samhucus ; Capparis (clxxii.) not woodbind; luni-

perus is not gorse. (Leechbook, I. xxx. 3.) Among

these mistranslations that which produced most im-
pression on myself was the confusion of the JOymele,
which all its Teutonic affinities make out to be the

hop plant, with the poisonous Bryony. All doubt

whether our lexicographical conclusion is correct has
been removed by the author of the Saxon book
himself, for he says of his own motion, not quoting
the Latin text, but adding to it of his own judg-
ment, ''this wort is so excellent that it is mingled
" in ordinary drinks," that is, in beer. The bryonia

is a well known hedge creeper, and every cottage

mother cautions her children against the poisonous
berries. Our Avriter, therefore, who has confounded the
two, is not to be regarded as infallible. His error may
be seen shared by Lovell in his Herball as late as 1659.
it is perhaps due to Plinius, who, at the commence-
ment of his 2ord book, has spoken without clearness.
Dioskorides, when he speaks of the white and black
bryony having a fruit clustered as in the gi'ape,
certainly could not well mean the hop, which does not
make one think of grapes at all.
The Saxon The awful halo of infallibility being once removed
from the translators portrait, Ave are ready to question
some other assertions of his ; thus, Atterlothe (xlv.),

to which the most capital qualities are attributed,

cannot be the cocks foot grass nor can Smearwort

(xx.), which to those acquainted with the early

Teutonic languages tells a greasy buttery tale, be any
Aristolochia, but must be Butterwort, Pinguicida.
It is, however, too exacting to require of a Saxon
nine hundred years ago a faithful version of foreign
names of plants. It cannot be given now in the latter
half of the nineteenth century. The latest authorities
do not agree.
Leechbook In considering the composition of the Leechbook, the
inquiry, how far the Saxons were able to draw from
the wells of Hellenic literature will come before us
in an urgent form. The author of that work takes a
page at a time out of Alexander of Tralles, Paullus
of ^gina, and Philagrios. It will be much more con-
venient to state the particular facts when we have
the Saxon text in its integrity before us. In the
meantime it is desirable to furnish some materials for
the illustration of the subject. In some sense children
who learn the meanings of such words as " system,"

Lib. iv. cap. 183,184.
PllEFACE. Ivii

" scheme/' can be said to leant Greek, though the words

do not come in the proper ali)habet. And in some
sense our ordinary scholars may he said never to have
seen a Greek our Hellenic authors are
book, since
scarcely ever printed in the true alphabet, but in an
imitation of an Alexandrine or Byznntine cursive cha-
racter, wliicli neither Plato nor Aristophanes could
have read to save his neck. These considerations forbid
our lashing out in hasty declarations that unless proof
can be produced that the Saxons read Greek in the
Greek character, they cannot well be said to have
read Let us consent to suppose a Greek word
it all.

wi'itten in the common English way, and duly under-

stood by its English equivalent, to be a step towards
a knowledge of the Greek language, and we shall find
that, as proved by the extant glossaries, which cite
Greek words by hundreds, the Saxons had taken ver}^
many steps, degrees, in knowledge of that sort. Some-
times a Greek word is marked as such by the letter G.
Not rarely we find Hebrew words also interpreted.
The Colloquium, now well known, was intended as The Collo-
an academic exercise, to instruct the student, perhaps ^"|}"^
to test him, in some of the less easy words occurring
in Latin conversation. That this was its purpose is
proved by the words of iElfric Bata, who adds to a
copy of the earlier Colloquium a piece of his ow^n,
more difficult,'' as he says himself^ By the kind-
ness of the Rev. Mr. Eld, librarian of St. Johns
College, Oxford, who permitted me the use of his
rooms, I have been able to devote some days to the
Oxford copy.~ The Colloquium itself, notwithstanding
the phrases of one of its editors, contains no Saxon
glosses ; it was therefore intended to be set to a class
of pupils to be turned into English ; and the Cot-

' " Adliuc ego Bata difTiciliorem library of Christs Church, Canter-

" sententiam addo." In capitals, bury, is catalogued as " Locutio

fol. 96. " Latina glosata Anglice ad instru-
- A copy of one of these in the i
" endos pueros." Wanley, Preface.


tonian copy, which is glossed, forms a tutors key, and

is an early, for aught I know, the earliest example
Another edu- of those wooden legs for halting teachers. The "more
cational book
hy iElfric
" difficult" piece by the "scholar of the almost famous
Bata. ^Ifric has a few scattered glosses, mostly occurring at
the names of trees and herbs. This also was a scholastic
At the end of the manuscript, added after its com-
pletion, is found a third exercise glossed, and it bears
somewhat upon the question of education and profi-
ciency in languages among the Saxons. We should
remember that what we call classics, and authors of
the golden age, and Attic dramatists, are not the
whole nor the most practical part of foreign literature.
The writers who treated of matters ecclesiastical and
scientific were in early days much more valuable than
what we have chosen. For the improvement of our
acquaintance with what our forefathers were doing, I
shall print the third piece, with its glosses, as far as
I was able, in the bright days of summer, to read its
blurred and worn record and it will be seen that ;

Greek words were taught to the students. " Ah


the self-satisfied may cry, " taught in a way " But !

our academic teaching has perhaps some weak points


clerice, an Gala ]m clerc* ne pana ]?u geppe

pexbpeba ppam
O clerice ne dempseris unquam dipcicaf Jate-

fleog ]m pepan ealbop* plibenbep plejaii- f ne
ri fugeas ''
pore corcula ^ labencif ludi ne
blippe ppaste beep* ne helle ealbop p gepmn

lecere ce peclia ^ fanbapila neque coparchu] sit machia^

pe f p halij ealbop ne ne ]*i hellepyte J?e ne
tihi quo fie lerarchia^ neque fit* cloaca* cibi neque

Siirrvxcts. '
Perhaps fetialis, heraldic.
Read fugias. '
^ Read corculum = prudens. Cic. '
Tuscul. '

p fcoh ;j;ercpGon' ne 0]:ep}:yll fot^ef ^cmyn?;ie

fic cnceca
nee alogia - uerum conimoneut

Leoplic fqieivS mib J)e moh^ ppjmii pe ne flihiS*

abfida iicrimonia mentep-"^ tecum* quia nou mor(18c

j"imob Sin Sm pinnent inno'S ne ceofe
piac menf tua* cuuf agonitlieca^ ambafiUa^ ne elegaf

bleoh butan heof onlic

f opSan pe jepunaS fe mann

cromam.7 Prcecer maximum quia folec uir

pefan* job m[icclum] ^ '^eyjh'^e jetpmne loecebom

eflfe deus mulcum fectare gemellam onodiam

onbpocb jepunian ceo a3C]'i |?u peali fci^

f ne
(illegible here) ablif camen boba ^o ^e
aecpme. ^^ jeprica* melaf ^ pogp gelombce gepunu
cangat. Grip}:ia^2 chapcefia^^ cogatur crebro vifca

gelombc gefetebnep fcapena

pe jepice fo'Slice

frequenf' fmcheca-^-i Grammaton* ^^ tibi ablifca^ uero

bimnyp* imeb laelanep feop "]bpunbapu platunj* ^^

Glaucoma ^7 ofpa crinem ^^ longe bloxaque bracea

fi^San eabmobhc meeg'S ne jepican otephpon cempan

belling ^9 encbtica 20 profapia non abiinc imatenuf* militie

^^ placung was resplendence ; see

- aXoyia. Lye in ]71itan. So Lay amon 21,327,
' Read mobef, mentis. heore fcalen wleote'S fwulc gold
' Read nih. fa^e Cceldes ; their scales are re-
^ aycavoOirris. splendent like gold variegated shields,
Ambasilla, venter, Gl. Isidor. where Sir E. M. takes it not so.
^ Xpoj/xa. Grammars were not Bratea read bractea. In the col-
invented. lection of glosses, MS. Cleop. A. iii.,
Illegible in MS. fol. 109 b., from some lives of the

avu^vv'iav ; such errors as this Saints, " Bratea fila fe Sylbna

may have been produced by writing " '5]ia&b," golden thread.
to dictation. ^^ y\avKcc[jLa, a disease of the eyes.
'" Boba, vehemens robur, gl. ^^Read oyya criminis a weal ; in
" aethpme. the flesh from punishment.
'- ypacpai in Greek, Sps^^' i^i 0^^ ^^ dehinc.
English, are from one source. - iyKKiriKr]. Cf. tv;j' TroKireiav
'^ Kapxvcto- iyKK\iix&riv kol piirovcrav iirl ru
Xef'poj. Platon.
'^ ypaiMfxaruu,

d 8 -^


f uph pe gepunie puh pea^el leapebpa eac j*pilce

xpi per ce ampliicappa ^ lacon ^ nee non

fopbaeb ^ J)eaple lu[pi]a6 gense'Sa bpunbaf u paep 3
badanola biamanc*'* efpipiam '"^
fcragulam per-
jebpepebne bpenc ') beoppup^e peap * hipebep
turbatamque 6 propomam ''
fcragula pretexta aubca
bejimen* bpucS pip bealp mene ac bi]? fceamhce
cura ucitur muher anabola ^ fed abuticur
bpocen* heo jepipS bpo3 eac ppilce bpip unha-
Ipfa conuenit apozima^*^ nee non placenta mua-
lum eala ]9U clepc pepe ]>u. lapeop jeleapeb f an^^ ne
hdip* O eleponoma^^ maneas* codruf ^^ diflertuf unique
pi t5u CO gal- ])onne ])U bealbep hopf on cobbe-
baud pip luxoriuf ^4 cum teneaf yp)pof^^ pipco

]7ola ]>u. naman jemynbliefce ^^ ^ g^ [beo] gylbenmu'Sa

careaf nomme limpbacici ut ii crilbfcomup ^^

aetii 'Su bihle ]?egn gehealbe mu6 bible fppece pe jepuna

adlif appocrifariuf ^s feruec of aponfmof^^ cibi constes

(5u kininj PW^ t) ^^VJ^^'^^J^^ ^^^ ^^ miSSengeapb

basileuf 20 abscemiuf antigrap)busque 21 esto cofmogra-
tobelent ;] beo ])u emplacenc J>m ne pi ]?u nacob ppam
pbuf 22 escoque cacafcopuf ^^ cui ne Ilf gimnuf 24 ab

* a.ix(pira.TTois, rairrjriois aficpifjidWois

(Hesychios). Read hpeasel. Am- ^^ Read ne 'p an ac ne.

phitaba, ex utraque parte uillosa ^- KkripovSixe,
tapete. Isidor. Origines. ^^ K6Spos ; the sense assigned
^ Read laepebpa. XdiKwy. seems taken from the rauca Theseide
^ A litter. Banadola, lectus quo Codri, misapprehended.
in itinerefertur. Gl. Isidor. Baio- ** uxorius.
nula (al. Batanula) est lectus qui in ^^ 'linrovs. It appears that this
itinera baiulatur. Id. Origines. means testiculos.
Bseb is here, and elsewhere some- ^^ Read -leapep.

times, the same as bebb pop is iter.;

^^ XpvffoarofjLos.
^ Read deamant, desperately love. ^^ From UTr6Kpv(f>os answering to
[pi] is doubtful. Secretary. See Du Cange,
^ i^'nTTTia ; on gense^a see the ^^ h(j)opi(riJLovs.

Glossary. '^'>
The word is doubtful. '^'
' irpSirofxa, Kocrfioypdcpos.
^ avKiKi). '*^
" ava^oKi] is a womans linen gar- '^i
ment covering the head, not necklace.

iinalepehlicum -] l)eo ])U peojipehlic ealboji jelomloec

inlicicif iifqiie bioccicuf^ fiuccor- celebrej-

cihembplatenc lap 3 beo ]m lapeop

j)eojipie liajie J)ii ~j

orofcopuf'^ acnzimum'^ ef cu bibafcahif-* habeafque

jmline lipien on bebbe "3 y\niin jepice fe beajible^e ac p

amphibalbum ^ in tlioro . & ablic
epebnf^ fed lie

henjefc genihcfumienbe jepite pe eapblufienbe pola J>u

canceriuf* 7 habunbe cibi ablic amafmf capeaf

pej-an peSe ) embfpecenbe j-cme pexbpeb on

pope ceiTicuf atque periprafcicuf^ niceac abbachuf^ ma-
hanb -3 j'cine jobcunbfpec m\x6e papna ]>u bepan basjie

nni atque mteac theologuf ^"^

on uideaf perre bac-

jefa^li^bce j^e pycce* ne j-i ]ni cofcencenb ^epeb

caulum^^ fausce te cloacoa hadlif^^ prodignf obbquuf

aneajebe pacenpul ppbuh ])ii ];a bipmepbcan helle

molocalmuf ^^ subdoluf uitef ludibrium barach-

fybj ])u fi^e

punian feopp peapenfcopa
rum*^^ feccare cropheum ^^^ fcenc procul amphitlieacrum ^^'

])e eac fpdce ealipunba yo^ey kynna^ ancxfumnyffe 3

cibi nee non egilopia*^^ nam generanc fcrupulum

^ ^KOTIKOS. guage of crime, for amasius is in-

- WpOCTKOTTOS. correctly taken. Ephebion, locus
3 oLKpoCv/jLou. Read hlap. Aero- construpratiouis puerorum imber-
zimus panis, bium, gl. Isid.
leniter fermentalus, gl.
Isidor. KavOrjXios.

" irepicppaariKos.

^ ajxipi^iaWos, by letterchange :
^ &l3a^, a^aKiov, abacus.
so Du Cange ; see Spoon and ^^
Sparrow, art. 391. Caraasus, amji- " Baccaulum, a bier. Du Cange.
mallus, gl. Isidor. '2 Read ne sis ?
^ (p'q^os. The painful tale sug- ^' lxov6^da\jxos.
gested is paralleled by a passage in
'* $dpa9pov.
the Regularis Concordia, as printed
'^ rpoiraiov.
at the end of Eadmer, p. 151.
The Saxons, it will he observed, u/j.(pL6aTpov.

did not even understand this lan- '' alyiXctiiria.


jeppiSaS j-eo j-cine liealj- mene beophce * jolbe

uexantej- pupillas niteac anologium ^ fcanbico obiuflif-^

mu]je laepenbej- popbuli ])u cpilipeobie j-i^e oiifoh

ore docencif becbna birocum brauium ^ accapito

paelbefcol liapa ]?u picen paec pice ])u healp jemec*

cbotedrum ^ hose habe culleum ^ fciaf diamecra 7

nyte ])u ppcecfcopa popepetce ]?u healp pepp

nefci ergafcula* Apponaf emifcicliium ^ cum
J?e ppicefc cpa pepp bpmc op pmpaece jepuna poplrecan
fculpes bifcica^ hba enoforo ^ fuefce laxare

mijepan lupa J>u ]>e [ap] pena hup 3 hata ])u hatunje ge-
lotium bihge cu [xjenodochum ^ obique ' xelocypia ^2 scrin-

ppiSe heonene ecet pose o'SSe jemec J7in hup pi

gacur hirig acecabulo feu congia tuum boma ^^ fie

orceapb ^4 hipebe[p] pync opceapbap jebapenbc[e] ffipplum

pomerium curci func pomaria cougrua mabf
peine puppupan on cipce ^^ pi mix peop gepeccan
fulgeac ofcrum ec[c]lefiif fit oletum longe* fcatuauc

opeptap ^^ piban ])e ptypian pmbap bpmc mopeS f pleo

predia quala Cibi agitenc flabra poca diamoron^'' uc fugiac

nebbpe peop popbyge ]?u eall pcet5m ])anon on-

gorgon^s emmuf* fperne tu olon^^ placon^^ quatmuf il-

An error. ^ rifiLffrlxiov.
- dva\o'y(7ov, a lectern. Lectrum, ^ ^iarixov.
analogium, super- quo legitur, gl. '" olvo(p6pov, olvotpopeiov.

Isidor. " ^evo^ox^'^ov ; hup MS.

obrussa, ofipv^ov. '^
fipa^fiov. Chariot racing is then *^ dufia.
discountenanced. '* An error.
KKijdeSpa ? or what is the exact ^^ cipcipce, MS.
form ? i
So the MS.
" Culleus, tunica ex sparto in '^ 5(^ fidpuv, a drink of mulberry
modum crumena facta, qua linehatur juice.
a populo pice et hitumine, etc., etc., yopyeiv.

gl. Isidor. ' 8\op.

' Sidixerpa. '" TrAoTTjj/.

liht(S pa35 ]>e gebeopfcipe leope ]?u liealp fcylh -T^iy ]m

lufcr8c otlon ^ te fiiipolia ^ uigeaf temefou ^ i'l iioii

ne milic ]'cylbln3)'' ne ne ^epite pube feoli f fceme
potef lulbnr nee abficque lucar ^ quo flagrec

Ipichuf fpetnifle j;e beo ])u jemynbij raaBbgilban.

lar ^ neccar Cibi esco memor cui ^allonis.

While this sheet was in proof, most happily arrived

a communication from Mr. Henry Bradshaw, of Kings
College, Cambridge, forwarding a copy of the same
piece, tending much to the better understanding of the
words and sentences, from a MS. in the University
Library, formerly belonging to St. Augustines, Canter-
bury, where it was distinguished as *'
" cum A.''

Clerice dypticas ^ lateri ne deinpseris umquam ;

Corcula^ labentis fugias ludi fore."'^^ ne te

Letetur fedus neque toparcha^^

^^ sandapila.'' ^2
Machia quo ierarchia^^ neque cloaca.^^
sit tibi

Non enteca ^7 nee alogia ^^ uerum absida ^^ tecum ;

Commaneat^o mentes acrimonia.-' ^^ non quia mordet

Agonitheta 22 tuus fiat ambasilla ^3 tui mens.

Ne uraneum^^ preter cromam^s legat* is quia multis

^ Gl. princeps ludi.

2 a-v/xTTocria; gebeojifecipe, MS. i
Gl. esse.
^ rh fi4(Tov. ^'
Gl. obscenus turpis.
See Promptorium Parvulorum, '- Gl. baccaulus.
ITavelok, 590. '^ Gl. princeps unius loci i. dia-
^ Lucar, vectigal quod ex lucis bolus herebi.
contrahitur, gl. in Du Cange. Lucar, '* Gl. pugna.
vectigal erogatio quae fiohat in lucis, ^^ Gl. sacer principatus.
gl. Isidor. '^ Gl. fossa tartari.
Lar for Lardarium is unpre- ^''
Gl. pecunia.
cedented : it will however hold for ^^ Gl. conuiuium.
kitchen. 19
Gl. lucida.
Gallo, is then hired servant, not So, MS.
what it is called in the glossaries- 21
Gl. uigor animi corporis in-
Ne quis presbyter focariam ha- dustria uel ferocitas.
" beat . . . alioquin sciant se prius 22
i. preliator.
" monitos gallonis sententia alli- 2^ Gl. uenter.
gatos." Statuta apud Du Cange. 2* Gl. celestem.
* Glossed i. tabellas. i. colorem.

e 2

Esse deus solet; anodiam sectare gemellam t, ^

Sistere sinchophanta 2 uerere Boba ^ tamen adsis. .*'

Griffia^ te tangat* carchesia*^ togaque^ crebro;

Graramaton sintheca ^ frequens? sistat tibi louge;

Absistat uero glaucoma.*'^ criminis ofFa*/^

Bratea^^ blatta*^ deliinc encletica '^ prosapiaque*,^-*
Militiae xpi per te nullatenus absint-,
Amphitappa ^^ laon'^ extat.-' badanola^^ necnon*,
Effipiam ^^ diamant*^^ stragulam '^f*
pariterque propomam-
Agagiilam 22 celebs aginatr^s pecudes nee ablundam;2^
Effipia^j & stragula pretexta est aulica26 cura,
Utitur anabola27 mulier' sed abutitur^s ipsa*,
Couuenit inualidis apozima'2i> necue placenta -j"^^
Cleronome^^ codrus^2 maneas^^ unaque dissertus ,^-^
Cum fisco35 teneas yppos.-^^e uxorius37 haud^^ sis-,
Nomine limpliatici ^^ careas . crisostomus ^o ut sis;

Apocrisarus '^^ ades aforismos ^2 os tibi seruet ,

Basileus43 constes*^^ abstemius45 antigraphusque 40

Cosmigraphus "^^ solumque tiii catascopus ^^ esto ,

Gl. medicinam. Gl. palatina.
Gl. calumpniator, -'
Gl. ornamentum muliebre.
Gl. uehemens robustus. ^^
i. male i. a malo uiro.
Gl. scriptura. -^
Gl. aqua cum uariis cocta cou-
uasa pastoralia.
uestis poetalis.
Gl. pultis.
Gl. litterarum.
Gl. clerice.
i. compositio.
Gl. poeta nobilis.
Gl. caligo oculorum.
Gl. sis.
Gl. massa.
Gl. peritus eloquens.
Gl. auri lamina.
Gl. saccus testiculorum.
Gl. purpura.
Gl. equos.
Gl. iuclinatiua.
Gl. seruator uxoris.
Gl. humilis . nobilis.
Gl. non.
Gl. tapete undique uillosum.
i. dementis.
Gl. laicorum populorumue.
Gl. OS aureum habens.
Gl. lectus itineralis.
" MS. so, i. minister secretorimi.
Gl. ornamentum decorum.
Gl. ualde amant. Gl. breues sermones.
Gl. uestem pictam. i. rex.
Gl. claram potionem. Gl. ut sis.
Gl. lenocinatorem uel lenonem. sobrius.
Gl. fugat. i. cancellarius scriptor.
^* Gl. paleam.
Gl. mundi descriptor.
Gl. genus uestis puerorum. Gl. explorator.

Gimiius ' ab inlicitis iic siscjuo bioticus '^

actor ,

Acrizimum ^ cclobrcs '^

oroscopus ^ esquc didascus '^^

Inqiic thoro amphiballum "^

habeas.-^ effbbus^ et absit ,

Cantcrius^ sed habunde tibi* sed amasius ^^ absit*,

Cerritus^^ caueas fore.*' perifrasticus ^^ atque ,

Abbachus ^^ manui niteatqiie theologus ^^ ori ,

Baccaulum fauste ^^ uidcas *7 te ferre cloace

Prodigus?^^ obliquus20 monotalmus.-'''^^ subdolus22 haud^^ sis-.

Ludibrium uites baratrum ^-i scctare tropheum -,26


Amphiteatra -^ procul tibi stent egilopia 2 nee non

Nam scrupulum 29 generant^^ psiche-^i uexantque^^ pupillas.

Scaiidito analogium- crisis ^^ nitet ore docentis;
Dccliiia biro turn 3-1
braiiium^^ capito.-' ac cHothedrum;'^^
Culleum 37 habe diametra '^^
scias ergastula ^^ nesci ,

Apponas emistichium -^^ cum distica'^i sculpes*,'*^

Enoforo43 liba lotium^-t laxare suesce*,
Dilige tu xenodochium ^^ zelotipiamque odi ,

Gl. nudus s[cilicet] sis. -^ i. imitare.
- Gl. secularis mundanus. -^ i. laudem uictorie.
^ GL panem leuiter fermenta- -'
Gl. loca spectaculi ubi pugnant
tum. gladiatores.
^ Gl. frequentes. 2^ Gl. uulnera oculorum.
^ Gl. horarum inspector. ^^ Gl. angorem anxietatem.

" Gl. protomagister. ^" s[cilicet] egilopia.

^ Gl. birrum undique uillosum. ^^ Gl. anime.
Gl. imberbis sine barba. =*2
Gl. allidunt.
" Gl. equus s[cilicet] sit. ^^ Gl. aurum.
'" Gl. qui ob turpitudinem ama- ^* i. currum duarum rotarum.
.tur. ^^ Gl. coronam.
" Gl. furiosus iracundus. ^'^
i. sellam plectibilem.
'- Gl. circumlocutiuus. ^''
Gl. uas pice oblinitum,
'^ Gl. tabula pictoria. ^^ Gl. medietatem spere [sphijcrse]
'^ Gl. diuinus sermo. lioralogium [the diaV}.
'^ i. feretrum. ^^ Gl. loca exilii \_for bad slaves
Gl. felicior [feliciter]. and convicts'\ .

'^ propri[um]. *" Gl. dimidium uersum.

'8 Gl. fosse. ^'
i. duos uersus.
^' dissipator. ^'
i. Gl. scribes.
'" i. distortus. ^' Gl. uase uinario.
*' Gl. luscus. ^' Gl. urinam.
-' Gl. fraudulentus. ^
Gl. domus in qua pauperes col-
pro non. liguntur (quo, MS.)
'* i. infernum. " i. odia.

Hinc acetabular doma tuum ceu coiigia'^ stringat-,

Pomerium^ curti."' pomaria'^ congrua malis*,''^
Fulgeat ecclesiis ostrum.^ longe sit oletum-/
Predia quala^ tibi statuant ."^
agitent^ flabra r*^
Eminus ut gorgon
^^ fugiat pota ^^diametron , ^-^

Sperne platon ^^ olon.-' ^^ simposia^^ quatenus odon*^^

Te lustret temeson ^^ uigeas si non potes insons?
Lar^o tibi quo nectar flagret^^^ lucarque^^ nee absit*,
Gallonis^s meraor esto tui ambro^^ timeto cieri;^^

Mulio26 strabo^'^ tuus neque sit.-' neque agason 28 inermis ,

Abbaso 29 quo fuerit (sit hirudo ^o frequens ^^ comitata.

etc. etc.

The which I print next is called the Lorica
of its existence in the Cambridge manuscript, I was
first informed by Mr. Bradshaw, who has more than

once freely discussed the subject, with the aids to the

interpretation of it, for my information. It is with
Mr. Bradshaws consent, and by help of books lent me
by him, that I now print and annotate. The Harleian
copy came in my way while engaged upon the Leech-
doms. The Latin part has been printed in Germany
by Mone also by Daniel, with two conjectural and

wholly mistaken interpretations ; with glosses from an

^ Gl. uas quo fertur acetum. j Gl. totum.
2 Gl. mensura. '^ Gl. conuiuia.
3 Gl. locus uacuus. 1^ MS. so, gl. uia.
Gl. uiridiaria ; to the same ef- '" Gl. medius semis (somis, MS.)
ect in margin. Gl. penus.
^ Gl. pomis. -1 Gl. redoleat.
Gl. purpura. ''-
Gl. pecunia dicitur [e] lucis.
' i. stercus humanum. ^ Gl. mercennarii.
2^ Gl. luxuriosus dissipator.
^ Gl. corbes.
" Gl. moueant. Gl. uocari.
i '^ Gl. custos mulorum.
" Gl. uirgas uiridiarii. 2''
Gl. luscus uuelcus.
-^ Gl. prouisor equorum.
12 Gl. longe.
'3 Gl. serpentis proprium est. -" Gl. domus infirma.
1' ^" Gl. sanguisuga.
Gl. bibe.
15 Gl. lutum. Gl. assidua.

Irish MS. by Mr. Whitley Stokes, who lias had the

assistance of Dr. Wright in making out, to a good ex-
tent, the Syriac or Hebrew words disguised in it. The
mere presence of two glossed copies now first printed
will clear up some difficulties, and one or two words
I may perhaps myself have rightly guessed. The Irish
MS. of the Latin text declares the composition to be
wi'itten in hendekasyllabic verse ; but lest a purer
classical taste should suppose that by term the
hendecasyllabi," or Phalaskians of Catullus have
been emulated, the opening lines arranged with due
regularity may be taken as a specimen of the rest.
It will be seen that they are scanned by the accents.

Suffragare, quseso, michi possito

Magni maris uelut in periculo,
Ut non secum trahat me mortalitas
Huius amii neque mundi uanitas.

The Irish MS., " in the opinion of Dr. Todd pro-

duced in the latter part of the fourteenth century,"
tells us also, that " Gillas banc loricam fecit," and
" Laidcend mac Buith Bannaig uenit ab eo in insolam
" Hiberniam : transtulit et portauit super altare sancti
Patricii episcopi sanos nos facere, amen.'' The Latin
text of the Cambridge MS. is of the eighth century
it was not intended to be glossed; the glosses were
introduced afterwards in a small hand ;
^ the earlier
ones marked with an asterisk belong to the end of
the tenth century, the others to the eleventh. Its
readings agree closely with those printed by Mone
eiTors and all. By one or two mistakes in the glosses
of MS. C. it seems probable that they were a tran-
script,and as the newer are sometimes written above
the wrong words, the same may be concluded of them

Mr. Bradshaw thinks the glosses cotemporary.

MS. Bibl. Publ. Cantab. LI. 1. 10. fol. 43.

Pane luricam loduig cantauit tep in omne fcie

^emiltfa fio J'pynej- fio annej" ])a3jie annejje jemikfa

SvFFKAGARe TRiNiTATis ^ UNITAS unitatis miseRCRe

ic bibbe me jefeccum fa3f miclej- fpa fpa

CRinicas 8u}:}:jia;5ape quaep-o mihi popto mapi]-2 maj^ni ueluc

on ffiecennej-j-e j^aecte no mib him jecio me pol *

m pepiculo Uc non j-ecum cjjahac me moptalicaf

J^yfep jeapef ne mibbanjeapbep ibelnej' ^ J)a3t ilce

huiu]- anni Neque munbi uanicaj- ec hoc ibem

ic bibbe fpom J)am hyhfcan pam hiofoncunban comppepobej-
peto a' fubhmibu]' caelefcip mihciae
masgnum J^ylsbf me ppleecon to llitenne fionbum ac je-
uipcutibu]* Ne me Imquanc lacepanbum hoftibuf* 8eb be-
fcylbfen fo])bce pa^pnum fcpanjum ^cec hio me fopejanjan on
}:enbanc lam apmij- poptibuf et^ ilh me ppecebanc in

j:e]7an fasp hiopenhcan pepobep pij ])peatas pifbomep jej:ylner4

acie caslepcip exepcicup mibtiae. Chepuphm
jobep lupan onbaepnnep fcjienjeo jobep ^

ec pepaphm ^ cum mihbup mihahel ec jabjiihel 7

jehcum ic pyfce j^pympeclep ^a hpi^enban hehenjlap

pmnhbup* Opco thponop^ uiuencep Apchanjelop
ealbopbomap 'j buguSmihca englap f me J?y Siccan * ^

ppmcipacuf ec pocefcacep Anjelop* Uc me beupo

jefcylbenbe pepobe pionba ic mjBje jepyllan iy]>j>an

bef enbencep Asmme . Inimicop ualeam ppofcepnepe cum

)7onan oSepe cempan * heahpaebepap j ]ja peopep fiSan
bembe cecepop Agonichecap* p^atpiapchap* quaccuop

cpimtas, H. ^ This interpretation is nearly
majupponum, H.
^ Hieronymus interprets anlenles.
ut, H.
' " Scicntia mulllplicatay St.
^ ec m. ?;., C.

llieronymiis; but see Spoou and **


Sparrow, art. 1010. ''

'5icc only in older hand.

j:iopcji j-ciojuiii

quuceji pjiophctii] Apol'tolo]' ^

niiuif xpi pjjopccjij' '^ cc

ic bihbc cemi)aii * me']) J>ujj1i liio

iii{)]icyjiej' oiiinej' peco Aclileciip^ bei. Uc^ me peji illoj-

ymbfylle ^ eal ypel fpom me jepite*

jaliij'^ j-epiat Acque omne malum A me pepeac xpf mecum
cpume *
pepe * foifcnie ] J?a fpeajican pepob
pactum pipmum jrejuac cimop tpemop ^ cetpap tupbap
abpeje 50b mib ]jy un])ujihfciocenblicpe jefcylbneppe
tejijieac Deup InpDenetpabib cutela
asjhpanan jefcylb me mib mihce mmep * bchoman *

unbique me bepenbe potencia GOei pbpae *^

leopep * ealne geppia * Sine* plaejpcelbai * jefcylbenbum

p)epuap "^
omnep hbepa tuca ^^ pelca ^^ ppotejente
aupa jehpylc
f ]'a fpeaptan bioplu on minpe iibau
pmgula . Uc non cecpi ^^ basmonep In lacepa mea
cueccen* fpa fpa jepuniaS fcycap hnoll* heapubponnan *
bbpenc nc polenc lacula^-^ jyjpam ^-i
cephalem ^-'^

mib loccum * ;) Sa ejan* onbphcan* cunjan * coeS*

cum lajiip^*^ ec conap patham ^s bganam^^* Sennap^o

' xii., H. inserts, wrongly. forehead, Irish gl. GiSiiajir, cojia,

- irpcopdras. gl. Cleop., fol. 45 b. Gi^jia, fe

^ AXthlecap, C.
flajfc toJ> ],n>0C]:tan >one tux, Id.,
fol. 46 c. Kead syp^jiam ? for
Et martires omnes peto athletas,

"^St'^p ^lech. Scopa glosses Trichilo,

Atque adiuro et uirgines omnes,
Uiduas fideles et professores, that is, Tpdxv^os.
Uti . . . . Irish MS.
16 "^y'^ is a conjecture of Dr.
^ etejma, H. adds.
" Cuius tremor, Irish MS. Wright, as by error for Siaris.
' -bilis, Irish MS., worse. Perhaps from py giving the

^ ")5]| viri ;
" hominis," Irish gl. initial a guttural sound :
" oculos/'
Irish gl.
""Artus," Irish MS.; ''' latera,"
gl. ap. Diefenbach.
>^ The forehead, Irish gi. yl\ki
'" cua, H. " patho," or " patha," os, vultus,
^ it4\tt). facics (Dr. Wright). The first
^- Cetjiao, C. hand in C. wrote onj)lice.
" iacula ^^ If read
^^ is a quadrisyllable." lizanam, will be
AV.S. Semitic; and so another MS.
" SySJ^am, the s/iull or top of the
Prom \^

-\ 5a uaej-tSyji el * pijiau * bpeof pbaii * leiibana*


Acque michmaf clabam - ^ mabiauum * 5

cpaj-fum taliaf

Seeoh * mibipnan * ^ ) tpa * honba * mmum foflice

baclima 7 exujiam Acque binaj- Ibumaf'^ OOeo epjo

heofulan *
cum capillif 9 ueptici jalea j-alutij- efto Capici j^ionci 10

ejan ^ bpaejene J)am j^pyp ealban nebbe * peolupe * onpyne

ocuLf et cepebpo cpippmi* Rofcpo labio ii paciei

tJunnpenjan * cmne * beapbe opepbpuum * eapiim heajo-

timpopi GOenco bapbae supepcil[i]ip Aupibup je-

ppinnum * j-mepum * ngepjpiptlan * nopu fion ejhpmjum *

nip buccip Incepuappo . Napibup pupillip pocip

bpaepan opep bpuum* toSpeomum* opoSe ceacum ^

palpebpip tauconibup ^^ jmjip
xmxir ^^
anile ^^
aniie "-*
maxillip ec

joman hpasctunjan* ^^ hpaecean

paucibup bencibup Imjue opi uuae juctopi

Spotbollan tunjeSpum * fpiopan lieapubponnan *

jupjihom et publmjuas cepuice capicali ^^

The Irish gl. gives michinas as fol. 116 b, and infra, p. Ixxii.
something unknown belonging to The glossaries make confusions be-
the teeth. MvKTT]pas, perhaps. tween the kidneys, the fat about
Second hand j^pio^ian. Perhaps
- them, and the intestines.
Arabic kadhalun, Syriac kedala, '
thighs or waist, Irish gl. Bo^/xo/,
neck, cervix, Dr. Wright. Chala- <Xi^, TTfJSes-, Hesych.
dum, Darmstadt MS. Dequicaladum, -T
another MS. Perhaps, 0'']hn loins ^ pcapulip, H.
3 Another MS. ventrem. It is then. '" hneofulan, C.
jj>n5 or pn labiae, C. ; labie, H.
^ " latus," Irish gl. D^J?)? ?
'- Tutonibus, W. S.; Tautones,
^ entrails, Irish gl.
palpebrse, gl. Isidor.
micsejmu, H. Sescmcio, gl. C.
'2 iSuip, H. ; read gingivis.
^ihAnga vel micgejin, gl. Cleop.,
fol. 34 a.; also Exigia, sefcmco, Id.,
'* Read anhelae; see Du Cange.
^^ Correct;
fol. 34 c. ; also gesanco, fol. 84 a. tojujue of the throat,

Is it not Axungia, fat ? Micjepn tivula. Somner and others follow-

means fioitse of urine. For the rest, ing him are quite wrong.
cf. "Extis lefenco t," gl. Cleop., to the foretooth, Irish gl.

jpijmn * i^jiifclan jefcylbiiejye ])onaii

ceutjio ^ capcihijini collo clemenj- Abefto tutamine Deinbe'-^

pep 6ii byjine fio jehealbpaipce ymb lioma mine

efto"^ lupica cucippiraa ejija membpa epga mea
innoSap fte \m apcupe* ppom me Sa unjepepenlican flejeap
uipcepa Uc petpubap-* a me Inuipibilep Subum ^

na^slap ^a paBpcniaS J>a hacienban jepcylb pcpon2,pe

clauop quop F^S^^i^^ obibilep "Ceje ejijo beup popti

eaxla mib ^efcylbpum ^ eajima 5a elna

lupica humepop cum pcapulip ez bjiachia
'Ceje ulnap

mib fse^mum* Pj:pce* honbbpyba pmjpaf mib

cum cubip '^
et manibup pujnap palmap bijitop cum
])am ujEjlum bone bpi ccj * 3 ^a pib mib ])am boSum
unjuibup tJeje ppmam^ ec coftap cum Ajicubup

bcec lipycj 3 fma mib 5am banum 5a hyb

tepja boppumque ec nepuop cum oppibup ^Zer^e cucem
lunbleojum * huppbaan * eppenbu * mib ]?am
panjumem cum penibup catacpmap^ nacep cum
5eohjela3tum homme * ppeopubpan * genicaba* mib pam
pemopibup I^ege cambap ^^ pupap pemopaba ^^ cum
cmepumi2 p^ bpioppban j }>a cniopa belan *
jenucbp popbtep ec ^enua. Teje calop cum
pconcum * belum * pconcan * pec ilia * mib ])am
cibiip ec calcibup cpupa pebep plancapum cum
pcaepum cel^am emnpeaxenbe mib canum
bapibup ^3 teje pamop concpepceucep beciep cum mencagpip i4

* ceotpo, H. ; chautrmn, gl, E. 72. ^ the haunches, Irish gl. ; cata-

Cleop. 26 b. al pe >]iocbolla, all the Spmas blepemma mees, gl. C, \7hich
throat; probably X'^^'Spos, is obscure.
- Domine, W.S. i
gambas, W.S.
" esto mibi, H. ^' the upper thighs, Irish gl.
* jaetunbap, H. cniepum is on an erasure of an

^ Subep, C. on erasure of the old older gloss, which may have been
Subum. vpeopbanum.
^ cubip, C.H. all for cubitis.
^ spinas, W. S. *^ the toes.
^ H. transposes lines.

11035% ^F'5^^ Py^ Seapmjepinb * bpioft

Uiijuef binoj' quinquiej- Ceje pectuj- ^ lujulani peccu)-
bau bjiioft masan pone nafelan ])a j'ambe
culum mamilla)' Scomaclmm ec umbilicum. teje ueiicjiein

3 })a jecynblica lima "j lipip

3 pape lieopcan
lumbo]- jeniraba ec alburn^ ec copbif
pa bflican pa ppyjiealban bppe j py^e bujifaii"
uicaha Ceje cpipibum lecofi ec iba mappem
lunbleo^an* j-naebelSeapm* ^ neccan * peabau *
jieniculo]' fichpem cum obbjia.-'' Ceje coleam^
peolu pepS * mib lunjenne a3b[ian fma^l * Seapmap * jeallau
copacem cum puhnone uenaj" pbpaj' fel

mib ]>y heopthoman * pa fceape mib pam

cum bucbaminfe. '^^Z^ capnem'^ Injumam ^ cum
meapjum mi Ice * jebejbum * ifepnum * 9

mebulbf Splenem cupcuopj' cum Intej-cinip . Ce^e

^a blasbpan jelynb j ealle * papa jepoja Sa unajimieban ^^

ueficam abipem ec pancep^^ compajmum Innumepop

eubebypbnep hcep ] pa oSpe hma poplascen Sapa
opbmep. t^S^ pilop ACque membpa pebqua quopum
pen ij- ic bepepbe
popce ppaecepii nomma Ceje cocum me
cum qumque
on^iytum fmicpe gepophcum bupum -pee ppom
jeiifibup ec cum becmi pabjie paccip popibup uci ^'^

pam ilum 0(5 pa^p heapbep heaneppe nasnejum bmo

plantip upque ab uepicicem Nullo membpo ^^ popip

ic jeuncpumije afcupan
incup ejpocem. Ne de meo poppiC uicam cpubepe .

* pecrup, C. omits. ^ Tonsil. See Du Cange v.

Tusillffi, A Gallic word.
2 That is, Alvum. ^ cajmem, C. 11. omit.
^ bujifan, purse, is written on an ^ lun^mam, C, for Inguina.

older gloss erased ; read marsem ^ eoj-enum, H. Exta lefen, gl.

as marsupium. C. See above on Exugia.

'" The final e in ealle is erased,

Extales, fnabel t beapc (read
but legible.
bajc) J'eajmi, gl. 11. 74, the great " TTOLvras.
(jut. '-
uc, C.
* the peritonccmn.
' *
meo, n. adds.

polncj- pepoii alh*> n-ji ]).iii focSlioe

pefti)- j-ebjiij- laiijoji boloji coppojie Donee uiiii bance (ko

j-eneam ec peccaca mea boni)- jractij' ^ beleam. Uc be capne

ntyii\\enbe ic mx%e jefliosaii co 5am liean ^efliojaii

lenj- Imij-3 capeam et ab aka euolajie

ic ma^je j jobe milcfienbum to (5am pobeplican bliSe

ualeam ec mifepto beo ab astliejua laecuj-

ic * po * pejen * jncej' celnej-fa fy fpa

uehap4 pejni peppigepia. AMEN:
Rather than print at every word a variation, it is
better to give the glosses of the Harleian MS. conti-
nuously. (Harl. 585, fol. 152.)
jepiikmije seo ])puiis seo aunis 'Saspe annij-fe jemilbsa me
seo ])j)imiis jejiulcmije ic bibbe me jesectum fses micel[es]
spa spa m mib lieo teo mec seo
fpaacennijje "fee nalaes
beaSlicnes 'Seoses jeapes iie Syses mibban jeapbes ibelnes

(5a3C lice ic bibbe fpom ]'em hyhfcum ])3ej- lieopnhcan

comppeopobes masjenum '5y laef mec poploecen to llitenne
]-eonbum ac jefcilben so'&lice pcepnum ftponjmn fte heo
mec popejonjen m pe^an (5sep heoponlican peopubep pijppeatep
pipbomep jepylnep "^ ^obep lupu onbepnep mjb caemppum*^ spa
spa job ~j jobes ftpenju jelicum ic pi fee ])pympelb j^a lypienban
heahenjlap albopbomap ^j buguS melite asnglap *pte mec ]?icee

jepcylbenbe peopobe peonb ic masje jepyllan sy]?])an aeptep

pan oSpe ea3mpan heah peebepap peopep piSan^ pitejan onb fol. 153.

apoftolap xpep scipep fteopan ))popepap alle ic bibbe jobep

caempau' ^te mec ]mph heo ]7ape ecaen haelo ymbpylle 3
aejhpylc ypel ppom me jepite cpift mib me pepe psefte
tpume jepreftiiije eje pyjihto ^a ppeaptan peopub abpeje 50b
unpuphpceotenblicpe jepcylbneppe a35hponan mec jepcilb Sinpe
maihte mmep liehoman lepepa alle alaep jepunbum plcejpcylbe
jepcylbenbum anpa jehpylc *pte nalep ^a ppeaptan beobhi m
mmpe piban lelijen ^ ppa ppa gepuniaS r^y^^r fl^i^^r ]>^^^

> Read adl, with H bus, which however H. has in the

2 pactip, C. omits.
p'San, glosses quateji, an error of
3 lens labis, W.S. transcription.

* ueho]i, C.
^ A blunder between Vibex lael

* This glosses militibus not mill- 1

^^^ Vibrare ?

linoll Sa heapobpannan mib ))oem loccum oiib cajan onbpleo-

can cunjan ce5 t5a nsefJ^jTillu fpipan hpyiic^ piban lenbenu
^yoh micjepnu onb Sa cpa honba mmum j-o]?lice mib jefcylbpum
fol. 154. hneccaii helm liailo beo^opefco i heajrbe lieapolan eajum onb
exon 2 ])a3pe nebbe peolupe onpeone ^unponjan
cmne beapbe opepbpuuin eapum heajoppmnum pmepum
becpin ]?aem n^efcjpiplan peoum eahjimjuin bpoepum bpuum
toSpeoman opo'Se casnum cmbanum onb jeoman to'Sum cun-
jan muSe hpa^ccunjan hpacan ppocbollan ] unbepcunje'Spum
ppipan ]>y heapoblocan bpsejeue^ jpifclan ppipan appsefc aetbeo
(Su jepcylbneppe ajpcep ]7on beo 'Su me bypne peo ^ebealbpasptep^e

ymb mine mno^ap ymb min[e] leomu fte 'Su afcupe ppom mec
Sa bpeja neejlap 'Sa paefcnia^ laSpenbneppe

^escylb pot51ice jobfcponjpe bypnan mib jepcylbpium eaxle

onb eapmap gemunbbypb elne mib Jjan elnbojan ] honbum
pyfce polme pmgpap mib ]>sem. nseglum jepcylb pone hpnnjc
fol. 155.
^a pibb mib 'Ssem liSum base hpmjc "j Sa pionpe mib 'Sasm
banum jepcylb Sa liyb blob mib J8em sebpum Sa liypban Sa
eappenba mib 'Seam ])eohfconcum jepcylb homne^ pcoclipan 'Sa

peohjepealb mib Jem j^eohhpeoppau ])a hpeoppan ^ Sa cneo

jemynbbypb celjan epeupexenbe tyne mib ])a3m taum na^jlap
tpija pipe jefcylb Sa healan mib ))rem fceonum t pconcum j
fj^opium pceoncan pec J>apa ila mib ]}fem fcep)iim t jonjum

jepcylb bpeofc Seapmpmb bjieofcban tittap o'53o fponan majan

3 ])one neabulan jefcylb 'Sa pombe pa lynbenu J>a acsennenb-

lican lyomu 3 hpip "] 'Saepe heoptan pa liplican 3 pa lyp-
lican heoptan jefcylb pa ppiopealban lippe pypele ppeotan '^
buppe lunblajan pnaebelpeapm mib pasjie nectan jefcylb peaban
pelepep^ mib 'Saepe lunjene ebpe pmselpeapmap jeallan mib py
fol. 156, hyopthoman jefcylb pliEpc I lichoman Sa pcape mib pasm
mepjum pone milce mib pasm gebaBjbum eopenum 3 poppum
jepcylb blasbpan jelynb onb alle papa jepoja pa unapimbau
senbebyjibneppe jefcylb hasp "] pa oppe leomu paepa ppas pen
ip ic bipepbe t popleopt nonian jepcylb alne mec mib pip

onbjeotum ] mib cen bupum fmicpe jepophtum ^ce ppom

paem haelum o^Saep heapbep heanneppe nasnjum lime mmum
utan mnan ic jeuntpumije pylaep op mmum maeje lip

Thus MS.; read beo "Su X pef ^ To ceotpo.

Bead homme.
2 To cepebjio.

aj-cupm polej* ece ubl fap licliomfin .TpcSon )-o])lice jobe

fylleubiiui ic ^ealbi^e ^ mine jynne mib jobum ic abiljie

fee Of licliomaii uc^eonjenbe (5eo]-um ueolum ic (Solije t ic

mx^e je])oliau 3 co ]?a3m hean jepli^an I jeFepan ic maj^e ^

jemilpjenbum jobe co foem peaboplicum bliSe ic \y jepejen
picej' coelneffe so^lice.
These pieces will prove that the Saxons, in their Learning of

way, tried to learn languages. Our own ii^o^lern ^^^.^^^J^"^

fashion is of recent invention : persons now living
received the first elements of Latin from Corderius;
and the whole colour of training is necessarily different
for those, who are to use a language colloquially, and
those who must imitate Ovidius, Yirgilius, Horatius,
in the several branches in which they excelled. He-
brew and Syriac are still exceptional studies.
Of the manuscript from which the text of the Her- MS. V.
barium and Medicina de Quadrupedibus has been
taken, Bibl. Cotton, Yitellius C. iii.,^ the reader has a
specimen in the fac-simile. Opinions, gathered from
those most experienced, agree that it dates as a copy
from about 1050 A.D. For myself, I only venture to
believe that it was written out not earlier than A.D.
1000, nor later than the Conquest, 1066 A.D. It has
been chosen as the ground work of this edition, be-
cause it is illustrated by drawings in colours of the
plants, an advantage which none of the other old
English, or so called Anglo-Saxon, copies possessed.
While uninjured it must have been a regally magni-
ficent book, executed at an enormous expense. It
suffered from the fire at Ashburnham House, 1731,
and, like the rest of the MSS., was taken out of the
ashes a shrivelled blackened lump of leaves. Recently
it has The binder first soaked the
been rebound.
ruins in water, to make them limp he then flattened ;

them, and for this purpose was obliged often to cut

through the edges, and to stretch them by pins,

^Wanley, p. 217 a.

widening all the flaws; stout pieces of cardboard were

tlien prepared as a frame to carry the leo^ves, which
were fixed into these paper frames by ligaments of
goldbeaters skin.Thus once more the burnt leaves
became a volume. The binder had probably some
superintendence in his task, for as long as the Latin
text of Apuleius afforded its guidance the folios were

rightly numbered, but beyond that they have been

frequently misplaced. It is possible that on the pub-
lication of this work, the binder may be directed to
rearrange the folios, in which case the references to
the drawings printed in the text will no longer cor-
respond with the numbers in the MS. Besides the
serious mischief from the fire, the pages had also
suffered from tlie paintings placed upon them. The
green pigment used, probably sulphate of copper, has
eaten away the vellum upon which it was laid, so
that not only the drawings so far have perished, but
also the writing at the back has gone. Thus this
manuscript, taken by itself, had become in many
places illegible ;
yet, when a parallel text was laid by
the side of it, the broken lines and lialf surviving
words were again significant, and it was possible to
print nearly all the letters of the book from the
richest and most beautiful copy.
Foundation of Jji editing an ancient work, the rule is now recog-
nized, which due consideration has suggested to print ;

from the best MS. and supply its defects, if any, from
the next best. The three best MSS. conspire in
making the extravagant slip in Herbarium, art. Ixxi.,
Dialect. and the fourth is not taken into account. But in the
orthography of old English words, a certain method
has prevailed, and the mode of ^Ifric, it may be, has
been followed in modern grammars and by modern
editors, no objection to such a course, as of a choice,
being now taken yet this customary spelling has

also been called " pure Saxon," and other methods


li.ivc boeii (lamnod ns (lialocts, to hoth of wliioh JikIq;*-

TTiciits T take leave to 1o(lg(> an appeni, wliich sliall Ix^

pleaded to on some Cufcure occasion. It so liappcns,

however, that the spelling of MS. Y, is nearer to the
customary manner than that of MS. B., so that no
discussion need arise out of the choice of a base for
printing.The fjxinter strokes of the reed in this
wasted MS. are scarcely visible : the accents often are
vanishinor and onlv the visit of a sunbeam revealed to

me, that what has been printed on page 216,^ as

furendicum, was really written fcsenihtum. The letters
a and u are scarcely distinguishable in the handwriting
of this MS.
MS. V. in its pristine beauty had two large paint- Ornamental
ings each filling a page. The first contains a tall ???^ y'^
figure standing on a lion, habited in loose tunic or
amice, chasuble and stole ^ to all appearance an eccle-

siastic of rank, holding in the right hand a crozier, the

small cross bar of which is, though not easily, dis-
cerned it rests on the ground, and the lion has seized

it in his jaws. In the left this tall personage holds a

heavy book. The draperies according to Saxon custom
seem caught by a gust of wind. Over him waves a
baldachin or canopied curtains. On his left approaches
reverentially a tonsured priest presenting a volume.
On his right a soldier, with a full sized shield, looks
up for orders. The purport of this painting is scarcely
conveyed by the design itself: it seems, however, to
represent the church dignitary for whom the work was
copied the stole marking a churchman
; though some :

hesitation is produced by the presence of a soldier

with a Roman air. Tliis painting was meant for this
book, since the border matches that which backs the

' Line 20. |

^ Over both shoulders ; and pendent.
Ixxviii PREFACE.

The second largo explained by the in-

painting is

scription at the foot, as exhibiting ^sculapius, the

Centaur Chiron, and Plato. iEsculapius is a tall beard-
less figure, Centaur is a Hippocentaur with bald
head, and Plato has right shoulder bare. All three
grasp a large volume in plain binding, with a broad
tie round the middle, as if the two, the Centaur and
Plato, were each at once receiving it from iEsculapius.
The foreground is infested with snakes the back- ;

ground is full of, animals, of which the boar, wolf,

hare, roebuck, bear, and dog are still distinguishable.
On the other side of the leaf a broad ornamental
fillet surrounds the title of the book, " Herbarium, etc."

v^ ^^"^^ The owners of MS. Y. I have been unable to trace

to any good purpose. No information is derivable from
Sir Robert Cottons private catalogue in manuscript,
which I have inspected. On the middle of fol. 74 a,
between lines is written "Richerd Hollond this boke,"
for '' his boke," in a hand of the fifteenth century.
There was a Richard Holland, brother of John, re-
stored Earl of Huntingdon 1417, created Duke of
Exeter 1442, died 1447, which Richard was Admiral
of England, and died 1404. Whether he were owner
of the MS. I shall not pretend to decide : but I know
of no other so likely. On the face of an early folio is

written " elizabeth colmore," in a text hand, perhaps

of the age of Sir Robert Cotton. Among the books in
the old library of (the Cathedral) Christ Church, Can-
terbury, mentioned by Wanley in his preface, occurs
" Herbarius Anglice, depictus," and as this answers to
the description of Wanley has concluded it
MS. V.,
is perhaps the same copy. The Hollands derived their
importance from a marriage with the Fair Maid of
Kent, descended from Edmund Plantagenet of Wood-
stock (born 1301, Aug. 5, beheaded 19 Marchl33:)),
son of Edwa.rd I., by his second wife Mai-garet of
France : whence the Earldom of Kent came into the

and they would be within reach of a

HolLancl family,
few books from Canterbury. Those who like dove-
tailing may be content to splice together the probable
date of the MS. (10401050), Canterbury, and the
archiepiscopate of Eadsige (1038 1050) ; but such
calculationshave in them much uncertainty.
The drawings may once have been likenesses of the The dra\Tings

plants; in some cases we see that the pencils employed P ^*'*

were capable of the work thus betonica, arum dra-


cunculus, an orchis or satyrion, galium aparine, ery-

thrsea centaureum, achillea millefolium, lilium, atropa
mandragoras, ricinus communis, suggest to the eyes the
plant intended by the artist, and with the exception
of galium aparine, that also mentioned in the authors
text. But it often happened, that when a pattern to
be faithfully repeated was placed in the hands of the
limner, he regarded it with too artistic an eye and
considered how he could improve it. The fac-simile gives
us the drawing which in MS. V. stands for saxifraga gra-
nulata. This plant throws out, adhering to its roots,
many small bulbs of the form and colour of onions,
but not bigger than the heads of large pins remove ;

all colour from the picture, and you will see that the

outline represented these characteristics of the plant an ;

oval piece of turf suggested that the part under earths

surface was delineated, and then the roots and granules
were seen below it. The artist knowing nothing about
this, amended, as clever fellows are always doing, his

original heightened the colour of the under side of the


bit of surface, and seeing no leaves, rounded and made

green the granules, so as to do the duty of leaves. In
many other cases some such improvements were intro-
duced; thus the flowers of chamomile have had their
white rays and yellow discs coloured alike blue. In other
cases the botanical system current in the earlier cen-
turies of the Christian era was the cause of our discon-
tent ; for in those days, the plan of relying principally
f 2

upon the parts of fructification for the identification of

a plant had not come into vogue, and tlie illustrators
were content to give us some specimen, however de-
ficient in the distinctive marks. Hence probably, Os-
triago, 'Oo-Tp'jot, a tree native to the countries on the
Mediterranean, is explained by which is the
Water Elder, opposite leaves being found in both.
Erifia, an herb now unknown, is also translated LiS-
wort, and the drawing is like the former. When the
plant itself presented a very complex task to the
painter, he contented himself with indicating the
character, as in yarrow, rosemary, and carot. In many
cases the stems are made rigid and erect, instead of
pliant and trailing, as in cinqfoil and potentilla. In
many cases no one can at sight recognize the plant
intended, even buttercup, horsetail, marsh mallow, which
may once have been a tree mallow, the botanical hibis-
cus, could not be known by the drawing. Nor could
cress, strawberry, hop, celandine, clover, hemp, and so on.
Vienna MS. of At Vienna exists an illustrated manuscript of Dios-
Dioskorides. korides, from which, in Jacquins time, woodcuts were
made, and from these one set of more than four
hundred plates was sent to Sibthorp, and is now in
tlie library of the Botanic Garden, Oxford. This set,
by the courtesy of Dr. Daubeny, I have examined.
Another set of only one hundred and forty-two plates
was sent to Linnseus, and is now in possession of the
Linnsean Society by the kindness of Professor Bell, I

have had an opportunity of inspecting this copy.

Though less extended than that at Oxford, it is more
valuable, as far as it goes, by containing notes in ink
by Jacquin, and others in pencil by Sir J. E. Smith
Jacquin describes the colours, which are, of course,
wanting in prints, and Sir J. E. Smith endeavours to
determine the plants. The botanical world was for a
long while in gi^eat agitation about the names in
Dioskorides, and these di'awings were expected to be

of great assistance : controversies raged, and folios

were publislied, till at length the struggles of the
learned " terminated only by despair of success/' ^

It was by no means in hope that I should add to

botanical knowledge that I paid a visit to Oxford
specially to see these plates, but from a desire to
elicit, if from a comparison of the Saxon
I could,
drawings in the Herbarium, from art. cxxxiv. to the
end, with those from the Vienna manuscript, some
solution of the difficulties of the subject. If the
Saxon had altered a little here and a little
there, some light would be thrown on the matter.
The Vienna Greek copy might be even the original,
or if not so, very near to the original of the English.
But though in many cases the Vienna copy gives
faithful drawings of the plants, as in sedurti arhoTeuni,
which is spoiled in the English figure (art. cxlvii.),
yet there was no such similarity between the drawings
as to lead to any useful result. Dr. Daubeny o-"-
me a small book of his own publishing, running to
seventeen pages, in which he has assigned modern
scientific equivalents to the old Hellenic appellations
of Dioskorides. On the face of it this book treats
rather of the figures than of the written text; yet, of
course, the words of the author were alwaj^s kept in
view. The Professor, then, '' characterizes the drawings
" of the plants in the Vienna MS." often as *' fictitious,"
often as having **
slight resemblance," as " doubtful,"
" bad," " very rude," and all this in a
treatise wdiere the conclusions were drawn in a good
measure from the drawings. Anxious to learn more
about Brittanike, the Vienna MS. gave me a drawing,
showing the flowering stems of Lythrum salicaria,
with leaves which must belong to a monocotyledonous
plant. Little, therefore, v/as to be gained from the

Sir J. E. Smith, in lleeses Cyclopaedia, art. Dioskorides.

Vienna representations. The latest authorities are

not agreed upon many questions relating to that old
author. These drawings of the Vienna MS. were, it
is said, derived from another, which was sometimes

called the Neapolitan MS.^ Professor Jacquin, writing

on the copy of Amaracus thus made, utters the same
language as that employed above, and says, '' pictor
" arti su8e et genio nimium indulsit.'' He complains
also of inaccurate drawing of umbelliferous plants,
" umbellarum configuratio valde rudis in omnibus um-
" belliferis." ^

Drawings of
The Saxon drawings of the snakes are fanciful
Snakes. " there never were such snakes," I have been assured
by one of the best naturalists in England.

An illustrated
An copy of the Latin Apuleius,' which as
Latin cop)"', of the twelfth century, has sometimes been here men-
]MiS. T.
tioned as MS. T., has been collated for assistance in
determining plants. It has a few English glosses, and
some of its figures like MS. V. Under Ocimum^ are
added the following words " Herba Ocymum te rogo ;

per summam diuinitatem qui te iussit nasci ut cures
" ea omnia et succurras auxilio maximo quse de te fida
" remedia posco quae sunt infra scripta."
Another, I have marked MS. G. as a German MS., an illus-
MS. G.
trated Latin Apuleius, Harl. 4986 it has some German ;

glosses thus Hierobotane is glossed fauerne o^' tau-


bencpopf; Batrachium (art. ix.) is Wilde Eppich,

Apium silvaticum, wolf wurc, (for wurz). Many figures
are wholly false, as Marrubium,^ and some are mon-
strous, as Tithymalus.^ It has the Medicina de Qua-

' The same, I suppose, as the Ki- - To the same effect, Plin. xxv.
nuccini MS. Wenrich de Auctorum
Graicorum versionibus, p. 217, ^ Harl. 5294.
gives an account of an illustrated
Fol. 40 b.
MS. of Dioskorides sent by Roma-
^ Fol. 16 a.
nus II. to the Arab " king of Spain,"
about 960, A.D.

Fol. 37 a.
PREFACE. Ixxxiii

MS. A. is a neat ItalLan MS. of the Latin Apuloius, Anotlier,

the century,MSS. ^^- ^

executed in fifteenth Additional,
17063. It often corresponds with MS. V.
MS. Harl. 1585 is another illustrated copy of the Another.

Latin text. At fol. 20G, the work of Apvdcius, if Apu-

leius, is attributed to another name/ " Explicit liber
Platonis de herbis masculinis feliciter." The " Liber :

" medicina3 ex animalibus pecoribus bestiisque et

" avibus " is attributed as usual to Sextus Placitus.^
Part of Dioscorides follows, " Incipit liber Dioscoridis.

" In hoc enim libro continent ur herbse foeminese, etc."^

And by and bye, " Incipit epistola Apollinis de em-
" plastro podagrico satis admirabile cuidam missa
podagrico." * The MS. is of the early years of the
thirteenth century, largely illustrated and curious.
The foregoing are all vellum manuscripts. Trinity A MS. at
College, Cambridge, has a paper MS. of Apuleius,^ in
Latin, with coloured drawings of the fourteenth cen-
tury. This is followed by " Liber medicine diascoridis
" ex hebreorum scedis ^ numero Ixxi. per singula no-
" mina." Sferitis occurs.'' There is a picture of Galenus,
et eius and of Ypocras, et eius discipuli.
There are several amusing drawings of devils, in the
form nearly of bats, passing out of the possessed.
The illustrated Latin manuscripts here mentioned How applied,

were of interest, chiefly as bearing on the signification

of the Saxon drawings. From them most botanists
would turn away in scorn, declaring them unscientific
those only who take pleasure in investigating the
history as well as the modern plfkse of their favourite
science, will give them any attention. In the constant
difiiculties presented by these figures, I have ever gone

for advice to a gentleman well known for his acquire-

' There was, according to Wen- * Col. 357.

rich, a Plato Medicus. ^ O. 2, 48.
- Col. 209. fcif, MS.
3 Col. 303. ^ See Herbar., cxxxviii.

ments and thorough knowledge of this subject, Dr.

John Harley, of Kings College, London, and have
always received from him the most friendly and zealous
MS. B. Of the Saxon text, MS. B., a Bodleian manuscript,^
is a very handsomely written folio, twelve inches tall,

eight broad, in double columns, the letters clear and

sharply marked, with vacant spaces intended for draw-
ings of the and snakes, but never filled in.
The Herbarium and Medicina de Quadrupedibus run
from folio 68 to 130. Two folios have been cut out,
as noticed here in the various readings on pages 298,
366. Competent judges make MS. B. of the same age
nearly as MS. V. That they are from one origin is
clear by their community of error, as in the omission
of the heading Ai-temisia tagantes, and what occurs
at art. Ixxi. A few titles and numbers in B. are by
a later hand, which has sometimes scratched through
the earlier rubricated numbers this hand may be re- ;

ferred to the twelfth century. Both V. and B. leave

blanks for English names where the author was at
a loss.

MS. H. MS. H.^ was never intended for display,but for

use ; it has no drawings, nor was meant to have
any; it omits the phrases pi'epared for the insertion
of English names, is not so correctly copied, and may
be dated a little later than MSS. V. and B.
MS. 0. MS. O. is a mean manuscript written upon shreds
of vellum. The original work has been broken up
into alphabetical ord^jr. The language shows signs of
change examples of
; it may be found on page 102,
foot, page 132, foot. The collation of this MS. Avas
not carried through, it was not desirable. For the
history of our language it may some day bo required

Ilatton, 7G. I
- llarl. j85.

that the whole should be printed for comparison with

our earlier text. Since our text was printed this
MS. has recovered eight leaves, which had found their
way into the Cottonian collection, and into the fire
of 1731 ; it has been rebound, and of course folioed
The interpretation of the English names of plants Principles
, ,1 -,
Ti ,1
. T followed in
rests on the same basis generally as the render- determining
ing of any other obsolete words. But lest my duty what plants

should be misapprehended, it is necessary to call the

readers attention to the true state of the question.
Hitherto men have been content with what is found
in dictionaries, and the dictionaries do nothing but
(juote for authorities such a book as this Herbarium,
or some glossaries. The interpretation, therefore, is
sometimes probably false from the errors of such books,
and sometimes contradictor}^, as glossaries disagreed.
On discovering that the poisonous bryony, with its
clusters of berries, is confused with the " humble,"
with its hop catkins and wholesome juices, it was
impossible any longer blindly to follow the author
before us. To ascertain, therefore, the signification of
any obscure English word, it was by no means proper
to accept the Greek or Latin equivalent fixed on in the
Herbarium, or elsewhere, and to find out what plant
was intended by such a word. Thus, if the Herbarium
sets down LiSpypt as Ostriago, and Ostriago proves,
probably, to be "Oorpua, a tree not known here, while
at the same time LiSpyjit is Dwarf Elder, by much
concurrent testimony, the conclusion must be that our
author was probably wrong in his identification. In
glossaries, and, I doubt, to some extent here, the
authors aim was to convey as nearly as possible the
sense of the foreign word to Englisli ears; his trans-
lation was, therefore, often only an approximation.
Li&pyjit: for Ostriago, and for Erifia, may be excused
on this ground. For Fopulu^ alha, Abeie seems, at least,

not Latin, not " Albella,"

whether connected with the
Polish bialy, white, or no the Populus tremula was

the -^p]', the aspen, and in some glossaries is very

reasonably called the Cpicbeam, quickheam, as always
alive :the Populus nigra is commonly now called the
Italian poplar, and though admitted by our men of
science for indigenous is perhaps an importation. In
the face of those native names it seems extraordinary
to find the glossaries interpreting Populus by bypc,
birch, at the same time as Betulus, birch. Whatever
be the solution, I cannot accept from a glossator the
teaching that Populus is birch. Perhaps by an emen-
dation we may recover another native name. In Gl. R.,
p. 45, we have Saginus, hpit haQj'el. Only one kind of
Corylus is known in England I propose -^girus,

Kiysipoc, for the ^vhite hazel. Sometimes the glossator

did not at all know his plant under a foreign name,
which must be excused by all who are not mere novices.
Sometimes the inattention of editors misrepresents the
old writer. In Gl. R., p. 47, is written,

Cedrus, cebep beam.

Cedria, hiffsep, [that is hif fsep, the sap of it\

The editors never made this out; yet " Hiss^epe Cedria"
should not have found its way into any dictionary.
No interpretation of a significant name can be
satisfactory unless the meaning well befits the plant.
Smearwort, as mentioned above, must be a greasy
plant, such as is Butterwort. Quickbeam has no sense
whatever when applied to the Rowan tree, tliough
the name be well rooted in our language and it per- ;

haps belonged originally to the Aspen, as some glossaries

give it. Gl. R, p. 47, has

Cresis, epic tpeop, Tremulus,

which the have not printed. The Eglantine is

the Sweetbriar with its aculei, sharp points, straight or

not, but some people, and among them, Milton, have

made it the Withywind, Convolvulus.
Through the sweetbriar and the vine.
Or the twisted eglantine.^
When the Herbarium and the glossaries proved not
always trustworthy, was necessary not to rely on

them too confidently. The drawings are of no great

use. Tradition and the consent of Englishmen are
most valuable, but require to be accepted with vigi-
lance and to ascertain them it has been my task to

examine all accessible glossaries which are very ;

numerous. Those which I have found of most im-

portance are an unpublished gl. of two thousand en-
tries, older than an^r in the British Museum, and of

the tenth century one from Durham of the eleventh


century, unpublished, a copy of which was kindly

sent me by the Rev. Mr. Greenwell, Minor Canon,
and MS. Laud, 567. These two last, like the Brussels
gl., have drawn from the Herbarium, and where
they agree with it are not to be accounted as inde-
pendent confirmations. To the Rev. W. D. Macray
my best thanks are tendered for the loan of a valuable
MS. glossary on vellum, referred to as gl. M., and
for placing in my hands such of the treasures of the
Bodleian as his intimate acquaintance with it suggested
to his memory. It may be some indication of the
value of the gl. unpublished, referred to as gl. C, to
mention that it authoritatively clears up the mis-
translated passage, (MS. Tiberius B. ]. anno 1052,
near end,) of the Chronicle. Gobpme ]7a jej-iclobe
hjiaSe ]?8ejf \q he upcom -j ept; jepyjipte, which
means, Godwin then sickened soon after he came up
river, and again recovered, for this gl. has the entry,

MS. Harl. 585, fol. 89, has a tine," in a hand a century older
gloss to Kvvhs fioLTos, dog rose briar than Milton.
(till Dr. Daubeny), " wilde eglan-
Ixxxviii PREFACE.

fol. 19 c, " Conu<aliii'c, jeuaejipte."

have already ' As I
written on the parallelism between the vocabulary
and flexion in the old English with the Latin and
Greek, I may be allowed to add with satisfaction
that in this glossary verbs of the first person singular
present terminate in o.

Consulo fpijno.
Innicop onlilmjo.
Mejieo jpoeco.

From this glossary it may be concluded that the

Herbarium was not the first attempt to fix the sense
of the Latin names of trees and plants, since in this
work and in the later glossaries some errors of the
older one, such as " cucumis popsej,'' " apbutus ?espe/'
" edepa uudupmde," have been omitted.
Sources. The Herbarium consists of two parts, a translation
from the work intituled Herbarium Apuleii, with a
few extra paragraphs and a continuation, chiefly from

Dioskorides. Ackerman and Sprengel, who have written

on the history of medicine, and Sillig, who in his edition
of Plinius ^ has printed a short fragment of Apuleius,
are of opinion that Apuleius never Avrote the book.
Saumaise^ thought he did. Sprengel is angry at the
book as unphilosophical, but it is better, it is prac-
tical. Its translation into English shows its popularity,
and amid the scarcity of old English manuscripts, four
copies still exist of this work, and three glossaries
show themselves indebted to it. Nothing is less per-
manent than science. The English translation is now
published, doubtless as giving us better knowledge
what the AngulSeaxe or so called Anglo-Saxons

The present occurs, j-julce heo past ?;e])y)xpce answers to convalcs-
cens, Bcda, p. iiSO, line 7.
?;e]m]pan mihce, Life of iE)>elbry 5,
- riin. ed. Sillig., vol. v. p. xvii.
MS., a.s if fihc ini(/lif recover. The '
Prol. libri de byleiatr., p. 12.

thouQ*lit in and for a. record of the oldoi-

pai-fc of our language. That tlic portion of the Saxon
Herbarium, which is originally from Dioskoridcs, had
a Latin text for its original, seems certain. The name
Spreritis, Herbar. cxxxviii., is not in Dioskorides. But
in a Latin MS. of Trin. Coll., Cambridge,^ of late date,
containing extracts from Dioskorides, it is found with
the following description: " Habet folia minuta lanu-
" ginosa ex una radice ; multos ramos emittit per
" terram fusos, florem croceum, bofitalmo^ similem,
" odorem murteum (so) si digitis conteratur." These
are the very words of our Saxon text. Zamalentition
is also to be found in the Trin. MS. It is therefore to
be concluded that the translator did not draw direct
from the Botanist of Anazarba. It is, however, to his
credit that he drew from him at all. He was not
quite unphilosophical after all.

The Trinity MS., immediately after the last entry

from Apuleius, indicates something of its own origin
in these words " Incipit liber medicinse
: diafcoridis
ex hebreorum fcedif" If the Saxon additions to
Dioskorides and this manuscript came from a com-
mon source, we should be here taught that the Greek
had filtered through a Hebrew text. But it is quite
impossible that the names of the plants could retain
their original form after being expressed by Hebrew
No one knows anything about Sextus Placitus nor Sextus

why he should be called Platonicus or Papyriensis.

Perhaps he is a nominis umbra, a phantom name, a
mediaeval bit of fun. Idpartus king of Egypt, a co-
temporary of Augustus, must be a creature of imagi-
nation, a stalking horse for a bookmaker. The old
English piece of the eleventh century on the Marvels

O. 2, 48. I
- EuvcpOdKfJLy.

of the East, printed in Narratiuncuhe, has a parallel in

a Latin piece on the same subject by " King Premo."^
And if the small wit invented Idpartus, why not also
Sextus Placitus? The Latin of this Quadrupedal Me-
dicine, as printed, does not contain as much as our
text ;
^ and it may be found, besides its other editions,
among the leaves of the " Artis Medicse Principes.''
The Bodleian copy, MS. B., has bound up with it two
letters of Euax, king of the Arabs, to Tiberius Caesar,
on the virtues of stones. Whether Euax ever existed
shall be for men more at leisure to inquire.^
On the types ; The text has been printed in the form, as regards
value of forms.
the shape of the characters, which they take in the
original MSS. Besides the objection to printing in
the character of our own day, which arises in the
heart of every man who dislikes to dress up antiquity
in modern clothes, there is one which is not senti-
mental at all; by a change so levelling we lose all

the chronological characteristics of a manuscript arising

from the form of the letters. The age of an English
manuscript may be determined to half a century, for
the most part, by the shape of p, f, 5, g, p, r, s, f, f, f,
y, y. Print all these alike, and you, as far as in you
lies, shut out from your readers the information con-
tained in those forms. The letter f is a mark of an
early English manuscript, of one belonging probably
to the ninth or tenth century. It may be seen in
the fac-similes of the Lauderdale Orosius, of the Codex
Exoniensis, of the C.C.C. copy of the Chronicle. It
occurs frequently in the Leechbook, but not in the
copy of a lost chapter, which we shall restore to its
proper place ; not because the text, but because the

Graff Diutiska, vol. ii. p. 195. " quam aliqui melem vocant. Qui-
2 MS. Ilarl. 1585, attributes the " dam vero Taxonem," Col. 205.
part about the badger to a different And Placitus after this.
hand. " Incipit Epistola de bestiola ^ See Dr. Greenhills account.

copy made of it, is later than that of the rest of the

It appears by theon Alfreds jewel to
liave been known under the form ^p, where I re-
cognize an Hypsilon T it is, however, found in a

manuscript of Alfreds time, as yet unpublished, in

the common form j^. It does not occur at all in the
MS. of Csedmon, which written throughout with y

undotted.^ In saying this I do not include in the

Csedmon, if Csedmon
Pseudo-Caedmon is a strong
assertion), that piece on the Harrowing of Hell, which
is bound up in the same volume, but written in a

much closer hand, with about forty eight, instead of

thirty nine letters in a line this has y dotted. The ;

letter ^ does not occur in the Herbarium in any of

the MSS.
Experts in MSS. have finer and more delicate traits
by which they distinguish the age of copies ; they are
so minute that a traced fac-simile will scarcely re-
produce them. Except these, and the ornamental
letters,^ and the contractions, which are forbidden to

this set of publications, the present text puts before

the reader the MS. as written. When the shape of
letters affords so discriminating and so constantly
present a test of the age of manuscripts, it is a sub-
ject of great regret to me, that editors have so freely
applied the of modernism, wiping away all
such peculiarities. In some cases we can separate at
once, an interpolation from the original by watching
this feature. For example, in Csedmon, if Csedmon^
MS. p. 14, line 23 = p. 17, line 18, ed. 1882, the first
hand wrote peojiSan, but a corrector over that puts
y, and the dot shews him much later than the first

There is a dotted y in page 148

^ I ^ Sometimes a G, with a tail,

MS., line 14, in the word moyfej', occurs,

and one other, I think, somewhere. I

scribe. A more consicler<al)le matter occurs at MS.

p. 37, line 12 = p. 48, line 25, ed. 1832, where the
original hand wrote

]? hie lieajim j'ceape

and the characters of the interlined interpolation hif

discover their late origin, for the old scribe regularly
wrote J'
not f. The sense and metre are improved by
the omission. When I say that the originalMS. has
]', the cases are to be excepted in which a capital S
is The capital letters at the beginning of sen-
tences are most unfairly omitted in the printed edition,^
and sometimes where capitals are printed the MS. has
none. In Csedmon, if Caedmon, MS. p. 42, line 8 =
p. 54s line 21, ed. 1832, perhaps the reading of the
later hand bypjbefu is an improvement on the older
Towards a reliable interpretation, the first step is an
adequate grammar. A few remarks shall therefore be
offered on this subject.
Vocalisation. The vocalisation of the oldest English MSS. differs
from that which may be called the received standard,
from the printed homilies of -^Ifric, for instance, and
from the grammars which are all based on ^Ifrics
Latin grammar. It is whoUy a mistake to hold up
the received method for the pure West Saxon dialect
as may be seen by appealing to the authorities. We
have a manuscript which bears upon the face of it
satisfactory evidence of having been sent out of
Alfreds court by his own directions. It spells lajiio]>-

bom, j'cj^le, j'lo the article, leSnej'j'e ease, unt'delpieRiSlice

as well as untselpj^jiSlice, bion he, boenbum facientihus,

jielpe, pien sint, popjiejzaS, anjietaS, peopSen fiant,
cibbep^ chidedst, jiemenne, hpsem cuivis, "Syncen,

'P. 81, line 2, ed. 1832, 8pilee is spelt "with a capital in the MS., as
the sense requires.

vldeantur, fc^iM^j ^ Mocsogotliic spelling not uncom-

mon in English MSS. for frmje, fuse j'ua3, Ino, je-
lu'jen credant, 'Ssem, biejlan, Sj^ncet initant, j-comat5,

jeciejijieb, aepprej'S, lelbej'Se, liopnobc, picyieaS, lieifuan,

jrojibijieS tolevat, hiejibaj' pastores, jecniopon, C])i]'c5

Christus, and so on without end. The evidence, which

tliis not a convenient place for discussing, is sufii-

cient that in this vocalisation, whether of terminations

or other syllables, we have the dialect of King Alfreds
court. One editor of Orosius has furnished us, at the
expense of Mr. Tollemache, with f;ic-similes of three
pages of the Lauderdale MS. Of the antiquity and
superior value of this MS. there can be no doubt. We
there see le river, as well as ea, hsett ccdls, sejnelme
source, pijijieyt, jiet, jzopun, jzpom ypam, hiejux
and hiopa, hopj'c for hop]\ Just as was to be expected
from current notions, the editor who had access to
this good MS. did not use it it has, says he, " a ;

northerly aspect." Tliis expression were true, had it
been used of a manuscript of the eleventh century
but the Lauderdale MS. is older, and agrees in spelling
with others of nearly the same age. If the book called
Caedmon, be his, which I neither assert nor deny, tlie
copy we have is much later than his times; but it
exhibits proofs of having been transcribed from iin
earlier book in which the same method of vocalisimx
p>revailed. The penman altered, as was customary, tlie
spelling as he went but at page 55 of the MS., line

3,^ he came to a slip of the earlier pen, which he was

unable to understand it had been meant for


];onne ic jropS j'ciol.

meaning luhen I shall away. On page 18 MS., line

20,^ the penman forgot for a moment to alter the
ancient orthography, and he put jieman ]>^\ jpunbe]-;

1 r. 67, line 20, cd. Thorpe. |

- l\ 22, line 31, ed. Tliorpe.


the reading jyman is by correction. On the same

page, line 25/ the fii'st writing was 1"]'
y^y ^enja
j^tybe, and the printed text is that of the corrector.
On page 37, line 15,^ jiet is from the older copy.
On page 39, line 6f mob is the old spelling, and by
some accident it has been read as mob and an accent
has been given to it. Enough of this for the present.
Of the C.C.C.C. MS. of the Chronicle the age has been
thrown perhaps too far back; it contains, as appears,
some of these spellings ; cieppe, fipbe, lelbstan, hiepbon,'*
hiepa, jionjne, and the like; these are here given on
the presumption that the printed text is faithful. The
Codex Exoniensis is of the tenth century,^ and it re-

tains traces of the ancient method : as bpim jiej'ta

bpeahtm, noise of ocean gusts,^ V^^y^> biepeS.^
The thought dawns upon us, that when our early
manuscripts are put fairly before us, the Holland itself
may belong to this island.
Accents. I^ i^ only partly true that the accentual mark of
MSS. denotes a long vowel. Of this I shall mention
what I believe to be a decisive proof; but must first
say that Mr. Thorpe wholly deceived himself when he
supposed the accentuation of his edition of Ca^dmon,
if Csedmon, to be like his original. He says, " In the
" accentuation, which confirms in almost every case the
" theory of Professor Kask, I have followed the autho-
" rity of manuscripts, and except in a very few instances
" that of the manuscript of Csedmon itself." I add
my testimony to that of others, that the accentuation
has been much altered. In the original MS. at page 14,
line ll=page 17, line 8, ed. Thorpe, the word f is ac-
cented ; the words are written tlius :
f him com. It is

P. 23, line 9, ed. Thorpe. '
And this is Wanley's opinion,
2 P. 48, line 32, ed. Thorpe. p. 280 a.
3 P. 51, line 32, ed. Thorpe. " P. 384, 9, not guests.
* Seep. 190, ed. 1861. ' Fol. 93 b, line 1, from transcript.

evident that it was the emphatic sense and not any

long vowel which brought the accent down on that
word. The syllable un- with the privative sense is
frequently accented, as marking a change of meaning,
popbum Csedmon, if Csedmon, MS.)^ often
(except in
obtains the accent, but the vowel is certainly not an
omega. In the old MSS. the affix bom is accented, in-
dicating here a long vowel,^ as in the German equivalent
-thum, but our language has a tendency to throw
back accents, and pTjfbom must have before long become
Wisdom. Some have thought that two concurrent
syllables in English cannot take accents at once but ;

our utterance of Rich man, Poor man, as compared

with Chapman, Helmsman, is irreconcileable with
that theory. The page of Csedmon cited above,^ gives
us hit htm, onjan htm, ahoj:. My Itc, with concurrent
accents, in the original MS. These, observe, were not
all vowels long of themselves. The Leechbook accents
the inflexive syllable -urn, as hattim, o)?pum, jobiim,
pyptiim, pronouncing, it may be presumed, this vowel
long. This pronunciation must have disappeared before
the MSS. could confuse such forms as ]?am ilcan with
j^am ileum, mmum, mmon, which they very frequently
Saxons accented Latin words as a guide to the
reader thus in MS. H., fol. 94, mcantationibup,

jpanbmef tempefcatep, ommpotentip napfci these are :

not all long vowels, though they be all long syllables.

On fol. 96 b, hilapip is an erroneous pronunciation.
In some instances an accent appears over a con-
sonant, and though it may always be asserted that it
has been intended for the vowel, it will in the text
here be found as written.

The printed accents in this case j
- We find cyneboom, gl. C,
are Yolunteered by the editor. fol. 53 a.

P. 17 ed. Thorpe.

g 2

Indifference of Final syllables with short vowels are Avritten with

e, 1, o, or u.^ Hence a verb ending
-obon became, in
on dropping the N, -obe in its termination and ;

paej'tmaj', dropping the s, might become psej'tme.

Final vowels The general analogies of the oldest English with the
Latin and Greek would lead us to expect the neuters
plural to end in a short vowel as a so that pojiba ;

should represent verba and this is so. But the


English also loses the vowel, and the plural becomes

popb. This is the case with most of our neuters.
And not so only. Other terminations lose the vowels
we expect to find. The adverbs ending in -on, and
like -6sy, meaning from, are often found to, and did,
doubtless, originally, end in -one, as heonon, heonone,
The omission of a final short vowel affects - the
orthography of nominatives thus Kemble says, on:

serende, " In later times the final e was sometimes

omitted, but should not have been so." peopc, tuark,
2^ainJ (a masculine, and not to be confounded with
peo]ic, luovh, neuter,) is written in the nominative peojice

twice in the MS. of Csedmon.^ The forms jybene,

goddess, j^ynenu,'* leads us to suppose that the language
had a feminine -ne for names of the offices of women,
as Dime, old-germ. Diorna, famula, jpuella. The St.
Johns Oxon MS. gl. for monacha o'S'Se monialis has
mynecenu, which, and not mynecen, is the true form of
the nominative.^ So that piln was perhaps once pilne,
pilene, and J^ejnen, ];inen, has lost a vowel. See Pppaec
for fpp^ece. Cod. Exon., p. 421, line 3, ed.
A vowel is omitted in many instances to the
grammarians dismay. The accusative of yy]\^ is very

Sec the note Cod. Exon., p. GO, '
See also Lye.
ed., p. 31, line 3, ed. '
Genesis xxxviii, 28.
- Bite as Kenible wrote it, not ''

See A Volume of Vocabularies,

Bic, occurs in these volumes ; p. 71.
'Slice also ends in a vowel.

often in tlicse medical l)ook,s j'yjit not pyjVce, Tlio

editor, on ponne cai;an ]'pa Icoht, Crodni. ?
pnjV(Sa(S ];in

MS. p. 27, line 10, observes that it " grammatically

" should be J^nie eajan ppa leolite.'' 8e J>aj' populb
jepceop, ibid., p. 82, line 4, is no more grammatical
than pyjit for pyji^e ; so line 9, also; so p. 106, 13;
p. 107, 12, opep ]7ap piban jej-ceapt, ibid. Feollon
pepjenb ; id. p. 92, 26, fell the defenders. Fujlaj-
blobij pittaS, the fowls sit bloody, id. p. 98, line 20.
I would however alter "j bebobu pillaS mm pullian,
id. p. 106, line 10, by writing on account of tlie

rhythm mtne. Ymb lime j^aejon* pijenb unpojdite, id.

p. 151, line 13. p?e]i }>a ba);u psepon hat on hjie]?pc,

Cod. Exon., p. 478, line 15, ed.

In m_anuscripts, which are late Saxon, the nomina- Article,
tive masculine and feminine singular of the article are

J>e, J?eo thus in the Cambridge copy of part of the


homily De Auguriis,^ these forms are used constantly

and throughout. Editors of late manuscripts have often
brought back these changed words to their earlier
shape but that produces an anachronism.

The nominative of the AN declension could end in Declension in

AN, so that the ordinary final vowel seems formed by -an.

dropping the N. The oblique cases sometimes drop
the N if liif eapopan nu lieapb hep cumen
; his de- ;

scendant, a hardy one, is now come here, Beowulf,

747, where Kemble would put eapojia. Again, pi|?]7an
beaj^ep benb tolej-eS lipppuman after deaths bond ;

lifes author shall unbind {shall have unbound), Cod.

Ex., p. 64, line 24, ed., where the editor has removed
the K Again, in a riddle. Cod. Exon., p. 499, line 1,

o]7)?8et him )?one jleapfcol jmjpan bpopoji mm ajnabe,

till for himself my younger brother acquired the stool
of cleverness, where the note says read jmjpa. Again,

As the MS. De Auoruriis has well to say, it is in preparation for
been often mentioned, it may b? publication.

j-'opfioii ic jej^encan ne msej jeonb J?a]- pojiulb jroji

lipan mob pepan mm ne jefpeopce therefore I cannot ;

think throughout this world, for why my minds

mood turns not all dark, when, etc.. Cod. Ex., p. 289,
ult., where the editor reads mmne and makes j-epan
accusative. Smith, in his Beda, p. 538, 38, prints
jeleapan as a nominative in and he says brackets,
that such readings as are in brackets have been
amended on the authority of some MS.^ Again, ac
ne ma pilnobe 'Seappan jaj'te puman pauper spiritu. ;

Beda, p. 579, line 22=:p. 153, 35, Latin. The exam-

ples in Spelmans Psalter are very numerous. 8o
bjiibban (read ^pibban) bsel is a nominative, Leech book,
I. XV. In the Pseudo Csedmon, Harrowing of Hell,

MS. p. 228, line 2,^ )?u eapt hsele^a helm* ^^ heopen

beman* enjla opb ppuman. The last letter has been
erased, and Thorpe has turned beman into bema. The
two MSS. in Cfedm. ? MS. p. 191, ult., have, one j'umia
j mona, the other funne 'j monan the genitive plural :

is quite inappropriate, and on the hypothesis here sug-

gested, the readings agree well enough, as nominatives

N dropped. As the nominatives of the forms piteja, eop^e, eaje,
may be supposed to have once terminated in -an,
but to have lost the final N, so the oblique cases,
which customarily have N, occasionally lose it. Thus
Caedmon (if Csedmon), MS. p. 151, line 1, ponn psel-
ceapeja- pulpap j'unjon, the wan slainchoosers the wolves
sang their loathly evening lay, with the definite
termination and sense, papp hatan omihtan majan
unjemetpsepta, Leechbook, lib. II. contents xvi. In
Csedmon ? p. 237, line 25, ed., leoma for leoman. In
Cod. Exon., MS. p. 10 b, line 23, tip ppuma is a geni-

' *'
MSS.ti alicujus fide emeii- I
P. 306, line 4, ed. Thorpe.
" dari." Preface. I

tive singular. Name, Mattli. i. 21, in the published

Hatfcon text, is accusative.
The inflexions laid, down in grammars are, or ought
to be, the usual forms as observed in the language.
In less known
all languages, in Greek to wit, the
common grammars In the
are often much in error.
oldest written English, abusively called Anglo-Saxon,
these inflexions are less certain, since the writings
have had few students; and it cannot be expected
that we should take law from the grammars. Yet it
would not be reasonable to favour a reading merely
on the ground of its being exceptional we dare only :

go so far, as to accept more readily those less usual,

less sanctioned, forms, which fall in with the tendency

of the time, and that was to drop terminations, as is

seen in the English of the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, the " Semi Saxon " and the " Early English
of the artificial phraseology. The infinitive ]?anc pitan,
X^piv sldsvon, found in the Exeter book,
savoir gre, is

written without the N, )7anc pita.^ These two passages

have more force of testimony than two concurring
manuscripts and it follows, that in the tenth century,^

infinitives had begun to drop N. The Hatton Gospels^

read J7a gastlice Jjearfan,* |?a sibsume,^ J>anne ytemeste
fer]?yng,^ and so on ; and it is too much for any
moderate partisan to assume to limit closely in time
the commencement of such a falling off" of " the
" marching soldiers."
The s of thenominative and accusative plural in s dropped.

-ap is sometimes, at least in the MSS., wanting as ;

in Csedmon, if Csedmon, MS. p. 42, line 17, abame

1 P. 67, line 24, ed., p. 74, line 31. ^ As printed.

For the idiom compare p. 85, line 5, '
Matth. V. S
p. 90, line 15, p. 91, line 29. Id. V. 9.
- Putting the Lindisfarne glosses Id. V. 26.

j'calbej't pjBj'tme )>a mc prejion ))oj\bum mmum j:?eyte

pojibobene ; to Adam wJdch to you

thou (javest fruits,
tivo were by ony vjords firmly forbidden. Nearly so,
id., p. 119, line 11, MS. eopSan preptma; id., p. 74,
line 23, lieojzon pujla. PseudoCsedmon, Harrowing of
Hell, MS. p. 223, 7, pulbjie lisepbe 'J pitep clomma

peonbu o8pej'teb * to his glory he had cla^nips of

"punishment on his erieonies fastened. Leeclibook,
lib. I., cap. v., leje on pa peolojie, lay upon the lips.
Pylle ]?a faepfpone on cu meolce ; boil the sap chips (of
oak rind) in coivs milk, Leeclibook, lib. II., cap. Ixv.,
2. " Pliadas sibun steppi," gl. C, for seofon steoppas.
Cod. Ex., p. 476, line 9 ; 429, 30 ; Lorica, p. Ixxi. line.
7, line 15.
Feminine Some feminines made the genitives in s ;
genitives m s.
and from a desire in the writer to find

some mode of marking the genitive distinctly thus ;

ea, a river, makes eap emnihtep is of the equinox ;


in the treatise de Temporibus bicep occurs in the ;

Of concurrent The early manuscripts, representing sounds, more
than modern fashionable spelling does, often omitted
some one of many concurring consonants. Thus they
wrote pyptpuma, where derivation required pyjittjmma,
so fcjienSu^ for fcpenjSu, pilbeoji for pilb beoji, nerapt
for nemnpt.^
This suppression of consonants often, to a modern
eye, grammatical inflexions; hie habba^
me to heappan jecopene, C?edm. ? MS. p. 15, line 15,
they have chosen me to be chief; instead of jecojienne,
which is the true syntax. iJej^peoh Se peapme wi^ap ;

thyself up warm, Leeclibook, lib. I. cap. xlvii. 1, 2.

Fac-simile of page 14 of Lau- 2 No. 730.
derdale Ms. Also Chron., p. 190. ^ Cod. Exon., p. 65 a, line 2.

C.C.C.MS.,p. 19., Cott. Tiber. B.l, ^ Matth. i. 21, edd. IMarshall and
which MS. I hr^e examined. Cambridge Univ., 1858.

So as to be warm, the predicate by coctts explaiiiaLle

slvai, constantly occurring in the Hellenic and otluT
languages Wipe the table dry/' where an adverb is

quite out of place. 8e J^e ajan j^ceal on pam j'lS fate

hf-^e j-unbe who must have on the journey a mind

sounds Cod. Exon., p. 430, line 10, ed., for j'unbne. The
editor rightly supposes hyje to be masculine it makes ;

genitive hyjej^ (Paris Psalter, Ixviii. 6,) has the mas-


culine adjective holbne in Beowulf, 5^^ \ mmne in

Cc^dm.? MS. p. 19, line 21; and hatne, Paris Psalter,
Ixxviii. 88. The passages
same Paris Psalter, in the
Ixi. 8, n, may be explained in more ways than one.

This disguise of a masculine termination is very com-

mon in participles since the syllables -enbne contain

a combination, which no one but an elocution master

will fling from his lips with comfort. Hence explain
bpuj^enbe hyje, Cod. Exon., p. 165, 25, ed. Thus renne
laman on bebbe licjenbe, Matth. ix. 2, where the Lin-
disfarne MS. has liccenbe bejie, and the Hatton m
cuts off the final vowel thus again, he jej-eah aenne

man pittenbe, Matth. ix. 9. Beheolb .... byjinenbe

beam, the people beheld a burning beam, Csedm. ?

MS. p. 148, line 4. I shall not multiply citations, for

Kemble has already remarked, Beowulf, 92, Appendix,
" umborwesende is the ace. sing. Participles not . . .

unfrequently have this anomaly and omit the n." ^

Any combination of sound, however, which rendered

the n of the accusative on the teeth gave indistinct
occasion to a neglect of the unsounded letter by the
penman. Deojzol is masculine in the Gospels there- ;

fore unclaene beopol, Luke iv. 33, is for unclaenne. On

" mme jehypa'S anjzealbne jepoht, " Beowulf, 508,
Kemble says we must read mmne.^ So 5pene for

See the uncalled for alteration. Hatton Gospels, (as printed),
Cod. Ex., p. 442, line 30, ed. Matth. V. 43.
2 So, Hne nextan, \>me feond,

jpenne, the reading of MS. H. in Herbarium, art. cxi. /

ane, the reading of Herbarium, xxvi.^ A vacil-

MS. V.,
lation in the spelling of that form of the infinitive
wliicli follows to, as to monianne, to moniane, mooiendi,
is observed in a MS. of the ninth century. On the
same principle are constructed the usual forms eopejie
not eopejijie, upe not uppe, oSpe not oSeppe.
A reasonable explanation of a reading is always
better than an alteration.
Adjectives in The feminine nominative singular of adjectives ended,
the feminine.
in remote times, in a short vowel, in full analogy with
the Latin : this vowel found occasionally with all

forms, and is not confined to such words as ymsel.

]Z)ep tp psemne ppeolecu msej, Csedmon ? MS. p. 101,
lines 19, 20; here is a virgin, a ladylike may; htm
bpihtlicu msej on plite mob^um
msenejum Suhte,

id. p. 89, line 15 to them a ladylike may in beauty


to many pi^oud ones she seemed : lupu lanjpumu, id.

p. 91, line 4, long some love : open mec hpilum hpit

loccebu honb onlejeS, Cod. Exon., p. 489, line 7, ed.
Ic eom punbeplicu pilit, id. p. 399, line 17, ed. ;

p. 400, line 16 ; p. 406, line 15 ; p. 407, line 7. pdit

com septep peje ppsetlicu, id. p. 415, line 28, ed. ; an
)78epa nunnena \e y^^Y ^VY\^ F^5P^? Dial. Greg. MS.,
one of the nuns who was very fair ; naeniju fme)7nep,
ibid. In the Leechbook will be found jobe,^ ppecenlico,
hpite, J^yplicu, lytelu, seniju, o);epu, cneopehte. Nu-
merous examples occur in Rawlinsons Boethius, and
he had no theories nor pledged opinions to defend.'*
Definite form The definite form of the adjective is sometimes used,
of adjective.
in poetry at least, where the definite sense requires it,
without following either " the definite article, any

V. L. 15. XXXV., but possibly otherwise
commodo esse possit.
2V. L. 31.
See Boet., with the
p. 44, 17,
3 msese him sobe beon, lib. II. collation.

" other demonstrative pronoun, or possessive pronoun

" or genitive case." Thus, him ret hcoptan ytob
[CtJtepne opb ; at his heart stood fast the venomed
"point ; Death of Byrhtno^. So pulboppseptan pic ; the
glorious abode, Cpedm. (if CfBdm.) MS. p. 1, line 21 ;

ppejl tophtan pelb, the blazing seats, ib. p. 5, line 13,

MS. ;
beojihte jepcajzt:, the bright creation, ibid, p. 6,
line 13, MS.;- bgej sepej^ta:^ jej'eah, the first day saw,
id. line 14. It is not necessary to continue these
An adjective placed immediately in juxta position Adjectives

with a substantive or another adjective could dispense 7^^Jj|^^^lj ,^

with its case inflexion. Tlie examples are very

numerous, but most of them have been disposed of
by the hyphen system, making them half compounds;
in that treatment there is some truth, for a termina-
tion doing duty for two consecutive words, makes
them draw very close to each other, and we have
something of the same kind in such words as /jusXay-
^oxiot. We shall therefore have to rely on instances,
which do not admit of this explanation. Examine
therefore jzpam 'piy pijplejan, Death of Byrhtno^ j'oS ;

jeleajran, Csedm. MS., p. 106, 16;^ to ]?e an jel/pa^.

Cod. Exon., transcript, 120 b, line 16 Ic jejzpsejn
fol. ;

pep h8elej>um hpmjenbe an tophtne butan tunjan tila,

ibid., p. 113 a, line 1, where hpmjenbe is for hpmjenbne;

On ]7if ylcan jeape, Chron,, annis 1042, 1056. Mib

|?ip pepobe, Csedm. ? MS. p. 19, line 11. " Hopno J;ip
" 5epe," Gl. C, twice ; eal Sa eappe^u. Cod. Exon.,
p. 74, 5, ed. In some of these cases the emendator
may perhaps override the written record, as in p eo
boc be ^ly ylcum pej^, Homily on St. Mark, MS.,

^ P. 6, line 27, ed. Thorpe, where hand in p, 19, line 2, MS. had
fpegel is printed, alpalban.
2 P. Thorpe where
8, line 28, ed. ;

Sej-ceap: is Old MSS-

3 P. 140, line 10, ed. Thorpe, who
often write simple a. So the old has put his accents.

where another manuscript gives be );i}^um ylcum ; but

the examples of all sorts together may be counted by
But for myself, the representation of an adjective
standing immediately before its substantive, as being
more truly an approximation to a compound word,
than an epithet, is tolerable only in some examples,
as in j-msel J^eapmaj', small guts, paepneb C}^nne]', and
these cases are distinguishable in spoken language by
their having only one full accent on the group of
syllables. Other instances, as hpeap eejpu,^ raw eggs,
50b apenbe j'py^e mycel pen, God sent a heavy rain,
do not commend themselves on this principle to my
judgment. Even such phrases as c/ninj alpihua,^ are
better sense, if treated as eall for ealpa, than if con-
sidered as compounds.
I have before^ observed that the case ending -um,
becomes by loss of the final consonant -e. Eask ^ had
remarked this of adjectives, but the translator ^ struck
out his words. The change however is seen in sub-
stantives, and in short, it is a mere decay of termina-
Plural verbs In former treatises^ I have observed that by the
in -e.
loss of N, verbs plural in -on, come to end in -e.
By this simple explanation, harmonizing with other
changes in our early language, we fully understand
what has been called "a verb with a singular termi-
nation joined to a plural nominative,'''' ^'a singular
" for plural."
Substantives Adjectives become substantives, and are sometimes
out of adjec-
tives. masculine, sometime feminine, sometimes neuter.^

Leechbook, Lib. I. xxxix. 3. St. Marharete, p. 80, "No. 13;
Narratiunculffi, p. 73.
2 Cod. Exon.,p. 43, 11, ed.
^ Note to Cffidmon, p. 95. Oro-
3 St. Marharete, pp. 79, 80.
sius, ed. Thorpe, note to p. 4G8.
Grammar, p. 57, ed. 1817. " Neuter only, according to
^ Pajje 49. Thorpes Grammar, art. 12(1.

As vddTog, some tvater, is used partitively, so in I'artltivc

^^'"* '^^'*
Saxon English the genitive denotes some of. An
example occurs in Med. de Quad., viii. G. In that pas-
sage, observe also, ppetpe agrees either with apulbjie,
which is feminine,^ or with jnnbe, whereas it is the
apple that is sweet, and appel is masculine.
The Lecchbook takes a large licence of careless con- Apposition,

struction. In a list of the ingredients of a receipt it

commonly uses nominatives, though a verb requi ring-

accusatives had preceded. It often constructs as if we
should sa}^, Dato sogroto hanc
medicinam, ieiunus
either because it is equivalent to Bibat segrotus hanc
medicinam ieiunus, or from simple carelessness, or on
the principle remarked above, that a termination was
of supererogation.
Eelacnia'S for jelacna^, p. 322, line 7, and apanban
for ajzanbab, p. 374, line 19, are errors of the manu-
script, not of the types.
There are some other points to be noticed, but for
the present my tether allows not to speak of them.
I must gratefully acknowledge the privilege of access
to the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge,
and the especial kindness of two gentlemen, who gave
me the means of complying with the rules, at the
sacrifice of their own convenience.

* Cod. Dip!., No. 624. But in Icelandic Apaldr is given as masculine.


Page xlii. The office books of the Roman church sometimes acknow-
ledge the efficacy of these knots. Thus from a " Sacerdotale ad consue-
" tudinem Romanse ecclesiaj, etc." printed at Venice, 1567, J)e Signis
quibus cognoscitur quis esse maleficiatus (bewitched) ; one is thus stated*
" Quibusdam ligata est vena generationis."
Page xlvi. note 1. Fepht occurs in this sense in the gloss, Ariolormii
J>a "^ pomjrephccjienia'S salboji^alepa. gl. Cleop., fol. 8 c. Lye in carry-
ing to his dictionary ]'om):e]iht;, iniustus pavor, followed a false etymo-
logical idea. At fol. 100 d. the same words are thus given, "Sa ^ jjomjjiehc
jienia^. The page cited should be 162.
Page Iviii. note 4. "Read fceda. For jrpaete, see Cod. Exon. p. 84, 15;
p. 316, 14."
Page 14, line 15. nosu, overstroke not to be read.
Page 30, line 12. yeyo]\.
Page 60, line 9. afcypi^enne.
Page 66, line 23. sopgomon.
Page 78, line 24. pyll, pyle.
Page 80, line 4. bej-oben, the MS. is creased ; line 9. ace ; line 1 1.

Sonne ; line 16. j?8&t:.

Page 94, line 22. ge j-ap.

Page 96, ult. ne aetj-ieon, (so dotted).
Page 100, line 3. j.eopma'S.
Page 112, line 16. ticca.
Page 138, line 19. punbum.
Page 148, line 10. hyc.
Page 1 74, line 1 8. bsege or l>d&y.
Page 184, line 19. tpa line 23. jiojmajum. ;

Page 188, line 6. trip

Page 204, line 15. pypce.
Page 216, line 20. fcsenihcum.
Page 268, line 10. pypce. MS. V.
Page 272, line 6. seli'Sisa>.
Page 287, line 15. Strike out " ad mensuram."
Page 310, line 21. }?am.
Page 314, art. clxxx. The text requires emendation. Read funnan
co]m that is. Milium Solis.

Page 318, note 16. Strike out "twice."

Page 326, line 13. V. omits oy.
Page 330, line 9. eop'San.
Page 350, line 21. ^eleb.
Page 359, line 16. phlegms (as note).
Page 378, strike out the top line.
A fainting with figures thus explained.




7054. A


JSTOMEN hepbe^ betomca f ly bij'coppyji'c.

1. piS unhypum nihtjenjum^ 'j piS ejeylicum^ je-

]fyh]?um -j jfpepnum.
2. Ijyp mannep heapob tobpocen py.
3. piS eajena pape.
4. piS eapena pape.
5. piS eajena bymnyppe.^
6. piS typenbe eajan.
7. PiS ppySlicne blobpyne op nopum.
8. piS to^ ece.
9.Pi6 piban pape.
10. piS lenben^ bpsebena pape.
11. piS pambe pape.
12. pi8 mannep mnoS to psept py.

13. piS f men^ blob upp pealle^ J^uph hip mu5.

14. piS ^ man nelle beon bpuncen.^
15. pi5 ^^^ man piUe pppmj onjepittan.
16. piS f man py mnan abpocen.^^
17. PiS f ^^ man on mycelpe pabe o]>]>e on myclum
janjum peopfie jeteopeb.^^

' The title in V. is partly illegible, ^ mon, H., which makes the verb
the rubric not standing. The order active. ^

in -which the herbs come is not in **

pealle up, B.
H. as in V. " bpuc, V. ; bjiuncen, H. B.
hepba, H. H.
' t >e,
^ nihcsaensil, B. " cobp-, H. B.
' esrl- B. '2 |>8et H.
^ -uejje, B, '='
-pab, K. ; -pob, B.
' laeuben, II.

I. Name of wort betonica, that is, bishop wort. B. officinalis.

1. For monstrous nocturnal visitors and frightful

sights and dreams.
2. If a mans head be broken.

3. For sore of eyes.

4. For sore of ears.

5. For dimness of eyes.

6. For bleared eyes.

7. For strong blood-running from the nose.

8. For tooth ache.

9. For sore of side.

10. For sore of the broad of the loins.

11. For sore of belly.
12. In case a mans inwards be too costive.
13. In case blood gush up through a mans mouth.
14. In case a man have a mind not to be drunken.
15. In case a pustule^ is going to settle on a man.
16. In case a man be inwardly ruptured.
17. In case a man become tired with much riding
or walking.

Or carbuncle.

A 2

18. piS ^^ man yy imhal ol)]^e Inne platije.

19. Pi^ f mannep mece ea];elice jemylte.'"^
20. pi6 ^) man ne maeje hij' mete ^ehealban.
21. pi6 inno)?e]'^ yaj\e o]>\)e ^ip lie aj^unben^ yy.
22. pitS attop Jjijene.^
23. piS naebpan^ ylite.

24. 6pt: piS nsebjian plite.

25. prS poben' hunbep plite.

26. piS ]>^ mannep J^jiotii j^aji j^y o];);e hip ppypan
hpylc bsel.

27. PiS lenbena^ pajie 'j jip hip J;eoh acen.'*^

28. piS pone hatan peopop.^'
29. piS pot able.

]Depba ajimjlopa p yp pejbjiseb.'^ ii.

1. pi(S lieapob ece.

2. pi)j pambe pape.

8. pi}) mnopep pajie.
4. 6pt pi(5 J)on man on pambe poppeaxen^^ p5'.

5. pi J? pon pe mon ];iiph hip apjan^ blobe ut

0. PI'S ^^* man poppunbub^^ py.
7. PiS f man pylle mannep pambe p)pDenan.^
8. pr6 nsebpan plite.

9. Gpt piS nsebpan plite.

10. yi]) mpypmap.

f S'V, H. ^ laenbena, II. ; laeii-, B,
- omits. '" acan,
Se, 13. II.
^ inno|>e, V. ^'
fejoji, B.
al>unben, B. '- bjiabe, II. ; bjisebe, B.
' i'lSe, B. '^ jiexen, H. B.
-bbpan, B. '^tKB.; iisir,n.

pebe, H. B. '^ j;e]Hinbab, H. ;
j;epuubob, B
1^ Si>-, H. '
"^ bi'inan, H.


"J In case a man l)e out of liealtli or feel nausea.


19. That a mans meat may easily digest.

20. In case a man cannot retain his meat.
21. For sore of inwards, or if they be swollen.
22. For taking of poison.
23. For bite of snake.
24. Again, for bite of snake.
25. For bite of mad dog.
26. In case a mans throat be sore or any part of
his neck.
27. For sore of loins, and if a mans thighs ache.
28. For the hot fever.
29. For foot disease.

II. The herb upv6y\(;i(r(7ov, that is, waybread. Plantago


1. For head ache.

2. For sore of wamb or belly,

o. For sore of inwards.

4. xigain, in case a man be ill grown in wamb.
5. In case a man have a running of blood from
his anus.
6. In case a man is badly wounded.
7. In case one wishes to make a mans wamb dwindle.
8. For rend of adder.
9. Again, for rend of adder.
10. For inward worms.

* As distinguished from the cold fever or ague.


11. pij? f^ manne]' liclioma^ fy aheajibob.

12. piS f^ men yj paj' jreoppan baejey j:ej:op.

13. ])i]> por able *j piS j'lna yape.

14. pi5 J^am^ jzepope J;e ]>y ppibban baeje ejlej).

15. Pi5 f)am pejzope })e J>y septjian bseje to cymj?.^

IG. piS punba hatrunjse.^
17. PiS ]3^ mannep pet on yySe tybpien.
18. piS ^^ men peajijebpsebe peaxe^ on J^am noj'uni
o68e on f)am hleope.^^
19. Be aejhpylcum uncuj)um blaebpum )?e on mannep
nebbe pittaS.
20. piS muSep punbe.
21. Pi6 pebe liunbep flite.
22. piS selcep baejep mannejp tybbepnyyjpe innepeapbep.

JDepba qumquefolmm ^ ip pifleape. III.

1. piS mannep
Iy})u acen oJ)J)e on ^eplojen py.
2. piS pambe pape.
3. pi}> muj^ep ece 'j tunjan 'j J^potan.
4. pij? heapbep pape.
5. Pi}> f^^ men blob ut op nojfum ypne^^ to fpyj?e.

6. pij? ^^* mannep mibpip ace.^^

7. Pi}> nsobpan plite.

8. ]}!]) f man pojibsepneb py.

9. Ijyp }>u pylle cancep^^ ablenban.^''

hleope, B.
- -hama, B. " t Sir, H.
p sij: man, H. '- psdt: 51): meen, H.
i>y, H. omits.
* '^ yj^n*', I^-
cymet?, H. i^
>aer 513-, H.
-se, H. B. '^ acen, H.
' )>Eet Siy, H. "^ -cop, H.
^ j:;ij muen, II. 1^ ablsenban, II. B.
" ])exen, li.

Jl. In case a mans body be hardened.

12. In case a man hath a quartan fever.
13. For foot disease and for sore of sinews.
14. For tertian fever.
15. For the fever that cometh on the second day.
16. For heating of wounds.
17. In case a mans feet on a journey are tender.
18. In case a spreading wart wax upon a mans
nose or cheek.
19. Of all strange bladders which sit on a mans

20. For wound of mouth.

21. For rend of mad dog.
22. For chronic internal tenderness.

III. The herb quinquefolium, that is, fiveleaf. PotentUla

rep tans.

1. In case a mans limbs ache or have been beaten.

2. For sore of wamb.
3. For ache of mouth and of tongue and of throat.
4. For sore of head.
5. In case blood run too strong out of a mans nose.
6. In case a mans midriff acheth.
7. For bite of adder.
8. In case a man be badly burnt.
9. If thou wilt blind a cancer.^

' That is, prevent suppuration.


1. JDejiba uepmenaca f ly 3ycfijio'cii. IV.

2. Pi6 punba -j beabypfimjap 'j cypnlu.

S. 6j:t piS c5'pnlu.
4. piS pa J)e liabbaS setrj^tanbene yebpan ppa f

blob ne msej^ hip jecynblican- pyne habban -j bypa^

J^yjne jehealban ne rnajon.
5. piS lippe pap.
G. PiS }?a* untpumnyppe J>e j^tanap peaxej?^ on blseb-

7. PiS lieapob pap.

8. pi5 naebpan plite.
9. piS attopcoppan bite.
10. piS pebe hunbep plite.

11. piS nipe punbela.^

12. piS nsebpan^ plite.

1. JDepba py mphoniacam *^

ip lienne^ belle. V.

2.eapena pap.

3. piS cneopa jeppelP^ oJ));e pceancena^^ oS6e fpa

hpaep^" ]'pa on licliaman^^ jeppell py.
4. pij) topa pape.

5. pi6 J;8epa^* jepealba pap oj'f'e jeppell.

6. pijj^^ paet pijrep bpeoft pape^^ syn.^^
7. pij? fota ]fap.^
8. pij? lunjen able.

msese, B. " rcanc-, II. B.
-cynbe-, H, B. '- hj>a], B.
3 lieojia ^iSent", H. B, '
-hom-, H.
* \>a, B. omits.
" hapa, H. B.
^ jiexaS, H. B.
-bbii-, B.
p m, H.
^ punba, H,
rajS H.
-ca, H.V. almost faded.
ryn, B.
hsenne, H. B. '" )-a]ie, B.
-rrcl, B,, and so often, but not

IV. 1. The herb vermenaca, that is, ashthroat. ^^,^^^"f.


For wounds and carbuncles and glandular swellings.


3. Again, for kernels or glandular swellings.

4. For those that have obstructed veins so that

the blood cannot have its natural course, and for those
ivho may not retain their food.
5. For sore of liver.
6. For the infirmity in which stones grow in the
7. For head sore.
8. For bite of snake.
9. For bite of attorcop, dratvn as a flying moth.
10. For bite of mad dog.
11. For new wounds.
12. For bite of adder.

V. 1. The herb symphoniaca, that is, henbane. Hyoscyamus


For sore of ears.


8. For swelling of knees, or of shanks, or whereso-

ever on the body a swelling may be.

4. For sore of teeth.

5. For sore or swelling of the privities.

G. In case a womans breasts are sore.

7. For sore of feet.

8. For lung disease.

' Hyoscyamus albus is described in the text, but that is not our henbane.

1. JDejiba iiipepma f ip n^ebjie' pypt. vi.

2. pij? nsebpan ylite.

1. JDeji biS^ uenepia ^ yp beo pyjit. vii.

2. Pi]? paet beon ne set jzleon.

3. pij?^ jpset man jemijan ne mseje.

1. IDepba pejf leonip j5 ip leonpot. vill.

2. pij?^ ]?8et man sy cijf.*

JDepba pcelepata ^ ip clupSunj.^ ix.

2. pi6 punbela^ ^ beab pppmjay.

3. pi)?'^
rPy^^r 'J

1. JOepba batpacion ^ ly clufpypt. x.

2. pij) monoS^ peoce.^

3. pij? J?a ppeaptan bolh.

JDepba ajitemejfia 10
1. f'aet ip mujcpyjit. xi.

2. piS innoJ?ep pape.

3. Pi6 pota pap."

!Depba aptremipia tajantep f yp oJ>pep cynnep

mucjpypt:. Xll.

1. pi^ blsebpan^^ fape.

2. pi)? J>eona^^ pape.

H. B.
naebbeja, reocne, H., fol. 121 a.
H. writes hepba all along, and (From H.) V. omits all
I would here emend accordingly. wort by mistake, and makes the
' f
m; H. numbering faulty. H. writes
^ to
C1J-, H. ajitenepa here, but with m in the
clu"SunK, V. next wort.
" jmnba, H. " B.

T pi, H. -bbp-, B.
^ '2

inno'S. B. ''
heona, B.

VI. 1. The herb viperina, that is, adderwort. Polygonum


2. For bite of adder.

VII. 1. The herb veneria, that is, beewort. Acorus

2. Tliat bees may not fly off.

3. In case a man is unable to pass water from

the bladder.

VIII. 1. The herb pes leonis, that is, lions foot. Alchemilla

2. That a man may not be choice in diet.

IX. 1. The herb Scelerata, that is, cloffing. Banunculus

2. For wounds and dead ulcers.
3. For swellings and warts.

X. 1. The herb (Sarpaxiov, that is, clovewort. Ranunculus


2. For lunatics.
3. For the black scars.

XI. 1. The herb artemisia, that is, mugwort. Artemisia

2. For sore of inwards.
3. For sore of feet.

XII. The herb artemisia tagantes; that is, mugwort Artemisia

of another kind.

1. For sore of bladder.

2. For sore of thighs.

Perhaps better Scelerata ; botanical names are often historical identifi-

3. ]}\]> fina j'ajie "j jeppell.^

4. Ijy]: hpa mib j-Cc aMe (pype jeppenceb j'y

5. Zryj: hpa j'y mib yepepum'^ jebpeht:.

!Depba aptemipia leptepillop ^ yp ]7]ubban cynnep

mucjpypt. XIII.

2. pif) ];a3p majan pape.

3. pij? p8Dpa fina bipunje.

JOepba lapatium f yp bocce.* xiiii.

2. pi6 cyjmlu J?e on pealbe^ peaxej?.

JOepba bpacontea f yp bpacentpe. XV.

2. pij? ealpa njebpena^ plite.

3. pi]> banbpyce.

JOepba patyjiion ]5 yf pepnep^ leac. XVl.

2y pi6 eappoSlice punbela.

3. pij? eagena pape.

lOepba jentiana ]5 yp pelbpypt. XVI l.

2. pi6 ntebjian plite.

JOepba opbiculapip* ^ yp phte. XVIII.

2. piS ]5 mannep pex^ pealle.

3. pij) innoSep^^ ptypunja.

4. pij? iniltan fajie.

Serpelle H. ,
H. B.
= Serpwnceb, H. B. |
' H. B.
^yejju, B., a contraction as i
hjiaeyncf H. hpeynej*, B.
, ;

spoken. '^yeax, H. B.
* bocce, B. ; cf. xxxiv. I
'" mno^, B., making a compound

Sepealbe, TI. B. i

3. For sore and swelling of sinews.

4. If one be much troubled with foot disease.
5. If one be vexed with fevers.

xiir. 1 . The herb artemisia Asttto^uAAoj, that is, mug- Artemisia

wort of a third kind.
2. For sore of the stomach.
3. For quivering of sinews.

XIV. The herb XxttuDov, that is, dock. Itumex


2. For churnels which wax in the groin.


XV. 1. The herb ^paxovTeia, that is, dragons. Arum (JracuTi'


2. For rend of all snakes.

3. For bonebreach.

XVI. 1. The herb (ruTvpiov, that is, ravens leek. Orchis.

2. For difficult wounds.

3. For sore of eyes.

XVII. 1. The herb gentiana, that is, field wort. Erythrcea

pule ella.
2. For bite of adder.

XVIII. 1. The herb orbicularis, that is, slite. Cyclamen


2. In case a mans hair fall off.

3. For disturbances in the inwards.
4. For sore of milt or spleen.

Depba ppoj^eppmaca^ f y^ unpojitjiehhe. XVITTT.

2. pi J? f^ man blob fpipe.

3. pij> piban pape.

4. pij? bjiefca^ j'ape.

5. pi); eajena Tape.

6. pi)? eapena j^ape.

7. Pi)? utsihte.

JDepba apifcolochia* f jy j^mepo pypt. xx.

2. piS attpep fcpencSe.*
3. pij; ]?a ftJij^uptan ^ pepopap.
4. pij? n8epj)upla^ pape.

5. pij? ^"^hpa mib cyle jepseht p}\

6. pi)? nsebpan^ flite.
7. Ijyp cylb hpylc^ ahpseneb fy.

8. pij?
f psephbpebe^^ on nosum" pexe.

IDepba naptujitmm f yp cseppe. xxi.

1. pi))^^ feu mannes pex^^pealle.

2. pij? heapob sape f ys piS pcupp "j^* ^icj^an.

3. ])i]> licep papnyppe.^^

4. piJ) fpylap.
5. pi J) peaptan.

JDepba hiepibulbup ^^ f yp jpeate pyptr. xxii.

2. piJ? lijia Tape.

3. Eip nebcopn on pipmannep nebbe pexen.^^

pr^p-, V. B., a compendium 8 -bbp-, H. B.
scripturae. " hpylc cilb, H. B. better.
' f Sir, H. 1" H.
J)8et Sip i^ejih,
' bpeofca, H. B., as is usual.
nora, H. B.
-Se, B.
'' -p
m, H.
^ -bej-can, B. ; fcij^olTcaj', H.
jjycla, B.; |>yplu, H.
'^ peax, B.
t SiK, H- In the text of B. two ''
T pi, H.
drawings of cress are provided for, '*
-neffe, B.
and this makes the numbers of the '" Sejiibulbii, H.
paragraphs in the contents diflFer
" peaxen, B.
from those in B.'s text.

XIX. 1 . The herb proserpinaca, that is, untrodden to death. Polyyonum


2. In case a man spew blood.

3. For sore of side.
4. For sore of breasts.
5. For sore of eyes.
6. For sore of ears.
7. For diarrhoea.

XX. 1. The herb upia-Tohoxiocp that is, smearwort.^

2. For strength of poison.

3. For the stiffest fevers.
4. For sore of nostrils.
5. In case one be troubled with the cold.
6. For bite of adder.
7. If any child be in sorrow.
8. In case a warty eruption grow on the nose.

XXI. The herb nasturtium, that is, cress. N. officinale.

1. In case a mans hair fall off.

2. For head sore, that is, for scurf and itch.

3. For soreness of the body.

4. For swellings.
5. For warts.
XXII. 1. The herb Ispo/SoA/So?, that is, great wort.
2. For sore of joints.
3. If pimples wax on a womans face.

* The Latin was Aristolochia rotunda, but the English name is A.


JOejiba apollmaju]^. ip jlop p}^p'c. xxiii.

2. piS hanba ]\a]ie.

J)epba camemelon* ]> ip majej^e. xxilii.

1. piS eajena^ yape.

JOepba chamebjny f ly heopt: claeppe. XXV.

2. Iryj: hpa tobpyj'eb yy,
3. piS^ neebpan'^ flite.

4. pij? fotable.

JOepba chameselese f ly pulyey camb. xxvi.

1. PiJ) liyep yeocnyyye.
2. pij? attrjiey bpenc*
3. PiJ> pserep yeocnyfTe.

JOepba chamepitliyy p ly henep.^ XXVII.

1. Pi)j punbela.
2. pij? mnopey yape.

JOepba chamebayne f ly pseyney^ yot. xxviii.

1. piS mnoj) to afuypijenne.

JZ)epba ofrpiajo f ly liSpypt. xxviili.

2. pi]? ealle J^injc )je on men uo sape mnan^ acen-
nebe^ beoS.

JOepba bpirannice ]> ly hsepen hybele.^ xxx.

1. pif) muSey sape.
2. 6yt pi6 muj)ey sajie.

* eajene, V. " hjiepief , B. ; hjisevne)-, IF,

' r.yr, V. ' mnon, B.
" -bbp-, H. B. ^ acsennebe, II. B.
* bpynce, H, " hybela, V.; huybebe, B.; but
* nepce, B., but hsenep in the in the text itself hybele.
text ; hsenep, H.

XXIII. 1. The herb apollinaris, that is, glove wort. Convallaria

2. For sore of hands.

XXIV. The herb ^aix.uiiJ.yiKov, that is, inaythe. Antliemis

1. For sore of eyes.

XXV. The herb x^ijioii^pug^ that is, hart clover.^

2. If one be bruised badly.

3. For bite of snake.
4. For foot disease.

XXVI. The herb yaiLaikKma^ that is, wolfs comb. Dipsacus sil-
1. For liver sickness.
2. For drink of poison.
8. For water sickness, dropsy.

XXVII. The herb x^i/.ai'niTus, that is, liemp (?).

A/u(/(i chamcE-
1. For wounds.
2. For sore of inwards.

XXVIII. The herb ;i^a|aaiBa^vy3, that is, ravens foot.'

1. For the inwards, to stir them.

XXIX. 1. The herb ostriago, that is, lit he wort. Sambucus

2. For all things which are formed in a man as a

sore inwardly.

XXX. The herb Brittanica, that is, bridit-coloured hydele. Cochlear la

1. For sore of mouth.

2. Again, for sore of mouth.

The Ilellenic isGermander, i ^ The Hellenic is liuscus raccmo-
Teucrium C. ; the English is Me- sus ; the English Rammciilus fica-
ilicayo macidata, Avith officinalis. ria.
- The Saxon understood this as


3. pi)? toJ)a fajie.

4. ]}i]) yseytne iiinoS to afryjiijeDne.^

5. pi (5 yiban j'ajie.

JDejiba lactuca j'lluatica ]5 ly pubu lectjiic. XXXI.

2. "pip eajena bymnepj^e.^
3. Gft pi J) eajena^ bymny ffe.*

JDepba a^pimoma f ly japclipe. xxxii.

1. piS eajena pape.

2. pi6 mnoSe]" pape.
3. Pi}> cancop -j piS punbela.
4. pij? nsebpan^ ylite.

5. pi}> peaptan.
6. piS miltan pape.
7. Ijyp }>u hpilce^ pi^^jc on J^am liclioman ''


8. Pi}> yleje ipepnejf.

JJepba aptula pe^ia f ip pubu pope, xxxiii.

1. piS pceancena^ pape.

2. pi]? lippe sape.

JDepba lapatium
f ip pubu bocce. XXXIIII.

1. Iryp hp5dc fcijinep on liclioman^ becume.

J^epba centaupia maiop

f ip cupmelle peo mape. XXXV.

1. piS lipep able.

2. piS punba -j cancop.

-juaiine, IJ. ' In V, pille, with 1 erased and
^ j-ajie, V. II. h prefixed, produced hpile : hpilce,
' V.
Short vowels not B. H.
much thought of. ' -haman, B.
* -nefj'e, B. ^ pcau-, B.
-bbp-, H. B. " -haman, B.

3. For sore of teetli.

4. For costive bowels, to stir tliem.

5. For sore of side.

xxxr. 1. The herb lactuca silvatica, that is, wood lettuce. ^- scariola.

1. For dimness of eyes.

2. Again, for dimness of eyes.

XXXII. The herb agrimonia, that is, garclive. A. eupatorla.

1. For sore of eyes.

2. For sore of inwards.
3. For cancer and for wounds.
4. For bite of snake.
5. For warts.
6. For sore of milt.
7. If thou wilt carve away anything on the
8. For blow of iron.

XXXIII. The herb hastula regin, that is, woodruff. Asfodelus

1. For sore of shanks.
2. For sore of liver.

XXXIV. The herb AaTraOov, that is, wood dock. Rumex Ace-

1. If there come any stiffness on the body.

XXXV. The herb centaurea maior, that is, churmel the Chhra perfo-
'" ^'
1. For liver disease.
2. For wounds and cancer.

B 2

J^ejiba centaupia mmoji ]> ij' cujimelle ]'eo Lneyj^e.'

2. pr6 na?bjian^ ylite.
5. Pi(S eajena^ yajie.

4. 6pt pi5 port* ylcon.''

.5. pip yma rojunje.^
6. pip arcpej" onbyji^mje.
7. Pip^ p8e~ pypmay ymb napolan bejiijep.^

JOejiba pejij'onacia^ f ly bete, xxxvii.

1. pi 8 ealle punba 'j pip naebpan^^ flitap.

2. . 11 .
"j pip pefopa)'.
3. piS f^^ cancoji on punbe pexe.^^
4. pip innoSep sajie.
5. piS pebe hunbep plite.

6. pip nipe punba.^^

IDepba ppaja p ip ptpeabepje.'"* xxxvill.

2. piS miltan pape.

3. pip nyppyt.^5
3. pip mnopep pajie.

JOepba Inbipcup ^ ip meppe mealpe.^^ xxxix.

2. piS por able.

Pip selce jejabepunja pe on

3. pam liclioman^^ acen-
nebe^^ beop.

leef, v., a compendium scrip- " pf-, V. B., a compendious way
turac ; Isej-fe, H. 15. of writing, or shorthand.
2 -bbp-, H. B. " -bb]i-, II. B.
^ egena, II.
" i>Ki]-, H.
* J>am, H. '- ))eaxe, B,
^ ilcan, B.
il. omits.
tob-, II. " fcpeap, II.
-j'et, II.
'" n.
bepian, II.; bepi?;an, B. Oni' -hij)e, B.
leechcraft is here omitted in V. B. -ham-, B.
H. '" acaennebe, B.; acaenne, II., an
unfini.shed Avord.

xxxvi. Tlio lierl) centaurea minor, that is, cliurinel ^r'/'/"f^ ctvi-

tlie Jess.

2. For bite of* snake.

S. For sore of eyes.
4. Again, for the same.
0. For spasm of sinews.
G. For tasting of poison.
7. In case worms about the navel annoy.

xxxvii. Tiie herb personacia, that is, beet ; beta.

1. For all wounds, and for rendings by snakes.

2. And for fevers.
3. In case a cancer wax upon a wound.
4. For sore of inwards.
5. For tear by mad dog.
6. For new wounds.

XXXVIII. 1. The herb fraga[ria], tliat is, strawberry


2. For sore of milt.

3. For oppression on the chest, and sore of inwards.

XXXIX. 1. The herb hibiscus, that is, marsh mallow. Althea offici-
2. For foot disease.
3. For any gatherings which are produced on the

JDejiba ippipuf
f if sequiyeia. XL.

1. pij? utyiht.
2. pi J; f man blob fpyj^e^ psece.

JDepba malpa eppatica f ly bocleaj:. XLI.

2. piS blyebpan- sajie.

3. Pi6 sma fape.

4. pi6 siban ]'ape.
5. Pi6 nipe punba.

]^epba bujloppa ]5 ip hunbep tunje. XLii.

2. Jj}^}: hpylcum men py peep ppibban bgejep j-'cpop'*^

oS'Se J^gep peopj^an.

5. Pi5 nyppyt.*

!Depba bulbipcillatica p ip jlaebene. XLIII.

1. pi6 psetep peocn}^ppe.^

2. pij? liSa pape.
3. pij> J?a able J)e jpecap papamchiap nemneS.
4. pij? ]^
^ man ne mseje psetejipeocep mannep })upfu

IDepba cotilebon f jy umbilicup uenepip. XLIV.

2. piS ppylap.

Depba jalli cjiup f ip attoplaSe.^ XLV.

2. piS hunbep flite.

]Oepba ppappion ]5 ip hape hune. XLVI.

1. piS jepopu -j pi6 ]5 he hepelice hpaece.

2. piS majan pape.

f])y, B,, an unfinished word ;
-nefj'e, II.
j-pijje T hjisece, H., spits and. hoec Si}-, H.
2 -bbji-, H. B. '
K^c-, B.
reye]^, II. " Lye, in his Dictionary, prints
So B. ; nyjjjJCc, II.; omitted in Sacropla'c^e, which is not justified
V. by the MS. B.

XL. The herb tWou^i,c, that is, equi seta. Horsetail

1. For diarrhoea.'
2. In case a man hreak up blood much.

XLI. 1. The herb malva erratica, that is, hock leaf. Malva sil-
2. For sore of bladder.
3. For sore of sinews.
4. For sore of side.
5. For new wounds.

XLII. 1. The herb /SoJyAaxra-ov, that is, hounds tongue. Cynoghssum

2. If any man have a tertian or quartan fever.

5. For oppression on the chest.

XLIII. The herb /SoAjSo? (tkiXKyitikos,^ "that is, glsidden.'' Iris pseuda-
1. For water sickness.
2. For sore of joints.
3. For the disease which the Greeks name Trugoowx^ocs.^
4. In case a man be not able to cool a dropsical
mans thirst.

XLIV. 1. The herb xoruXrjScov, that is, umbilicus Veneris, v. cotyledon.

2. Against swellings.

XLV. 1, The herb galli crus, that is, attorlothe. Panicumcrus

2. For rend by hound.

XLVI. The herb Troixa-iov, that is, horehound. Marrubium

vulgar e.
1. For poses, and in case the patient hreak heavily.
2. For sore of maw.

' In this art., and in art. liii, 1 i

- Bulb of scilla maritima.
the text has a different phrase. 1
^ Whitlows.

3. ])i6 penjpypmap^ abiiran~ napolan.

4. ]}i]) li]?a pajie 'j pr6 jef'inb.^
5. pi(5 attpep J^i^ne."*

6. ]}i]> pceb^ 'j fetep.

7. PiS lunjen able.

S. pib ealle fuiSnepya psep lichoman.

lOejiba xipion p ip poxep pt. XLVII.

1. ])i\) iincuSe fppinjaf ])e on liclioman^ acennebe^

2. pij? heapob bpyce ^j iBtjuje ban.^

JOepba jalli "cpicup

f ip psetep pypt. XLViii.

1. Eyp fpylap ptBinnum bepien.^

2. ]h]>^^ fer mannep pex '^ pealle.

JOepba temolup* f ip pmjjiene. XMX.

2. piS cpiSan'^ sape.

JOepba leliotpophiip* f ip pijelhpeojifa, L.

2. pij> ealle attpu.

3, piS pleppan.

IDepba jpyap ]5 ip niasbejiu.^^ LI.

2. Pij? ban ece *j pij> ban bpyce.^*

3. Pi'b aelc sap );e pam liclioman '^ bepej;.

JDejiba poliojucup
f ip hymele.^^ Lll.

2. piS mnoSep pape ^j piS p pex^^ pexe.

pyn- IT. "
f m, H.
ymbutan, II.; onbuton, B. '
3eax, B.
r;i;\>ynb, B. '- chj^an, II., which produces
J>isene, H. nonsense.

j'creb, B. '
-bene II.

-ham-, B. " bjicce, J I.
acainnehe, B.; acainbe, II. " -liam-, B.
II. omits three Avords. '"humelc, B.
bejiian, B.
" }cax, B.

3. For tapeworms about tlio navel.

4. For sore of joints, and for i)ulling u[).

5. For taking of venom.

6. For scab and tetter.
7. For lung disease.
8. For all stiffnesses of the body.

XLVII. The herb f/^iov, that is, foxes foot. Sparyanium

1. For strange pustules which are produced on the
2. For head breach and poisonous legs.

XLVlii. The herb xuX^lrpix^c, that is, water wort. CalUtriche

1. If swellingsannoy maidens.
2. In case a mans hair fell off.

XLIX. ]. The herb /xwAu,^ that is, singreen. Sempervivum

2. For sore of matrix.

L. 1. The herb yi> iorpoTnov, that is, solwherf Achillea tomen-

tusa here.-
2. For all poisons.

3. For flux.

LI. 1. The herb grias, that is, madder. Rtibia tunc-

2. For bone ache and for bone breach.
3. For every sore, which vexeth the body.

Lii. 1. The herb ^oXurpi^o^,^ that is, humble.^ TrifoUum pro-

For sore of inwards, and
p 1 1
m ^
case hair fall


Now believed allium moly. " like swine bristles ; " but not so
- Compare art. cxxxvii. drawn, nor yet as a trefoil.
' JS'ow believed hair moss. De- * Hop trefoil.

scribed in the text as a liair moss,


JOejiba maloclim ajjiia p ly pubupojze.^ Lili.

2. pij? innoSey pleppan.

JDepba metopia^ f ip hpit popij. LIIII.

2. pij> J^unponja* pape.

3. piS plaepleafce.^

JDepba oenantep. LV.

1. piS ^^ man jemijan ne meej.^

2. Iryp hpa fpyf'e bpsece.^

IDepba napcipup' ]5 ip balj-pyjit. LVI.

1. pij? pa punba J>e on men beo5 acenneb.^

JDepba fplenion
^ ip bpune ^^ pypt. LVii.

1. piS miltan fape.

IDepba pohon. LVTII.

2. piS mono6 peoce.

JOepba uictopiola f ip cneopbolen. LVIIII.

1. pij? Sone bpopan -j J^sep majan pape.

Dejiba conpipma f ip jalluc. LX.

2. pij) pipa pleppan.

3. Iryp hpa mnan tobopfren ^^
4. pi6 majan pape.

' pubuhjioje, II. ' t> siy, n.

2 ucphce, H. ^ msese, II. B.
3 So V. B., plainly ; mcfcojiia, H. jifcce, V.
Read ixrjKwuia, or /irj/cwfa, or fnJKcov. " acaenneb, B.; acsennebe, H.
^ j'an^a, H, ' b|umt, H.
^ J*liicplyj*t:e, 13. ; -lefce, H. " bpocen, H.

Liil. The herb [xoiXoi^Yi uyplcc,^ that is, wooclrufi'. As/hdelus ru-
1. For diarrhoea.
2. For flux of inwards.

Liv. 1. The herb meconia, ii.r]y.viv, that is, white poppy, p. somniferum.

2. For sore of temples.

3. For sleeplessness.

LV. The herb oIvuvQy) ; now dropwort.

1. In case a man is not able to pass urine.

2. If one break strongly.

LVI. The herb vupKKra-oc,^ that is, halswort.*

]. For the wounds which come out in a man.

LVii. The herb splenium, asplenium, that is, brownwort.*^

1. For sore of milt.

LViiT. 1. The herb ttoAiov. Teucrium

2. For a lunatic.

Lix. The herb victoriola, that is, kneeholm. Rusciis acu-

1. For the palsy and sore of the maw.

LX. 1. The herb confirm a, comfrey, that is, galluc. Symphytum

2. For womens flux.
3. If one be inwardly bursten.
4. For sore of maw.

^ Wild mallow, malva silvestris. ' Presumed properly campanula

As art. xxxiii., and text here. irachelium.
3 Not certainly identified, perhaps ^ Usually scrofularia aquatica.
narcissus poeticiis. See text, translation, and gl.

J^ejiba afcejuon. LXI.

8. pi]) yyWe ^
j'eociiyf j'c.~

JDejiba lepojuj^ pej' j3 ij' hajuin Ijyne.'^ LXll.

J. picS mnoScf }:tiifi:n\^pj'e.

Dejiba bicramnuj\ LXiii.

2. pi6* feet; pip luiebbe on hyye muoSc^ beab bojien

3. pij? punha.
4. ])i]> n^ebjian ^ plire.

5. ]}i]) attoji pijene.

7. 6pr piS nipe puiiba.

JOepba polajo maiop p ly helioj'coppion. LXIIII.

J. 6]:r piS ni^bpan^ slite.

JOepba polajo lumop p ip iBliotpopion. LXV,

Pi'S penjpyjuiiap ^ abutan ^^ najrolan.

JOepba peonia. LXV[.

2. pip" monoS ^^
3. pi]> liype ^^ ban ece.

JDejiba pepifcepion*^^ ]> yp bcjibena. LXVII.

2. pi J) hunbep beopc.'^
3. PiS ealle atrpu.

lOejiba bpyonia
]5 ip hyniele.^'^ LXVIII.

1. piS milran sape.

jelle, H. j.yn-, H.
- '"
-neffe, B. -ron, B.
Head luse ; hij, II. " innoS, B., but right in text.
r> Sir, H. '-
-neffe, H.
mno'Se ; B. omits. " ype, V.
-boj), II. " pi, V. B,, by shorthand.
-bbji- H. '

Kcb-, H. B.
-tb]^-, II. B. huniele, B.

LXI. The herb ao-j/tiov.'

3. For the falling sickness.

LXII. The herb leporis pes, that is, liares Iiie. T/i/yium or-
1. For costiveness of inwards.

LXIII. 1. The herb S/xrajavo;. Dipiamnus

2. In case a woman have in her womb a dead

borne fcetus.
3. For wounds.
4. For bite of snake.
5. For taking poison.
7. Again, for new wounds.

LXIV. The herb solago maior, that is, riXio^xcmiog. rielioOopium

1. Again, for bite of snake.

LXV. The herb solago minor, that is, ijXior^oVjov. Croion Unc-
For tape worms about the navel.

Lxvi. The herb irui^yAu. ^T-''\-

2. For lunacy.
3. For hipbone ache.

V. officinalis.
LXVII. 1. The herb nsqiaTcq-.o^v, that is, verbena.

2. Against bark of hound.

3. Against all poisons.

LXViii. The herb ^gvc^viot,^ that is, liumble.

1. For sore of milt.

Unknown. |
- Bryonia dioica.

lOejiba nymjrete. LXIX.

J. pi(S utyilit.

2. 6j:t piS utjnh'c.

8. 6j:t piS mnojpey pajie.

]Depba cjiijfion
^ ly clsepjie. LXX.
1. pi J? jomena pajie.

JDejiba lysLtiy. Lxxi}

2. pi5 nsebbpan plite.

JOepba ycopbea. Lxxii.

1. Gpt piS naebpan^ flite.

2. piS pma pape.

3. PiS pepo .

lOepba uepbapcup f ip pelb^ pyp"^- LXXiii.

1. Be pam J^e mepcupiup J)ap pyji'ce uilixe pealbe
2. piS ealle ypele jencymap.*
3. PiS pot able.

JDepba hepaclea. LXXiiii.

PiS^ Jjset man pylle opeplanjne pej pepau 'j him na

pceaSan^ onbpseban.

lOepba cselibonia f ip cylef'inie.^ Lxxv.

1. pi); eajena^ bymnyppe^^ -j papnj'^ppe.^"

2. Bpt piS bymjenbum eajum.

3. pij> cypnlu.
4. pij) heapub^^ ece.

5. pij) J;8Rt^^ man jebsepneb yy.

V. omits here article lxxi.; ^ \>xt Si]-, H.
IT. differs: it has, xciii. ?>e]iba *'
fca'San, B.
ifacij'. pi5 naebbpan fhce. xciiii. ' yca\>2L onbjiaebe, H.
]>epba ifacij*. Cjz pi'S naebbpan ^ -J>enie, B. ; -inije, H.
j*hte. The text had been faulty in " eat;en, V.
all, -nej'j'e, B., twice.
2 _bb)i-, B. " -rob, II. B.
' '" II
r.ead iclr. h?ec f.\r,

Sean, 11.

LXIX. The lierb vuix,(puia. Niivifmt uJha}

1. For dysentery.
2. For dysentery.
3. For sore of inwards.

LXX. The herb ^lq(TioVy^ that is, clover. Trifolium

pj alense.
1. For sore of fauces.

Isatis tinctoria.
Lxxi. 1. The herb Wur^s, woad.
2. For bite of adder.

LXXII. The herb crycog^m. Teucrium

1 Again^ for bite of snake.
2. For sore of sinews.
3. For fever.

LXXiii. The herb verbascum, that is, feltwort. V. thapsus.

1. Of how Mercurius gave this wort to Vlixes.

2. Against all evil gaincomers.
3. For foot disease.

Lxxiv. The herb YjguKKela, heraclea.

In case a man wish to travel an overlong way and

dread no robber.

Lxxv. The herb p^eAiSov/a, that is, celandine. Chelidonium

1. For dimness and soreness of eyes.
2. Again, for dim eyes.
8. For churnels, glandular hard swellings.
4. For head ache.
5. In case a man is burnt.

' With, niifar lutea ?. ^ Carduus parvijlorns.


JOejiba j'olata \) ly yoloj^ece. LXXVI.

1. pip jej^el.
2. ^\\ eapena^ j^ajie.

3. pij> toS ece.

4. pi)? blob jiyne op iioyum.

JOejiba yenecio ]5 ij- jimnhe fjn li^c. Lxxvii.

2. pi6 punba J;eah hy ealbe j-yn.
3. PiJ? ipejmep pleje.
4. pij; pot: ahle.

5. pip) lenbena- pajie.

JOejiba pilix ^ ip peapn. LXXVIII.

J. PiJ) punba.
2. pi)>'^
yet jeonj man heal}'be ^

J^epba jpamen ]5 ip cpice. Lxxviiri.

Pi}> milran pape.

lOepba jlabiolum p ip jhiebene. Lxxx.

1. Pi); blpebpan pape *j [piS )5 he] "^
jemijjaii ne mfPi;e.
2. pi)> miltan pajie.

3. pi)) mnocSep pajie -j pyepa ^ bjieofca.

lOepba pop mapinum ]> ip bo'6en. LXXXI.

2. pi)) toS ece.

3, 4. pi)) ablijenbe -j pi5 jicSan.^

5. pi)) lipeji peocnyppe ^j peep mnoSep.
C. pi)> nipe punba.

JOepba paptinaca piluuatica ^ ip pelb mojui. Lxxxri.

2. pi); j/set pipmen eappoSlice cennan.^
3. Pij) pipa apeojununje.^

easena, V. I but V, does not alfect that form of
- Isenbena, H. B. I
H. )>ajm, H. B.
^ 5,3.

'-lebe,ir.B. '
caennan, B. ; crennen, li.
[ ] Omitted in V. B.; si]-, II.; ., _^ ,.

Lxxvr. The liorb solatn, that is, solsecle. Mm jiijold, (j!.,

hut )i(>( so,

1. For swelling.
2. For sore of ears.
3. For tooth ache.
4. For blood-running from the nose.

Lxxvii. 1. The herb senecio, that is, groundsel. S. vvlqaris.

2. For wounds, though they be old.

3. For blow of iron.

4. For foot disease, gout.
6. For sore of loins, lumbago.

Lxxviii. The herb filix, that, is fern, AspiiUum,

1 For wounds. etc.

2. In case a young man be ruptured.

Lxxix. The herb gramen, that is, quitch. Triticum

1. For sore of milt.

LXXX. The herb gladiolus, that is, gladden. Iris psciula-

1. For sore of bladder, and in case a man cannot mie.
2. For sore of milt.
3. For sore of inwards and of the breasts.

Lxxxi. 1. The herb ros marinus, that is, botheuc Ji. officwaJis,

2. For tooth ache.

3, 4. For the sickly, and for itch.

5. For liver sickness, and of the inw\ards.

0. For new wounds.

LXXXii. L The herb pastinaca silvatica, that is,


2. In case women with difficulty bring forth.

3. For womens cleansinQ:s.

Pastinaca saliva (with, it seems) Jauciis carota.


lOepba pepbicali)' ^
^ ly bollijiune. Lxxxiii.

2. pij; pot able 'j piS cancop.

JDejiba mejicupialif f ly cebelc. LXXXIIII.

1. piS ))9ey mnoSejf heajibnyj^ye.^

2. pij> eajena ynjxe "j jeppelle.

3. Iryp paeteji on eapan fpyj^e ^epijen^ ]"y.

jDepba jiabiola* f ly epop jzeapn. Lxxxv.

2. piS heajzob ece.

J^ejiba fpapajia ajpefciy f ly pubu cejiuille.'^ LXXXVI.

1. pij? blsebpan^ pajie oJ^J^e jefpelle.

2. pij) toS ece.

3. pi}> sebbpena pape.

4. pij? )783t'' ypel man })uph eepj^ancan^ oj^epne

IDepba pabma
f ip papinse.^ Lxxxvil.

1. pij? tojunja^^ ]?8epa '' pma *j pi]:> pota ^eppell.

2. pij> heapob ece.

3. pi]> beab pppmjap.

]Oepba camp caput

f ip liunbep lieapob. Lxxxvill.

Pif> eajena pape 'j jefpel.^^

JDepba ejiupti ]> ip bpemelj^ LXXXix.

1. pij; eapena pape.
2. pip pipep pleppan.
3. pij^ heopt ece.

forpe]i,V.B.,and tfor V. '^
-hacan, V.
P lir,
-nej-j-e, B.
" -ne, H.; j'auine, B.

-Seb, II.
-unse, II.

-lura, II.
' >a]ia, B.
ct')iplle, B. -rpelle, II.

-bh)i-, B. '^ bjK'bel, H.
|?aec Sir, II.

LXXXiil. 1. The herb perdicalis, that is, dolhrunc. Parietaria

2. For foot disease and for cancer.

Lxxxiv. The herb mercurialis, that is, cheadle. M.pcrennis.

1. For hardness of tlie inwards.

2. For sore and swelling of eyes.
3. If water is gone deep down into the ears.

LXXXV. The herb radiolus, that is, evcrfcrn. Poh/podium

2. For head ache.

Lxxxvi. The herb ua-wdgotyog agrestis, that is, wood chervil. A. ncutifoUus.

1. For sore or swelling of bladder.

2. For tooth ache.
8. For sore of kidneys.
4. In case an evil man through spite enchant

Lxxxvir. The herb sabina, that is, savine. lunipems


1. For spasms of the sinews, and for swelling of feet.

2. For head ache-
3. For carbuncles.

Lxxxviii. The herb canis caput, that is, hounds head.^ Antirrhinum
QlfQfl tlllTfl
1. For sore of eyes and swelling.

Lxxxix. The herb eruscus, that is, bramble. Buhus

1. For sore of ears.
2. For a womans flux.
3. For heart ache.

' Snapdragon.

c 2

4. pi)) nipe punba.

5. ])i]) li))a ]\a]K'.

C. Pi)^ na^bpan ^

JOepba millefolium ]> \y jeappc.- xc.

1. pi]; ipejuiep fleje ^ ^) acliillcp )>ap p5'P*^e piinbe.

2. ]}i]> to^ ece.

8. pi); punba.
4. pi); jeppell.
5. pi); ];
^ man eappoSlice "^
jemijan mre;5e.

6. Ijyp punb on men '"'

acolob ^ s5^

7. Iryp men ^
p heajzob bepfte^ o5Se uncuS ppyle
8. 6pt pi); pam ylcan.
9. Iryp hpylcum men a3b]ian ^ alieajibobe pyn o]>\^e

hip mete jemyltan nylle.

10. pi); );9Bpa }>eapma ece -j ) a?]' mnocSep.
11. pi^^*^ );{Bt: men pojoSa ejlije.

12. pi); lieapob ece.

13. pi); );am ncebbejicynne pe man fpalanjiup
14. Gy.t piS nsebpan^"* plitre.

1 5. pip yebe hunbep plite.

16. pip n?ebbpan plite.

JOejiba puta f ip pube.^'^ xci.

1. pi5 pfBt ^^ blob op nopum plope.

2. piS ropimbenneppe.
3. PiS pa3p majan pape.

-bbp-, B. " -bbp-, B.
\>a, B. '"
f> Sir, n.
\)KZ SI]-, 11.
" hate'b; B.
* eaj-, V. '- -bbp-, B,
* mrcn, II. '^ (From B. II.) The article Rue

aeo-, B. is ^vholly omitted in V.
ninen, II. ^'hsersir, ".

rob-, B.

L For new wouDtls.

5. For sore of joints.

G. For bite of udder.

XC. The herb niillefoHuni, that is, yarrow. '^^:,ff:

1. For blow of iron, and to tell that Achilles found

this wort.
2. For tooth ache.
3. For wounds.

4. For swelling.

0. In case a man with difficulty can mie.

G. If a wound on a man be chilled.

7. If a mans head burst, or a strange swelling

fix upon it.
8. Again, for the same.
9. If any mans veins be hardened, or his meat
will not digest.
10. For ache of the guts, and of the inwards.
11. In case spasmodic hiccup ail a man.
12. For head ache.
13. Against the poisonous creatures called (^aXayyia,
14. Again, for bite of adder.
15. For bite of mad hound.
] 6. For bite of adder.

xci. The herb ruta, that is rue. li ma grave

1. In case blood flow from the nose,
2. For a puffing up.
3. For sore of the maw.

4. pi6 eajena yape ^ jeypelle.

5. piS ofejijitulnepye.^
6. PicS eajena bymnej'j'e.
7. Pi^ lieajzob ece.

JOepba mentafc]iu)\~ xcii.

1. pi]:> eapena jpajie.

2. pij? lipeojzlan.

IDepba ebulup f ip peal pyp""^. xciii.

1, pij^^ pset fuinap on blsebpan^ pexen.

2, pip> nsebpan^ plite.

3, ]^i\> psetep peocnyppe.^

JDejiba pollejion f ip bpeopje^ bpople. XCIV.

2. piS ])sey innoJ?ep sape.

3. pi]? psep majan pape.
4. pi}> jicfiaii );pe]ia
5. 6pt pi(S J>8ep mnocSep pape.
6. pi]? p'am pejzojie pe J?y J^jnbban ba35e ejlej?.

7. Erip beab bopen cilb py on pifep mnoSe.

8. Irip hpa ^'^
on pcipe plrectan J^olije.
blsebpan ^^ pape ^ pranaf peejiou ^^
9. pi]? ]? pexen.

10. Iryp hpa ^^ onbutan ^^ hip heoptan o(3Se on hip

bpeoptan yap J^ohje.
11. Hyp hpilcum men hpamma bejue.^'^

12. pij> Ssep majan aSunbeimyppe -j }^yep mnoj^ep.

-toi-, n. "
?;erc-, It.
- p 1)' minte, H. adds. " bjc?;, H.
^ cbulu j? If ellenpyjic, 11. '- hj.a, B.
i^ m, H. '3 -bbp-^ B.
^ -bb]i-, B. " kii,B.
-hbji-, B. '^ hj'a, B.
^ -nej-j-e, B. '" -ton, B.
bj'cCJ'lc, H. '"
-juse, B*
" hajia, B.

4. For sore and swelling of eyes.

5. For unconsciousness.
G. For dimness of eyes.
7. For head ache.

xcii. The herb mentastruin [that is, horsemint]. Mentha

1. For sore of ears.
2. For leprosy.

xciii. The herb ebulus/ that is, wall wort. SamJmcus

L In case stones wax in the bladder.
2. For bite of snake.
o. For water sickness, dropsy.

XCIV. 1. The herb pulegium, that is, dwarf dwostle.^ Mentha

2. For sore of the inwards,
3. For sore of the maw.
4. For itching of the shapes, uMola.
5. Again, for sore of the inwards.
G. For the fever which aileth on the third day.
7. If a dead borne child be in a womans matrix.
8. If one on shipboard suffer sea sickness.
9. For sore of bladder, and in case stones wax
10. If one suffer sore about his heart, or in his
11. If spasm vex any man.
12. For swelling of the maw, and of the inwards.

* Authority, such as it is, reads ebuiumj hut the ebulus of the botanists
is agreeable to the analogies*
- Pennyroyal.
40 HKrvliAUlVM.

13. pi J; milran ytijie.

14. pij; lenden^ ece "j piS J>eona'~ yajie.

lOejiba nepitamoii ^ ly nepte.'^ xcv.

2. pi)? iicebpan ^ ylire.

JOejiba peiicebana y ly cammoc. xcvi.

3. Gyx: piS naebjian* ylire.

4. ])i]> jepitleapte ^ ptep mobe]\

J>^ejiba hiimula campana 'p yy ppepe^ pyj^^- xcvii.

L pij; blrobjuin'' yape.

2. pi]; toj^a pape -j pajunje/
3. PiJ? penjpypmaC^ yi^^^ ^^ jone napolan.

J^epba cynojloppa ]5 ip jubbe. xcvill.

2. pij) noebpan plite.

3. PiJ? ] am pepopc j;e

peop])aii b^eje ^'^
on man
4. pij; y ^^ man pell jehypan ne masje.

JOejiba paxipjiajiam p ip punbcojin.^'^ xcviiil.

^^ ^^
2. pip f ptanap on bla3bpan pexen.

JOepba hebepa ni^pa p ip eopSipij. c.

1. Gpt pitS ]3
j'tanap on bla3bpan pexen.
2. pij; lieapob ece.

laenben, IL; la;-, B. -bbji-, B. H.
- jjcoua, B. bffis, n., fol. 120, b.
^ nejce, H. " becynVS, B. II., fol. 120, b., but
' -bb]i- B. as V. in fol. 126, a.
^ -lyfcc, B. H.

j^n, v., compendiously, '5 Soil.; V. B. omit the rubric,

' -bb]i-, B. but insert in the text.
Kas-, II.
jiyii-, II. '^ -bbji-, II. B.
'" ymbucan, II. '^
j>, B. omits.

13. For sore of milt,

14. For ache of loins and buttock, and sore of thighs.

xcv. 1. The herb nepitamon, that is, nepcta.'

2. For bite of adder.

XCVI. 1, 2. The herb Trsuxt'oavoc, that is, cammock. P- officinale.

3. Again, for bite of snake.

4. For witlessness of the mind.

XCVII. The herb inuhi carapana,'-^ that is, spear wort.

1. For sore of bladder,

2. For sore and wagging of teeth.
3. For tapeworms about the navel

XCVIII. The herb jcuvoyAwcra-ov;'^ that is, rib; rihwort Pl^mtago

2. For bite of snake.
3. For the fever which cometh on a man the fourth
4. In case a man is not able to hear well.

XCIX. The herb saxifraga, that is, sundcorn. S. (jmnulata.

2. In case stones wax in the bladder.

c. The her!) hedera nigra,* that is, earth ivy. Gkchoma

1. Again, in case stones wax in the bladder.
2. For head ache.

' Cattaria, catsmint. \ '^

Read as apvoyXwacrov,
' Inula helenium. J
No^y H. helix.

0. Pi]; milran ]\a]ie.

4. yi]) ];a3]ui^ pyj^iiif^ J'lite ];e man fpalanjionep

5. 6j:t: pi]? };a]ia puiiba lacnunje.
G. Pi}> ]>^?et^ n3eyS}^|ilu jyale fcmcen.
7. PiJ? ];8et^ man ne mseje pel jehypan.
S. pij? ]5^ heapob ne ace pop punnan hsetan;'^

!Depba pejipiUuf f ip opjana.^ CI.

1 pij; heapbep ^ pape.

2. 6pt: pi(S heapob ece.

3. Ijyp lipa popbejmeb ^ s}^

JDepba abpinthiup* 'p ip j^epmob. cil.

2. pij? Isela 'j piS o];]ie pap.

3. pi^ jienjpypmas.^

IDepba salpia. cm.

1. PiJ; 5ic]?an J?a3jia jepceapa.^^
2. 6po piS jicpan J;a3p j'ctlep.

JDepba cohanbjia ]^ ip^^ ciiii.

1. piS penjpyjunap.^^
pip lijiijoblice cennaii ^^
2. Pi]? ]? inaejc.

JiDejiba pojiclaca. CV.

Pi J? )'pyl?licne pleppan pa3p psebep.

JDejiba cejiepolia ]3 ip ceppille.^^ CVI.

Pip pc^p ma^aii pape.

}>ajia, B. -bajjin-, B.
- l?sec Sir, H. '
)iyn, H.
^^ ]>
S'r, n. '" -j'capa, B.
ji he, II. " Blank also in B. II.
hjccan, B. '-
lyn, H.
0]sane, B. II. csennan, B.
** ''
hea>ob, II. " cejiuille, B.J cyjiuiUe, II.

eS. For sore of milt.

4. For bite of the creeping things tliat are called

5. Again, for healing of those wounds.

C. In case the nostrils smell ill.
7. In case a man is not able to hear well.
8. That the head may not ache for heat of the sun.

CI. The herb serpyllus, that is, marjoram. Orijauum

L For sore of head.
2. Again, for head ache.
3. If one be badly burnt.

Cll. The herb a\[//v^;ov, that is, wormwood. Artemisia abs.

2. For weals and other sores.

3. For tapeworms.

Ciil. The herb salvia.

1. For itching of the virilia.

2. For itching of the seat.

CIV. The herb nopiavvov. Coriandrum

1. For tape worms.
2. That a woman may bring forth easily.

CV. The herb portulaca. Sativa.

1. For a strong flux of the seed, gonorrhoea.

cvi. The herb cerefolium, that is, chervil. Anthriscus c.

1. For sore of the maw.

44 HERB Alii VM.

JDej\La j'lyimbjiiuy. CVll.

]}i]> blsebjian pajie -j

ne majje jemijan.

]-Dejiba olipatpa. CVIII.

6]:t pr6 blfebjian~ yape -j j^a^y micjan.

JOejiba lilium ]3 ij- hlie.^ cix.

2. pi]? na3b]ian ylite.

3. \>iy serpen.

JOejiba "cyrynialluy calaricey p yy lactcjuba. ex.

2. ]}i]) psepa mnopa yajic.'^

3. pij) peaptan.

4. pi]; lipeojrlaii.

1/Dejiba cajibuuy jnluaticuy p ly ])ubu J;ifrel. cxi.

2. pij? p8ey majan pape.

3. ]}i])
f ])\i nane yF^-^^*
jencymay ^
J^e ne oiibjiiube.

JOepba lupmmn montanum. cxil.

2. ])i])
f pypmas ymb J^one naplaii bepjeii.^
3. pi}>
f ^ cilbum f yylpt' bepije.

JDepba lact5^piba f ly ^i\) copn. ex ill.

Pi)? ]^9ey mnoSey heapbnyyye.^

JOejiba lacruca lepopma p ly lactuca. exiill.

2. piS yepopjenbe."

\>i^ j3 man, which the bentencc ^ Sean-, II. B.
fcquircs, are omitted iu V. B. II. " bt'jiijan, B.; bepien, H.
for the sake of brevity in the index. '
t' siy, H.
- -bh]i-, B. '^
-nerve, II.

hhse, II. '
-genbne, II.

>ajia, II. B.

CVTl. TliC lievb o-iG-uixftgcov. Menlhuhirsuia.

For sore of bladder, and in caf^c a onan cannot mie.

OVIII. The herb oliisatrum. Stiif/rnium

1. Aa^'iiii for sore of the bladder and of the mie.

cix. The herb lilinm, that is, lily.

For bite of snake.

For swelling.

ex. 1. The herb rj5u>aAAoc yaXaxr/rv]?, that is, lacterida.^

2. For sore of the inwards.
3. For warts.
4. For leprosy.

CXI. The herb carduus silvaticiis, that is, wood thistle. Cnicus
9 For sore of the maw.
That thou may dread no evil gaincomers.

cxii. The herb Inpinus montanns. L. luteus.

In case worms abont the navel anno}^
In case that same should vex children.

cxill. The herb lacterida, that is, gitli corn.~ Dafnc hmeola,

1. For hardness of the inwards.

CXTV. 1. The herb lactiica leporina, that is, hares Frenanthcf;


2. For the fevered.

* Spurge. - The berries.


Dejiba cucumejiij' jnlucatica f ly lipejilipette. cxv.

2. pi]; })re]ia^ yma yape *j potable.
3. Iryp cilb miybojien sy.

JOepba cannaue^ pilj:atica. CXVI.

2. pi J) J)a3pa^ bjieofua pajie.

0. pij; cile bpepnettey,

JDepba puta montana

f ip ]n\he. cxvii.
2. ])i]>catena bymnyppe.
3. 6pt; pi5 bpeoPca j'ape.
4. pij> lipeji pape.
5. J)i]> j5 man jemijan ne mseje.
6. pij? nsebjian^ plite.

JOejiba eptapilon f ip peoponleape.^ CXVITI.

2. PiJ> pot able.

IDepba ocimiip
p ip miftel. cxix.
1. pi]; lieapob ece.
2. 6ft piS eajena pape *j jeppelle.^
8. pij; sobpena pajie/

JOejiba apmm ]? ip mepce. cxx.

2. ])i]> eajena pape 'j jefpelle.

IDepba liebejia cpypocantep f ip ipij. cxxi.

2. pi J? peetep peocnyppe.

J^epba menta
f ip mmte. cxxii.

1, Pi]? tetep 'j piS pypyljenbe^ lie.

2. pi]; yp^^^ ^^^^ 'J P^]^


]>apa, B. -rpel, II.
canane, II. Omitted in 11. B.
J>a])a, B. pepel-, H.
-hhji-, II. B. B. omits this line.
feojan, B,

cxv. The herb cucumis silvaticus, that is, wlicrwliet.

2. For sore of the sinews, and foot disease.

3. If a child be an abortion.

cxvi. The herb cannabis silvatica. C scftiva?

2. For sore of the breasts. cannahlnum ?

3. For a burning, that is hlistering, by cold.

CXVII. The herb ruta montana, that is, rue.

2. For dimness of eyes.

3. Again for sore of breasts.
4. For liver sore.
5. In case a man be not able to mie.
G. For bite of snake.

CXVIII. The herb svrTacpvKXov, that is, seven leaf Tormentilla.

2. For foot disease.

CXix. The herb ajyuf/^ov, that is, mistel, basil. Clinopodium

vulgar e.
1. For head ache.
2. For sore and swelling of eyes.
o. For sore of kidneys.

CXX. The herb apium, that is, marche. Apium petrO'

selinon ?
2. For sore and swelling of eyes. A. graveolens ?

cxxi. The herb hedera ;y;pu(7oxa^7ro?, that is, ivy. H. helix.

2. For water sickness, dropsy.

cxxii. The herb mentha, that is, mint.

1. Against tetter, and a pimply body.

2. For evil cuts, and for wounds.

]^e]\ba anetum f ly h\\e. cxxiii.

1. pi]; 3ic]?an piS yap
j^jiepa jepceapa.^

2. Jjyp ];onne pipmen hptet: fpilcep^ bepije.'^

8, Pic5 bea}:ob ece.

JOejiba opijanum p ip ojijane. CXXHII.

1. ]h]} ]70iie bpopan ^-j lipep able -j nyppytte.'*

2. Pi]; jebpfeceo.'"'

lOepba pempe]\uiiuip^ f jy pinpulle. cxxv.

])i]} ealle jejabepimja J^nsp y pel an'' pgeran.

IDepba peniciilup p 5'^^ pmub cxxvi.

1. pip jebp^eceo^ ^ pi(5 n}'^]ip}^t.^'^
2. pip bbebpan^^ pape.

Depba epipion p ip lyp p}'!^"^. cxxvii.

2. pip lunjen able.

IDepba pmpitup albiip. cxxviil.

pip pipep pleppan.

]^epba petjiopelmum p ip peteppilie.^- CXXIX.

2. pip nrebpan^^ plite.

3. pip p?Dpa^* pma pajie.

JDepba bjiappica p ip mcbbcji pyjit.^'"' cxxx.

1. pip ealle jeppell.
2. pip piban pape.
8. pip pot: able.

j;efcapa, 11. -ce, H.
'" -pet,
- hpylhcef, II. 11.
^ B. omits the line. " -bhp-, II. B.
-pette, II. '- tpiannem, H.
-ce, II. '" -bhji-, B.
' ]'epumin]', V. B. "I'apa, 11.
-Ic)*, II., against the lanpjnago. 'So v.; t' ir caul, B. II.; cab-
^ V^nuenhir, V. ;
yf, V. omi(P. Ikkjc, rightly.

cxxiii. The herb av>](3ov, that is, dill. Ancihum

, .
1. For and for sore ot the privities.

2. If further any such thing trouble a woman.

3. For head ache.

cxxiv. The herb opsiyuvov, that is, marjoram. O.vulgarc.

1. For the wrist drop, and liver diseases, and

oppression of the chest.
2. For cough.
S. (cclorimi.
cxxv. The herb sempervivum, that is sinful!.^

For all cratherinofs of the evil humour.

CXXVI. The herb foeniculum, that is, fennel. Anefhumf.

1. For cough, and for oppression of the chest.

2. For sore of bladder.

cxxvii. 1. The herb l^/^/a,^ that is, lithewort.

2. For lung disease.

CXXVIII. The herb crujX(purov album. (?)

For flux of woman.

cxxix. The herb Trsrgoa-sXivov, that is, parsle}^ Aplumpetr.

2. For bite of snake.

3. For sore of the sinews,

cxxx. The herb brassica, that is, cole. B. napus.

1. For all swellings.

2. For sore of side.
3. For foot disease.

Houseleek. j
- Unknown.



JDepba baj-ilij'ca p ly na>bbe]i pypt:.^ ex XX I.

PiJ? eall^ njebbeji cyn.

lOepba manbpajopa. CXXXII.

2. pij? heapob ece.

3. ]}i]) )?8epa^ eapena pape.

4. piS pot able.

5. pij> jepitleafre.'*

6. Bpt pij? jnna pape.^

7. Ijyj: hpa lipylce hepje ypelnyppe^ on hip hope'

IDepba lychamip Pcephamce *

f yp^ laece pypt.^


Pi}) eal Nsebbep cyn.

JOepba action, cxxxiiii.

2. pij? f man blob -j poppm^^ ^emanj hpaece.

3. pij) ]?8epa^^ liSa pape.

lOepba abpotanup ^ ip pu)7epne puba.^^ cxxxv.

PyJ> nyppyt^'^
2. 'j ban ece -j piS paGt man eajipoj^lice

jemijan mseje.^*
3. Pi)7 piban pape.
4. pi); attpu -j piS naebpena^'^ flite.

5. 6pt piS naebpena plite.

6. pij> eajena pape.

H. omits this wort. ^^
pojimf, B.
2 ealle, B. ''
>apa, B.
^ ]>apa, B. ^-So II.; V. B. omit the English

-lyfce, H. name.
* cosunse, II. 13 -pec, II.
" -nej'j-e, II. ; hejisnejya, B. 1' II. omits the last clause pitS

' hpoje, H. ban, B.

yy, V. omits. '^ nsebbjian, II.; of a snake.
H. omits two worts.

CXXXT. The herb ^ao-ikla-xYj, that is, adderwort.

1. For all adder kind.

cxxxii. 1. The herb fj^otvdpuyopas ; mandrake. Aimpa m.

2. For head ache.

3. For sore of the ears.
4. For foot disease.
5. For loss of wits.
6. Again, for sore of sinews.
7. If one see some heavy mischief in his home.

CXXXIIL The herb Xuvv/j
^ o-Ts(Z5avjx>5, that is, leech-

For all adder kind.

cxxxiv. 1. The herb a^^^nov}

2. In case a man break up blood and matter mixt.

3. For sore of the joints.

CXXXV. 1. The herb a/3poVavov, that is, southern WOOd.^ Artenmia ahr.

For oppression of the chest and leg ache, and in


case a man mie with difficulty.

3. For sore of side.

4. For venoms and for bite of snakes.

5. Again, for bite of snakes.

6. For sore of eyes.

Now read as arctium lappa ; but 1
j^epraob, southern wormwood, as in
not so drawn. the Lib, Med., and MS. H. gives a
2 The true equivalent was j-uj^epne more modern phrase.

D 2

]Oejiba jnon ]3 ij- labep.^ cxxxvi.

2. ]h]> ]7aet yranaj' on blaebpan pexen.^
3. Ipi]} utpihr ^ mnoSep fryjiimjfc.'^

JDepba eliotpopup
f ip pijil hpeojipa.* cxxxvir.
2. pi]; ealpa na3bbe]\^ cynna plitap.
3. pi]?
p pypmap ymb ]?one napolan bepijen.^
4. pi]? peapL:an7

JOepba fpjiepitip.^ cxxxviil.

2. pi]? j^one colan pepop.
3. pi]? pasbe^ Imnbep plite.

4. pi]? milcan pape.

lOepba aizop mmoji. cxxxix.

2. pi]? Oman ^^ 'j eajena ]'a]ie -j ]:ot able.

3. pi]? heapob ece.

4. pi]? ]?8epa ^^
pyj^nia plite ]?e man fpalanjionep

5. pi]? utpilit "j pi]? inno]?ep }:leppan

^j pi]? pvjimap
]?e on ]?am mnoSe bepia]?.

6. Gpt pi8 jehpylce untjiumnypj'e ]?a3]ia ^^ cajena.^*

!Dejiba ellebopup albup f ip tunpm^; pypt. CXL.

1. Be ]?yppe pypte m^ejenum.^^

2. pi]? utpihtr.

3. Pi}? abla 'j piS ealle ypelu.

11. omits this wort. ='
pebe, B.
- peaxen, B. '" homan, V.
3 -unse, B. " 'Sapa, B.
V. omits two words. '- haca-S, B.
^ neebbpena, II. ]>a)ia, B.
-piSe, B. " In the index of B. a folio is

V. omits this leeclidoni. wanting.
" H. omits two worts. '*
n. omits two leechcrafts.

cxxxvi. 1. The licrl) a-lov, that is, laver. S. nnyustiju'

2. In case stones wax in tlie bladder.
8. For diarrhoea and disturbance of the inwards.

cxxxvii. ]. The herb >jA<oTpo7riov, that is, solwherf. Scorpiurus h.

2. For bites of all adder kinds.

3. In case that worms about the navel annoy.
4. For warts.

cxxxviiT. 1. The herb spreritis. arvcnsis ?

2. Against the cold fever, ague.

3. Against bite of wood hound, mad dog.
4. For sore of milt.

CXXXIX. 1. The herb asl^aooy [Xi>ipov. Sempervivum

2. For erysipelas, and sore of eyes, and fool disease.
3. For head ache.
4. For the bite of the insects which hight (puXuyyia.

5. For diarrhoea, and for flux of the bowels, and for

)rms which give trouble in the bowels.
6. For every ailment of the eyes.

cx].. The herb helleborus albus, that is, tunsing wort. Veratrum
1. Of the virtues of this wort.
2. For diarrhoea.
3. For diseases and for all evils.


JOejiba buoptalmon.^ CXLI.

1. ])i]> jelipylce jyele rppm^af.

2. pi]? aepypblan )?8ey hclioman.

JOejiba "cjiibuluy ^ ij" jop^''^- CXLII.

2. pi]? mycele ^ hsetan J?8ej" licliaman.^
3. pi]? ]7ae]" mu8ep "j ]?aejia joinena jzulnyj'ye *j poji-

4. pij? ]5 j^'cana]' on blsebpan pexeN.^
5. pi]? nsebpan*^ j'lite.

6. pij? attpep bpmc.

7. PiS flean.

JDepba coniza7 CXLiii.

1. pi]? naebjian plite -jaflijennypye ^ pitS jnadtcaj' "j

micjeap 'j piS plean 'j punba.

2, 3. Pi]? pipep cpi]?aii to jreopmienne 'j piS ]? pip
cennan ne maeje.
4. Pi]? ]?a colan pepopap.
5. pi}? heapob ece.

JOepba tpicnop manicop f ip poxep clope.^ CXLIIII.

1. pi]? oman.^
2. pi]? pypeljenbe lie.

3. Pi]? lieapobep
^^ pape "j ]?yep majan liaetan -j piS
4. pi]? eapena pape.^^

JDerba jlycypiba. CXLV.

1. pi]? ]?one bpijean pepop.
2. pi]? bpeopta pajie
*j ]?8ejie lipjie 'j ]?ae]ie bltebjian.

3. pi]? leahtpap ]?8ep mu]?ep.

IL omits this wort. " -bb]i-, n.
- mycelpe, H.; V.'s text has my ^ H. omits this wort.
^ ?;lo)a, H.
V. omits two last words. " homan, V.

II, omits this leechcraft. '" -]"b-, II., and omits seven words.

^ -bbjian ])exa'5, II. " II. omits fom' worts.


CXLI. The herb j5Q6(pQaX[j.ov, ox eye. Aiukcmis

^ -.^ n .1 I
1. ior all evil ulcers.
2. For damage of the body.

CXLII. 1. The herb rpll^oXog, tribulus, that is gorse. ^J!^-'^

2. For mickle heat of the body.

8. For foulness and rottenness of the mouth and
4. In case stones grow in the bladder.
5. For bite of adder.
6. For drink of venom.
7. Against fleas.

CXLIII. The herb xovu^a, conyza ?

1. For bite and driving off of snake, and against

gnats, and midges, and fleas, and wounds.
2, 3. Ad mulieris matricem purgandam et si mulier ;

parere nequit.
4. For the cold fevers, agues.
5. For head ache.

CXLIV. The herb arpuxvoc [/.ocvixo^j^ that is, fox glove. Di<jitalis pur-

1. i^or erysipelas.
2. For a pimply body.
3. For sore of head, and heat of the maw, and for
4. For sore of ears.

CXLV. The herb y\vx,6ppi^(x, liquorice.

1. For the dry fever.
2. For sore of the breasts, and of the liver, and of
the bladder.
3. For blotches of the mouth.

S. nux vomica.
50 IlEllCAllIVM.

JOejiba pputni)'. CXLVI.

1 pij? ];a3t: man jemijan ne mrejc.

2. pi]; lipep j^eocnyppe 'j nyppytte
'j pi]; ypyblicne
hpacan 'j ^
iNnoJ^ep "cojotennypj^e.
3. pij> ]3 ptanay on bl?ebpan pexen.
4. pi]? lipeoplan.

0. pi]? ypele jejabepiinje.

JOepba aizon. CXLVII. i

1. pi]? trobopfuen j poppotubnyppe

lie 'j piG cajena
pape "j hgetan j popbgepnebnyppe.

3. Pif> naebjian plite.

4. ])ip utpilit ^ pi6 pypmap on innoJ>e -j pij? ppyS-
licne cyle.

lOepba pampuchon ]5 ip ellen.^ CXLVIII.

1. pi]? psetep peocnyppe "j unmihtilicnyppe ]70ep mijSan
j mno]?a afcyjmnje.^
2. pi]? pppmjap 'j piS tobopfuen lie.

3. pi]? pcoppionep ptmej.^

4. pi]? mycele ^ liaetan -j jeppel ]?8epa eajena.

JOepba frecap.^ CXLVilii.

2. pi]? ]?^pa bpeopta pape.

J)5epba tliyappip. CL.

2. pi]?
5T^^^ ealle jejabepunga ]?yep inno]?ep 'j pi(S

pipa monoSlican.^

lOepba poliop ]? ip omnimopbia. CLI.

2. Pi}? nrobpan plite.

-}, V. omits. ^ -eljie, II., making the prepo-
- V. is here. burnt away. sition govern two cases at once.
II. omits seven words. " H. omits five worts.
(bene, II. ' no'Shcan, V.

CXLVT. Tlie herb a-TpouOtov. (>yps<>f,la

In case a man cannot mie.

2. For liver sickness, and oppression of the chest, and

strong hreaking, and effusion on the inwards.

3. In case stones grow in the bladder.
4. For leprosy.
5. For evil gatherings.

CXLVir. TllC herb ae/?a;ov ; orpine. Scdum Tde-

For bursten body, and rottenness, and sore of eyes,


and heat, and burn.

2. For head ache.^

3. For bite of snake.

4. For diarrhoea, and worms in the bowels, and ex-

treme cold.

CXLViii. The herb a-uix^uxoc, that is, elder. S. nigra.

1. For water sickness and non-retinence of the mie,

and stirring of the inwards.
2. For ulcers and bursten body.
3. For sting of scorpion.
4. For mickle heat and swelling of the eyes.

CXLIX. The herb (niy(^cic. Lavandula

2. For sore of the breasts.

CL. 1. The herb 5Aao-7r*. Thymus cam-

^^^^ ^^^'
2. For all evil gatherings of the inwards, and for
womens monthly courses.

CLi. The herb ttoAiov,^ that is, omnimorbia.

2. For bite of snake.

This article is omitted in the table of contents, but occurs in the text.
- Unkno^yn.

3. PiJ> psetep j'eocnyj'j^e.

4. pi)? miltan j-ape -j piS nsebpan to aplijenne *j

piS mpe punba.

JOepba hypepicon ]3 yp copion. CLII.

1. pi]; mijj'an -j monoSlican afcypmje.

2. pi]? pepop J?e ]?y peop]?an bae^e ejle]?.

3. pi]? ]?8epa pceancena jeppel ^j ece.

JDepba acanta leuca. CLiii.

2. pij?
f man blobe hpsGce 'j )?aep majan pape.

3. Pi]? ]7p mijSan afcypunje.

4. pi]? ]?aepa to6a pape "j ypele loela.
5. pij? hpamman -j nsebpan plite.

!Depba acanton f ip beopypt. CLiiii. 1

2. pi)? inno]?ep aptypunje j ]?aep ^
3. Pi]? lunjen able -j jehpylce ypelu.^

IDepba quimmon f ip cymen. CLV.

1. pi)? )?sep majan pape.

2. piJ? nyppyt^ -j naebpan plite.

3. pi)?'* mnoSa toSunbennyppe 'j haetan.^

4. pi);> blobpyne op naep]?yplon.^

Bepba camiUeon alba f ip pulpep tsepl.'^ CLVi.

2. pi)? ]? pypmap on )?am mnoSe ymb )?one naplan
3. pi)? pseuep peocnyppe ^j )?8ep micSan eappoSlic-

J^ser, H. adds. j
' ^ta, H., dropping n.
II. omits the latter clause.
-lu, H.
-]'cc, H., and omits the latter
caej'el, II.

on )?am naj-olan bejiisen, H.
l^ana, 11. adds.
" II. omits words.

3. For water sickness, dro2ysy.

4. For sore of milt, and to put snakes to flight, and
for new wounds.

CLii. The herb uTrepjxov, that is xopiov. II. coris.

1. For stirring of mie, and monthly courses.

2. For the fever which aileth on the fourth day.
3. For swelling and ache of the shanks.

CLIII. 1. The herb ukuvQu Aeuxvj. Carduus leuco-

2. Ill case a man break blood, and for sore of the
3. For stirring of the mie.
4. For sore of the teeth, and evil weals.
5. For cramp, and bite of snake.

CLiv. 1. The herb axavSjov, that is, beewort.^

2. For stirring of the inwards and of the mie.

3. For lung disease, and several evils.

CLV. The herb xuju,ivov, that is, cummin. c. cyminum.

1. For sore of the maw.

2. For oppression on the chest, and bite of snake.
3. For swelling up and heat of the inwards.
4. For blood-running from nostrils.

CLVI. The herb ;)(^ajw.ajXga;v Xsvxos,'^ that is, wolfs teazel. Dipsacm

2. In case worms in the bowels about the navel

3. For water sickness, and difficultv of urine.

Figured as Stellaria holostea. yet published in the original Hel-
But cixavQiov is Cnicus erioforus, lenic.

as proved by Oribasius, 407. d. in - Carlina acaulis.

" Medieaj Artis Principes ;" never

JOejiba ]'coliiiibo]'J CLVII.

[8e iinbjiabe J^iftcl he liauat: Jnylcce hauob.]
1. pi]> jzulne fuenc J^aepa oxim "j callej^ );tey liclio-

2. pij^ pill fumcenbne mijSan.

JDepba ijiip yl^jpica. CLVlii.

2. pi]? micelne hpacan ^j mnoSa afcypunje.

o. ])i]) iisebjian ylite.

4. pi]; pipa monoSlican uo apyjujennc.

5. pi]; cypnla -j ealle JT^^^ ^ cumlu.
6. pi]; heapbey pape.

]Z)epba ellebojiup albus. CLVliii.

]7i]; lipep yeocnypye -j ealle attrpu.

JOepba belpmion. CLX.

pi]; J7am pepojie ];e ]>y peop];an bseje on man be-

JDepba aciop. CLXi.

2. pi]; naebpena ylitap -j lenbena* yape.

JOepba centimopbia. CLXii.

Pi]; ]; hojip on hpycje on ];am bo^um apj^pb py 'j

hyt; open s^^

JOejiba pcojibiop. CLXlii.

2, 3. pi]; yody mij'^an aPuj^jiunje "j pi'5 najbjiena

plirap 'j ealle atrpu -j ma^an pape.
4. pi]; ];a jeji^'nnmcje ]7a^p pojimpep ym J^a bpeofc.
5. pi]; pot; able.

G. pi]; nipe punba.

II, omits eight worts. '
v] c'lo, by hand of xii. century,
- In a later xii. century hand. '
lenbenena, V.

CLVII. The licrb (TKoKuii.oc. Cnicns

[The imbroad thistle : it liath a thistly head.]
1. For foul stench of the armpits, and of all the
2. For foul stinking mie.

CLViii. 1. The herb iris illyrica.

2. For mucli breaking and disturbance of bowels.

3. For bite of snake.
4. For womens monthly courses, to stir them.
5. For churnels and all evil lumps.
G. For sore of head.

CLIX. The herb helleborus albus. Veratrum

For liver sickness and all poisons.

CLX. The herb hx<^ivio-j ; larkspur, D. consoiuia.

For the fever which cometh on a man the fourth


CLXI. The herb e%<ov. -E. ruhrum.

2. For bites of snakes, and sore of loins.

CLXii. The herb centimorbia. Lysimackia

If a horse be hurt on its back or shoulders, and the

luoitnd be open.

CLXTII. 1. The herb arxopdlOV. Teurrium

2. For stirring of the urine, and 3. for bites of

snakes, and for all poisons, and for sore of the maw.
4. For the running of matter about the breast.
5. For foot disease.

6. For new wounds.


IDejibaami f ly milumm. CLXIIII.

1. PiJ? ysey mnoSej' aptypunje 'j eapjzoSlicnj^j'j-e ])?ef (
mijSan 'j pilbeopa riita)\
1. Pi]7 pommay ])sey lichoman.
2. pi]7 aeblsecnyppe -j ?eliipnyppe ])?ey lichoman.

JOepba uiola
f yp ban pypt. CLXV.
2. pi J? ]79ep cpiSan pape "j piS ]?one hsetan.^
3. pij? mipenlice^ lealitrpap ]?8ep brecj^eapmef.
4. pi]? cancop ]??epa ^ toSa.*
5. pi)7 )7a monoSlican to aPcypijenne.
6. Pi); miltan Tape.

]Oepba uiola puppupea.^ CLXVi.

1. piS nipe punbela 'j eac piS ealbe.
2. piS ]?gep majan heapbnj^pe/'

JDepba zama lentition. CLXVir.

2. pij? ealle punbela.

3. pij? punba cancop.

JDepba ancupa. CLXVIII.

2. pij? popbaepnebnyppe^

JDepba ppilliop. CLXViiii.

2. pij? cypnlu 'j ealle ypela^ jejabepunja.
3. pi]? heapobep '^

IDepba cynopbatup. CLXX.

2. pi]? milran pape.

H. omits the latter clause. I
" -nejje, B.
- mij'enb-, B. i
-neffe, B.
^ hajia, B. j
^ ijrele, B.
^ on J'ani co)>an, II, I
" -yb-, B.
^ H. omits six worts. i

CLXIV. The herb afx^yA, that is, milvium. Ainvii copti-

1. For stirring of the bowels, and difficulty of urine,
and rents by wild beasts.
1. For blemishes of the body.

2. For paleness and discoloration of the body.

CLXV. The herb viola, that is, bonewort, pansy. V. Ivtea.

2. For sore and heat of the matrix.

8. For various disorders of the anus.
4. For canker of the teeth.
5. For the catamenia, to move them.
6. For sore of milt.

CLXVI. The herb viola purpurea. V. odornta.

1. For new wounds, and eke for old.

2. For hardness of the maw.

CLXVii. ]. The herb zamalentition.

2. For all wounds.
o. For cancer of wounds.

CLXVIII. The herb otyxoua-a. Anchusa tinc-

2. For a bad burn.

CLXix. The herb ^Cxkiov. Plantago psi/l-

2. For churnels, and all evil gatherings.
3. For sore of head.

CLXX. The herb Kwog (Suroc. JRosa canina.

2. For sore of milt.


IDejiba ajlaojionp CLXXI.

2. pi); J7one jrepop }?e
j^jiibban ba^je -j peojij^an

on man becymeS.^
3. Eij: lipa hjieolmyj^ye ~ on jiepytue J^olije.
4. pi); lipamman "j pi]; bijzunje.

j^ejiba cappajiif ]; ij' pubu benb.^ CLXXTI.

1, Pi); mi Iran pajie.

Dejiba ejiynjiu]'.^ CLXXIII.

2. pi); y^y mijcSan aPc^^punje ^ ])icS ]>a irionoSbcan *j

]>iB\' inno];ep aprypiinje.

5. PiS mssnijpealbe lealitjiap );ep inno);ej\'''

4. pi); ];?ejui^ bjieopta jeppell.

5. pi); ]'co]ipioaep Tuynj -j ealjui na^bbejicynna plrcnp
j pi(5 pebe Imiibep flite.

G. pi); Oman *j picS yoc able.

Dejiba philantpopop. CLXXiiii,

2. pi); n?ebpena^ plitap 'j pi'S ]?nopa*' pypma ]>e man

j'palanjionep hare];.
3. Ipip eajiena pape.

]Oe]iba achillea. CLXXV.

2. pi); nipe punba.
3. Irip pip op Sam jecynbelican '-^
limon );one jileppin
);a)p pferan Solije.

4. pi6 nrpihr.

IDejiba jucmuy. CLXXVI.

])\]> hajol -j piS lijieohnyppe to apenbenne.'^

becymtl, B. " J?a]aa, B.
-nerre, B. ' -bb]\-, B.
3 beb, H. B.
^ II. omits five ^volts.
" -hcon, B.
^ inn()l>i')' has the terminalion in
'" -])aenb-,
short, V.

CLXXI. The herb ayXuofc^rls.

' ' ^r'"^-

2. For the fever which cometh on a man the third

day, and the fourth.
3. If one suffer rough weather in rowing.
4. For cramps and quivering.

CLXXIL The herb ^ocirTrapK,' that is, wood bind.

For sore of milt.

CLXXIII. The herb y)p6yyiov.
'I ' ' campesire and
2. For stirring of the mie, and for the catamenia,
and stirrino* of the bowels.
o. For manifold disorders of the inwards.
4. For swelling of the breasts.

5. For sting of scorpion, and bites of all sorts of

snakes, and for bite of mad dog.
6. For erysipelas, and for foot disease.

CLXXIV. The herb (piXuv^pcoTroc. GaVmm

ap (trine.
2. For bites of adders and of the insects which are
hight i^uXoiyyia,.

3. For sore of ears.

CLXXV. The herb 'kx^Wslu, yarrotu. A. millefolium.

2. For new wounds.

3. Si de naturalibus fluxum humoris mulier patitur.

4. For diarrhoea.

CLXXVI. The herb ricinus. Tt.commvuis.

For hail and rough weather, to avert them.

C. spinosa.


Depba polloten f yy pojipum nijpum. CLXXVII.

2. piJ7 hunbep^ plite.

3. pi]? punba.

Depba uptica f ly netele. CLXXVITI.

1. pij> jzopcillebe punba.
2. pi8 jeppell.
3. Jjryj: ^ semj bsel ]?fep liclioman ^ jeplejon * y}''-

4. pij? ly)?a pape.

5. pi)7 pule punbe ^

'j poppotube.
6. Pi)? pipep flepyan.'^
7. Pi)? )?8et Su cile ne )?oli5e.

JDejiba ppiapipci f ip uicappuica7 CLXXViiii.

PiS beopul yeocnyy ya -j pi6 nsebpan ^ -j piS pilbeop

j piS attpu 'j piS jehpylce beliatu 'j piS aiiban 'j

piS ojan
'j ^ )?u jipe hsebbe
-j piS f ]?u ^eyseli^ beo
*j jecpeme.

JOepba litofpepimoii.^ CLXXX. .

2. piS ^ ycanay on blaebbpan pexen.

JOepba ytaiuy ajpia. CLXXXI.

2. pi)? )?one ypelan psetan "peey lichoman.^^
3. pi)? ycjmy -j piS yceab.^^
4. piS toSa yape 'j toS peomena.

JOepba jopjoncon. CLXXXII.

2. pi]? jehpylce yyele yotypaSu.

hunbe, V. "
flepfan, V.
2 II. omits two leechcrafts. ^
p for pejj, V. B., shorthand,
^ -ham-, B. **
-bbp~, B.
-sen, B. '
V. omits this wort.
jmnba, B. ; pjjj jnmbe, II., and
its table of contents ends here, per-
'" hom, v.; haman, B.
haps imperfect. " fcajb, B,

CLXXVIT. 1. The herb (3u\Xmty),^ tliat in, porrum nigrum. Milium niyrum.

2. For bite of hound.

3. For wounds.

CLXXViii. The herb vrtica, that is, nettle. V. urens.

1. For chilled wounds.

2. For swelling.
3. If any part of the body have been struck.
4. For sore of joints.
5. For foul and rotten wounds.
6. For a womans flux.
7. That you may not suffer by cold.

CLXXIX. The herb priapiscus, that is, vinca pervinca. V. maior.

For devil sickness, and snakes, and wild beasts, and

poisons, and any vows and spite and awe, and to have
grace, and to be happy and comfortable.

CLXXX. The herb \iSo(T7rspi/.ov. L. officinale.

2. In case stones wax in the bladder.

CLXXXI. The herb (rTu(fig kyploc. Delfinium

stafis agria
2. For the evil humour of the body.
3. Against scurf and scab.
4. For sore of teeth and gums.

CLXXXII. The herb yopymov.

2. For any evil foot track.

Ballota nigra.

E 2

lOejiba miloti]\ CLXXXiii.

1. pi]? eajena bymnyj^pe.

2. pi]7 pma tojunje.

JDepba bulbuy. CLXXXiiir.

2. pi)7 jej^pel j picS potable *j picS jehpylce jebejieb-

3. piS paeteji peocneppe.

8. pi)? liunba plitap ^j piS J^set man ppsete -j piS

];8ep m'ajan pape.
4. pi]? punbela -j pcuppe 'j nebcopne.
o. PiJ? };9epa^ inno]?a coSunbennyppe ^ "j to bojipten-

JDepba colocyntliip ajjna j3 ip cucupbita. CLXXXV.

2. pi5 innoJ>ep Cu^^puiije.'^

' Sebepebne ye, V. ; sebjieceb- have been erased, and the pumice
nejre, B. has reached this word. Of the
- bajia, B. scribbler there remains abed, c-tc,
^ }>unbennej')*e, B. and falue maunb a frere wacer be

afci, B. ; tlie rest of the word breomiobe cente cmcquance milleef.
T\ot visible. Some marginal scrawls

CLXXXTTL The herb milotis. Mdiintus

ojjicirialis ?

1. For dimness of eyes.

2. For tugging of sinews.

CLXXXIV. The herb ^oK^o:. Dhscoiea

alula ?
2. For swelling, and foot disease, and all annoy-
3.For water sickness, bites of hounds, and in case
a man sweat, and for sore of the maw.

4. For w^ounds, and scurf, and granules on the face.

5. For puffing and bursting of tlie inwards.

CLXXXV. The herb KoXoycvvQ]g aypluy that is, cucurbita. Cucumis col

2. For stirring of the inwards.



Deos pyRT ]7e man

I. ^
betonicam nemne5 heo hi]?

cenneb on msebum on *j clsenuin ^ bunlanbum "j on

jefpij^ebum. ^ ptopum peo beah jehpaej^ep je ]>sey man-
nep paple je hip lichoman'* hio^ liyne pcylbe]? piS
unhypum niht^enjum -j pi6 ejeplicum^ jepiliSum *j

fpepnum -^ *j peo p^^pt by)? ITJ}'^ baliju -j J^up J>u

111 ^ niman on a^uptep monSe butan ^^ ipepne

'j )?onne fn hi jenumene ^^ hsebbe ahpype ^^ )7a mol-

ban ^^ op ^ hype nanpiht ^^

on ne clypie ^^ 'j )7onne ^^
bpi5 hi on pceabe ^^ fpyp'e )?eaple ^^ 'j mib pypt-

tpuman mib ealle jepypc to bupte bpuc hype jjonne -^^

j hype bypij ]?onne 6u bej>uppe.

Irip niannep heapob tobpocen py ^^ jenim )7a ^^ ylcan
pyptre betonican pceappa hy )?onne ^^ *j jnib fp5']?e
pmale to bufue jenim J^onne ^^ tpeja tpymeppa pseje ^^
jTije ^^ on hatum be ope |?onne
hit )7onne ^^ ^
f heapob fpySe hpaSe septep )?am bpmce.^^

O. fol. 34 b. =5 b. omits a line. ^ clsenum, B. ^ sen^yhebu, B.

also. The Latin " opacis " has been misread or misunderstood ; \>af, O.
-ham-, O. ' )>eo, O. -lice, O. ' fpefenu, 0. hulisu, V.
" hif, O. ibuton,B. " genuman, O. >"^ahpyra,B. !=
molba, O.
" jnht, O. omits. '^ cliuiSe, 0. ^^ >anne, O. >'
big, O. ^^
j-cabe, B.
]>eaclice, O. ^^ t>anne, O., omitting three words. -' fig, O. - )>eor
^^ -' "^ -^
p., O. )>anne, O. l^anue, O. sej^ese, O. bpj^nce, B.; )>ese,
O. '^^ t>anne, O. '^^
l^anne, 0. ^" |>an brence, O.

The only Saxon MS. which contains the figure, MS, V.,
has lost a portion of it by decay, hut there has been
a sufficient representation of the plant.

BeTONY. I. Betonica offi-

cinalis, JBot.
1.^ This wort, which is named
produced betony, is

in meadows, and on clean downlands, and in shady

places it is good whether for the mans soul or for his

body it shields him against monstrous nocturnal


visitors and against frightful visions and dream.s and ;

the wort is very wholesome, and thus thou shalt

gather it, in the month of August without {use of)
iron and when thou have gathered it, shake the

mold, tillb nought of it cleave thereon, and then dry it

in the shade very thoroughly, and with its roots alto-
gether reduce it to dust; then use it, and taste of it
when thou needest.
2. If a mans head be broken, take the same wort

betony, scrape it then and rub it very small to dust,

then take by two drachms weight, and swallow it^ in
hot beer, then the head healeth very quickly after the

* The figures in MSS. V. and A. are intended for the

^ ])agt, in the sense of o]? f^et, is very common ; but perhaps
it had been intended to give op- of jjset.

^ buft is neuter.

PiS eajena )a)\ ^ jemm )7?e]\e" ylcan ^ pyp"^^ PyP"^"

tjiuman yeo5^ on pajtejie to J^jubban baele 'j op ]?am
eaja ^ jemm J?3p3e^ yyljran'^
piTBtejie be]?a *^

pypte leap *j bpyc hy^ 'j leje opep ]>a^^ eajan on

j7one anbplatan.
eapena pap ^enim
Pi(S ]?8epe^^ ylcan pyj\te^^ leap
]?onne^^ lieo jpenofc ^* beo pyl^^ on p^etepe^^ ^ PP'^^S f

pos *j pij7]7an hyt ^eptanben^'' beo bo hit ept peapm^^

j^^ )?upli pulle bjiype^^ on f eape.
pi^ ejena^^ bymnej-j-e jenim ])dd]\e^^ ylcan pypte
betonican anpe tjiemesse pseje -j pyl on pa?te]ie *j fyle
hjimcan^^ pseptendum ^^ ponne^^ jepana^ liiu pone^^ bael
fsep blobep 'Se^^ peo bj^mnys'^^ op Gym's.

Pi^ typenbe eajan^^ jenim pa ylcan pypte betoni-

can -j pyle pijccean^^ heo^^ jejoba^ -j onliht psejia^^
eajena^^ pceappnyffe.^*
PiJ) ppyplicne^^ blobpyne^^ op nosiim jenim pa^*^ ^'^

ylcan pypte betonican 'j cniica ^^ hy ^^ 'j jeinenj ^^

pcBpto'*^ pumne bael ^^ pealtep *^
-j jenim ponne ^^ ppa
my eel J?u mseje mib
ppa tpam"*^ pmjpmn jeniman'*^
p5^pc hit fmepealt ^ bo on pa n?eppypki.^^
pip to^ece jenim pa ylcan pypte ^^ betonican -]

pyl on ealban pme oppe ^^ on ecebe to ppibban ba^le ^^

hit hselp punbuplice^^ poepa^^ to^a pap^^ ^ jeppell.

pip piban pape^^ jenim psepe ^^ ylcan ^^ pyjite
ppeopa^^ tpymessa pseje* peo^ on ealbum ^^pme
'j jnib

' for, O. 2 ]>a]ie, B. ^ >eof j'yrc j'serrruman, O. '

"j, B. O. add;
B. omits seven words. ^ easan, B. O. " hajie, B. ().
y., O. omits.
b|iyc, B.; hyr, O. MiiK, O. ""San, (). " ^ajie, B. O. '- yyrt, O.
3 ]>anne, O. " Sjion-, B. '^ j'el, O. "^ pac-, O. ' l?ec ftonben, O.
pyrman, O. '*'
~i mib, O. '^"
brupe, O. -' ea?;ena, B. O.
" \>a]^e, B. -^ -cen, O. -' -tmben, O. -^ haune, 0. -" honne, O.
2' ^
jteo for Se, O. -'^
-nej-, B. -'^
ea^ene, O. J>icsan, B.; hijean, O.
^' heo SeSobaS, B. ='-
]>ajia, B.; O. omits. " esenan, O. "'*
B. O. ^5 ="
rjMlcnc, B. 3 nine, (). ^' nofa / O. heoP ))., ().

cnoca, B. '"
hig, 13. (J. " scmseng, B.; mens, O. '- ^aji, B. O.
APVLEll. 73

o. For sore of eyes, tcake tlie roots of the same wort, Betonv,

seethe them in water to the third part, {evaporating

tiuo thirds of the ivater), and with the water bathe
the eyes, and take leaves of the same wort and bruise
tliem and lay them over the eyes upon the face.
4. For sore of ears, take leaves of the same wort
when it greenest be : boil in water and wring the
wash, and when it be stood, make it a.gain warm and
by means of wool drip it on the ear.
For dimness of eyes, take of this same root

betony, by weight of one drachm, and give (the pa-

tient) to drink fasting, then it * {the remedy) diminishes
the part of the blood from which the dimness cometh.
G. For blear eyes, take the same wort betony, and

give {the patient) to swallow, it will do good, and

will clear the sharpness of the eyes.

For extreme flow of blood from the nostrils, take


the same wort betony, and knock (pound) it and mix

thereto some portion of salt, and take then as mucli
as thou mayest take up in two fingers, work it to
roundness, and put it in the nostrils.
8. For tooth ache, take the same wort betony, and
boil it (doivn) in old wine or in vinegar to the third

part, it will wonderfully heal the soreness of the teeth

and the swelling.
9. For same wort by weight
sore of side, take of the
of three drachms, seethe in old wine, and rub down

* Since pyjic is feminine, hit may be conveniently referred

to the action.

bal, O. ^* feltref, O. ''

>anne, O. ' cj)a fingre, O. ^'
s., O. omits.
'^noy-, B.; -hyrle, O. ^'
ryrc, O. ^"
otS^er, O. ^' bale.
O. ^--bop-, B. O.; -lica, O. ^M'apa, B. O. ^^ for, O. "fore,
O. .
}>are, O. ^'
y-, O. omits. ^^
j'yrr, 0. ^^
)>reo, O.
-ban, 13. O.

^sepro^ xxvii. pipop copn^ jebpmc hij* )70iine on niht

niftij ppeo full fulle.
^pij; IsenbeD bpsebena pape jenim J78epa* ylcan
betonican )7peopa tpymeppa pseje xvii, pipop copn
3111b to pomne pyll on ealbum^ pine pyle him ppa
peapm on niht niftij )?peo jzull jzulle.
piS pambe pape*^ jenim J^sepe'^ ylcan pypte tpe^a^
t]i}'inessa^ yee'^e pyl^^ on psetepe syle hyt )7onne him

peapm bpmcan Sonne ^^ biS J>8ep^^ mnoSep^^ pap pet-

tenbe^* *j li^i^enbe f hit pona ngenij laS ne bi6.

Irip mannep mnoS to jiaept^^py anbypje^^ J^ap

ylcan j^yp"^^ ^^ peapmum psetepe on niht niptij

J/onne^"^ bi5 pe man hal on ];peopa nihte pyppte.^^

])ip );on 6e men blob npppealle^^ J>uph hip muS
^enim ];8epe-^ y^^^i^ Pyp*^^ }>peopa^^ tpymeppa ^^ pseje^^ -j

cole jate^* meolc Sonne ^^ biS he fpype

]?peo jzulP^ jiulle*
paSe hal.
Eip man nelle beon bpuncen^^ nime ponne sepept^
onbyp^e betonican fepe^^ PJP''^^-
Iiip men pylle Tppinj on ^epittan^^ ^enime ponne'^^
anep tpymepep jepseje**^^ cnucije'^^ pi'6 ealb'^"* pmeopu^^
lecje on Sone'^^ ptebe ]?e pe pppmj on jepittan polbe

J^onne^^ by); hit pona^^ hal.

Iiip mon py mnan

jebpocen oJ?J;e him pe^^ lichoma
O. condenses,
j-gp ^y jenime )?onne betonican paepe^^ pyp'^e peopep

Jjaji, B. '^
cojm, V., but u added by a captious reader ; a genitive
plural was wanted, and so, copna, B. See three lines lower, iii. yul,

B. So below. O. omits the line. ^ O. omits the paragraph.

J>ape, B. '
-ban, B. for, O. ' ]>a]ie, B. ^ rpe^pa, B.
tp-, drachma. Apul. '" pill, B.; j. o. y. It brmcan hic pearm, O.
" hane, O. '^ \>Sif,
O. '^ -)>af, O. ' fencenbe, O. '^ faft, O.
'"on-, B.; bnca, 0., for brinca: brica j^e yyiT j;efobe on perma petsera
on mh nichfis, O., carelessly. '' >ane, O. ' -fca, O. ' >ur, O.
2" |>ape, B. ; a few letters in V. have been eaten away ; g. )>eor pyrr, O.
Keo, C). 22 cyrmefa, O. ^^ J'sege, B. 2' c61e ^ace, B. yul,

B., and so often. ^e

jj^np^ q 27 _can, O. ^^ aryfe, O. ^9 |,ape, B.

and add thereto twenty-seven pepper-corns, drink of Betony.

it then at night fasting, three cups full.

10. For sore of loins, take of the same betony, by
weight of three drachms, rub together {with it)
seventeen pepper- corns, boil in old wine, give to him
(the patient) warm at night fasting, three cups full.
For sore of wamb {belli/), take of the same wort
by three drachms weight, boil in water, then give it
him warm to drink, then will the sore of the inwards
be settling (abating) and growing lithe (gentle), so
that soon it will be no loath (annoyance).
12. If a mans inwards be too fast (costive), let him
taste this same wort in warm water fasting then ;

the man will be hole (whole) in three nights space.

In case that to a man blood well up through
his mouth, take of the same wort by three drachms
weight and cool ^ goats milk, three cups full then ;

will he be very soon hole (ivhole).

14. If a man will not to be drunk, let him take
erst,^ and taste of betony the wort.
15. If on a man a spring (a pustule) will settle,
let him take then by weight of one drachm; let him
knock ("pound) it with old lard ^ let him lay it on ;

the stead (place) on which the spring {pustule) would

settle then will it<^ soon be well.

16. If a man be inwardly broken, or to him his

body be sore, let him take then of betony the wort

* The Latin of 1528 has recentis, also cyathos,

^ Before he sets to drinking.
^This was sold in the apothecaries shops at the time.
^pit may refer to the mascuhne rpjim^, see St. Marharete,
p. 89, or be a kind of impersonal construction.


-rce.-' O, =*!
l^ane, O. ge, B. omits. ^^
cnoc- B. si
^^^^ q
35 j-mejia, B. ; fmeru, O, ^
>an, 0. ^7
y^^^^ q ss
)^q^^^ f^^, ^,^^^^ q
J)e, O. '" i>a]ie, B.

tpymefr'T-n jepgeje pyll^ on pine rpyj^e bjiince

J^onne^ on mlit ^ nij^cij Jonne^ leolitaS liim yc
Jjiy mon on on miclum janjiim
m5^celpe pabe o])])e

people jeteopab^ nime J?onne betonican )7aepe'^ PYP"^^'


ane tpymessan pnlle yeob on jejppetrum pme^ bjunce

J/^onne^ on niht: niPcij^'^ J^peo jrull ]:ulle J;onne bi5 lie
yona unpepij.
riip man yy innan iinlial o}pe^^ hyne platije^-
O. condenses, poiine^enim^^ Su betonican ]?sepe^^ Pyp"^^ "^P^^ ""^P}'"
meyyan jepoeje 'j liumjey anpe ynbyan ^epreje ^"^

pylle jponne^^ on beope ypyj'e peaple bpmce^^ Speo }iil

yulle on^^ mhr niytij ]?onne^^ puma'S^^ him yona ye

Irip ]?u^^ Sonne^^ pyll^ P ^m mete ea'Selice jemyltc-^
jemm ponne betonican paepe pypte~^]7peo tpymeyyan
jepgeje -j hunijey ane ynbyan yeob ]7onne^^ }-a pyjite-^
oS f heo heapbije '^^ bpmc hy^^ J>onne^^ on poetepe^^
tpa pull yulle.

Pi]? Son^^ l:e man ne m^eje

mete jehabban 'j lie hiy
O. condenses, fpipe'^^ Sonne he hyne jeSijebne^^ hsebbe ^enim ]7onne

betonican peepe pypte ilil. tpymeyan jepseje '^^ -j

apylleb huni^ ^^^ PyP^ J^onne^^ lytle poylmjay yeopep

)78ep^^ oy ete J^onne^^ senne *j renne on hatum psetejie^^

j on pme to yomne jeSicje Sonne ^^ jysey p^etan*^ ]7peo

yull yulle.

mnofiey yape*^** oSSe^^ jiy he apunben^^ s}'

jenim betonican ]m pypf*^ jmb on pme fyy^e yniale

j'elle, O. 2 j,jine, O. ^ nih, O. * -hama, B. O. " jmjiSe,
B. -to-, B. ' hajie, B. ]Mne, B. |>6nne, B.
nihrciK, V. " o'5er, 0. '^ _^^^^ q i3 j,r,na nime, O. '* >ajie, B.
Kej'age, O. '" J>ane, O. '^ brinca, O. '^ a, O., for on, '" ]>ane,

0. ^^ -meS, O. 2' innoS, B. ; dac Ino"??, O. See St. ]\f arharete )>e
-' ^onne, O. omits.
meiben "t martyr, p. 89. Ini, V. omits. ^^

2-mul-, O. " J>ape, B.; s. b. haj'irc, O. " Kme, O. -' yyvz, O.

^' y^c-, U. U.
2 hcajib-, B. his, B. O. O. forj^ac,
^" l^aii, =*-

by woiglit four draclims ; boil it in wine much ; Ef.toxt.

let liinithen drink at night fasting; then the body
Cfrows lioht for him.
17. If a man become tired in mickle riding or in
mickle goings (walking s), let him take then of betony
the wort one full drachm seethe it in sweetened ;

wine; let him then drink at night fasting, three cups^

full; then will he be soon un weary.

18. If a man
be inwardly unhole (out of health), or
have nausea, then take thou of betony the wort two
drachms by weight, and of honey by weight of one
ounce boil then in beer very thoroughly
; let him ;

drink three cups full at night fasting then the ;

inwards soon .q^et clear for him.

19. thou will that thy meat easily melt

If then
(digest), take then of betony the wort three drachms
by w^eight, and of honey one ounce seethe then the ;

wort till it harden drink them then in water two


cups full.

In case that one may not have (^retaiii) his

meat, and he spew it up, when he have swallowed
it, take of betony the wort four drachms by weight,
and boiled honey, work (form) then four little pills
thereof; let him eat then one, and swallow one in hot
water and wine together then of the wet (liquid) ;

three cups full.

For sore of inwards, or if he (the sick man) be

swollen, take betony the wort rub it in wine very ;

^ Cjathos, ed. 1528.

33 fpijie, B. O.
3' |>an, ^-^
SeMs- B. ^fi
gep^se, B. ^^
hu- B.
}>an, O. ^3 hail, B, O. ^" J>an, O.
-era, O. "^
]>an, O.
" pjttcan, B.; paece, O *^ for, O. " oS-Ser, O. ^ a>uu-, B.
vpptr. so V. B.

leje J>onne^ abutan^ )7a pambe

'j J^y^e hy.^ J>onne*
eac hjiaSe^ cyme}>'^ J^set to bote.

Irip'^ ]7onne bpylc man attoji jej'ycje jenime^

Sonne J^aepe^ ylcan pypte )?peo tpymeppan jepseje*^^
'j puUe pmep pylle to pomne
peopep puP^ -j bpmce^^
Jjonne^^ appipeS he p attop.
Irip hpylcne^^ man nsebpe^^ to plite^^ jenime^'^
]??epe^^ pypte on pme
llli. tpymepan jepseje pyll
'j jnib ppyj^e pmale bo ]?onne^^ 5ehp8eJ?ep^^ je on Sa
punbe^^ leje ^ eac bjimc ppyf'e )7eaple Sonne ^^ meaht^*

Su aejhpylcepe nsebpan^^ plite ppa jehselan.^^

6pt piS nsebpan plite jenim |?epe^^ y^^^^ PyP"^
ane^ tjrymepan jepaeje^^ jecnib^^ on peab^^ ptn jebo
J?onne fet J?8ep pmep pyn^^ ]?peo pnl pulle pmype^^
Sonne ^* mib |?am pyptum^^ Sa punbe^^ "j mib^'' ]?y pme
];onne^ byS hio^^ pona lial.
PiS pebe^^ hunbep plite jenim betonican Sa pypte
jecnuca^^ hy ppy}>e smale "j leje on ]pa punbe.'*^

Eip ]7e Sm )?potu Tap py oSSe^^ )?inep fpypan^^

O. omits words, hpylc bsdl jenim J>a ilcan pypte 'j jecnuca*^ fpj^Se*^
pmale pypc to cly)?an '^^ leje on
J70ne*^ fpypan Sonne
clsenpaS heo hit sejhpaep^^ je innan ^e utan.^^

PiS laenbena ^^ pape -j jip men ^^ hip Seoh acen

jenim )?8ejie^^ ylcan pypte tpejpa^^ tpymepa^^ jepseje

pillon beope pile him bpmcan.^^
Dip he Sonne py pebjii^ 'j he py mycelpe haetan^^
Spopienbe^^ fyle Sonne ]?a pypte on peapmum paetepie

J>an, O. 2 _toii^ B. hig, B. *
Hn, O. ' pae, B.
cumej>, O. ^ G. am m., 0. ^ mm, O. ^ >ape, B. O. ; ]?. pyre, O.
'^ 5e, O. omits. " pil, O. omits : error, '^ brican, O. '^ )>an, O-
" h., O omits. '5_^bjie, B. > Ilite, B.; llite^, O. '"
gemm, O.
^o ^i 22
t>are, O. '^ pyrt, O. jj^n^ o. ^e^ar, O., either. _^a, O.,
also condenses. -^ J>an, O. 2' mihc, 0. " -bbji-, B., and so com-
monly, but not always nab-, O. -hal-, O.
^' l^ajie, B. O. -*
; >. pyre,

O. 28^ne^B.; anne, 0. -^ -page, O. segnib, B. O. ='" ^^ jie&b^


small; let him lay it then about the wamb (belly), ^'^^'^'
and let him swallow it; then also rathe {soon) it
cometh to boot {cimends).
22. If then any man swallow poison, let him then
take of the same wort three drachms by weight, and
four cups full of wine let him boil them together and;

drink then he will spew up the poison.


23. If an adder wound any man, let him take of

the wort four drachms by weight boil them in wine, ;

and rub them very small; do then either (both), lay

them on the wound, and also drink very largely;
then mayest thou so heal the bite of any adder.
24. Again for bite of adder, take of this same wort
one drachm by weight rub it into red wine contrive ; ;

then that there be of the wine three cups full smear ;

then the wound with the worts and with the wine
then will wound) be soon hole (whole).
it (the
25. For the bite of a wood (mad) hound, take
betony the wort; knock (pound) it very small, and
lay on the wound.

26. If for thee thy throat be sore, or any part of

thy swere (neck), take the same wort and knock
(pound) it very small work it to a poultice lay it ; ;

on the swere then it will cleanse it, both within and


27. For and if a mans thighs ache,
sore of loins,
take of the same wort by weight of two drachms
boil in beer give to him to drink.;

28. If he (the pitient) then be feverish, and if he

be throing (in throes) by mickle heat, give him then

nbe, O. ^^
B. ; jynbjaiS, B.; fi, 0., and omits >on, ^3 fmepa, B. ;

fmira, O. 35 j,a ^s
^^han, O. pyrte, O. p^nba, O. ^' mib H, O.
33 )?an, O. 3' heo, B. '' pobe, O., and condenses. *'
-cnoca, B.
*2 puba, O. ^3 o'StJer,
O. ^* Tpypan, B.; J>ine fpyra, 0., omitting hp. b.
Secnoca, B. ^ Ppy^a, O. ^^ cli-Se,
O. * |>ane, 0. " seghpaji, B.
pi-S mne ge pib utan, O. ^^ lenbena, V. ^2 manna, 0. ^^ hflTer
pyrt, O. ^^cpesa, V. 0. ^^crymefan, O. -^^ -ca, O. " haecan,
B. * -Senbe, B.

na liBy on beojie -^ Sonne jobiaS pa^pa lenbena^ j^aji

j J>iBjia'^ tSeona"* fp}^Se lipseSe.^

PiJ; potable jenim J^a ylcan pypte seocS on psetejie

0)7 fet J78ep psetejiey sy Spibban b?el on bipoben^

cnuca '^
Sonne J?a pypte 'j leje on pa pet *j fmipe pteji

mib "j bpmc f pop J?onne pinbept Su J>a?]i

^ set bote -j

elteope^^ bselo.

Psejbpsebe.^^ 11.

Irip mannep lieapob sece^^ oSSe^^ pap py jenime^*

pejbjiiBban^^ pyptpalan *j bmbe^^ liim on fpypan*^^
bonne ^ jepiteS^^ ]5 pap"^^ op pam'^^ heapbe.^^
Ijip men liip pamb paji~^ py ^enime pejbpaeban
peap^^ fepe p5pte ^ebo p hio^'^ blacu py 'j ]>y^e by^^
Sonne^^ mib micelpe^ platunje^^ jepitep ^ pap on pej
jip hyt ponne^^ sy pset pio^^ pamb py^^ apunbeno^^
pceappa bonne pa pypte ^*
^^ *j leje^^ on pa pambe
Sonne ^^ popbpmeS heo pona.

PiS p3ep mnoSep sape jenim

peap^ bo pejbjiseban
on pumep cynnep calb *j picje hyu ppySe ponne .^^

batap he inne peapb -j^^ clsenpaS pone magan *j pa

pmsel pypmap ppype punbjium pell.

Gpf*^ piS pon pe man on pambe"*^ pojipeaxen*^^ py

' beojie, B. -'

l>a]ia Isenfe-, B. ^ )>ajia, B. '
heona, B.
* patSe, B. ^ be, B. '
cnoca, B. This manner of writing throughout.
" )jaji, B. " Jjaji, B. "* selraepe, B. " The spaces in B. left for

the drawings have the names filled in. Here j'eib'^obe, by a later hand.
'- heajob ace, B. O. ='
o'5er, O. '^ nima, O. '* -bjiseb-, B.
' binbe, B. ; -ban, O. " fjmran, O. ' l^anne, 0. ' -pice's, B.
for, O. '-'
raannef, O. '-"-
heafeben, O. -^ j)ambe for, O.
-' jvap in B. is glossed iuf. " heo, B. -^
his, ^' '^ Jeanne, O.
-" >aiic, B. -^ liead placu ;
jUsec-, B. =' |>anne, O. 3'
r<^o, V,. O.
^i ^'
fis, O. '' -ben, B. jj^ne, O. j-yrc, (). '"'
lege, B.

the wort in warm water ; by no means in beer ; then Bktow

^^' ''
it goodcth Q)cnefits) tlie sore of the loins and of the
tliiglis very rathely (quicJdy).

29. For foot addle (gout), take the same wort,

seethe it in water, till of the water down to a third
part be sodden muay;''^ pound then the wort and lay
it on the feet, and smear (them) therewith, and
drink the wash; then wilt thou find therein boot
{amends), and perfect healing.

^"^""'- ^^^'
1. If a mans head ache or be sore, let him take the
roots waybread, and bind them
of on his swere
{neck) then the sore will depart from the head.

2. If to a man his wamb (belly) be sore, let him

take the juice waybread the wot^t, and contrive
that it be lukewarm,^ and swallow it; then with
much loathing (iiausea) the sore will depart away. If
then it be that the wamb be swollen, then scrape the
wort, and lay it on the wamb ; then it soon will
dwindle away.
For sore of the inwards, take juice of way-

bread put it on cold of some kind {sort), and


swallow it largely then it mends the inwards, and ;

clears the maw {stomach), and the small guts very

wondrous well.
4. Again, in case that a man be overgrown in

The Latin so jjpibban bael is governed by on.

^ :

Properly Waybroad
^ its leaves are broad, and it ; fre-
quents waysides. The figm'e in MS. V. is meant for this
blacu is an error in MS. for placu, lukeivarm. hio, h}%
refer to the wort, not the juice, for j-eap is neuter.
Lat. Ad dysentericos : jioppeaxen cannot mean that.

t'ane, O. ='"
reap, B. >
ealo, B. '">
V. so ? ^'
t, O.
*- -ba, O. '=* -]'ex-, O.


seoS J>onne' pejbpseban^ YVJ]^^ J?a "j ^'^^ J?onne* TPyl^^

Sonne bpmej? peo pamb f ona.

Gpc pi6 l?on J?e* man Jjuph hyj* apjanj ^ blobe

utypne^ ^emm pejbpaeban"^ j'eap j^yle him bjnncan^
)?onne^ biS hit j'ona o'Sj^tiUeb.

Irip man jepunbub^^ py jenim pejbpaeban^^ j"?eb

jnib^^ to bupte
'j punbe heo biS yona^^ j'ceab^^ on j?a

hal jip ye hchoma hpsep mib hepijhcpe hfeco^^ yy

jebypjob jecnuca Sa yylpan pypte *j leje J?8Bpon^^
Sonne colaS ye hchoma ^'^ 'j halaS.

Su ]?onne pylle mannejp pambe ppsenan f)onne

mm Su }>a pypte pyll on ecebe bo J?onne f yoy ^
J)a pypte ppa apyllebe on ptn bjunce J>onne on niht
nihptij yjmle an f ul to pyllej'.


pi^S naebpan yhte^^ jenim pejbptBban Sa pypt ^nib

on pine 'j ete hy.^^

Pi|7 pcojipionejf flite jenim pejbpseban pyjitpalan

bmb^^ o)?one man )?onne yr "^^ ^elypenne^^ f hyt
cume him to jobpe ape.^^

Ijif men^^ mnan^ pyjimap^^ ejlen^^ jenim^ P^5"

bpeban^ peap cnuca 'j ppmj^^ -j pyle him supan 'j

mm Sa pylpan^^ VYV^^ jecnuca leje on |?one^^ naplan^^

j ppiS )?8apto^^ fpy^e peepte.

)jane, 0. ^ gebrabe, O., roast: froni haste. ^\>., O. omits. * % O,
^ arfgange, O. '^
blobe ucypne, B. ' -be, O. * -ca, O.
\\>m, O. '" -bob, B. O. " pebreabe, O., and so below. gnib, B.

rcab, B. 1' roiia, B. '^ jj^^^^ ^ le
j,ap, B. '^ -hama, B.
' 22
Serl-, B. 9
his, B. 0. 20 |3^n5
^^^ g, 21 _ijj-_^ b.
^jj^^ ^^
manne, 0. me, 0. ^^ 25 p^^m^f^ q 2c
gj^i^gn^ g .
_a,n, O.
cnuca fa pypt, O. 28 bjis^ban, B. 29 j,pins, B.
f^f^^ q
}psene, O. ^^ nsefelen, O. jjaji, B. O.

wamb, seethe then the way bread largely, and let him W^i'^^ad.
eat then (of it) largely; then soon will the wamb
5. -'^
Again, in case that a man
outrun (liave a dis-
charge) through his anus with blood; take the juice
of waybread, give it him to drink; then it (the
hcemorrhage) will soon be stilled.
6. If a man be wounded, take seed of waybread,
rub (it) to dust, and shed (it) on the wound; it will
soon be hole (whole). If the body be busied (troubled)
anywhere with heavy heat (infiammation), pound the
same wort and lay (it) thereon then the body will ;

cool and heal.

7. ^^ If thou then wilt reduce the size of a mans
wamb (belly), then thou
wort; boil in
take the
vinegar; put then the juice and the wort so boiled
into wine let him drink (this) then at night fasting,

always one cup for a discharge.

Fainting of a snake.
8. Against adders bite, take waybread the wort,
rub it into wine, and let (the patient) eat it.
Painting of a scorpion.
9. For scorpions wound, take roots of waybread,
bind on the man then it is to be believed that it

may come to be of good service to him.

10. If worms within ail a man, take the juice of
waybread, pound and wring (the wort), and give it
him to sup; and take the same wort, pound it, lay
(it) on tbe navel, and wreathe it thereto very fast.

*Lat. Ad eos qui purulentum excreant cum sanguine.

The Englishman seems to have confused exscreare, with
excrementura, excernere.
^ Ad ventrem stringendura, Lat. The Saxon-English
means make to dwindle.

F 2

Iri}: hp^dcej' manney^ lichoma- yy'^ ahcapbob^ mm

)7onne pe^bjiaeban pa pyjite
-j jecnuca pi5 ymepii"'
butan^ pealtre -j pypc fpa to clame'^ leje J;onne on ];a3ji^

hit lieapbije^ hnepcaj? h}'t j'omx 'j bata]?.

Ijip lipylcmn men py paep peojiSan bse^ey pepep je-

tenje^^ jemm Sonne J^sepe pypte peap^' cnib'^ on pastejie
pyle him bpmcan tpam tibum rep hj'^m^^ J>8ep pepepep
pene )?onne yp pen -p hyt him cume to myceljic

Pi5 potable* 'j piS pma sape'^ jenim )?onne paej-
bjuBban leap jmb'^ piS pealt^'' pete Sonne on J?a pet^^
j on J?a pyna ]7onne ys "^ jepipplice^^ laecebom.

])i6 pam pepope ]?e Sy j?pibban baeje on man be-

cymeS jenim pejbpseban^^ }*py^^ cySap cnib^^ on paetepe
oJ?]7e on pme fiyle him bpmcan a^p j^on pe pepop him
to cume on niht nihftij.^^

Pi]; Sy pepope J;eSy ceptjian bseje to cymeS je-

cnuca )?ap j^lcan pypte ppyj^e pmale pyle him on ealoS

bpmcan^* f yp to jelypenne^^ f hit byje.

PiS punba hatum^^ jenim )7onne pejbpseban^^ J>a p)' jit

cnuca on pmaejipe butan^*^ pealte leje on )?a punbe~'^
J>onne biS he pona hal.^^
Ijip mannep pet on py}>c tybpieii" ^enim ponne
pejbpseben^^ Sa p}'pt jnib^^ on ecebe bepe Sa pet pa^ji-

mib*^'''^ -j pmyjie*^^ Sonne ppmep hy^'^ pona.

manne, O. - -hama, B, O. ' hany, O. * -beb^ O.
* fmepa, B. O. " buton, B. ' clame, B. ** J^aji, B. ^ hoapb-, B.
-taenje, B. " |>a]ae jiyptan poap, B. '- j;nib, B. '^ bjiincan
rjJEC tibu aep he, B. " j-ejiej- pene, B. '^ fore, O. " ^nib, B.
-ce, O. '
Ft, B. ' Sej'irlice, B. _bj,tiib-, B. 21
3,^,^5^ 15

" snib, B. '' nihfnx; = ieiuuuR. Apul, -' bpiuc-, B. " -Hj-^
B.; O. alters. -" hacmise ni, B. -bjiceb-, B. -" fmeppe

li. mans body be liardened, take then way- WAvmcKAD.

If liny
bread the wort, and knock {pound) it with Lird ^^"^- ^'

without salt, and so work (it) to clam ^ {ci clmmny

substance) ; lay (it) tlien on where it is hard ; it soon
will make it nesh {soft), and amend (it).
12. If to any man there be a quartan fever inci-
dent, take then the worts juice, rub in water, give to
him to drink two hours before he expects the fever;
then is hope that it may come to much benefit.

13. For foot addle (gout), and for sore of sinews,

take then leaves of waybread, crush with salt; set
(it) then on the feet, and on the sinews ; then tliat

is a sure leechdom.
For the fever which cometh on a man on the
third day {tertian), take three sprouts of waybread,
crush them in water or in wine give it him {the ;

jxdient) to drink ere the fever come to him, at night,

For the fever that comes the second day,
15. '^

knock (pound) this same wort very small give it ;

him in ale to drink. It is to be believed that it

may benefit.
For heats of wounds, take waybread the wort,
pound it on lard without salt, lay it on the v/ound ;

then will he (the patient) be soon hole.

17. If a mans feet in a journey swell,^ take then
waj^bread the wort, pound in vinegar, bathe the feet
therewith, and smear them ; then they soon dwindle
(the swelling abates).

a Malagma, Lat. 1528.

^ Ad secitndarurti dolor em. Lat. 1528.
^ iumuerint, Lat. 1528. Lye prefers tenescere (tenerescere),
but it is better not to hold to opinions against evidence.

buton, B. -* j'unbe, B. =^
hal, B. ^i
_bjiaib-, B. ^2
g^j^^ ^
^ >a]i, B. ' fmejia, B. ^5 ju^^ ^

Ijij: lipylcum peapjbpsebe^ peaxe on J^am uoyum

oS8e oil ];am lileope^ jenim Sonne pejbjueban j-eap
ppinj^ on linepce pulle leje paepon** last licjan nijon
nilit ]7onne liala];'^ liyt lipase ^ septeji
Be sejhpylcum uncu)?um blsebpum Se on mannep
nebbe pittaS mm
pejbpaeban^ pseb ^ bpij to bupte*^
"j ^nib^^ menj^^ piS pmeopu ^^ bo lytel pealtep to
pepc^^ mib pme fmype^^ f neb mib );onne lme];aS liyt
*j halaS.^^
Jfip mupey punbe jenim pejbpseban leap -j liyjie

peap^^ jnib topomne liapa Sonne ppi]?e lanje on J>miim

muSe -j et Sone pyptpalan.
Ijip yebe hunb man toplite jenim ]7ap ylcan
pypte^'' 'j jejnib "j leje on* Sonne biS hit pona

PiJ? elcep baejep mannep tybbepnyppe ^^ mnepeajibej^

nime Jjonne pejbpoeban bo on pup^^ f pop -j.
piii 'j

et^^ ]7a pejbpseban Sonne beah hit piS sejhpylcpe m-

nancunbpe unhaelo.

Fipleape.^^ III.

Irip men ^^ hip leoSu acen oSSe onjeplojen sy jenim

pipleape ^* Sa pypt cnuca on fmeoppe
spy];e fmale ^^

leje Ssejion^'^ butan^^ pealte Sonne halaS hyt pona.

pambe pape jenim pipleapan seap^^ ]?3epe^^
PiJ> PJJ^'^^
jcppmj tpejen cuculepas ^^ pulle syle him pupan ];onne
cla^npa)? hit on pej ^ pap eall.

Pi]; muSep tunjan* 'j piS j^potan jenim

*j piS
pipleapan pyjitpalan pyll on psetejie* syle him pupan

peajilibraebe, B. '^ hlco]e, B. ^ J')ins, B. ' \>a]i, B. ^ hala|>, B.
pa-Se, B. ' -bjJKb-, B. reb, B. bufce, B. '"
snib, B.
" msenKc, B. ^'^
jTmepa, B. '^
y^y, B. O. " -jia, B.; fmure, O.
'5 hala^, B. '" fcap, B. >^
pyi^t, B., omitting the case termination.
-snib, B. '"
-nerre, B. ^ fup, B. 2. ^,-6, O. 22 gf.
leauf, MS. B., by a later hand. man, 0. '^i
pjleapn, B. The
reading of V. seems careless graimnar. ^^ j-mejipe, B. -" i>a]ion, B.
2^ '^^ "^o jo
buton, B. yCay, B. ^,3^^,^ 15, .^ef, 0.

18. If to any an ulcer ^^

wax on the nose or on the Wayhuead.
cheek, take then way breads juice ; wring (it) on nesh
{soft) wool ; lay (it) thereon ; let it lie nine nights
then after that soon it heals.

19. For any uncouth which sit on a mans

neb (face), take seed of waybread, dry (it) to dust,
and pound it mix with hogs grease, put a little of

salt to (it), wash (it) with wine, smear the neb with
it; then it smootheth and healeth.
20. For wound of mouth, take leaves of waybread
and its juice pound together, have (it) then very

long in thy mouth, and eat the root.

21. If a wood hound (mad dog) rend a man, take
this same wort, and rub it fine and lay it on then ;

will it (the siDot) soon

be hole (whole).
22. For every days tenderness of a man inwardly,
let him take then waybread, put it in wine, and sip
the juiceand eat the waybread ; then it is good for
any inward unheal (infirmity).

FiVELEAF, or CinquefoiL^ III. PotentUla

reptans. Bot,
1. If for a man have been struck
his joints ache, or
take fiveleaf the wort, pound it on grease very small,
lay it thereon without salt then it soon healeth. ;

2. For sore of wamb (belly), take juice of fiveleaf

the wort, wring out two spoons full, give it him to
sip then it (the remedy) cleanseth away all that sore.

3. For mouths ache, and for tongues ache, and for

throats ache, take the roots of fiveleaf, boil in water.

a Ulcus, Latin, 1528.

^ The drawing in MS. V. is meant for a cinquefoih but
five-lobed leaves stand on long upright footstalks, rising from
a root. It is much the same in MS. A. The fig. is probably
traditional. It would not be according to early notions to
include the potentillas whose leaves are not quinate.

Sonne cken^aS hit Cone muS mnan "j biS ye ece


Pi)? heapbep yape^ jenim pifleapan ^ Sa pyj\^

bepjiit J^pipa mib ]7am Isejxan l-'injjie j mib J7am

Suman^ aliejre ,];onne upp oj: fejie^ eojiSan *j jejnib
rpyj^e ymale *j bmb on ]5 lieapob Sonne bi]> j'e ece

Eij: men blob ut^ oj: nopum yp^^ ^^ fpiSe py^e

him bjnncan pipleapan on pme* j fmype^ ^ heapub"
mib pam Sonne oSptanbe]? pe blob^yte pona.

Eip mannep mibpipe ^^

ace jenime pipleapan ^^
peap^^ mencj^^ to pme 'j bpmce^'* Sonne J^peo }:iil
pulle^^ ]^py^^ mojijenas "j on niht niftij.^^

])i]y noebpan^^ plite jenim pijzleapan ]7a pypte^"

jnib on pme "j bpmce^^ fpiSe Sonne cymeS him ]3 to

Ifip man popbaepneb sy jenime ppleapan )>a pyjit

bepe on him Sonne cpc]:aS cji^ptije men ^ liim j3 to
jobe^^ cume.
Irip ]7U pille canceji ablenban^^ jenim Sonne pip-

leapan Sa pyjite seoS on pme on ealbep beajijep'^'^


pypLe butan^* pealte mencj ^^ eall tosomne py]ic to

clySan 'j leje .Sonne on ];a punbe ]?onne halaS heo

Du pcealt Sonne eac jepypcean^^ ];a pyjit^^ on aju]*-
tup monSe.

-iSenfbe, B. ^ cajic, V. ^ yiy, B. ' human, B. '^
|>a]ie, B.
-iScnbe, B. '
uc, B. ^ j-mejm, B. " heajob, B. '" nubjuj
in contents. " fiy, B. O. '-
K'a]>, B. " mjcnsc, B. " -can,
O. '^fulle fulle, 0. '"^nS, B. '' nilifns, V., a false spelling.
"^ na:bb]ian, B., and so generally. '' j'vjit, B. -" -can, 0. -' boce.

give him {the patient) to sip

it ^ then it will cleanse Fivklkaf,
^ ^^'
the mouth within, and the ache will be diminishing.

For heads sore, take fiveleaf the wort, scratch it


thrice with the least finger and with the thumb

heave it then up from the earth, and rub it very
small, and bind it on the head then the ache will ;

be diminishing.
5. If for a man blood run out of his nostrils too
much, give to him to drink fiveleaf in wine, and
smear the head with it; then the blood gout will
soon staunch.
6. If a mans midriff ache, let him take juice of
fiveleaf, mix it with v/ine, and let him drink then
three cups full for three mornings, and at night,

7. For bite of adder, take fiveleaf the wort, crush

it in wine, and let him drink it freely ; then that
will come to him for a boot {remedy).
8. If a man be badly burnt, let him take fiveleaf
the wort him bear it on him then aver
; let ; crafty
men that that may come to him to good.
9. If thou will blind a cancer, or prevent its dis-
charging, take then fiveleaf the wort,
it in seethe
wine, and in an old barrow pigs grease without salt;
mix all together, work to a plaister, and then lay it

on the wound ; then it soon will heal.

Thou shalt also
10. further work up the wort in
the month August.
A painting of a snake fills a vacant space. 318, V.

* Gargarizet. Lat.

B., amendment. -blsenb-, B. 23
berchef, O. ^i^yj-o^^ ^
meens, B. -'6 _jican, B. " jjyjit, B., by a slip, omits.

j6j'c]7pote.^ IV.

Deoy pyj^'c ]ye man uepmenacam ^ oSjiuin nainau

aBycpjiote nemneS biS cenneb^ jehpseji on fmej^um
lanbum on
"j ptfitum.
]}i\> punba -j piS beabyppinjaj^ ^j pi6 cypnlu jcnim
l^aejie^ ylcan pypte pyjitpalan
*j jeppiS abiitan* Sone
ppyjian ]?onne fpemaS^ hit healice,

Gyc piS cypnlu jenim 6a j^ylfan pypte uepmena-

cam jecnuca liy^ "j leje Ssepto'' lieo Iia3l5 punbop-


]}i]> habbaS setftanbene^ aebpan fpa ]5 J^aet; blob

6a ]7e

ne maej hyp jecynbehcan pyne habban 'j heopa pijne

jehealban ne majon mm J78epe^ ylcan pypte peap^^

j pyle bpincan 'j py86an jenim pm^^ -j hunij -j pteteji

mencj^^ ro pomne ^j hyt pona hael^^'^ )?a untpum-
Pi6 lippe sap jenim on mibbe pumepep bsej ]7a

ylcan pypte *j ^ejnib to bupte mm J>onne j:ip cuculejiap

puUe Ssep buptep 'j )?py pcenceap ^^ jobep pmep mencj ^^

to pomne pyle bpincan hyt ppemaS miclum^^ eac fpa

pame ^ manejum oSpum untjiumnypyum,^^

Pif> J>a untpumnyppe ptanap peaxaS on bl?eb]ian


^enim ]?8epe^^ ylcan pyp'ce pyptpalan -j ^^ cnuca liy ^^

pyll ]7onne on hatan pme syle bpincan hyt ha3l6 pa

untpumnyppe punboplicum jemete* -j na ^ an ac eac ~'^

fpa hpset ppa ]78Gne ^^ mijSan jelet hyt hpa?blice ~^

jepymS^^ 'j fopS jelseboj?.^^

PiS heajrob pap jenim J>a ylcan pyjite *j jebinb to
pam heapbe^^ *j heo jepanaS f pap fep heapbep:*

beo])urt, B., in margin. '^
aceenneb, B. ^ ijajie, B. ^ onbuton, B.
-at, B. ^ hi?;, B. ''
)>aji, B. ^ The Latin is induratas.
MS. V. is much dan^aged here. " ^aiie, B. " feajs B. " jnn, B.
rascngc, B. -nerr*^, B.
'"^ '^ heel's, B. ' ''^
)>iii fcjenca)-, B.

AsHTHKOAT, that is, Vervain, iv. Asuthhoat.

Art. iv.
This wort, which one nameth verbenaca, and by

another name ashthroat, is produced everywhere in

smooth lands and on wet on^s.
2. For woimds, and for dead springs (ulcers), and

for kernels (strumous siuellings), take roots of the same

wort, and wreathe about the swere (necJc) then it ;

will benefit highly.

Again for kernels (struraous swellings), take the

same wort verbenaca; knock (pound) it, and lay it

thereto ; it will heal wonderfully.
For those that have stopped veins, so that the

blood may not have its kindly (natural) run (course),

and are not able to retain their food, take juice of the
same wort, and give to drink, and afterward take
wine and honey and water, mix them together, and it
(the remedy) will soon heal the infirmity.
5. For sore of liver, take on Midsummers day the

same wort, and rub it to dust take then five spoons ;

full of the dust, and three draughts of good wine

mix them together give (this to the sick man) to ;

drink it will benefit much

; also in like manner for ;

many other infirmities.

For the infirmity by which stones wax in tlie

bladder, take roots of the same wort, and pound

them boil ther)i then in hot wine give to drink it
; ; ;

will heal the infirmities in a wonderful manner, and

not that only ; also whatsoever lets (hinders) the urine,

it soon makes away with, and leads forth.

For a head
7. sore, take the same wort, and bind
to the head, and it will make to wane the sore of the

1" msensc, B. ^^ mice- B. ^^
rome, B. ^^ -nejj-, B. hajie, B.
;), B. omits. " cnoca hig, B. -^ ac, V. omits. -' |>one, B. -^ jiseb-, B.
Seiiym'S, B. '-' -Iseb-, B. '^
heybe V.



pi8 naebjian j^lite ppa hpylc man spa paj* pyjit:

uejimenacam inib ^
liype leajrum 'j pyptpumum on liim
lia3]:(S pi'S eallum naebpuin he biS tpuiii.


attopcoppan biue jenim j^aepe ^ ylcan pypte

leap peoS on pme jecnucobe jip liyt mib jeppelle on
popbopen byS jeleje J^septo ^ peo punb pceal pona beon
jeopenub * "j pySSan heo jeopenub * beo ]7onne je-
cnuca )7a pypt mib hunije 'j leje J?a3pto ^ o)7S9et liy

hal YY^f biS ppiSe hjioeblice.''

]}i]> pebe hunbep p]ite jemm J^a ylcan pyjite ^ uep-

menacam 'j hpsetene copn fpa jehale *j leje to ]?8ejie

jmnbe Sa copn )?uph Sone psetan^^ jehnehpobe syu-

'j ppa toSunbene ^^ J^onne Sa copn 'j jepupp to mm
pumum henpu^ule*^^ ^ip he hy ^^ J^onne etan nelle Sonne
mm Su oJ>pe cojm "j mencj to ]?iejie ^^ pyp'ce J^am ^'^

jemete J^e ]?u jbji bybept "j leje to S?epe ^^ punbe fpa ^^

oj^fet ]?u onjite ]^ peo ppecn}' p ^^ opanumen sy -j ut ^^


Pi)? nipe punbela^^ jenmi j^a ylcan pypte 'j cnuca

mib butepan -j leje to )78ejie^^ punbe.

PiS naebpan phte jenim pa ^^ ylcan pypte tpiju^^ j*^

peo6 on pme j cnuca pyppan jyp pe slyte bhnb biS j
mib pam jeppelle unjeheapbub '^^ ponne leje Su ]7a

pypte ^^ pJBpto ^^ pona hyt pceal openian -j pySSan

liyt jeopenub^^ beo ponne Su Sa ylcan pypte mm

unjepobene *j cnuca mib hunije leje to psepe ^^ punbe

hi mib, 13. ' |?a]ie, B. ^ l^ajico, B. -nob, B., twice. * ^aji, B.
j-y, B. ' jiaeb-, B. ^ )>a]je . . leaj", B., but -cam, not -cae. " )>ajie,

B. '" ])unbe
rj'a, B. " jiaiiran, B. '- -jmnb-, B. '^ hsen, B.
'^majuc, B. ^ajie, B. " 'Sajxe, B. '" B.
"his, B. rpa 1',

Draiving of a snake, MS. F., fol. 10 h. Art. iv.

S. For bite of adder, whatsoever man liath on him,

this wort verhenaca, with its leaves and roots, lie will
be firm against all snakes.
Ttvo drawings of attorcops, like two horned locusts.

MS. v., fol. 19 c.

. For poisonous spiders bite, take leaves of the


same wort seethe them in wine, pounded

if tlic ;

venom be retained in the body, with swellings, lay

tlien thereto the wound shall soon be opened, and

when it be opened, then pound the wort with honey,

and lay it thereto, till that it be hole (whole); that
will be very quickly.
For wood (mad) hounds bite, take the same
wort verbenaca, and wheaten corns hole, and lay to
the wound, till that the corns are neshed (made soft)
through the wet, and so are swollen up. Take then
the corns, and cast them to some cock or hen fowl
if he then will not eat them, then take thou other

corns, and mix them with the wort in the manner in

which thou ere didst, and lay to the wound until
thou understand that the mischief be taken away and
drawn out.
11. For new wounds, take the same wort, and
pound it with butter, and lay it to the wound.
Drawing of a S7iahe. MS. V., fol. 19 d.

]For bite of adder, take twigs of the same wort,


and seethe them in wine, and afterwards pound them

if the scratch is blind, and with the swelling not come

to a head, then lay thou the wort thereto; soon it

shall open, and after it be opened, then take thou the
same wort unsodden, and pound it with honey, and

19 jrpsecner, B. 20 ^^^ g. 21 MS. Harl. 585 begins here. 22 ^^pe, B.

23 J?8epe, H., a different construction ; see St. Marherete. 24
tpi^a^ h.
25 20
with a gloss bowef. ^^ jj omits. _feob, B. 27
^^ pyjice, H.
omits. 28 j,apt6, B. 29 _^q^^ g 30
-gajie, B.

oS]5 lieo ^ hal yf ^ f ^F

TPy)^^ lijifBblice
jj'F ^^^
hy ^
Jjypjfum ^ jemete J^aepto ^ alejS.^

IJenne belle.^

Deoy symphoniacam*^^ [. f. jufquia-

pyp'c J?e man
mum]" nemneS oSjium naman^^ belone 'j eac pume

men^^ liennebelle^^ hataS pihpt on bejanum^^ lanbum

j on j^anbijum^'^ lanbum -j on pyjittunum. J?onne yy
oSep jpippe ylcan pypte fpeapt on Inpe*^^ ^j friSpan
leapum -j eac setpijum. ponne y)" yeo sepjie hpitpe^*^
*j heo hsdy^ );ay msejnu.
Pi6 eapena^^ pap jenim j^ypfe ylcan pypte j^eap^^
j pypm lilt bpype^^ on
f eape hyt punboplicum je-
mete J^sepa^^ eapena pap ajzlijS "j eac^* ppa pame J?eali

}>8ep^^ pypmap on beon liyt hy^^ ^cpelleS.

PiS cneopa jeppell oSSe pceancena^^ oS6e fpa hp?8p~^

rpa on liclioman^^ jeppelP^ sy^^ J7a ylcan pyjite mm
pimpliomacan^^ "j cnuca hy^'^ leje^* J^septo^^ f jefpell
heo ofanimeS.^^
Pi}? toSa pape^^ jenim J^sepe^^ ylcan pypte pyptpalan
peoS on ptpanjum^^ pme jfupe hit ppa peapm -j liealbe

on hip mu^e^^ pona hit jehaelS J?apa to6a yap.^^

PiS p8epa*^ jepealba jeyap oS6e jeypell^^ jenim

p8epe^^ ylcan*^ pypte pyptpalan -j jeppiS to Sam^^
]?eo^^ je yap je f jeppell }?apa jepalba*^ hio*^

hyo, H. 2 h^l yf, B. " ly,V. B. omit. " pseb-, B. * his, B.
l^iruni, B. ' )>a)i, B. ley, H. " O. adds belone. '"
H. " Overlined in V. '-
on, H. ' nama, O. " man, H.
'5 hainne, B. H. > beganu, B. ^ j-anb-, B. ^^ Jjou yj-^sejie ylcan
pypte n>eajat on hijje, H. ; }>anne if o]?er JjifTe ylcan plitan pyrt, O. ; hipe,

B. '
sejie hpitcpe, H.; hjnttjie, B. It has been said that a long

K'^JN B.
vowel before two consonants is impossible. ^^ earane, O.
^s ^e
bpipe, B. 23
|,apa, B. 2
edc, H. j,ap, b. j^j^^ b.
st'ri't'lle o^Stlfc rcancena, II.; pcanc-, B. ^8
1^^,^^^ B. _ham-, B.
-am, ^^
his, B. ^* bej>e i>ar mib,
Serpel, II. '
ry, B. II.

lay it wound, till that it be hole {whole) that

to the ;

it will be very quickly, if a man layeth it thereto in

this manner.

Henbane. v. Hyoscyamm
niger. Dot,
1. This wort, named a-v[^(pcoviuKY}, or vog
which is

Kuafxog, and by another name belene, and also some

men call it henbell (noiv henbane), is produced in
cultivated places, and in sandy lands, and in gardens.
Then there is another (sort) ^ of this same wort, swart
in hue, and with stiffer leaves, and poisonous also.
The former is white,^ and it has these virtues.
2. For sore of ears, take juice of this same wort,

and warm it drop it into the ear it in a wonderful

; ;

manner puts to flight the sore of the ears; and also,

likewise, though there be worms in it, it kills them.
3. For swelling of knees and of shanks, or where-

soever on the body a swelling be, take the same wort

(Tui^(^miOLKYi, and pound it lay (it) thereto it will take ; ;

away the swelling.

4. For sore of teeth, take roots of the same wort
seethe (them) in strong wine ; let (the sufferer) sip it
so warm, and hold it in his mouth ; soon it will heal
the sore of teeth.
For sore or swelling of the inguinal parts, take

roots of the same wort, and wreathe to the thigh it ;

will take away the sore or the swelling of the

inguinal parts.

* Supply cynn ?
^ This is Hyoscyamus albus, but our henbane is JET. niger.

K., in margin. ^5
^^ -q sg
^-^^ jj^ .
^^^^ H.
ojrhanyme'S, ^7
^.^p, H.
3 j^ape, B. 39 fcrange, O. ^ moe, O. r^p, healb, and stops at
palan, pme, mu-Se, H. *^ }>apa, B. " ^eyyel, H. "'
)>ape, B.
rylyan, B. H. * jSaem, H., and a stop at palan. *^
I>eo, B., with
a stop. "^ -peal-, B. ^^ heo, B. s"
ojrojimme'Sy H.

yape j^ien^ jenim bonne ]?fej\e^ ylcan

Irip yiyey bjieofc
pypte peap pyjic To b]\ence^ *j fyle hyjie bpmcan -j
ymype* Sa bjieopt J^sepmib^ ponne by 6 hype yona ])e^'

PiS pota paji jenim J?a jdcan pypte mib liyjie pypt-
jmraan^ -j cnuca^ to yomne^ leje opeji Sa pet^^ -j
psejito^^ jebmb hyt; ligelj)^^ punbuplice^'*^ 'j
f jeppell
lunjen able jenim J?9epe j'ylp^n pyj^te peap syle

bjimcan mib healicpe punbpnnje he bi5 jehieleb.

Nsebpe pyjit.^"* vi.

Beop pypt J)e man uipejimam ocSpum naman nnob- 'j

beppypt nemneS bicS cenneb^'^ on p^etepe 'j on fecejuim

heo bi5 hnepceum^^ leapum *j bitteppe^ on bypjmjce.

piS n?ebbpan phte jenim Sap pylpan uipejnnam cnuca

hy menjc^^ mib pine syle bpmcan heo hselS punbojilice
]one plyte -j j5 attoji tobpipS "j pap pj^pte 6u pcealr
niman on Sam monSe )?e man appeliC nemneS.

Beopypt. VII.

Deop pyjit J;e man on

on upc leben-^ uenepiam 'j

jej^eobe beopypt nemneS heo biS cenneb^^ on bejanum^^

fropum "j on pyptbebbum *j on m?ebum^^ *j J)ap pyjite
]m pcealc niman on ]>am. monSe J?e man anjuptum
]}i]> Saet beon^* set ne pleon^^ jenim );ap ylcan pypte

pn, 11.; ryn>I^-; f'N 0. '-t>aiie, B. j^pgence, H.; bpynce,
B. ; brincan, O. ^ j-mepe, II. ;
j-mejia, B. ^ J'aji, B. O.
H. omits J'e = jjy, instrumental here.
]>e, ;
' -ccji- B., more exactly.
" cnoca, B. H. ''A note in II. explains cum polenta. '" )oc, B.

"Kap, B. '2hylp, II. -bop-, B. ' oyamme^, II.

>= '^ ncbbre

pnrt, B., later characters. '" csenneb, B. " -cum, B. '" biceji, B.

G. {womans) breasts*'^ be sore, take then

If a wifes IIknuani:
j uice of the same wort, work it to a drink, and give
' ^"

it to her to drink, and smear the breasts therewith ;

then it will soon be the better with her.

7. For sore of feet, take the same wort, with its

roots, and pound together lay over the feet, and ;

bind thereto it will heal wonderfully, and will take


away the swelling.

8. For lungs addle (disease)^ take juice of the same
wort, give (it) to drink ; with high wondering he will
be healed.

Adder WOBT. VI. Pdygonvm

1. This wort, which is named viperina, by
another name adder wort, is produced in water, and
in arables ; it is of nesh {soft) leaves, and bitterish to

Drawing of a snake. MS. V., fol. 20 b.

For bite of adder, take the same viperina, pound


it, mix with wine, give to drink it healeth wondrously ;

the rent, and driveth away the poison; and this wort
thou slialt take in the month which is called Apiil.

Bee wort. VII. ^.om, mla-

1. This wort, which in Latin is called veneria, and ''

in our language bee wort, is produced in cultivated

places,and in wort beds, and in meads and this ;

wort thou shalt take in the month which is called

2. That bees may not fly ofF,^ take this same wort

^ Apul. 1528, has pectinum, not pectorum nor mammarum.

^ Orris root is used for this purpose now.

^i ^^
'"his maenc, B. -" laeben, B. caenneb, B. beganu, B.
maebu, B. 2'
Ij^-.q^^ g 25 j-i^^^u, B.

]?e uenepiam nembon -j jehoh hy^ to Ssejie hype^

J?onne beo6 hy punjynbe ^ *j naappe ne ]fpica6 ac him
jelicaS f)eo]f pypt byS j^elbon jzunben ne hy man je-
cnapan ne maej buton Sonne heo jpepS -j blepS.^

Ifip hpa ne mseje jemijan^ -j se micjSa set j^tanben

YY nime ]?y]ffe ylcan pyjite pyjitpalan 'j yeo)?e on pse-

tepe to J?j\ibban bsele ]fylle bpmcan J?onne bmnan*^

)?pym bajum he msej )?one mijjpan fopS apenban*^ hyt
haelS punbophce )?a untpumnyppe.

Leon pot.^ viii.

Deop pyjit J?e man pebem leonip -j oSjium naman

leonpot nemneS heo biS cenneb^ on pelbon *j on
bicon on hpieobbebbon.^^

Iryp hpa^^ on |?8epe^^ untjiumnyppe py^^ ^ he py^^

cip^^ J?onne meaht^*^ Su hme unbmban jenim pyppe
pypte }?e^^ pe leon pot nembon pip Sypelap^^ butan^^
^pypttpuman peoS on paetepe on panpsejenbum monan^^
'j Speah hme J^sepmib^^ 'j Iseb tit op j^am hupe^^ on popan

nihte -j ptep^^ hyne mib psepe^* yJY^^ ]>^ nian apipto-

lochiam NemneS 'j J?onne he utja^^ ne beseo he hyne
nu on bsec J?up Su hme meaht^^ op J^aepe untpum-

nyppe^^ unbmban.^^

ElupJ)un3e,^^ IX.

Deop pyp^ J?e man pcelepatam 'j oSpum naman

clupj^unje^^ nemneS heo biS cenneb^^ on puhtum ^ on
paetepejum^^ fuopum fpa hpylc man fpa pap pypte paep-
tenbe JjijS hhhhenbe he fet hp poplaeteS.^^

hy, B. ^ 2 |,ajie hj^e, B. ^ -i^enbe, B. ^ Sjicj)5 i blopS, B.
^ -mis-, B. -non, B. ' aj-aenb-, B. ^ leonef foe, B.
csenneb, B. ^^ peob-, B. h])a, B. '-'
>aje, B. '='
fy, B. " yy, B.
cir, B. ' miht, B. '^
t, O., quam. ^ -lef, 0. '" buton, B.

which we called veneria, and hang it in the hive ; Bre wort.

then will they be content to stay, and will never ^^'^- ^"

depart ; but it will like them well this wort is ;

seldom found, nor may a man know it, except when

it groweth and bloweth.

3. If one may not pass water, and the water be at

a standstill, let him take roots of this same wort, and

let him seethe (them) in water to a third part; give

to drink then within three days he may send forth


the urine it healeth wondrously the infirmity.


Lion foot. VIII. AlchemUh

1. This wort, which is called pes and by
leonis, Bot.

another name lion foot, is produced in fields, and in

dikes, and in reed beds.
2. If any one be in such infirmity that he be
choice (in eating), then mayest thou unbind him.
Take of which we named lion foot, ^yq
this wort,
plants without roots, seethe in water while the moon
is on the wane, and wash him therewith, and lead

him out of the house in the early part of the night,

and purify him with the wort which is called aris-
tolochia, and when he goes out, let him not look
behind him thou mayest unbind him from the in-


ClOFTHING, or Cloffing, IX. Ranunculus

1. This wort, which is called scelerata, and by BoU
another name clofthing or doffing, is produced in
damp and watery places ; whatsoever man fasting
eats this wort, leaves his life laughing.

2" ^i
B. 23 f^^^p, b. 24 B.
raonan, B. |,ap, B. 22 ^^j^e, j,ape,

'-^iicsa, B. 26i^ihj.^B_ 27-nerre, B. ''^-hmb-,B. 2'' clof-

J>ung, B. ; clufNnca, 0. ^^ cloy\>\xnw, B. ^^ ceenneb, B, ^2 -pig- B.

lc-, B.

G 2

pic3 punbela 'j piS beabj^ppinjay ^

jenim J^aj' 54can
pyjite jecnuca^ hy^ n^ib fmejiupe* butan'^ yealrc

leje to f'sepe'^ punbe Sonne yt lieo j paeopmaS jyp

Sa?]!^ hpset hoppep on biS ac ne 5e]?apa f beo lenjc

jaep^ set bcje J?onne byt J;eapp sy }>y loep beo ))one

balan^" bcboman pojinime jyp J)onne mib opj^ance

J^ippep Smjep punbian^^ piUe jecnuca Sa pyjite "j ppiS
by to )7inpe^^ balan^^ banba pona beo yt^^ pone^''

PiS ppylap "j piS peaptan^^ jemm J?a^^ rY^F'*^^^

pypte 'j jecnuca by mib ppmenum

^ope le^e to })am ^^

ppylum -j to ]?am peajitum bmnan~^ peajum^^ tibum

beo bpifS ^ JYel *j f pojipm^^ ut atybS.

Elup pypt.^^ X.

Deop pyjt'c t>e man batpacion 'j^* oj^pum naman

cluppypt nemneS biS cenneb^^ on panbi^um ^"^
'j on pelbum beo biS peapum leapum -j ))ynnum.
monoS peoce^^ jennn pap pypte ^^
PiS ^epjuS "j

raib anum peabum pjisebe^^ onbutan^^ psep monnep^-

fpypan on panpejenbum ^^ monan on ]?am monpe*^* Se
man appebp nemneS oN octobpe popepeapbum^^ pona j

be bi5 jebagleb.

PiJ? pa^^ ppeajitan bolb jenmi pap ylcan pypte

myb bype jecmica by men^c
pyptpalan eceb -j
^"^ ^^

psepto^^ leje to^^ Sam bolcbum^^ pona byt popmmS^-

by^^ 'j jebeS pam oppum bee jebce.

bcab, B. '^
secnoca, B., and this mode of spelling prevails through-
out MS. B. ^ his, 1^- '
O^mejiupe, V. ^ -con, B. '^
hajie, B.
' |>aji, B. **
horief, O. " lengc ]?ap, B. '" hselne, O., neglecting
the definite construction. " jranbian, B. ; fonbian, O. '- Hn-, B.
'Muilan hanbn, B.; hsele, O. > hyc, 0. '^ hane, O. -me, O.
'^pirtan, O. ' haf, B. '''
n'ln- B. -"-non, B. ^' yvayu,
B.; feapen tibe, O. ^- pojimp, B. II. -^ clofpurt, B. -j on enghf

For wounds and for running sores, take this

2. Cloftiung
Art. ix.
same wort, and pound it witli grease without salt
lay (it) to the wound, then eat it, and it purifies if
there be anything of foulness but allow it not to ;

lie then longer than there be occasion, lest it consume

the sound body. If then thou will to try this thing

by experiment, pound the wort, and wreathe it to
thy sound hand soon it eateth (into) the body.

3. and against warts, take the

Against swellings
same wort and pound it with swine dung lay (it) to ;

the swellings and to the warts within a few hours ;

it will drive away the evil, and draAv out the pus.

Clove wort. X. Ranunculus

acris. Bat,

1. This wort, which is called batrachion, and by

another name clove wort, is produced on sandy lands,
and on fields ; it is of few leaves, and (those) thin.
2. For a lunatic, take this wort, and wreathe it

with a red thread about the mans swere (neck) when

the moon is on the wane, in the month which is
called April, in the early part of October, soon he
will be healed.

3. For the swart scars, take this same wort, with

its roots, and pound it mix vinegar thereto lay to
; ;

the scars ; soon it takes them away, and it makes

them like the rest of the body.

cluffja-c heece'S heo byrbfeape, O. " caenneb, H. B. ^o

j.^n5_^ B .

O. alters, fol. 30=7. -~

fi:o]mm, H. ^s
^gQ^.^^.^ ^. men, 0. adds.
H pyrt, O. =5"
>r8ebu, O. ^'^
-bucon, B.; abutan, O.
'-man-, B. O. ^^ paegenbu, H.; sepaenienbe mona, O. ^' -))a, O.
^^ -rbe, O. ;
]pan, O. adds. ^'^
>>an, O., and condenses. ^' hi^, B.
3 maensc, 11. B.; menK, O. ^^ )>ap, B. O. "' on, O. " bolhum, H.;
bolsu, B. 0. ^- for'5, O. ^^ big, B. O.



O^ujcpypt.^ XI.

Deoy pyp'c ]>e man ajitemepiam 'j oSjuim naman

mucjpj^jit^ NemneS bi8 cenneb^ on jptanijum fropum
j on panbijum ]7onne hpa* yiSpset onjmnan pille
Sonne jenime he him on hanb ]?ap pypte aptemipiam

j hsebbe mib him Sonne ne onjyt he na mycel zo

jeppynce ^ }7sep piSep 'j eac heo aph jS beopnlpeoc- "^

nyppa^ *j on ]7am hupe ]7e he hy^*^ mne haepS heo

pojibyt ypele lacnunja *j eac heo apenbeS^^ yF^^lj^a
manna eajan.^^

Pi]; mnoSep pap jenim J^ap ylcan pypte^^ 'j je-

cnuca hy^* to buPce 'j jemenjc^^ hy^^ piS nipe^'' beop
syle bpmcan^^ pona heo^^ jehSejaS )?8ep inno];ep
pi]? pota pap jenim ]?ap ylcan pypte 'j jecnuca
hy mib pmejmpe leje to ]?am potum heo f pap Ssejia^'

pota opjemmS.

XII. IDepba aptemepia tpajanthep ^ ip mujcpypt.-^

piS blaebpan pap 'j piS ^ man ne mseje jemtjan
jenim )?yppe^^ pyp'^^ peap^^ )7e man eac^^ mv^pyjit
nemneS peo y^p fpa ]7eah oj^pep cynnep 'j jepylP'^ hy^'^
on hatan^^ paetepe oSSe on pine 'j pyle bpmcan.^^

' mugpurt, B. ^ mug-, B. ^ csenneb, H. B. hj^a, B. ^ hanb, B.

" -fjunce, B. ^ eac, H. ^ )"^i?;^> H. ^ -nyj^e, IT.; -nej-j-a, B.
his, B. " a]i8enbe>, H.; so B., without accent. '^ e^an, H. " >a
])irte }>e pe cj'eban (blotted) arcemefia % oSriini nauian mugjij^jxc
nemne'S, O. *
his, B. O. semeng, O.
^* gemaensc, B.

his, B. II.;
" nij'e, B. '^ bjiincan, B. '" he, O. O. omits two paragraphs, "^^

but inserts as follows: tif man on j'eise gon j^ille / "Sanne Senime he him
on hanbe ]>af jnrte artemefiam "l habbe mib him t>ane ne be|> he j^eri

on Seie. Anb eac heo aflish beoful feocnefTe. Anb on }>an hufe fe he

hmne hsef'S." heo forbyc yfele lacnunga 1 eac heo apenbe)? yfelra manna

easan. |7i'S blaebran fare ^t jm'S }>an man s^niisan ne msese

s^^nim J)a

ylcan yyrt "t s^ cnuca hi mib fmerupe 't s^rylle hi on haran j'atcre oJ>(Ser

on pme.-* "t fyle bnncan. ^' J>apa, B. oy, interlined before hsejia, H. ;

22 From II., which reads tasantep. The original text of B. had run
on, as did that of V., but in B. the more recent penman has drawn a

MUGWORT.''^ XI. (MidgeiVOrt) Artemisia

vuhjaris. Bot,
1. which is called artemisia, and by
This wort,
another name mugwort, is produced in stony places
and in sandy ones. Then if any propose a journey,
then let him take to him in hand this wort artemisia,
and let him have it with him, then he will not feel
much toil in his journey. And it also puts to flight
devil {demoniac possession)
sickness and in the ;

house in which he, the onan of the house, hath it

within, it forbiddeth evil leechcrafts, and also it
turneth away the evil eyes of evil men.
2. For sore of inwards, take the same wort, and
pound it to dust, and mix it with new beer; give it
to drink, soon it relieves the sore of the inwards.

3. For sore of feet, take the same wort, and pound

it with lard, lay it to the feet ; it removes the soreness

of the feet.

MuGWORT.b XII. Artemisia

1. For sore
fiiTT T
oi bladder, and m
case that a man
cannot pass water, take juice of this wort, which is
also called mugwort it is, however, of another sort,

and boil it in hot water, or in wine, and give it to


* The painting,MS. V., fol. 21 c, is clearly meant for A.

vulg. (so also H.) The figure in MS. Add. 17063, fol. 11 a,
is of the same cast, but the draughtsmen have not thought
duty so much as ornamentation.
fidelity their
The heading having been omitted in MS.
^ V., there is no
painting. The species is foreign.

line of distinction and -written mugpurt tagantef. ^^

\>^YT^> ^
2^ ^r ^s
reaj', B. 25 edc,H. ^ pyl, H. hig, B. hatan, B.
29 bjii-, B.

PiS j?eona^ yaji jenim ];a]' ylcan py)ite j jecnuca

liy^ mib jrnejmpe "j jepaepc^ liy pel"* mib ecebe^
jebmb )"y)7]?an to $am yape Sy )7yiibban baje him biS

Pi5 pma pape 'j piS jeppel jemm )?a ylcan pyjite^
aptemepiam cnuca hy^ mib ele pel jepylbe^ leje psepto^^
hyt hselS punboplice.
Iryp hpa mib potable ^^ fpy)^e ^j hepelice jefpenceb^^
py ponne jenim Su J>yppe ylcan pypte pyptpalan

pyle etan on liumje *j ept'^ pona he biS jehseleb *j

aclsenpob fpa f'aet Su ne penft f heo masje fpa my eel
mse^en habban.
Iryp hpa^"* sy mib pepepum jebjieht jenime^^
]?onne Syppe ylcan pypte ^^ peap mib ele "j fmype^^ hyt
pona heo J?one^ pepep ppam abej?.

XIII. Mucj pypt.

Deop pypt fpibbe^^ }>e pe aptemepiam leptepilop -j

oSpum naman mncjpypt nembon*^*^ heo biS cenneb*^

abuton bicum on ealbum beopjum jyp 6u hype

blofSman^^ bpyteft he haepS fpsec ppylce ellen.

PiS ]?8ep majan pape jenim J>ap pypte -j cnuca liy
j jepyll hy pel mib amijbalep ele J^am jemete 6e ];u
cly)?an pypce bo J?onne on anne^^ clsenne claS 'j leje
J^septo bmnan^* pip bajum he biS hal 'j jip pj^ppe

pypte pypttpuma byS ahanjen opep hpylcep^^ hupep'^

bupu )7onne ne msej senij man pam hupe bepian.^'' p.

Pi6 J^apa pina bipunje jenim^^ J^YPP^ ylcan pypte

-Scona, B. ^ hig, B ' geper, H. 13.; yef, O. * pel, O.
omits. O. adds. f el, B.
^ -), " ' yyrt, O. his, B.
" Sepyllebe, 0. J'apto, B.; J>ar, 0. " -ab-, B. ^'-ry^nc-,B.
T eye, once was written in II., but has been erased. O. omits
the paragraph. " hpa, B. '^
senim, O. '"
p}rc, O.
l-mepa, B. '^ >ofi, H.; )>an, O. ' )>jiibbe j'ypt, B., but the sense
is still faulty. ^^ nemne-S, II. B. 21 csenneb, H. B. 22 biopSman, II.
also ; blopman, B., which is etymologically correct. -^ senne, II. B.
2* -non, B. " j-pyices, II. 20 iiuj-ep, B. -^ bejiisean, II, '^
?;^nim, II.

2. For sore of thighs, take this same woit, and Mugwort.

^^^' ^"*
pound it with lard, and wash it well with vinegar ;

bind it next to the sore; on the third day it will be

well with them.
3.For sore of sinews and for swelling, take the
same wort artemisia pound ;
it with oil well boiled
lay it thereto; it heals wonderfully.
4. If one be much and heavily troubled with gout,
then take thou roots of this same wort, give them to
eat in honey, and soon after he will be healed and
cleansed, so that thou wilt not think that it (the
wort) has so great efficacy.

5. If one be afflicted with fevers, let him take then

juice of this same wort with oil, and smear it (on
him) ; it soon will do away the fever.

Mugwort. a XIII. Artemisia

rm 1 1 1
1 n 1
Pontica. Bot.
1. This wort, the third whichwe called artemisia
(now) XsTTTocpuAXo^, and by another name mugwort, is
produced about ditches, and on old barrows. If thou
breakest its blossoms, it has a flavour as elder.
2. For sore of the maw (stomach), take this wort,

and pound it, and boil it well with oil of almond, in

the manner as thou wouldst work a plaister; put it
then on a clean cloth, and lay it thereto within five ;

days he will be hole. And if a root of this wort be

hung over the door of any house, then may not any
man damage the house. ^
3. For quaking c of the sinews, take juice of this

* This species is not English, hence has no English

name. In MS. V., fol. 22 a, the drawing is nearly like
that of Anthemis, art. xxiv., and the plants are closely
^ In the text, p. for pypt is out of place, for no drawing was
wanted here.
c The text, 1528, of Apuleius has tumorem ; our author
must have read tremorem.


feap^ jemencjeb- mib ele fmype^ Sonne psepmib^

hy jeppicaS paepe^ bipunje^ -j hyt ealne Sone leahtoji
Pitoblice flap }>peo pyp'^a ])e pe aptemepiay nembon
yp pa^b f biana hy pmban pcolbe^ 'j heopa maejemi^^
j laecebom centaupo pyllan se repept op Jjyppum

pyptum laecnunje^^ jepette *j lie J)ap pypta op naman

fepe^^ bianan JJ ip ajitemepiap jenemnebe.

XIV. Doccae.'^

Deop pypt pe man lapatmm 'j oSpum naman boccse^*

nemneS bi5 cenneb^^ on panbijum fcopum ^ on ealbum
PiS cypnlu ]?e on jepealbe pexeS^'' jemm ]?ap pyj^tre
lapatium 'j cnnca hy^^ mib ealbum pyple buton pealte
fpa f fep pmejiupep^^ sy tpam bselum mape J?onne
J?sepe^^ ]>y]^'^e TpyJ^e pel jemenjeb^^ bo hyt: ponne
pyntprenbel ^^ -j bepealb on canlep^'^ leape 'j bepec^^ on
hatum alipum^^ ^ ]?onne hit liat^^ py leje opeji ]7a

cypnlu -j ^eppiS Ssepto^^ ]?yp ip selept^ piS cypnlu.

Dpacentfe.^^ XV.

Deop pypt pe man bpacontea -j oSpum naman

bjiacentpe nemneS yr T^^ f
^T ^pa^can blobe ^^^^
acenneb^^ beon pceolbe*^^ lieo bi5 cenneb^^ on upej^eap-
bum muntum )?8Bp^'^ bseppap^^ beoS ppypofu on lialijum
fuopum- 'j on pam lanbe pe man apulia nemneS heo^^

]-6ap, B. 2 ^emsensc, II. ;
5;em?en?;eb, B. ''
ymejiz, B. hi^, B.

\>Si]\, B, ''
|>a]ie, B. "^
senime'5, II. ^ pnban, B. " fceolbe, H.
msej^nu, B. " lacn-, B. '- hapa, B. '^ bocke, B., by later
hand. " bocce, B. i' crenneb, TI. '" myxennum, II.

" peaxe-S, B. ^o
' hi^, B. '" j-mejiuj'e, H. j,ape, B.
2' semsenseb, B. II. "So B.; pnetjum bael, V.; pi^etpum bd, H.
caj)ler, H. 2' bejiffic, H. ^ ahj-um, H. ; axpim, B. hat, B.

same wort, mixed with oil, smear them then there- MlJGWOUT.
Art. xiii.
with they will cease the quaking, and it will take

away all the mischief.

4. Verily of these three worts, which we named
artemisias, Diana should find {found)
it is said that
them, and delivered their powers and leech dom to
Chiron, the centaur, who first from these worts set
forth a leechdom, and he named these worts from the
name of Diana, "Aprefjug, that is Artemisias.

DoCK.a XIV. Itumex ohtusi-

foUus. Bot.

1. This wort, which is called lapatium, and by

another name dock, is produced in sandy places, and
on old mixens.
2. For kernels or sivelled glands, which wax on the

groin, take this wort lapatium, and pound it with old

grease without salt, so that of the grease there he by
two parts more than of the wort make it very well ;

mixed into a ball, and fold it in the leaf of a cab-

bage, and make it smoke on hot ashes, and when it
be hot, lay it over the kernels, and wreathe (hind) it
thereto. This is best for kernels.

Dragons.^ xv. Ai'um dra-


1. Of this wort, which is named dpaxovTiov, and

by another name dragons, it is said that it should be
(was) produced of dragons blood. It is produced on
the tops of mountains, where bowers be, mostly in
holy places, and on the land which is called Apulia.

^ A dock is drawn in its early stage before the stalk in

MS. V. Fiddle dock is drawn in MSS. G. T.
^ See Glossary.

B. 2 B. - bragance, B.,
"(Sap, 3-elorc, in later hand.
acsenneb, B. 32 ^3 ^r^^^^ i^
^^ 31 3'colbe, B. csenneb, B. H.
^* beajipaj*, H. he, H.

on luinijiiiu lanbe pyx'S' Jieo yj' linej'ce on tethpine

'j pepebpe on byjiincje^ "j on fpsece fpylce 5]iene
cyj'tel*^ -j ye pyjitpuma neoSepeapb* fpylce bpacan


pi'6 eajiJa na^bjiena plite jenim }>yrr^ VYV^^ bpaconrea

pyjirtpuman cnuca mib pme 'j pypm hyt syle b]\inccan^
call f arcop liyt topejieS.

PiSban bpyce jenim J>yfpe ylcan pypte pypttpuman^

j^ cnuca mib pmeppe J?am jelice J?e Su clypan pypce

Sonne atyhS hyt^ op );am lichoman^^ j^a tobpocenan

ban Sap pyp^e J?u pcealt: Niman on J^am monSe )?e

man lulium nemneS.

JOpeapnef leacJ^ XVI.

py'P^ ^6 man patypion 'j oSpum naraan
hpsepnep^^ leac^^ nemneS heo biS cenneb^* on hean^^
bunum on heapbura fcopum
*j *j fpa pome^^ on maebum^^
"jon bejanum lanban^^ on ^j panbijum.^^

PiS eappoSlice punbela jenim )?yppe pypte ^^ Pyj^"^-

tpuman^^ J?e pe patypion nembon *j eac pume men
pjuapipci liataS^^ j cnuca topomne hyt j^a punba^^
aclaenpaS 'j Sa bolh ^elycS.
eajena pap f ip J^onne ^ hpa topnije^ py jenim"^
]?yppe ylcan yy]Xce^^ peap~^ *j pmype^^ Sa eajan^^
];9ppmib^^ butan^^ ylbmcje hyt opjenumS f pa]i.

jnxfc, n. 2 byjjismcse, II.; bi)uj;inse, B. ' cyfcen, II. ' ny'Se-, B.
heajob, B. ''
bjucan, II. ' iiyjarjniraan, V. " H. omits.
" hyc, H. omits. -haman, B. '" " refnef lee, B., by a later penman.
'^ loac, H. '^ caenneb, II. B. ^^ hean, B. ' fame,
jisej-ner, B.
lanbum, II. B. ""
B. ' msebu, B. '**>^
r^n^- ^' PyP^^'^i^j ^'
]'yicjuman, V. " liara'S, B. "^
O. adds afermajj, purycs.
tojian (termination blurred) eaj^e, B. " mm, II. - j'ypt, H.

It waxetli in a nosh (soft) to the

stony land, it is Dragons.

touch, and sweetish to the taste, and in flavour as a

green chestnut, and the netherward root is as a
dragons head.
Figures of a snake and dog in hostility. MS. F.,

fol 22 d.
2. For wound of all snakes, take roots of this wort
dracontium, with wine, and warm it ;
give it to drink ;

it will remove all the poison.

For broken bone, take roots of this same wort,

and pound them with lard, as if thou wouldst work

a poultice then it draweth from the body the broken

bones. This wort thou shalt take up on the month

which is called July.

Orchis. Bot.

1. This wort, which is called and by


another name ravens leek, is produced on high downs

and in hard places,and also in meadows, and in cul-
tivated lands, and in sandy ones.
For difficult wounds, take roots of this wort

which we named satyrion, and (which) also some men

call priapiscus, and knock (pound) together it ;

cleanseth the wounds, and cures the scars.

3. For sore of eyes, that is, when that one be
tearful, take juice of this same wort, and smear the
eyes therewith ; without delay it removes the sore.

^ An orchis is figured, MS. V., fol. 23 a, not a Hahenaria

(Satyrium of Linnaeus). The orchidaceous character is much
less marked in MS. A., fol. 13 a. MS. Gr. draws an orchis.

T hums, H. - j-mepa, B. ^9 eagene, 0. ^o
|,a^,^ 33 q
'' but on, B.


Felb yf]\X:? xvii.

Deoy pyjit J?e man jentianam oSjmm naman

*j jrelb-

pyjit nemnej? heo biS cenneb^ on bunum -j heo

fpamaS^ to eallum bjienceom^ heo biS hnepce on
setbjune ^ bittejie on byjijmjce^

Pi6 nsebpan phte jemm )?y]f]fe ylcan pypte jen-
tianam pypttpuman *j ^ebjiije hme^ cnuca Sonne to
bupte anpe tpemepe'' jepibte syle bjiincan on pme
J?py pcenceap^ hit ppemaS^^ miclum.^^

8hte. XVIII.

Deop pyp'c Se man opbiculapip -j oJ)pum naman

shte nemneS heo biS cenneb^^ on bejanum ftopum^^
j on bunlanbum.
PiJ? f Sset^* mannep pex^^ pealle jenim J?ap ylcan
pypte 'j bo on pa nseppyplu.^^
PiS mnopep ptypuni^a^'' jenim pap ylcan pypte pypc
to palpe^ leje to Saep mnoSep pape eac heo piS
heoptece^^ pell ppemaS.^^
PiS miltan^^ pajie jenim pypj'e ylcan pypte peap
anne^^ pcenc^^ *j pip fciccan pulle^^ ecebep pyle bpmcan^^
.IX ^^bajap pu punbjiapS^^ fepe^^ jeppemmmcje jenim
eac^^ Ssepe^^ ylcan pypte pyptpuman^^ *j ahoh^^ abutan^^
p8ep mannep ppypan^^ ppa^^ f he hanjie^*^ pojme^^ jean
Sa^^ miltan hpeeblice^^ he biS jehseleb 'j fpa*^ lipylc

Not jrelpypc. ^ csenneb, H. B. ^ jjiema'S, B. ^ bjiyncum,
B. ^ biceji on bipginse, B. byjnsmsce, H. ;
" hig, B., her.
' tpymese, H. ^ gepaese, H. ^ l^pi?; j-csencaj', B. ' jrpama'S, H.
" mice-, B. '2 ceenneb, II. B.; 0., fol. 15 b, breaks the sentence at
'^ B. ^^ B. "^
nemne'S. j-tojmm, B. ^' (Ssec i^e, )'eax, noj--,

B. 1^ fcypunse, H. ^^ gealye, H. B. ; fealue, O. ^^ heorce ece, O.

2" -meS, O. ;
j-pama'S, H. ^i
u^iice, O. ^ senne, B. rcsenc, H.;

with accent, B. 2' fiillu, O. ^5 hjiincan, B. ; bjnncan, H. j^ in
^s ^9
H. has been altered to fix. ^7 _aft, q. |,ape, B. ^dc, II.
8" l^ajie, B. ^^ jjypttpuman, H. ;
j)urcume, 0., which also condenses.

Field wort. XVII. Erythraa

pulcclla. Bol.
1. This wort, which is called gentian, and by
another name field wort, produced on downs, and

it is beneficial for all drinks {antidotes) it is nesh ;

(soft) to the touch, and bitter to the taste.

Dratuing of a snake. MS. V., fol. 23 h.

2. For bite of snake, take a root of this same wort

gentian, and dry it knock it then to dust by weight


of one drachm; give to drink in wine three cups; it

benefits much.

Sowbread,^ XVIII. Cyclamen

1. This wort, which is called orbicularis, and by Bot
another name slite, is produced in cultivated places,
and on downlands.
2. In case that a mans hair fall ofi*, take this same

wort, and put it into the nostrils.

3. For stirring of the inwards, take this same wort,

work it to a salve; lay it to the sore of the inwards.

It also is well beneficial for heartache.
For sore of milt (spleen), take juice of this same

wort one cup, and five spoonsful of vinegar give ;

(this) to drink for nine days; thou wilt wonder at

the benefit. Take also a root of the same wort, and
hang it about the mans swere (neck), so that it may
hang in front against the milt (spleen) soon he will ;

a MS. MS.
In the figures, V., fol. 23 c, A., fol. 14 a, we
see that Ct/cl. hed. had once been the model but the tuber :

has become a disk and the flowers strawberries. In MS. T.

Cyclamen is well drawn, and is glossed Aswote. MS. G-. is
nearer the herb than MS. V.

^- ahoh, B. ^^ bucon, B. ^^ fpeopan, H. ; fpuran, O. ^^

)ja, O., for
36 ^r
j-pa. hansiSe, H.; hansige, B. aforne, O. ^'^
|>ar, 0.
39 pseb-, B.; hreel-, 0. '<' man fpa, O.

man ]^yf f e pypte j^eap J^ijeS punbojilicjie hppobnj^ppe ^

he onjit pciep mnoSey liSunje p>ap pyjite man moDj

nnnan on relcne pael.^

Unpojitpsebbe.^ xix.

Deop pypt Se man pjiopeppmacam* -j oSjium naman

unpojitp ebbe nemneS heo biS cenneb^ jehpsep on^
bejanum ptopum ^ on beojijum Sap pypte^ Su

pcealt on pumejia nimen.^

Pi(S j;5^ man jenim pyiT^^^ PYP"^^ peap^^
blob^^ ppipe^^
ppopeppmace *j butan pmice^* S^PY^ ^^ ppiSe jobum
*j ptjian^um pme bpmce ponne pseptenbe^^ nijon
bajaf^^ bmnan^'' pam paece f>u onjytft: on Sam^^ pun-
bo]ilic^^ Smjc.^^
PiJ? pyban pa)ie^^ jenim }?yppe ylcan pypte peap mib
ele *j fmype^^ jelomlice^^ hit jenimS f pap.

PiS tittia pap pipa^* beo6 melee *j toSunbene^^ f>e

jenmi Sa ylcan pypce 'j cnuca hy^^ *j mib^'' butejian

jeliSja^^ leje Sonne J^sejito^^ heo tobpipS punboplice Sa
toSunbennj^ppe^^ 'j ]3 pap.

piS eajena pape sep punnan upjanje oS6e hpene seji

heo pullice jepijan^^ onjmne ja to fejie^^ y^^^^^ Pyp"^^'

ppopeppmacam *j beppit hy abutan^^ mib anum jyl-
benan^* hpmje^^ "j cpeS f ])Vi h}^^'' to eajena laecebome
niman^^ pylls *j septep Spim bajum ja ept J^sejito

seji punnan ^^ upjanje^^ *j jemm liy"*^ ^ hoh on butan


pSGp mannep fpyjian lieo pjiemaS'^^ pel.

-lice jjjeb-, B. '^
o alee tima, O. ^ un, O. omits. ; for-
trobbe, O., rubric. ''
proserpinam, O. ^ caenneb, If. B.
) on, H. '
j'yjic, B. mman, H. B.; -me, O.
f he, B.
blob, B. >'
rpipe, B. '2 iican, B. adds. '^ j.^.^^,^ j^
" 3'mice, B. '^ ) ajf-cnbe, 11. ' bagef, O. '"
bmnou, B.
" ^o

ou am, II. omits. -lice, O. y^^^Q^ jj 21

f^pa, O.
23 rnietia, B. "' -16m-, B. '' j ij'a, O. 25 .jn'mb-, B. ^c
h,j^ 3
APVLEir. 11 J]

be licaled. And whatsoever man swallows the juico Sowiiueai).

of tliis wort, witli wondrous quickness he will perceive

relief of the inwards. This wort a man may collect
at any period.

Untrodden to pieces, Knotgrass, xix. Polygonum

aviculare. But.
1. This wort, which is called proserpinaca,''^ and by
another name unfor trodden,
produced is everywhere
in cultivated places, and on barrows. This wort thou
shalt gather in summer.
2. In case that a man spew blood, take juice of

this wort proserpinaca, and boil it without smoke in

very good and strong wine let (the sick) drink it ;

then fasting for nine days, within the period of

which thou wilt perceive a wondrous thing (effect).
For sore of side, take juice of this same wort,

with oil, and smear (the sides) frequently it will ;

remove the sore.

4. For sore of titties of women, which be in milk

and swollen, take the same wort, and knock (^pound)

it, and lithe it with butter ^ (add butter as a lenitive) ;

lay then thereto

it it will drive away wonderfully ;

the swoUenness and the soreness.

5. For sore of eyes, before sunrise, or shortly before

it begin fully to set, go to the same Avort proser-

pinaca, and scratch it round about with a golden

ring, and say that thou wilt take it for leechdom of
e}'es, and after three days go again thereto before
rising of sun, and take it, and hang it about the
mans swere {neck) ; it will profit well.

^ Lat. Polygonum=Sanguiiiaria=Proserpinaca.
^ Latin, " cum butyro subacta."

-' hy mib, II. -^ -^Sesa, B. ^9 |,ap, B. .nej-j-e, B. ''
-ps- B.
^- tSape, B. ^^ onbucon, B. ^' un gilbene, O. ^^ h]iinj5e, B. O,
his, B. ^- -men, O. ^^ \>a]i, B. O. =*"
fune, O. ' Sancge, H.,
without up. ^' hit;, B. =-
-ton, B. jpamaiS, II.


Pi6 Ccajiena j'aji jeiiim J^yffe ylcan pypte yeap*

jeplseht^ bjiype^ on f eajie punbojilice hit ^ j^ap
tojzepeS -j eac* pe fylpe epenlice *j jlseplice^ onjiun-
ben*^ habba6 f hit ppemaS^ *j eac pitoblice utene
f>83jia^ eapena paji jehselS.

PiS utpihte jemm j^yppe ylcan pypte leapa peap^^ *j

pylP^ on psetepe syle bpmcan })am ^emete ]7e Se ];ince
he ht6 hal jepopben.

8mejio pypt.^^ xx.

^^Deop pypt J7e man apiptolochiam -j oSpum naman

pmepopypt^* nemneS heo biS cenneb^^ on bunlanbum
j on pseptum^^ ptopum:-^^
pi6 attjiep ptjienSe^^ jenim pypte apiftolochiam

'j cnuca^^ pyle bpmcan ^^ on pine heo opepfpiS ealle

ftjienSe^^ paep attpep.

^^Pi]? J>a^^ fti)?uptan^^ pepepap jenim Sap pylpan pyjite

-j ^ebpi^e hy^^ fmoca ponne^^ J?9epmib^^ heo aplijS na
Isep^ ]7one pepep eac^^ PPylce beopul peocnyppa.^^

PiS nsQj'Sypla pajie jenim }>yppe ylcan pypte pypt-

puman -j bo on ]?a naepSyplu^^ hpaeblice h^'t hi^^
apeojimeS^^ 'j to hsgle jelsebeS. pitoblice ne niajon
laeceap^* naht mycel hselan biitan/'^ J?ippe pypte.

PiS J)8et^^ hpa^'' mib cyle jepseht^^ py jenim^^ J?ap

ylcan pypte ^^ 'j ele -j fpmen*^ fmepo*^ bo tosomne

^ peaj), B. 2 j;ej)leht, H. B. ^ brupe, O. ' eac, H. ^ Sleaji-, B.

" yfunben, O. ''
V. omits three words. ^ eac, H. ^ J^ajia, B.
"" j-eap, B. " pyl, n. ^^ forjec^epupt, B., in later hand. O. omits

the paragraph, giving the equivalent names in the next. '* fmenepyrt,
csenneb, H. B. fafte, O. r^op-, B. ' j^paen-Se,
II.; j-cpen^tSe, B.; rtrenge, O. enuca hi- t, O.
'" -" brencan, O.
fcjifcns'Se, II.; fcpensK B.; ftrense, O., with ]> added. 22 q o^^j^g

two paragraphs. -^ \>ai, H. ^i

-epc-, B. " S^^J^S hiS, B.
T msengc hi pnioca hy jjoii, H. ^7 j^^p^ 13 jxteld&Yi B. ; nselap, H.

For sore of ears, take juice of this same wort untrodden

6. ;

make lukewarm, drip it on the ear wonderfully it ;

Art. XIX,
removes the sore; and also we ourselves have tried
it fairly and cleverly. And also, further, externally it
healeth an ulcer of the ear.
7. For diarrhoea,^ take juice of the leaves of this
same wort, and boil it in water give it to drink in \ .^ ;
the manner which may seem good to theej he wilL-^
be recovered.

Smear wort. XX. AristohcUa

clemalitis. Bot.
1. This wort, which is named ocpia-Tokoxioi, and by
another name smear wort, is produced on downlands,
and on solid places.

Against strength of poison, take this wort aris-


tolochia, and pound it give to drink in wine;

it ;

overcometh all the strength of the poison.

For the stiffest fevers, take the same wort and

dry it smoke (the sick) then therewith it puts to

; ;

flight not only the fever, but also devil sickness

{demoniacal possession).
4. For sore of nostrils,^ take root of this same wort,
and introduce it into the nostrils quickly it purges ;

them, and leadeth to health. Verily, leeches may not

Ileal much without this wort.
5. In case that one be afflicted with chill,

take this same wort, and oil and swine grease ;


^ Ad dysentericos.
^ Latin, Ad fistulas, and fistulis inserta.

2"eac, K. ^^''-nerre, H.; -nerra, B. ^'

-\>y]ila, B. '" lug, B.
-maS, H. B. ''
Isecar, B. ^5 _^q^^ ^ 3.
p^^ -^ ^if^ O. ='"
b])a, B.
Sej'ehc, B. =^^ nime, O. ^"^ jnrc, O. ^^ rpynej-, H.; vpmen, B.
*- fmere, O.

H 2

J?onne^ lia?).cS liit: (Sa fcjirenjSe^ hyne to jepyjun-


piS niBbjian j^lite jenim J^yfye yl<^^n yyV^^ pyj^"^"

tjmman tyn peiieja^ Z^V^Z^ ^ liealjrne fefceji pinej^

^eyeyc^ toyorane syle bpmcan jelomlice ponne cojic-

]ieS^ hit ]?set attoji.

Ijyy hpylc cylb ahp^eneb^ )^y )7onne jenim ]7ii ]\ap

ylcan^ PYP"^^ 'j T^^oca hit mib ]?onne jebept Sii hit
Se jl?eb]ie.
PiS ]> pea]ihbp?ebe hpam on nopa^^ pexe^^ jenim ])a
y^can p^'P^e -j cyppeppum^^ 'j bpacentpan ^j hnni;^

cnuca topomne^^ leje J^sejito^'^ Sonne biS hit pona^^


Ea3ppe.^^ XXI.

^ mannep pex^^ pealle jenim J)?cjie'^ PYP"^^ yea])

\)e man naftujicmm 'j oSpum naman c^eppe^^ nemnet)
bo on ]^a nopa f pex^^ pceal yexen.^^

Deop pyp''^" i^e biS papen ac heo^^ op hype pylj^P*^

on pyllon 'j on bpocen^^ eac^^ hit apjii-
cenneb^'* biS^^
ten yp ^ heo on pumum lanbon^^ piS pajap peaxen-'-^

PiS heapob pap f yp piS pcupp^^ 'j pi*8 jicSan jenim

J^yppe ylcan pypte^^ paeb^- "j S^pc fmejiu'*^^ cnuca

' Kine, O. - rr]ieu?;'v5e, B.; ftrenjqe, O., with \> added.

3-purm-, O. Here in B. a blank is left, and karfe is written, as

a heading or guide to rubricator. See Contents. ^ paenega, II. B.

" Sej)es, II. B. '^
-jiaS, B. ^ ahjineb, B. " Sa )"yl>an, If.
'" noj-an, B.; nop, with n added.
IT., " j'eaxc, B. '- "cypcro,"
Latin. '^ cofomna, O. " \>a]^, B. 0. '^ fona hal, ().

' karfe, B., in later writing. " Gif, O., fol. 15. ' yeax, B.
O. -"
"' JjifTe,
cej))v, B. '^^
yeax, B. O. -- j'exan, II.; jeaxan, B. O.
-^ O. thus: heof j'yit jiexa)> on jwlle ''t on paetere 1 eac on lanbu

"t by pajjaf . ''t by ftanef. '-'

cajnneb, B. -' bi'S, 11. omits.
-" bpoeon, II. B. -'"
ac, II. -^ lanbc, II. -" pexen, B. ^"
Tca]\y, II.;
O. condenses. -' jMrc, O. -- sece, for j-aeb, If. "' pni'iia, B.; -\\\ O.

th6r)i together ; then hath it the strciigtli to warn: Sme vu woirr.

^^'^- '^^

Tivo snakes intertwined. iMS. V., fol. 24 c.

For bite of adder, take roots of this same wort,


by weight of ten pennies and half a sextarius,

(J innt) of wine wash them together give to drink

frequently then will it remove the poison.


7. If any child be vexed/^ then take thou the same

wort, and smoke it with this; then wilt thou render

it the gladder.
8. In case that to any one an ulcer grow on his *^

nose, take the same wort, and cypress, and dragons,

and honey, pound togetlier, lay thereto (ctirply the
pvepavatwi) then \ will it be soon amended.

Chess, WatevcressP xxi. JVastxrtinm


In case that a mans Lair fall ofF,^ take juice of


the wort which one nameth nasturtium, and by

another name cress put it on the nose the hair

shall wax (grotv).

2. This wort but it is produced of
is not sown,
itself in wylls {springs^ and in brooks; also it is
written, that in some lands it will grow against
For sore of head, that is for scurf and
3. for itch,
take seed of this same wort and goose grease

Latin, contristatus.
^ LatiD, carcinomata.
c The drawings arc rudely like the plant. '
The drawing
in MS. V. is most like Euphorbia lathyris, caper spurge," PI.
d Latin, Ad caput depilandum.
^ Latin, circa parietes imos. The interpreter has wilfully
altered the sense.

toj'omne hit J;a hpitnefye^ j)8ef^ j'cuppej" op Sam

heajzbe at^^liS.

Pi6 hcey^ j^apnypjfe* jenim )?a]" ylcan pypte naf-

tu]\cium 'j poUeian^ jfeoS on p?etepe syle bjimcan
ponne jebetft;^ 6u ]?8ep lichoman^ yajinyppe^ 'j f yF^^

Pi6 ypylay jenim ]?ay ylcan pyjite j cnuca liy raib

ele leje opej\ ]?a fpylay mm Sonne ^^
)?8e]\e^^ ylcan
pyjite^^ leap 'j leje ]?8ejit:o.^^

PiS peajitan jenim cnuca ]?ap ylcan pyjite "j syf'^^*

toyomne^^ leje fsepto^^ hy beoS pona popnumene.

Irpeate pypt. xxii.

Deop pypt ]?e man hiepiibulbum 'j oSpum naman

jjieate pypt nemne]? heo bi]? cenneb^^ abutan^ heojan^^
j on pulum fcopum.
PiS liSa pape jenim f'yppe ylcan pypite ]?e pe hiepi-
bulbum nembun^^ pyx yntpan^^ 'j jsetenep pmepupep
Sam be jelicon*^^ 'j op cypjieppo^'^ }^am tjieopcynne
anep punbep jepihte elep 'j tpejea^^ yntpa cnuca to
pomne pel jemenjceb^^ hit jenimS f pap je psep mnoSej'
je )?8epa^^ liSa.

Irip pipmannep nebbe pexen^'' jenim

nebcopn on
J?yppe pylpan^^ yjV^^ pyptpuman^^ 'j jemenjc^^ piS ele
})pea^^ pySSan ]?8epmib^^ hit apeopimaS op ealle pa

^ hpic, B. 2 1'aefcujijej', H. ^ licej*, B. ^ " Ad cruclitalein,^'

indigestion. The translator took for "rawness."

it poUeglau, O. ^

" j?one sebetfcu, H.; ]>an, O. -haman, B. H.; -mef, O.

^ ^ -neffe,

B. coyepetS, H. '
i>me, 0. " J'ajae, B. O. ^'
ryrt, O.
" j?ap, B. O. ^* " Ad strumas " cum lomento. Apuleius. That is, a
mixture of bean meal and rice kneaded together. But 'gyk=i/east. '^ co-

gabere, O. '" >apc6, B.; J>ar, O. '^ csenneb, H. B. '^

-ton, B-
heson, II. B. -",-bon, B. 21 gnj-an, IJ. ^--^ehcan, H. -^s
ci/prini, Lat. ; oil of privet ; cypiiefTa, H. ' tye'gpa, B. -^ semaengceb,
H.; -Seb, B. )>a]ia, B. ^7 j^eaxan, B.
-'^ -^ j-ylj-jan, H. ^ pyjitt]i-,
B. H. 30 gemeensc, H.; -g, B. ^i
),p^a^ ^ 32
^^^^^ b.

pound together ; it draws from off the head the Ckess.

^^^"^- ^^'
whiteness of the scurf.
4. For soreness of same wort
body/^ take this
nasturtimn, and penny royal; seethe them in water;
give to drink then amendest thou the soreness of the

body, and the evil departs.

5. Against swellings, take this same wort, and
pound it with oil lay over the swellings then take
; ;

leaves of the same wort, and lay them thereta

6. Against warts,^ take this same wort and yeast

pound together, lay thereto they be soon taken away.


Great wort. xxii. CokMcum

(lutumnale ?
1. This wort, which man nameth Upo^oK^os, and by Bot
another name great wort, is produced about hedges
and in foul places.
2. For sore of joints, take of same wort, which this
we named hierobulbus, six ounces, and of goats
grease by the same (measure), and of oil^ of cypress,
the tree genus, by weight of one pound, and two
ounces pound together when well mixed, it will

take away the disease, either of the inwards or of the

8. If granulations (pimples) grow on a womans
face, take roots of this same wort, and mingle with
oil;^^ then wash afterwards therewith; it will purge
away all the face kernels (pi/inples).

^ Latin, Ad cruditatem, indigestion,

^ Latin, Ad furunculos, boils.
c Latin, Cyprinum oleum, ad libram et unci as dnas ; oil of
privet, one pound tioo ounces. The interpreter had his
^ Latin, Cum linimento lupinacio, that is, hrewis, used as a
wash for the face.

JjIoj: pyjit.^ XXIII.

Deo]" pypit ];e man apollmajiem ^j oSjmm naman

jlofpyjit nemne]? yy ygeb ]5 apollo hy aejicyt^ jrinban*^
yceolbe^ ^ hj^ epculapio ];am l^Gce j^jdlan J^anon he
h^j-pe ]7sene^ naman ^ on ayerte.
hanba^ j^ape jenim ];ap ylcan pyptre apollmajiem

cnuca hy^ mib ealbum^^ fmeppe butan^^ pealre bo

)7a3pt(3^^ anne^^ pcsenc^* ealbep^^ pmep 'j ^ sy^^ jehset

butan^^ fmice '^^ *j ]78ep smeppey*^^ py anep punbep

jcpilite^^ cnuca to pomne j^am jemete J^e 6u c]y]?an
pypce 'j leje to ]?aepe^' hanba.^^

Ma^ej^e.''^'^ xxiv.

piS eajena pape jenime man^* ^p punnan^^ upjanje

Sap pS^pte ]?e man camemelon 'j oSpum naman maje] e
nemne'O -j ]7onne~^ liy man nime*^ cpej^e p he h}'"^
pille piS plean -j piS eajena pape nnnan^^ nyme pySSan
f pop 'j fmypije^^ Sa eajan fejimib.^^

IDeojit cla?ppe.'^^ XXV.

Deop pypt pe man chamebjnp 'j oSpum naman heojit-

clteppe nemneS heo biS cenneb^^ on bmium^^ *j on
fseftum lanbum.

' clofj'urc, B., in later writing. - -ofr, B.; areft, O. ^ finben, O,

j'colbe, B. ^ hi, B. *^
l^one, B. '
fella ]>a he hyre Kman
naman, O. ^ Ad vulnera chironia, Latin ; hanba, B, ; hanba, O.
hi?;, B. O. ' ealbe, O. " -con, B. O. '^ j,ap^ r q 13
'= '
II. B. 1* fenc, O. selbef, O. yy, B. >'
-ton, B.
"* '" ^o
j-mice, B. fmerepef, O. jjej^hice, O. -'
hape, B. O.
-- Chironio vulneri impones, Latin. ^' mei'Se, B., by later hand.

2' scniiii, O., without man, fol. 38 = 10. 25 fnj-,a^

q -g |,an, O.
2^ ^s 29 nime, ^^ rmypv;e, 11.;
nimen, O. ]jj^^^ j^ O., infinitive.

pncjU'se, B.; fmyre, O. ^" haji, B. ^- licc^t clourc, B., by later pen.
^^ cainncb, II. B. ^' bane, O.

GLOVEWOKT, Lily of the valley. XXIII. Convaltaria

1. Of this wort, which is named Apollinaris, and
by another name glove wort, it is said that Apollo
should first find it, and give it to ^sculapius, the
leech, whence he set on it the name.
2. For sore of hands,'*^ take this same wort Apolli-

naris, ponnd it with old lard without salt, add thereto

a cup of old wine, and let that be heated without
sinoke,^ and of the lard let there be by weight of one
pound knock {^poiind) together in the manner in

which thou mightest work a plaister, and lay to the


M.AYTHE. XXIV. Anthcmis

1. For sore of eyes, let a man take ere the upgoing

of the sun, the wort which is called ;^aju,a/ja>3Aov, and
by another name maythe, and when a man taketli
it, let him say that he will take it against white
specks, and against sore of eyes let him next take ;

the ooze, and smear the eyes therewith.

Hart clover. XXV. Medkago. BoL

1. This wort, which is named ^oi[xcci^pvcj Germander,^
and by another name hart clover, is produced on
downs and on solid lands. <^

^ Ad vuliiera cyrpnia. By Celsiis (v. xxviii. 5.) vlcus

chironium is denned as " quod et magnum est, et habit oriis
" duras, callosas, tumentes." But the interpreter knew some
Greek, and in that language xe)p is hand.
^ Latin,Vinum vetus sine fumo. The interpreter did not
know that the Romans evaporated some watery particles of
the must before fermentation. The words " be heated," are
his interpolation.
^ Tcucrium chanicedrys^ Bot.
Latin, SabulosiL-, sandy.


hpa tohpyfeb py jenim^ f^aj- pypte^ ]>e ye

camebpiy nembon cnuca hy'^ on tjiypenum* psete syle
bpmcan on pme eac^ fpylce to plite heo jehseleS.

piS n^ebpan plite jennn J>ap ylcan pypte cnuca hy^

fpy]7e fmael on bupte'' Yjle bpmcan on ealbum^ pme
)7ea]ile hyt ]5 attop tobpepS.^
Pi^ potable jennn )?ap ylcan pypte pyle bpmcan
on peapmum^^ pme ]?am jemete J?e pe brep^^ bepopan
cpsebon punboplice hyt f pap jeliJjejaS *j J>a beele
jejeappaS ]?ap pypte ^^ ]>u pcealt niman^^ on J7am
monSe ]?e man aujuftuf nemneS.

See the glos- pulpep camb.^* XXVI.

sary on e}0]i-
. , . .

reapn. J/io lipep peocnyppe jenim pyppe pypte peap pe man

chameselese naman^^ pulpep camb nemne^
*j oSjium
syle bpmcan on pme* "j pepepjmbum mib peapmum^^
psetepe punbuplice^^ byt ppemaS.^^
Pi5 attjiep bpmc jenim ]?ap ylcan pypte cnuca by

to bufte pyle bpmcan on pme eaP^ ^p attop topsepS.

Pi5 paetep peocnyppe jenim )7ap ylcan pypte -j

bjiaepnep pot^^ -j lieopt^^ clseppan "j henep^^ ealpa Sippa

pypta^* jelice mycel be jepibte cnuca liy'^^ to
fmalon^^ bufte pyle J^ycjean^'' on ptne ^eonjum men pip
cucelepap pulle
*j jmjpum j untpumum^^ pipum "j

)7py~^ cuculepap litlum*^^ cilbum anne ^^^ punbuplice^^

be j5 psetep )?upb micjSan poplsete^.^^

' mme, O. ^
pyp^j O., which condenses. ' hig, B. ' tjieoj*-, O.
' co -ban, B.; selban, O.
^ cac, H. '
hit;, B.
fy. fm. b., 0.

" tobjiey, V. ; cobjase] 'S, II. B. ; sel J> a. to brej^f, 0. '"

pyi"T^^> O-
" hep, B. '^ pyi'*5 ^' '^ nime, O. '^ jmluef comb, B., but later.
naraa, O. '" j'>'rme, O. '^ -bop-, B. '^ jpama'S, II. '" hi?;, B.
2 eel, O. -'
p3e)-ne)' )oc, B. -^ hoit, O. -^ haenep, II. B. -' ealle
^s ^
hlTe pyicc, 0. jjij;, B. ftnalan, B.; -le,. O. =' hicKan,
H. B. -uncpupu, B. -"' h^yS, B.; iiij, O. =*Mitle, O.

2. If one take this wort, which we

be bruised,''^ IIakt clovkr.

named charasedrys, pound it in a treen (wooden) fat

{vessel); give to drink in wine; it also healeth for an
incised wound.
Figure of a snake. MS. V., fol. 26 d.
3. For bite of adder, take this same wort, pound it

very small to dust; give to drink in old wine;

thoroughly will it drive off the poison.
4. For foot addle same wort; give
(gout), take this
to drink in warm wine, in the manner in which we
here before wonderfully it alleviates the sore,
and prepares the cure. This wort thou shalt take in
the month which is named August.

Wolfs comb. xxvi. nipsacus

silvcfiti'is. Bot.
1. For liver sickness, take juice of this wort, which
man nameth ^aiJi^alsXcuu,^ and by another name wolfs
comb; give it to drink in wine, and to the feverish
with warm water; wonderfully it benefits.

2. For drink of poison, take this same wort; knock

it to dust; give it to drink in wine; all the poison
For water sickness, take this same wort, and

ravens foot and heart clover and ground pine, of all

these worts equally much by weight; pound them to
small dust; give them to swallow in wine; to young
men five spoonsfuU^ and to younger, and to the infirm,
and to wives {women), three spoons (full); to little
children one ; wonderfully it letteth off the water
through urine.

^ Latin, Convulsos, and Etiam ruptos sanat.

^ The English text has mistaken yjx^aikUv for %a/>iaieXata,
and translated the former, as in art. clit., and incorrectly.

^^ senne, B. H. ; anne, O. ; ane, V. ^- I"ive words omitted in H.

pubelice, 0., woundily. ^^ -Iset, 0.


KathtT ground JOenep.^ xxvii.

Pi5 punbela jenim J^aj' VYV^^ ]'g man chamepitliyf
j oSjiiim naman lienep^ nemneS ciiiica j''^
leje to
'Sicpe^ punbe*^ 55'F J'onne yeo punb^ ^yj]^^ beop sy
jenim f pop "j pjmij on Sa punba.''
])\]) mnoSep sajie jenim J>ap ylcan pyjite pyle
bjuncan lieo ]5 yap jenimS,^

JOpejznep^^ pot. XXVIII.

Pi'S inno'S to afcypijenne jennn Sap pypte 6e jpecap

cliamebapne *j enjle hpsepnep^' pot nemnaS^^ cnuca to
linpelon^^ bupte pyle bpmcan^* on peapmum^^ p^etepe
hit Sone '^ innoS aptypeS.

LySpypt. XXIX.

Deop pypt ]?e^^ man oftpiajo -j oSpum naman lyS-

pypt nemneS^^ biS cenneb^^ abutan^^ b^^pjenne^^ 'j
on beopjnm^^ "j on pajum psepa^^ hupa J?e pi6 buna
Pi]? ealle^* Smjc Se on men^^ to pape^ ^^acennebe^^
O. condenses. beo5 jenim ];ap pypte J^e pe optpiajo nembon -j cnuca
hy^^ leje to Sam pajie^^ ealle ]?a J^nicj ppa pe {fip
cptebon }'e on 'Ssep mannep lichoman^' to laSe acen-
nebe^^ beoS^-^ heo Sujih^^ heeleS.^^

hsenep, H.; nepte, B., by later hand and in index.

' In the para-
graph next preceding henep, hsenep, in all the MSS., answered to chamae-
pitys. ^ hsenep, H. B. on eglis henep heece'S, O.; ^ an for ^, O.,

following the sound. hape, B. ^ jmba, O. ' " l^an \>e j)uba, O.

^ punbe, 11. " i'5'rc, O. " j^ennvS, V. '"

hiiseynes, II.; refnef
foe, B., by later hand. " poeyne)-, B. '- nenna'S, O, '^ fmaelan,
II.; j-malan, B.; -le, O. " bnnca, O. '^ pemie, O. '"
han, O,
t>, O. Sec St. Marh., Meiden & M., p. 89. '^ O. breaks the sentence,
fol. IG, at " ncnme'5." '" caenneb, IL B. = -ton, B. =^'
"- ^3 jiajia,
?;enum, II. byjiSinii, B. B. -'
O. adds ha.
" niJKn, II. ; manne, 0. **'
fore, 0. '-'
yy "), II. B. add. -^ -neb,
O. ; acxnucbe, II. B. -'
his, B. ^'' San fora, O. ^' lichaniaii, B.

Hemp. XXVII. ^ '"!/'' cliamcr'

pih/s. li(,t.

1. For wounds, which is called

take this wort
XcifJi-ciiTriTuc^ and by another name hemp knock (j)outul\ ;

and lay it to the wound if then the wound be very ;

deep, take the ooze, and wring it on the wound.

2. For sore of inwards, take the same wort, give

(it) to drink ; it will take away the sore.

Ravens foot.''^ xxviii.

For to stir the inwards, take the wort which


Greeks name ;\^a/^a<5^4)v)j, and the Engles ravens foot

knock (pound) to small dust give to drink in warm ;

water; it will stir the inwards.


1. This wort, which is named hostriago, and by "'^

another name lithewort, is produced about burial
places and on barrows, and on walls of houses, which
stand against downs.
2. For all things which are generated on a man by
way of disease, take this wort, which we called hos-
triago, and knock (jjouncl) it ; then lay it to the
sore. All the things, as we ere (before) said, which
are generated on mans body to loathe, it thoroughly
will heal.

* Ravens JRanunculus Jicaria. Bot. Chamreclafne is

foot is

liuscus racemosus. A
ranunculus, but not ficaria, is drawn
in MS. v.; a Ruscus in MS. G.

^- -neb, O. ; acsennebe, B. ^^ monne)' liclioman bi'S -] inserted, acaenneb


Irij: 6u J^af pypte^ niman^ pylle (5u j^cealr claene beon

*j eac^ seji j^unnan* upjanje ]?u liy^ pcealr mman -^ on
Sam monSe'^ 6e^ man lulmy nemneS.

JDaepen^ hybele.^^ XXX.

PiS muSej"^^ sajie^^ jenim J?aj" pyp'^^e J?e^^ SJ^ecay

bjiitrcamce -j enjle^^ hsepen^^ hybele nemneS cnuca
hy^^ ypa jpene^'' 'j ppmj f pof syle bjimcan^ -j healbe
ypa on hi]f muSe
^ )?eah man hpylcne bsel j^aepoj:^^

fpelje jelice hit pjiemaS.^*'

6]:t pi6 mu)7ep j^ape^^ jemm )?a^^ ylcan pypte^^

bpyttanicam jyp Su hy'^* SP^i^^ nsebbe jenim hy

mib pme on liumjep ];icnyppe

bjiyje^^ cnuca Sonne ^^ mm
]?am pylpan jemete 'pe pe ?ep^'' cpsebon heo hsepS J>a^^
syljzan jepjiemmmcje.^^

PiS to)?a j^ape 'j jyp liy pajejen^^ jenim f>ap ylcan
pypte^^ heo op pumjie punbuphcpe^^ mihte^^ helped

hyjie pop bupt yp to jehealbenne^^ on pintpe^"^

-j hj'-pe

poji Sam ]?e heo selcon timan ne atypeS '^^ hype pop

}7U pcealt on pammep^'' hopne^^ jehealban bpi^e^^ eac

bupt 'j^^ jehealb pitobhce eac hyt pceajiphce ppemaS
to Sam mib pme onbypjeb.
sylpan^^ bpyce
PiS pseptne mnoS to ftypijenne^^ jenim )?ippe ylcan
p}^pte seap^^ fyle bpmcan be )?ae]ie*^ mihte |7e^^ hpa
mseje Jjuph hit selp*^ butan^^ ppecneppe* hit apeoji-
maS punbuplice*^ Sone^^ mnoS.

pyre, O. '^
nime, O. ^ eac, H. * Ainne, O. ^ his, B. **
-men, O.
^ mon'Sa, 0. ^
f, O. ^ hsepen corrected to hsepenen, H. *" hubela, O.,
fol. 36 = 7. " mno>er, H. '^ /-qj,^
q.; saji, H. '^ mm j,^ pyre |>a, O.
^* senile, H. '^ hsepen corrected to hsejieneu, H. '
his K O.
Sjiene, B. ' supan, li. B. O. '" >aja, B. O. * jjiama'S, H.
fore, O. 22
|,a, V. B. ; )>ar, H. ^3 j,^r^^ q 2
his, B. 0.
" bjiisse, H. B. 26 ),an, O. ^r
^^,^ -q 28
j,^, O. 2"
-muncse, H.
^" =
-mse, B.; -unge, O. jmsisan, B.; pasion, O. t>af pyiT, O.
^^ heefl? fume
^2 jmaboplicjie, H. B. j'. m., 0- S^> B. omits.

^^ pincjia, H. cyp^, B. O. In B. the stop is after j^oj-.


3. If thou will to take this wort, thou shalt bo Ltttiewort.

clean, and also, ere rising of sun, thou shalt take it

in the month which is named July.

Bright-coloured hydele. xxx. Cochkaria

Avglica. Bot.
For sore of mouth, take this wort
1. which the
Greeks name ^psTTuvncYj, and the Engles dark hued
hydele; knock (pound) it so green, and wring the
ooze; give to sip, and let (the sufferer) hold it so
in his mouth, and though a man swallow some dole
(part) thereof, it will alike benefit.
2. Again, for sore of mouth,^ take the same wort
brittannica; thou have it not green, take it dry,

pound it with wine to the thickness of honey take ;

it then in the same manner as we before said it will ;

have the same good effect.

3. For sore of teeth, and if they wag, take the
same wort; it out of some wonderlike virtue will
help its ooze and its dust is to be preserved in

winter, since it does not appear at every time; its

ooze thou shalt hold in a rams horn dry also the ;

dust, and keep it. Verily, also, it sharply benefits

towards the same use, swallowed with wine.
4. For fast (costive) inwards, to stir them, take the

juice of this same wort give it to drink by the ;

might, which each one may (according to a mans

strength), through itself without danger, it purges
wonderfully the inwards.

* Latin, Ad oscitudinem, yb/* yawning.

uase abietiuo, Lat. ; here arietino; jiamnej-, V.; hpamef, B. ^^ hopne,

B. 39 bpisse, B. '0
H. omits six words. *'
fylfe, O. ^^ f-y^,
Senne, H.
' fil>-, B.

buton, B.
y^^^'^-', O. alters.
" >ape, B. O. '^
K O.
H^aec- B. *
punboiiliee, H. B. O.
J>ane, O.

PiS yiban yajic f specay papalipy nemnaS^ jcnim

])ay ylcan pyjite~ j'pa jjiene^ mib pyjittjiuinum^
cnuca hy^ syle bpincan on pine tpejen ycenceay^
oSSe^ ^py*^ liy"'^
^r 6^1yF^^^ f ^^^^ punbuphce^^ pjie-

Pubu lectpic.^- XXXI.

Deop pyp'c ]>e man lactucam yiljzaticam "j oSjium

naman^'^ pubu lectpic^"^ nemneS biS cenneb^'^ on bejanuni
fropuni -j on yanbijum.
eajena bymnepj*e yy yaeb ]5 pe eajm )?onne lie
upfleon^^ pille to ])y ]3 lie py beojitup jepeon maeje^^
f^^ he pj'lle mib );am peape liip eajan^^ hpeppaii 'j
paetan 'j he ];u]ili
f onpeliS*^ ];a msej'tan beojihr-
Gpt pi6 eajena bymnyppe jenim )^}'ppe ylcan yfV^^
peap J>e pe lactucam pilpaticam nembon mib ealbon
pine j mib hunije jemencjeb^^ 'j
J>yp py butaii^~ fmice
^epomnub-'^ p br6 selupt^"* f man ]>yj*pe pyp'^e peap

fpa pe (Jeji cp?ebon "j pm -j hunij jemencje^^ to-

much ea'ten
somne *j on anjie jlaij'enpe^^ ampullan jelojie^^ bpuce^^
away. J?onne him J^eapp p}^ op 'Sam J7U healicne Isecebom

> nemne'S, II. B. -

vyrc, O., and alters. ^
?;i^'U<?> I^- ^ -man, B.
purcruman .-'
O. ' hi?;, B. O. ''
pcasnca)', B.; fcencef, O. '
obtJir, (),
^ \>]u'^, B. ; o)')j]n% II., with a later attempt to alter ; but the penman meant
what he -wrote. " geliyeb, B. '" punbojihce, II. B. " j-jiamige, II.
In II. a later gloss gives Scauolo, Scairolo, understand Scariola, (/ar-
(hn endive, or broad leafe, (Florio) ;
jmbe lefcric, B., by later hand.
'^ namon, B. '^ lectjux, B. '^ caenneb, II. B. '" up jnlle )leon,

II.; }leon, B. " mat;, V., the last letler (e) gone. "* )>i, B., hut
V. II. omit. '^ ea^on, B. -" ayehS, II. -' j;cm8enseb, B. ;
Seb, 11. 22 buton, B. -^ sej-omnob, II. B. -' selefc, II.; -loir, V,.

5. For soro of side,Greeks name tcudu-

wliich tlie
Aycrij {palsy), take this same wort so green, with (its) coloi ki:d

roots; pound it; give it to drink in wine, two "rrxxx

draughts or three ; it is believed that it will wonder-
fully benefit.

Wood or wild lettuce ^ xxxi. Lactuca

scariola. Hot.

1. This wort, which is named lactuca silvatica, and

by another name wood lettuce, is produced in culti-
vated places, and on sandy ones.
2. For dimness of eyes, it is said that the earn
{eagle), v/hen lie will upfly, in order that he may see
the more brightly, will touch his eyes with the juice,
and wet them, and he through that obtains the
greatest brightness.
3. Again, for dimness of eyes, take juice of this
same wort, which we named lactuca silvatica, mixed
with old wine and with honey, and let this be
collected without smoke. It is best that a man
mingle together juice of this wort, which we before
named, and wine and honey, and lay them up in a
glass ampulla (vessel) use when need be from this
; ;

you will observe a wondrous cure.

The drawing is nearly

^ gone, but traces of a lettuce
remain. MS. Add. 17063, fol. 19 h, has a tall himrh of

Sema&Tise, B, ;
jnu ^ hiinis gema&nsce, 11. -^ anpe slaej*enne, H. a

paler ink had made j^ls&yenpe ; V. is illegible. -^

S^^^S^^? H. ; V. is
illegible ; Selosi^e, B. ^ bpoce, H.


Eapclipe.^ XXXII.

piS eajena pape jenim ]?ay pypte ]?e man apjimo-

niam^ "j oSjium naman japclipe nemneS cnuca hy^
ppa 5pene* ]?uph hy pelpe ^^ jyp ^^ ^7 f'Oiine^ SP^i^^
naebbe^ jenim hy bpije^ *j bype^^ on peapmum^^
psetepe ppa ]?u ea)7elicopt hy bpycan^^ mseje fmj^pa^^

)?onne^* ]?aepmib^^ opPchce heo ^a tale 'j^^ ^ pap op ]?am

eajan^^ abpipS.
PiS mnoSep pape jemm }>yppe ylcan pypte^ pyptpu-
man^^ J?e pe apjimomam nembon^^ pyle bpmcan^^ hyt
ppemaS^^ punbophce.^^
PiS cancop^* 'j piS punbela jemm J?ap ylcan pj^pte^^
ppa jpene cnuca hy leje to J?am pape^^ jecpemlice^^
heo ]7one leahtop jehselan^ msej ^^ peo
jyp 'Sonne

pypt bpijje^^ py bype hy on peapmum paetepe hyt

yp jelypeb^^ j5 heo to Sam ylcan ppemije.^^

'^^PiS naebpan plite jenim }>}^ppe ylcan pypte tpejea

tpymesa jepihte 'j^* tpejen^^ pcenceap^^ pmep syle
bpmcan punbuplice^^ hyt f attop topepeS.^^

PiS peaptan jenim J?ap ylcan pypte cnuca on ecebc

leje )78ept6^^ heo jenimS^^ ]?a peaptan.
piS miltan^^ pape jenim J?ap ylcan pypte^^ sjde
l^icjean^^ on pme heo f pap popnimS^^ J?8epe^^ miltan.
Irip Su hpilce ]?in5C*^ op Sam lichoraan*^ ceoppan pylle

^ go'^.fclif, B., by later hand. ^ The corrector altered in H. to

acpimoniam ; dpyefxdopr] is not agrimony. ^ hig, B. '
Spene, B.
^ H. B. 0.
j-ylre, >aue, O. ^ nabbe, 0. **
hig, B., twice.
bjnsse, H. B. '" bjiype, H. " permun, O. '-bpycan, H,;
bpytan, B. '^ smype, H.; fmejia, B. ' )>ane, B. '^
l>ap, B. O.
1, O. omits. '^ eagon, B. '^
J'yj^ce, 0. omits. '^
pypccpuman, H.
-" nembe, O. ^'
brican, O. " yjiama^, H. ^s
punbelice, O., wonndily.
^^ cancre, O. ^'^ inrt, O. -"^
fore, 0. ^''
-cpem-, B. ^'^
Sehalan, O. ^i'
J^an, 0. ^^
bri^en, O. ^i
_i^j,_ g .
gei,fe^ q.
miclan j-pamige, H. ^' 0. omits the paragraph. ^*
Four words


1. For sore of eyes, take this wort, which named

agrimony, and by another name garclive ;

pound it so
green by itself; if then thou have it not green, take
it dry and dip it in warm water, so as thou mayest
easiliest use it ; smear then therewith ; hastily it

driveth away the fault and the sore from the eyes.

For sore of inwards, take roots of this same


wort, which we named agrimony give to drink it ;


benefits wonderfully.
3. Against cancer, and against wounds, take this
same so green ;
pound it lay it to the sore con-

veniently; it can cure the disorder. If then the

wort be dry, dip it in warm water ; it is believed
that it may profit to the same purpose.
Figure of snake. MS. V., fol. 27 d.

Against bite of snake, take this same wort, by


weight of two drachms, and two draughts of wine

give this to drink (to the bitten) wonderfully it re- ;

moves the poison,

5. For warts, take this same wort, pound it with
vinegar ; lay it thereto ; it takes away the warts.
For sore of spleen, take this same wort, give to

swallow in wine; it removes the sore of the spleen.

7. If thou will to cut any things from off the

^ In the drawing, MS.

no flowers remain, the
V,, fol. 27 c,

leaves are ovate serrated. Enough, however, may be seen,

especially the long spike, to satisfy the doubter. MS. Add.
17063, fol. 20 a, has made the flowers droop.

omitted in V. ^* tpegpa, B. '^'^

j'cs&ncaj', B.
jmnboplice, H.
^^ toye]ia, H. B. he benimb, 0.
}>ap, B. " '^ milte, O.
'-^Sufpirc, O. ^3 j,ic5an, H. B.; bicsau, O. " benimb, O. "^ l^ajae,

B. O. " Mnc, H. " -haman, B.

I 2

'j "tSe ];onne^ ]nnoe ]> Su iic mrejc- jenim ]?n]' ylcan
pypte**^ jecnucabc'* le;^e J^a^pto'' lieo^ hyt ;^eopcna'S 'j

Pi(5 j'leje ij^ejmep o^Se ytenjej'^ ]?eop ylce pj'pt^

jecnucub^^ *j to^elfeb^^ heo punbuplice'- ;t;ehselep'.''^

Pubu po}:e.^'* xxxiii.

pi5 pceancena^'^ pajie oSc5e pota jenim }>yppe^^ pypte^'

peap ]>e^^ man aptula pejia *j o'Spium nainan pubii-
jiope^^ nemneS mib amijbalep ele fmype''^'^ ]?ae]\^^ f
pa]i^~ py hj^t l)iS punbojilice-^ jelireleb*'^ -j jyp liyt
jeppell-^ sy cnuca hy 'j pel jeliSe^obe leje );aepro.^^

^enim ]?y^ppe*^ pylpan^^ pypte*^^ P}']^"^-

PiS lippe pajie-"
pnman'^^ pyde bpmcan on jefpetton^^ pTetepc*'^^ hit \>
YSi]\^^ punboplice^'' op^^enim^/'^"

Pubu^^ bocce.^ XXXIV.

Iryp hpylc f-iSnep^^ on liclioman'*^ becurae jenim |;ap

p}'pte ]?e man lapatium *j oSjuim naman pubu bocce
nemneS *j ealb ppj^nen pmepu'*^ ^j iSone cjiuman^^ op
openbacenum^^ hlape cnuca topomne pam jemete ^e Su
clySan pyjice le^e^* to Sam pape hyt jeliselS pun-

i'ane, O. - mihce, commonly. ^ y\rc, O. * -cobe, I>, O.
'^'Sar, O. "he, V. ' ^thxl^, O. fctenser, H.; jrouser, B.
jiyrce, 0. '" -cob, O. " -leb, H. O. '= jmnbojilice, IL; -ber-, ().

'^ SehaelS, IT. O. '^ j)uberoua, B., by later hand. '' j-canc-, B.
'" hHera, O. '
]))ptan, B. '^
ha, O. " jniberofe, O. '" fmejia,
B.; fmere, 0. *' )>ap, B. O. - for, 0. '^"^
juinbelice, O., woundihj.
^* - )>a)i, "' -^
Sehaleb, O. *'
Kefpelleb, O. B. 0. fore, O. hifTer, 6.
-" ilcan, B. ^^ jiuitre, O. ^' jiypttrjniman, H. B. ;
jnrtrume, (),
^- -ttu, B.; -tun, O. ^' ]'"-, ^^ ^^ punbelice, O.
O. for, O.
Here (). inserts as follows: J^yS \i man on jiambe forjiexi fi.' ?;eniiu
J-ille j)yrcrunan he grecaf malochni agria- It romane aftula regia nem-
me't) "t cnglifc jniberofe hata'S.-' cnuca mib june file bnncan fona )'u

onjifr bifi'e j'urre frenfulneOe. p'lN innoJ>ef flepfan jqenim hifle ]urte

body, rtnd ifc then seem to tliee, tluit thou luayest not, Gaiki-ivk.
take this same Avort pounded lay it thereto it ; ;

openeth and healeth.

8. For blow of iron or of pole, this same wort,
pounded and applied, wonderfully liealeth.


ramosus. hot.
1. For sore of shanks, or of feet, take juiee of this
same wort, which is called hastula regia, and by
another name woodrofte, with oil of almond smear ;

where the sore is it will be wonderfully healed,


and if it be a swelling, pound it and lay it made

well lithe thereto.
For disease of liver, take roots of this same wort

give to drink in sweetened water it Avill wonderfully ;

remove the disorder.

Wood dock, Sorrel}^ xxxiv. Rumex Acetosa.

any stiffness come upon the body, take this
1. If
wort, which is called lapatium, and by another
name wood dock, and old swine lard, and the crumb
of an oven-baked loaf; pound together in the manner
in which one makes a poultice, lay it to the sore, it
healeth wonderfully.

a The drawings all intend an asphodel ; llicy cannot be

meant for an asperula. See art. liii.
^ The draAvings all intend sorrel ; in MS. T. is a gloss

f^b gemencg co ftij^un brenclie bnnca hic ." hit Sejjn}? )'aiie inno]>.
^' jnibe, B., by later hand, ^^ Oxylapatium, Latin. -^ friSne)-, II.;

fciSjicf, v., but the ji has a dot below it. '" on man, B. " fmejui, B.
cjxuman, B. '^ baceuau, H. " le, 11,, corrected to lege.


GojiS jealla vel cupmelle. xxxv.

]?iS lifeji able jenim j^aj' pyptre ]>e jpecap centaupia
maiop "j anjle'^ cupmelle ^^ mape nemnaS'*
peo -j eac'
sume men eopS jeallan hataS^ seoS on pme syle
bpincan* punboplice heo jeptpanjaS* -j piS miltan'^ pape
bo ]?ip sylpe.

PiS punba "j piS jenun ]7ap ilcan^ VfV^^

cnuca hy leje "co )?am pape Ne jeJjapaS heo ^ Sset paji
pupSup pexe.^
Deos yflye pypt centaupia yp spyj^e pceapp numuP"
nipe punba *j pibe to jehselenne^^ ppa J) )?a punba
lipgeblice uojsebepe jaS. 'j eac^^ ppa pome^^ hio jebe]; ^
plaspc tojsebepe jeclipaS jyp hyt man on ]?am pgetepe
jepyjS ]7e heo on biS.

Lupmelle pepeppuje. xxxvi.

Deop pypt )?e man centaupiam mmojiem "joSpum

naman cupmelle seo l^eppse^* nemneS -j eac^^ pume men
pebpipujam hataS*^^ heo bi6 cenneb^^ on paeftum Ian-
bum 'j on ptjianjum eac^ yp pseb p chj^pon^^ cen-

taupup pmban pceolbe^^ )?ap pyp'ca 'pe ye -dep centaujnam

maiopem^^ 'j nu centaupiam mmojiem nembun^^ Sanan^^
hy^^ eac^^ );one naman healbaS centaupiap.

piS naebpan plite jemm ]?yppe ylcan pypte bulb

oSSe hy^^ YJ^Y^ jecnucube^^ syle bpmcan on ealbuni'^
pme hyt ppemaS^^ ppy Slice.
eajena pajie jeniin J^yppe ylcan pypte peap
pmypa'^^ Sa eajan'^^ J^sep'^^^ mib hit jehaelS )7a )?ynnyppe^'''
)?8epe'^* jepihSe jemaencj eac^^ hunij ];?ept6 -^^ hyt

O. condenses, fol. '58= 10 b, - engle, B. O. ''
cu]imealle, 13.

neune^, O., a pronunciation, not an error. '' eac, H. " hateS, H.;
haca'S, B. '
O. inserts feo lifer. **
illan, V. ^ peaxe, B.
' numel, B. " -hwl-, B. '^ ^4^, H. '' j-ame, B. " Iwjje, H. B.
'^ eac, H. ' hata, B.; hate, H. csenneb, H. B. '^ eac, H.

Earth gall, or Curmel. xxxv. Chbra perfo-

1. J or liver disease, take the wort which the Greeks

name centaurea and the Engle churmell the
greater, and which also some men call earth gall
seethe it in wine, give to drink; wonderfully it

strengtheneth and for sore of spleen do the same,


For wounds and for cancer, take this same wort,


pound it, lay it to the sore it alloweth not that the ;

sore further wax.

3. This same wort centaurea is very efficacious to
heal new and wide wounds, so that the wounds soon
come together and so also similarly it has effect so

that flesh shall cleave toejether if it be soaked in the

water in which the wort is.

Fever fuge, or the lesser Ourmel. xxxvi. Erythrcea

1. This wort, which is named centaurea minor, and B"^-

by another name the lesser churmel, and which also

some men call feverfuge, is produced on solid lands
and on strong ones. Also it is said that Chiron the
centaur should find {found) these worts which we
before named centaurea maior, and now centaurea
minor whence they also obtain the name centaureae.

Figure of a snake. MS. V., fol. 28 d.

2. For bite of snake, take dust of this same wort,
or itself pounded administer this to the patient in old

wine; it will produce much benefit.

For sore of eyes, take this same worts juice

smear the eyes therewith; it heals the thinness of the

sight {the weakness of the vision). Mingle also honey

^^ chyjiou, H. "'*
ycolbe, B. -* H. omits four words. -^ nenbun,
'^ >anon, B.; 'Sanuu, H. -^ hig, B. ^5
V. ; neinbon, B. ^^^^ jj^
his, S- ''
Secnocobe, B. -^ cealban, H. ^^ ypama'S, H.
^^ pmejia, B. ^' eagon, B. ^'-
l^ap, B. ^^ bymnefpe, but the Latin
has " aciem extenuant." =^' J^ajie, B.; ^sepa, H. ^^ eac, H. ^'^ j^aji, B,

yjiemati ^
yyii some'^ pitoblice bimjenbum ca^uiu to
])y ]3 j^eo beojihtnyp ajypen^ sy.
Jjyy hpa ponne on pay fpecnyfye^ bejiealle jenmi
l^yJT^ ylcan^ ]>y]\^e jobne ^jiipan seoS on pine oSSe
on ealo^ ppa ]3 ]?8ep pniep sy an ambuji^ pull liet;
Iranban J^ii^' bajap mm fonne aejhp^dce breje ponne
Seajip sy healpne pefreji menjc^ mib hunije^ bpmce
t3onne p?eprenbe.
PiS pma tojunje^ jenimykan^^ VYV^^ Yeo>6 on ]7ap

pa3tepe to ]?pibban bsele pyle bpmcan fpa mycel fpa he

];onne maje^^ *j ]7eapp py he biS jehajleb.

Pi6 attjiep onbyppnjce jemm J^ap ilcan^^ pyp'^6

cnuca on ecebe syle bpmcan pona hit ^ attoji to-
bpepS '^'^
eac^"* f^epe^^ pylpan pyjite pyjiupuman^^ jemm
tyn peneja^^ jejnhte bo on pme syle bjiincan ))j\y


Pi^ j> jjyjnnap ymh napolan'^ bejijen-^ bo eal Ipa pe

hep bepojian epaebon.
pi'cS pyna j3 yp Sonne Ji Su jenime"^ ]>ap

ylcan pj'P^e peoS on pa^tejie to Spibban ba^le heo Sa

]}yjimap tit apeopS.^^

Bete, xxxvii.
Personaca, pr6 ealie ]ninba 'j piS na^bbpan ilita)'-^ jennn J'yj'pc'-^
however, . ^ , x
otherwise VyV^^ T^^P 1' ^^^^ pepponaciaui 'j oojium naman

jjiania'S, II. - fame, B. =*
agv} e, H. '
)>aj* jjiaecnyjje, H.;
}]isccnef]-e, B. '
jlciln, H. '^
ambe]i,H. B. ' msensc, II. B.
' Ju'ini^e, B. " Ad aurigiuem, Lat., jaundice. '" ylea, H.
ma5?;e, H. B. illcan, V. '^ robpsej'S, II. B. >* eac, II.
'' ]ja]ie, B. '" ]yjitt]iuman, II. B. '^ paenega, II. B. '^ fcsenca]-, B.
'" najelan, B. -" be]i?;ean, B. '-'
Seni, V. B., against the con-

ura])yiipcS, II, B. Perhaps V. may have rejected
a letter to make the utterance easy : it may then stand in the text.
(hces, II. ilcan, B. adds.
APVLKll. 137

thereto ; it l)enefits similarly dim eyes, so that the Fkveu wge

brightness (of vision) is restored (to them).
4. If one then fall into this mischief, take a good
handful of this same wort, seethe wine or in ale, it in
so that of the wine there be an ambur or jug full
have it stand three days take then every day when ;

there may be occasion, a half sextarius, mix with

honey then let him drink this fasting.

5. For spasm of sinews,''^ take this same wort, seethe

in water to a third part administer (to the patient)


to drink as much as he then is able, and as may be

needful he will be healed.

6. For tasting of poison, take this same wort, pound

it with vinegar, give to drink it will soon drive off ;

the poison. Take also roots of the same wort by

weight of ten pennies, throw it into wine give to ;

drink three draughts.

7. In case that worms vex about the navel, do as

we before said.
8. For tugging (sjMSVi) of sinews, it is needs then
that thou take this same wort, seethe it in water to
a third part it will cast out the worms. ^

BeET.c XXXVII. Beta. Bot.

1. Against all wounds, and against bites of snake,

take juice of this wort, which is called personaca., and

The Latin has Ad aurigiuem, for jaundice. The trans-
lator was ignorant of that word.
^ This receipt does not match the Latin text. The trans-
lator passed from "Ad auriginem" to "Ad lumbricos et
c The drawdngs, MS. V., fol. 29 b, and MS. A., fol. 22 a,

furnish tlie plant with a small globular tnber, and the leaves
arc beet leaves. In MS. Bodley, 130, also, Personata is

glossed in the margin Bete, and the drawing with the fructi-
iication is faithful.

Persolata, boete^ nemneS syle bpmcan on ealbon^ pme ealle

is burdock
= npebpan Ilitaj' liyt punbujilice^ jehaeleS/
PiS pejrepap jenim
)?yppe ylcan pypte leap bejypb
to |7am pepepjenban^ pona^ hyt punboplice Sone pepeji

Pi6^ cancoji on punbe pexe^ jenim )7ap pyjite pyll^^

on psetepe bej^e J)a^^ punbe fepmib s}^66an jenim )7a
j^ypte 'j papan 'j pmepu^^ cnuca mib ecebe bo )7onne on
claS leje to fepe^^ punbe.

Pi6 innoSep sajie jemm J?yppe ylcan pypte peapep

anne pcenc^^ 'j hunijep tpejen pyle bpmcan^^ F^F^"
PiS yt^Q^^ hunbep plite jenim f'yppe ilcan^^ Pyp"^^
pyptpuman^^ cnuca mib jjieatan pealte leje to Sam
MS. V. is PiS nipe punba ]?e ]70ne p^etaN jepypcea)?^^ jenim
here much
eatea out. Jnfle ylcan pypte pypttpuman^^ -j haejSopnei' leap
8e^)?pep epen my eel cnuca tosomne leje to Sam

Stpeopbepian^^ pipe, xxxviii.

Deop pypt Se man ppaja *j oSpum naman frjieap-

bepjean^^ nemneS biS cenneb^* on bihjlum^^ ftopum -j
on clsenum "j eac^^ on bunum.
PiS miltan pape jenim J^yppe ylcan pjqite pea]> ]7e
pe ppajan nembon ^ hunij syle bpmcan hyt ppemaS^^
Dyppe ylcan py]ite peap piS hunij jemenjceb-^ mib

bece, H.; bece, B.
-ban, B. '
-boj- B. '
sehselS, H.
-bum, H. " yon-di, H. omits. ' a>iise, B. Read pi's t,
against V. H. B. ^ peaxe, B.; peaxaS, H. pyl, H. " >aji, B.
pmeiia, B. ' ajie, B. ' pceenc, B. '^ -ca, O. ' pobe, O.
ylca, H. '^ pyjitrjiuniau, H. '^
rypca'S, B. -" -me, O.
-San punba, O. 22 g^-p^ap bepse, H.; ftreabene, B., by the later

hand. ^ hejigan, B. 24 csenneb, H. B. -5 ^jjium, H. B.

26 eac. H. 27 ypamalS, H. 28 jmnbophce, H. B. 20 gemsensceb,
H.; -niaenseb, B.

bv another name beet ;
give to drink in old wine ; it .

Art, xxxvii.
wonderfully heals all bites of snake.
2. Against fevers, take a leaf of this same wort;
gird it to the fevered patient ; soon it will wonder-
fully put to flight the fever.
3. In case that a cancer wax upon a wound, take

this wort, boil it in water bathe the wound there- ;

with afterwards take the wort and soap and grease,


})0und them with vinegar, place them on a cloth, lay

them to the wound.
4. For sore of inwards, take a draught of the juice

of this same wort, and of honey two draughts; give

(this to the sick) to drink fasting.
5. For bite of mad dog, take a root of this same
wort, pound with coarse salt,^ lay that to the wound.

For new wounds which work up the wet or


hmnoitr, take root of this same wort and hawthorns

leaves, of either an equal quantity pound them to- ;

gether ; lay to the wounds.


1. is named fraga (fragaria), and

This wort, which
by another name strawberry, is produced in secret
places and in clean ones, and also on downs.
2. For sore of milt (spleen),^ take juice of this
;-ame wort, which we named fragaria, and honey give ;

Lo drink ; it benefits wonderfully.

8. Juice of this same wort, mingled with honey,

* cum sale marino.

^ Named in V., Stpeopbepian piye. Strawberry -plant.
^ Latin, opacis, shady,
^ Latin, penis ; splenis was perhaps read.

pipejie hit: j-jiemacS' mj^clum''^ jcbjiiincen pi5 nyppyc^

j piS inno5ej' yajie.

Mepyc mealupe. xxxix.

Deof j^ypt )?e man hibipcura oSpum Naman mejipc


mealpe* nemneS bi'5 cenneb^ on fuhtum fcopum on 'j

Pi5 potable jenim ];aj'^ Pyp"^^ J^^ pe hibipcum neni-
bon' cnuca mib ealbum pyple leje to (5am pape fy
pjiybban baje Leo liyt jelia^lS ^ J'yppe pypte onpunbel-
nyppe maneja ealbjiap jepe'SaS.
]}\]> jejabepunja )7e on ]7am lichoman^
acenneb^'^ beoS jenim ];ap ylcan pyjite seo'6 mib j^ylle
Ccieppan^^ "j mib Impsebe 'j mib melpe^^ leje to )7am
pajie hit topepeS ealle J^a ptiSnyppa.^^

Horsetail. XL. Equisetum.

mon^^ on pambe poppexen p}> jenim J^yppe
Pi6 ]?

py-pte peap J?e jjiecap ippipum 'j itah iequipeiam nem-

naS^^ on jeppettum pme pyle bpmcan tj^ejen pcen-
ceap*^^ pel yp jel^'peb ]3 hyt ^ ypel jehsele.

^ }]iama'S, H. -'
mice-, B. ^ nyjipet, II. B.
mealupe, B. ^ csenneb, II. B. ^
}>KJ', II. . " nembun, II.
* SeliceleS, B. ^ -hamon, B. ' acsenneb, B. " cejifan, B.
'- nielej'c, II. '^ -nej-j-e, B. '^
man, B. '* -ne'5, B.
"^ j-caenca)', B.

^ The drawing, MS. V.,

29 d, is no representation of Ibl.

marsh mallow, nor of any English kind of the Malva nor

Alihcea of the botanists. In MS. A. is a figure neither like
marsh mallow nor like the English drawing. But MS. T.
draws the wort known to the mediieval botanists, csi)eciully
APVLEir. 141

along with pepper, benefits much when dnink, for S'lnAwnrRny

oppression of tlie chest and sore of inwards.

Marsh mallow.--^ xxxix. ^^{('^ '^p;'-

ludis. Hot.

1. This wort, which is called hibiscus, and by another

name marsh mallow, is produced in moist places, and
in fields.
For gout, take this wort, which we named hibis-

cus, pound it with old lard, lay it to the sore by the ;

third day it will heal it. Many authorities affirm the

approved worth of this wort.
3. For the several gatherings which are produced on

the body, take this same wort, seethe it with cress ^

from a spring, and with linseed, and with meal, lay it
to the sore it removes all the stiffnesses.


1.In case that a man be overwaxen*^^ in wamb

(belly), take juice of this wort, which the Greeks

name 'iTnrovpic, and the Italians equisetum, in sweetened

wine give to drink two draughts.
It is confidently
believed that it will heal that ill.

to Fuchsius, as Malva silvestris pumila, our dwarf mallow,

Malva rotundifolia of Hooker, 31. pusllla of Sir J. E. Smith.
^ Latin, cum foeno grasco, which is trigonella.
c The drawing in MS. V., fol. 30 a, is incorrect ; it has a
straight stem and rising branches as in Equisetum fluviatile,
Bot., but is furnished with secondary verticil) ate branchlets
as in E. sihmticum, and has no catkin. The drawino- in
MS. A., fol. 23 b, is evidently the same tradition : but MSS.
Gr. T. clearly intend Hippnris, with simple stem.
^ See the table of contents : foppexen, however, cannot
mean diarrhoic. See ltit. 1.

Lyj: lipa blob fj)ij;e hppece jenime Sy]")'e ylcan

pypte ]'eap j^eoSe on ytjianjum pme butan fmice
bpmce ]70nne jrsepuenbe porta hyt ^ blob jepjiiS.^

IJocleap. XLI.

Deop pypt: )?e man maluae eppaticae* 'j oSpum

naman hocleap nemneS byS cenneb*'' iejhpseji* on
bejanum fcopum.
PiS blsebjian pape jenim )?yppe pyp'c:e ]?e pe maluam
epjiaticam nembon mib hype pj^ptpuman^ anep punbep
jepilite peoS on paetepe J>eaple to healpan^ bsele 'j Saep
p?etepep py pefcep pul oSSe mape -j f py bmnan'
)?]inn bajum jepylleb fpa pe 8ep cpsebon to healpan
b?ele pyle bpmcan pseftenbum hyt hyne jehseleS.^

PiS pma sape jenim |?ap ilcan pypte cnuca mib

ealbun pyple hyt J>8epa^ pma pap pundoplice jehaeleS.^^

PiS piban pap^^ jenim )?ap ylcan pypte peo^ on ele

^ pySSan )?u hy^^ jepoben^^ haebbe tojoebejie jebon^"^
jemm^^ ]?onne J^a leap cnuca on anum moptejie bo
);onne on anne^^ claS leje |78epto^'' ppa f Su hyt )7]\im

bajum ne unbmbe ]>u f pap jebetft.

PiS nipe punba jenim j^yppe ylcan pypte pypttpu-

man beepn to bufte bo on J?a punba. ^^

restringet, MS. 17063 - cjxpacice, H. '
caenneb, B.
' feslijniji, B. ; aeshjiffiji, II. ^ jiyjicrimman, H. "In H. the
corrector made to >eajie liealyan, very -wrongly. "
-non, B.
Sehsel-S, B. " hic >a]xa, B. '" sehs&l'S, H. B. " j-ajie, B.
his, B. '^ sepban, B. " Sebon, B. "^ V. is here much
in holes. '" senne, II. B. '"
l^aji, B. "* i)unbe, B. Plural as
before ?

2. up blood much, let him take juice

If one hreak Horsetail.
of this same wort let him seethe it in strong wine

without smoke let him drink it then fasting soon it

; ;

stanches the blood.

HOCKLEAF.'-'' XLI. Mahm silves-

1. riiiswhich one nameth malva erratica,

and by another name hock leaf, is produced every-
where in cultivated places.
2. For sore of bladder, take this wort which we
named malva erratica, with its root, by weight of one
pound seethe in water thoroughly to the half part,

and let there be of the water a sextarius (1^ pint) full

or more, and let that be boiled within three days, as
we before said, to a half part; give it (to the patient)
to drink fasting; it will heal him.
3. For sore of sinews, take this same wort, pound
it with old lard; it wonderfully healeth the sore of
the sinews.
4. For sore of side, take this same wort, seethe it,

and after thou hast sodden them put

up together;
then take the leaves and pound them in a mortar
then put them on a cloth lay thereto, that is to the;

sore, so that thou for three days unbind it not; thou

shalt amend the sore.
5. For new wounds, take a root of this same wort,
burn it to dust; put it on the wounds.

* The technical name is from the synonym in Apuleius.

The drawings in MS. V. A. are more like Pyrola. MS. T.
gives also leaves growing on long footstalks from the root,
but cordate. MS. Gr. only has stems and correct leaves.


JDimbe)" tiin;i;e. XLTI.

See the Deoy pypt ]>e jpecaj' bu5lo]'}\im ^ jiomane linjiia

biibula iiemnaS^ -j eac enjle^ S^^ppyjit j oSjium
naman^ hunbej' tun;5e hataS* heo biS cenneb^ on
be^anum fropum *j on yanbijum lanbum.^
Jjiy hpylcum men'' yj y^ey jjjnbban ba^jey yeyeyi
oS8e^ ])By jreopSan jemm ]?onne^ pyp'^'^P^^^^^^ J^yjT^
p5^]ite tSonne^^ heo h?ebbe ]?]iy bojap^^ Srep y?ebey peo5

];one^'^ pyjittrpuman on paetejie syle bpmcan J>u h^'ne

8eo eac^^ Se bsepS )?8ep psebep peopeji bojap ppemaS^^
])am jelice^^ jye pe Leji bepopian cprebon.
Donne ^^
jy pypt |?yppe jehc peo bsep^^^ sumc

bfiele~^ Igeppan leap^^ Sonne -^ boccoe >^^ J^sejie^* pypre*^'

pypttpuma^^ on ppetepe jeSy^eb^^ pi8pae6 iceom 'j
jenim ];ap ylcan pyjite^^ *j hunij
PiS nyjipyt^^
-j hlap^^ )?e py mib fmejuipe'^^ sebacen*"^"^ ]?am jelice Je
J'U clySan pypce punbophce hyt f paji tophr.

Jjlsebene.^'^ XLIII.

PiS protep peocnyppe^^ jenim J^ap pypte J^e man

bulbiscillitici *j oSjuim naman jlrebene '^'^
nemneS -j

nene'S, B. - eac on 8eiisli)*c, H. ^ nama, O. ^ haca'S, E.
^ caenneb, li. B. "^ 0. omits a line. ' Gif man, O. * o^S"<Se)', II.,

by a Kpaai^; o\>\>iir, O. jsane, O. '"-me-, O. " t>anne, O.

"-Ser, O. ''Kine, O. " -nofc, H.; -nefc, O. '^ eac, II.
niama-S, H. '^ Felice, B. \>an, O. '' haue'S, O.
2" bsclan, B.; bale, 0. -' lea}-, B. - I'an, O. '^ bocce, H. B.
aiie, B. ; )>ara, (). '^^ pyrr, O. -^ -man, O. -'
KeMs^'^, 15.

'-'' nyppet, II. B. "' Jjeofylca j)yir, O. ^"hlaer,II. s' smej))>e. If. B.
3- bacceu, O. ^s
Glabene, C). ' -nej-fe, II. '' glabene, O.


officinale. But.

1. This which the Greeks name /SouyXwo-o-ov,

and the Romans lingua bubula, and also tlie Eno^le
call glovewort, and by another name hounds tongue,

is produced in cultivated places, and in sandy lands.

2. Tf any man have a tertian fever, or a quartan,

take the root of this wort, when it has three shoots
to seed; seethe the root in water; give (it) him to
drink ; thou shall cure him.

3. The wort which has four seed stalks, bene-

fits like that wliich we have before mentioned.
4. Besides, there is another wort like this, which
hath in some deo-ree a less leaf than the dock. A
root of that wort swallowed in water, is an antidote
against frogs and snakes.
5.Against oppression of the chest,^ take this same
wort and honey, and a loaf which has been baked
Vv^ith lard, in the manner in which thou wouldst
make a poultice wonderfully doth it disperse the


Gladden,^ falsely, xliii. ^.'''^^''

tima. Bot.

For water sickness (dropsy), take this wort,


which is named (3oKjSo a-xiWrirncoc, and by another

^ Latin, Ad suppurationes in corpore. The old interpreter

read suspirationes.
^ The traditional figure may be Scilla nutans^ Bof., or
F'ome other, but the leaves are drawn too broad for the squills.
In MS. Add. 17063, a flowerpot has been made out of the
bulb. BoA/3o^ oTKiKkriTiKoq is in so many words the bulb of
the squill, and should not have been confused with gladden,
gladiolus. But this wort does duty for others.


jebjiyje^ hy^ j'ySSan*^ eal onbutan jenim )?oiine mne-

peapbe^ yeoS on paetejie^ Sonne ^ hyt peapm j'y je-
menjc^ eac^ ]?8epto^ liumj
eceb^^ pyle ]?py jfcenceay^^ 'j

j-'ulle fpySe hpa^e^^ fceal peo^^ seocnyp^* beon ut atojen

jjujih mij^an.
piS li]7a pajie jenim J?ap ylcan pypte*^ ppa pe sep
cpseban^^ mnepeapbe^'^ pyll^^ on ele pmypa^^ ]? pap fep^^
mib son a hyt ppemaS.^^
piS J7a^^ able ]>e jpecap paponicliiar nemnaS jenim
J?yppe ylcan pypte pypttpuman cnuca mib ecebe 'j

mib hlape leje to )?am pape^^ punboplice hyt hy^*


^ man ne mseje paoteppeocep mannep

Pi6 j^upft
jecelan jenim J>yppe pylpan^^ VYV^^ l^^F -^^5^ unbeji
]?a trunjan pona heo }?one^^ )?upft: popbyt.

Umbilicum. XLiiii.

Deop pypt Se 3pecap cotilebon 'j pomane umbilicum

uenepif nemnaS byS cenneb^^ on hpopum on -j

^^Pi6 ppylap jenim J>ap pypte 'j fpinen fmepu pipum
fpa Seah unjefylt sejj^pep jelice micel be pihce^^

Sebpisse, B. ^
j^j^^ ^ q s
fe'S'San, O. * -perbe, O.
^ psete, O. *^
V. omits five words. ''
gemeensc, B. H.
^ eac, H. ^ jjap, B. O. i**
ecobe, O. " fceaccaj", B.;

-tef, O. '=^
pae, H. B. O. >eo, O. " seocnej-, H.
'* *>a i ^' '
pyrt, O. cpaebon, 11. perbe, O. p^i^ jj.; pel, O.
" smype, H. 20 j,ap^ g q. 21
j-jaama'S, H. 22
j,^^ B. If
ablum, 23 2*
so, able is for fQ^e^ Q. hig^ g^ .
q, omits.
25 ylcan, H.; O. omits. 26 j,ane, O. 27 cajnneb, H. B. 28 j^^
strumas discutiendas. Herba cotyledon pisata cum assungia ovilla

[fuilla alii] feminis sine sale aequis ponderibas calida imponatur

strumas discutit. But the ed. of 1528 reads feminibus, so that the sense
would be less disturbed. '^^'^pih'ct, H,
APVLEir. 1 47

name gladden, and next dry * it all about ; then take Gladden.
the inward part, seethe it in water, when it be warm ;
^ ^^'^- ^^"^

mix also thereto honey and vinegar ; administer three

cups fall; very quickly shall the sickness be drawn
out by urine.
2. For disease of joints,*^ take this same wort as we
before said, the inner part ; boil it in oil ; smear the
sore therewith ; soon it benefits.

3. For the disorder the Greeks name Trugcovuxi^?,

angnails, take root of this same wort, pound with
vinegar and with a loaf, lay it to the sore wonder- ;

fully it healeth the same.

4. In case that the thirst of a dropsical man may
not be assuaged, take a leaf of this same wort, lay
it under the tongue, soon it abateth the thirst.

Wall ijenny wort, {Our) Ladys navel A xliv. Cotyledon

1. This wort, which the Greeks name xoruAyj^wv, and Bot.

the Romans umbilicus veneris, is produced on roofs

and on barrows.
2. Against swellings,^ take this wort and swine lard,

yet without salt, of either constituent alike much by

^ The interpreter translates torretur etymologically.

^ Latin, madidum ; this is tepidum.
Latin, Ad perniones, that is kibes, heelsores, from the old
sense of Perna=nTepa, a heel.
The V. represents " Cotyledon umbilicus, stem
figure in
and flowers alone the leaves rarely coexist with them." (H.)

llie drawing in MS. Bodley, 130, is monstrous ; in MS. A.

valueless; in MS. G. it gives us convolvulus arvensis ; in MS.
T. the cymbal-shaped leaves of Cot. umb. are given, the stem
has been roughened, and gl. peny gres. So " Ymbilicus Vene-
ris, peuiwort," MS. Sloane, 5. So Florio, Cotgrave, etc. etc.
^ In the word pipum, the interpreter decidedly followed his

Latin copy, which read " cum assungia ovilla feminis sine
sale cequis ponderibus calida imponatur," as does MS. A. But
the ed. of 1528 reads feminibus, on the thighs.
K 2

cniica t:o]"omnc' \e^v. to ];am fpylum hy'c liy^ toj-epeS

];fep pyj^te J)u fcealt: mman on pinteptibe.

AttojilaSe.'^ XLV.

Deop pyj^t pe man jalli cjiuf 'j oSpum nam an afcoji-

laSe nemneS biS cenneb^ on fsefcnm fropmn -j pit)

Pi); hunbep plite jenim
cnuca mib hji}^]'le* J>ap pyjite
-j mib lieojiSbaceniim^ lilape leje to ''6am Ilite pona liyt
biS jehseleb* eac^ ]?>'P sylpe ppemaS'' pi6 heapb jefpell
j hit eal topepe^.

lOajiehune.^ XLVI.

PiS jepopu^ *j pi^ ]3 man liepelice hjirece ^enim Sap

pypte Se jpecap pjiappion -j jiomane mapubium nemnat)
j eac anjle^^ hajiehune hataS^^ peo(S on ppetepe sy]e
bpiincan ]?am ]?e hepelice lipsecen heo hme^^ jehjeletS

Pi5 majan sape jemm J>yppe ylcan pypte peap pyle

bpmcan hyt j^sep majan pap ppam abeS ^ jip Inm

pepep bepije- pyle him ]?ap ylcan pvj^te pel bpmcan on

paetepe heo hyne ahpsejiS.^^

PiS penj pypmap abutan^"^ napolan^^ jenim )?ap

ylcan pyj^te mapubium 'j pejmiob 'j elehtpan ealjia
])yppa pypta ^elice pela be jepihte peoS on jej'j'etton
pfletepe 'j mib pine tjne^^ oSbe ]?jiipa leje to J^ain
napolan^^ hit cpel6 ];a pyjimap.

his, B.; V. is here gone to pieces. ^ acterlo'Se, B., by the xii. centurj-
hand. "
CEenneb, H. B. ''
jijjle IT. B. ^ -nan, H. ^ eac, H.
)|iania'S, 11. ho-^hune, B., by the later hand.
^ " Ad tnssim gravem.

e-ic on ajn^lifC, IT. " hune haca^, II. '- lis qui grariter tiissiii}./.
The hme in singular is negligence. O. has mauled this paragraph.
'^ aiirep'S, II. B. '^
-ton, B. '' ncajelan, IT.; najclan, B.
ci'ist'a, IT.; tujta, B. ' na)elan, B.
APVLEIl. 149

weight, ])Oiiiid together, lay to the swellings, it removes Cotylkdon

them. This wort thou shalt take (up) at winter-tide. [' xliv^

AtTORLOTHE. XLV. Panicumcrus

1 This wort, which is named galli crus, and by
another name attorlothe, is produced in solid places,
and against ways.
2. For bite of dog, take this wort, pound it v/ith
grease, and with a hearth baked loaf, lay to the wound,
soon it will be healed also this same is of benefit

for a hard swelling, and removes it all.

HOREHOUND.a Marrubium
vuUjare. Hot.

1. For colds in the head, and in case a man breaks

heavily {makes great efforts to clear his throat of
phlegm), take this wort, which the Greeks name Trpaa-iov,
and the Romans marrubium, and also the English call it
horehound, seethe it in water, give to drink to them
that break heavily it will heal theon wonderfull}''.

2. For sore of maw (stomach), take juice of this

same wort, give {the sufferer) to drink it doth away ;

the sore of the maw; aiid if fever vex him, give him
this same wort in water to drink freely, it will raise
him up.
For tape worms about the navel, take this same

wort marrubium, and wormwood, and lupins, of all

these worts alike much by weight, seethe in sweetened
vv^ater and with wine, twice or thrice, lay to the navel
it killeth the worms.

^ A mistake hasoccurred in MwS. V. in the placing of the

figure, which seems intended for Ceterach. Horehound is
truly drawn as Prassion in MS. Bodley, 130 glossed liore- :

liounde in hand of xii. century. In MS. A., fol. 25 b, the

figure has the flowers terminal, which ought to be axillary.
The drawings in MSS. T. G. are monstrous.

PiS ]i]?a j^ajie^ -j piS jej^mb jenim J^ay ylcan pypte

baejin to alipan^ bo to J^am yajie yona hit jehaelS.

Pi6 attpey Sijne jenim |?ypye ylcan pypte pop pyle

on ealbum pme^ bpmcan pona f attoji topsejiS.

PiS pceb* "j pi6 teteji jenim )7ap ylcan pypte peo6
on psetejie Speh^ ]?one lichoman^ ]?8ep.'' mib ]78ej\^
pap py heo opjemmS ];one pcjiup^ 'j J^one tetep.

PiS lun^enjenim ]?ap ylcan pypte peo6 on

liunije pyle Jjijjean^ he biS punboplice jehseleb.

piS ealle ftiSneppa J^aep lichoman^^ jemm J>ap ylcan

pypte* cnuca mib pyple leje to )7am pape heo hselS

Foxespot. XLVII.

Iris xifium. piS uncuSe pppmjap \e on lichoman^^ acennebe^^.beoS

jenim pypttpuman
]?yppe pypte pe man xipion -j

o^pum naman poxeppot nemneS yntpena je- Jjpeopa

pihte 'j pmebman pix yntpena jepihte ecebep tpejen ^^

pcenceap^'^ 'j poxep fmeopupep^* Speopa yntpena ^^ je-

pihte cnuca topomne on pme bec^^ ponne anne^^

cla^ psep^^ op leje to Sam pape )7U punbjiafu J?8epe

PI'S heapob b]iyce~^ jenim J>ap ylcan pypte upepejibe^^
jebpyje hy jenim ]7onne be jepihte epen
'j cnuca ^^
mycel pmep menj^*'' topomne leje to fam pape hyt
Sonne J^a pojibjiocenan ban tit atyh^ eac^'* jip hpset

on ]?am lichoman^'^ bepjenbe by^ hyt pel piiS ]5

Ad coniUlomola, Latin. -'
bufce, II.; axj-au, B. ^ V. omits

three words. '

j-caeb, II. B. '
hi'eah, B. " -haman, B.; -ma, O.
^ >ap, B., twice. ^
rc"r]> H- ^- ^- ^^^^ fonns are still current.
hiKScan, IT.; hc^an, B. '" -haman, B., twice. " aceennebe, II. B
tpej^ean, V. '=*
rcwncar, B. " rmeppef, B. " ynC}*a, H.,

For sore of joints and for

4. inflation, take this same Houkhound
^^' ^ ^^'
wort, burn it to ashes, apply it to the sore, soon it

5. For s^vYiillowing of poison, take ooze of this same
wort, give (to the sufferer) to drink in old wine, soon
the poison passes off.

6. Against scab and against tetter, take this same

wort, seethe it in water, wash the body therewith,
where the sore may be it removes the scurf and the

7. For lungs disease, take this same wort, seethe it

in honey, give it to swallow; he will be wonderfully

For all stiffnesses of the body, take the same wort,

pound it with lard, lay it to the sore it healeth ;


Foxes foot. XLVII. Sparganinm

1. Agamst
. 1
strange pustules which are produced on
1 1 IT simplex. Bot,

the body, take a root of this wort, which is named

and by another name foxes foot, by weight of

three ounces, and of smede or fine flour, by weight

of six ounces, two draughts of vinegar, and of foxes
grease by weight of three ounces, pound together in
wine, cover then a cloth therewith, lay to the sore,
thou wilt wonder at the cure.
2. For head breach (a broken head), take the upper

part of this same wort, dry it and pound it take ;

then by weight as much of wine, mingle together, lay

to the sore, it then draweth out the broken bones;
also if somewhat on the body be annoying, it is well

confirmiDg ihe argument in St. Mark, p. 87, 30. '"bo, H.

1' senne, B. '^ >a]a, B. ''^
>ape lacnun^e, B.; lacnu^Se, H.
-" b]iece, II. '^^
-jjeajibe, H. B, ^ Sebpigebe ^ cnuca by, H.;
gebjiisse hig, B. -^ meengc, H. B. eac, H.
'-' -^ -hamen, B.

jijiema^ o^^e jij: hpa'"^ mib hiy jiet; oj: fcepS^ aBtrjuj

banpiacan^ o^^e nsebbpan Seop rylfe pypt ij- ppyfe

yceajip^ numul pi^ J>9et attoji.

Psetep p^^jit. XLViii.

Iry-p psemnum bepijen^ jemm Sap p^'P'^e j^e


man callitpicum^ -j oSpum uaman pietep pyjit nenineS

cnuca liy^ pynbjiije leje to )?am pape lieo hyc hgelS.
Ifip mannep pex^ pealle jemm ]7ap jdcan pyj^te
cnuca on ele fmypa^^ Sonne f pex^^ );8Gpmib^^ hyr
pona biS psefu.

Bjaijjiene. XLix.
Allium moly. Deop pypt ]>e man temolum 'j oSjium naman pm-
jpene nemneS J?sep ]?e omepuf pa^jS yp pyjita^^
beophtufu^* "j ]5 mepcujiiup h}"^ pnban pceolbe -^'^ S}^pp<^
pyjite pos yf TPJ^^ pjiemjiul 'j liyjie pypttpuma yp

pynepealt: *j ppeajit eac on SjBpe *^ mycele ])e leacef.

pr6 cpij>an pape jemm ]7ap pypte cnuca ^ Icje
j.gepto^'' heo 3eli]7e5a^ ^) pap.

Bijelpeajipa. L.

Holiotropion jpecaf heliotpophur

^^Deop pyjvt |;e "j ]\omane uep-
tamnum nemnaS 'j eac anjle '^^
fijel hpeojipa baraS ''^^

biS cenneb-^ jehpaep^^ on bejanum fropum *j on damnum

'j on m^ebum.
Deop pypt hsejiO mib hype sume punboplice jobcuub-
neppe^'^ p ip ponne p hype blopman hy-^ a3pt:ep }iepe^^
sunnan pyne~^ penbaS^'' spa pa bloptman ponne peo ]5

' yjiamaS, ir. - hjia, B. ^ jtfeivb', B.; frapS, II. ^ biin, B.

' tta]^x:, B., tart. '^

bejiien, IL; bepigan, B. ^ j^allicpicum, V.

jeax, B. fmejia, B. " yeax, B. j,a^,^ 3

In, n. > '^

j'yjite, II. " -rofr, II. '^ j-colbe, II. B. ' Sajxc, B. '^
J^an, B.
'^ V. is lierc but little legible. '" eac on anj^lij-c, II.
hace'S, H.
cainneb, 11. B. --' t^thjiaji, B. -^ -nyfr^", li-
h'S, B.
Jnijie, B. -" hjiyiie, B. -' j'tcuba'cS, B.
APVLEll. 153

serviceable against that any one with his foot Foxes

; or if ioot.

steppeth on a poisonous deadly snake, or on an adder,

this same wort is very efficacious against the poison.

Water wort, xlviii. Caiutriche

verna. Bot.
1. If swellings annoy maids, take this wort, which is
called ycuXXlTpi^oCj and by another name water wort,

pound it apart, lay it to the sore ; it healcth it.

2. If a mans hair fall off, take this same wort,

pound it in oil, smear then the hair therewith, it soon
becometh fast.

SiNGREEN, or Houseleek.^ XLIX. Sempervlvum

1. This wort, which is called fju^Ku, and by another

name singreen, of which Homeros saith it is of worts

the brightest, and that Mercurius should find {found)
it, ooze of this wort is very beneficial, and its root
is round and swart, also of the size as of a leek.t>
2. For sore of matrix, take this wort, pound it and

lay it thereto ; it alleviates the sore.

SOLWHERF. L. ^^j^.^,^

Greeks named YiXiOTpoTriov, fomentosa. Bot.

1. This wort, which the
YiKioTpoTTogf and the Romans vertamnus, and also the
English call it solwherf, is produced everywhere in
cultivated places, and on clean ones, and in meadows.
This wort hath with it some wonderful divine
qualities, that is, that its blossoms turn themselves ac-
cording to the course of the san, so that the blossoms

^ The drawing in MS. V., fol. 32 c, represents in a way this

wort, but the flowering stem and flower are given as very
slender, and solitary, so that one thinks of " Pingnicula
vulgaris." (H.) In MS. Bodley, 130, under moly, a wort
resembling houseleek is drawn. MS. A., fol. 26b, is like
MS. v.; the flowers look like arbute berries.
^ Tlio root of singreen is not a bulb : a garlic, allium
j)ioIj/, v/as in the mind of Apiilciud.

yuime jepyhS hy^ rylpe beclypaS 'j ept Jjonne heo

upjanje'S hy^ TJ^F^^ jeopeniaS.*^ ^ tobjisebaS ^ heo

ppemaS * to J^ij^yum Isecebomum fe ye hep pi6 sejztan
appiten habbaS.
PiS ealle attpu jenim ]?ap pylpan pypte cnuca to
fpiSe"'^ fmalon^ bufte oSSe hype poj^'' syle bpmcan on
^oburn pine punbophce heo f attop tojzepeS.
PiJ? plepj'an^ jenim Syype ylcan pypte leap cnuca
'j leje to 6am pape hyt ys^ jelypeb f heo pceapphce

Msebepe. Li.

Deop pypt J?e man jpyay *j oSjmm naman mse-

bepe nemneS b5^S cenneb^^ pj^pmupt^^ m lucania heo
hpepS mapman^^ bleoh
hpitef heo bi6 jeppsetepub ^^ "j

mib peopep peabum ptgelum.^*

Pi6 ban ece piS ban bpyce jenim J^ap ylcan pypte


cnuca hy^^ leje to )7am bane ]7y ];pibban baeje him bi6
sel fpylce J^aep^^ cly]7a tojelaeb paepe.-^^

6ac^ t'yrr^ Pyp*^^ p}'pttpuma ppema'S^^ pi6 aelc paji

\)e ]?am lichoman bepeS^^ f yp Sonne f man ]?one
pyjittpuman cnucije^^ -j to Sam pape jelecje eal f
pap he jehael'S.

Dymele.^^ Lli.

Deop pypt Se man poll tpi cum ^ oSpum naman

hymele nemneS by]; cenneb^^ on ealbum hup ftebum -j

eac^* on puhtum ftopum.

hi?;, B., twice.
V. is here illegible. '
-nia'S, B.; -na'S, H.
}niamat), H. ^ v]n'5aTi,H. r^alan, B, ' poj-, B.
Ad luxutn, looseness. H. B. " hys, V. '" caenneb,
" -mefr, H. B. mapman, 11. has altered by the same hand to

ma]ib]ian, being a later utterance than the penman found in the text.
'^ Se}7i8etpob, B. ^' ytelu, B. ''
hig, B. '" \>ap, B. '" togeleb
jisepe, B. ^^ Pac, H. '"
-tpuman jiiama"^, II. - bepa'(\ B.
cnuca hy, H., spoiling the .sentence. --'
humele, B., by later hand;
so in index. -^ caenneb, II. B. - eac, II.

when the sun is setting close themselves, and again Solwiierf,

^'*' '

when he upgoeth they open and spread themselves;

and it is beneficial for the leechdoms which we here
have after written.
2. For all poisons, take this same wort, pound it to

very small dust, or its ooze, administer (this) to drink

in good wine; it wonderfully removes the poison.
3. For flux, take leaves of this same wort, pound

and lay them to the sore ; it is believed that it

healeth sharply (efficaciously).

MADDEK.^ LI. jiui^ia tine

1. This wort, which is named grias, is produced
first in Lucania; it has the complexion of white
marble, and it is ornamented with four red stalks.

2. For leg ache^ and same

for leg breach, take this
wort, pound it, lay it to the leg on the third day ;

comfort will be for him, as if a poultice were laid

8. Also a root of this wort is beneficial for each
sore which troubles the body, that is, when a man
pounds the root and lays it to the sore, it healeth all
the sore.


This wort, which is named iroKCrpixov, and by
1. ^^7"'^'"'-

another name hymele, is produced in old house-steads

(tofts) and also in damp places.

^ For madder, MSS. V. G. T. A. draw a great rhizome,

as of Acorus or Iris, with lanceolate leaves growing out
at intervals yet varied by the fantasy of the artists. MS.

Bodley, 130, is different.

^ Latin, Ad sciaticos sanandos.

c By aid of the figure in MS. G., fol. 17 b, which has trefoil
leaves, the interpretation of MS. V., h^^mele, is rendered con-
sistent with our English tradition of names.

Pib mno(5e]" pypte leap );e pe

j'ajie^ jenim l^yj'j'e

politjiicum nembon^
beoS fpylce Ipmenl^ype tpiju'^
byjilu cnuca Sonne a leap *j nijon pipep copn -j coli-


anbjian pa3bep nijon copn"* call to pomne syle bpincan

on jobum^ pine -j ]7yp yf Sonne he janje to bseSe
cac*^ peop vice pyjit jebe]? f ^Sp'cp 5^ pepa je pipa^

peax^ pexe]?.^

pubuhjiope.'^ LIII.

JAS ]3 man on pombe^' pojipexen ^^

sy jenim J^yppe
pyjite p}^pttpuman Se jjiecap malochm ajpia 'j poniane
aftula pejia nemnaS -j eac senile ^^ pubupope hataS
cnuca mib pme pj-le bpmcan pona )u onjitft j^JTr^P
PicS mnoSep pleppan jenim )>yppe p}'Jite pteb \e pe
aftula Jiejia nembun^'^ jemencjeb^^ nub fti]nun ccebe
pyle bpmcan hyt jeppiS )>one mnoS.

Popij.^' LIV.

PiS eajena pajie f yy p pe cpeSacS topnije^** jenim

J;yppe pyj^'^e pos Se jpecap moecojiiap -j jioinaiie

papauep album nemnaS ^ enjle^^ hpit popij hataS'-'^

oSSe ]?one ftelan mib pam paeftme leje to J^am eajan.

PiS J^unponja^^ pajie oSSe ]78ep heapbep jenmi J'yrr^

pylpan pypte pos cnuca nub ecebe leje opep ]?one
anbplitan^^ liyt 5eli]:e5a"6 j-set saji.

yape, B. 2 jiembun, H. ^tjnKa/II. ^ coliantojmn, V.;
II. omits two words. ^ "Bobu, B. *"'
eac, H. ^ jnya, B.
yex, H. " peaxet5, B., but the conjunctive is required. '" pube-
roue, B., by later hand. " pambe, II, B. ' peaxen, B.
eacon senghpc, II.; en^le, B.
pusem-, 11. ; -nejje, B.
'^-bon,B. '" j;cm8enj;ceb, H. 'Mi)'ic popi, B., by later hand.
T on senghpc, H.
'^ "^ nemne"S -" hata'S, B,
tojineSe, II.
J^an, B. -- j'lacan, II. B.

2, For sore of inwards, tako leaves of this wort, iiop trkfotl.

which we named iroKvTpixov, its twigs are as swine ^^^- '"

bristles pound then the leaves and nine pepper corns


and nine grains of coriander seed all together give to ;

drink in good wine, and let this be when he goes to

the bath. Also this wort is efficacious to make either
mens or womens hair grow.


1. In case a man be overgrown m

. ,1
wamb,^ take
fdiitosus. Bnt.

roots of this wort, which the. Greeks name yuuKoix'^

Uypla, and the Romans hasfcula regia, and also the

Engle call woodroffe, pound with wine, give to drink ;

soon thou shalt understand the advantage of this.

2. For flux of inwards, take seed of this wort, which

we named hastula regia, mixed with strong vinegar,

administer {this) to be drunk it bindeth the inwards.

X OPPY.^^ LIV. Papaver som"

1. For sore of what we denominate
eyes, that is

blearedness, take the ooze of this wort, which the

Greeks name [/.y^koovu, and the Romans papaver album,
and the Engle call white poppy, or the stalk, with
the fruit, lay it to the eyes.
2. For sore of temples or of the head, take ooze of
this same wort, pound ^ with vinegar, lay upon the
forehead; it alleviates the sore.

^ See art. In the table of contents truly translated

after the Latin but foppexen can be only wrongly groivn^

not troubled with diarrhoea. Similarly ii. 4, xl. 1., lxix. 1.

^ Poppy would not be recognized either in MS. V., fol. 33 c,

or in the dissimilar figure, MS. A., fol. 28 b. In MS. T., gl.

" chesbol album," but not like either a garlic or a pojjpy.
^ The notion of pounding an infusion with vinegar is due to
our old interpreter.

piS ylaepleaj'te^ jenym l^yj"]*^

y^^^^^ VYV^^ P^r
fmype^ J^one man mib pona J?u him J^one j^lep''



mseje jemm fyffe pypte^

Tsyy lipa^ jemijan^ ne
pypttpuman J>e^ man oenantey ^ oSpum naman
nemneS to bufre jecnucube^^ pyle bpmcan on pnie
tpejean^^ pcenceap^^ pulle hyt ppemaS^^ healice.
Zryp ^y^ YVflp^ hpeece^* jenime )?yppe ylcan pyjite^'"'
pypttpuman ficje )?am jemete J>e pe nu hep. bepojTan^^
cpsebun^^ hyt jehSijaS |?one^^ hjiacan.^^

JOalp pypit.^*^ LVi.

punba ]?e on )?am men^^ beoS acenneb^'^

PiS J>a

jenim )?yppe pypte pyjxttpuman^^ Se man napcippum^"*

'j o^jium naman^^ halppypt nemne^ mib ele -j mib
raelupe jecnucubne^'^ J)am jehce J7e J>u to^^ ch]?an
pypce leje to ]?8epe^^ punbe hyt hsel^ punboplice.^^

Bpune pypt. LVii.

]}r8 miltan pape jenim ]?yppe pypte pyjittjiuman pe

jpecap pplenion 'j pomane teucpion^^ nemnaS -j eac
enjle^^ bpune pypt hata^ cnuca to fpi^e fmalan bufte

fleep-, B. 2 fmejia, B. flsep, B. * onrs&nfe, H. B.
man, O. " K^j E- 0- omit. ' pyre, O. " jiyrtume, O. * \>a., O.
(). alters the text a little. '" secnocobe, B.; cnuca to b., II.
" cpegen, H. B. fceencaf, B. O.
''^ '^
-rue's, O.; >-]iama'5, H.
" jaa&ce, B. '5 pyre, O. ' -ren, O. '" -bon, B. O. '**
>ane, O.
' hjiacan, B. -" See cxxvii. HeALSfYRT, H. ^i
o^ j,amana, O.,
fol. 1.5 = 57. ^- acsenneb, II. B. ^^ -me j?, O. -' napcij-ii, V. B.
nama, O. ^^ Secnucub, H. ^^ to, B. omits. '^^
l>ajie, B. O.
-beji-, O. ^^ uerid, O. ^' eac on eenjlirc, H.

3. For sleeplessness, take ooze of this same wort, ^^^y^y

smear the man with it ; and soon thou sendest the
sleep on him.

DropiUOrt^ LV. (Enanthe

1. If one may not pass water, take roots of this folia.
P^^^^o^ )
wort, which is named olvoivQr], and by another name, ^

pounded to dust, administer in wine, two cups

full ; it is of high benefit.
2. If one break much, let him take roots of this
same wort, let him swallow them in the manner
which we now here before quoth ; it allays the

HALSWORT.b LVI. Probably Cam-

panula trache-
1.For the wounds which are produced on a man, hum.
take roots of this wort, which one nameth vxpjua-a-og,
and by another name halswort, pounded with oil and
with meal, as if thou wert working it to a poultice
lay to the wound ; it healeth wonderfully.

BrOWNWORT. LVII. Ceterach offi-

cinarum. Bot,

1.For disease of spleen, take roots of this same

wort, which the Greeks name ucttcKyiviov, and the
Romans teucrium, and also the Engle call brownwort

^ Drawn in MS. V., fol. 33 d, as a naked stalk, with oppo-

site branches furnished with tufts of leaves, and so in the
Latin MS. A., fob 29 a, and in MS. G. ; in MS. Bodley, 130,
as a trailing plant with compound leaves on peduncles and
spiked flowers ; in MS. T., as bryony,
Vitis nigra." and gl. *'

None of these have any resemblance to the dropworts.

^ Falsely interpreted, perhaps ; see the glossary. In MS.
Bodley, 130, at this place, narcissus is glossed " Oxngen
launge. i. hundestunga."
syle bjimcan on lijnm pine healic* )^"''3<^
]>ve]\^ mib
onjitfr eac^ yy sa^b ]> heo jmy j.Tinben'* pa^jie
p ip

c)oniie p liyt: jelamp hpilon ^ man peapniap mib ];?epe^

nnlran uppan pap pypte jepceapp pa pona jeclypube^

peo milte to pyppe pyjite "j heo hjiseblice pa miltan
po]mam pop ^y heo eac^ ppam pumum mannum
fplemon ^eci^eb yp ]5 yp on upe je^eobe milte
nemneb po]i pam^ p?ep pe man psej^ -^^ pa ppin^^ pe
hvjie pypttjiuman^^ eta'cS
f hy been butan^'^ milten^*

8ume eac tpijum^^

pa3C5ea^^'^ f heo frelan mib
hysopan jehcne^^ hfebbe ^ leap^^ beanum jehce panon^^
hy^^ pume men pam pylpum naman nemna'b hypopan
pa pyjite man nimeS ponne heo blep^^ ppi^upt^*^ lieo
yp jehepeb^^ on pam miintlanbum pe man cihcia ^
pipibia nemne<5.


Deop pyjit pe man pohon -j oSpum naman

nemneb bi^ cenneb^'^ on unfmepum^^ ptopum.
Pi^ mono^^'^ peoce jenim pyppe pypte peap pe pe
polion nembun jemenjc^^ pi'^ eceb fmypa^^ p?ep*^^ mib
pa p ypel pohjen topopan pam pe hyt liym to j^ylle

-j peh^^ pu hyjie leap 'j hype pytujiuman bo on^^

anne^^ cl?enne cla^ *j jepprSe onbutan^^ psep mannef

-hce, O. 2 j,ap, B. 3 ^,/lc, H. -be, O. ' ' )>ajie, B.
" -jobe, IT. '
eac, II, ^ mannuni, H. omits. " )>8em, IT,
fejj'S, B. " fjnn, B. '-
-tjurnia, B., dropping n.
'^ bacon, B. "railcan, B. ^'
t^^niece, If. '" eiic secgea'S, H.;
recsaS, r,. '
t])iKan, II. j;elicne, B. '" leaj:, B.
' }>onon, B. -' hit;, F,. blej>-S, B. -'
-^ofr, B. ''^
-jiob, B.
csenneb, B. H. unfmehan, 11. ^^ -' Ad bmaticos, Latin ;

nino'5, v., but mono"??, V. in index, and IT. B. *^ ^emaenc, B.;

j;tnia;n'^;c, II. -" j'mype, II.; fmejin, R. ^" j'aji,
Kill, B, ?^6r,. II. ' "-ajnne, II. B. ^' aburan, II.; on-
buccii, B.

poimd it to small dust; give it to drink in litlio {^oft) Brownwort.

wine, therewith thovi wilt observe a remarkiiLle thing. "

Also it is said, that the wort was thus found, that is,

it whilome happened that a man scraped intestines

with the spleen upon this wort, then soon the spleen
clave to this wort, and it quickly consumed the
spleen, for which reason it is also designated as
splenium by some men, which (spleen) in our language
is called the milt. Hence it is said of the swine,
which eat its roots, that they are found to be without
2. Some also say that it has a stalk with twigs
like hyssop, and leaves like beans ; hence some men
name it by the same name hyssop.
The wort must
be collected when it is in full blossom. It is of a
famed sort in the mountain lands which are named
Cilicia and Pisidia.

^ LVIII. Teucrium
poUum. Sot.
1. This wort which and by another
is called ttoXiov,

name produced in unsmooth places.

, is

2. For a lunatic, take juice of this wort which we

named polion, mix with vinegar, smear therewith them

that suffer that evil, before it will to him (before the
access),and shouldest thou put the leaves of it and
the roots of it on a clean cloth, and bind about

^ In MS.
Bodley, 130, the drawing represents Plantago
lanceolata. See further on, art. cl. The drawing in MS. V.,
fol. 34 b, might do for teucrium (H.), it is pretty much like.

MSS. A. G. have the same figure as MS. V. MS. T. gives

composite discs terminal.

]"pypan pe f yjzel ^ola^ hyt be\> onpunbelnypfe^ )?8Bf

pyljzan ^mjej-.

Eneopholen. Lix.

]}rS J?one bpopan -j pi^ )?oiie majan^ jemm trpejen

]"cenceaj*^ pulle poyey ^yppe pypte J>e man uictopiole *j

o^pum naman eneopholen nemne^ pyle bpmcan jzsej^ten-

bum* yrS humj jemenjeb*^ pona hyt ^one bpopan

Ixalluc. LX.

Deop pyptman conpipman o^pum naman

J?e 'j

jalluc nemne^ bi'S cenneb*^ on mopum on pelbum -j -j

eac'^ on msebum.
pi's pijra fleppan jenim )?ap pypte conpipmam cnuca
to ppy]?e^ pmalon^ bufte syle bpmcan on pine pona pe
fleppa setftanbej?.^^
Jjyp hpa mnan
tobopften^^ py jenime^^ J^YPf^ ylcan
pypte pypttpuman jebpsebe^^ on hatan^* axan^^ ficje
j7onne on hunije pseptenbe he bi'S jehseleb *j eac hyt
]?one majan ealne apeopma^.

Pi^ majan pajie jenim J^ap ylcan pypte -j jemenj^^

PI'S hunij *j PI'S eceb J?u onjitft mycele^^ ppempul-

nysse, H. ^ j,ggf masan rape, H. ^ j-csencaj- , B. ^ yaefcenbe, H.
^ ^raaenseb, II. B. " csenneb, B. ' eac, H.; cac, B. * rpiJ^an, H.
" jTiialan, B. '"
-jranb-, B. " tobjiocen, H. '- semm, II. B.
'^ jebjiaebe, B. ' ' hacan, II. omits, and spoils his text by blunders.
^^ axon, B. '" semsensc, H. B. '^ miccle, B. '^ IPY"*-* ^^-

the mans swere (nech), who suffers the evil, it will Art. iviii.

give an experimental proof of that same thing (its


Knee holly/^ or Butchers broom. Lix. Ruscus

aculeatus. Bot.

For the wrist drop, and for the maw or belly, take
two cups full of the ooze of this wort, which is named
victoriola, and by another name knee holly administer ;

it (to the patient) to drink fasting mixed with honey;

soon it diminishes the wrist drop.

YaLLUC,^ or Comfrey. LX. Symphytum

officinale. Bot.
1. This wort, which is and
called confirma {comfrey),
by another name yalluc, is produced on moors and
on fields, and also on meadows.
2. For wives (womens) flux, take this wort con-

firma, pound it to very small dust, administer it in

wine to drink soon the flux stancheth.

3. If one be bursten within, let him take roots of

this wort, him roast them in hot ashes, then

swallow them in honey fasting, he will be healed

and it also purges the whole stomach.
4. For sore of maw (stomach), take this same wort,

and mingle with honey and with vinegar; thou shalt

perceive much advantage.

^ MS. v., fol. 34draws leaves, some serrated, some cre-


nate, blue with a round red spot in the middle, root bulbed.
MS. Add. 17063, fol. 30 a, similarly, but leaves green, entire,
red spot has a yellow circle round it. MS. G. has the spots ;

they are the nectaries, and characteristic.

^ The drawing in MS. V, fol. 34 d, has comfrey leaves and

no more. MS. A., fol. 30b, has leaves not quite so distinct,
and the root has become bulbous. In MS. Bodley, 130, one of
the mint tribe is drawn.
L 2


Deos pypt ])e man afuejiion ^ o Spurn naman

nemne^ by(S cenneb- betrj^eoli jftanum 'j on unfme]?um^
Deop pyp"* ycmeS on nilite ypilce fceoppa^ on
heopone^ *j j'e 'Se'' liy^ nytente^ jepih'S he psej^^^ ^

he ycmlac jepeo 'j ]fpa apsepeb" he biS tseleb ppam

hypbum^^ 'j ppam fpylcum mannum ppylce^'^ psepe pypte^*
mihta^^ cunnun.^^
Pi^ pylle ]"eocnyppe jemm )?yppe pypte bepjean^^ pe
pe afcepion nembon pyle etan on panijenbuni
monan^^ 'j sy ]> Sonne ^^ ]?8epe^^ punnan-*^ pyne beo on

O. condenses. J?am tacne )7e man uipjo nemne^ f bi^ on }>am

monSe pe man aujuftu]* haue^^^ -j hsebbe 'Sap pylpan
pypte on hip ppypan^* ahanjene^^ he biS jelacnub.^^

IDapan hyje.^^ LXII.

Pi^ inno)?ep jenim Sap pypte ]>e man
p. 479, figures
Trifolium lepopip pef "j o^pum naman hapan hije nemne'S
arvense not
jebpyje hy cnuca J^onne to bufce syle bpmean on pme
Geum ur-
banum. jip he unpepepij sy jyp he J^onne on pepepe sy pyle
bpmcan^^ him on paetepe sona peo pseptnyp to

Deep pypt J?e man bictamnum -j o^pum naman
iiemne'S by]? oenneb*^^ on "Sam ijlanbe^^ J?e

O. gives fauine for the English. - caenneb, H. B, ^ -fmy'S-, B.
^ pypte, B. ^ fterre, O. ^ heuena, O. ' "j \>e, 0. " hig, B.
-enbe, O. '
r^S^, O. "he abp8et"S, H. '^
hyi^bu, B.
'^ fpylcu, O., error. " J>apa pypta, B., in the plural. '* ne, O.
inserts. '" -non, B. '' bepgan, B. "* pansenbum, IT.
monan, B. " )>ane, 0. =' >ape, B. -^ futle, O., omitting
article. -^ hace'S, B. -' ppyiian, B.; ppeopan, II. -^ ahans-, B.
ahan?;e .-*
O, -" -nob, B, O. *^ hyne, V., but hij;e below ; hyje, II.


1. Tliis wort, which is named and by another


name , is produced between stones and in

misinooth places.
This wort shineth at night as a star in heaven,

and he who seeth it, not witting what it is, he sup-

poses that he seeth an apparition, and so afeard
(as he is), he is ridiculed by herdsmen and by such
men as know the virtues of the wort.
3.For the falling sickness, take berries of this
wort, which we name asterion, administer it to be
eaten when the moon is on the wane, and let that be
Avhen the course of the sun is in the constellation
named Virgo; that is, in the month which is called
August; and let him have the same wort hung on his
swere (neck) he will be cured.


arvense. Bot.
For costiveness of inwards, take this wort, which is
named leporis pes, and by another name haresfoot;
dry it, then pound it to dust, administer it in wine
to drink, if he (J:he patient) be unfeverish ; if however,
he be in a fever, give it him to drink in water ; soon
the costiveness will pass away.

DiTTANY.b LXIII. Diptamnus

alba. Bot,
1. This wort, which is named dittany, and by
another name , is produced in the island

^ The drawing in MS. V. is beyond interpretation ; so

MSS. A. G. In MS. B. 130, the drawing reminds us of
Stellaria media, Bot., Chickweed.
^ The figure in MS. V., fol. 35 c, has eaten itself away.

The later hand in B. glosses auence. -^ -nejje, B. -^ bjimcan, B.

omits. ^" )-lipe5, B. ^^ czenneb, H. B. ^- ig-, B.

man cpete* hate^S^ *j on J^am munte l?e man iba

liyp hpylc pip h?ebbe on hyjie mno^e beab bopen
t:ubbuji jenim J>yppe bictamnum nem-
pypte pop^ J?e pe
bun* pp heo butan pepepe py syle bpmcan on pine*
jip hype )?onne pepep bepije syle bpmcan on peapmum
psetepe pona hit ^ tubbup ut apenbej)^ butan ppec-
6pt:punba pom hy pyn op ipepne pom hy pyn
op ptence'' o^^e ppam nsebpan jenim J>yj*pe ilcan
pypte pop bo on )7a^ punba 'j pyle bpmcan sona he
by^ hal.
6pt po^hce pi^ nsebbpanjenim )?yppe ylcan
pyjite peap pyle bpmcan on pme pona hyt ^ attop
Iryp hpa^ attoji ficje jenime J>yppe ylcan pyjite pop
bpmce on pme pitoblice ppa my eel yp J^yppe pypte
ptpen^^^^ ppa na ^ ^n ^ heo mib hype anbpeapb-
nyppe^^ nsebbpan opflyh^ j-pa hpsep fpa hy^^ hyjic
jehenbe^^ beo^ ac popjjon op hype ptence^* );onne he
mib pmbe ahapen bi^ fpa hpaep^^ ppa hy^^ beoS *j hy^*^

J>one ppsec jeptmca^ hy pcealon^'' fpeltan.^^

6ac^^ yp saeb be J?yppe pylpan^^ VYV^^ syp ^^^^ on

huntuj^e pan^^ o^^e psejean^^ mib plane o^^e o^pum
psepne jepsecej? f hy^^ pyllon |7ap pyjite etan^^ fpa hy^^
h]Taj7opt to cuman msejen "j heo pona^^ )?a plane ut
abe^ *j ^a punbe jehaele]?.-''

yrS nipe punba jenim ]?ap ylcan pypte "j sejjelpeji-

^mc^ pypte 'j hmbe hselej^an^^ cnuca mib butepan^^

Sjiece, V. 2 hata, B.
p6r, also B.
-bon, B.
^ aj-aenbe^, B. H. "
nisccnyj-j-e, B. H. ^ fteencse, H.j fcense, B.
" ot>a, corrected to on \>a, II. This correction is frequent and needless
see St. Marh., p. 96, 57. hpa, H.
rpentJ, V.; fcpaensS, H.
" -nefj-e, B. '-^
his, B., omitting hype. '^ geheenbe, H.
^ fea&nce, H. '^ hpap, B. ' hig, B., twice. >^
j-culon, R
APVLEIl. 167

which is called Crete, and on the mountain which is Dittany.

n 1
T 1
Art. Ixiii.

2. If any wife inwards a

(tuoman) have in her
dead-borne offspring, take wash of this wort, which
we named dittany; if she be without fever, give {it
her) to drink in wine; if fever then trouble her, give
(it her) to drink in warm water soon it outsendeth ;

the offspring without mischief

3. Again, for wounds, whether they be from iron,
whether they be from pole, or from snake, take wash
of this ilk wort, apply to the wounds, and give to
drink ; soon he will be hole.
4. Again, verily, for bite of snake, take juice of
this same wort administer ; it to drink in wine ; soon
it will remove the poison.
5. If any one swallow poison, let him take ooze of
this same wort let him drink it in wine. So mickle,

in fact, is -the strength of this wort, so that not only

it by its presence stayeth snakes wheresoever they
be handy to it, but by reason of its smell, when it
is carried by the wind, wheresoever it is, and they

smeil the stench, that is odour, they shall die, or they

die, it is said.

6. Also, it same wort, if a man in

is said of this
hunting with arrow or other weapon weaken a roe-
buck or a roe, that they will eat this wort as quickly
as they may come to it and it soon puts out the;

arrow and healeth the wound.

For new wounds, take this same wort and stich-

wort and water agrimony, pound with butter, lay to

'^ fpylta, H., n seems to have been erased ;

]'pyltan, B. '^ eac, H.
20 -1 hpan, B. -^ '^*
ilcan, B. 22 pgegan, B. hig, B. eacan, H.,
an error. -''
hig, B. -''
sona, H. -hsel-, B. To the
same pm^pose, Isidorus, Origin, xviii. 9=p. 152 B. ^'^
-Smgc, B.
29 helejjan, B. butepan, H.

leje to )79epe* punbe ]7u punbjiayt on eallum J^injum

^YYYe pypte jeppemmcje.^


Pi^ naebbpan plite 'j ])r6 pcoppionep fnncj^ jenim

]7ap pyp'ce J?e man polajo maioji *j lieliopcoppion nem-
ne^ bjiy-^e'^ liy^ j7onne 'j cnuca to ]fpyj>e^ pmalon^ bupte
syle bjimcan on pine "j jenim ]7a pypte jecnucube^ leje
to )?3epe^ punbe.



pi)? Sset paenjc^^ pypmap^^ bepjen^^ ymb napolan

jenim )7ap pypte )?e man polajo minoji 'j oj7]\um
naman seliotpopion^^ nemne^ jebpijebe cnuca to bufte
pyle bpmcan on peapmum psetepe heo )7a pypmaf

Peoina. LXVI.

Deop pypt ^e man peoman nemne^ peep punben

ppam peonio ]?am ealbpe "j heo ]?one naman op him
haep6 he LI'S cenneb^^ pypmeft m jpeca -^^ ]7a eac pe
iHcepa^'' ealbop homepup on^^ hyp bocum ameapcobe
heo bi^ punben^^ fpy)7oft ppam hypbum^^ -j heo haepS
copn ]73epe mycelnyppe^^ ]7e mah jpanati. ^ heo on^*

Sajie, B. 2 gej^ijgjnjQcge^ jj .
-j:jiemminse, B. ^
jTincs, B.
* bjnsse, B. ^ ^15, B. rjnjjan, H. ' rnialan, B. 11.

^ecnocobe, B. " I'ajie, B. "* A snake and scorpion are drawn.
" ]ienjc;c, B. '- jiytipyjunas, H., with a gloss Imnbrici. '^
-Sau, B.
"echo-, V. '^ csenneb, B. H. '" cjieaca, II.; creca, B.
II. omits maejia. '^ on, H. ^''
):unben, B. '^
hyjibii, B.
-ne)7e, B.; -nef)'c, II. 22 ^n, H.

the wound ; thou shalt wonder on all accounts at the Dittany.

^-'*- ^^"^-
efficacy of this wort.

^ Heliotropium

For bite of snake and for sting of scorpion, take

the wort which is named solago maior and ^X/oo-xottjoj,
then dry it and pound it to very small dust ad- ;

minister it in wine to drink, and take the wort

pounded, lay it to the wound.
Painting of a fight between a scorpion and a snake.
MS. F., fol 36 a.

b LXV. Croton

In case that round worms annoy about the navel,

take this wort, which is called solago minor, and by
another name Y)XioTp6'7riov, dried, pound it to dust ;
it in warm water to be drunk; it slayeth the worms.

PeONY.^ LXYI. P- officinalis.

1. This wort, which is named peony, was found by
Uocictiv, the chieftain, and it has the name from him.

It produced principally in Grsecia. Also, as the


illustrious author Homeros, in his books remarked, it

is found chiefly by herdsmen and it has grains of ;

the magnitude (of those) of the malum granatum,

^ The figure in MS. V., fol. 36 a, was once nearly a dupli-

cate of the next.
^ The drawing in MS. V., fol. 36 a, when compared with
the figure in the Flora Graeca, has points of resemblance.
^ The painting in MS. V., fol. 36 b, is eaten away, but it was
not much like pseony.

nihte pcme^ ppa leoht jrget -j eac hype cojin beo^

jelice coccele *j heo^ by^ j^pa pe seji cpsebon oftupt^
pjiam hyjibum on nihte jemet 'j jejabejiob/^

mono^ pceonyppe^ jyp man J7ap pyjite peoniam

]7am mono^ peocan lijcjenbon^ opep. alej^^ pona he
hyne pylpne halne'^ upahep^ jip he hy^ mib him 'j

hapa^ nsepjie peo abl hmi ept ne^ jenealsece'S.

PiJ)ban ece jenim J>yppe ylcan pypte fumne
b8Gl pypttpuman 'j mib hnenan^^ cla^e jepjn^ to );am

pajie hyt jehsel^.

Bepbena.^^ LXVii.

Deop pypt ]>e man pepifrepeon "j o^pum naman

bepbenam^^ nemne'S heo yp culppon fpiSe hipcu^^'^
);anan^* hy^^ eac^^ pum ]7eobpcipe columbmam hate^S.

Jjyp hpa ]?ap pypte^'^ mib him hapaS ]?e pe pepifte-

peon nembon ne msej he ppam hunbum ^^ beon
yrS ealle attjiu^^ jenim fyj'pe sylpan^^ PYf''^^ ^^^^
pylle bpmcan ealle attpu^^ heo tobpipS eac mon psej'S^^

f bpyas^* to heopa cpseptum hype bpucen.^^

he, B. 2 _^ofj.^ H. 3 -pab, H. "
-nerre, B. II.

' lees-, B.; -ban, H. alei-S, H. ' halne, B. his, B.

" ne, V. omits. '"
-nu, B.; V. has here lost many letters,

" bejibene, H. '- uel ueruenam, O., fol. 37 = 8. The draw-

ing may be meant for vervain, not for aquilegia. '^
^fv-) B.
" >anon, B. ''
his, B. ' eac, II. '' pyre, O. '" hunbef, O.
biiocen, II.
attre, O. ^i
q. omits. 22 g^^ra, O. 23 f^^^^ ^
20. 25 jj^j^^c^jj, B.; bjnica, H., ^ith loss
2*bpyar, B.; I^naf, 0., fol.

of N, on which see St. Marh., p. 80, 13 ; -con, O.


or "pomegranate; and it shineth at night as a light
Art. Ixvi.
fat or lamp, and also its grains are like cockle ;^

and it is, as we before said, most often met with and

gathered by herdsmen at night.
2. For lunacy, wort peony
if a man layeth this
over the lunatic, as he lies, soon he upheaveth himself
hole and if he hath this wort with him, the disease

never again approaches him.

For hip bone ache or sciatica, take some portion

of a root of this ilk wort, and with a linen cloth bind

it to the sore ; it healeth.

VEEVAIN.b LXVII. {Confused with

1. This wort, which is named irspio-Tspsmv, and by
another name verbena, is very near akin in colour to
culvers or doves. Whence also some people call it

any one have with him this wort, which we
2. If
named peristereon, he may not be barked at by dogs.

3. Against all poisons, take dust of this same wort,

administer it to drink ; it driveth away all poisons ;

also it is said that sorcerers use it for their crafts.

^ cocci simile," a cochineal grain or insect : our

Latin, '*

Saxon gives a wrong interpretation.

^ Verbena officinalis is intended by the drawing in MS. V.,

and by irepia-repeuv in Dioskorides. Columbina, culverwort,

is a bad translation 'TCpia-rpciv means dovecot,

c This clause
not in the Latin of 1528. The author of

our text evidently, by the expression about the colour, meant

the columbine, aquilegia vulgaris.

lOymele.^ LXVIII.
Bryonia dioica.
pjg miltan yape jenim j^aj" pyi^'^^e 6e man bjiyonia j
ofipum naman hymele neraneS yyle j^ycjean^ 5eman5
mete fonne yceal j5 paji li]?elice ])uph ]7one micjj^an^
]:o]i5 jan** Seoj' pypt
to J>am liejiijmblic^ ly j5 hy man
pi6 ^epune bpenceap^ jemencjeaS.^


Pi6 man on pambe foppexen fy jenim

j5 pyffe
pyptesseb })e man nympete oSpum naman 'j

nemneS cnuca mib pme pyle bpmcan.

6pt^ ^ syljze^ be Sam pypttpuman^^ syle hyne J^^am

peocan j^icjean x.^^ bajaf.

jyp ]?u J)ap pypte pylpt ficjean^^ on ptpanjon^^

pme heo J^aep mnoSep nnpyne jeppiS.

Ela3ppe.^* Lxx.

PiS )?tBpa jomena yape jyp lipa ]?ypye pypte pypt-

tjmman \e man cpipion "j oSpum naman clgepjie

nenmeS mib liim hapeS -j on hif fpypan bypS nieype

hmi hip joman ne bepiaS.

b-^ionia jnlbemep, B., by later hand. - I'lC^an, B. ^ mic?;an, B.;

micsan, by correction from nii?;an, H. ^ yoji'S jan, B. omits.

^ he]j?;enblic, H. ; so B., without accent. ^ bjiencaj*, B.
' -mseng-, B. ^ for, O. adds. " Sam ylcan, H. ; l^an fylfc, O.
1" mm J>aii pyrcrume, O. " hc^an ryn, B. O. ^- jnc^an, B.
-sum, B. ; ftange, O. clsejie, H., so.

^ In the painting, MS. V., fol. 36 d, I trace no likeness

whatever to the hop " root," as the hoppers call it, whether

HyMELE.^ LXVITI. Humulufs

1. For sore of spleen, take this wort, which is

named fipumioc^ and by another name hymele give it ;

(to the sich) to swallow among (Jiis) meat then shall ;

the disease gently go forth through the urine. This

wort is to that degree laudable that men mix it witli
their usual drinks.^

The water lily.^ lxix.

1. In case a man be overwaxen in wamb,^ take seed

of this wort, which is named vu|a(paia, and by another
name pound it with wine, and give it to

2. Again for the same, of the root, give it to the
sick to eat for ten days.
3. thou givest this wort in strong wine to
Again, if

be swallowed it restrains ill running (diarrhoea) of


the inwards.

Clover, lxx. TrifoUum

pratense. JBot.
For sore of the jaws or bach of the mouth, if one
hath with him a root of this wort, which is named
xlpa-iov, and by another name clover, and beareth it

on his neck, his fauces will never give him trouble.

male or female, nor to the bryony ; it is more like Mentha

piperita (H.) In MS. Bodley, 130, bryony is drawn tolerably
well, with red berries it is also rightly glossed " wildenep."

^ In this clause hymele is humulus, the hop plant. It was

not said of bryony in the Latin text.
c In MS. v., fol. 37 a, drooping leaves, like confervas lifted

from the water, on erect stalks remain.

Latin, Ad dysentericos. The interpreter misunderstood
the word. See liii. 1.
Latin, Ad faucium dolorem, and below, fauces.


Da]' pypte specaj' ipatij' ^j pomane alutam nemna)?^

j eac anjle^ hateS^ ab peppentij' mopfum.*

Pi6 n^ebbpan llite jemm fyfj^e pypte leap ]>e jpecap

ipatip^ nemnaS cnuca on pastepe leje to ]?sepe^ punbe
heo ppemaS'^ 'j
f pap opjemmS.


piS nsebpan plite jenim )7ap pypte ]>e man pcopbean

'joSpum naman nemneS peoS on pme pyle
bpmcan cnuca j7onne }?a pypte 'j leje^ to J>8epe^
PiS pma pape ^enim J)ap pylpan pypte cnuca h}^

*j jepylb mib Sam ele Se sy op lapep tpeope je-

pjiunjan^^ hyt f pap op animS.
PiS )7am pepope 'pe baejhpamlice oj^Jje Sy jjpibban
bseje^^ on man becymS jenim pap ylcan pypte -j

jepjiiS hy^^ onbutan^^ ]?a3p mannep bchoman^^ heo

opanimS J?one bsejhpamhcan 'j ]?y )7pibban baejep

Felt^^ pypt. LXXlii.

Deos pypt ]>e man uepbapcum "j oSpum naman pelt

pypt^'^ nemneS biS cenneb^^ on panbijum ptopum 'j

on myxenum })ap^^ pypt^ JY P^eb f mepcupmf pceolbe

nemne'S, B. ^ eac on senshfc, H. ^ hata^, B. ''
ad serpentis
morsum, H. also; it should be jmb, woad, which in B. has been forced in.

In B., the later hand which put in the numbering after xxviii., seeing a
space left for the drawing of a snake, has made it a new wort. ^ iJT^cij',

' >-]iama, H. " )?ajie, B,

V. J>ajie, B.
1^^^ jj^^^ jj.
j;epimnsen, B. '
bees, H. V. B. omit.
>2 ^15, B. ^^ buron, B.
lie-, II.; -hamon, B. ^^ baege, V.; bseger, with the next word
erased, II. '" yelb, B., here and in contents, but not in text. jrelb

' csenneb, H. B.
>eor, H. fcolbe, B.
' '^"
pyjib, V.

Woad. LXXI. Uatis tinc-

toria. Bot.
1. This wort the Greeksname lo-anj, and the Romans
aluta, and also the Engle ad serpentis nnorsum.^
Drawing of a snalce. MS. V.,fol. 37 h.
2.For bite of snake, take leaves of this wort, which
the Greeks name isatis pound it in water, lay it to

the wound; it benefits and removes the sore.

LXXII. Teucrium
Scorodonia ?
1. For bite of snake, take this wort, which is named
<Tv.6phoVj and by another name ^ , seethe it in
wine, give it (the sick) to drink. Pound then the
wort and lay it to the wound.
2. For sore of sinews, take this same wort, pound

it, and boil it with the oil which is wrung out of

laurel tree it removes the sore.

3. For a quotidian fever or a tertian, take the same

wort, and tie it about the mans body it removes the ;

quotidian and the tertian fever.

Felt wort, or Mullein, lxxiii. Verhascum

1. This wort, which is named verbascum, and by bol

another name feltwort, produced in sandy places

and on mixens. It is said that Mercurius should give

* Our interpreter was dozing when he transferred the

heading of the next paragraph ad serpentis morsum to this
place, and called it English. The plant is woad, pab. The
drawings are worthless.
^ The Latin has Scordion, id est, sorbus : the arKophov of
Dioskorides was herbaceous, not a service tree. The

drawing in MS. V., fol. 37 c, may, with large allowance, be

T. Scorodonia, it cannot be T, Scordion.

mlixe J;am ealbojimen yyllan ]?a he com to cijicean j

he na ]"y})}an fenije hype yjrelan peojic onbpeh.'

Iryp hpa mib hym

pypte ane tealjpe bypS j^yffe
ne biS he bpejeb mib aenijum ojan ne him pilbeop
ne bepe]?^ ne aemj yjzel jeancyme.^
pi]; jzot able jenim j^ay ylcan pypte uepbaycum
^ecnucube* leje to )?am pape bmnan^ jzeapuni tibum
heo ^ehssl]? f pap to Sam pceajiphce ^ he eac^ jan
byppe 'j maeje eac^ upe ealbpap epsebon -j paebun^ ]5
Seos ^epetebnyf heahcopt ppemebe.^


Se J>e pylle opep lanjne pej pepan haebbe mib him

on pam peje f'ap pypte J?e man hepaelean 'j oSpum
naman nemne)? J^onne ne onbpsebe]? he hym
semjne fceaj^an^ ac heo hy aplyjej?.^^

Cyle}?enie. LXXV.

Pi J? eajena bymnyppe^^ 'j papnyppe^^ 'j opeptojennyppe

jenim )?yppe pypte peap )7e man^^ cehboniam^* -j oSpum
naman )?am jehce cylej^enie^^ nemneS cnucub^^ op ]?am
pypttpuman mib ealbum pine hunije -j pipope py f>

pel topomne jepunub^^ 'j fmype^^ ponne pa eajan


peopc oubpccb, H. ^ bepa'S, B. ^ S^'an- B. * sepimube,
II.; -nobe, B. ^ -non, B. "^ eac, II., twice. j-e'Sbon, B.,

verified. " -mobe, B. ;

jpamube, H. ^ senispe (so) j-ca^an, B.,

with gloss t>eaf. ' ayhs^, B. " -nerre, II. B. '-

-nerre, H.
" H. omits man. ^^ *) on, H. ^^ cyle^emse, B. > ^ecnub, H.;

?;ecnocab, B. '^ -nob, B. fmepa, B.; j-mepe, II. '" V. has

here suffered much.
APVLEll. 1 77

(gave) wort to Ulixes, the chieftain, when he ^klt wort.

Ixxiii /\ if

came to Circe, and he after that dreaded none of her

evil works.
2. him one twig of this wort,
If one beareth with
he will not be terrified with any awe, nor will a
wild beast hurt him, or any evil coming near.
3. For gout, take this same wort verbascum pounded,

lay it to the sore ; within a few hours it will heal

the sore so effectively that (the gouty man) can even
dare and be able to walk. Also our authorities de-
clared and said that this application was in the highest
degree beneficial.

He who an over long way, let him have
will travel
with him on the journey, the wort which one nametli
YjpcuKXsla, and by another name then he ,

dreadeth not any robber, but the wort puts them (all)
to flight.

Celandine.^ lxxv. cheiidomum

For dimness of eyes and soreness and obstruction,^

take juice of this wort, which is named "x^sKilovlu, and

by another name like that celandine, beaten out of
the roots, pounded with old wine
let that be well
and honey and pepper together, then smear the eyes

^ The figures are fantastic. In MS. Bodley, 130, is a gloss

calcetreppe MS. V. does not represent centaur ea
; but
calcitrappa. In MS. G. is a gloss " hanni champ," that is,
clavaria coralloides, but neither G. nor V. draw a fungus,
nor yet Heraclea sphondylium.
^ MS. V. aims at drawing chelidonium maius. (H.)
c Opepto^ennyj-, overtuggenness, a drawing over, ohduc-

tio ; the Latin has, Ad caliginem oculorum, et qui ulcera in

oculis et scabritudinem liabent, et ad albuginem oculorum.
See flie, in glossary.

6ac pe cnpunbun' f yume men oj: Saejie meolce

l^yrr^ ylcan pyptre lieojia eajan^ fmypebou^ 'j hiin
sel yddy.
6pt piS bymjenbum eajan^ jemm )>yj*J*e ylcan
pypte pop oJ?]?e^ Sa bloptman^ jeppunjene 'j jemenj-
ceb.^ mib hunije jemenjc^ );onne lifelice peallenbe
axan j^aepto ^^
'j peo6 ]78ep to ^^
pomne sepenum
fsete Syp ip py^^^pl^^^^ Isecebom piS eajena^^ bym-
6ac ip jepip ^ pume men^^ fpa pe gep^* cpsebon^'^

J?8ep popep p5^nbeplice bpuca6.

piS cyjmlu jenim J^ap ylcan pypte cnuca mib j^yple
le5e to j?am cypnlun^^ fpa ^ hi^^ aepept^^ pyn mib
pastepe 3ebe]7obe.
]}i\> heapob ece jemm )7ap pylpan pypte cnuca mib
ecebe pmype^^ Jjone anbplatan^^ *j f heapob.
PiS f man popbsepneb^^ py jemm ]?ap ylcan pypte
cnuca mib jsetena^^ fmeppe^^ "j leje )73Dpto.^*

Solfequia. Lxxvi.
PiS jeppel jenim )7ap pypte pe man polate -j^^
nigrum and
dulcamara. oSpum naman polopece nemneS jecnucube 'j mib ele

jemenjcebe^^ leje J^aepto^^ hyt ppemaS

pi]? jenim Syppe ylcan pypte pos
eapena pape
jemenjc^ mib J?am ele op cyppo 'j jepypm hyt -j^^ fpa
plaec bpype on ^ eape.

PiS toS ece syle etan Syppe pylpan^*^ pyp''^^ cpoppap.

-bon H. B. 2 _goii^ B 3 fmepabon, B.
-Su, B. o-S-Sa b., H. ' blofm-, B. -msenseb, B.; cebe, H.
'- easan, B.
-msensc, B. '"
l^aji, B., twice. ''
piflic, H.
" mn, H. '*
8&P, B.
r^an, II. -Ion, B.
'^ ^' his, B.

8 -ofc, B. pnepa, B. '' ^o
_phc-, B. gebsepneb, B.
" ssetenum, B., and H., with a later gloss, sotene. ^^ fraepupe, B. II.

>ap, B. " ^ on^ jj 26
gemaensebe, B. ^7 j,ap, B. Se-
msenseb, B.; semsenscbo, IT. -^5, H. omits. yyX^ka.B.. '^^

2. Also, we liave found that some men have smeared Celandine.

theii* eyes with the milk of this same wort, and it ^**

was thereby better with them.

3. Again, for eyes getting dim, take ooze of this
same wort, or the blossoms wrung out, and mixed
with honey mingle then gently ^ hot ashes thereto,

and seethe together in a brazen vessel; this is a

special leechdom for dimness of eyes.

4. Also, it is certain that some men, as we before

said, use this ooze separately.
0. Against glandular swelling s),^^
kernels (Jiard
take this same wort, pound with lard lay to the ;

kernels, so that they be first bathed with water.

6. For head ache, take this same wort, pound it
with vinegar; smear the forehead and head.
7. In case a man be badly burned, take this same

wort, pound it with goats grease, and lay thereto.


For a swelling, take this wort which is named \ha^e. ^But


solatrum, and by another name solsequa, pounded and solsequa in the

mmgled11 with
l^ -IT 'in
oil, lay it thereto
, '^^ \
it will do good.
glossaries is i

2. For sore of ears, take ooze of this same wort,

mingle with oil of privet,^ and warm it, and so when
lukewarm, drip it in the ear.
3. For tooth ache, give to eat the flower heads of

this same wort.

* The interpreter read leniter for leuiter, leviter.

^ Latin, Ad parotidas ; swellings of the glands
behind the ears. Small hard swellings are still called kernels.
c MS. V. has drawn Solanum dulcamara (H.), instead of
^ Latin, Oleo cyprino. The oil of privet obtained from the
flowers by infusion was " not often used " in 1693. (Salmons
Druggist's Shop Opened, p. 1129 a). Cyprus was the medi-
aeval name for privet. (G, J. Voss, de Vitiis Sermonis, p. 122).

M 2


MS. V. is here piS blob pyne oj: noyum jenim )^yyj'e ylcan pyjite
^^^, ^ bype anne^ Imenne- claS 'j ):oj\fete "pa nsej^Syplu

J7?ej\^ mib yona S?et blob oSfcsent.^

lipunbe ypyhje. LXXVll.

Deoy pypt Se man penecio 'j oSpum naman jpunbe

ppylije^ nemneS by]? cenneb^ on hpopum *j onbutan'
Pi6 punba hy pyn pp5')?e ealbe jenim )?ap
pypte ]?e pe penecio nembun^ cnuca mib ealbum jiyplt"
le^e to ]7am^ punbum^^ hyt hselej^^^ sona.
Iryp mib ipepne^*^ jeplejen sy jenim pap

ylcan pypte on sepne mepjen oSSe to mibban baeje

cnuca liy^* fpa pe aep cpsebon mib ealbnm pylle leje
to ]?8epe^^ punbe sona heo l7a punbe ^eopenaS 'j apeop-
PiS pot able jemm )?ap ilcaii py]te cnuca mib jiyple
leje to pam ptum hyt jeliJ^ejaS f pap -^^ eac hit
ppemaS^ mycelum^^ piS J7sepa~^ pma pape.
PiJ) lenbena^^ pypte cnuca pape jenim )?ap ylcan
mib pealte J?am^^ jemete Se J)u clyj^an pypce leje to
Sam lenbenum ^'^ ]?am jelice hyt ppemaS^^ eac pi8
pHepa*^ pota sajie.

Fepn.^^ Lxxviil.

PiS punba ~^ pypte pypttpuman pe jemm J^yppe

man pilicem "j oSpum naman peapn nemnep jecnucubne
leje to psepe^ punbe *j gepelpeppmcj ^^ VJV^^ tjiejpa^"
tpymeppa jepseje syle bpmcan on pme.

aenne, B. -'
linene, B., suppressing a consonant without sound.
3 })ap, B. "
asc-, ]5. * j-pilce, H. * caenneb, H. B.
-ron, B. 8 -bon, B. ^septo \>^, H. ' punbum, H. " hsel^, II.
- hj)a, II. '
irerne, H. '*
his, B. '* 'Sajie, B. " i y., II.
\>a. rap, H. '*
ypyma'5, H. '" miclu, II.; mieclum, B. * 'Sajia, B.
-' Isenb-, B. "-'2
>aim, II. -'s
Isenb-, B. *^ yjiaraa-S, II.
iSajia, B. -''
fearn, B., later hand. -''
A plural. -* ]>a]U', B.
-ms, B. ='"
tpe^ea, V.

4. For blood-running from the nose, take ooze of Solsequium.

^^** ^^^^^
this same wort, and dip a linen cloth in it, and stop
the nostrils Avith it ; soon the blood stanch eth.

Groundsel.'^ lxxvii. Senecio vui-

I 1. This wort, which is named and by an-


other name groundsel, is produced on roofs and about

For wounds, though they be very old, take this

wort, which we named senecio; pound it with old

lard, lay it to the wounds it healeth them soon. ;

3. If any one be struck with iron, take this same

wort at early morning, or at midday pound it, as we ;

before said, with old lard ; lay it to the wound ; soon

it openeth and purges the wound.

4. For gout, take this same wort, pound it with

lard, lay it to the feet ; it alleviates the disorder ; also
it benefits much for sore of the sinews.
5. For sore of loins, take this same wort, pound it

Avith salt, in the manner in which thou wouldest work

a poultice ; lay it to the loins, like that ; it also is of
advantasce aojainst sore of the feet.

Fern. LXXVIII. Aspidium,

For wounds, take a root of this wort, which is
1. ^^^

named filix, and by another name fern, pounded, lay

it to the wound and stichwort, by weight of two

drachms, administer to drink in wine.

* The drawing in MS. V., fol. 38 d, intends groundsel,

without being like.
^ There is a later gloss in MS. V. on the drawing,
" Feuger," which is French for fern. The drawing, fol. 39 a,
is apparently unfinished ; as it stands it is like fucus

Pi"Sjeonj man heal^be^ sy jenim paj* ylcan

pypte fa3p^ heo on becenan tpeope]" pyprcpuman
jepexen^ py cnuca mib pj'ple -j jebec'* anne^ claS
)78epmib -^
"j jeppiS to Sam'^ sape ppa p he J?a lipyle^
nppeapb sy jepenb .^
piptan bseje he biS jehgeleb.

Lpice. Lxxix.

Pi8 miltan sape jenym J)yppe pypte leap J;e man

jpamen "j oSpum naman cpice nemneS 'j jepeoS hy^*^
fmype^^ ponne anne^^ claS Jpsepmib^'^ leje to J^sepe^^
miltan )?u onjytefc ppempulnysse^^ J)8ep6p.^^

Irlsebene. LXXX.

PiS blsebpan pape piS f man jemijan ne mseje


jenim^'^ t'yrr^ PyP^^ pypttpuman iitepeapbe Se man

jlabiolum 'j oj^pum naman jlsebene nemnej? bpije
h}'ne^^ ]?onne ^j cnuca *j jemenjc^ Ssepto^" tpejean^^
fcenceap'^^ pmep -j f'py^^ pjBtepep syle bjuncan.

PiS miltan pape jenim J?ap ilcan^* pyp'^^e ^labiolum

]7onne heo jeonj^^ py bjuje^^ hy^'^ ^j cnuca to ppy}>e
pmalan bufte syle J^icjean^ on lij^um pine hyc ip

jelypeb f hit punboplice J;a miltan jehselej?.

PiJ) inno]?ep pape -j );8epa^^ bpeosta jenim^*^ J^jrr^

pylpan pypte bepjean^^ jecnucube^^ -j on jsetenpe^^

-lehe, B. - >a]i, B. =' becsenan ^epeaxen, H.; sejeaxen, B.
Sebec, B. '^
eenne, B. ''
t^aj^, B. ^ 'SBeiii, H. ^ hjnle, B.
Sepsenb, H. B. ' hig, B. " fmejxa, B. '-^
senne, H. B.
Jjajj, B. " J>ape, B. '
' -nejTe, B. ' \>a]i, B. ^'

nime, II., let. him take. "* In 11., hyne, which was correct, referring to
pyptjimnan, has been altered to hy. " semsenc, B.; semsensc, H,
}>ap, B. -' rjiegen, II. B. '--
j-cencaj*, II.; fceencar, B. -^ ]>]ii5, B.
2' illan, V. -
Seonc, H. '
bjugse, B. his, B. - t>yc?;an, II. B.
=" bcjigan, H. ^* -cobe, B.
J>apa, B. II. =*"
senime, II.
3^ ^secenne, Hj,

2.In case a young man be ruptured, take this same Fern.

^^*' ^^^x^"'-
wort, where it is grown on the root of a beech tree ;

pound it with lard, and cover a cloth therewith, and

tie to the sore so that it, the cloth, the while be
turned upward; on the fifth day he will be healed.

Quick or quitch grass.^ Quickens, Gouch. lxxix. Triticum

repens. Bot.

For which
sore of spleen, take leaves of this wort,
is named gramen, and by another name quitch,'^ and

seethe them, then smear a cloth therewith, lay it to

the spleen thou shalt understand the advantage


Gladden.^ lxxx. iris pseuda-

corus. Bot.

1 For sore of bladder, and in case that a man may

not pass water, take the outer part of the root of this
wort, which is named gladiolus, and by another name
gladden; dry it then, and pound it and mix thereto
two draughts of wine and three of w^ater; give this
{to the patient) to drink.
2. For sore of spleen, take the same wort gladiolus,
when it is young, <^^
dry it, and pound it to very small
dust ;
give it {to the sufferer) to swallow in lithe {soft)
wine. It is believed that it wonderfully healeth the
3. For sore of inwards and of the breasts, take
berries^ of this same wort, pounded, and rendered

* Quick grass is most fantastically disguised in the drawing,

MS. v., fol. 39 b.
^ Still so called by country folk, better known to gentlemen

and ladies as couch-grass.

Gladden is drawn in MS. V., fol. 39 c.
Maturissimam, Lat. 1528.
^ Lat. baccam, as a hip is a berry : the seed is contained in
a trilocular capsule.

meolce o66e jyt j'elpe on pine jeplehte syle bjnncan

yaji jej^pice]?.

BoSen. Lxxxi.

Deo)" pypt ]}e man

jiofmapim 'j oSpum naman
bofen^ nemne]? by]? cenneb^ on fanbijum lanbum^ *j
on pypt bebbum.^
pi6 toj? ece jenim J^yfpe pyp'^^^ pyptpalan^ Jje pe
jiopmajiim nembun^ py^^ ^"^^^ butan ylbmcje^ he
^enimS^ ]?8ejia^ toSa pap -j healbe }> pop on hip miij7e
pona hyt jehselj? ]?a teS.

piS abhjenbe^^ jenim pap pypte popmapmum cnuca

mib ele pmype^^ Sone^^ abhjenban^^ punbophce J?u hme

PiS 5ic)?an ^enim J?ap ylcan p5^pte jecnuca hy^^ -j

^emen^c^^ hype pop piS ealb pm 'j piS peapm paptep
pyle bpmcan^'' ]^Fy^^ baja]\
pi8 hpep peocnyppe^^ 'j p8ep mnoSef jenim J>yppe
sylpan^*^ pyptre pumne^^ jpipan pceajipla on peetep
'j jemencj^'^ }78epto^'^ napbj^p ppa hanb pulla^* -j puban
pumne fcelan peoS to somne on pseuepe pyle bpmcan
he biS hal.
piS nipe punba jenim ];ap ylcan pyjite ]?e pe ]\op-
mapmum nembun^^ cnuca mib p^'^sle leje to J?am

' bo^en, O. - caenneb, B. H. ^ lanbu, B.; Isenbe, 0.

bebbe, O., which, as usual, pares off redundant words. ^


tpuman, B. " -bon, B. ' This word is glossed or amended

in II. by Ypoloyiwge, swallowing. ^ biuim'5, O. ^ ^Jajia, B.
'" Ad languentes in the Latin, and glossed in H. bebjiebe, bedridden.
" fmejia, B. '^ j^ofi, H.; >ane, O. ' -ba, 0. >'
-IfC, B.
'* hij5, B. ' smsen^c, H. B. '^ bpm, H.
)>pis, B.
-nej-fe, B. -'
ilcan, B. -'
Glossed in H. i,, that is, one ; heel.
APVLEIl. 185

lukewarm in cjOcats milk, or yet better, in wine* ad- Gladden.

Art Ixxx
minister this ; the sore will cease.


1. This wort, which is named rosemary, and by
another name bothen, is produced on sandy lands and
on wort beds.
2. For tooth ache, take a root of this wort, which
we named rosemary, give it (the sufterer) to eat, with-
out delay removes the sore of the teeth and let
it ;

him hold the ooze in his mouth soon it healeth ;

the teeth.
3. For the sickly,^ take this wort rosemary, pound
it with oil, smear the sickly one wonderfully thou ;

healest him.
4. Against itch, take same wort, pound it,
and mingle its ooze with old wine and with warm
water administer this for three days.

5. For liver sickness, and that of the inwards, take

of this same wort one^ handful, scrape it into water,

and mingle thereto of nard two hands full and a stalk
of rue, seethe together in water, give it to the patient
to di-ink; he will be whole.
For new wounds, take this same wort, which we

named rosemary, pound it with lard lay it to the ;


Lat. asinino, which the translator made out as uino.
^ Lat. Ad languentes.
^ This sense has been discussed in Spoon and Sparrow,
art. 199.

semaensc, H. B. -^ Sap, B. ^4 ^He, B. '-^-bon, B.;
naembun, H,

Felb mopu.^ Lxxxii.

peof ^ pypt; ]7e man yiluaticse ^ oSpum

paftmace ^

naman jzelb mopu nemnej? bi8 cenneb* on yanbijum

fropuni on beopjura.

pi8 ]5 pipmen eapjzuSlice''' cenneN '^ jenim J^aj' pypte

|?e pe paprinacam piluaticam nembun^ peo6 on psetepe

j'yle )?onne ^ ]"e man hyne ]7aep mib beSije^ he biS


Pi^ pipa apeopmun^se^^ jenim J?ap ylcan pypte paj^-

tinacam yeo^ on psetepe *j^^ )7onne heo jeyoben beo
menjc^^ hy pel "j jpyle bjuncan hy^'^ beo6 apeopmabe.

Dolhpune. Lxxxiii.

Deop pypt ]>e man pepbicalip oSjium naman bolh "j

pime nemneS by)? ceneb^^ piS pejap "j pi5 peallap 'j on
PiS pot able 'j piS cancop^^ jenim })ap pj'^p'ce Jje pe
pepbicalip^^ nembun^'' peoS on pserepe bej?e^ J>onne ]7a

pet -j ]?a cnepu *^^ cnuca pySSan ]7a pypte mib pyple
bo on ?enne claS "j leje to ]7am^^ potum 'j to ]?am^"
cneopnm )7U hy^^ pel jehselpt.

Eebelc.^^ Lxxxiv.

piS };aep mnoSep heapbnyppe^'^ jenmi paf pypte )7e

man mepcupialip "j oSpum naman cebelc^* nemneS on

felhrno-^e, B,, later hand. - Deo, H. ' pafcimace, H
cainneb, II. B. '' -]o^S-, B.; -ja^'-, H. '" csennen, II. B. ''
-hon, B.
niibun, H. ^ J>a]j, B. " be'Sie, H. '" Sing., purgationem, Lat
" -5,11. omits. '- msen^c, II. B. '=' j-yle hy, H. " csenneb, H. B
In II., the corrector and glossator has written on his erasure, cneojni
knecx. '"In H., perdicalis is glossed halmerwet. '^
-bon, B.
nbim, H. '^ be'Sa, B. '" cneopa, B, ; cneojm, H. -" be&m, H., bis
hi:;, B. " In B. appears, in faded ink, over-written by the later

xii. century hand, Hmeo-^epurt. -^

-nefre, B. ; neajxunej-fe, H.
cc>c'lc, B., also in heading.

Field more, or Parsnei). lxxxii. Field more.

1. This wort which is named pastinaca silvatica,

aad by another name field more, is produced on sandy

places and on hills.
2. In case that women kindle {hear cliildren) with

difficulty, take this wort, which we named pastinaca

silvatica, seethe in water give it then that the man

may bathe himself^ {woman therewith; he

{she) will be healed.
For wives purifying, take this same wort pastinaca,

seethe it in water, and when it be sodden, mingle it

well, and administer it they will be purged.

DOLHRUNE, Pellitory.^ LXXXIII. Parietaria

1. This wort, which is named and hy Bol

another name dolhrune, is produced against ways and
against walls, and on barrows.
2. For gout and which
for cancer,^ take this wort,
we named perdicalis, seethe it in water, then bathe
the feet and the knees pound afterwards the wort

with lard, put into a cloth, and lay it to the feet

and to the knees thou healest them well.

ChEADLE.^^ LXXXIV. Mercurialis

perennis. Bot.
1. For hardness of the inwards, take this wort, which
is named mercurialis, and by another name cheadle,

^ Woman was in old times a masculine word, as it followed

the gender of the second part of the compound. The plural
had preceded in the Latin also.
^ Parietaria, MS. Bodley, 130, and other accounts support
Somner. MS. V., fol. 40 b, and MS. A., fol. 38 a, may have
intended this herb. So MS. T., Plinius, xxi. 104.
c Gonagram, Lat., gout i?i the knee.
^ Perennis seems ascertained by the drawings in MS. V.,
fol. 40 c, MS. A., fol. 38 b, MS. T.

paetepe jejnibene p}de j^am Solejenbum pona heo Sa

heapbnyppe^ ut^ atyhS -j Sone majan apeopmaS )7ain
jelice f yseb ppemaS.
PiS eajena pap 'j jeppel jenim Syppe sylpan pyjite
leap jecniicube'^ on ealbum pine leje co J^am'* pajie.

Ijip pa?t:ep on eajian fpi^e jepijen sy jenini ]?yppe

ylcan pypte peap plsec bpype on f eape pona liyT

6po}i peapn.^' Lxxxv.

Deop pypt )?e man pabiolum ^j oSpum naman epop

peapn'^ nemneS^ yp jelic peapne by^ cenneb^ on
"j lieo

luanijum fcopum^^ -j on ealbum hup ptebum ^ heo

haepiS on sejhpylcum leape tpa enbebyjibnyppa^^ paejejijia

ppicena "j p'a pcmaS ppa jolb.

J}v8 heapob ece jenim J;ap pypte }7e pe pabiolum

nembun^^ Ipi^e clsene apeopmube^'^ peo^ on ecebe
J)eaple fmype^* ))onne f heapub^^ fsep'^ hyr jeli'SejaS f

]7ubu cejiuille.^^ LXXXVI.

Pi^S blsebpan pape oSSe jeppelle jemm f>yppe pyjite

pypttpuman J>e man fpapaji ajpefuip 'j o^pum naman
pubu ceppillu^^ nemne'S peoS on paetejie to peop'San
bgele bpmce Sonne paeptenbe peopan^^ bajap -j he

-ne]*f e, B. - ut, B. ^ -abe, H. ;
?;ecnocobe, B. ^ Sscm, H.
^ ylih'S, II. B. " De radiolo, id est, poUipodio, O. ; eueo-^fearn and
euerfeam, B.; later hands. ''
euoji-, B. H. ; eaforfim, O.
naemne'S, H. " caenneb, B. '" H. lanbe, " -nepfa, B.;
aenbebypbnyffae, II. '- -bon, B.; nsembun, H, " -mobe, B.
afermebe, O. " fmepa, B. ''^
-job, B. '^ ]>aji, B.
'^ In B., one of the intemieddlers has erased faji, thinking perhaps, it m as
not a good answer to ece. The vacant space left for a painting is

rubbed in water ; ^ give to the sufferer ; soon it Ciieadle.

ilrawetli ovit the hardness and purges the maw (or

f^tomach). In the same way the seed is beneficial.

For sore of eyes and swelling, take leaves of this


same wort, pounded in old wine lay that to the ;

3. If water besunk far into the ears, take juice of
this same wort lukewarm, drip it in the ear; soon it
fleeth away.


1. This wort, which is named radiolus, and by
another name everfern, is like fern ; and it is pro-
duced in stony places, and in old house steads and ;

it has on each leaf two rows of fair spots, and they

shine like gold.

2. head ache, take this wort, which we
named radiolus, purged very clean, seethe it in vinegar
thoroughly, smear then the head therewith b; it alle-
viates the sore.

[Red] Wood chervil. LXXXVI. Asparagus


1. For sore of bladder, or for swelling, take a root

of this wort, which is named asparagus agrestis, and
by another name wood chervil, seethe it in water to a
fourth part let him drink it then fasting for seven

* Lat., ex passo, wine made of raisins, Frontignac.

^ I read faepmib, against V. B. H.

filled in B., by the letters of the alphabet, and atque .* est. amen aue
maria gracia plena dominus tecum benedicta tu in muneribus atque
benedictus fructus uentris tui amen, in manus tuas commando spiritum
meum redemisti me domine deus. pube cearuilla, B. '" cypjiUe, H,

ceapuiUa, B. -yon, B.

manejum bajum bsepef^ bpuce na on calbum -j

psetejie^ cume ne he cealbne ptetan ne J^icje punbojilice

he hsele onjyr.
PiS to^ ece jenim pyyye sylpan pyjite seap ]>e pe
ppapap nembun^ pyle supan *j healbe hyr ppa on

hyp mu^e.
PI'S sebbjiena pajie jenim pyppe ylcan pypte pypt-
palan jecnucube* on pme pyle bjnncan hyt pjiemaS.^
Iryp hpylc ypel b'^^be man })ujih senijne 8ep]?ancan
oj7ejine bejalej? jenim J?yppe sylpan pyjite pyptxpuman
jebpijebe ^ syle Jpicjean
mib pylle^ psetepe ^ be-
pppenjc hyne mib )?am pa3tepe he biS unbunben.

Saume. Lxxxvii.

cynehcan able )?e man aujiijmem^" nemneS ]>

PiS J?a

yp on upe jej^eobe^^ J^sepa^^ TJ^^ jetoh *j pota jeppel

jenim ]?ap pyfite ]?e man pabmam 'j oSpum naman

pel J?am jelice paumam hatej?^^ syle bpmcan^* mib
hunije heo topene}?^^ j5 pap p sylpe heo bej) mib pme

PiJ? jenim J)ap ylcan pypte pabinam

heapob^^ ece
eopnlice^ jecnucube^^ mib ecebe -j mib ele jemencj-
ebe^*^ fmypa^^ )?onne f heapub^^ -j J}a j^unponja-^ healice
hyt ppemaS.^*
Pi)? beabppjnnjaf jenim |?ap pypte pabinam mib
hum^e jecnucube^^ fmype^^ Jjonne f pap.

bej>8ef, H. ^ The corrector inserts ne, H. ^ -on, B.
gecnocobe, B. ^ j.-jaama15, H. ^ Faintly distinguishable from
Sebpisibe, in V. '
"Siscan, B. H. '
^ pyll, H. " -fpjjsensc, B.
aupjiismem, H. " "Seobe, H. '^ ^,3^^^, B. = hace, B.
bjiincan, H. '^ -patS, B. "^ Secnocob, B. '" heayob, B.
eop'Shce, H. '" gecnocobe, B. -" semaencbe, H.; semaenseb, B.
riype, 11. ; fmepa, B. heapb, H. B.
^^ -"' Ijunpanga, H.
* }7iyma'5, H. ^ secnocobe, B. ^^ j-mepe, H. ; fmejia, B.

days ;and for maay days let him use the bath, and l^^^^'l Wood
let him come not into cold water; and let him not Art. ixxxvi.

take any wonderfully he obtains a cure.

cold liquid ;

2. For tooth ache, take juice of this same wort,

which we named asparagus; give this to sup to the
sufferer^ and let him hold it so in his mouth.
8. For sore of kidneys, take roots of this same wort,

pounded in wine, give to drink it is of benefit. ;

4. If any ill-doing man enchants another through

any spite, take roots of this same wort dried ad- ;

minister (this) with spring water, and sprinkle him witli

the water he will be released (from the charm).


sav/'na. Bot.
For the morbus regius,^ which is named aurigo,

aurugo, which is in our language spasm of the sinews

and swelling of the feet; take this wort, which is
called sabine, and by another name pretty much like
that, savine, administer it with honey; it removes
the sore. The same effect it hath when pounded with
Against head ache, take this same wort sabina,

diligently pounded with vinegar, and mixed with oil

smear then the head therewith, and the temples
highly it is beneficial.

For carbuncles, take this wort sabina, pounded


with honey then smear the sore.


* Savine is not a native of England ; it is drawn somewhat

like in MS. V.
^ Ad morbum regium, hoc est, auriginem, Lat. See Gloss.


JDunbef heafob. LXXXVIII.

Pi6 eajena paji -j ^efpel jemm ]>yyye pyjite pypr-

palan J?e man camf caput -j on upe 5eJ>eobe liunbep
lieapob^ hataS^ peo6 on psetepe *j fyj^l^an mib );am
psetepe J?a eajan^ 5ebeJ>a hpseblice hyt ^ j^V 5^~

Bjiemel. LXXXIX.

piS eajiena pap jenim pap pypte ]?e man ejiupti^ -j

o}>pum naman bjiemel^ nemneS fpa meaj^pe jecnuca
mm ]70nne ]3 pop jepleht bjiype on f eape liyt f
jepanaS 'j jepiplice jehselej?/

Pi6 pipep plepsan jenim J?yppe ylcan pypte cjToppap

ppa meappe "j psepa^ syn J7piipa peopeone^ peo6 on
psetepe to ];jiibban bsele syle bpmcan pseptenbe ppy
bajap ppa f Su peali sejhpylce bsej^^ ]?one bpenc

Pi5 heopt ece jenim )?yppe ylcan pypte leap ^e-

cnucube^^ fupli hy pylpe leje opeji );one pynftpan tit
f pap topaepS.
PiS nipe punba jenim J^yppe pylpan pypte bloft-
man^^ leje to Sam punbum butan selcpe^* ylbmcje
'j ppecenyppe^^ hy )7a pnnba jehselaS.^^

Pi]? lipsb sape jemm }>yppe ylcan pypte sumne brel

peoS on pine to J^pibban baele *j op ]?am pme syn^^ ];onne
J)a lyj^u jebeSebe ealle psepa^ li6a untpumnysse^^ hyt


heapb, B. - hate, IT. B. ^ eason, B. ^ -eSalS, B.
^ The printed Latin, Eruscus, id est rubus, or Nomina et virtutes herbw
Erusci, rubive. " bpeebel, II. ' sheel]), II. B. **

Tyrone, H.; j-eorone, B, '" baej;, also II. B. " nipije, B.
secnocobe, B. '^ blopiian, B. '^
aelceiie, B. '^ -cennyiTe, B.
'" -nail-, B. ''
fyn, B. ' J>ajia, II. B. '
-nerre, B. s^-
libej;a, II. B.

Hounds head, lxxxviii. Aaiinhinuvi

01 out in m. Bof,
For sore of eyes and swelling, take roots of this
wort, which is called canis caput, and in our language
hounds head seethe them in water, and then bathe

the eyes with the water soon it {namely, the. appli-


cation) relieves the sore.

Bramble.^ lxxxix. Rubusfmti-

cosus. Bot.
1. For sore of ears, take this wort, which is named
eruscus, and by another name bramble, so tender,
pound it; then take the wash made lukewarm, drip
it in the ear it diminishes the sore, and surely

2. For iiux of wife (woman), take heads of this
same wort, so tender, and of them let there be thrice
seven seethe in water to a third part
; administer ;

(this) to be drunk fasting for three days, so however,

that thou every day renew the drink.

3. For heart ache,^ take leaves of this same wort,

pounded by themselves lay them over the left teat


the sore passes off.

4. For new wounds, take same

blossoms of this
wort, lay them to the wounds without any dela^^ and

mischief,^ they will heal the wounds.

5. For sore of joints,^ take some part of this same
wort, seethe in wine to the third part, and with the
wine let then the joints be bathed (the applicatiooi) ;

relieves all the infirmity of the joints.

The drawings in MS. V. and MS. Add. 17063 intend

^ Ad cardiacos. Lat. In classical Latin hardly so mucli
spoken of the heart as of the stomach.
^ Aut flos aut mora (Lat. MS.
Addit. 17063), blossom or
berries. The interpreter blundered.
^ Ad condylomata. Lat.

PiS naebbpan ylite jemra }>yyfe ilcan pypte leaj: ]>e

pe ejiufci nembun^ fpa nipe jecnucube^ leje to Sam


Deappe.^ xc.

Dap pypte* ]?e man millepolm[m] 'j on upe jej^eobe

jeappe nemne)? yp pseb f achillep pe ealbojiman h}"'
pmban pcolbe -^ 'j lie mib J?yppe sylpan pypte ^e- .

haelbe^ ]?a pe mib ipejane jeplejene 'j jepunbube^

psepan.^^ 6ac^^ lieo op sumum mannum pop )7y^^ je-

nemneb^^ yp achylleop mib p)8epe^^ pyp"^^ yp saeb f

he eac^^ sumne^^ man jehselan pceolbe^^ J>am^ p?ep


thelephon nama.
piS toS ece jemm J>yppe pypte pj^jitpalan Se pe
miUepolmm nembun^^ pyle etan psefrenbum.
]}i]) punba )?e mib ipepne pyn jepojihte jenira ]mp
ylcan pyjite mib jiyple jecnucube*^^ leje to J>am
punbum heo )?a punba apeojima); 'j jehseleS.^^
PiJ? jeppell jenim J^ap ylcan pyjite myllepolium mib
butepan jecnucube^^ leje to pam^^ jeppelle.
Pi6 ]78et hpylc man eappoSlice jemijan^* ma35e
jenim ]?yppe ylcan pypte pos mib ecebe pyle bpmcaii
punbuplice^^ heo hsele]?.^^
Irip punb on men acolob sy jenim ponne Sa^^ sylpan
pypte millepolium 'j jnib fpyj^e pmale -j menjc^^ pi6
butepan leje Sonne on Sa punba ^^ heo cpica); pona 'j
Irip men f heapob beppte o^^e uncuS ppyle onje-

ne&mban, H.; nembon, B, * gecnocobe, B. ^ garupe, B.,
by later hand. ^ pypt> B. ^ hij, B. "^
j-ceolbe, H.
j-colbe, V. B. "
sehselbe, H. ifepne, H. " -bobe, B.
'" j)8&pan, H. ;
psejion, B. " Cac, H. '- yoptJig, B. '^ senSneb, H.
>ape, B. '5 e^c^ jj. ' sume, H. ''
j-colbe, B. '"
Mm, H.
' -bon, B. 2" secnocobe, B. -'
-hsel-, B. '^2
gecnocobe, B.
)>8em, H. -'
-mis- B. " _bop-, B. ^e
}^^i_ ^ -i-
^^^^ jj.
maencs, H. B, 29 pun^g, B. ''"
heo gepeajiraa'S, H., omitting three
words ;
peapm-, B.

6. For rend by a snake, take leaves of this same Bramble.

wort, which we named eruscus, so fresh, pounded, lay

them to the sore.

Yarrow.* xc. . ,. .
Achillea mille-

1. Of this wort, which is named millefolium, and*^^"^^*

in our language yarrow, it is said that Achilles, the
chieftain, should find {found) it and he with this ;

same wort healed them who with iron were stricken

and wounded. Also for that reason, it is named of
some men, Achillea. With this wort it is said that
he also should heal (Jiealed) a man whose name was
2. For tooth ache, take a root of this wort, which we
named millefoil, give it (to the patient) to eat fasting.
For wounds which are made with iron, take this

same wort, pounded with grease lay it to the wounds ; ;

it purgeth and healeth the wounds.

4. For a swelling, take this same wort millefoil,

pounded into butter lay it to the swelling.

5. In case that any man with difficulty can pass

water, take ooze of this same wort with vinegar, give

it him to drink wondrously it healeth.^

6. If a wound on a man be chilled, take then the

same wort millefoil, and rub it very small, and mingle

it with butter, lay it then on the wound; it soon

quickeneth and warmeth it.

7. If a mans head burst, or a strange swelling

* The drawing in MS. V., fol. 42 a, intends yarrow,

^ Hjginus, fab. ci., and the poets.
^ The rest of yarrows leechdoms are not in the printed
Latin, 1528, nor in MS. A., nor G. T.

N 2

firte nime pyfye ylcaii pyjite pj^jitpalaii bmbe on pone

fpyjian' Sonne cj^meS^ liym
f to jobjie ppeme.

6]:t piS |7am j'lcan jenim ]?a]' ylcan pypte p5^]ic "co

bufce bo on 6a punbe ]?onne by)? heo pona hatijenbe;'^

hpylcum men lebjian aheajibobe syn^ oS6e^

hip mete jemjdtan ^ nelle nym ^ f'yppe ylc^n pyjite ^
peap menjc^ Sonne pm 'j'*' pseteji -j liunij -j p peap
eall tosomne^^ pyle hyt him Sonne '^ peajim bjiincaii

Sonne ^^ by)? him sona bet.

Gpt piS )78ejia^'^ Seajima ece^^ -j piS eallep^^ )?8ep

O. condenses. iniioSep^'^ mm pap ylcan pypite^ ^PYS ^Y f'onne 'j

jejnib to bupte spy)7e pmale bo Sonne ^^
])SQY buptef pip
cuculepiap~^ pulle *j Sjieo pull pmep syle hym
Sonne bjiincan^^ f Sonne beah hyt him piS fpa
hpylcum eajipoSum ppa him on mnan biS.
Iiyp Sonne ?epte]i Sam men py po5o);a jetenje^-
oSSe^^ 1^P5'-^c mnan junb^^ bjiyne ^emm Sonne ^^ t'yjT^^

pypte pyptpalan "j jecnuca Ipyj^e pel bo Sonne^^ on

fpype 50b beoji^^ pyle hfx: him ponne^^ placu pupan

Sonne ~^ pene ic f hyt him pel pjiemie*^^ ^e piS pojo-

San je piS sDjhpylcum mcunbum'^^ eajipoSnyppum.^^
PiS heapob^^ ece jenim ];ap ylcan pyjite py^jic
clyj^an^* J)8epop^^ leje Sonne ^^ on f heapob Sonne
jenimS^ hyt pona f saji onpej.^^
])i\) pan^^ nsebbep cyime Se man ppalanjiup hateS^*^

jenim J>yppe ylcan pypte tpijo 'j j)a leap peoS on pine .

)'j)eopan, jr.
cym'S, 13. =
liac-, B. ^ j-yn, B.
* oM, B. -ten, O., fol. U =34. ' nirae, O. \>. pyrt, O.
nijencs, H- B.; men?; to, O. '"
1, B. omits. " co gabere, O.
t>ane, O. (for >anne.) '* ]>ane, O. " J^ajia, B. O.
eca, O. "^ ealle, O. ''A modern hand in H. proposes to add fare.

j)yrc, O. '"
J^ane, O. -" -eel-, B. "'
brican, O., and so often.
cunb, B. O. " O.
jjetaenge, II.; f,ttainc'Sit, B. -^ o^j^er, 0. ^' l^ane,
ane, O. "beop, B. ^fter )>on, H. adds rr&; Pan, O.
^ J>aune, O. =" -mi?;e, B.; -mia, O. ^' mcnnba, O.; in margin.

appear on it, let liini take roots of this same wort, Yarrow,
. , iVrt. xc.
and bind them on his neck that will come to be of ;

good service to him.

8. Again for the same, take this same wort, work
it to a dust apply it to the wound,
; then it will soon
be heating.
any mans veins be hardened, or his meat will
9. If
not digest, take juice of this same wort, then mingle
wine and water and honey and the juice all together,
then give it him warm to drink ; then it will soon
be well with him.
10. Again, for ache of the bowels and of all the
inwards, take this same wort, dry it then, and rub it

to dust, very small ; then put up five spoons full of

the dust, and three cups of good wine ; then give him
that to drink. Then it is good for him for what-
soever annoyances he hath within.
11. If then, after that, there befall the man hic-
cuping, any ratten-burn ^ within (him), take then
roots of this wort, pound them very well; put them
into good beer give it him then lukewarm to sup.

Then I ween that it may be of good benefit to him

either for hiccup or for any internal difficulty.
12. For head ache, take this same wort, work a
plaster thereof, then lay it on the head then it soon ;

removes the sore away.

13. Against the serpent kind, which are called
(paXayyia, tarantulas, take twigs of this same wort

3- Ratten is pus, matter, in Devonshire : understand purulent


uncuba. ^''
-nerj'um, H. ^^ heajob, B. ^^
to clySan, H.
>,ap, B. 0. ^^ i>ane, 0. ^' hail, O. ^^ bmimS, O. ^
apeg, O.
Sam, H. ; O. omits the paragraph. " hat-, B.

jnib Sonne fpipe fmale "j leje on 6a^ punbe jyp


heo tosomne hleapan polbe -j J;onne septep. );am jenim

Sa pypte 'j hunij menjc^ to somne pmype^ Ja punbe
Saep^ mib ponne haraS heo pona.

PiS ngebbpan jyp hpylc man hyne bejypbej;


mib J^ylTe pyjite^ 'j hy'^ on peje mib hnn bejiej; he

bi6 jepcylbeb ppam^ aejhpylcum^ nsebbep cynne.'^
PiS pebe^^ hunbep phte jemm Sap ^'^^an pyj^te
jnib "j hpseten copn leje on J?a punbe Sonne halaS
heo pona.
Gyc jyp peo punb^^ poppunben^^
piS nsebpan^^ flite
sy jemm
J^yppe yfp^^ teljpan^^ peoS on
psetepe jnib ponne^'^ TPyt^ pmale jepobene leje ];onne
on Sa punbe ^ Sonne ^^ f bolh open py jenim pa ylcan
pypre unpobene^^ jnib fpype pmale menjc^^ piS hunij
lacna^^ ponne pa punbe ^^ paepmib Sonne byS heo '^'^

sona hal.

Rube. xci.

Ifip blob op nosum plope jenim Sap pypte pe man

jiutam -j pam jelice oSpum naman puban nemnep bo

jelomlice on pa naepSj'^plu ^^ punboplice heo f blob op

Sam ntepSyplun^^ jeppiS.
PiS 'coSunbenn5^sse^'^ jenim pap ylcan pyjite jiuTam
syle hy^^ bselmelum ppa jpene etan^^ oSSe on bpmce^"

boii, H. omits, - Sa, V. B. omit. ^ mncji;, H. B.
fmepa, B. ' >a]i, B. " pyrt, 0. '
his, B. pi for
rpa, B. ^ -cen, O. '" nsebbre cunne, 0. " podef, 0.; See
21, Marsh. O. condenses. '- '"'
St. John, X. nsebbra, O. fe

punbe, O. '^
-bon, O. '^ ilcan, B. '^ celjan, B.; biffan pyre
'' punba, O. '"
eeljran, 0. t>ane, 0. '*^
l^an, 0.
'"-bone, B.; pyrt jeefobone, O. -' mnc5, H.; msenc, B.;
meng, O. ^ lacna, B. ^s
p^nba, O. ^4 |,ap^ b. 0. "^ jj.
APVLEII. 1 9.9

Mid the them in wine; then rub them

leaves, seethe Yarrow.
very small, and lay them on the wound, if it be ^^- ^^
willing to unite and after that, take the wort and

honey, mingle together, smear the wound therewith ;

then it soon heateth.^

14. For bite of snake, any man girdeth himself

with this wort, and beareth it on the way with him,

he is shielded from every serpent kind.
For tearing of mad dog, take this same wort,
r ub it and wheat grains lay them on the wound ;

then it soon liealeth.

For a rent by a snake, if the wound is swollen,

take twigs of this same wort, seethe in water, rub

them then very small when sodden, lay them on the ;

wound. When the incision is open take the same

wort unsodden, rub very small, mingle with honey,
then dress the wound therewith ; then it will be soon

RUE.b XCI. Ruta grave-

olens. Bot,

1. If blood from the nose, take this wort,

which is named ruta, and by another name like that,
rue apply it frequently to the nostrils it wonderfully
; ;

stanches the blood from the nostrils.

2. For bloatedness, take this same wort rue, give it
so green, in pieces, to be eaten or swallowed in

All the MS S. hacatS ; but halat5 would be better.
The figure
^ in MS. Add. 17063, fol. 41 b, intends rue.
MS. Y., fol. 43 a, cannot, but rather Vlex Eurofceus (H.),

omit seven words by error. '"

burle, 0.
-nejye, B. ^s
jj^^^ ^
CO etan .-'
O, ^" biimcan, H. O. ^'
bicsan, B.


prS p8pp majan^ )\ape jenim ]>yYye }lcan pypte saeb

*j ppepel 'j eceb syle J^icjean^ jraej^tenbum ;

]}v6 eajena sape ^ S^fpel jenim pap jdcan pypte^

putan pel jecnucube^ leje to Sam'^ pape eac pe
p^^pttpuma jecnucub^ -j SiBji' mib jefmypeb^ ^ pap
hyt pel jebet.
PiS )?a litapjum hateS^ p yp on upe
able Se man
je]?eobe^ opepjytrulnyp^^ cpeben jenim J^ap ylcan
pypte putan mib ecebe jepepebe bejeot )7onne fene^'
anbplatan Saep mib.^'"^

yip eajena bymnyppe^* jenim ^yppe sylpan pypte
leap syle etan paeptenbum -j syle liy ^^ bpmcan on
PiS heapob ece jenim Sap ylcan pypte pyle bpmcan''
on pme cnuca^^ ept pap sylpan pypte "j pjnnj f pos
on pmype^^
eceb'^ Sonne f heapob ]7?e]miib *^^ eac
peop pypt ppemaS^^ piS beabTppinjap.

HoTsemintP xcii.

PiS eapena~* sape jenim pyppe pypte pos pe^^ man

mentaPcpum *joSpum naman ~^ liatej? mib
ptpanjon^^ pme jemencjeb'^^ bo on ]? eajie peah Sgojr^
beon p3^pmap on acennebe^^ hi^' pujili'^' Sip pceolon^'^
beon acpealbe.

maeje, O. - Jnc?;an, H. B. ^
J'yj^^**, V. omits. '

cnocobe, B. '
hsera, H. " j;ecnocob, B. '
)?a]i, B.
" H. B,
j;e)nnepeb, " hac-, B. '" -Kobe, B. " -ne]*, B.; ojep-
?;itcolne)', H. '- t>one, B. '^
hap, B. '
-neffe, B.
'^ plye pyptan, B. ^" hi^, B. -ca, O. '**
cnuca, H. omits ;

V. is here fretted away. '" ecebe ~\, II. fmepa, B. -' |>a]i, B.
^ j]iyma'S, 11. -^ ho-^fminre, B., by later hand. ^^ eapan, O.,
fol, 12. " )>ara jniitre j'of ')', O. *" O. supplies brocmince, and alters
-^ '^
the text. -' ftrange, O. semsen^eeb, II. ; -^eb, B. hap,
APVLEir. 201

For sore of the msLW, take seed of this same

3. Ruk.
wort and sulphur and vinegar administer (to the ;

patient) to eat, listing.

4. For sore of eyes and
swelling, take this same
wort pounded, lay it to the sore, also the
rue, well
root pounded, and smear therewith it well amendeth ;

the sore/'^

For the disease which is called lethargy, and in


our language is denominated forgetfulness or un-

consciousness, take this same wort rue, washed, that
is, macerated in vinegar, souse then the forehead
For dimness of
6. eyes, take leaves of this same
wort, give them {to the sufferer) to eat fasting, and
give (them him,) to drink in wine.
For head ache, take this same wort, give it to

be drunk in wine again, pound the same wort, and


Avring {out) the ooze into vinegar then smear the ;

head therewith. This wort also is beneficial for car-


Horsemint.^ XCII. Mentha sil-

vestris. Bot.
For sore of ears, take ooze of this wort, which is
called mentastrum, and by another name horsemiat,
mixed with strong wine, apply it to the ear; though
Avorms be therein existing, they through this (a^yplica-
tion) shall be killed.

* The idiom of the Saxon is not uncommon.

^ The painting, MS. V., fol. 43 b, is intended probably for
horsemint. In MS. Bodley, 130, glossed " horseminte," but
drawn wrong.

B. O. 3" acaennebe, H. B. ; -neb, 0. =>

hij, B. 22
j,^p^ q,
^' j'culon, B,

Pi6 hjieojrlaii jeiiim j^yffe ylcan pypte leap syle

etan jepiplice^ lie bi6 jehgeleb,^

P^el pypt^ vel ellen pyjit. xcill.

pi6 f ptanap on
pexen* jenim pap pypte
Je man ebulum *j oSjium naman ellen pypte ^ nemne]?
*j eac sume^ men peal pyp'^ hataS^ jecnuca hy**
J^onne ppa meappe mib liype leapum pyle bpmcan on
pme heo^ tit anybej?^ Sa untjiumnyppe.^^

Pi5 nsebbpan flite jenim )?ap ylcsm pypte )?6 pe

ebulum nembun^^ -j sep )?am Se ]?u liy^'^ pojaceoppe
healb hy^^ on ]?inpe hanba^* 'j cpeS ]?jiipa^^ nijon pipan^*'
omnef malap beftiaf canto f yp Jjonne on upe^'' je-

]>eobe bepmj ^ opepcum ealle ypele pilbbeop pojiceopp^^

liy^^ Sonne mib fpy}?e pceajipon pexe^^ on )?py^^ bpelap

j J?a hpile J?e J)U Sip bo'^^ J?enc^^ be pam men ])e ]?u

Ssejimib^* fiencft^'^ to ponne ]?u ]?anon

jelacnienne^^ 'j

penbe^'' ne bepeoli p>u ]?e na Sonne ))a pypte 'j mm

cnuca liy^^ leje to pam Qite pona he biS hal.
Pi]? paeteji peocn}'ppe jenim }>yrr^ ylcan pyjite pypt-
palan jecnucube^^ PF^^S J^onne J>9e]iop^^ ppa ]?8et ]?u

liiiebbe ];0epop^^ peopeji pcenceap'^^ 'j pmep healpne

?;ei>-, B. omits. - -]ial-, 0. '
jmljuirc, B., by later hand.
peaxa)?, IL *
pyp^? H. " sumsen, II. ' hac-, B.; hate^, H.

his, B. " heo, B. anyb-, B. " -nerre, B. '-

-oon, B.
his, B., twice. " hanba, B. '^ hjiipa, B. '
n^^on, B.
'' u]ie, B. '**
joi)ceo)i]e, H. '" hig, B. - seaxe, H. -'
l^jxys, B.
bo, B. also. -^ baenc, II. -' haji, B. -^ >{enc fc, H. -'
Senne, B. H. -^ j'senbe, II. ;
j^senbe, B. -" hi, B, -"
s^cnocobe, B.
bap, B., tvrice. ^' rcajncav, B.

^ The old interpreter has omitted this. Vt scias in cuius

stellae tutela iiatus sis. Herbam mentastrum tolles mundus
et in linteolo mundo habeto, et quando in pane cocto gra-
APVLEIl. 203

2. For leprosy, take leaves of this same wort, iiorsemint.

administer to be eaten ; surely {the patient) shall be ^^** ^^"-"


Wall WOBT, or ElDEK W0RT> XCIIL Sambucus

ebulvs. Bof.
1. In case that stones wax in the bladder, take
this wort, which is named ebulum, and by another
name elder wort, or chvarf elder, and (which) also
some men call wall wort pound it then so tender,

with its leaves, administer it to drink in wine it ;

forces out the infirmity.

2. For rent by snake, take this same wort, which
we named ebulum, and ere thou carve it off, hold it
in thine hand, and say thrice nine times, Omnes
malas bestias canto,^ that is, in our language. Enchant
and overcome all evil wild deer then carve it off ;

with a very sharp knife, into three parts and the ;

while that thou be doing this, think of the man whom

thou thinkest therewith to leech, and when thou wend
thence, look not about thee then take the wort and

pound it, lay it to the cut soon it will be whole.


3. For water sickness, that is, dropsy, take roots of

this same wort pounded; wring then thereof, so that

thou have of the ooze four draughts, and (add) a

num integrum inveneris, simul cum herba ponito,

et precerisseptem Stellas, hoc est Solem, Lunam, Martem,
Mercurium, lovem, Venerem, Saturnum, et sub puluino
pone, atque roga ut tibi per quietem ostendant, in cuius
stell^e tutela sis.

^ The drawing in MS. V., fol. 43 c, is apparently meant for

dwarf elder, as so MS. Add. 17063. In MS. Bodley, 130, is
also a rough likeness, with the glosses " walwort, danewort,
" wylde elder." Classical Latinity authorizes only ebulum,
but ebulus is favoured by the analogies.
c Canto, Lat. 1528, but the English text has the verbs in
the imperative.

yefueji ]'yle bjiincan ;enne^ on bsej hyt pjiemaS^

myclum'^ ))am psetejifeocan.
6ac^ hyt bynnan'^ heal]:on^' 5^^P^ ealne ]7one paetau
lit atyh]?.

Dpeojije bpeo]"le. xciv.

Deop pyp'cpoUejium 'j o]?]ium naman

}'<^ i^an
bpeopje bpople nemne}> hsepS mib hype maneja Isece-
bomap )?eah hy'' pela manna ne cunne ^^ ];onne yp ]7eos
pyjit tpejea^ cynna ]) ip pep^^ -j pip 8e pejx^^ hapa]>

hpite blofcman^^ ^j ]? pip hapa]? peabe o])]?e bpune

8e5hp8e]7ep yr iiy'^hc^^ punbophc 'j hi^^ on him hab- 'j

ba]7 punbophce mihte mib )?am msefran bleo^* hy

blopa))^^ Sonne neahce o))pe pypta pcpmcaj? "j peoji-

Pi]? jenim ]?ap 5'lcan pyjite pol-

Ssep inno]7ep pajie

lejium 'j cymen cnuca topomne mib paetejie 'j leje to

bam napolan^^ pona he biS jehseleb. 17

Bpt jnS ])sey majan pajie ^enim )?ap pylpan pyjitc

pollejium cnuca hy^^ -j mib psetepe jepaepc^^ syle
bjuncan on ecebe hj'-t ]?one plsettan ]>ey majan pel

Pi^ 5ic];an ]?8epa^^ jepceapa^^ jenim }?ap ylcan pyjite

seoS on peallenbon psetepe let^^ ]?onne cohan ppa oSp
hyt^'^ man bjiincan mpeje 'j hyt J^onne b]iince hyt je-
lij^eja)? Jjone 3ic]?an.
6pt piS ]78ep mnoSep pajie )7eop pylpe pypt ppema)?^^
pel jeetan^^ to J^am napolan~^ jeppij^en ppa p heo~^

ppam ]7am napolan peallan ne m^eje^^ pona heo ]? pap

piS ]7am^'' pepope J7e ]>y Spybban b^eje on man

' ajne, II. B, - yjiamat), II. ' micclu, B. ' Gac, II, '
-non, B.

heal>an,H. '
his, B. -na, 0. ^ tpe^jia, B. O. '" yteji, H.,
twice. " blosman, H. B. '- netlic, II. '=* hij, B. ' bleo, B.
* hlopa'S, B. ' -j-el- B. >' -hail-, B. ' his, B. ' sejies,

half sextariiis of wine ; administer one a day to drink ; Wai-l wort.

it benefitetli much the watersick or dropsical.
4. Also, within half a year it draweth out all the
dropsical humour.
Mentlia puli-
DWARF DWOSLE, Fenuyvoyal. XCIV. yium. Bot.

1. This which is named pulegium, and by

another name dwarf dwosle, hath with it many leech-
doms though many of men ken them not. Further

is this wort of two kinds, wer and wife, or male and

feifYiale. The wer, or male, hath white blossoms, and

the wife, hath red or brown
or female, either is ;

beneficial and wonderlike, and they have on them

wondrous virtue. They blow v/ith the greatest beauty
when nearly other worts shrink and languish.
For sore of the inwards, take this same wort

pulegium, and cummin, pound together along with

water, and lay to the navel soon he, the patient, will ;

be healed.
8. Again, for sore of the maw, or stomach, take this
same wort pulegium, pound and wash it with water,
give to drink in vinegar ; it well relieves the nausea
of the maw, or stomach.
Against itch of the shape, or sexual parts, take

this same wort, seethe it in boiling water, then let

(this) cool, so far as till a man may drink it, and let
him then drink it it relieves the itch. ;

5. Again, for sore of the inwards, this same wort

profits well, eaten and tied down to the navel, so

that it may not fall from the navel ; soon it removes
the sore.
6. For a tertian, or the fever which cometh on a

H. B.;]HO- -" -esa^', B.

|,apa, B. -^ -ycapa, B. --\xz,B.
-* hi, B. 25 j:pama'5, H. -'= seeten, H. " -ytt\-, B. -^ he, B.
raaga, O. ^" l^sem, H.

becymej? jenim f'yfj'e jlcsm pyjite trpiju^ bepealb on

pulle fcep^ hyne J^sejimib'^ tojzojian* timan )?am )?e ye
pepop hym to pylle 'j jyp hpa hyp heapob mib J>yppe
pypte onbutaii'^ bepinbej>. heo f pap ])sey heapobep^
Iryp beabbojien cylb sy on pipep mnoSe jenim }>yppe
ylcan pypte Jjjiy cy]?ap 'j j?a pyn nipe ppa hy ppyj^opt;
fcmcen cnuca^ on ealbon^^ pme syle bjimcan.

Gyp hpa on jemme^^ pap

pcipe plsettan J^ohje^^
ylcan pypte polleian psepmob^^ cnucie^* tosomne mib

ele 'j mib ecebe fmypije^^ hyne Jjsepmib jelomlice.

])v6 blsebpan sape 'j pi6 f ptanap )78e]ion^^ pexen'*

jenim ]7ap ylcan pypte polleian pel jecnucube'^ 'j

"cpejen pcenceap^^ pmep jemencj^^ tosomne pyle bpin-

can pona peo blsebbep to pelpan jehpyppeS^^ "j bmnan
peapum bajum heo J>a untpumnyppe ~^ jehpele); ^j ]>a

ptanap ]?e J^fep^^ on peaxej? ut^^ anj^beS.

Gyp hpa onbutan^'^ hip heojitan

oJ?)?e on liij' bjieos-
ton paji )7olie *^^ )?onne ete he }?ap ylcan pyjite polleium
j bpmce hy^^ pseptenbe.
Gyp hpylcum men hjiamma jenim ]7ap ylcan bejiije
]^ypte 'j^^ tpejen pcenceap^^ ecebep bpmce pseftenbe ;^^
PiS )?8ep majan topunbennyppe'^^ "j J^iiepa'^^ mnojm
jenim )7ap ylcan pypte poUejium jecnucube^^ -j on
poetepe o^^e on pme jep^'llebe o]7];e ]?uph hy^* PX^F^"
syle picjean^^ pona byj? peo untpumny]' pojilseten.^^

tjnsa, H. 'ftyp, B. ^ >aji, B. ^ -pon, B.
onbuton, B. " heajrbes, H. '^
-ega^, B. * hig, B.

cuca, '" -ban, B. " J^olce, H. '^
s^im, 11. " jisepmo, V.;
])epmob, H. " cnuca, H.; cnocige, B. '* fmepa, B. '" i>a]i, B.
peaxa'S, H. "^
secnocobe, B. '*
scencas, H.; )'C8encaj*, B,
2" jmeencs, H.; semsenc, B. '^^ gehpeopj-e^, H.; ?;efyrfe^, O-
" -nerre, B. ^s
j,ap, B. "*
lic, B. ^s
.^on, B. '' olise.

man on the third day, take twigs of this same wort Dwarf
fold them up
wool incense as with a censer, the
in ;
Art. xciv
patient, before the time when the fever will be upon
him and if one windeth liis head about with this

wort, it alleviates the sore of the head.

7. woonans
If a dead-borne child be in a wifes or
inwards, take three sprouts of this same wort, and
let them be new, so do they strongest scent, pound

in old wine; give to drink.

8. If any endure nausea on shipboard,
thole or
let him take the same wort pulegium, and wormwood,
let him pound them together with oil and with
vinegar; let him smear himself therewith frequently.
9. For sore of bladder, and in case that stones
therein wax, take the same wort pulegium, well
pounded, and two draughts of wine mingle together ;

give to drink ; soon the bladder shall turn to a better

(state),and within a few days the wort shall heal the
infirmity, and shall force out the stones which therein
are waxing.
10. If any one about his heart or in his breast,
thole, that is, suffer sore, then let him eat this same
wort pulegium, and drink ^ it fasting.
11. If cramp annoy any man, take the same wort
and two cups of vinegar; let him drink fasting.
12. For swelling of the maw and of the inwards,
take this same wort pulegium, pounded, and boiled in
water or in wine, or give it to be swallowed by itself
soon shall the infirmity be removed.

* Only glutiat. Lat., 1528.

H. B. '''
his, B. 28 ^^ Y ojnits. ^^
scencas, H.; j-ceencaj', B.
^ yej'Cenbe, H. ^'
i>unbenej')*e, B. ^^ ]?ajia, B. ^^ s^cnocobe, B.
his, B. ^^
IJicsan, B. ; )?ynscan, H 36
uncpumnesse yoplsetan,
H.; -ne)' };opl8ecen, B,

])\]) miluan yape jenim J^aj" ylcan pypte polleium

yeoS on ecebe yyle bpincan fpa peajim.

PiJ> lenbena^ ece 'j pi^ psejia^ ]?eona pape jeniin

];ap ylcan pypte polleium 'j pipoji sejj^pep jelice micel
be jepihte cnuca tosomne ^ )?onne ])u on baej^e sy
pmyjie^ ]?8epnib* ]78ep* hyt fpyj^opt bepi^e.

Nepte. xcv.

Dap^ pypte^ man nepitamon 'j oj^jium^ nam an

nepte nemne]; -j eac jpecaf hy^ mente opmon Lata)?.


Pi]? jenim )?ap pypte^ Se pe nepi-

nsebpan plite
ramon nembun^^ cnuca mib pme ppmj ]7onne f pop
^^^ syle^^ bjimcan on pme^^ "j jenim eac ])(i leap^'*

)?yppe sylpan j^yp"^^ jecnucube^^ leje to pa3jie'^ punbe.

Cammoc. xcvi.
The fig., v., J)ap pypte^'' man peucebanum *j oSjmm naman cam-
hoidtobe moc^^ nemne]?.
Nebbne. J

Deop pypt ];e pe peucebanum nembun^^ maej nsebpan

mib hype fp^ce^^ aplian.^^
piS naebpan Ilite jenim ];ap ylcan pypte peucebanum
*j betonicam -j heoptef fmeopup^^ o^^e^*^ f meaph -j
eceb bo tosomne leje ]7onne to J^aejie^^ punbe he biS

PiS ]?a able J?e jjiecap pjienepip nemnaS p ip on ujie

laenb-, B. - >e]ia, V. ; hajia, B. ' fmejia, B. * haji, B., twice.

V. is here defective. ' Deo)*, II, pypce

; altered later to
]>5'pc i^e, B. '
on Ujium, II. ^ hig, B. " I'yrt, O:
'" nenbun, V.; nembuu, H.; -bon, B, " -j, B, omits. ''^
fule, O.
mib J>au jnne, O. " lea):, B,; O. alters a little. '^ secnube, V.;
gecnocobe, B. '" ]>ape, B. O. '"
A meddling hand has
inserted b into pypte, in B. '^ cammuc, IT. '^ -bou, B.; ntcmban, II.

1*J. For sore of milt, or spleen, take this same wort Dwarf
pulegium, seethe in vinegar, give it so warm to
For ache of loins and sore of the thighs,^ take
this same wort pulegium, and pepper, of either alike
much by weight pound together, and when thou be

in the bath, smear therewith, where it most troubleth.

NePTE.^' Catsmint XCV. Nepetacat-

rrti . 1 11
and by
tatia. Bot.
This wort IS named nepeta, another
nepte, and also the Greeks call it xaAafjo/v^r) opsii/jj.

Dratving of a snake. 3fS.44 d. F., fol.

For bite of snake, take this wort, which we named

nepeta pound it with wine, wring (put) then tbe

ooze, and give it to drink in wine and take also tlie ;

leaves of this saine wort pounded, lay them to the


CAMMOCK. XCVI. Peucedanum

officinale, Bot.
1. This wort is named TrsuxsSavoc, and by anotlier
name cammock.
Drawing 45 a. of a snake, fol.
2. This wort, which we named peucedanus, has tlie

power to put to flight snakes by its smell.

3. For bite of snake, take this same wort peuce-

danus, and betony, and grease or the marrow of a

hart, and vinegar put them together, then lay them

to the wound ; the patient will be healed.

4. For the disease which the Greeks name (ppevYio-ig,^

* Ad sciam (so) vel coxarum dolorem. Lat., 1528. So

that thigh must include hip.
^ Drawn fairly well in MS. V., fol. 44 d.
c As Celsus, lib. iii. c. 18.

rpaecce, PI. -' aylisan, B. -- rmejiui', H.; -pu, B. -^
o^bar, O.
bape, B. -
^elacmib, H. ; -nob, B.


jej^eobe jepitlej't^ psep mobej' f by)? Sonne p heapob

apeallen jenim )?onne J7a]"^ ylcan pyjite peuce-

banum cnuca on ecebe bejeot ))onne f heajzob )}?epmib^

hyr ppema)?* liealice.

8pepe pypt. xcvii.

MSS. V. G. piS blsebjian pape jenim )7ap pypte )7e man^ limnula
rising from a campana 'j o)?]ium naman fpepe pypte nemne]? 'j

^^^- mepcep saeb -j eojiS naplan^ *j pmulep^ pyptpalan cnuca

tosomne syle )?onne plsec bpmcan pceapplice hyt:
PiS to)?a pajie 'j pajunje^ jenim )?af ylcan pypte
syle etan paeptenbum heo )?a te]> jetpymeS.

Ascarides PiS p ymb )^8ene napolan^^ syn penj pyjimap jenim

y^^^ ylcan pypte hmnulan cnuca on pine leje to )?am

Eibbe. xcviii.
Cynoglossmn Bap pypte ))e man^^ cynojloppam cSpum Naman -j
pibbe nemnef) -j liy^^ eac^^ pume men Imjuam camp


Pi^ nsebpan plite peop pypt )7e pe cynojloppam nem-

bun^^ pel ppema^^^ jecnucub^^ 'j on pine jefiijeb.

Pi^ )?am^^ pepope "Se )?y^^ peop)?an bseje on man

becymej?^^ jenim )?ap ylcan pypte cynojloppam 5a j?e

' -leaj-c, B. '^

)>8es, H. '^
)?aji, B. * jrjiaraa'S, H. ^ H. omits
)>e man, inserts ylcan. " nayelan, B. jinelej-, B. **
>]iamab, H.
^ pujunge, H. B. omits four words. *" naj-lan, H. ; nayelan, B.
" H. omits l^e man. Both V. and B. write ]'e, which is not wanted.
his, B. '^^
eac, H. " -bon, B. '^ ypam, H., with raa^^
written over. '" gecnocab, B. J^an, H. '"
Hs, B.
'" becymtS, B. H. The folios of H. have been ill put together, we pass

here from 1 7 b. to .50 a, four words being missing.


that is, in our language, witlessness of the mind, Camiwock.

which is wlien the head is on fire then take this ;

same wort peucedanus, pound it in vinegar, then

souse the head with it it benefits highly.^

SpEARWORT. XCVII. Inula hdenium.

1. For sore of bladder, take this wort, which is

named campana, and by another name spear-

wort, and seed of marche, and roots of earth navel or
asparagus, and of fennel, pound together, then give
it to drink lukewarm; it benefits sharply.

2. For sore and looseness of teeth, take this same

wort, give it (to the sufferer) to eat fasting; it

steadieth the teeth.

3.In case that about the navel there be round
worms, take this same wort elecampane, pound it in
wine, lay it to the inwards.

ElBWOET. XCVIII. Plantago Ian-


1. This wort, which is named xvvoyXcjoa-a-ov,^ and by

another name rib, and also some men call it linguam
canis. (Sentence incomplete.) Snake.^
Drawing of a snake.
2.For bite of snake, we namedthis wort, which
cynoglossum, is of good advantage, pounded and
swallowed in wine.
3. For a quartan ague, or the fever which cometh

on a man on the fourth day, take this same wort

* The Latin, ed. 1528, uses throughout the feminine form

TCiVKebavoc, ; the English interpreter had a different text.
^Cynoglossa, Lat., ed. 1528. But Ribwort is Arnoglossum.
In MS. Bodley, 130, glossed " Hundestongse," and faithfully
drawn. What remains of the outline in MS. V., and the
neat figure in MS. A., fol. 45 a, might have been from nature,
for Arnoglossum.
^ Intended as a direction to the oruamentator.
o 2 -H.

peopeji leap hscbbe cniica liy^ syle bjimcan on protepe

heo alype)? j^one man.

Pi]> Srepa^ eajiena unnytlicnyype ^ man pel 'j piS

jeliypan^ ne mosje jemm ylcan pypte cynojloppam

^^ecnucube'^ -j on ele jeplaehte^ bpype on f^ eape

punbopilice liyt bsele)?.

Sunbcopn. xcix.

For the figure, eos pypt Se man paxippajam 'j oj^pum naman
seethefac- punbcopn nemneS by)? cenneb'' on bunum 'j on iiien-
ilitum" ptopum.
PiS f ptanap on blasbpan pexen jenim ]7ap pypte
pe pe paxippajam nembun^ cnuca on pme pyle bpmcan
]?am J^olijenban^^ 'j Sam pepepjenban on peapmum
pjBtepe fpa anbpeapb^^ beo yp J^83p ]>Q ^' s?eb op Sam pe
bi]'apanbebon^^ f beo J^y ylcan b&eje )?a franaj- poji-

bpyctS -j by^* ut'^ atybS -j J one man to byp bgele


eo]X6 yp^?' C.

Hedera helix. piS f j'tanas pexen jenim pyppe

on blsebbpan^^
pypte )?e man liebepan nijpan 'j oj^pum naman eopS
ipij nemnej? peopon bepian oSSe enblupon^^ on psetepe

jejnibene pyle bpmcan punboplice beo^^ ptanaj- on

Jpsepe^^ blsebpan je^abepaS "j by to bpicS^^ 'j )?ujib

mijj^an ut atybS,

PiS beapob sa]i~^ jenim J?aj' ylcan pyjite bebepam -j

B. ^ Sapa, B. ' Sehypau, B. * secnocobe, B.
_j,leh-, B. " o]>, B. '
ctcnueb, B. " frxnisiim, IT. B.
-bon, B. -bu, '" 11. B. '- aupaibe, H., on an erasure ;

a mere Latinism, offended the later owner of the MS.

>' -bob-, B.

'^ eo^'Siui, B., by later hand.

"his, B. ''uc, B. '"-Mb-, B.

oyriooflossiiiii, that one (iiamely) wliick may have four Kibvv<^ut.

. . . . . Art. xcviii.
leaves, pound it, give it to drink in water it releases ;

the man.
4. For uselessness of the ears, and in case that a

man may not hear well, take this same wort cyno-
glossum, pounded, and in oil niade lukewarm, drip it
on the ear; wonderfully it healeth.


1. This wort, which is named and by saxifrage,
another name sundcorn, is produced on downs and in
stony places.
2. In case that stones wax in the bladder, take
this wort, which we named pound it in saxifrage,
wine give it to the sufferer to drink, and to the

feverish in warm water, so present, that is, in the

Latin sense, effective, it is, that of it, it is said, by
those who have tried it, namely the experiment, that
it, namely the wort, breaketh to pieces the calculi the

same day, and tuggeth them out, and leadeth the

man to his health.

Earth IVY.^^ O. Glechoma

In case that stones wax in the bladder, take
1. Sot.

seven or eleven berries rubbed sm^all in water of this

wort, which is named hedera nigra, and by another
name earth ivy, give them to drink wonderfully it, ;

namely the wort, gathereth the calculi in the bladder,

and breaketh them to pieces, and tuggeth them out
by means of the urine.
2. For head sore, take this same wort hedera, and

^ The lig;ure in MS. V. is Hedera helix.

-bjxan, H. *^ aenlufan, H.; enbli>ene, B. j^^q j,g^^ jg^ 21 -gape, B.
bjimc'S, V. and H. before correction ; to bping^, B. -^ ece, H. B.


jiosan pos on pme jepej^eb^ fmype'^ )7onne pa Sunponja

"j ):oneaubplatan ^ paji jeliSija);.^

prS miluan sape jemm pyppe ylcan* Pyp''^^ cpoppap

a3pept;^ fTY*^^ ^^ o]7pum pgele pip. set pam ]7py6ban
psele seopone set )7ain peopj^an cyppe nijon *'^
set pam
fiptan cypjie^ enblupon '^ aet ]?am fixtan cyppe )7peo-
tyne "^^
'j set pam peopoj^am cyppe piptyne*^^ 'j set )?am
ehteo]?an^^ cyppie peopontyNe *j set );am nijoj^an cyppe
nijontyne set ]7am teoJ>an paele an^'^ 'j tpentij ^^^ pyle
bpincan bsejhpamlice on ptne jyp he ]7onne on pepope
py pyle bpmcan on peapmum pseteyie mycelon he by]?
jebeu 'j jefcpanjob.

piS J^aepa^'^ pypma plire )7e man spalanjionep nemne^

jenim J^yj'pe pylpan pypte peap psep pyjitpalan J?e pe
hebejiam nembun^^ syle bpincan.

6pt piS ]78epa^' punba lacnunje jenim J?ap ylcan

pypi-ce seoS on pme leje to )?am punbum;.'^
nsepl^yplu 5t^^^ ftmcen^ jenim pyppe sylpan
Pi]7 ]3

pypte seap pel ahlytpeb'^^ jeot on pa noeppyplu.

Pi^S ]78epa^^ eajiena unnytlicnyfTe 'j piS ^ man ne
mse^e pelP^ jehypan^^ jenim pyppe ylcan pypte peap
fpype clsene mib pme bpype on pa eapan^* he bib
pip ^ heapob ne ace pop punnan hsetan jenim pyppe
sylpan pypte leap fpype hnepce cnuca on ecebe fmype^^
ponne pone anbplatan psepmib^^ eac hyt ppemap^^ on-
jean^^ selc paji^^ pe pam heapobe^* bepep.

-])er-, B, '^
Tmyjia, B. '^
-esalS, B. ' ylan, V. ^ sejiorc, H.
jjpiS, B. ' nisone, H, ^ cipe, B. " senbliifon, H.; enblijon, B.
-ttyne, B. " )n>-tene, B. '^ eahtoJ>an, B. ",
'* tpenti, B. ^*
i>apa, B. '" -bon, B. '^ l^ajia, B. '** punbun, V.
-ncan, B. - -ttpeb, B. ^apa, B. 22 ^,^1^ h. 23
jehypan, B.

ooze of rose extracted in wine, then smear the temples Earth ivy.

and the forehead it relieves the sore. ;

3. For sore of milt, or siileen, take heads ^ of this

same wort, at first, three the second time, ^yq the ; ;

third time, seven ; the fourth time, nine ; the fifth

turn, or time, eleven ; the sixth time, thirteen

the seventh time, fifteen ; the eighth time, seventeen
the ninth time, nineteen ; the tenth time, one and
twenty ;
give to drink daily in wine, then, if he,
the patient, be in a fever, give him to drink in

warm water ; much he is amended and strengthened.

Drawings like horned locusts; legs, eight;
wings, two.
4. For worms, or creeping things, which
bite of the
are named <^a\ciyyioi, tarantulas,^ take juice of the
root of this same wort, which we named hedera give ;

to drink.
5. Again, for healing of the wounds, take this same
wort, seethe it in wine, lay it to the wounds.
6. In case that the nostrils smell ill, take juice of
this same wort, pour it well refined into the nostrils.
7. For unprofitableness of the
and in case that ears,
a man may not well hear, take juice of this same
wort, very clean, with wine, drip it on the ears he, ;

the sufferer, will be cured.

8. That head may
not ache for heat of sun,
take leaves of this same wort, very nesh, or tender,
pound them in vinegar, then smear the forehead
therewith. It also is of benefit against every sore
that vexeth the head.

* Grana, Latin text.

^ Some pretend (paKdyyia, are not tarantulas.

t eajie, B. ^5 _^q^^ b 26 fmypa, B. ^7 jj^p, B. ''^
n^ama^, H.
^o ^i
onsen, H. j.^^^ jj. heajrbe, B.

Opjane. ci.

PiS )7e)' heajrobej'^ sajie jenim )?yffe pyjit eseap ]>e

man yeppillum 'j o)?pum naman opjane nemne)? 'j ele

jebsepneb^ pealr to ppyj^e^ Imalan bulue jebpv^
jemenjc* ealle to somne fmype^ f lieapob Jjgepmib^
hyt by}> hal.
6pt PI'S heapob ece jenim J)ap ylcan pypte peppilluiu
jepobene cnuca on ecebe fmype^ Jjgejimib^ ]7a Sunponja
j J>one anbplatan.
Gip hpa fojibaepneb sy jenim J)ap ylcan pypte pep-
pillum -j 8epc]?pote aenne^ pjTib ^ anpe yntfan^^ je-
pihte jeppyppep op seolppe -j jiopan^^ ]?peo]ia yntpena^^
jepihte jepuna )?onne eall tosomne on anum mojitepe
bo^^ fepto^^]?omie pex 'j healpep punbep jepihte
bepan Imepupes^^ 'j heoptenep^^ peoS ealle ^'' tosomne
peopma hyt -j leje to ]?am bsepnette.^^

Pepmob. Oil.

Deos pypt |?e man abpmthmm "j oj^jmm naman

pejimob nemneS^^ by]; cenneb^^ on bejanum ftopum "j
on bunum^^ *j on ftsenilicum^^ propum.

Pi8 ]) man ^ oSpe saji op lichaman jebo*^


;^enim ]?ap pyp'^ti abpintliium peo'b on psetepe bo ponne

on anne*"^ claS leje to ]?am sape jyp J^onne se lichoma^'''

meapu~^ py peo'S on hunije^'' leje to ];am pape.'"'^

' heaj-bej-, H. B. - -net, B. ^ fjnjjan, H. '

jiemsensc, H.
-maens, B. * fmyjia, B. " hsejimib, H.; >a]i, B. ' j-myjia, B.
J>a]i, B. " anne, H. '" yntj-ena, H., with marks of erasure,
" jjoj-an, B. '- ynbfeua, H.; ynbfa, B., see St. Marharete, p. 87, art. 30.
''bo, B. "hajx, B. >^-]ipef, B. ' hyjirenej-, H. >^eall, H.;

tal, B. '**
"Wanting in the Latin texts. ''
]eremob nemneb, O., and
here stops the sentence. -" csenneb, U. B. ^'
bunii, B. -^ frajni-

li^um, altered by erasure to rcsenisum, H.; -nisuni, B. -^

Sebo, H. B.;
Sebon.' 0., which omits a line. senne, H. B. -^ -hama, B.

-^ -]ui]', B. -' -nij;, B. -'' fojie, 0.

APVLEIl. 217

Organy,'^ Wild marjoram, ci. Orujanum

For sore of the head, take juice of this wort


which is named serpyllum, and by another name

opslyavov, and oil, and bm-nt salt, bruise it to very

small dust, mix all together, smear the head therewith ;

it shall be whole.
2. Again, for the head ache, take this same wort
serpyllum, sodden, pound it in vinegar, smear there-
with the temples and the forehead.
3. If one be badly burnt, take this same wort
serpyllum, and ashthroat, o?" vervain, one bundle, and
by weight of one ounce of the filings of silver, or
litharge, and roses by weight of three ounces, then
pound all together in a mortar, than add thereto
wax and of grease of bear and of hart, by weight
of half a pound, seethe all together purify it, and ;

lay it to the burn.

Wormwood > on. Artemisia ab-

sinthium. Bot.
1. named absinthium, and by
This wort, which is

another name ware-moth, or vmrmwood, is produced

in cultivated places, and on downs, and in stony
2. In order that a man may remove from the body
weals and other sores, take this wort absinthium,
seethe it in water, then put it on a cloth, lay it

to the sore ; if then the body be tender, seethe it in

honey ; lay it to the sore.

The ligure in MS. V., fol. 46 c, has root, stems and buds

with swelling calyces, but no leaves. It is quite unlike the

herb. MS. A,, fol. 46 b, has the same as V.
^ The distinctive features of wormwood may be recognized
in MS. T. and MS. A., fol. 46 b not so well in MS. V., :

fol. 45 d.

^ penj pypmay ymbe^

Ascarides )7one nafolan'^ bejiijen'''
jenim y^^^^ P3 P"^^*
)7aj' abpmtbium *j hsepe hunan^
*j elechtjium^ ealpa jelice mycel seoS on jefpettum
paetepe^ oj7)7e on pine leje tupa oSSe^ )?jiipa to Jam
napolan hyt cpelj? |?a pj^pmap.

8aluie. cm.
pi6 5ic)?an )78epa^^ jepceapena^^ jenim pap pypte he
man paluian nemneS seoS on psetepe 'j mib J)am
psetepe fmyjie^^ J7a jepceapu.^'^

Gfc piS jicj^an );a3p setlep jenim ]?ap y-lcan pypte

palpian^^ peo6 on paetejie^^ *j mib ]7am pgetepe be)7a ]?

petl hyt jeliSijaS Sone 5ic]7an heahce.

Celenbjie. civ.

Pi'6 p P^i^S pypmap

Sone napolan pexen ymb^^
jenim ]7ap pypte ];e man colianbpum 'j oSpum naman
J7am jebce cellenbjie nemne^ peoS on ele to )?]iybban
bsele bo to ]7am pape 'j eac^^ to Sam heapobe.^

Pi5 f pip hpsebhce cennan^^ maeje^^ jenim J>yrr^'^

ylcan cohanbpan pseb enblupon^^ copn oSSe ]7peottyne'^''^
cnyte mib anum Spsebe^* on anum hnenan^^

cla]7e nime "Sonne an^'' man ]7e sy^^ msej^babep^^ man*

cnapa o}7]7e msejben -j bealbe set J>am pynptjian ]7eo

neah ]?am jepealbe -j pona fpa eall seo^^ jeeacnunj*'^^

yb, H., as in Narratiunculse, p. 72, altered to ^iiib; embe, O. - na-
jelan, B.; najlan, by first hand, PI. ^ bepien, H. -an, O.
; ' j'vrt, ().
* hunan, B. ; hara huna, O. <*
elehcpan, H. B. O. patere, O.

oSt5er, O. ^ ob'Ser, O. '"

hapa, B. " sercapa, B.;
^e^ceapa, H. ; cf. St. Marharete, p. 87, art. 30. '^ pnypa, B.
" -j-capu, B. '* faluian, B. ''*
V. omits four words. '^
yb, H.
" eac, II. "* heajbe, B. '" csennan, B.
H. ne

maes, H. ; maejc;, V. -'

J^af, H. ^ enblipan, B. '^=*
-ccene, B.
-* )>p8ebe, B.; 'Sptie'Se, H. ^^ clsenan, B. ''''
linenan, H. omits;
-nu, B. 27
^n^ B. ^8
y^^ g.
-hab-, B. ^o
^^ j^
" eacnuns, H.

3. In case that round worms are troublesome about Wormwood.

Art cii
the navel, take this same wort absinthium, and hore-
hound, and electre, that is, lupins, alike much of all,
seethe in sweetened water or in wine, lay it twice
or thrice to the navel it killeth the worms.

Salvia, Sage.^ cm. 'S''"^-

1. For itching of the shapes, or the verenda, take

this wort, which is named salvia, or sage, seethe it in
water, and with the water smear the shapes.
2. Again, for itching of the settle, or seat, take
this same wort salvia, seethe it in water, bathe the
settle ; it will relieve the itching in a high degree.'^

COKIANDER.c CIV. Coriandrum

sativum. Bot.
1. In case that round^ worms wax or grow about
the navel, take this wort, which is named coriander,
and by another name like that, cellender, seethe in
oil to the third part apply it to the sore, and also

to the head.
2. In order that a wife, that is, a woman, may
quickly bring forth, take seed of this same coriander,
eleven grains or thirteen, knit them with a thread on
a clean linen cloth then a person take them who
; let
is a person of maidenhood, a boy or a maiden, and

hold this at the left thigh, near the natura, and so

soon as aU the parturition be done, remove away

* Salvia, Bot. is figured in MS. V., fol. 47 a. Nearly the

same figure is in MS. A., MS. G-.

^ Wanting in Latin text.

c The figure is wholly decayed in MS. V. No distinguish-
ing mark of coriander can be seen in MS. Add. 17063
fol. 47 a.

^ Round worms are akin to tape worms.


jebon beo bo^ soiia J)one lascebom apej^ J?y

la^y psey
mnoSe]' bael J^a^p^ septeji j-'ilije.


PiS j'piSlicne jrlepsan* J^sep psebep pjiemaS^ pel ^eos

pypt )?e man popclaca -j oSjiiim naman
nemne)?^ 8e5)7e]i je ]7uph liy'' pylpe jef^ijeb je eac^
inib o)?pum bpenceoN.^*^

Leajipille.^* cvi.

PiS ]78ep majan pajie jemm |?yppe pyji^re J>e man^~

cepepolium 'j o]?]ium naman J^am jelice cejip ille nem-
ne]?^'^ ^py^* cpoppap ppa 5pene *j bpeojije bpoplan
cnuca on anum tjiypenan^^ moptepe j anne^^ cuculepe
pilne amepebep Lunijep "j jpene popij pyll tosomne
pyle Sicjean ^^^ Lyt )?one majan hpseblice jefrpanja]?.

Bpocminte. cvii.

Pi^ )78epe^^ blaebbpan pape -j piS f man jemijan^^

ne mseje jenim ]?yppe pyjite pos 'pe man pipimbpium
*j ojppum naman bjiocmmte nemne]; pyle J7am polijen-
ban on peapmum peetepe Sicjean^^ jyp he pepopjenbe^^
Vy SyF ^^ }>onne ne py pyle him on pme bpmcan Su
lime jelacnupt^^ punboplice.

after bo, man inserted, II. - Jipe^, H. ^ haji, B.
jlepfdn, II. ^ jjiama'S, II. " nemne^, H. "
hi^, B.
-Ms- B. '' eac, H., omitting j;c'. '" -con, B.; bjiDenceon, H.
" cerfiUe, B. by later hand. '- miin, II. '=^ -na'S, B. " hjnj, B.
'' cjiyjjcnum, li. '" ainne, B. '' t;ic?;an, II. B. '**
l^ajie, B.
Ke, B. omits. -'" Sicgan, H. B. -' leyju^enbe, B. " -najT, B.;

Selacnofc, H.

the leechclom, lest part of the inwards follow there- Coriander.

n. Art. civ.

Purslane.''^ CV. Portulaca

sativa. Bot.
For violent gonorrhoea, this wort is of good
advantage, which is named porcilaca, or purdane,
and by another name , either swallowed by
itself, or also witli other drinks.

ChERVIL.1> CVL Anthriscns

cerefnUvw. Bot.
For sore of the maw or stomach, take three heads
of this wort, which is named cerefolium, and by
anotlier name like that, chervil, so green, and dwarf
dwosle, or jpennyvoyal, pound theWj in a treen or
wooden mortar, and a spoon full of spoilt honey, and
a green poppy, boil them together give them to be ;

swallowed, it then quickly strengtheneth the maw.

BrOOKMINT.c CVII. Mentha hir-

suta. Bot.
For sore of the bladder, and in case that a man
may not mie, that pass water, take ooze of this

wort, which is named (ria-ufji^piov, and by another name

brookmint, give it swallow in warm
to the sufferer to
water, if he be feverish if however, he be not, give

it him to drink in wine thou wonderously dost cure



* This article is wholly wanting in the Latin texts. The

figure in MS. Y. has perished.
^ See art. lxxxvi. The drawings belonging to the two
articles are totally unlike. The figure in MS. A., fol. 47 b,
has traces of long seed pods MS. V., fol. 47 c, has lozenge

leaves only.
^ The figure in MS. V., fol. 47 d, was probably intended for
this plant.


Syt: piS )78epe^ blsebpan pajie 'j piS f man^ jemijan

ne maeje jemm ]?ap pypte )7e man olipatjium '^
o)7jium naman nemnej? cnuca on jepylleban*
pine pyle bpincan heo 6one^ mijSan mihtelice 5ebet.

Liliae. cix.

Dap pypt man lilie 'j oJ>pum naman lilium nem-


PiS nsebpan plite jenim )?ap pypte )7e pe lilmm

nembun'' -j bulbum J>a* ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ oJ?pum
naman lialppypt hate]?'^ cnnca tosomne syle bpincan

mm bulbum ]?a pypte jecnucube^^ leje to )?am

plite he byS jehaeleb.^^

PiS jefpeP^ jenim lilian leap jecnucube^* leje to

J7am jefpelle pceapplice hyt hsBleJ? f jeppel je- -j


Lactepiba. ex.

Deos pyjit ]?e man titymallof calauitef -j oj?jium

naman lactepiban nemneS bi6 cenneb^^ on patum'^
fropum 'j on oppum.

)>ape, B.; J>ara, 0., fol. 16. - man, H. ^ \)a. yyrc 'p man
oliaftru, O. '
-ebu, H. O. V. is illegible, but
^ ]?ane, O. ^

the space requires so many letters \>Siy pypte J>e man epmion, B. (Kpivov);

Deos pypc ("Se inserted) man o^jiii naman lihum nemnetS, H. '
-bon, B.
be, B. eac, H. '" nemne, B. ' jecnube,
H., \yhich
may be a contraction ;
gecnocobe, B. ^^ j^ggi^^ g^ is
j^^ luxum,
Lat , understand luxation : not so our interpreter. '^
gecnocobe, B,
-esa"S, B. "^ caenneb, 11. B. " paecum, K.; psecu, B.

* The printed Oleastrum, Lat. 1528, is an error, Plinius,

XX. 46. I see no resemblance in the figures MS. V., fol. 48 a,

MS. A., fol. 48 a. In MS. T., it is well meant.

APVLEIl. 223

Alexaiiders.^ cviii. SmT/mium

Again, for sore of the bladder, and in case that a

man is not able to niie, or pass water, take this wort,
which named olusatriim, and by another name

horse parsley, pound it in boiled wine, administer to

drink then it mightily amends the urine.


1. This wort is named \slpiov, and by another name


Drawing of a snake.
2. For bite which we
of adder, take this wort,
named lily, and the wort bulbus,^ which is also
called by another name hals wort, pound together, gee arts Lvr.
give to drink then take the wort bulbus, lay it to cxxvm

the bite, it will be healed.
3. Against swelling, take pounded leaves of lily,

lay them to the swelling ; it healeth sharply, effectually,

and relieves the swelling.

Lacterida. ex.
1. This wort, named tMiuolKKo^ yaXuK-
which is laihijris.

T/T>jc,(?)d and by another name lacterida, is produced (^prengel)

in wet places and on shores.

^ The lily in MS. V., fol. 48 a, is good flowers blue;they ;

are blue also in the Vienna MS. of Dioskorides.

c Herbse lilii bulbum conterito et in potu dabis aut ipsum ;

bulbum tritum morsui apponas. Lat.

Of the sorts Dioskorides and Plinius, xxvi.
40, seqq., do
not mention Calatites. The printed Latin text has only
Tithymalus. For the identification see Dorsten, fol. 286,
Cooper in Tithymalus, Flora Britannica. MS. V., fol. 48 b,

nearly coincides with MS. Bodley, 130, in the figure, quite

unlike Spurge. The latter MS. has a gloss Pintelwort ; the
figure is nowise like Arum maculatum.
^ Tithymalum nostri herbam lactariam vocant
Nascitur in asperis maritimis. Plin., xxvi. 40.

PiS J^gepa^ innoS.i yape jenim pypte ppib

tirymalli cnuca on pine spa j5 Jjsep pmep syn tpejen
pcenceap^ bo J>onne op ]79epe'^
Pyp''^^ ]^^Y
popep j^septo*
tpejen cuculepap pulle bpmce ^onne psefcenbe be by)?
PiS peaptan jenim J^yppe ykan p}^pte meolc^ "j

clupj7un5an*^ pos bo ro ]?3epe^ peaptan ]>y ]?pibban^

breje hyt J>a peaptan jehselej?.

Pi(S hpeoplan jenim Syppe sylpan pypte cpoppas

mib typpan T;epobene smype^ J^seji^^ mib.

Pubu piftel. CXI.

^'Deop p}'pt Se man capbuum syluaticum -j o];pnm

naman pubu Si fuel nemneS biS coenneb on m?ebum ^
piS pejap.
piS J>8ep majan sajie jenim )?ap ylcan^^ Py]^"^^ ]^^ P^
capbuum piluaticum nembun^'^ Sone cpop upepeapbne
ppa meapune^^ ppa jpenne^*^ syle J^icjean^^ on je-

fpetton^' ecebe hyt jeliSijaS^ J^a papnj^ppe.^^

PiJ; f Su nane jeancymap Se ne onbp^ebe

jenim )?ap ylcan pypte capbuum pilpaticum on sejine
mepjen ]?onne peo sunne f sy~' rejiefu upjanje^^ ^j

])onne pe mona sy^^ in cappicopnu 'j healb hy^^ mib J>e

spa^^ lanje ppa Su hy^^ mib ]7e bypfu nan piht ypelep
J^e on;^ean cymeS.^^

J>apa, H. - j'csencaj', B. ' hajie, B. ' haji, B. '
meoluc, II.

-Duncan, B, ' J'ape, B. " )>pibban, 11, "
rn^yP^* ^'
^ap, B. " This paragraph is illegible in V. '- ylcan, 11., but B.
omits. '^ -bon, B. '^ meaiuipne, II., and omits ^.
' ^jiene, II.
' )>icsan, H. B. ' -ttu, 15. ' -e?;a\N, B. >
-nerj-e, B.
up, H. -'
ry, B., twice. --' hij, B. -^ spa, II. -'^
hig, B.

" ne, inserted in II. before cyme'5.

APVLEir. 225

For sore of the inwards, take a slirub of tliis

2. Lactkrida.
wort tithymallus, pound it in wine, so that of the ^>'fcx.

wine there be two draughts, add then thereto two

spoons full of the ooze of the wort, let him then drink
this fasting; he will be healed.
Against warts, take milk of this same wort and

ooze of cloffing, apply to the wart the third day it ; See art. ix.

healeth the warts.

Against leprosy, take heads of this same wort,

sodden with tar, smear therewith.

Wood thistle.^ CXI. .

Cnicus lanceo-
latus; or per-

1. This wort, which is called carduus silvaticus, and ^^j^. see Fuch-
by another name wood or luild thistle, is gotten in si"s> P- 53-

meadows and along ways.

2. For sore of the maw or stomach, take so tender
and so green, the upward 'part of the head^ of this
same wort which we named carduus silvaticus, ad-
minister it in sweetened vinegar; it relieves the
In order that thou may dread no ill gaincomers,

take this same wort carduus silvaticus, in early

morning, when first the sun upgoeth and let that ;

be when the moon is in Capricorn, and retain it. As

long as thou bearest it with thee, naught of evil
Cometh against thee.

Formerly Carduus The figure in MS. V., fol. 48 c,

is sufficiently like. So MS. Bodley, 130, where is a gloss

" wylde thiftell." MS. G. draws the upper face of a single
head and glosses " Difcd."
^ Quod habet in capite summo, raedullam viridem. Latin


Beof pypr J)e man lupmum monranum 'j oj^pum

naman nemne)) by)? cenneb^ piS he jap -j on
panbipim stropum.
f pypmap ymb 5one napolan bejujen* jenim

yay p5"pre lupmuin montanum jecnucube^ pyle bpincan

on ecebe anne* feenc^ pulne buTan ylbin;^ce" heo Sa
pypmap uu apyppeS.
Iryj J^oime cilban^ j? sylf^ bepije* ^emm 6ap ylcan
pyjire lupmum -j pejimob cnuca rosomne leje ro Sam

p. IryS copn.^'' CXin.

peos py]it ]>e man lacrypibem *j oj^jmm naman ^5-

cojm nemneS byS cenneb^^ on bejanum propum -j on
Pi5 )>sep inno)>ef heajibnyppe jenim p5Tr^ Pyp^^ Y^
^ p\-nbon Sa copn^^ pel apeopmube^^ p^le bpincan on
pe^pmum^* pjerejie pona hyr ))one^^ mno6 apryjiej?.

p'. Lacruca. cxiv.

Deos pyp*J^ )>e man lactucam lepojiinam -j oj'jium

naman ^^ ]>am jelice lacrucam nemne]? bi8 cenneb^" on
bejanum on panbipmi l^e Syppe p\'pt:e yp
fcopimi *j

saeb }> pe hajia 5onne he on sumujia^^ pop IpiSlicjie

hferan^^ ^ereopub*^' by)' mib )>yfle p>*pte hS-ne sylpne
jelacnaS --^ pop )?y ^ heo yp lacruca lepojunam je-
Jhb pepopjenbe^ 3;enmi )>ap^ Pyp^^ lacrucam lepopi-

caHiiieb. H. B. - bepjen, B. ' jecnocobe. B. * Knne, B.
' foenc. B. * buron, B. "
-mge, B. * cilbon, B.
" bepie, H. '" GuS co^n. B.. by later hand. See interpretation.
" CKnne^. H. B. '"
cojin. H. " -mobe, B. '
* peapmum. H.
'* )>onK. B. '" naman, H, '"
cmieb. H. B. '* -mepa, B.
* hi&ran. B. -' -jiob. B.: -jiab. H. -^ -not>, H. ==
it>pW>n^ H-:
fop'Sis. R ^ feviujjenbe. B.: irepopjjenbne. H. -* ^y, H.

ti rtvTT Lupinus luteus.


1. This wort, which is named lupinus montanus, and

by another name , is produced against hedges
and in sandy places.
2. In case that tape worms annoy about the naveb

take this wort lupinus montanus, pounded, give to

drink in vinegar, one full draught it will cast out ;

the worms.
3. If then the same thing annoy a child, take this

same wort lupinus, and wormwood, pound them to-

gether ; lay them to the navel.

GiTH CORN. CXIII. The berries of

Dafne laureola,
1. This wort, which is named lacterida, and by which MS. V.,
another name gith corn, is produced in cultivated tempts to draw,
places and in sandy ones. See Flora Aus-

2. For hardness of the inwards, take seed of this

wort, that is, the grains, well purified, administer to
drink in warm water ; soon it stirreth the inwards.

Lettuce.'^ CXIV. Prenanthes

muralis. Bot.
1. This wort, which is named lactuca leporina, and
by another name like that, lettuce, is produced in
cultivated places and in sandy ones. Of this wort it
is said that the hare, when in summer for vehement

heat he is tired, doctors himself with this wort,

whence it is named lactuca leporina, hao^es lettuce.

2. For the feverish, take this wort lactuca leporina.

* Not Arthrolobium (H.) is drawn in MS. A.,

lupine, but
fol. 48 b. MS. V. has an equally false figure, and colours
the pods blue, but they are lupine pods.
^ See the glossary, in Hares lettuce.

p 2

nam leje linn nytenbum ^

unbeji hij- pyle ~ he by);

]/. JOpejihpette. cxv.

Deof pyjit \q man cucumepem yiluaricum 'j oj^jium
probably meant naman lipejilipette nemne)? by)? cenneb*^ neali fse *j on
by the draw- j^^ stopum.
mg, Mto. v., J

foi. 49 c. pi'6 J^sepa** pma^ sape 'j piS potable jenim^ pyptpalan
J^yppepypte ]?e pe cucumejiem pilpaticum nembun ^
peoS on ele to )?]iibban b?ele fmype^ J^seji mib.^
Gip cilb mipbopen \y ^enun ^yj'j'e }dcan p}^]ite
pypttjiuman to pjnbban^^ b?ele jepobenne^^ J^peali "Sonne
p cilb })8epmib^^ "j jyp hpa
pypte pa^ptm paeptenbe ]?yppe
J>ijeS^^ hyt becymS to ppeanyppe^"* po]\ Sy^^jehpu
hine pophaebbe p he hi^^ na }:aeftenbe ete.

y'. lOenep^^ .j. Canuere. cxvi.

Deos pypt ]?e man cannane^^ pilpatica 'j o]?jnim

naman henep^^ nemnej? by]? cenneb^^ on pij)epjia3bvim
stopum pi6 pejap* ^ hejas.^^

Pi6 ];8e]ia^^ bpeopta pape jenim })ap pj^jite canna-

rem^^ piluaticam jecnucube^* mib pyple leje to J^am
bpeoftan^^ heo topejie); ]3 jefpel "j jyp paeji^^ l^pylc

jejabepunj bi]? heo ]7a apeopmaj?.

PiS cile baepnettep jennn }>yppe ylcan pypte pseptm^'
mib netelan psebe jecnucubne^^ ^j mib ecebe "^eyeYeh"^^
leje to ]?am sape.^^

-bum, H. - pele, H. ^ caenneb, H. B. * hajia, B.
^ j-ina, H. '^
able.' Senim, II. '
-bun, II.; -bon, B. ^ Tmyjia, B.
i" " -bene, H. B.
"haji, B.; J>8ejimib, II. Jjpibbsele, B. '- >aji, B.
"Sise^,H. B. niKcnerre, B.
'' '^ yoptJis, B. '
his, ^^
haenep, B., by later hand. '^ cannaue, B.; in H. glossed "wilde henep.

'^ heenep, B. -'"

caenneb, H. B. ^' V. omits the two last words.
j^apa, B. '^3
cannauem, B, (that is cannabim.) '^*
-cabe, H.;
Secnocobe, B, -'"
-cu, B. '" l^aji, B. '-" j'sefcm, H. ~^ -cube, H,
and v., before correction ;
j;ecnocobne, B. '-''
-ju')*-, B. ^" Xi\]^^, H.

lay it for liim, witliout liis knowing it, under liis Lettuce.
Art. cxiv.
pillow ; he will be healed.

Wherwhet. cxv. Cucumber. Cucumis.

1. This wort, which is named cucumis silvaticus,

and by another name wherwhet, is produced nigh the
sea, and in hot places.

2. For sore of the sinews and for gout, take roots

of this wort, which we named cucumis silvaticus,

seethe in oil to a third part smear therewith. ;

3. If a child be misborn, a partus ahortivus, take

roots of this same wort, sodden to a third part, then

wash the child therewith and if any one eateth fruit

of this wort, fasting, it cometh to mischief to him,

therefore let every one withhold himself so that he
eat it not fasting.

Hemp, or Cannabis.^ cxvi. c.sativa?

1. This wort, which is named cannabis silvatica, and
by another name hemp, is produced in rough places
and against ways and hedges.
2. For sore of the breasts, take this wort cannabis

silvatica, pounded with grease, lay it to the breasts

it removes the swelling; and if any gathering be
there, it purges it away.
3. For a chill of burning, that is, a blistering or <^

inflaming by cold, take fruit of this same wort,

pounded with seed of a nettle, and soaked with
vinegar; lay it to the sore.

A mistaken interpretation ;
" et inde se sublavet," Lat.,
that is, of course, the puerpera.
^MS. V. draws Eupatoriitin cannahinum (H.), known as
hemp agrimony that may therefore he the herb meant, but

MS. T. draws hemp (fol. 40 a).

c Frigorc exiistis, Lat.


])'. Rube. CXVII.

Deos pyjit \>e man putam montanam *j o)7jmm

naman^ )?am jelice puban nemnej) byj> cenneb^ on
bunum on unbejanum fuopum.

pi6 eajena bymnyppe*^ ^j piS yfele bolh jenim )?yfre

])ypte leap )7e pe putam montanam nenibun'* on ealbum
pine jepobene bo ]?onne on an jl^epen paet: Imype^
fy)?j7an ]?ep mib:-^
pi J? bpeopta sape jenim ]?ap y^^^^ VYV^^
putam piluaticam cnuca on tpypenan^ paete mm
)7onne spa my eel ppa Su mib Spim pmjjion^ jejpipan
mseje bo On^^ an pset ^j Jjsep^^ to anne^^ pcenc^^ pmef
"j tpejen paetepep syle bpmcan jepepue liyne ]70nne
pume hpile sona he by8 hgel.^*
PiS lipep sape jenim )?yppe ylcan pypte anne^^
3]iipan 'j o)7epne healpne sestep psetepep *j ealppa
my eel liunijep pyll^^ tosomne pyle bpmean f>py^^
bajap ma -^yy him )7eapp sy ]7U hine miht jehaelan.
piS ]5 man jemijan^ ne maeje jenim )?yiT^ ylean
pypte pute piluatiee nijon ftelan^^ 'j psetepep Spy
peeneeap^*^ enuea topomne^^ *j eeebes healpne peftep
pyll eal topomne sj^le bpmean smjalliee nijon bajap
he byS jehseleb.^^

Pi6 ]78epe^^ neebpan^^ plite 6e man pcoppiup hatej

jenim )?yppe ylcan pypte sseb pute piluatice enuca on
pine syle bpmean hyt jeliSija)?^^ j5 sap.

namon, B,
ca&nneh, H. B. ^ -nejje, B. '
nenbun, V.;
nembon, B. ' fmypa, B. ^ J^aji, B. ' t)apa, B, **
-num, II.
" pngpun, H. '" on, H. " I>a]i, B. '- seiine, II. B. '^ fceenc, B.
^ hal, B. ' ' senne, B. ' pyl, H. '^
^jus, B.
Se, B. omits, H. -" fcrenca]-, B.
The penman
in V. omitted seven words, and in supplying them put the usual caret
dots before jyle. '^^
gehseleb, B. '^'^
l>ape, B. -' nsebpan, H,
" -esa, B.
APVLEll. 231

BUE-^- CXVII. Bula montana.

1. This wort, which is named ruta montana, and
by another name like that, rue, is produced on downs
and in uncultivated places.
2. For dimness of the eyes and for an evil cut, take

leaves of this wort, which we named ruta montana,

sodden in old wine, then put the extract into a glass
vessel ; afterwards anoint with the fluid.
3. For sore of the breasts, take the same wort ruta
silvatica, pound it in a wooden vat then take as ;

much as thou may grip with three fingers, put it into

a vessel, and thereto one draught of wine and two of
water, administer to drink; let him rest himself then
for some while soon he will be whole.

4. For liver sore, take one grip of this same wort

and one sextarius and a half of water, and just as

much of honey, boil together, give to drink for three
days, more if to him need be ; thou mayest heal him.
5. In case that a man may not mie, or pass %vater,
take nine stiels or stalks same wort ruta
of this
silvatica, and of water three draughts, pound together,
and add a half sextarius of vinegar, boil all together,
administer to drink constantly for nine days ; he will
be healed.
6. For wound by the venomous creature which is
called a scorpion, take seed of this same wort ruta
silvatica, pound it in wine, give it to drink it re- ;

lieves the sore.

* I see no likeness between the herb and the drawings.

See art. xci.

Scofen^ leajre. CXVIII.

Deos pypt "pe man eptajnlon ^ oSjium naman ]fepti-

}:oluim nemneS *j eac~ yume men seofenleajre*'^ hatacS
byj? cenneb'* on^ bejanum j'topnm 'j on panbipim
Pi6 pot able jennn ]7ap p}']^te peptipolinm jecnu-
cube^ "j pi(S cpoli jemen^cjebe ^ fmype^ 'Sonne J)a per
mib J>am pose )?y Spybban bseje hyt ^ sap jenime)?.

COifrel. cxix.

PiS lieapob ece jenim j^ap pypte )7e man ocimum 'j
oSjium naman ^ mifcel nemne]? cnnca mib jiosan^^ pose
o8Se^^ pyptpipep^^ oSSe^^ mib ecebe leje to ]7am anb-
6pt^* piS eajena sape^^ -j jefpel cnnca 6ap pylpan
pypte^^ on ^obum^^ pine pmype^^ ]7a eajan^^ )?8ep mib^^
]7U hy^^ jehselft.
Pi6 iebpena pape^^ bo j5 sylpe syle bpmcan on jniibc
Sees seples j^e man malum jpanatum nemne]?.

COepce.^^ cxx.

Pi5 catena ^* sape^'^ 'j piS S^fpel mm Sap pj^jite ]7e

O. condenses man appium "j oSpum naman mepce nemne]? pel je-
cnucube^^ mib hlape ]ei:^e to J^am eajon.

feojon, H B. ^ eac, H. ^ feo)on, H. * caenneb, H. B.
^ on, H. *'
?;ecnocobe, H. ''
-mseng-, B. ^ iinyp^) B.
" naraa, O. '" rofe, O. " oS'Ser, O., bis. '-' -rreoj^ef, O.

'^anp-, 0. " Cafe, O. '* for, O. ' pyjite, II.; jjyrt, O.

" Soban, B. O. '^ fniyj^a, B. '" fmera \>a. eajena, 0. -'' >8ep-
inib, H.; >aji, B. -' hi?;, B. -"-
^ajie, H. -^ apiu mepc, B.,
in later hand. ^4
_^^^ q^ f^j 13^ 2:.
pj^e^ jj^ 26
cnocobe, B.

SEVENLEAF.a- CXVIII. Setfoll. TormentiUa,

1. This wort, which is and by

named kiTTtx^vWov,

another name septifolium, and which also some men

call sevenleaf, is produced in cultivated places, and on
sandy lands.
2. For gout, take this wort septifolium, pounded and

mingled with saffron, smear then the feet with the

ooze ; by tlie third day it taketh away the sore.

MiSTLE, nOlV BasiU^ CXIX. CUnopodinm

viilgare. Bot.
1. For head ache, take this wort, which is named
ooxi{ji.ov, and by another name mistle, pound it with
ooze of rose or of myrtle, or with vinegar lay it to ;

the forehead.
2.Again for sore and swelling of eyes, pound this
same wort in good wine, smear the eyes therewith
thou shalt heal them.
3. For sore of kidneys, do the same; give to drink

with rind of the apple which is called malum grana-

tum or pomegranate.

MARCHE.c CXX. Aphmpetro-

For sore and for swelling of eyes, take this wort, graveolens ?
which is called apium, and by another name marche,
well pounded with bread lay this to the eyes.

^ The drawings put the herb in an unnatural stiff attitude.

^ The drawings seem to intend that wort. MS. Bodley,
130, lias " mistil 8peci (?) birunt (dicunt) basilice." The plant
drawn is clearly not mistletoe ; more like " veronica becca-
buuga." (H.)
cin MS. Bodley, 130, the gloss is '' Stanmarch, Stan-
raerche." The drawings in MS. V., fol. 50 d, MSS. G. T. A.,
arc little like.

YjTij. cxxi.

Deos pyj^t )?e man hebepam cpj^focantep *j oSpum

naman ifij nemnej? ij^ jecpeben cjiyfocantep popSy^
]}e heo byjiS copn^ jolbe jelice.

PiS pa3tep yeocnyype jenim }>yffe j^ypte tpentij

copna^ jnib on anne'^ pej^tep yiney ^ op J^ain pine
syle bpmcan J^py'* pcenceap^ peopon bajas peo un-
tpiimnyp^ Suph J>one niijSan byS aiblub7

cxviii., MS.V. CUinte. CXXII.

^]}i^ teteji 'j pypyljenbe^ lic'^ jemm SyJT^ pyp'^^^^

peap ]>e man mentam ^ ]7am jelice o]?]ium naman
mmtan nemneS bo J^onne ]?aepto^^ ppepeP^ ^ eceb cnuca
eaP'* tosomne'^ fmype^^ mib nipe pe)7epe^^ pona p pap
Ijyp ypele bolh oS6e pimba on heapbe^^ pyn ^enim
f>ap ylcan pyj^te mentam jecnucube'^^ leje to );am
punbum^^ heo hy^^ jehrele]?.


piS jic^an "j pib pa]\ ]7sej\a.^'^ jepceapa^^ jenim pap

pyjite )?e^^ man anetum -j o];]ium naman byle nemne]?
baepn to bupte mm ^ bupt -j
]7onne liunij menjc^*^
tosomne be]?a sejiept p pap mib peetepe^^ J^peah py]7)7an^-

yoji^iS, B.
H. omits from cojm to cojina. '^
eenne, B.

)>piS, B. ^ rcsencaj-, B. " -nej-, B. ' -lab, B. ^ O. alters
a little, fol. 1 1 = 54 b. pipli?;-, B. lie, H. " pyrt, O.
'^ '^ eal, II. omits. '^ to gabera,
'2 )>ap, B. fjiejjel, O. ().

'" j-mejia, B.; -e, O, '"

mib anpe j-y'b'epe, B. ; ane, ().
-e5a"S, B.
on heafebon, O. Secnocabe, B., so ; -caba, O. -'
jmba, O.
" his, B. ^^ >apa, B. ^4 _pa^ ix., glossed pintel, a French word,

penis ; V. has the termination illegible ; -without ge, O. " j'yrr

'5a, O. '^" m8en?;c, 11. B. " j^acere, O. -'*

j-yShan, H.; hreaj'

fean, O.

IVY/^ CXXI. Hedera poetica,

mi 1 1 /
1. This wort, wliicli is hedera ^pvaoxafnoc, // helix. Bot.
and by another name ivy, is called chrysocarpus, be-
cause it beareth grains like to gold.^
2. For water sickness or dropsy, take twenty grains
of this wort, rub theim in a sextarius of wine, and of
the wine administer to drink three draughts for seven
days. The infirmity will be annulled by means of the

1. Against tetter and a pimply body, take juice of
this wort, which is named mentha, and by another
name like that, mint, add thereto sulphur and vinegar,
pound all together, smear with a new feather soon it ;

relieves the sore.

% 2. If
same wort menta,
ill cuts or wounds be on the head, take this
pounded, lay to the wounds it ;

healeth them.

DlLL.d OXXIII. Anethum gra-

veolens. Bot.
1. For itch, and for sore of the shapes, or the
verenda, take this wort, with is named avY,Qov, and by
another name dill, burn to dust, then take the dust
and honey, mingle together; first bathe the sore with

From the drawings, which are unlike one another, no
conclusion arises.
^Grana. Lat. The ivy which adorned the staff and
temples of Bacchus had golden berries Plin. (xvi. 62.) ;

Dioskorides (ii. 210.) Theokritos (Epigr. iii. o tov KpoKoevra

c The drawings may do for some of the mints, as M. ar-

vensiSf before the appearance of the flowers.
^ The drawings intend such a plant. That in MS. V.
" will do very well for Dill." (H.)

mib peajimum pyjitpypenum ^ pope leje ponne^ J7a lac-

iiunje^ J^septo.*
G}^p )7onne'^ pipmen hpaet fpylcep bejiije bo hype
man^ ppam hype bypp)?inene ]7one p^'^F^^^ Isecebom
fe pe nu^ hep bepopan'^ cprebon.
)7yepe^ yy^J^^Q

Pi6 heapob ece jenim J^yppe ylcan )?y)ite blofrman^^

peoS mib ele pmype^^ ^a^^ J^unponja^'^ "j^^ jeppiS^^ p

Opjane. cxxiv.

^^Deop pypt ]>e man opijanum "j oSpum naman Jmni

jehce opjanan nemne]? hattpe jecynbe^^ 'j spyShcjie ip

'j heo jebpseceo ut atryhS -j heo ^elc ypel blob ^j )?8ene^*^

bpopan ^epylbe)? 'j heo py]? nyppet^^ *j hpep peocum
pel ppemaS.^^

piS jebpaBceo jemm ]7ap ylcan pypte^^ opjanan pyle

etan )7U punbpafc hype ppempiiln\^pper-

Smpulle.^^ CXXV.

PiS ealle je^abepunja^^ ])s&y ypelan psetan op J^am

lichoman^^ jenim ]7ap pyptre ])e man pempepumum "j
oSpum naman pmpulle nemne]? 'j ]^yple "j hlap 'j coli-
anbpan cnuca eal topomne ]^am jelice j^e Su clyj^an
pypce leje to ]?am pape.

Fmol. cxxvi.
pi6 jebppeceo *j pyS nyppyt jenun ]>yppe pyjite
pypttpnman J>e man peniculum 'j oSjium naman

-treoj-, O. - hona, O. ' lacnunj;e, 11. ; -un?;a, B. ' ^ap, 15. O.
^ hanan, O. " mon, H. "
hape, B. ; )>ara, O. **
nu, B.
before, O. '" blopnan, B. ' ^iiypa, B. ''^
0. inserts >ano.
'^ 'Sunponsan, H. '* O. inserts J^ar mib. ''
sejwr^', 0.
"' O., fol. 16 b, condenses. " -cuiib-, O. '" j^one, B.;
)>ane, O.
'" -yvc, O. ^" fpama'S, II. Most of this paragraph is eaten away in V.
J^eof j>err, O. ^'-
jpam-, II.; -no]*j*e,B. ; 1 hure Isececrafre, O. adds.

witli water, subsequently wash with warm myrtle Dill.

it. cxxm,
tree wash, then lay the sanative preparation thereto.
2. If, next, any thing of the sort annoy a woman,
let the same leechclom of the wort be applied to her
by her midwife, as we here before said.
For head ache, take blossoms of this same wort,

seethe with oil, smear the temples, and wreathe the


Organ Y,^ Marjorano. cxxiv. Origanum vui-

(jure. Bot.
1. This wort, which and by is named o^s/yavov,
another name like that, organy, is of a hot and
vehement nature, and it draweth out cough, and it
overmastereth all evil blood and wrist drop, and it is
very beneficial against oppression of the chest, and
for the liver sick.
For cough, take this same wort origanum, give

to eat thou wilt wonder at its beneficial effect.


SlNFULL,b HoUSeleeh. CXXV. Sempervivum

For all gatherings of the illhumour from the

body, take this wort, which is named semper vivum,
and by another name sinfull, and lard, and bread, and
coriander, pound all together in the manner in which
thou wouldst work a poultice lay it to the sore. ;

Fennel.c cxxvi. . ,;
Anethum f

^"^""'- ^^f-
For cough and for oppression of the breast, take
1 .

roots of this wort, which is named foeniculum, and by

^ The drawings make the herb umbellate.

^ See glossary and art. xlix.
Anethum fceniculum is intended by the drawings.

-^ Semperviua, fmfulle "t fingrene. Jouif barba, O. -unge, H.
-^ -ham an, B.


izmul nemne]; cnuca on pme bjimce^ p?eftenbe nijou


jenim j^yj'fe ylcan pyp'^^e J?e pe

PiS blaebpan j^ajie

pemculum nemdun anne^ jjiipan fpa jpene^ -j mepcep

pyprcjiuman jjienne -j eojiS napolan pyjitpuman jpene*
bo on anne^ nipne^ cpoccan -j psetepep anne^ pepreji
pulne pyl topomne to peopSan bgele bpmce )7onne

pjeptenbe peopon bajap o])]>e ma'^ *j he b^ej^ep^ bpuce

na ppa )7eah colep ne he colne psetan ficje buran^

ylbmcje psepe^^ blsebbpan pap byS jehSijob.^^

Lib pyjvt. cxxvii.

Deop pypt )?e man epipion *j o}>j\um naman h6 pypt

nemnej> by]? cenneb^^ pypmept on pjianc- m jalha ]^ ip

lanbe on ]mm munte J>e man popactip hate); heo h^epS

mejicep jehcnyppe -j heo hapaS bloptman peabne ppylce
cseppe^^ *j heo hapaj> peopon p^^pttpuman "j fpa pela
fcelena "j heo hy^* TJ^F^ tobpsebeS on unbejanum pto-
pum -j na on psetum^^ heo byj> eelcon timan blopenbe'^
j heo hapaS pgeb ppylce beana.

Pi)? lunjen able jenim J^ap pypte epipion jecnu-

oube^^ )7am jelice ]?e J>u cly]7an pypce leje to J>am

pape heo hit ^ehaele)? ^^ mm J^onne f pos jnyye pylpan

pyjite pyle bpmcan ]7U punbpaft )?9ep msejenep^^ l^yrr^

bpice, B., error. '^
-bon s&nne, B. '
Sjienne, H. B.
* B. omits five words. ^ eenne, B., t\\ace. *
on anne claenne n., H.
ma, B. " be'5s, H. " bucon, B. '" >ape, B.
" -esob, B. '- csenneb, H. B. '^ cepse, H. B. '^
his, B.
T on unjiaetmn, H. ' blop-, B. '^ secnobe, B. ' -l^S, B.
'" msegnej', B.

another name fennel, pound in wine ; let him drink Fennel.

'^'**- ^^^^^1-
tasting for nine days.

2.For sore of bladder, take a handful so green of

this same wort, which we named foeniculum, and a
green root of marche, and a green root of earth navel,
or asparagus, put themii into a new crock, or earthen
X>ot, and a sextarius full of water, boil them together
to the fourth part. Let him drink then, fasting, for
seven days or more, and let him use the bath not ;

however, the cold hath, nor let him taste cold liquid
without delay the sore of the bladder will be miti-


1. This wort, which is named eriphia,^ and by

another name lithewort, is produced principally in
Gaul, that is, in the land of the Franks, on the
moimtain which is called Soracte.^ hath the like-
ness of marche, and it hath a red blossom as cress, ^^

and it hath seven roots, and as many

and it stalks ;

spreadeth itself in uncultivated places, and not on wet

ones, and it is blossoming at every time, and it hath
seed like beans.

2. For lung wort erifia, pounded in

disease, take this
the manner which thou mightest work a poultice,
lay it to the sore, it will heal it take then the wash ;

of this same wort, administer it to drink thou wilt ;

wonder at the virtue of this wort.

a Plin., xxiv. 103.

^ Soracte is near Rome. Syra, ed. 1528, Lat.
c Understand, blossom like cress, but red.

])'. ]Oaly pypr. cxxviii.

PiS pipe]' pypte ])e man pmpitum

pleppan jenim ]?ap

album "j oJ?pum naman halp pypt^ nemnej? jebjiije

hy^ -j cnuca tospij^e pmalan bupte s}4e bjimcan on
pme pona heo }?a plepsan jeppiS.

y\ Peteji pilie. cxxix.

Dap p5^pte^ man tjnannem j o}>pum naman petpo-

pelmum nemne]? *j eac* hy^ sume men J>am jelice
petejipilie hate)?.

PiS nsebbpan plite jenun op Syppe pj'P'te petpopelini

fpyj^e fmsel bupt anep pcillmjef jepilite pyle bpmcan
on pine mm Sonne ]?a pypte jecnucube^ leje to ]??epc'

yip Ssepa pina sape jenim J>ap ylcan pj'pte petjio-
pelmum jepunube^ leje to J>am pape lieo jeliJujacS^^

p paji )?aepa^^ pma.

p'. Capel.^^ cxxx.

Pi5 ealle jeppell jennn J'yppe pypte cjioppap j>c

man bpapj'icam piluaticam j oSpum naman cauU^

nemne)? cnuca mib ealbon jiyj'le jemencj^^ Sonne fpylce
Su clySan pypce bo on^^ anne^^ ]?icne^^ Imenne^^ claS
leje to pam pajie.

PiS piban pape jenim Jpap ylcan ]'yptc bjiappicam

halfpypt, H. omits; see glossary. * his, B. ^ jiypt ^e, II.,

spoiling the sense. Read triennem, triennial. * eac, H. '^

hij, \\.

^ gecnocobe, B. ' J>ape, B. ^ )>apa, B. " -nobe, B. '" -egat), B.

" I'sepa, H.; )>a]ia, B, '^ pilbe capul, B., by later hand. '^ capel,

H. B. '*
gemsencs, H. ; -msenj, B. '* on, H. '" eenne, B.
'' J>ynne, thin, H. '^ linene, B., by sound.


HALSWORT."' CXXVIIT. Art. cxxvlii.

For a womans flux, take this wort, wliicli is

named (tvixi^utov, sympliytuni album, which i^ common

com,fre]i, and by another name lialswort dry and ;

pound it to very small dust, administer it to drink

in wine soon ; it stops the flnx.

Parsley.^' oxxix. Aphm petm^e-

1. This wort is named triennis,^ and by another

name 7r=Tpo(rs\ivov, and also some men call \i by a
name like that, parsley.

Draiving of a snaJce.
2. For bite of adder, take some very small dust of

this wort jDarsley, by weight of a shilling, give it to

drink in wine then take and lay to the wound the

wort pounded.
8. For sore of th.e sinews, take this same wort
pvarsley, pounded, la}^ it to the sore ; it will relieve
the sore of the sinews.

COLE.^ cxxx. ^,^,,,.,^

f, . ,
napuft. Bet.
1. For all swellings, take heads of this wort, which
is named brassica silvatica, and by another name cole,
pound it with old fat, then mingle, as thou wouldst
work a poultice, put it on a thick linen cloth lay it ;

to the sore.
2. For sore of side, take this same wort brassica

* Symphytum officinale is not what the figure means,

MS. v., fol. 52 b, wliich shows fraxinus excelsior (H.) Was
it Dictamnns alba ? hut that occurs art. lxiii.
^ Parsley is drawn in MS. A., fol. 53 a ; but caricatured in
MS. v., fol. 52 a.

^ Sir Wm. Hooker, British Flora, p. 136, marks Petroseliniim

sativum as- biennial ; and P. segettim as annual or bienniah
^ Brassica napus is drawn.

yiluaticam leje to ]?am yape fpa jemencjeb^ ppa ye

hep bejzopan^ cp?ebon.
PiS potable jenim ];ap sylpan pypte^ bpapjncam on
]?a ylcaii pipan ]>e pe aep cpiBbon^ 'j ppa pe l?ecebom
ylbpa bv]> ppa lie pceapp"''' numulpa^' 'j lialpenbpa'

Naebbep pypt. cxxxi.

The figure in Deop pypt J?e man bapilipca oSpum naman naeb-
MS.V.,fc^53a, ^g^^o
pypt nemne]^^^ by J? cenneb^^ on Sam ptopum
curia, a Tana- "pte]!^^ peo nsebpe byj> ]?e man )?am ylcan naman
rXL^ParS^'- ^^^^^^ bapilipcup nyp heopa cyn an ac hi^*
. pitoblice
nium (H.), with pmbon J^peopa cynna ^n yp olocpypeip f ip on ujie
tAvined^about J^Seobe jecpeben f heo eall jolbe pcme -^^ Sonne ^^ ip
the root. oSep cyn fcillatup f ip on^'' upe jej^eobe^ bpoppali
seo ys fpylce heo jylbenum'^ heapbe py ^ Spibbe^^^

cyn yp panjmneuf f ip blobpeab eac^^ ppilce heo jylben

on heapbe^^ py ealle^'^ Sap cyn^* peop pypt bapilipca

haepS ]?onne jyp hpa^^ ]?ap pypte mib hma^^ hapaS ]?onne
ne^^ maej him nan S^^ppa^^ n?ebbep cynna bepian peo
popme najbbpe olocpyppup ip jenemneb^^ cpipeop peo
ppa hppet ppa^^ heo jepihS heo toblaepS -j ansele]?

Sonne peo ofep ptillatup ip poSlice jecpeben cjvypo-

cepalup aftepitep J^eop ppa^"^ hpsGt ppa^'^ heo jepyliS
hyt poppcpincS -j jepite]? ]?onne ip peo Spibbe'*^^ je- '^^

nemneb hematitep 'j cpypocepalup pjni hpaet^^ ppa''"

Seop jepyhS oJ>J>e hpepeS*''^ hyt toplepS ppa Saet faep''^^
nan piht belipe]?*^ buuon*^ J?a ban J^onne^^ haapS ]?eop

sj'd sem8encj;eb, 11. ; -ma&nj;-, B. - bc'iojian, II. ^
vS'P'^f ^f-
* cjjaebon, B. ' sceajipppa, H. " -mel-, B. ' -bjia, II.
an for -j, O. ''
nsebbre, O. '" -na'??, 0., and then the sentence
breaks off. Also it condenses what folloMS. " cainneb, II. B.
'- )ja]i, B. '^ namun, H. " hi^, B. ^'
eal \>a. golb feme)?, O.
' t^an, O. ^' on, II. ' se, O. omits. '" -nun, O. '-'"
)rmbe, ().

-' blobpeab eac, IT. -- heafeban, O. '-'

j-y eall, H. ; ealla, O.
-* cynne, O., and condenses. -^ hj'a, II. B. -'" on him, O. -''
na, O.
28 -" senembeS.-' 0., for ^" hel pat, O. (for eal).
byfra, 0. iy S-

silvatica, lay it to the sore so mixed, as we liere Cole.

^''' ''''''''
l^efore said.
3. same wort brassica, in tlie
For gout, take this
same manner as we before said, and the older the
leeehdom is, the more efficacious and healing it is.

Adder wort, cxxxi.

1. This wort, which is named /3ao'/A/(r;c>j, and by

another name adderwort, is produced in the places
where the adder is, which is named by the same name
^u<TiXl<TKog. Verily of them, there is not one sort, but
they are of three Idnds ; one is 6Xo^pv(rog, that is, said
in our language, that it shineth all with gold; then
there is anotlier sort stellatus, that is in our tongue,
spotted ; it is as if it had a golden head. The third sort
is sanguineus, that is, blood red ; it also may be golden
on the head. All these kinds this wort basilisca hath.
If then, one hath this wort with him, none of these
kinds of snakes may do him harm. The first snake
oKo^pva-og, is named p^^pucsoj it bloweth upon and setteth

on fire, whatsoever it seeth. Next the other, stellatus,

is truly denominated ^pua-oKefaXog uG-TspiTYis as to this ;

one,'^ whatsoever it seeth, shrinketh up and perishes.

Next, the third is named alj^ar/ry]? and ^pv(Toxi(puXog ;

whatsoever this one seeth or toucheth, it flowetli

away, so that nought there remains but the bones.
This wort basilisca then hath the all powers of them.

^ A nominative thus put absolute is not uncommon at the

])eginning of a sentence.

s' ^2
onaeletJ, B. ; onael^, O. j.p^ jj.
el f, O. (for eal).
3^ forp-, O. ""
beo )>ribban, 0. ^^ hj^sec, B. " ^al ),ac
feo, O. ^-pa, B.; O. omits. =*
>ajj, B. ^^
ne b., O
bucon, H. *- t>anua, 0.

Q 2

pyjit: bapilifci ealle heojia frpenjSa*' ;^yF ^WY^^ '^^^^^^

V^r VyV^^' ^^^^ Inm''^ hapaS ]n^ eall na^bbeji C}'n^ lie bi))

peos p.ypt:
yy puban jelic 'j lieo hsefS meolc peabe
fpylce celibome "j lieo hfepS polcen'"' peabe^ bloyt-
inan ^^
*j pe hyne pylfne
J>e^ liy^ niman'^ ]>y^^^ lie

clsenpie^' 'j mibhy^^ beppite^^ mib jolbe

peolfjie 'j 'j

mib heoptef hopne^* 'j mib ylpen^^ bane'^ 'j mib bapep*^
truxe^^ 'J mib peajijiep'^ liopne ^j mib biiiiijf ;^eppette*^
pa^ptmap J>jTpp^' onbutan^- ^elecje.

CQanbpajopa. cxxxii.

The man- '^''Deop man-* manbjiajopam nemne);

Khaped figure is
p5'P'c^ J^e yp
true enough. my eel *j heo yp ppempul *'^ Sa ]>u
mrejie on^^ jepilij^e -j

See Flora pcealu pyppiun jemete niman ]7onne ]m ro bype cymfu

Grgeca, plate
232. ]70Dne onjift^'' J7U hy^^ be ]?am ])e heo on nihte"^
pcmeS eal ppa^^ leoht pset^^ ]?onne Su hype^^ heapob
fepept jepeo'*^ J^onne^* beppit: ]?u liy^^ pel hpaj^e raib
ipepne^^ j;y la?p heo fe a3tpleo bype mse^en yp ppa
my eel "j ppa msepe p heo unela3nne man ]?onne'*'^ he to
hype eymej)^^ pel hpafe'^^ poppleon*^ pyle popSy*^ J;u

]iy*~ beppit**^ ppa pe cep cpflebon*"* mib ipejme*'^ -j ppa

]>i\^^ peeal" onbutan*^ hy*^ belpan bu hype mib ppa
]?am ipepne"*^ na ?ethpine '^'^
ac ]m jeojmlice j'eealt: mib
ylpenbanenon'^^ fcsepe 6a ^^ eojiSan belpan
"j ];onne^*'^

pu hype hanba^^ j hype pet jepeo"^'" ]>onne jeppiS"'^

fcpsens^a, H. - jyrc, O. " him, H. ^ cyn, H. " role, H.,
which is right, welk is murex. " reaban, 0. '
blofman, B.
>e \>t, O. his, B. '" nyman, H.; nime, 0. " -nps^. B.;
elaenne, II.; clsene fie, O. '-
his, B. '^
beprihe, O., wreathe.
'^ hopne, B. hilpen, 0. '" bane, II. '
beajisep, H.
'^ cuxle, H. B.; cpuxe, 0. '" yeappe)*, H. -"
sej'wcte, v^etted, H.
J>ap, B. " -ton, B. -^ O. fol. 11 =54 condenses. -* man, II.
on, H. -" j-]i8emj:ul, II. -'
onsicfr, II. - his, B. =" niht, O.
3" fo, O. =" leohfffiC, O. ^ hure, 0. '^
sereo, B. ^
ban, O.
3^ *" = s
his, B. ="^
yfene, (). ban, O. cym'S, II. hpa-Se, H.
-].leon, B. ; forlsete, O. ^'
}opis, B. ^-' his, B. bepyrft, O.
APVLEIl. 245

If any man hath this wort with lihii; he is secure Ai^der wort.
^^^- ^^^^'
against all kinds of snakes.

2. Tliis Avort is like rue, and it hath red milk like

celandine, and it hath purple blossoms ; and let him
who and let iiim inscribe
will take it cleanse himself,
it with gold, and with silver, and with harts horn,

and with ivory, and Avitli bears tusk, and Avith bulls
horn, and let liim lay tliere about fruits sweetened
with honey.

Mandrake.^ CXXXII. Atropaman-

dnujora, Bot.

1. This wort, which is named y^avlpuyopac, is mickle

and illustrious of aspect, and it is beneficial. Thou
slialt in this manner take it, when thou comest
to it, then thou nnderstandest it by this, that it

shinetli at night altogether like a lamp. When first

thou seest its head, then inscribe thou it instantly

\v\i\\ iron, lest it fly from thee ; its virtue is so
mickle and so famous, that immediately fiee it will
from an unclean man, when he cometh to it hence, ;

as we before said, do thou inscribe it with iron, and

so shalt thou delve about it, as that thou touch it not
with the iron, but thou shalt earnestly with an ivory
staft* delve the earth. And when thou seest its hands
and its feet, then tie thou it up. Then take the

This it in the Latin text the last article. In the drawings
the root is a man in MS. V. adds a dog from the
shape ; :

mans shoulders grow some leaves. In MS. G. is more clearly

represented, the pulling of the dog at the root, to which it

is attached by a chain.

*' cpgebon, B.; cjjabii, O. '^

ifene, O. ^^
l^an }ju, 0. *' -cou, B.;
'Xylene, O. -o
-ce, O. "*hiK, B. letjiine, B. ^'-bain-, H.;
-baenenan, B. O. ^- 5e, U. ^' l^ane, O. ^* lianbe, O. ^^ yfeo.''

J?anc, O. ^"^ Sej'yr'j 0.


]m liy ' mm Jjonne^ {jsene o)7epne enbe '

-j jeppiS^
to anep liunbep ypyjian^ ppa ^ pe" Imnb Imnjpij'^

py pupp him^ py]7]?an^ mete hyne topopan ppa ^^^ he

aiipixican^^ ne mteje buton^^ he mib him J7a pypte^^
upabpebe ^^^ be J>yppe pypte^^ yp saeb^^ ^ heo ppa
mycele mihte ha3bbe f ppa hpylc^^ J^mcj^^ ppa hy^'*^
upatyhS ^ hyt^^ pona pcyle J^am p}dpan jemete beon
beppycen popJ;y~^ pona fpa ]>u jeyeo f heo upabjioben
py "j ];u hype jepealb haebbe jemm hy^^ pona on

hanb^^ fpa anb pealc^* hi~^ 'j jeppmj f pop op hype

leapon^^ on ane^^ jlgopene ampullan -^^ "j ];onne^^ Se
neob becume f J>u hpylcon men Jpsepmib^^ helpan^^
pcyle ^^ J^onne^^ help J)u him Syppum^* jemete.
Pic5 heapobf man plapan^^ ne^^ mseje ece 'j pi8
jemm f pop pmyjie^^ ]7one anbplatan '^^ ^ peo pypt

ppa pome^^ ]?am pylpan*^ jemete ]?one^^ heapob ece je-

h^ija]? '^^ "j eac*^ )?u punbpapt hu hpsoblice pe** plsep
PiS J^sepa"*'^ eapena pape jemm f>yppe ylcan pypte
pop jemencjjeb*^ mib ele );e py op napbo ^eot on Sa
eapan ]>u. pmibpapt hu hjiseblice he b5'}> jehaeleb.

PiS pot able ]?eah t^e heo hepejuft^^ py jenim op

^^ 'j
Jjaejie^^ fpyjppan hanba^^ J^yppe pypte op J^sepe^^ pyn-
ptpan op^^ 9e5}eppe^^ hanba J?peo]ia penesa^* jepihte^^
])ypc to biipte^^ pyle bpmcaii on pine peopon bajap^^
he by}> jehseleb^^ na^^ f sin
f pset jeppel jepet ac

1 lii^, B. - \>onv, B.; >auc, O. ^ senbe, H. '

5*py^ ^J-
^ O'yjian, B.j fpeopan, II. '^
"Sa j> K', 0. ^ -^I'l, O. **
hofi, II. ^ fe'S-San, 0. '"
)>a t, O. " aiiajcan, It. B.; aracon^ O.
^- biice, O. ^^ p>TC, O. " up, li, '"
jiyrr, O. '^^ for yc yf yfseb, O.
'^ hj)ylce, O. ^^ hinc, B.; Hnc^, II. ' hig, B. -" he, H., false
syntax. O. alters the text. -'
jophij, B. - hig, B. ^^ on lian-

ba, O. -' an])ealche, II.; an])elcc, O. -* hi?;, B. "" hure leafcu, O.

anne, H., false syntax. - -lie, 0. -" J'aii, O. ="
baji, B. O.
liclpcn, O. 3- reeole, H.; rcule, B.; pylle." O. " J^anc, O.
^^ ^^
"'|>57U, B. -pen, O. '
no, II, ^^ ymyjia, r>. )>ane

other end and tie it to a dogs neck, so that the hound Mandrake.
be hungry ;next cast meat before him, so that he may

not reach it, except he jerk up the wort witli him.

Of this wort it is said, that it hath so mickle might,
that what thing soever tuggetli it up, that it shall
soon in the same manner be deceived. Therefore, as
soon as thou see that itbe jerked up, and have pos-
session of it, take it immediately in hand, and twist
it, and wring the ooze out of its leaves into a glass
ampulla, or j/dcher, and when need come upon thee,
that thou shouldst therewith help any man, then help
thou him in this manner.

head ache, and in case that a man may not

% For
sleep, take the ooze, smear the forehead and the wort ;

also in the same manner relieveth the head ache and ;

also thou wondrest how quickly the sleep cometh.

For sore of the ears, take wash of this same wort


mingled with oil, which is extracted from nard, pour

it on the ears thou wondrest how quickly the ijatient

is healed.
4. For gout, though
very heavy, take of it be
the light hand of this wort,^ and also of the left, of
either hand by three pennies weight, reduce to dust;
give to drink in wine for seven days, the patient
will be healed not only so that the remedy allay eth

The rooL of the mandrake is drawn in the shape of a niau.

anj'l-, 0. yame, B. '*"
)Tl}'aii, II. omits. ""
}jane, 0.
-egaS, B. " eac, H. ^' him for ye, B. ^^ >a]ia, B.; O. omits
and condenses. '^
seni&ncseb, H. ; -rnxug-, B. "^^
-^aj^t, B.
hape, H. B. '" hanba, H. ^ pyrr, O. ^' >a]ie, B. ^' i oj-, H.
^' aes>pe, H. B.; aesre, 0. ^* paenega, H. B. " -ta, O.
"^ bufr, O. 57 ^^gaf, O. ^ -iial-, O. ^ nah', 0.


eac^ )7a3pa'^ ymii tojunje to hyele jclyebe); "j pa yaji

butu^ punbuplice"* jehsele)?.

]?r6 jepitleayte f ly piS beojzul j^eocnyfpe jeniiii oj:

]7am liclioman^ J^Jr]' ylcan pypte^ manbjiajojie )7]ieopa

peneja^ jepihte pyle bpmcan^ on peajimum^ paetepe^"
Ipa he ea^elicopt: mseje pona he by]? jehseleb.

6]:o pi^ pma tojunje jeniin^^ oj: "Sam hchoman^"^

J)ypye anpe ynbpan^^ jepihte cnuca^^ to ppy)?e
pmalaii^^ bupte jemencj^^ mib ele Imype^'^ J>onne ]7a J>e
8ap j:opeip]iecenan untpumnypj'e habbaS.
Gyp hpa hpylce hepije yj:ehiyppe on lup hojie^*
jej-eo^^ jenime J^ap pypte manbpajopam on mibban
]7ani hupe fpa mycel ]'pa he ]7onne hsebbe ealle yjrela

he utanybe^.^^

Lsece pypt.-^ cxxxiii.

Deop pyjit c5c man hchanip ptepanice 'j o^jiiun

naman Isecepypt nemne]; hapiS lanje leap "j jepujie 'j

lisepene-^ -j hype ftela byS mib jej^ujiuni-^ bojvini -j

heo hajzaS on upepeapbum ]7am ftelan jeolupe blopt-
man^'* ]^5']'r^' VYV^^ Y^^ ^^^ P^^^^ jepealb jipeniaS-"^ pel

onjean eal nsebbeji cyn

-j piS pcoppionep stmcj to
(3am ppj'J^e j;8ep Se pume men**^ pecjeab ^'^
jyp hy^'^ j3

man ojieji ]7a pcoppionep jelejb j3 heo him unmihtij-

nepj'e "j untjimnnyppe^^ onjebptncje.

eac, II. - hajia, B. ; fara, 0. ' bura, H. B.; > far bara
abura, O. '' -boji-, B.; -bcr-, 0. ^ lie, II.; -haman, B.; -ma, O.
pyrr, O.
^ paenesa, B. ^ bjuncan, II. " ]'yrme, O. '" -ra, O.
" Senim, H. '= lie-, II.; -haman, B. '^ ynj-an, V. " cnuca, H.
)-malan, H. ">
jemrensc, 11.; unaecented, B. " Tmypa, B.
"* hjioje, II. '"
Sej-co, B. '-'"
heo uc abeS, B. -' lechejmrt, B.,
by later hand. - hsejiene, B. -' scjjuju, B.
blopiian, B.
-' ^o
his, B.
y]^anvd}S, 11. =' B.
j^jin, II. FC5a'6\ II.
-^ uur]ium-, II.
APVLEll. 240

the but also leadetli to liealin;jj the tugguig Manduakk.

Art. cxxxu. .

of the sinews, and wonderfully healeth both the dis-

5.For witlessness, that is, for devil sickness, or
demoniacal fOHHesslon, take from the body of this
same Avort mandrake, by weight of three pennies,
administer to drink in warm water, as he may find
most convenient ; soon he will be healed.
6. Again, for spasmodic action of the sinews^ take
from the body of this wort, by weight of one ounce
pound to very small dust, mingle with oil, then smear
them that have this aforesaid infirmity.
7. If any see some heav}^ mischief in his home, let

him take this wort mandragoras, into the middle of

the house, as much of it as he then may have hy hir)ij
he compelleth all evils out of the house.

Leechwort. cxxxiii. Questionahly.

1. This wort, which is named

and x(>x'^^S <TT(puvi)iy],^

by another name leechwort, hath long leaves and

tufty and purple, and its stalk is with tufty branches,
and it hath on the upper part of the stalk yellov/
blossoms. The seed of this wort administered in
Avine, is of much benefit against any sort of snake,
and against sting of scorpion, to that degree, as
some men say, that if it be laid upon the scorpions,
it bringeth upon them unmightiness or impotence and


arul)ccvo}iAcc'tiK-fi. Dioskorldcs, iii. 1 14. avBo^ ti/.nrjp,pvp(tv^ not
leaves. The Diotikoridenn plant is Agrostcmma coronarium
(Sprengel), but not that is ligured. In the drawing, MS. V.
ibl. 54 b, some eyes discover Catnpions^ Lychnis dloica, some
Agrostemma githago.


Beop pypt; iSe man action 'j o^jium naman^

nemneS hafaS^ jelice leaj: cypppettan'^ ac^ hy^ beo6
inapan 'j heapbjian ^'^'
heo hapaS^ piS J?one^ Pyp^"
trjiuman jjieatne stelan -j trpejea^ pa^bma'^ lanje^^ ^j
heo haj:aS^^ on upepeajibon^^ J?am ptelan picb Siptele
jelic^'* ac'^ hyt byS pmseljie 'j peab^^ on bleo.
PiS j5 man blob *j poppm^^ jemanj hpsece -^^ jenim
])yppe pyjite peopep peneja^^ jepiht:^^ S9ebep~^ "j cyjmlu
op pmcpypenum^^ hnutum cnuca topomne ]>am. jelicc
]>e ]7u anne^^ aeppel pypce syle Jjicjean^* ];am untpuman
liyt liyne jehsele^.^^
PiS J?8epa^^ li6a sape jenim pap ylcan pyjite jecnu-
ciibe^' -j fco cly)7an jepoplite leje to Sam pape~ heo
hyt ^ehSijaS .~^ eac^^ J^am pylpan jemete heo ealbe
punba^^ ^ehaele]?.^^

8u]?epne puba.'^^ ex XXV.

BeoB pypt J?e man abpotanum -j o^jiam naman^^
{"aSepne puba nemne]? yp tpejea^^ cynna ^^^ )?onne^^ ij*

]5 oSep cyn jpeaton^^ bojum 'j TpyJ^e (mcelon^^ leapon

ppylce heo ma pexebe^^ jepepen^^ sy 'j heo hapaS
blofrman^^ j^^ TPyf^ jehpsebe '^^ 'j heo
*j ip jobep**

Ipeecep "j m5"celep 'j biteppe*^ on bypjynje.

uainan, II. -' hafeS, O. =^
cyyecran ;), B.; lange leaj: Jelic
cyiijctcan ac, 11. ^
% 0. ^ hig, B. " heajib pan, 11.

herbran, O. ' hsefb, O. **

>ane, O. " cpegpa, B.j cpe^Sea, II.
1" ]-8ebma, B. " lagne, 0. '- haifeb, O. '^^
-bon, II.

J'Selic, H.; selice, 0. '^ Jic, II.; % O. ' hjieab, B.

'^ H. B.; j'yrmet, 0., altered by a later hand.
pojimf, ^^ hjisece, B.
" sejnhce, H. B. O.
'" pn-, B. -'
hracce/ O. fwbif,
-' senne, B. '-
jnn-, V. -creop-, O.
; hicgan, B. ; hcscan, II.,

altered to Ijic^ean Smgu, O. ;

-^ bi(S gehaeleb II. , -" hajia, B.
- secnocobe, B. - pjie, II. ^o
.^^^^^ ^^ :.o
^ac, II.
punda, H. ^- -IS, B. ^^ futSer pube, B., in later hand
juibii, 0. ^' nainan, II.-, B. omits the English name ; on enghfTe, O.

ACTIUM/'' CXXXIV. ^i,,un,n lappa.

A scorpion holds a snake. MS. V., fol. 54 c.

This wort, which is named actiuin, and by another


name hath leaves like a gourd, but they are


larger and liarder and it hath at the root a great


stalk and of two hath on the

fatlionis length, and it

upper part of the stalk seed like a thistle, but it is

smaller, and red in colour.
2. In case a man break up blood and ratten or jms
together, take four penny weight of the seed of this
wort and kernels out of pine tree nuts, pound to-
gether as thou wouldst work a dumpling, give it to
the infirm to swallow ; it healeth him.
For sore of the joints, take this same wort

pounded and wrought to a poultice, lay it to the

sore, it relieves it. Also, in the same manner it healeth
old wounds.

Southernwood.^ cxxxv. Artemisia abro-

1. This wort, which is named abrotanum, and by

another name southernwood, is of two kinds the one ;

kind then is with great boughs and with very small

were seen rather as furnished with hair,
leaves, as if it
and it hath blossoms and seed very minute, and it is
of good odour and strong, and bitterish to the taste.

^ Dioskorides, iv. 107, or "ApKnou erepov.

"Ap/ceioj/, The
draAviug, MS. V., fol. 54 c, represents " Proteus jxnteprimus,
I should thiuk." (H.) The Dioskoridean plant is Arctium
lappa (Sprengel).
^ Southernwood is drawn, MS. V*, fol. o3 d, From Dios=
korides, iii. 29.

tpesiia, B. 0, ; cjie^ipa, H. cyn iia, H. ^r
j,an, q.
-tu, O. ^'^
fmala, 0. '
jcxebe, H. sef-, O. omits.
*- 0. omits bl-; -man, H.; bloj'man, B. gehj^eebe, B.j -hpebe, O.
" sober, H.; sober, B. biceji, B. O.

Py6 nynpyt^ *j pi6 ban ece "j pi6 ^ man eajipS-

lice jemijan mseje )\v)'ye j^yjite yieb pel pj\emaS''^

jecnucub^ -j on piBtepe* jeSijeb.^

piS piban yajie jemm Sap ylcan pyjite^ 'j betonicani

cnuca topomne pyle bpmcan.
^piS attpiu -j PI'S naebpena plite jenim Sap ylcan
pyjite abpotanum pyle bjiincan on pine heo belpeS pel
cNuca by^ eac^ mib ele -j fmyjie^^ Sone licboman^^
]>yejmiib eac^^ lieo piS ]7one colan pepoji'* pel ppeinaS

eac'^ f pBb }>yppe pypte lupan^lice apli^eS^^" jinbfrjieb^^

oSSe onaeleb.

piS ];sejia^ ns3b]iena^^ plite ]?e man ppalanjionep *j

pcoppionep nenineS ];eop sylpe'^^ VfV^ P^l pjieniaS.^^

PiS eajena pajie jenim pap ylcan pyjitjc abpotanimi

jepobene^^ mib Ssepe^^ pypte ]7e''^ man melacibomam -j
o^jium naman coboniam hatej? ^ Sonne inib lilape je-
cnucube^'^ ]?am jelice^^ J>e f>u clyj^an^^ pypce leje to*^
]?am^^ pajie byt byS jeliSijob.^^

So Dioskor., P^^F VYV^ ^F A^^ V^ bep^^ bepo]\an cp^ebon Tpejea^^

but not in the (.ynna oSeji oSeji pep ^^'^
by'^'* liabbaS^^ on
yp p]p *j

eallon^^ Jjinjcon^'' jelice mibte^*^ on jean J?a Smcj^^ Se

pe liep^'^ bepopan peebon.

-]>et, B. 0. - vjiamaS, H.; freme'5, 0. ^ gecnocob, 13.

-cob, O. '
j'ateran, 0. ^ jjeHseb, B. * >. j'., O.
O. omits two paragraphs. ^ hi?;, B. " eac, II. ''
fimyjja, B.
-haman, B. '- J^ap, B. " eac, H. '' jejrqi, H. '* jjjama6'

t'dc, II. '" ayliSe'S, II. '^ ?;mb, B., that is, jjeonb; ?;nib, V.
"* )>apa, B. '"
J7i'S ne&bbjian, H. sylje, B. omits.
))iama"S, II. '-
K y. jefobena, O. -^ J^ajie, B. 0. '-'
ba, O. -^ ?;(CUOCobe, B.; -cobe, O. -^ jehcan, 0. -'
clv"6am, U. - har to, 0. ''
ham, II. ^^ -csob, B. " htj, H.

2. For oppression of tlio breast, and for leg ache, Sottherx-

and in case a man may witli difficulty pass water, ^^.^ cxxxv.
seed of this wort, ponnded and swallowed in water, is

of good benefit.
For sore of side, take this same wort and betony,

pound together give to drink.


4. Against poisons and against bite of snakes, take

this same wort abrotanum, administer it in wine to

drink, it helpeth well pound it also with oil, and

smear the body therewith. Also it is of good effect

against the cold fever. Also the seed of this wort,
spread about or set on fire, strongly disposes snakes
to flight.
Dratoing of a scorpion holding a worm^ with hvo
tvings and eight legs.
5. For bite of the poisonous creatures called
q^ciXotyyict, and scorpions, this same wort is of good
6. For sore of eyes, take this same wort abrotanum,

sodden with the wort which is called /jtvjAa xvlwvia,

and by another name cydonia,*'^ and then pounded
with a loaf, as if thou shouldst work a poultice lay ;

this to the sore, it will be relieved.

7. This wort, as we here before said, is of two
kinds, the one is wife, or femcde, the other wei-, or
male and they have in all things alike might against

the things of which here before we quoth.

^ Not a wort, hut quinces.

32 -pespa, B.; Cpesipa, H. ^s

hifpif- o>er hif pere, O. 3
j^jj.^ g
3^ habbeS, O. eallii, B.; a&lcu, 0. ^' >inscon, B; omits ; hnga, O.
"8 mihta, O. 39 j,jn5a, O. '<>
oj-, H.; se, O.

Labep.^ cxxxvi.

Deoy pyjit ]>e man sion* 'j oSjium naman^ labeji^

nemnej? byS cenneb^ on psetum stopum.^
PiS ]5 j'tanap'^ on blaebpan pexen 3;eiiim Sap yyjite
syle etan oS6e jepobene^ o^'Se lipeepe heo'^ pa franaj'^*^

Jnipli'^ mijfian iit^^ atyhS.

Gac'*^ iSeop fylpe^* PyP''^ P^l ppemaS^'' piS vitpiht'^ -j

pi6 J)a3p inno)?ep afcypunje.

8151I hpeo]i}:aJ^ CXXXVTI.

The figure, Deop pjp'c ])e man eliotjiopup 'j oSpum naman^^
re rZents^ l^^' r^P^^P^^PF^ nemneS by]; cenneb^^ on jraGttnm lanbum^*^
think, Heliotro- 'j on bejanum^^ -j heo liapaS leap neali ppylce mi fuel
iHs much^"'" 1'^beo^ P^je 'j bpabe 'j heo liapa'S paeb j-inej^ealt^^ 'j
damaged, and j5 by (S })peojia cynna bleos.
^^ ilitap
(Cro/o?i! Pi'^ ealpa^'"^ nsebbeji cynna -j pi (5 pcoppionef

jenim }>yppe pypte pypttjiuman eliotpopop pyle bpm-

can^^ on pme 'j jecnucube^^ leje to J^fepe^^ punbe heo
ppemaS^^ mycelon.
Py6 ))set; ]?y]imap ymb ))one napohm on ];am^^ m-
noSe bepijen'^^ jenim Sap yl^an pypte* 'j ypopan "j

nytjmm -j c?eppan'^^ cnuca topomne ealle pyle bjiincau

on*^^ psetepe heo^^ acpelle]; Sa pypmap.

laper, B., by later hand. - son, V. ; ron, B., with 1 shoved in.


oW name, 0., fol. 14 b. = 56. '

labep, V.; lapep, B. ^ caen-

neb, II. B. " j'setere ftope, 0. ^ fcanaj', H.; -nef, O., which
condenses. ^ -bene, II.; -bone, O. " hu, O. '" -nef, O.;

franar, H. " I'up'S, V.; fur, 0. '- uc, B. '=*

edc, II.
f, H. omits. ''
jjiama'S, H. "= lit, B. "^ See article l.

hpeojipa, "V. The former half of the word is gone. '" naman, II.

'^ csenneb, II. B.

lanbum, II. -'
besanu, B. - -pt^al, B.
-3 ealle, II. -* cynna, II, -^ bjiincan, H. -'''
gecnocobe, B.
Pape, B. 29 jpama^; II. ^^ bsem, II. =*"
bejuan, B.
^' cejjjan, B. ^- on, H. heo, B.
from dioskorides, etc. 255

Layer, cxxxvi.

1. This wort, which is named a-lov,^ and by another

7iame laver, is produced in wet places.

2. In case stones wax in the bladder, take this

wort, give it to eat, either sodden or raw ; it draweth
out the calculi through the urine.
3. Also this same wort is of good benefit against
diaiThoea and stirring of the inwards.

SOLHWERF.^ CXXXVII. ScOVpiuTUS Or heliotropion. Heliotropion

Diosk. Euroimum.

1. This wort, which is named YjXioTpoTrog, and by

another name produced on fat
solhwerf, is lands and
on cultivated ones, and it hath leaves nigh such as
mistel,^ or basil; they be rough and broad, and it
]iath round seed, and that is of three kinds of colour.
2. For bites of all kinds of serpents, and of a
scorpion, take roots of this wort heliotrope, administer
it to drink in wine, and lay it, pounded, to the
wound it benefits much.

3. In case that worms vex about the navel in the

inwards, take this same wort, and hyssop, and nitre,

and cress, pound all together administer to drink in ;

water, it killeth the worms.

^ Slum is now Water parsnep ; laver, porphyra laciniata,

and in^va latissima. This does not match
Plin., xxvi. 32.
" Laver quoque nascens in rivis condita et cocta torminibus

h medetur." The table of contents to Pliniiis has " Laver sive

sion," and so the mediaeval botanists. But none of these is
drawn in MS. V., fol. 55 b. The article is founded on Dios-
korides, ii. 154, which Sprengel decides to describe S. an-
^ See art. l. Tliis article is from Dioskorides, iv. 193.

Pi6 peajitan jemm ])i\y ylcan pyjite 'j fealr cnuca

coj'omne lei;e to J>am peajitan' lie liy~ }:opnime]> J^anoii
heo eac'^ uepjmcajiia jenemneb i]\


Deo]' jiypt: Se man fpjiejiitiy 'j oSpum Naman

nemiie}> ha^fS jehpgebe leap 'j jeSupe'* *j lieo op
anum pyptrpuman maneja liojap apenbej? "'^
-j J>a beoS
iieali 'Srejie*^ eopSan alebe 'j lieo hapaS jeolupe blopt-
man '^
'j hy^ betpeonan }>mum^ pin3;piim^^
jyp )^u

jebjiyTerc J)onne hapaS heo spfBC ppylce myppe.^^

Pi6 J>one^^ colan pepoji jenim J?ap pyjite pppejutip
peoS on ele 'j to Sam timan^^ 6e pe pepop to Sam

men jenealaecean pylle fmype^'* hyne joepmib.'"'^

pyS pebe Imnbef slite jenim J^ap ylcan pypte cnuca
to bupte mm
Sonne anne'^ cuculepe pulne'" pyle
bpmcan on peapmum pastepe he byS hal.
]}y]> miltan pape jenim ]^yppe pylpan pypte anne^^
^obne jpipan 'j anne^^ peftep pnlne meolce ])yll to-
pomne pyle bpmcan healp on raepjen healp on a^pen'^
]7a hpyle J;e him };eapp py peo milte b}'S jelacmib.^^


Deos pyjit ]?e man ayzop mino]i j objium naman ^^

nemne}) byS cenneb^- on pajum j on
fc^em^um^'^ ptopum -j on bunnm -j on ealbum^^ byp-

peapcum, H. B. - his, B. ^ eac, II. ^
Se^uye, B.
i aj-aenbe'S, B. ''
t>ape, B, ' hlopnan, B. '^
hij;, B. " nii, B.
ymspum, H. " myppse, B. '- ]>one, H. '^ timan, Y.
" fm^'pa, B. ''[>ap, B. '" ajiine, B. '"
yulne, H.
'^ senne, B., twice. '" on eejine, H., at earhj. -nob, B.
O. omits " other name." --' cnneb, H. B. -^ fcan-, O, ; -jum, H.
-bum, H, ; -ben, O.

4. Against same wort and salt,

warts, take this Solhwkrp.
pound together, Liy to the warts, it removes them
whence the tuort is also named verrucaria, wart wort,
from the Latin verruca, a wart.

Scarlet pimpernel ? cxxxviii. AnagalUs

arvensis ?
1. This wort, which and by an-
is named spreritis,''^

other name hath diminutive leaves, and tufty,


and it sendeth forth from one root many boughs, and

they are laid near the earth, and it hath yellow
blossoms and if thou breakest it between thy lingers,

it hath then a smell as myrrh.

2. Against the cold fever, take this wort spreritis,

seethe it in oil, and at the times at which the fever

will approach to the man, smear him therewith.
3. For bite of mad dog, take this same wort, pound

it to dust, then take a spoon full, give it to drink in

warm water ; he will be whole.

For sore of milt, or spleen, take a good handful

of this same wort, and a sextarius full of milk, boil

together, give to drink half in the morning, half in
the evening, as long as need be ; the spleen will be

b CXXXIX. Sempervivum
sediforme. Bot.
1. named asl^ooov [juxpov, and b}^
This wort, Avhich is

another name prick madame, is produced on walls,

and in stony places, and on downs, and on old

* spyeritis, MS. T., fol. 49 b. ^TtvpTnt; is a, mediaeval synonym

of the avdyaXAii; 7) (foi,vi,Kri, the scarlet pimpernel, in the marginal
notes to Dioskorides, ii. 209. The drawing, MS. V., fol. 56 d,
is not a good likeness, but has points of resemblance. The
words of the text however are not from Dioskorides, and the
colour is wrong. The Oxford copy (p. 349) of the Vienna
drawings has a-cpaipTTn;, and like Centaurea nigra.
^ From Dioskorides, iv. 90. The technical name from
Sprengel. Scdiim riipestre, or reflexnm, Kiilm.

jenum^ -j lieo oy anum pyjircjiuman^ maneja jehpsebe''

bojas* apenbeS^ -j Sa beoS puUe op jehpsebum^ leapum*
V. is here eaten -j lanjtini pceappum
'j *j psettum "^
*j pelpopijum 'j

t'yjT^ VYV^^ pypttpuma ys unnyuKc.^
PiS Oman 'j piS catena pape "j pi^jenim potable
'Sap pypte butan^^ pyptrcpuman cnuca mib fmebman*
)7am jelice Su cli^an^^ pypce
J?e leje to )7ippum
untpumnyppum^^ hit hy^* jeliSija^.^'^

Py6 heapobjenim J^yppe ylcan pypte pos *j ece

popan pop msenjc^^ topomne pmype^^ f heapob J^aepmib'^
f pap^^ byS jeh'Sijub.^^
PyS )7aepa^^ pypma phte J>e man ppalanjionep hatej?^'^

jenim j?ap ylcan pypte aizop on^^ pme jecnucube^ pyle

bpmcan^^ hyt pjiemaS^^ nytlice.

Pi6 utpiht "j pi6 mnoSep pleppan -j py^ pyjimap^^

]>e on^^ Sam^^ innoJ?e bepiaS^^ J^eop pylpe pypt pel
Bpt^^ pyS jehpylce^^ untpumnyppe f)8epa^^ eajena
jenim ]?yppe
VYV^^ V^Y ylcan ^^ ^i^yp^^^ Sonne ^^ pa
eajan^ J;aepmib^^ nytlice hyt ppemaS.'*^

Tunpinj pypt.^^ cxl.

Deop pyjit J;e man ellebojium album -j oSpum naman

tunpincj**^ Pyp"^ nemneS 'j eac*^ pume men pebebepje

' -gennu, B.j -sen, O. ^ -man,^H. ^ gehpitebe, O. * bosaf, B.

* aj-aenbe'S, B. ; O. omits a line. ^ gehpsebii, B. ' jratcu, O.
* pypc pyirrume, O. -net-, O. '" bucan, B. '* clij>em, O.
'* '"
i^ij-u, B. >=*
-nefTe, 0. hig, B. ; O. omits. -esa, B. O.
'^ meg, O. '''
jmypa, B. '^ ]?ap, B. O. '^
fap, O. omits.
-sob, H. ; -esob, B. O. "'
]?apa, B. 22 h^-e^, B.
"3 on, H. ^* secnocobe, B. '^^
bpincan, H. ^^ j-jiama'S, H.
27 pyrman, O. -**
pambe "t on >an, O. ^9 ^g^m^ h. bepisat?, B.
jrjiama'S, H. ^^ g'p-^ jj 33 gephylce, V. ;
geppylce, H.
8< }>8epe, H. ; I?apa, B. O. ^* ylcan, O. omits. ^^ smype, H.
oa, B. omits. easena, O. ^ ]jap, B. O. "" hit jrjia.

barrows, and from one root it sendeth forth many Sempervivum.

minute boughs, and they be full of leaves, minute and
long,'** and sharp and fat, and well oozy, or succulent,

and the root of this wort is without use.

2. For erysipelatous inflammations, and for sore of

eyes, and for foot addle, or gout, take this wort,

except the root, pound with smede, or fine flour, in
the manner in which thou mightest work up a poultice,
lay it to these infirmities ; it will alleviate them.
3. For head same wort and
ache, take ooze of this
ooze of rose; mingle together, smear the head there-
with, the sore will be relieved.
4. For bite of the worms or creeping
which things,
are called (^oLXayyiu, or tarantulas, take this same
wort aizoon, pounded in wine, administer to be drunk
it will benefit advantageously.
For diarrhoea and flux of the inwards, and for

worms which vex in the inwards, this wort is of good

6. Again, for any infirmity of the eyes, take ooze
of this same wort, then smear the eyes therewith
excellently it benefits.


1. This wort, which is named helleborus alb us, and
by another name tunsing wort, and also some men

* 'TcepKpepwv, round,
^ White hellebore = Veratrum album, Bot., is not a native
of England. The drawing is lost. See the glossary in
Tunjilfinpypt. Only a groundwork of this article is in
Dioskorides, iv. 150. The Vienna MS. draws Ver. alb.

ma's, H. *' clue]>unge, cunfmgpurc, B., by later hand. ^^ -fins, B.

*' eac, H.
E 2

hataS byc^ cenneb^ on bununr 'j lieo hajiaS lea}:"

leace jelice -"^

fyr^e pyj^te pyjittrj^uman man j'ceal

niman onbutan^ mibne pumup'^ "j eac ppa pome^ J^a

pypt ealle pojvSy^ heo ip to Ifecebomum pel jecpeme*-'

f ip to on ^yppe pypte f heo bapaS je-

hpsebne^^ pyjittjmman -j na ppa pibtne f he be j-umum
bsele jebyjeb^^ ne py he byS bpeaj? "j tibpe J>onne he

jebpijeb by^ -j J)onne he tobjiocen byj? he pyc]? eal

ppylce he pmic^^ op him ap^nbe^^ 'j he byS liponhce
bitteppe^^ on byjijmc^e J^onne^"" beoS }a mapan pypt-
tpuman lanje -j heajibe 'j ppyfe bittejie^^ on by]i;5inc5e^'
'j hy^^ habba)? to Sam ppy])hce mihte "j ppecenpulle^"
f hy
-^ pop opt hpsebhce ]7one man popJ>ihnia]7 *'
Sonne pceal man ]?ypne pypttpuraan ppa pe aeji cpiebon
jebjujean*^ 'j ]?a lanjnyppe^^ toceoppan on pysena je-
hcnyppe -^^ mycel laecebom ip to jehpylcum J^mjum f
man Sonne J>yppep~* pypttpuman jenime tyn peneja'^"'
jepihte ppa "Seah ne msej man geppe pop hip pupenjSe^*'
hyne pyllan Jncjean^^ on punbjmm^*^ ac^^ mib pumum''^'^
oSpum mete jemencjebne^^ be J78epe^~ fpylcnyppe^'^ J^e
peo untpumnyp^* ]7onne byS ^ ip jyp peo untjiumnep

spa ftiS beo ]*yle J^icjean^^ on beope oSSe on blacan


Gyp he on utpihte py^'' pyle jjicjean^'^ on

pypena pope o'S^e mib ])8epe'^^ VYV^^ ^^ ^^^ ojiiza
hatej^ mib pmebeman^^ J>a ealle ppa feali pceolon^^ beon
jejiopt^^ on liSon^^ beope jepobene 'j jeli^ijobe.'**

ca&nneb, H. B. - bunii, B. ' loay, H. ^ Selice, B. ^ -ton, B.
" j'umoji, B. fame, B. **
Vopl'iS* B. " j;ecpeme, B.
'" ?;ehj)Eebne, B. " jebisseb, B. '-'
yrnic, H. ^ aj-aende,

from H. ; V. is illegible ; B. repeats three words. '^

biren, V>.
)>on, V. '" bit('iae, B. '"
from " b5']i5inj;ce " to the same Mord,
H. omits all.
hij;, B. ' jjisecen-, II. B. -"
his, B.
-' -maiS', II. --' sebpi^an, B. -^
-nefj-e, B., twice. -'
h)']'*^)', B.
paenc^a, II. B. -'" fcpaens'Se, II. - jncj;an, B. -" funbjian, ]>.
jic, II. ^" yv^n\, II., without case ending. ^' -miunt;-, B.;
-cgeb, IT. "-^ape, B. "^ -nej'i'e, B. ^' -nejje, B., as nominative.
^^ bpinoan on, II.; )>icj;an, B, "' bpipe. B. '' ]-<.', B. ^^ Vicjan, B.

call wood beny, madbervy, is produced on downs, and Thnsing

it has leaves like a leek.* A man shall take a root of Art. cxl.
this wort about midsummer, and also in like wise the
whole wort, since it is very convenient for Icechdoms.
That is to be admired in this wort that it hath a
small root, and not so straight but that it in some
part is bent it is brittle and tender when it is dried,

and wdien it is broken, it reeketh just as if it sent forth

from it a smoke,'^ and it is in some degree bitterish
to the taste. The larger roots, however, are long and
hard, and very bitter to the taste, and they liave a
virtue to that degree powerful and mischievous, that
they often suddenly choke a man. A man then shall
dry this root as we before said, and carve up the
length of it into the likeness of peas. There is in it
much leechdom for various occasions, so that a man
take of this root by weight of ten pennies however, ;

one must not ever, by reason of its strength, administer

it apart, but mingled with some other meat, according

to the quality, of which the infirmity is that is, if ;

the disorder be so stubborn, administer it in beer or

in black brewis.

2. If he then be troubled with diarrhoea, administer

it in ooze of peas, or with the wort, rather grain,
which is called oryza, with smede, that is, fine
rice, *

jioitr ; all these, however, shall be first soddej] and

softened in lithe beer.

^ Leek is an alteration ; Dioskorides says the leaves are like

those of plain tain or wild beet.
^ Acre gustu fervensque, in frangendo pulverem emittit.
Plin., XXV. 21.

Jjape, E. "'
rmebman, H. B. " j-culon, B. '-
aejicj-t, B
li'San, II. " -egobe, B.

Deof pyp^ j'oSlice ealle ealbe ^j hepije unlacmj-


enblice ablu^ tofepe)? ppa f lie by J)

jelacnub^ J^eah he
sep hiy haele^ on tolastenepye* paejie.


^Deop pypt: J7e man buoptalmon -j o^pum naman

nemnej? hapa^ hnepcne ptelan^ 'j leap jelice
pmule heo hapaS jeolupe bloptman'^ eal ppylce eaje

)7anon^ heo eac^ )7one naman onpenj '^^ heo byj>

cenneb^^ pypmefc piS meomam Sa ceaptpe )?yppe pypte^^
leap jecnucube^^ *j to clyj?an jepophte^* tolyra'S^^ je-
hpylce ypele pppmjap^^ -j heapbnyppa.^^

Py)? sepypblan }79Bp lichoman^^ j^e^^ cyme]? op rojo-

tennyppe paep eallan^^ jenim ]?yppe pypte pos pyle
bpmcan heo^^
^Syp^ ^ jecynbelice^^ hip
-^^ 'j he by^
jehyplseht ppylce he op fpi'Se baton ^* bse)?e^^ jeobe.'

Iroppt. CXLII.

Tribulus Deop pypt ^e man tpibulup -j o^pum naman joppt

terres ris.
nemnej? ip tpejea^^ cynna o)7ep by)? cenneb^ on pypt-

unum o^ep tit on pelba.

PiS mycelne hsetan J?8ep lichaman jenim ]?ap pypte
tpibulum jecnucube^^ leje J?8epto.''^^

ablu, B. - -nob, B.; gelacnub, H. ^ hle, B. -tenn-, B.
* O. omits and compresses, fol. 9. " Ccelan, H. '
blopnan, B.
^ )>onon, B.; Jjaii, O. " eac, H. "
onyengc, B, " csenneb, B.
'2 pyrt, O. '''
-caba, O.; -cube, H. ; secnocobe, B. '*
is-ye'S, B. "^
rpjnnca]', B. '^
-nejya, B. '^ lie, II.; -haman, B.;
-hamaf, O., on which see St. Marharete ]?e meiben ant martyr, p. 86,
line 34. H. B. O.
' se, -" eallan, H. also; jeallan, 0.; cf. p. 270,
line 4. Narratiunculse, p. 80, xxx. -^ he, O. -^ -cunb-, 0.
hip, H. ; hif, O. -' hacu, B. ; hsete, 0. -'
hai>e, O. '^^
eobe, B. O.
tpespa, H. B. -^ ceenneb, H. B. 29 gecnocobe, B. ^'' )>ap, B.

3. This wort, in fact, removes all old and grievous Tunsing

and incurable disorders, so that the patient shall be ^^.^ ^^^
healed, though he formerly were despairing of his

OXLI. Anthemis
1. This wort, which is named (3ou<^QuX{jiov, and by
another name
hath a nesh or tender stalk,

and leaves like fennel, and it hath yellow blossoms,

altogether like an eye, whence also it received its

name. produced first in Mseonia, the town, say

It is

rather province. Leaves of this wort, pounded and

wrought into a plaster, dissolve all evil ulcers and
2. For mischief of the body, which cometh of
effusion of the gall, take ooze of this wort, administer
it to drink, it restores the natural hue, and the
patient will be complexioned as if he came out of a
very hot bath.

GORSE.^ CXLII. VlexEuro-

pceus. Bot.
1. This wort, which is named tribulus, and by
another name gorse, is of two kinds ; the one is pro-
duced in gardens, the other out in the field.

2. For a mickle heat of the body, take this wort

tribulus, pounded ; lay it thereto.

* The text is from Dioskorides : one of the species of

Anthemis is described ; the leaves like fennel, MS. V.,
fol.57 a, hardly belong to our ox eye.
Anthemis valentina is
meant, according to Sprengel, and others.
^ One of the Tribuluses, not V. e., is drawn, MS. V., fol. 57 b.
The article is from Dioskorides, iv. 15, rpi^oKo^, The Vienna
copy figures Trib. terrestris.

PjS^ ]73ey muj^ey -j )79ej\a- jomena }:ulny]'j'e "j j:op-

jenim ]mY pyji'^e tjiibulum jeyobene^
jiotiibnyj'j^e ^

cnuca mib liunije heo hsele]? Sone muS "j ]7a joman.

]7iJ? j5 j'tanay on bljebjian pexeii jenim J^yyfe ylcaii

pypte yjeb ppa^ jpene jecnuciib^ yyle bpmcan pel

liyt jTjiemaS/
p}'}' jenim f'yjT*^ ylcan pyjite sseb j^pa
nsebbpan llite

jpene^ jecnucub^ pip peneja i^epihte*^^ pyle bpmcan

eac^^ PPylce mm ]7ap^^ pyp*^^ ^^i<^ liyjie psebe jecnu-
cube^^ leje to )78epe^^ pmibe heo alype); hyne op J^sepe
pippe pylpan pyjite pseb eac^^ PPylce on pine je-
bpuncen ip^^ halpenbe onjean attjiep bjiync.

pi J? plean^'' jenim J>ap ylcan pypte mib hype pajbc

jepobene fppenjc into ]?am hupe^^ heo cpel^ }>a plean.'^


Inula viscosa. Deop pyji^ \^ mail conize"^ 'j oSpuin naman

nemne)? yp tpejea-^ cynna peah ];e o^eji py majie o]7eji
keppe^^ J>onne hapaS^^ peo Ijaeppe fmsele^* leap "j je-
lipsebe 'j ppyl?e jecpemne pprec -j peo o^eji hapaS
mapan'-^^ leap ^ psette -j hepi^ne j'psec -j J^yppa pypt^a
pyjittpuman pynbon-^ nnnythce*-'' ac^^ KVPP^ PyP"^^'
ptela-^ mib ]7am^^ leapum jmbptjieb^^ "j onseleb na3-
bjian^^ aplije];
^ eac^'^ heo jecnucub^* j to cly}>an

yS, B., continuing the sentence before: a trying mistake. - hajia, B.

3 w '-bone, B. " S^cnocob, B.

-tob-, B.; -nej-j'e, B. VlT''. ^-
jpama'S, H. ^ Sfiene, B. " ^ecnocob, B. ; V. is here imperfect.
j;e]>aese, H. " eac, H. '- I'a, B. '=* secnocobe, B. " Sape, B.
'^eac, H. 'ir,H. '' ylean, B. ' huje, B. ' ylean, B.
-" onizae, B. "'
rpejjjaa, B. " laefj-a, B. hsej'S, H. -^

fmale, H. B. -" majian, B. -" vyn )*on, V. and H. "-nytt-, B.
'- lie, H. "'
r-elan, H. ^"
km, H. "'
Smb, B.; snib, V.;
Smb -J, II. 3- onsclcb nsebjuin, II. '" cac, II. =" jecnocob, B.

For foulness and putridity of the mouth and of

3. Gorse.

the fauces, take this wort tribulus, sodden, pound it

with honey then it healeth the mouth and the

4. In case that stones wax in the bladder, take seed
of this same wort, pounded so green, administer it in
liquid ; it is of good effect.
5. For bite of snake, take seed of this ilk wort,
l)Ounded so green, by weight of five pennies, give it

to be drunk ; also further, take this wort with its

seed, pounded, lay it to the wound, it will relieve the

wounded man from the mischief.
G. Moreover, same wort dnmken
seed of this in
Avine, is liolesome against a drink of venom.
7. Against fleas, take this same wort, with its

seed, sodden, sprinkle it into the house; it killeth

tlie fleas.


1. This wort, which

and by is named xovy^a,
another name fleahane, is of two kinds, though the
one be greater, the other less the less than hath ;

small and diminutive leaves, and a very agreeable

odour; and the other hath larger leaves, and fat or
fleshy, and an oppressive smell, and the roots of these
worts are useless but the stem of this wort with the

leaves, strewed about,^ and set on fire, puts to flight

snakes and also it, when pounded and wrought into

^This passage is from Dioskorides, iii. 136. The drawing

in MS. v., fol. 57 c, is like a Stellaria or a Galium (H.)
^ In art. cxxxv., for jinbj-tjieb Dioskorides had a-ri^a^ev-
6[/.eyov, made into litter, and here vTro(npcovvv{ji,yot; ; the reading
^nibfcpeb is a mere error : see jmb for jeonb, in art. cl., see
also CLT. 4.

jepopht )?8epa^ naebpena j-lite jehselej) ^ heo jNaettay

*j micjeap^ 'j flean^ acpelle)? *j lieo eac fpylce ealle
punba jelacna^ 'j heo eapjroSlicnyj'j^e "*
^fsey mi5]7an
aftype]? 'j heo ]7a cynehcan able jehselej? -j heo on
ecebe jepealb pylle peocum^ helpe)?.
peop pypt conize on psetepe jepoben j pitrenbum
pipe^ unbep jeleb'' heo 6one cpij7an^ ajzeopma)?.
Gyp pip cennan^ ne masje nime ]?ypye ylcan pypte
pop mib puUe bo on ]?a jecynbehcan pona heo J^a
cenmncje^^ jeppemej?.
pyj) Sa colan pepopap jenim J^ap ylcan pypte peoS
on ele mm Jjonne ]7one ele fmype^^ |7one lichainan
Sa pepopap beo^ ppam anybbe,
heapob ece )>yppa pypta jenim 6a la^ppan pypc

to clyl?an leje to 6am pape heo hiu jeliSijaJ?.^^

Foxep jlopa.^^ cxLiv.

Solanum Pi6 Oman jenim }>yppe pypte leap J?e man tpycnop
insanum, or manicop 'j oSpum naman poxep clopa^* nemne]? pypc
to clypan leje to ]7am pape hyt jeliSijaJ?.^^

PiJ? ^ SP^cap eppmam nemnaS

pypeljenbe^^ lic^'^

;5enim J>ap ylcan pypte 6e pe tpycnop manicop nem-

bun^^ "j pmebeman^^ pypc to cly]?an leje to ];am pajie
hyt by)? jehseleb.^^

>a)ja, B. - micsar, B. ^ >iean, B. '
-nerre, B.
reocum, H. " piye, H. ' Seleb, V. omits ; Keleb, B.
cpit>an, H. " csennan, H. B. '"
caenmcse, H.; caenninse, B.
" fmyjia, B. ''' -eSaiS, B. " From the transposition of the folios

in v., this article is at fol. 60. '^ cloya had a tail added to the c
'" '
in H., making g ; slop, B. -eSa'5, B. P'pliS-, B.
lie, H. ' -bon, B. ' )-mebman, H. B. - Jehseleb, B.

a plaster, healeth bite of snakes, and it killeth gnats, Art. cxliii.

and midges, and fleas, and it also cureth moreover, all

wounds, and it stirreth stranguryj and it healeth the
kings evil,^ morbus regius, or jaundice, and when
exhibited in vinegar, it healeth the epileptic.
2. This wort conyza, sodden in water, and mulieri
sedenti supposita matricem purgat.
3. Si parere mulier nequit, succum huius herbse cum
lana ad naturam eius applices, cito partum perficiet.

4. For the cold fevers, take this same wort, seethe

it in oil, then take the oil, smear the body; the
fevers will be forced away.
5. For head ache, take the lesser of these worts,
work it to a poultice, apply it to the sore ; it re-
lieveth it.

Foxglove, cxliv. Falsely, Digitalis


For inflammatory sores, take leaves of this wort,


which is named a-Tpv)(^voi [^uvitco^, and by another name

foxglove,^ work to a poultice, lay to the sore; it will
give relief.

For a pimply body, which the Greeks name spTrri^,


take this same wort which we named strychnos

manikos, and fine flour, work to a poultice, lay it to
the sore ; it will be healed.

^ Kings evil, 'U-vepou. Dioskor.

Strychnos manikos is Solanum insanum fairly drawn,

MS. v., fol. 60 a, not an English plant, and certainly not

foxglove. The leechdoms here recorded seem derived from
what Dioskorides says of the o-rpu^voij KriitccToq : namely, to.

(bvK'Aa, KarccTrXoca-crofAevcx, dpf^o'C^ei itpoq epva-nteAocra, kou epTVi^rcct; ; and

so on of K(pa,'ko(,Xyicx, and c7TOjt>cap^o<j Kavcrov^evoc; and uraXyia..
(iv. 71.)


PiS lieajzbcj' j-ajie -j jnS pyyy iiiajau liaetaii^ 'j ]n6

cypnlu jenim paj- ylcan pypue mib ele jecnucube
I'mype^ J>a pap by* toplupaS

pi]7 ScBjia*^ eajiena yape jenini J?ippe^ rylfJm VYV'^^

peap mib jiopan*^ j'eape bpype on p eajie.


Pi5 pone bjujean^ pepop jenim ]>ap ])ypte Se man

jlj'-cvpibam j oSpum naman nemne]? pyl on
j)eapmum paetepe pyle bpmcan liyt ppema]?^^ nytlice.

6ac^^ ppylce peop pylpe pypt fepa^^ bpeopta pap -j

psepe^^ lippe -j psepe^^ blsebpan 'j paejia^'* sebjiena nnb

jepobenan^^ pme jeba^lep eac beo^^ pypfuenbon pone
puppt: jebpi^aS.^^

PiS leabtpap bjep mupep pypj'e ylcan pypte pvjit:-

tpuma^^ jeetjen o^^e ;5ebpuncen^ pel ppemaS ^^ -j pa
leabtpap jebselep '^^ eac^~ beo piinba jebaBlep Sgepmib'*^'^
jepepebe "j pe pyjifcjiuma ppa pome^* f YY^Y^ 5^"
;^eappa^ ac na ppa peab ppa pceapplice.


man jemijan ne mjeje jenim Syj'pe

Pi^^ 'f
pypttpuman Se man ptputmm oppum naman 'j

nemnep pyle Sicjean^^ be pone mij'San aptype"S.

haecan, B. - Secnocobe, B. '
r^^yjiaj !> hiS> ^^
^ j-lupa'S, B. " hapa, B. "
}>is, II. ; illegible in V. ** povan, B.
^ bjiiSean, H.; bpigan, B. '" yjiama'5, H. '^ Cac, H. '-hajia, B.
J'ape, B., twice. " hapa, B. '^ -non, B. '" hyo, H., an unusual

spelling. '^ -ej;a'5, B. "* -tjxuman, H. '" gebju'incen, B.

-" ypamaS, H. '-'
Sehseleb', B. -- edc, H. -' J^ap, B. -* j-ame, B.
jncjan, IT. B.

3. For sore of head, and for heat of the maw, Foxglove.

0?' domach, and for kernels, take this same wort,

pounded with oil, smear the sores; they shall be dis-
4. For sore of the ears, take this same worts juice
with juice of rose, drip into the ear.

Liquorice.^ CXLV. Glykyrrhiza

1. For the dry fever, take this wort, which is named
yXvxvppit^a, and by another name liquorice, boil in
warm water, give to drink, it will be of benefit and
2. In like manner, same wort healeth sores
also, this

of the breast, and of the liver, and of the bladder,

and of the kidneys, if sodden with wine. It also re-
lieves the thirst for the thirsty.

0. For blotches of the mouth, a root of this same

wort, eaten or drunk, is of good benefit, and healeth
the blotches. It also healeth wounds washed therewith
and the root also, in like manner, atchieveth the same,
yet, however, not so sharply or efficaciously.

Latfierwort or Urowsoap.^ CXLVI. stiutlnum, Spr.,
. ,
or rather
1. In a case a man may not mie, that 'is, for re- Saponaria
tention of urine, take a root of this wort, which is

named <TTpo6^iov^ and by another name , ad-

minister this; it stirreth the urine.

* The substance of the articles is found in DIoskorides.

The drawing, MS. V., fol. 60 b, is wholly destroyed.
^ The originator of the article is Dioskorides (ii. 193).

The drawing, MS. Y., fol. 60 c, has only the pointed ends of a
few leaves left. The Flora Graeca and the drawino; in the
Vienna codex make ^rpovdicv, Saponaria officinalis.

Pi^ lipep seocnyfj-e* -j pi^ nyjipyt "j pi^S ppi-Slicne

hpacan^ jenim pyppe pypte to bupte jecnucubpe anne^
cuculepe pulne pyle bpmcan on li]?an beope* hyt
ppama^ .^ ^j eac^ hyc )7one mno^ pi^ jjsep eallan^
tojotennyppe jejlabaS -j f ypel popiS jelaebej?.

f ptanap on blaebpsen pexen jenim ^ap pylpan

pypte fcputium 'j lubafuican pypttrpuman -j -Saepe^
pypte^^ ^e man cappapip hate^ cnuca topomne pyle
bpmcan on li'Son beope^^ hyt tolypej? ^^ -Sa bljebpan "j
^a stanap pop^ jelaebe)?^^ ^j eac^'* )?8epe'^ miltan pap
hyt tolype)?.
yrS hpeoplan^^ jenim J^ap ylcan pypte -j melup -j
eceb cnuca tojaebpe^'^ leje to J?am hpeoplan'^ he bi'S
6pt -Seop pylpe pj^pt mib bepenum melupe on pme
jepoben ealle ypele heapbnyppa^^ -j jejabepunja heo

Sempervivum Beop PVTit ^e ip aizon H o'Snum naman
peo ip
heo pymle cpicu^
sy -j

hapa^ elne lanjne ftelan on pmcpep^^ jpeatnyppe^* 'j

heo ys pel popij^^ "j heo hapaS psette leap on^ pm-
jepep^^ Isenje '^^
heo ht6 cenneb^^ on
heo eac bunum 'j

by}> hpilon on pealle^^ jepeteb 'Seos pypt mib meolupe

jecnucub^^ jehaele]?'^^ msemjpealbe^^ untpumnyppa*^* ^aep

nefj-e, B. ^ hpacan, B. ^ jecnocobpe senne, B. * beojie, B.

jTiematJ, B. " eac, H. ' seallan, H. ^ on bla&bpan, H.

J>ape, B. >" pyptp, H. " bcope, B. '2
^5^ g
selsebe^, B. '* eac, H. * |>ape, B. > hpeoylan, B.
'^ -bepe, H. B. ' hpeojrlan, B. -nob, B. 20 _nejya, B.
-nyfj-e, H. 2' Fol. 59, V., of the recent binding smgrenan, O. sup-

plies ; see art. xlix.

cuca, B. ; cpicu, altered to cpice, H. " Morosi
grammatici." -^ pnjpef H, B. ,
2* -nejje, B. ; V. omits five words.

" pofi, O., and omits three lines. '^^

leaj: in, B. 27 pngpes, H. B.

For liver sickness, and for oppression of the I^atherwort


breast, and for a violent hreaking, take a spoon lull

"'' Crowsoap.

Art. cxlvi.
1 i> 1 1

of tliis wort, beaten to dust, administer it in lithe or

soft beer ; it will be beneficial. And it also comforts
the inwards against effusion of the bile, and conveys
away the mischief
3. In case stones wax in the bladder, take this
same wort struthium, and a root of lovage, and of the
wort which is called capparis or capers, pound to-
gether, administer to drink in lithe mild beer, it will
relieve the bladder, and leadeth forth the stones and ;

it also relaxeth the sore^ of the spleen.

Against leprosy, take this same wort, and meal,

and vinegar, pound together ; apply to the leper, he

will be cured.
5. Again, this same wort, with barley meal sodden
in wine, removes all evil hardnesses or indurations
and gatherings.

Orpine, or livelong.^ CXLVII. SedumTele-

phium is the
] . This wort, which is denominated otsl^ooov, and by largest English
another name , is as though it were always *^ '

quick, hath an ell long stalk of the greatness

and it

of a finger, and it hath fat leaves of the length of a

finger. It is produced on downs, and it also is some-
times planted on a wall. This wort, pounded with
meal, healeth manifold infirmities of the body, that

^ Skirrhus, in Diosk.
^ See art. xlix. The article is from Dioskorides, iv. 89.
The figure in MS. V. is an altered likeness. The Vienna MS.
has a correct figure of Sempervivum arboreum, Fl. Gr. 478.

28 lense, B. -^ csenneb, H. B. ; V. has lost some words. 8" peallon, B.

3^ Secnocob, B. ^' -hal-, O. ^3 _i^^^ jj. 34
^nerra, B.;
-nelTe, O.

liclioman' p \y bejij'tenbe lic~ "j fojijiotubnyj^ye^ );a3y

lice]' 'j eajena j'ajinvfye'^ 'j hfetan 'j jiojib^epnebnyfTe'*
ealle ]?ay f'lnj''^ lieo jehsele]?.

PiS heajzob ece jenim J^yj^j'e ylcan^ PYP'^^ V^Y aizon

mib poyan^ poj^e jemenjeb** bejeot f heapob J7?e]i"
mib hyt jelibija]?^^ ^ yaji.^^
PiS )78ejie^^ n?ebpaii plite }>e man j-palanjioneni
nemnej; jeuim })aj' ylcan pyjite aizon )\v]e bjuncaii
on hauon^'*^ pme.^*
Gpt bo f yylpe pi8 utpiht -j pi^ pyjimaj' on mno'Se
-j pi(S ppiSlicne^^ cyle hyt ppema'S.


]}v6 pseteji peocnypj'e ^^ i^enim J?ap pypte ]>e man

Otherwise pampuchon "j oSjium naman ellen liatej^^' pyle bpmcan
Amaracus, or
Oriyariuni jepyllebe^ heo jehnaece]? Sa anjmnn ]?am pseteji-
maioranoides peocum eac^^ fpylce lieo^^ ppema]?^^ pi6 ])a unmihtic-
nyj'pe^^ ]?^p mijSan -j piS ];?epia^^ mno'Sa aptypunja.*"^

])r& ppjnnjap j piS troboppten lic~'^ i^enim J\vpp('

ylcan pypte leap pampuchon jebjujebe 'j jecnucube*^" -j

mib liumje jemencjebe^^ leje to J>am pajie liyr pceal

})eppt:an -j halian.
PiS pcojipionep fumcj^'^ jemm ]7ap ylcan pyjite -j

pealr -j eceb cnuca topomne -j to plaptpe jepyjic leje

to bam ftmje he bi^ ^ehseleb.

-hamau, B. O. - lie, II. ^ nej'j'c, B. ^ -neyye, B.,
twice. ^ JJinsc, H " ylcan, O. omits, and yof. ' ]>ofan, O.
-mcenj;-, B. " )>a)i, B. O. '" -et;a'b\ B. " for, O.
'- 'Sajia, B. '='
haron, B. '
V. omits the three last words.
'^ licne, H. Hi
-nej-pe, B. ' harab', B. '**
^ej-jnlebe, II.
eac, H. -" he, B. '-'
ipama^, II. -'-
-nejja, B.
' apa, B. '
-unj;e, H. ; B. has here a folio missing, and the leaf
had been cut out before Junius made his transcript. MSS. Bodl.
Junius, .58, p. 120. "lie, II. -'
j;ecnube. TI., so before.
-' -^
t;enuenet;ehe, II. freuex;, 11.

is, a bursting body,-'^ and pnirefacfcion of the body, Oupine, or

and soreness of tlio eyes, and heat, and bad burns. Art. cxivii.
All tlieso tilings it healetli.
For liead aclie, take ooze of this same wort

aizoon, mingled with ooze of rose, drench the liead

therewitli ; it relieveth the sore.
3. For wound fmm tlie poisonous insects called
(paXuyyiu, or tavaiitidas, give as drink, in liot wine,
this same wort aizoon.
h. Again, do tlio same for diarrhcra, and for worms
in the inwards, and for a violent chill. It is bene-

_ ,
ElDER.1> CXLVIII. nUjra. But.

For water sickness, that is, dropsy, take this


wort, which is named (rui/.^uy^ov, and by another

name elder, administer to drink boiled, it checketh
the beginnings of tlic disease for the dropsical. Also,
in like manner, it is beneficial for inability to pass
ui'ine,and for stirring ^ of the bowels.
2. For carbuncles,<^l and for bursten body, or hreaJc-

ings out, take leaves of this same wort samsuchum,

dried and pounded, and mingled v/ith honey, lay it
to the sore it shall burst and heal.

3. For sting of scorpion, take this same wort, and

salt, and vinegar, pound together, and work to a

plaster, lay to the sting; the man will be healed.

^ By the text of Dioskorides, Ttpl^ cpva-i-rceXara, epTC^roc^, vofxccq,

c(f)6a'kiJ.o)!/ (jiXey^uoi/cii;, TTvpinccva-Ta, it a.ppears that " l^ursting

body " means breaking out into eruptions.

^ Dioskorides, iii. The drawing
47. is mostly gone ; the
fruclification was drawn spiked, MS. Y., fol. 59 b.
Griping, from Diosk. o-Tpor/)o:'//evwv.

Diosk. only, aipei iircoTtia.^ wccds.

])r6 micele lisetcan *j piS jeppel ^?e]ia eajena jenun
Sap pylpan pyjite mib nielupe jema^ncjebe 'j to cli(5an

^lepophtre leje to )?am eajon hy bi5 jeliSijab.


peop pypt (Se man ftecap "j o]?pum naman-

nemnej? liaepS pseb mycel 'j p yp fiiiael 'j jelipsebe *j

lieo pylp yp boj^ene jelic^ buton'* p heo ha^aS punion

b?ele mapan leap 'j ptit)epan.'''

^ Genim ]?ap pypte jepobene pyle bjuncan heo J^sepa

bpeopta pap jehsele]?.

Bac hyt jepmiehc^ p hy

ip man to manejum 30-
bum bpenceon jemencje.


Deop pypt^ c5e man thyappip^^ *j o]?]ium nam an ^^

nemnej> hapa]? pmsele'~ leap on pmjpep
lencje^^ *j tobfelebe ^j nyj^eji prS J^a eojij^an ahylbenbe
j heo hapaS ^* Synne ftelan "j lanjne -j heo hapaiS on
upepeapbum hsopene bloptman 'j p yeeb by]? cenneb'"'
jmb ealne ];'one ptelan eal 'Seop pyjit ip ftjianjpe

jecynbe ^yppe pypte pop pel jepjmnjen -j

'j bitteppe '^^

an^'^ pcenc^^ jebpuncen ealle pa bitepnyppe Se op

))am jeallan C}aneJ) heo Suph "Sa jemcenelican neobe j
Sujih fpipcSan ut anybe]?.'^

' Only a fev/ letters remain in V. - H. omits the useless words.

^ Selic, H. * butan, 11. '' -)iau, 11. In V. the rubrieator
put D for G. '' -lie, II. * II. omits bp. ^

'" tiapif, O. " 11. omits the useless words. '- smale, H.
>^ Isen^e, 11. '^ V. omits seven words. *
esenneb, H.
"* hitejie, II. " an, 11., but by the " morosus." '"
|*CPnc, H.
' fol. 70 in V. misplaced.

For inickle heat and swelling of tlie eyes, take

4, Er>r>Ki?.

the self same wort, mingled with meal, and wi'ought '
^^ ^'"'

to a cataplasm; lay to the e3'^es, they be relieved.

French lavender.^ cxltx. Lavandula

.'ifffcha.'i. J3ot.
1. This wort, which is named arix'^g, a-roix'^g, and
by another name , hath mickle seed, and
the seed is small and diminutive, and the wort itself
is like bothen or thyme, except that it hath in some
degree larger and stiffer leaves.

2. Take this wort, sodden, administer it in liquid ;

it healeth sore of the breast.

3. Also it is customarily mingled for many good

Shepherds piirse.^ CL. Thjmus

1. is named Q\u(T7ri, and by another
This wort, which {Sprengel).
i;i 111leaves D n Kather Thlaspi
name wiiaj thyme, hath small 01 a lingers j,^^^^ pastoris.

length, and parted, and inclining downwards towards

the earth, and it hath a thin and long stalk, and it
hath in the upper pctrt of it purple blossoms, and ^^

the seed is produced throughoat all the stalk. All

this wort is strongish and bitterish by nature. The
ooze of this wort well wrung
and a cup full out,
drunk, by the common necessary evacuations and by
spewing forces out all the bitterness which cometh of
the gall.

* From Dioskorides, iii. 31. The figure in MS. V.

much is

the same as that of Cummin, art. Clv. The Vienna MS. has
a figure judged by Prof. Daubeny *' pretty good."
^ Miyvvroci Se Ka) Scvri^oroii;, Dioskor.
From Dioskorides, ii. 186. The drawing in MS. Y. is
"Lepidium or Ibeiis," (H.). The Vienna MS. draws Shep-
herds purse, not Wild thyme.
d "f'Ko'KevKov is YViiheT pinky lohitish.
s 2


Bdoy Yy\ye pyp'c callo ])a y):('laii ;^e5ahe]iunje \iGX

mnopep heo }:opnimo]> "j eac' f]>ylce heo pi).a moiioS-
lican^ afrypeS.

Omnimojibia. clt.

Deop pyp'c )>e man poliop 'j o]>pum iiarnan omni-

moj)bia neninej) ^ eac yume meu"^ liata];>

hy]) ceniieb'* on buniim "j heo op anum pypfcjuiman

maneja reljjiaii apenbe]) ''
*j heo on npepepbum lm]:a);

yiBb ppjdce cpoppap 'j heo ip hepe^^on ppa}ce ^^ -j hpon

pepebpe on bypjmcje.
Pii5 npebpan phte jenim ]^>'ppe pyj^te yoy pohop on
pa3tepe jepoben pyle bpmcan hyt: jehoele}^ "Oone phre.
^ ]^iS paBteji peocnyfTe bo ]3 yy]ye hyt J^one inno'tS

piS miltan pajie jenim J^ap ylcan p^'^j^te pohop peoS
on ccebe pj'le bjuncan nj'trhce lieo ])onc milr peocan
jelinele]^ 'Seopon hupe jeptjieb oJ>]:e on-
pylpe pypt:
seleb nnsbpan aphje]; ^ eac ^ ppylce heo nipe pnnba


JTfipcricum Deop pypt ]7e man hypepicon -j oj.^juim nainan

in the\n^eiina
c<^]^^<^^^ nemnej? po]i jehcnj^ppe ^ cymenep heo hapa);
MS., and not leap^^juiban jehcc^^ *j op anum frelan mancja teljpnn
peaxa]>^~ 'j ];a peabe *j heo hapa]; bloj'tman^'^ ppvlce
banpypt "j heo hapaS bepian pynepealte -j Ijpon hmje

' eac, II. 2 monoS, not lican, H., and the foraier o erased.
" II. omits the useless M^ords. '
heo bi'tS caenneb, H. * aj'sen-

be'5, II. " hepson )')'tecce, II. "

II. omits this line. ^ eac, H.
"-lie-, II. B. '"k'ay, B. " gelice, II. B. '- peaxe'S, B.;
]Hxt'i?, II. '^ bloj'man, B.

^ From DioskoridcFt, iii. 124. ''Polios'' is also Omiiiinor-

l>i;i in Isidoriis Orig. xvii. = XYiii. 9. See back, art. Lvni.
The two fiijures in MS. V. are unlike.

2. This same wort reinovcs all the evil gatherings of Shki'ukuds

the inwaixls, and it also likewise provokes ra txv


1. This wort, \Yhich is named

and by another ttoKiov,

name omnimorbia, and wliicli also some nien call

is produced on downs, and it npsendebli

many tv/igs out of one root, and on the upward part

it hath seeds as bmiches,^ and it is heavy of savour
and somewhat sweetish of taste.
2. For bite of snake, take ooze of this wort polium,

sodden in water, give it to drink ; it hoaleth the bite.

3. For water sickness or dropsy, do the same, it

relaxes the inv/ards.

4. For sore of milt, take this same wort poliun),
seethe it in vinegar, administer it to drink, usefidly
it healeth the milt sick. This same wort spread
forth in a house, or burned, turns to flight snakes, and
it also taketh away new wounds.

^ CLII. Ut/pcriciim

1. This wort, which and by

is named vn^piKov,

another name xopiov, for its likeness to cummin, hath

leaves like rue, and of one stalk many shoots wax,
and they, red, and it hath blossoms as bone wort,
and it hath spherical berries, and somewhat long of

eV ccKpov KopvfA^oei^eq
^ Ke<|>a/aov wq TToXiav tpiya^ Diosk., a small
corymbose head like hoar hair. The next clause is ill traiis-

hitcd by our text ; Diosk. has '^

heavy of smell, Avitli some-
tliiiig of agreeable in the odour."
c The drawing, MS. V., fol. 70 b, has outline of//, crispum,
but die red of //. corls. From Dioskoridcs, iii. 161. The
clause about cummin differs Hypericum coris, Bot.
; is the
plant (Sprengel).

on bejiey mycelnyfj^e on J^am yy sseb 'j ]> ypeajit *j on

j'psece I'pylce tyjipe '^ j lieo bi^ cenneb^ on bejanum
fropum* ^eoy y)]^^ jecnucub^ *j jebjumcen ]K)ne

mijjmn afuyjie]? *j lieo ]>a mono'Slican punbojilice be]?

jyp hy man Sam jecynbelican lime unbepjele^e]?.'*

pr6 J^one pepop pe ]?y peopt)an bseje on man be-

cjane]?^ jenim pap ylcan pyjite jecnucube^ pyle bjuncan
on' pme.
^Pib fepa^ pceancena'^ S^TF^^ 'J ^^ jenim pyppe
ylcan pyjite p^eb pyle bjuncan on pme bmnan^^ peopeji-

tijan ^^ bajon he hv6 jeliaeleb.


Cnicus acania, Beop pypt pe man acanta leuce "j oSjium naman ^^
or Eclnnops
nemnep byS cenneb^* on fuaeniTum^^ ptopum
in the Vienna 'j on bunmn "j lieo luipap leap j'pylce^*^ pulpef camb
ac hi^^ beop meajipjian^^ "j hpitpan 'j eac jejmppan^^
-j lieo hapa'(S tpejea^^ elne lancne^^ fcelan on pinjjicp
3] leatny fie ^^ oStSe pumon bsele^^ majian.

PiS '^^^ man blobe lip8Bce~^ "j piS psep majan pape
jemm ylcan^^ Pyj^^^ acantaleuce cnuca to bujxe

pyle bpmcan on~^ psetejie''^^ anne'^^ cuculejie^^ pulne liyt

ppemaS''^^ pel.
Pi(S piep^^ mi;5San apt^^jumje jenim paji ylcan pyjite
j'pa poj'ije jecnucube^^ pyle bjnncan lieo Sone mijSan
pojiS^^ ^elsebep.^^

' cyjise, H., crej>s. ^ csennebj II. B. ^ gecuocob, B. '

-leg's, B.
-lei'S, H.; rather lai/l/i, than luycth, ^ becym'6', B. * gechocobc, B.
^ on, II. **
11. often puts the slops in this way. " hajia, B. '"
JJ. " binnon, B. '-
-tigon, B. '-'11. O, omit the useless words.
" cacnneh, H. B. '^ fccn-, H. '" fjnlcef, O. '"
his, B. '
So B.;
niealu]')an, V. ; meajuij'fian, II.; mcarujnan, O. '''eac I>u]pan, II.;
?;el)U}))an, B. -"
tj'eSjui, II., -without accent, B. ^' langne, II. B. O.
-- "'
-nejje, B. ^^
ol>>er fum bale, O. j>, H. omits. -^ h]8&cc, B.
'^ pljan, B. ; jjeofj'., O.; ylcan in V. is dotted for erasure. '-''
on, II.
^ patere, O. *^ renne, B. ^^ cucelerne, O. 3' jjiama'S, II.
3- ]>9by, H. omits. ^^
sccuocobe, B. =" uc for }oja'S, B, " aleebe'S, B.
FROivi dio,skoiiidii:h, etc. 279

the mickleness or size of beer or barley, on which is Art. clii.

the seed, and that swart and in smack as tar.-^ And

it is produced in cultivated phices. This wort pounded
and drunken stirreth the inie or uririe, and it moves
Avondrously the xaTa/xrjvia, if it be hiid under tlic
2. For the fever which cometh on man the fourth
day, that is, a quartan, take this same wort, pounded,

give it to the iKiiient to drink in wine.

For swelling and aching of the shanks,^ take seed

of this ilk wort, give it to drink in wine; within

forty days the man will be healed.

^ CLIII. Cat'duus leu^

1. This wort, which is named ukuv^ol \svkyj, and by TsprenLl).

another name produced in stony places , is Kather

and on downs, and it hath leaves as wolfs comb, but lamigmosus.

they be tenderer and whiter and also tiiftier, and

it hath a stalk two ells long of the greatness ^ of a

linger or some deal bigger.

2. In case that a man break blood, and for sore of

the maw, take this same wort acantha leiike, pound it

to dust, give the man to drink in water, one spoon
full ; it serveth well.
For stirring of the mie or urine, take this same

wort, so oozy, pounded, give to drink it forth leadeth ;

the mie.

^ Smelling of resin, in Dioskoridei?, p-^riv^^ otfiv,

- Compare the original, B^ Se \<7y^^o^aq iiv) -qyApaq /x. tci

o-TTt-p/xa TTivojt/.eiov. Sciatica; the beverage is administered for

the forty days.
^ From Dioskorides, iii. 14. The drawing in MS. V. is not
a carduus, and it is " not much like " (II.) crafcBgus oxy-
ucantha, which would have been interpreted whitethorn.
There had been something illegible, it should be
narrower,' c-Tevwrepa.
^ Thickness, 7ra%o?, Diosk*
280 HERBAlllVM

PiS 5T^^^ \i\^lii jenun

)^a]' y^^^^^ VyV^^ Vi]^^
clyj;aii le^e to ])am j'Mjie Iieo hyu apyjuiioj' -^
8yl]:an p}'!^^^ YY^^^ jsBjia''^ to}a j'aji^ 5t'lr5i;5ab^ jyp
liyne iinxri ypa peapmne on Jmin mupe jeliealbe)?.^

prS hjiaininan jenim' ]\ypye ylcan^ PYP"^*-' T^^ ^^"

ciiuciib^ j^ylc bjimcaii on j'astejie^*^ liyr lielpcj^ j'e sylpi
bjienc^^ eac ]'pylce onjean n?ebb]iena ylite pel ppe-

6ac^^ fpylce jyj: mon^'* [ap pvjite on mannej' fpypan

alieli'6'^ heo naebbpan ayly^e]}}^

[Beopy]\u] CLIV.

Onopordon Deop pyjit ]?e man acanton 'j oj'jium naman beo-
(iciwthium, or
nemne'O cenneb^^ on pynj'umon*^ ptopum

J//i/ricii7ii. pyjit^^ b}^)^^^

Sibihori) and j on pietuni ^j eac~^ fpylce on rctynijum.
the fig. in tlie
Vienua MS. Pi8 Ja3p^^ mnoj^ep afuj^punje 'j J^iep nii5];an jenim
Jjyj'pe 5'lcan pyjite^^ pyjittjuinian-^ jebjiijebne^^
-j"^ to
buj'te jecnucubne^^ p}le bjuncan on peajimnm ]?iBtc]ie.

])i]) lunjen able 'j pit) jelipylce ypelii^^ J^e on ]nim^^

inno(3e bejiej^ Seop pylpe pvj^t pel pjiemaS^^ 6^)^^5^^
):ani jelice pe pe liepi bepojian cppebon.^^

Cyinen. CLV.

py(5 ]78ep inajan pajie jcnim ]\yppe pypte ]a?b j;e"^^

nian^'* quninnmon ^ opjmm naman '^^
cymen nemne]?

ajyjipeS, H. B., removes. - r-ibe, B. " I'ajia, B. ' plji, B.
^-esa'5, B. -bee'S, II. ' scnim, II. hifTe fjccS, O., fol. 39-5.
Secuocob, B.; -cab, O. ' j'arcra, O. " biifcnc, II.; bjiync, B.

'- jjiama'??, II. '^ This a omitted in V. is from II. " man, B.
sjieofian aheS, II. '" afly?;(5, O. '' bc-oj'yjir, text of V., index
of V. O. "* beopurr, O. '" byj>, etc., O. omits. csenncb,
n. B. 21 _j.uniu, B. " laube, II. -' eac, II. -'
ha;)'. O.
omits. -^ hilTe jiyrr, O. '-" -men, O. " -be, II. O. -^ "j, also

5, O. omits. '-"-be, II.; Sccnocobe, B. =" yfele, 0. ^' ham, IJ.

-me'5, O.; )jamaS, II. =='
-rem cj'icSon, O. ^'
1>, 0., quam.
3* man, II. ^"^
naman, 11.
FllOM DIObKUlllDES, ETC. 281

4. For evil woals/'' take tliis same wuii, work to a Art. cliii.

l)oiillice, lay to the sore, it purgetli it ; the decoction

of this saijie wort relievetli the sore of the teeth if a
niaii holdeth on the moutli.^
it, so warn),
5. For cramps, take seed of this same wort, pounded,

give to drink in water, it helpeth. The same drink

also, likewise serveth well against bite of snakes.

6. In like manner also, if this wort is hung upon a

mans neck, it settetli snakes to flight.


erioj'oros, a
1. This wort, which is named axdvOiov, and by an- Avoolly leaved
thistle is the
other name beewort, ^
is i)roduced
in winsome places/^
J^ ' nearest

and wet ones, and also further, in stony ones.

in English
2. For stirring of the inwards,^ and of the mie or

urine, take a root of this Avort, dried and

beaten to dust give it to be drunk in warm water.

3. For luno" disease,^ and for the several ills which

vex in the inwards, this same wort is very beneficial,

taken in the manner which we before mentioned.

Cummin.^' clv. Cummum

cy milium. Bot.
For sore of the maw, take seed of this wort,

which is named xu/x<vov, and by another name cummin,

Oll-fifxaTaj Diosk., swellings.
^ LiaKkvCjiiMzvav \ Tinced in the mouth.
^ Stellariji holostea (H.) is tlniwn ; MS. V., ful. Gl ix.

From Dioakorides, iii. 19. Turn to art. vii.

riapaSt/cr&i^', parks^ D.
KotX/av la-Taa-i, D., the roots Stay the bowels, arc astringent.
Jor consumptive people.
ipOicriKoTc, D.,
E The painting, MS. V., fob 61b, is ^' very like," (H.)
Originally from Dio.'^korides, iii. 68.

on ele jej'obene "j mib yyj:eSoii jemencjeb -^

'j ]'pa^

tojfebejie jepylleb yy]\c ]7onne^ to clyj7an leje to

'6aia^ inno]7e.

Vi'P ^yppy"^^ jenim ]?s.y ylcan*^ pyp'^^ quiminon -j

pMeteji^ 'j eceb^ raenj^ to yomne pyle bpincau^'^ liyt

pjiemaS^^ nytlice -j eac on pme^^ jejnjeb^^ lieo nyeb-

bpan ^* plite pel jelirele]?.

PiJ; fepa^^ inno]?a toSunbennyppe^^ -j hietan*^^ jenim

0. condenses, pap ylcan pypte mib pmbepian^*^ jecnucube^^ mib bea-
nenon meolupe^^ pyjic to clyj^an heo jeliiTele); ^a to-
6ac ppylce blobjiyne^^ op n8epp>yplon ^^ heo jepjuS
mib ecebe jemaenjcebum.^^


Carlina ^^Beop pypt ]?e man camelleon alba 'j oJ?]uim naman
acauhs, or
pulpep tospl'^^ nemne]? bapaS leap pij;epjiebe "j ]7ypnyhte
/era. 'j heo liapa]? on mibban pumiic pmepealtne cjiop *j

]?y]inyhtne^^ -j^^ pe bi]^ bjmn^^ on bloptman^^ belisepb

he hapaS hpit sseb "j hpitne pyjitpnman^^ -j J'py^e

PiJ> ]> pypmap on^^ ];am inno]?e ymb pone napolan

bejijen jemm ^ippe ylcan pyjite ])yptt]iuman peap oiSSe
buft pyle bjimcan on pme oS6e on pa3te]ie pe -deji paejie

opjane oS8e bpeojije bpople on jepylleb hyt jmme pa

pyjimap pojiS jelsebep.^^

-bon gemsensbe, H,; gemsengeb, B. " sj'a, II.; j^a, O.
^ Jjone, H. >8em, H. ^ nyj)j)et, B.
* ^ ylcan, H.
^ j'seteji, II.
-be, O. '^
main?;, II. B. '" bjimciin, II.
" jjiama'S, H. **-
juue, II. '^
SeMj;eb, B. " nrebjian, II.
"^ "^
I^apa, B. O. cohunbennej-j-e, B. heSran, II.;
hsetan, B. '*^
lunbejiiuni, II,; jnnbejit^an, B. ;
-rie, O. '" ?;ecno-
cobe, B. ; and adds o'^'Sc. -*'
raelujic, B. -'
-nejje, B.
'- rune, O. "^ -len, O. -' -maeng, B.; -^cb, O.; very little of these
V. -^ D omitted by rubricator in
four lines is legible in B.
2 teerel, B. '^'
-hte, II. -^ -), H. tAvicc omits. '-"
bjiun, 11.
bloyman, B. '* -ttji-, II, ^- Sej-cjencue, B. '^
6u, H.
3' Selsebe'S, B.

sodden in oil, and mingled with flour and when so

; Cummin.
^ v.
boiled together, then work tltcm to a plaster, and lay ^ ^

it to the inwards.
2. For oppression of the chest, take this same wort
cummin, and water and vinegar, mingle them together,
give to drink, it will prove beneficial and also ;

swallowed in wine, it healeth well bite of snake.

0. For swelling and heat of the inwards,'^ take this

same wort and wine berries, pounded with bean meal,

work it to a poultice; it will heal the swelling.

4. It also, further, restraineth a running of blood

from the nostrils, along with vinegar mingled.

Wolfs teazle. t" clvi. Dipsacus


1. This wort, which is named p^afcaiXlcov keuKosy and

by another name wolfs teazle, hath leaves reversed
and thorny, and it hath in its midst a round and
thorny knob, and that is brown headed in the
blossoms, and hath white seed and a white and very
fragrant root.
2. In case worms vex a man in the inwards about
the navel, take juice or dust of the root of this same
wort, give to drink in wine or in water, on which
previously were marjoram or pennyroyal ^ boiled it ;

clean leadeth forth the worms.

* Dioskorides had hi^vy^uv, a decorous expression for opx^oju,

the Latin for this, tcsticulorum, has been translated as if
^ See art. The figures differ. Dioskorides, iii. 10.
Klihu and others now fix on Acarna (jummlfera. MS. V.
draws Cniciis pratensls (H.) The word "reversed" is not
found hi Dioskorides, but all the thistle tribe protect their
leaves by thorns pointing backAvards as well as forwards.
^ Only ofiydvw in Dioskor.

28^ nEllBAllIVM

pyyj'e sylpaii pyjite pyjitpuman j:ip peneja ^

on pine jepijeb'- ]7a ptetcji pcocan jebjiijep '6ap pylfan
ptjicnjj^e^ lieo liapaj) jepylleb *j jcbjiuncen piS jsep
mijjjan eajipoSlicnypya.'*


Deop pyjit );e man pcolniibop "j oj^jium nam an ^

nemne)? on pine jepyllcb ^ jebjumcen heo
]?one pulan yrenc^ bsejia^ oxna -j eallep piep licliaman^
6ac ppylce Seop pylpe pypt
Sone fulptincenban
mijjjan jrojitSjelsebeJ? 'j eac halpenbne^ mete mannum


Deop pyj^'c ]^^ man ijnp illypicam 'j ocSjium naman

nemnej?*^ ip jecpeben ijiij* illyjiica op (5a3pe'^
mipenlicnyppe^^ hype bloptmena^^ K^]4'y ^* ]^^ ^J' je'Snht
heo J;one lieoponhcan bojau mib hype bleoje^^ epen-

la3ce pe^^ ip on leben^'^ ijiip jecpeben 'j heo on illy-

heo '^
]uco j^am lanbe fpiSopc -j f'cpenjofc^'^ pexe]? 'j

hapatS leap jUiebenan jehce pa 5]iecap xipian hatap 'j

heo hapaS tpumne pyptpuman *j Tpype jefcencne ^'^^
pone man pceal mib hnenan clape bepealban*^ "j on
peeabe^^ ahon oSSet; he jebju^eb beon ma35e popcSy-^
hys jecynbe ip ppipe har^^ j plpepbiepe.
Gyp hpa mycelne hjiacan '^^ pohje 'j he pone hini
eapehee ppam^^ bpmjan ne~^ maDje pop Syc^^}TF *j

', II. B. -
Se>iscb, B. ^ fcjiseiisSe, IF.

-nvjjc, II. ; -ncj-jT, B. ^ II. omits the useless words,
"rtonc, B.; fra-nc, II. '
haini, B. -horn-, II. Mial-
}8enbc, B. '" II. omits the useless Avoids and iieninep. " l>njic, B.
i^-lic-, IL; -uen'c, B.
' Llormena, B. "]"]')"?;, B.

'blcoSf, B. "'SCO, ir. 'Mpcben, 11. B. ' fju'Soj-, 15.

fcjiscnKofr, II.
-" ?;cfraincne, II. -' -bon, II. - j'cabe, B.
YO]r^}^, B. -' hac, II. -' hjuican, II. = )jam, H.
ne, II. omits.

3. A root of this same wort, by weight of five Wolfs

pennies, taken in wine, drieth the water sick, ihat is',
Art. clvi.
abates dropsij ; it hatli tlie same strength boiled, and
drunken, againsfc difhculties of the mic or tirinc.

ArtichoJie.^ clvit. Skohpnos


1. This wort, wliich is named and by


another name , boiled in wine, removeth the

foul stench of the armpits, and of all the hody.

2. same wort leadeth forth

In like wise also, this
the foul stinking mie or iirme, and also prepares
healins^ meat for men.

Flower de luce}' CLVIII. Irisforentir.a,

mi 1 1 T -> / 1
^"^^ Germa-
1. This wort, which is named Ifiig IXXvpiKv,^ and by nica,

another name , is called iris Illyrica, from

the varieo-ated show of its blossoms, since it
is thouHit

that with matcheth the heavenly bow,

its colour it

which in Latin is called iris, and it waxetli most and

strongest in the land lUyricum, and it hath leaves
like gladden, wdiicli the Greeks hight J/^<ov, and it hath
a firm root, and very fragrant; and one shall enfold
this with a linen cloth, and hang it up in the shade,
till that it be dried, since its kind, or nahire, is
very hot and sleep bearing.
2. If one suffer mickle break, that is, a great collec-

tion of p/iZeym in the throat, and he may not easily

a Originally from Dioskorides, iii. 16. Artichoke is drawn

in the Vienna MS. KniJws pratcnsis was Sprengels inter-

^ The drawing is destroyed, MS. V., fol. 62 a. The original

is Dioskor., i. 1. Isidorus, Grig, xviii. 9, ah ridges in nearly
the same words.


to Imej^ce^ jenime oj: j^fyye pypte pj^jitjiuman^ Ssey

bufcc]* pmrele jecniicuhe]"*^ tyn pencja'^ jepilite pylle
bpnican pieytenbe on li]70n beope peopeji pcenceap^
]>]\y^' bnjap op fet lie yy jehseleb.^

Dam jelice ]5 bufu^ pyrr^ ri'^F^^'^'^ pyj^"^^ <^^ lipon'*^

beopc^ jej^ijeb'' 8one plep^"^ onjelaebej) *^^ ^j eac^* pjepa^'*

mno]?a afcypunje 5eliJ?i5aS.^^
6ac^'' ppylce ]> bupt J^yppe y^can pyjxte naebbjiena
plitap jelacnaj) ^^
^ pylpe jemet ']5 pe^ heji^^ bepojian
cprebon ]}86p buptep Syppe ylcan pypte ijiip illyjiice poji

an mib ecebe jemencjeb^^ -j jebpuncen hyt ppemaS-'

])am~~ J>e hip jecynbelice paeb liim py]p pyllep pjiam
jepite]? pone leahtoji jpecap jonopboeam nemne];
hit ];onne poShce ]?am ylcan ^emete mib pine je-
msenjeb^^ by)? hit {^sepa^"^ pipa moNoc^hcan aptyjieS
]>eah hy-'"^ asp lanj^e^^ pojilrotene^^ prejion.
PiS cyjmlu "j pi5 ealle ypele^^ cumnlu jenim Syppe^^
ylcan pyptc pyjittjiuman^" ppa anpealhne pel jebpi-
jebne "j piSSan ^epobenne'*^^ cnuca hync Sonne ppa

hnepcne ]>ypc to cly]?an leje to Sam pape liyt to-


6ac^''^ fpa pome"'''* hyt pjiemaiS''''^ pib fep heapobep*^''

pape mib ecebc 'j mib jiopan pope jemencjeb.^"


PiiS jenim 'pay pypte pe man elle-

lipep peocnj'^ppe
bopum album *j oSpnm naman^^ nemne);
jebpijebe *j to bupte jecnucube^'^ pyle bpmcan^^ on

c, erased in H., wishing to make colmeri'e, toughness. - -man, PI.
^-cnuc-, H.; j;ecnocobe]% B. ^ pjcnej;a, H. B. '
j-csencaj-, B. ;

seoyon ^-csenceay, K. hpiS. B. ^ ?;ehreleb, B. " haes b., H.

ylcan, H. "* li'cSan, B. " beojie SeHseb, B. >- Osep, H.
-Mb-, B. "eric, ir. 'M'apa, B. ' -e^a'S, B. Cac, 11.
'" "'
_ijic-, B. '" heji, B. St^nifcnSeb, H. B. j-pama'S, H.
)78em, II. -^ j:;emete?;ub, V. 11. I'apa, B. -^ hix;, B.
2 -' "^ yyelu, B. -^ exp-^cting
lan?;e, B. voplaebe, II. ciaj', II.,

an accusative. ="
-man, II. ^'
sebpijebe, H. "-bene, II. B.

bring aiuay from him for its thickness, and as too flower df.

nesli, let liini take of the dust of a root of tliis

^ ';''*f-...
Art. clvni. , .

wort, pounded small, by weight of ten pennies, give

to drink to the sufferer, fasting, in lithe beer, four
draughts for three days, till tliat he be healed.
8. Like to jthat, the dust of this same wort taken
in lithe beer leadeth on sleep, and also alleviates
stirring of the inwards.
4. In the same way also, the dust of this same wort
cures the bites of serpents. The same quantit}^ that
we before said, of the dust of this same wort iris
Illyrica, mingled with vinegar, and druidcen, is of
benefit to him, cui sponte semen naturale profluit,
quem morbum GraBci yovoppoiav nominant. Sin autem
eodem modo cum vino ad jnensuram datur, femi-
narum xuTaf/^Yivia provocat, etsi multo ante tempore
interrupta sunt.
For kernels and for all evil lumps, take a root

of this same wort, so entire, well dried, and then

sodden, pound it then so nesh, work it to a plaster,
lay it to the sore it removes it. ;

6. It also, moreover, is of benefit for sore of the

head (if) mixed with vinegar and ooze of rose.

White hellebore.^ cltx. Veratrum

album. Bot.
For liver sickness, take this wort, which is named
helleborus albus, and by another name ,

dried and knocked to dust, give to drink in warm

^ The drawing in MS. Y, has some resemblance, but is

" Scilla." (H.)

^3 Eac, H. 3^ j-arae, B. 35
j:p^maS, H. ^'
heajbej', B.
- semoencseb,
37 ...
II.; -means-, B. '^^
H. omits the useless words.
Secnocobe, B. "
bpmean, H.

peajunum jj^rcjie j^voy huyx:ey yyx cuculejiay pulle liir

V. is eaten in jelacnaci' )nx liype J^ret pylpc \y pjianiijeiiMtc '"

holes liere. . t 1
on pme
onjean ealle atrjiu.


PiS ]>am pepope* ]?e ]>y peop^an breje on'^ man

bccynie]>^ jeiiim }^}^ppe p5'P'^<3
pcap inan^ belpinion ^

o))juim iiamau^ nemiie]? ])el jejabcjiob

'j ]> mib pipope jecnucub -^ *j TemciiCTcb^^ -j c^^epa^'

pipepcojina py opeji trel yp jonne ]>y popman^^ boejc


an^'^ j J^pittij
^ ])y oSjwim bve-ze peopoutyiie -j i5y

))pihhan bneje ]?pcotyiie '* luni'*^ ]np pyllept

^yy. ])[\

topopan J^aspe'" jencala^^cincje ]'aep pepopef j'unboplicpe

Iipa3bn5'ppe^'^ be biS alypeb.


Deop p}'!^''^ p't^ ii'^''^^'^ a3Ciop 'j o]?jium namaii^^

nemiie]; b.apaS pfieb jeb.c niobbpaii beapbe -j bco^^
bapaS lanje leap ^j prij?e ^ bco maneja ptebm op
byjie apeiibe)^^^ beo bapatS ]>ynne leap 'j Oa li])onbce

J>ypnibte betpeox ]mm leapoii^^ bjiune

*-] bco ]iaj:a(5

bloptman"- 'j betpeonan^'^ Sam bloptmum^'* lieo bapaS

p]?a pc rep cpa^bon poBb jebc na^bjian beapbe *j byjie
py]ittpuma yy jebpa^be ^ ppeajit.
tSyppe ykan })y]ite py]it-
Py]) iia3bpeDa pbtap^'' i;enim
juiman-^ );e ye a^ciop nembon pyle bpnican on^'' pme
byt pjiemaS*^ je ajji tSam pbte je feptep 8e pylpa
bpenc^^ eac'^'^ TPy^ce J^a^pa"^^ lenbena^- pap jebSijaiS

Selacno'S, 11. - ypasenblic, B., so. = KeHst'b, 15.

}epe, ]I., by contraction. ^ on, IT. * -cym^, B.
V. omits tM'o -svords. ** H. omits the ur>eless phrase.

-msenj;-, B.; -majnc -, H. " pajia, B.

"Secnocob, B.
'- veoi)l>an, II.
'^ an, B. " )'))eorrcne, B. '-'him, II. omits.
1 i
jjajie, B. ''
-nej-j-e, B. ''^ 11. omits the nseless words.
he, V. II. -"
arsenbe^', B. "' Ic-aion, B. "-' hloj-man, B.

"-non, B. -^ blovman, B. ; -tman, II., anil omits the next two


water, of tlie dust six spoons full ; it cures the liver. White

That same is a beneficial leechdom swallowed in wine, Art. ciix.

against all poisons.

Field larkspur.^ CLX. Delfinium

consolida. Bot.
For the fever which cometh on a man the fourth
day, take juice of this wort, which is named '^b\(^Iviov,
and by another name larkspur, well gathered and tliat
pounded with pepper, and mixed, and of the pepper-
corns let there be an over tale, or odd numher, that is,
on the first day, one and thirty and on the second ;

day, seventeen and on the third day, thirteen.

; If
thou givest him this before the access of the fever,
with wondrous quickness he will be released.

^ CLXI. EcMum
This wort, which is named
and by another %jov,

name hath seed like an adders head, and it


hath long leaves and stiff, and it upsendeth man}^

stalks out it it hath thin leaves, and them some-

what thorny, and it hath betwixt the leaves brown

blossoms, and between the blossoms it hath, as we ere
said, seed like an adders head, and its root is minute
and swart.
2. For bites of snakes, take a root of this wort,

which we named echium, give it to drink in wine, it

is beneficial either before the bite or after. The same
drink, also similarly relieves a sore of the loins, and

^ By the drawing, MS. V., fol. 62 c, Larkspur is intended.

^ Originally from Dioskorides, iv. 27. A fanciful figuro in
MS. v., fol. 63 a.

words. " rli~^]% H. ^'^

-t]iuman, H. '-
bpiucan uu, If.
ypama'S, H. ^9 5p,nc, B. =^
bpienc Pae, IT. ^<
J^apa, B.
^^laenbena, B. ^^
-esa. B.; SehscS, H.


*j eac^ ^pij^ on bjieopton meolc jejeajipaS -^ 8o^lice

an miht yj' J^ypfe pyp'^^ "j ]^^y pyjittjiuman *j j^aep



Deop pypt oSpum naman ];e man centimopbia "j

nemne]?^ by]? cenneb* on bejanum ytopum

'jon ptsenijum ]5
^ on bunum ^ on py npumum^ -j -j

puopum heo^ op anjie typp maneja bojap apen-


bej? -^ "j heo ip jehpgebon^^ leapun^^ ^ pmepealton -j

toplitenon^^ 'j heo liapaS |?ap mihte to lacnunje jip

hojip^^ on o^^e on )?am bojum apyjib py
hpiicje 'j

hyt open sy jenim )?ap pypte ealle jebpijebe 'j' to

fpySe^* fmjBlon^^ bupte jecnucube^^ jepceab^'' to Sam
pajie heo hit jehsele]? ]?u punbjiapt Ssejie^ jepjiem-



Deop pyjit Se man pcopbiap^^ 'j oSjium naman ^^

nemnej? hapa]? ppsec fpylce leac^^ 'j heo eac
popjjy^^ pcopbiop jecpeben yp )?eop pypt b}^]? cenneb^^
on mopium 'j heo hapaj? leap pmepealte -j iSa^^ bit-

tepe^^ on bypjmcje ^'^

'j heo hapaj? peopeji ecjebne
ptelan 'j pealupe bloftman.^

' eac, H. 2 -jiupa'S, II. ^ H. omits four words. * csenneb,

H. B. '^
f is in V. B. H. " bunum, H. ^ -sumon, H.
heo, II. " arfenhe, B. ^ -hpseb-, B. " lea>on, II.

-non, II, '^ hop)', altered to hojreji, hump, H. " fpit'on, H.
j-malon, B. '" secnoeobe, B. >^ Sej-cab, B. ' )>ape, B.;

)?8ejia, H. " j-cojxbioj', B. H., and index of V.

n qt^^^ the
H., and omits three words. ^- ^op'Sig, B.
useless words. ^' leac,

"^ beo, adds. =

CfEuneb, IT. B. -' leay, II. ""'
IT. bitejiiie, II. ;

bitepe, B. -' -ginSe, B. '-'^ bloj-man, B.


also when dry promotes milk in the breasts. In fact, Art. dxi.

tliere is one and the same efficacy in the wort, and

the root, and the seed.


This wort, which is named centimorbia, and by

another name produced in cultivated , is

places, and in stony ones, and on downs, and in

winsome places and from one turf it upsendeth many

boughs, and it is of minute and round and serrated

leaves, and it hath this might towards leechening. If
a horse be injured on back or on the shoulders, and
the sore be open, take this wort, all dried and poimded
to very small dust; shed it on the sore, it will heal
it; thou shalt wonder at the benefit.

Water germander)^ CLXiii. Teukrion

skordion. Bot.
1. This wort, which is named crxopSjov, and by another
name , hath a smack ^ as a leek, and it also
hence is called skordion. This wort is produced in
moors, and it hath round leaves, and them of a bitter
taste, and it hath a four edged stalk and fallow

^ Lovell, Lyte, Nemnicli agree tliat Centimorbia is Nnm-

mularia, that is, Lysimachia numrmilaria, Bot., hnt this
plant does not agree with the description in the text, for it
grows on very wet soil. The figure in MS. V., fol. 63 h, has
an upright stem.
^ The first source is Dioskorides, iii. 125. The figure in
MS. v., fol. 63 c, is " a very neat representation of Epime-
dium Alpinum " (H.), Barren wort
0a-fA,7J, Diosk., smell. *'
very bitter, 'J'he whole herb is

with a strong disagreeable rcent, somewhat approaching to


T 2

Pi^ ])ey mijcSan aytypunje jenim J>a]' pypte j'cojibiop

ppa jpene jecnucube -^ j on pme jej^ijebe oS'Se bpijje
on pme jepyllehe pyle bpmcan heo 'pone mijSan
6ac ^ j5 pyljre j:pemaS* piS naebpena'^ plitap *j piS
ealle atrpu 'j pitS |??ep^ majan pape fpa pe sep cpaebon
piS )?8ep mi 5 San ypm'Se.
PI'S J7a jepynnmcje ];8ep poppmep^ ym^ 'Sa bpeoPc
jenim |7ap ylcan pypte "cyn peneja^ jepihte mib hunije
;^emenc5eb^^ pyle J^icjean^^ anne^^ cuculepe fulne )?a

bjieopt beo6 apeopmube.^^

PiS ):ot able jenim )?ap ylcan p}'pte on ecebe ^e-
cnucube^'* o<^Se on psetepe pyle bpmcan liyt }:pemaS^'^

Pi^ nipe pimba jenim J?ap ylcan pypte pylpe je-

cnucube leje to ^'^
Sam punbum heo hy'^ jej^eobej?

j eac^^ heo mib hunije jemencjeb^^ ealbe punba

ajieopma)? -j jehsele]? -^^ -j eac hype bupt pexenbe^'
ylsepc pel jehn^ece]?.


ne^d Milium, Deop pj'^p'c ]>eman ami^'^ -j oS]\um naman milinum

Laud 567. nemnej> 'j eac pume men hataS^* hajraS je-
cpeme pseb to on pme jepealb^^ bvS pel
Isecebome J>

}:pemaS^^ piS^'' ]7nep innoSep aptyjumje 'j pi'6 eappoS-

licnyppe^ S?ep mi^San -j piS pilbeopa plitap 'j eac^^

hyt Sa monoSlican jzopSjccijeJ? 'j piS pommap ]?8ep^

Secnocobe, B. - afc-, H. ^ Cac, H. '*
fpamaS, H.
naebpan, IT. B. " y>xy, 11. omits. ^
popnifcf, B. ^ >'nib,

H. B. " p0ene?;a, IT. B. '**

-msens-, B. ; -maenc-, H.
" l>icean, 11. ; J?icsan, B. '- aenne, B. '^
-mabe, H ; -mobe, B.
" Secnocobe, B, '^ypama'S, H. '^
secnocobe, B. '^ hij;, B.
eac, H. '" -mfenc- IT. ; -maens --, B. - -hjel-, B.
2' ]ieax-, B. " -hnaec-, B.; -linec- H. ^ ami, O. " h. O.
omit the idle words. -'
^efaelb, O. -^ jpama^, H. " pi's,

2. For stirring of the mie, take this wort skordion, Watku

SO green, pounded, and taken in wine, or boiled in ^^.j ^.j^-j-

wine, dry, give it to drink it stirreth the mie or


3. The same also is of benefit for bites of snakes,
and against all poisons, and for the sore of the maw,
as we ere said, for disorder of the mie.
4. For the running of ratten about the breasts, take
this ilk wort, by weight of ten pennies, mingled with
honey, administer one spoon full ; the breasts will be
5. For foot disease, take this same wort, pounded
in vinegar or in water, give it to drink; it helpeth
For new wounds, take this same woit by itself,

pounded, lay it to the wounds, it will unite them and ;

juingled with honey, it also purgeth and healeth old

wounds. And the dust of it also well restraineth
waxing fiesh.^^

Ammi copttcum.
1. This wort, which is named afo^*, and by another
name milium, and vjhich also some men call ,

hath seed convenient for leechdom, which is given in

wine it is of good benefit for a stirring of the inwards,

and for difficulty of the mie or strangury, and for

rendings of wild deer or beasts, and it also calleth
forth the >cara/x>ivja. And for blemishes of the body.

* Brjpcc Se,ro(, crre'hKei. Dioskor. Lye gave a

wrong sense to gehnascan.
From Dioskorides, ill.
^ 70. An umbelliferous plant is

drawn, MS. V., fol. 58 a.

"^ ^o
O. omits. -Ti^xx^i B.; earfornylTe, O. eac, H. omits.
3 -Saf,
2y^ HiaiBAUIVM

licliaman^ jenim J^yype j^ylfan^ pypte^ yseb mib hunije

jecnucub* hyt apyppeS^ ]?a pommas.
PiS seblsecnypye^ *j seliipnejpe |78ep lichaman^ bo
]5 pylpe '^
p yp ]3 Su J^one^ lichaman mib ];am ylcau
jefmype^^ oSSe ^^
yyle bpincan hyt ]?a iehipneppe^^

Ban pyjit. CLXV.

Dioskorides is Deop pyjit ]7e man uiolam *j oSpiim naman ban-
considered to
describe not pyp'c nemneS yp Speopa cynna ]?onne yp an bjiun
Viola, but the bap up *j o)7ep hpir*^'^ J^pibbe ip jeolup '^^
Sonne ip peo
varieties of
Matthiola jeolupe ppa peah fpij^ofc^^ Igeceon^^ jecpeme.
incana and lrran^^ jenim
Pi6 ];gep cpiSan pape 'j piS pone ]?ap
cheiri, our y^lcan pyjite jecnucube^^ 'j unbepjelebe^^ heo hyne je-
stock and wall- '

bhte]? eac ppylce heo Sa monoSlican pojiSjecijeJ?.

]}i]> mipenlice^^ leahtpap Ssep bsecj^eapmap^^ ]7a pa-
jabap hataS^^ f ip ppa ]?eah j-piSopt ];8ep blobep

utpyne jenim p'yppe ylcan pypte leap jecnucube^^ -j

to cly]?an jemencjebe^* hy^^ );a -untpumnyfTe^^ ealle


pyppe^'^ pylpan pypte leap^^ mib hunije jecnucube*^

jjemencjebe^^ J?one cancoji ]?8epa^^ to'Sa jeha^leS^'^^ op
Sam pop opt Sa te)? pealleS.^'^
monoShcan to aptypijenne^^ jemm pyfle
pyj? ^a
ylcan pypte pa^bep tyn peneja^^ jepihte on pine je-
cnucnb^^ "j jebpuncen oSSe mib liunije jecnucub^^ -j

-mon, B. '^
ylcan, H. ; B. O. omit. ' j'yjitan, B.
-cob, 0. ; secnocob, B. '*

afir^e'S, O. ^ -nefj-e, B.
^ -horn-, H. ^ H. repeats p rylf*'- " i'on, V. > -jia, B. ;

-ru, O. " oMgy, O. '- -nyfla, 0. ' hpic, B. Seola, B. ;

Selupe, H. '^ fj)i]?ofc, B. omits. '^ Isecon, B. 1^ haecan, B.

Secnocobe, B. '" -labe, II., by contraction; -lobe, B. -" mij-lice, B.
-mep, B. -^ hatetS, H. -^ gecnocobe, B. '
-msenc-, H.
his, B'
-nefj-e, B. *-'
p, omitted in B.
-^ leay, H. omits,
spoiling the sense. gecnocobe, B. ^" -maenc-, H. ; -mseng-, B.
->apa, B. 2 gehselet?, B. ^^ j-ealla^, H. ; se):ealle'S, B.
-Synne, H. ' p roneja, H. B. ^'^
gecnocob, B., twice.
laiOM DIOSKOlilDES, ETC. 295

take seed of this same wort, pounded with honey ; it Ait. d\h
removes the blemishes.
2. For paleness and discoloration of the body,*"^ do

the same, that is, that thou smear the body with the
same, or give it to be drunk; it taketh off the dis-

Bone wort, Yellow loansy)^ clxv. viola huea.

1. This wort, which is named viola, and by another

name bone wort, is of three kinds ; one is a brown
purple, and another white, a third is yellow ; the
yellow then is the most suitable to leeches.
2.For sore and heat of the /Jiy}Tpa, take this ilk
wort, pounded and underlaid, it lighteneth the heat
it also calleth forth the xaraju-iivia.

3. For various maladies of the back gut, o?* anus,

which we call puyd'^ci;,^ rents, that is, however, chiefly
an outrunning of the blood, take leaves of this same
wort, pounded and mingled to form a poultice; it
healeth all the infirmities.
4.Leaves of this same wort, bruised and mingled
with honey, heal the canker of the teeth,^ from which
often the teeth fall out.
0,For the xarajayjvja, to stir them, take of seed of
this same wort, by weight of ten pennies, pounded in
wine, and drunken, or bruised with honey, and laid

* Dioskorides was rather different ; rpenei he kou %poav

%ivojAevov KOU (Tvyy^p^aiA.evov l%i to p^XwpoTepoj/.

^ The source is Dioskorides, iii. 138. KevKolov ; and the me-

diseval synonyms are Viola alba, Viola matronahs. Stock
seems drawn, MS. V., fol. 58 b.
^ 'PayaSa? rccq iv laKivXia ;
" Rimas sedis."
Plinius has
Celsus also, vi., xviii. 7, de Ani morbis, says, " Ac primum in
eo saepe, et quidem pluribus locis, cutis scinditur ; paydhicc
GrEci Yocant."
'-'AcpBaq, Dioskor.


to Sam jecynbelican lime jeleb^ hyt ])a monoSlican

afcype]?^ j f "cubbep op J>am cpiSan jeleebe)?.
PiS milran yape ;;^enim pyppe ylcan pypte pyjittjiu-
man on ecebe jecnucubne'^ leje to Ssepe* milt an hit


Pi8 nipe punbela *j eac^ piS ealbe jenim )?ypfe pyjtte

leap ]7e man uiola puppupea 'j o^jmm naman
nemne]? -j pyple^ aejj^pef jelice mycel leje to bam
punbum pceapplice hyt hy^ jeliseleS 'j eac ^eppel ^
ealle ypele jejabepunja byt: tolypeS.

PiJ? fep majan lieajibnylle^ jenim }>ypye ylcan pyp'^^^

bloptman^*^ on hunije jemencjebe^^ j mib Ipi'be jobon*^
pme jepepebe j^sep majan heapbnyf "^^ by6 jeli^ijab.^*


)eop pyjit l^e man zamalentition "j o|7]ium naman

nemne]; by6 cenneb^^ on fttenijum j'topum
"j on bunum.
PiS ealle ^^ punbela jenun ]?ap pypte zamalentition
pel mib pyple jecnucube^'' butan^^ pealte leje to Sam
punbum ealle lieo hy^^ 5elia3le]7.
6pt piS cancoji punba jenim )>ap ylcan j^yjite zama
lentition jebpijebe^^ 'j to fpyj^e pmalon bupte jecnu-
cube^^ lege to Sam punbum ealne J^one bite pa3p cancjiep
heo apeopmaS.

Se, II. omits; K^lcb, B. "^
-psC^, B. ^ Secnocobne, B.; -be, H.
hajie, B. ^ j-]iaraa'S, H. ^ eac, II. ' jnle, B., an error. ^ hig, B.

ne)7e, B. '" bloj*man, B. " -maens-, B. ;

jemencseb, H.
'- Soban, II. '^
-ner, B. ' -c?;ob, B.; -150b, H. '* csenneb, II. B.
eale, II. ''gecnocobe, B.; gecnube, II., by contraction. '^ con, B.
his, K.

-S5- B. 2' secnocobe, B.; gecnube, II., by contrac-

FROM D10SK0111DE8, ETC. 207

to the naturalia ; it stirreth the kutoi[xyivhx, and leadeth Bone wort.

^ '/ /o ~ / Art. clxv.
TO sfj^ppuov SK Tr}g [ji^YiTpocs.

For sore of the milt, take a root of this ilk wort,


pounded in vinegar, lay to the milt it benefits. ;

The violet.^ CLXVl. Viola odorata,


For new wounds, and also for old, take leaves of


this wort, which man nameth viola purpurea, and by

another name violet, and fat, of either of theon alike
much, lay to the wounds, sharply it healeth them
and also swellings and all evil gatherings it dissipates.
For hardness of the maw, take blossoms of this
same wort, mingled with honey, and soaked in very
good wine the hardness of the maw will be relieved.


1. This wort, which man nameth zamalentition,*^ and

by another name is produced in stony places ,

and on downs.
2. For all wounds, take this wort zamalentition,
well beaten up with fat, without salt, lay to the
wounds; it healeth them all.
3. Again, for cancer wounds, take this ilk wort,
zamalentition, dried, and pounded to very small dust,
lay to the wounds it purgeth away all the bite of

the cancer.

* Some approach is made to the purple violet, MS. V.,

fol. 58 c.
^ Zamalenticion. MS. T., fol. 57 b. The figure in MS. V.
shows a root, three stalks with opposite sessile leaves and
terminals. Zamalentition, a xiv. century Latin MS., Tvin.
Coll. Cambridge, 0. 2. 48.
298 HEilBARlVM

The Vienna
MS. has a .^ ^ ,

"good" li"-. of jJeos pypt oe' inan aucujpa j oojium naman

fr^^^'^^i^^^'' y nemne];^ byS cenneb^ bejanum ptopum
on on "j

has abetter. j'mepum ^ Sap pyj^te 6u j'cealu niman on Sam^ monJ?e

6e man^ majitmp hate]; -^ Syppe pypte synbon^ tpa
cynjienu an^ ip Se appjucam bajibatam nemnaS^"
V. is here opeji ys to liecebomum ppy]?e jecopen 'j Seop by'S

fretted away,
cenneb^^ pyjimept on '6am lanbe Se man peppa^~
hatej)^^ 'j heo yf^^ pceappon leapon 'j
pnihtum ^^
butan ftelan.^^
Pic) pojibeepnebny ITe^'' jenim J'yppe pypte pyjittjiu-
man^ ancupa^^ on ele jepobene^^ "j piS pex^^ je-
mencjebne^^ 'Sam jemete pe ]7U plaptep o)7]7e^^ cly)?an
pyjice leje to J^am bsepnytte^* punboplice hyt ^e-

Colianbpe.^^ CLXix.

yp ppilliop jecpeben pop Sam

Plan lay Deop pypt^'' lieo
hapaS pseb fpylce plean ]?anon by man eac^^ on lebeii^''^

puhcajiem nemneS 'j by eac pnme men^*' . . . .

beo bapaS^^ jebpsebe leap 'j puje^^ -j beo bapaS^^ prelan
j Sone on bojum jej^upne -j beo yp bpijce^^ jecynbe
j tybjie^^ "j beo byS cenneb^^ on bejanum ftopum.

>a, O. ^ O. omits
t o. n., and breaks off" the sentence at nemne'5
II. omits four Avords. ^ ceenneb, II. B. '
on '55, II. omits.
5 II. O. omit man. hace^, B. ' synbo, V.; flnbe>, O.
8 cynne, O. ^ an, B. *" nemneS, B. ' caeuneb, H. B.
_fej O., and omits man. '^ hate'S, B. ''yf, O. omits.
-hce, O. bucon jtelon, B.
-rbn-, O.; -nej-fe, B.
_jic],-, II.; purtrume, O. hatte, O. adds. -"-bene, for

-benne, V. B. II. ; -bone, 0. -' j'eax, B. -^ -mseng-, B. ; -geb, O

23 oM, B. "^^
-necce, H. B. 0. -^ ^eha&le'b^ B. ^g ^ foij^ j..

here missing in B. It is also not found in the transcript made by

Junius. The heading cohanbjxe is an error it might be yleaban, ;

Jleahane. In O. the heading is, Psilliof : puhcajiia. -^ j'yrc

p man
cj)eben, O.
eac, H. '^'^
laiben, H. ^" II. omits idle words, and

^ CLXVIIl. , ,
Ancnusii iinc-

1. This wort, which is named uy/^omu, and hy

another name , is produced in cultivated
places, and on smooth ones ; and thou shalt take this
wort in the month which is called March. There are
two kinds of this wort, one is that which the Africans
call barbatus, bearded; the other is much approved

for leechdoms, and this is produced first in the land

which one calleth Persia and it is of sharp and ;

thorny leaves, without a stele or stalk

2. ^For a bad burn, take a root of this wort
anchusa, sodden in oil, and mingled with wax, in the
manner in which thou wouldst work a plaster or a
poultice, lay to the burn; wonderfully it healeth.

Coriander.^ clxix.
Thefig. inMS.
1. This wort is called 4/uAA*ov,
^ '
since it hath seed as p)^^
1 lantago psyl-
fleas (\J/uAXa flea), whence in Latin also it is //;/m nor Con-
named pulicaria {from loidicem, flea), and some men bufn^oVTiikr'
also call it flea wort; and it hath minute leaves, and Pa^Hnaca
rough, and it hath a stalk, and that tufty with boughs,
and it is by nature dry and tender, and it is pro-
duced in cultivated places.

* Sprengel says, ''A7%ovcra= Anchusa Italica, A. ireprj^A.

tinctoria, and A. Tprrvj Litho-spermum fructicosum. The
drawing in MS. V., fol. 67 "
intended to
a, may have been
represent the root and terrestrial leaves of A. tinctoria." (H.)
^ This leechdorn stands first in Dioskorides on Anchusa

(iv. 23), but the previous paragraph is not found in him.

c This article is abridged from Dioskorides (iv. 70). Plan-
tago psyllium is drawn in the Vienna MS.

O. abridges. ^' hse}:^, H. ^^ y^ seems to have jiuhe. ^3 heeya'S, H.

^^ bpise, II. " V. can scarce be read here. ^^ ce&nneb, H.
300 HERBAlilVM

PiS cvjiiilu' -j pi6 ealle yfele jejabepunja^ jemin

J^yppe pypte ysebej* jecnucubep '^
an ele yse'c y:\i\ -j

tpejeii bollan pulle pjerejief men^c"* topomne^ pyle

bjuncan .^ mm ]7onne op 6am pylpan ysebe pypc
blaptepi^ leje to Sam j-ajie liyt by)? jehaeleb,
PiS heapub pape bo p pylpe mib jjopan pope** 'j mib
pyetepe ^eyeyeh^

-^oi semper-
virens and not
Deov YJn'^ W mail cynop
v i
batup h o^pum naman
so /
man i


R. canina is nemnep t>onne ny op irelan

meant by Oios- jenime)? heo bi6 pam joman^^ pciS pop
koncles (^JJau-
beny). mete jepijeo ac -iciheo ppa
pean oa bpeopu
'j pi'Sepjiaebe

ppa hpylce j^mcj ppa pynbon apope oSSe bitejie Seali

hy ]mm majan bepien fpa J^eah Saepe miltan pel hi
ppemaS ^^
]^y]T^ ylcan pypte bloptma^^ jebpunccn ppa
l^one man ^elacnaS ^ he ];ii]ih bone^^ mijj^an pojib
jelsebeb biS 'j he eac blobjiynap apeopma];.

6pt pi^ miltan pape jenim^* \y^^^ ylcdin. pypte pyjit-

tpuman op Siiepe jimbe pel apeojimabiie^^ leje to Ssejie
miluan hyu biS hyjie nytlic "j pjicmjenblic *^^ -j pe j;e
]7ypne kecebom J;olaJ; he pceal uppeajib licjean hep
he linjejjylbij Sa ptpengj^e^'' P'yJT^ lacnunje onjite.^*^


Deop pyjit 6e man^*^ ajlaoponj' ^ oSjmm naman ^^

nemne]? pcmeS on"^^ nihte ppa blsepe^^ "j

heo msej piS maneja untjmmnyppa.^^

curnlu, O. " -jiun^e, H. ^ j-aeb ^ecnucube, H, '
msens, H.
^ to gabere, 0. **
bjiincan, II. '
plafcep, II. An p was

foreign to an Engle. ^ j'ofa, O. ^ pel ^epefeb mengeb, O.


'" gemun, 11. " j-jiama'S, II. '- blofcman, H. '^ "Suph "Sone mno'5

3, II. adds. ' S^nim, H. '^ -mob-, H. jpamsenblic, H.


'" man, H. ""

'^ ftjiaencSe, II. "^ ongete, II. II. omits four
words, adds heo ; O. supplies the blank with foxef gloua, fol. 34 = 5 ; but
the drawing in V., fol. 66 a, is not foxglove. "'
on, H. ^"^ blyre> H.
^^-nelTe, O.

2. For kernels, and an

for all evil gatherings, take Coriander.

oil vat full of the seed of this wort, pounded, and

two bowls full of water, mingle together, give to
drink. Take of this same seed, work a plaster, lay to
the sore; it will be healed.
3. For head sores, do the same, with juice of rose,

and soaked in water.

Evergreen rose. CLXX. Bosa sewper-

1. This wort, which is named xuvo$ fSuTog, and b}^
anotlier name evergreen rose,^ when a man taketh it
from the stalk, is stiff to the palate, and unpleasant for
meat when swallowed, but it notwithstanding purgeth
the breast, and whatsoever things be harsh or bitter
though it vex the maw, yet for the milt it is of good
benefit. A blossom of this ilk wort drunken, so
leecheth the man, that it through the urine is led
forth ; and it also purifieth blood runnings.
2. Again, for sore of milt, take root of this ilk wort,
well purified from the rind, lay to the milt, it is

profitable and beneficial to it ;and he who endureth

this leechdom, shall lie upward, lest he impatiently
understand the strength of this leeching.

^ CLXxr.

1. This wort, which is named uyXcio(pcjoTtc, and by

another name pcBony, shine th at night as a blaze, and
it is powerful against many infirmities.

^ See Dioskorides, lib. i. cap. 123, and observe the variations

Sdi^voq i<TTi, lev^pu^'/ji; ; it is almost a tree.
^ It appears by the mediaeval marginal notes on Dioskorides,
is the same plant as the Paeonia, and the
that the 'AyXaocpariq
same phrase about shining at night " is found in our text,
at art. lxvt. Plinius speaks of Aglaophotis as one of the
portentous tales of Demokritos, xxiv. 102. The figure in MS.
Y., fol. 66 a, is not pasony, and seems monstrous.

PiS ]7one pepoji ^e py feopSan bfeje

bjiibbaen^ -j "Sy

on man becyme]? jenim J^yyfe }dcan^ PJP''^^ T^^P

ajlaojrotriy mib poyenan ele jemencjeb^ fmype ]?one
yeocan untpeolice ]?u hyne alypefu.'*
Gyp hpa^ hpeohnyppe on pepytte^ ]7oli5e jenime^
Sap ylcan pypte pop pycelp onselebe^ peo hpeohnyp'^
by^ popboben,
Ipip hpamman
bipunje" jenime J^ap sj^lpan
'j piS
pypue hsebbe^^ mib him jip hy J^onne^^ hpa mib hmi
bepeS ealle ypelu^^ byne onbpgeba^.^^

Pububenb.^^ CLXXII.

Capparis P*^ miluan pape jenim J^yppe pypte pyptrpuman J?e

spinosa. TUQJicappapif "j oJ>pum naman pububenb^^ hateS cnuca
to bupte 'j jepypc to clyj^an leje to Ssepe miltan he

hy abpyjeS ac^^ ppa fieah jeppiS ]?one^^ man J>y laep

he |7uph ]5 pap "Sa lacnnnje^^ op him apceace *j septeji

})pim tibum jelseb hyne to bsej^e -j hyne^^ pel jebajm

he by]? alypeb.


Deop pypt \e man^^ epmjmf -j o];piim naman

nemnej? hapaS hnepce leap^^ ponne heo repept acenneb^^
byj? Sa beoS pepebe on^^ ppsece -^^ "j hi man Jnjej?

ppa oSpe pypta^^ pySSan hy beoS pceappe 'j ^ypnihte^^

'j heo hapaS stelan hpitne^^ oSSe gpenne on fep
heahnyppe upepeapbpe'^^ beoS acennebe^^ pceappe 'j^^

H. omits three words.

' ^ ylcan, H. ^ -maenc-, IT.

alefefc, H. ^ hj'a, H. ^ on nypepytce, H., on erasure.
recelf, O. on- 11. '"
^Senim, H. -nyfTe, O.
" bi)iinse, H. '^ j^^bbe, H. '^^
)>anne, (). eallayyele, O.
Half a line in V. is gone. >" j'ububeb, II. " -beb, II. '^ eac, H.

^' hme, II, ^- afatrefcehere, B., by

hone, H. -" lac-, II.
-^ man, H., omitting three useless words. -' leay, H.
later hand.
xV^cce, B. jiypca, IT.
''^ -'
25acnneb, II. B. 5^1 jx.
fhom dioskorides, etc. 303

For the fever which cometli on a man on the

Art. clxxi.

third and on the fourth day, take juice of this same

wort aglaophotis, mingled with rose oil, smear tlie
sick indubitably thou shalt release him.

3. If any one suffer stormy weather, in rowing, let

him take this same wort, set ablaze for incense the ;

rouffh weather will be countermanded.

4. For cramps, and for quiverings, let the "patient

take this same wort, let him have it with him; then
if any one beareth it with him^ all evil ones will dread

Woodbind,^ falsely. CLXXII.

For sore of milt, take a root of this wort, which


which is hight capparis, and by another name wood-

bind, pound to dust, and work to a poultice, lay to
the milt, it drieth it but notwithstanding, wrap up

the man, lest he through the sore, shake the leech dom
off him, and after three hours lead him to the bath,
and bathe him well he will be released.;

Sea holly.^ CLXXIII. Eryvgiim,

1. This wort, which one nameth ripvyyiov, and by

another name sea holly, hath nesh leaves when it is

first grown, and they be sweet of savour, and one

partaketh of them as of other worts. It is at a later
period of its growth, sharp and thorny, and it hath
a stalk white or green, on the very top of which are

The name woodbind must have been set upon the page by

onewho had in view a drawing of the Capparis spinosa, Bot.

The fig. in MS. V. compared with that in Flora Granca, 486,
appears correct.
^ The original was Dioskorides, iii. 24.

-^ bypmilite, H. *" hjntne, B. ^'

ufe-, B. ^''
acsennebe, B.
3^ B. omits.

)7y]inyhte pilay *j lieo hajzaS lancne^ pyptpuman "j

]?one urepeajibne ppeaprne pe biS jobep "^

-j ppeecep
J?eop pyjTt byp> cenneb^ on pelbon* 'j on pi^eppaebon^
PiS ))9ey jenim pap ylcan pypte
mijl^an afuypunje
]7e pe ejunjiuf nembun^ jecnucube^ pyle bpincan on
pine na f an^ f lieo )7one mijpan aptypej? ac eac^
fpylce 6a mono]?lican -j ^sep mnoSep aptyjiunje^^ ^j
toSunbenylTe heo tolype]; -j eac piS lipeji peocnylTe^^ -j

pi^ nsebbpena plitap heo pel ppemaS.^^

6ac^'^ ppylce pi^ mgenijpealbe leahtrpaf )78epa^^ mnoSa
heo pel ppemaS^^ jej^ijeb mib J>aejie^^ PYJ^'^^ psebe ])e

man olipatpum nemne];.

PiS J^sepa^'' bpeofra^^ S^JT^^ jemm ^ap ylcan pyp'^e
to clypan jepophte leje to 6am bpeofcan^^ ealle ])a
ypelan jejabejmnjge''^^ on butan ^^
pa bpeoft heo to-
pi^ pcojipionep ftnijc^^ "j pi^ ealjia nsebbepcjnna^^
plitap 'j eac^'^ pi6 -pebe hunbep plite jenim pap j^lcan ^^
pypte pypc to plaptjie leje to fejie^^ punbe ppa p peo
piinb ppa peah sepeft mib ipepne jeopenub^'' py -j
pySSan psepto ^eleb^ fpa f pe peoca pone fcenc^^ ne
onjite. Gac^^ ppylce peop pylpe pypt pi6 oman pel
ppemap'^^ on pap ylcan pipan jemetejub^^ 'j eac*^^ heo
potable jeliSijaS*^* jyp hy^^ man oet ppympe to

' lanj^ne, B. ^ rjirecce]', B. ^ caenneb, B. H.

v^l^unii H.
^ -bum, B, -bon, B. " secnocobe, B. '* un, II. " eac, II.
' afcyji-, H. ' reoc-, TI.; -nerre, B. '- jrpamaS, H. " Eac, IT.

i^aiia, B. '^ vpama'S, H. "= |>ajie, B. '" J^apa, B. '^ -con, B.
-rton, B. -" -unge, H. ; -unsa, B. '-''
-con, B. - Icenjc, II.

-^ naebbpe, H. -' eac, H. "^ II. omits two words. ^'ajie, B.
-nob, B. -'' t>a]i Seleb, B. "' fcanc, II. ="
eac, H.
rpamaS, H. -^ -gob, B. '* eac, H., omits. -esa, B.
^' hi, B. ="= -les'S, B.

produced sharp arid thorny liairs, and it liatli a long Sea holly.
root, and the outward part swart, and it is of a good ^^'

smack. This wort is produced on fields, and in

stubborn places.
2. For stirring of the niie or urine, take this same
wort, which we named eryngium, pounded, give it to
drink in wine not only doth it stir the mie, but

also similarly the xTajU,>Jv<a, and it relieves the stirring

and swelling of the inwards; and it also is of good

effect against liver sickness and against bites of adders.

3. It also, moreover, taken with seed of the wort

which one nameth olusatrum,^^ is of much benefit

aojainst manifold disorders of the inwards.
4. For swelling of the breasts, take this ilk vvort,
wrought into a poultice ; lay it to the breasts ; it

removes all the evil gatherings about the breasts.

5. For sting of scorpion, and for bites of all sorts


of serpents,and also against bite of mad hound, take

this same wort, work it to a plaster, lay ifc to the
wound, so that the wound, however, be first opened
with iron, and (the application be) afterward so
thereto laid, that the sick man may not perceive tiie

smell. This same wort also is of good advantage

against erysipelatous swellings, tempered in this same
wise ; and it also mollifies gout, if one layeth it to
at the beginning.

* 'E/XTTvet^/xaTcoa-eK) inflations.

^ I,ra(f)vKtvoy, 0116 of the Carots ; olusatrum is linioaekiyoy,

alexanders, smyrnium olusatrum,

^ This paragrapli has Init little from Dioskorides.

CLXXiv. [Clate. MS. 0.]

Dap pyjite man pliylantpopoy ^ nemne)? ]3 yj' oii^

upe jej^eobe^ menlupi^enbe^ pojiSy^ lieo pyle hpseblice

to 6am ^ men jeclypian -j heo hapaS paeb jelic mannef
napolan^ J?a man eac o]?pum naman clate nemneS^
*jheo op hype maneja bojap^^ apenbe]?^^ 'j ]?a lanje
'j peopepecje "j yp fti'S on leapon *j heo hapaS
jpeatne^^ ptelan 'j hpite bloptman^^ *j heo hapaS
heapb^* pseb 'j pmepealt 'j on mibban^^ hoi spa pe eep
cp^ebon ]?am^^ jemete 'pe by^ mannep napla.^^

PiS nnebpena^^ plitap^^ -j piS J>epa^^ pypnia "Se^^

man^^ fpalanjioneT hate)?^^ jemm^* WYY^ VfV^^ P^^

jecnucub^^ on pme pyle bpincan^^ hyt ppemaS.^^

PiS eapena^^ pape jenim pyppe^^ ylcan pypte pop

bpype on f eape hyt jehsele); f pap.

Deop pypt J?e man achiUea^^ oSpum naman ^^ 'j

nemne]? by)? cenneb^^ on bejanum ptopum

'j neah psetepe^^ -j heo hapaS jeolupe bloptman^"* *j


Pi^ nipe punba jenim J>yppe pypte cpoppap jecnu-

cube^^ leje to Sam punbum heo ]5 pap jenimS -j heo
6a punba je'Seobe]?^^ ^j J?one blobpyne jeppiS.^^

ph., H.B. 2 5n, H. >eobe, V. " mn-, H. '
yop^is, B.
)?am, H. H. eac,H. " nemme, H.;
' -olan, ^ engle
hata'S elate.-' O. '" inanega bosaj*, H. " aj-senbe'S, B.
Speacne, H. " hjncne blofcman, II.; hpice blofman, B. '^ peab
for heapb, H. '^ mibban, H. ' >am, H. '^ na>ola, H. B.
' -brane, O. >"
rlicaj-, H. ^g^pa, H. ; >ajia, B. O.
% O.; quos. 22
uj^jj^ u^ -23
hate, B. -'
senim, H.
gecuocob, B. O. '-^^
-ca, O.; bpincan, II. j-pama'S, II.
^ earane, O. ^^ I'yrre, omitted in II. ; the three last letters eaten away
in V. "" acylleia, O. "' H. omits the idle words, ^'^

Clote, elite, clivers.^ CLXXiv. ^ ,.


This wort is named (piXocv^pooTros, and is in our

1. "P^"'^"^-

language menloving, because it will readily cleave to

a man, and it hath a seed like a mans navel. One
also nameth it by another name clote, and it from
itself sendeth forth many boughs, and those long and
four edged, and it is stiff in leaves, and it hath
a great stalk, and in the middle is hollow, as we
before said, in the manner in which a mans navel is.

For rends of adders, and of the worms which one


calleth (paAayyia, OT tarantulas take wash of this j

wort, pounded in wine, give it to drink it will be ;

of benefit.
3. For sore of ears, take ooze of this ilk wort, drip
on the ear; it healeth the sore.

Sneezewort and yellow milfoil.^ CLXXV. Achillea magna,

A. tanaceti-
1. This wort, which is named u^lWsioc, and hj folia, A. ahro-
another n2imQ yelloiv milfoil, is produced in cultivated ^JJ'^^^^^^^^^

places, and nigh water, and it hath yellow and

white blossoms.
2. For new wounds, take heads of this wort,
pounded, lay to the wounds ; it taketh off the sore,
and it unites the wounds, and stancheth the blood-

a Dioskor., lib. iii. cap. 104. The drawing, MS. V., fol. 64 a,
" is a neat representation of Asperula odorata " (H.) ; but as
that is not a burr plant, we take its next of kin. Philan-
thropos is Lappa in Isidorus, and the mediaeval synomyms in
^ Dioskor., lib. iv. cap. 36. The drawing is very faulty,
MS. v., fol. 64 b.

H. B. ^^ psecepe, H. ^* -man, H. ; blofinan, B. ^^ gecnocobe, B

Se^ebe^, H. ^^ je, inserted after first writing in B.

U 2

Gij: pip oj: oam^ jecynbclican^ limon*'^ Jjone }:lepj\an

)??ep pa3tan'* J^oli^en^ jenim^ ]>ap yk^^^ VJV^^^ S^F^'
bene jeleje unbej\ ];am pipon^ pittreNbum ealne'^
J?one^^ psetan^^ op hype 8e)?me lieo jeppiS.^^
Gac^"* 'Seop py^F^ VfV^ ^^ psetepe jebpuncen^^ piS
utpiht pel pjxema'S.^^
^''Deop pypt y^ achillea'^ jecpeben popj^an }>e ip pn3b

^ pe ealbojiman
acliillep^^ hype ^^elomhce bpiucan
pceolbe punba to jelacnijenne.^^


PiS hajol *j hpeohnyppe to apenbenne^^ ^yF ^^ I'^Y

pyjite Se man jucmum -j oSpum naman^V
nemneS on Jjinpe on pehte^^ hapapt o'SSe*^ hype yvob

Jjin hup ahehfc^* o^Se on ppa hpilce]\e ptope ppa ]m

hy hapafu oSSe hype pseb heo apenbe'S^'^ hajolep hpcoh-
nyffe^^ jyp )>u hy^^ 0(S'6e hijie pseb on pcyp ahehfu

to ]?am punbophc^^ heo ip p heo selce hpeohnyppe'^

jepmSdte]?* ]:ap pyj^'^^e J>u pcealt niman^^ fup cpe]7enbe

Hejiba jiiomum ppecopi uti abpip meip mcanta-

tionibus^^ & auejitap jpanbmep ^^ puljopa et omnep
tempeftatep pep nomen omnipotentip bei qui te
luppit napci 'j3 ip Sonne on upe jej^eobe pyj^t
picmum ic bibbe f J)u retpy mmum panjum f 6u -j
apenbe^^ ha^jolap hjp^epceap^^ ^ ealle^*
'j hpeohnyppa
]7uph namaii'^" ?ehnihti;^ep ;^obep pe ]?e het beon

on 'Sa, O. -
-licon, B.; j^ecunb-, O. ^ limon, H.; 0.
omits some words by error. '
j'aetaii, H. ;
jiaetan, B.; .-ten, O.
-150, II. '^
mm, O. '
))eof y., O. ^
lH>on, B.; yyf, O.
"rict-, II.; -ben, O. '' ealle, O. " I'ane, O. '^ ytatan, II.;

-te, O. '='
sejiyr^, O. " Gae, II. ''
-bpuncen, B.; -can, O.
'" )-jia, H., an unfinished writing ; -me'S, O. ''
V. is here in a bad
state from corrosion. '^11. omits six words. '' lacnit;enbe. If.;
see Narratiunculce, p. 78, notes. '-'"
apsenb-, B. '^^
II. omits
the attempt at an English name. ^- hsete, O. '^ o|'J>er, ().
2' ahesj-c, B. " apaenbetJ, B. About fifty letters are here fretted

3. Dc naturalibns fliixuin liumoris mulieribus pa- Yi:r-r,ow

ticiitibus, eandem lierbam sumtain atqiie coctaui . .."''T',"

sedentibus subiicito ; omncm liumorem per vaporein

suum cohibebit.
4. Also, this same wort drunken in water, is of good
use against diarrhoea.
5. This wort is called Achilleti, since it is said that
Achilles, the aldei-man, or chieftain, frequently should
use it for curing of wounds.

The Oroton oil ijlantJ^ CLXXVI. Bidmis com-

vmnis. Jjot.

For hail and rough weather, to turn them away,

if thou havest in thy possession this worfc, which
is named ricinus, and which is not a native of
England, or if thou hangest some seed of it in thine
liouse, or have it or its seed in any place whatsoever,
it turneth away the tempestuousness of hail, and if

thou hangest its seed on a ship, to that degree won-

derful it is, that it smootheth every tempest. This
wort thou shalt take thus speaking, Herba ricinus,
precor uti adsis meis incantationibus, et avertas
grandines, fulgora et omnes tempestates, per nomen
omnipotentis dei qui te iussit nasci : that is, in
our language, Wort
pray that thou be at
ricinus, I
mine songs, and that thou turn away hails and
lightning bolts, and all tempests, through the name of

^ The dravv^ing, MS. V., fol. 64 c, as much as remains, is

clearly intended for the plant.

away in V. hjieohnej-re, B. ^7 ^ig, B. ^s
.j^^^^ jj.
-nej-j-e, B. ^'' mman, II. ^' mcantationibuj-,
Span- 11. ; also
binef. The first is of value to determine the meaning of these marks.
3- ajieenbe, H. B. -rear, B.
-jiejx-, H.; -rseceaf, O.
3' helle,
for ealle. ^^ -nei^a, B. "^^
l>ur nama, O.

acenneb ^^ *j l^u fcealt clsene beon )?onne ]?u 8aj'

pyjite nimePc.^


^Deoy pyjit Se man poUoten -j oj^jiiim naman poji-

jium nijjium nemne]? 'j eac pume men^
hataS yj* J^yjmihton frelan^ *j ppeapton^ -j pujum ^
bpabpan leapon ]70iuie leac'' 'j ppeaptpan^ ^j J^a pynbon
ptpanjep ppsecep^ 'j hype milit yp pceapp.

PiS hunbep plite^^ jenim J'yppe pypte leap^^ mib

pealtre jecnucube^^ leje to ]?am punbum^^ hit haelej?
6pt piS punba jemm }>ypp8e^* ylcan pypte leap^^ mib
humje jecnucube^^ leje to )7am punbum^'^ selce punbe
hyt^ jehsele)?.

Netele. CLXXViii.

PiS fopciUebe punba^^ jemm J^yppe pypte peap^*^ ]?e

man upticam -j oSpum naman ^^ netele nemne]? mib
ele bpopnum^^ jemencjeb^^ -j pumne bsdl pealtep
Ssepto^* jebon leje to )79epe^^ punbe bmnan^^ J^pim
bajum heo bi]? hal.

PI'S jeppel bo f pylpe f yp )?onne J>a ylcan jemete

leje to J?am jeppelle h^'t biS jehseleb.
Gyp Sonne senij bsel J^aep lichaman jeplejen py
jenim )7ap ylcan pypte upticam jecnucube^^ leje to^
)79epe^^ punbe heo^^ byS jehseleb.

aceenneb, H. B. ^ n^mfj.^ g 3 q abridges, fol. 23 = 65.
' H. omits the words that prove idle. ^ j^elon, B. frelan, II. ;

^ rpeaptii, B. ^ leac, H. ^ -tfian, H. ^ j-peeccer, B.

^" slice, H. " lea).-, H. '^ _cobe, O.; secnocobe, B. '^ jmnbum, H.

'^ lea):, H.
^')>iffe, B. ^'^-cobe, O.; Secnocobe, B. '^>an
jjtiba, O. *^ he, H., wrongly. " jmnba, H.
r^SL]i, omitted

by V. 21
naman, II.; namon, B. bfiOYnuia, H.

H.; -rnsen^-, B. ^^
Mp, B. " )?a]ie, B. bmnon, B. '-''

'^' ^^ to, V. omits.

secnocobe, B. "^^
|>ajie, B. 3" he, H., of

the patient.

Almighty God, who hight thee to be produced; and Tueciioton

thou shalt be clean when thou pluckest this herb. Art. clxxvi.

Blade horelwund. CLXXVII. Ballota nigra.

1. This which is named /SaXAcor^, and by
another name porrum nigrum, black leek,^ a.ii6L which
also is hight is of thorny stalk, and swart

and rough, and broader leaves than a leek has, and

swarthier, and they are of a strong scent, and its
might is sharp.
Against rent by hound, take leaves of this wort,

pounded with salt, lay to the wounds; it, that is, the
process, healeth wonderfully.
3. Again,wounds, take leaves of this same
wort, pounded with honey lay to the wounds it will
; ;

heal each wound.


For chilled wounds, take juice of this wort, which


is named urtica, and by another name nettle, mingled

with lees of oiL and some portion of salt thereto

added lay to the wound within three days he will
; ;

be hale.
2. For a swelling, do the same ; that is, in the same
manner lay to the swelling; it will be healed.
3. If, any part of the body be stricken,
take the same wort urtica, pounded, lay it to the
wound; it will be healed.

^ In translating Dioskorides (iii. 117), Plinius, the author

of this error, read ivpda-ov, leek, for itpdo-iov, horehound. Polo-
ten, cpapan leac, Gl. Brux. The drawing, MS. V., fol. 64 d,
is more a leek than a horehound.
^ Based on Dioskorides (iv. 94). The drawing indicates
the plant, MS. V., fol. 68 a.

jyf hy^ op hpylcum belimpe obSe oj:

Pi(S li];a yajie
About tcu cyle o]?c5e oj: renijum Jnncje ^eyajijube ~ beO(5 jenim

ilk'giblcTn V. l^yrre ylcan pyjite yeap 'j elep e|:enmycel tojc^bejic

jepylleb bo ];onne J?a3]ito J^sep^ hit pprSopt bepije
bmnan^ ]7jiim ba^on Su hyne jehielyt.^
piS jmle punba^ -j poppotube jemm ]?ap ylcan
pypte uj\ticam jecnucube 'j j^septo ^ pumne bgel
yealtep ^eppiS to )^?epe^^ punbe bmnan^^ J^pym bajon ^^
heo^'^ bi|> lial.

Pi6 pipep pleppan jenim ];ap ylcan pyjite on mojitepe

pel jepunube^^ oS f lieo pel li]n^^ py ^ej^c J^onne
]?8ejit6^^ pumne bael hunijep mm yy]>}7an psete^^ pulle

j ];a pel jet^epebe pmyjie^ Sonne ]?a jepealb raib

];ain Isecebome 'j pj'^pj/an hyne ]?am jepyle f heo
hyne^^ I^VP^ unbepi jelecje J?y
pylpan bae^e hyt pone
pleppan beliiceS.
Pi'5 p ]?u cyle iie J^olije jenini j^ap ylca^n pypte
ujiticam on ele jepobene pmype~^ Sonne ]?cE]unib^^ J^a
hanba^^ "j ealne J^oiie lichaman^^ ne oiijitft Su )?one
cile on eallum J^mum lichaman.~*


Deop pypt ])e man ppiapipci 'j o'Spum naman uica

pejiuica nemneS to manejum^^ J^mjon^^ pel pjiemaS ^^^
3? yp ]?onne^^ sepept-^ onjean beopol peocnyppa^^ -j piS
niebpan^^ "j piS pilbeoji^^ 'j piS attpu ^j piS jehpylce^^
beliatu -j piS anban "j piS ojan '^^ 'j f Su jipe hrebbe

^ jip Su ];ap^^ pyi^-6 K^i^ 1^6 hapapt -Sii bipt jepselij

his, K- ' -Sabe, B. ' jnijito haji, B. ^ binnon, B.
^ Sehaelej't, B. " punba, II. " ylcan, II. **
secnocobe, B.
''i'ap, B. '"l^ape, B. "^"-non,B. '^ba^xxmyB.
^ he, II., of the man ; hit, B., tlie case. -nobe, B. *
hhe, H.
hhs, B. baji, B. ^ jisece, II. B. ' -jia, B.
hyne, II. omits. 20 j-myjxa, B. ^i
|,ap, B. "^-
hanba, B.
-^ -hom-, II. -' IT. omits the four last words. -^ ma,nc?;an, H.
- -' ^s 20
)>in5e, O. jjxamaS, II. j,yn(.^ q^ j.^,^.fj. ^u^ jj^
FllOM DI0SK011IDE8, ETC. 313

4. For sore of joints, if they be made sore from Netti-k.

any thing befallen, or from chill, or from any cause, "

take juice of this same wort, and an equal quantity of

oil, boiled together apply then thereto where it most

I annoys within three days thou healest him.


5. For and rotted wounds, take this same wort

urtica, *pounded, and therewith some portion of salt
bind to the wound ; within three days it will be
6. Ad mulieris fiuxus, herbam hanc in mortario
tusam, ita ut omnino lenta fiat, sumito, dei'nde ali-

quantiilum adiice meliis, lana denique madida atque

decerpta unge naturalia medicamento postea autem ;

mulieri tradito ut idem sibi subiiciat eodem die ;

lluxum comprimet.

In order that thou may not suffer by cold, take


this same wort urtica, sodden in oil then smear ;

therewith the hands and all the body thou shalt ;

not perceive then the cold on all thy body.

Periwinkle.^ CLXXix, V^^^^a maior.


This wort, which is named priapiscus, and by

another name vinca pervinca, is of good advantage for
many purposes, that is to say, first against devil sick-
nesses, or demoniacal possessions, and against snakes,
and against wild beasts, and against poisons, and for
various wishes, and for qwyj, and for terror, and that
thou may have grace, and if thou hast this wort with

a Drawn, MS. V., fol. 68 c, like enough. (" No." H.)

30 -nejja, B. O. ^i
ueebjian, H. 32 33
5^5^^ jj^ hpvlce only, H.
osan, H.; ogan, B. ^^ jjeof,


<j fymle ^ecpeme .^ Saj- ^ pyp'^e J?u jxealt niman jmy

Te pjiecop uica pepuica multij- uuilitatibus habenba
ut uemaj- ab me hilapij' plopenp cum tuip uiptutibus
ut ea mihi ppeftep ut tutup et pelix pim perapeji a
uenemp et ab ipacunbia mlepup pget yp J?onne^ on

u]ie jej^eobe ic* bibbe ]?e uica pepuica mtlnejum

nytlicn5''ppum^ to liaebenne^ ^ 6u jlseb to me cume^
mib ]7mum msejenum^ blopenbe f ^u me jejeappie*^
f ic^^ py jescylb -j pymle^^ jepselij 'j unjebepeb^^
ppam attpum ^ ppam yppunje^^ Sonne ^^ 6u ]?ap pypt
niman^^ pylt Su pcealt beon claene piS sejhpylce
unclsennyppe ^j Su liy^*^ pcealt ^^ niman ponne se mona
biS nijon^^ nihta^^ ealb -j enblypon^^ nihta 'j Speot-
tyne^^ nyhta -j Spittij nihta *j Sonne ^^ he byS anpe
nihte ealb.

Deop pypt Se man Iitoppepmon -j oSpum naman
[funb copn^^] nemneS byS cenneb^* m italia *j peo

pypmepte m
cpeta 'j heo hapaS^^ mapan leap Sonne

pube -j Sa jiihte *j on Seepe^^ liehnyppe^'^ heo hapaS^^

ptanap hpite "j pmepealte ppylce mepejpotu^ on
pypna^^ mycelnyppe^^ "j Sa beoS on ptanep heapbn5^ppe^^

'-man, O. ^ cjjaeme )>a, H. ^ ^onne, H. '*

ic, H.
5 nyclicn-, H. " haebenne, H. '
cume, H. ^ msesnu, B.
" Seseapjuse, H. B.; -jne, O. "> hic, O. " to f., O. '^ -\iob, O.
j-Tiam ypj-unge, H. '']?ane, O. ^* nime, O.; niman, H.
^^ hig, B. '^ ycealt, H. '^ neoga, O. *' V. omits fom* words,
zosenlujron, H.; -enl-, O. ^^
Jj^^q " funb-
jj. 22

cojm, in V. is in a later hand H. had not so read, ;for it omits the

phrase for an English synonym. Licofpenmon. 1. funcorn. Gl. Laud, 567.

csenneb, H. B. " H. omits from haja^ to haya^. -" >a]ie, B.

hyhnefj-e, B. ^ spocan, H. pyj-ena, H. B. ^o ^-j
-nej^e, B.
-nejje, B.

There a strong concurrence of evidence that sunbcopn

is saxifrage, as in art. xcix. The present article is from


ri^Ki winkle.
thee, thou shalt be prosperous, and ever acceptable.
This wort thou shalt pluck thus, saying, " I pray
thee, vinca pervinca, thee that art to be had for thy
many useful qualities, that thou come to me glad,
blossoming with thy mainfulnesses ; that thou outfit
me sOy and ever prosperous, and
that I be shielded,
undamaged by poisons and by wrath " when thou
shalt pluck this wort, thou shalt be clean from every
unclcanness, and thou shalt pick it when the moon
is nine nights old, and eleven nights, and thirteen
nights, and thirty nights, and when it is one night

Oromel.^ CLXXX. Lithospermon

1. This wort, which is named Xi$oa-7rsp[xov, and by
another name sundcorn (read rather gromel), is kindled
in Italy, and the foremost in Creta, and it hath greater
leaves than rue,^ and them straight, and in the height
of it it hath stones, white and round as pearls, of the
mickleness of peas, and they are of the hardness of

Dioskorides, iii. 158. Saxifrage is, however, allied to Sedum,

the English name of which is Stonecrop, which answers
closely in its signification to XiOoa-TrepiAov or stone-seed. Among
his synonyms for Lithospermon, Dorsten (1540, A.D.) has
Saxifragia alba, but he draws Gromel. Florio (1611, A.D.)
has " Litospermo, Greimile or Grumell. Some take it for
stonecrop." But the botanists are plainly right in calling
the plant known as Gromell, Lithospermon. The figure in
MS. V. is L. officinale.
^ Dioskorides says olive. Rue is not an English plant, nor
are the leaves appropriately compared here. Gromel leaves
are lanceolate, as in the olive.

316 UErv]5AillVM

j eac^ ]']'ylce hy^ tojgebepe jeclij-ujen^ ^ liy beoS

mnan hole 'j Sonne 'f yddb ]7a)pon'* mnan.

f j'tanay on bla3bpan^ pexen "j piS p man

jcmijan ne msd^e jenim oj: Syyum^ Ibanum yiy
pene^a'' jejnhte yyle bjnncan on pine Sa ytanap
tobjiyctS -j 6one mij)?an popS jelaebe]?.


Deop pyjit: ]?e man ytauiy ajpia *j oSjium naman^

nemneS hapaS leap pp>'lce pnijeajib *j jiilite

ptelan *j heo hapaS pseb on jpenum cobbnm on fejie^^

liead mycel- m^^cele ]7e pypan -j p byS ]>peoli}''pne '^^ ^ hjt bj^p
nyrre ?
apop^^ "J
ppeapt:* byS ppa ]7eah mnan hpit*^^ -j biteppe^*
on bypjmcje.^^
PiS ]70ne ypelan lichaman jenim J'yppe j^setau ]}sey

pypte pa3bep piptyne^^ copn jecnucube^'^ on IrSan^^

beope* pyle bpmcan hyt ]7one lichaman'^ Suph ppipSan
apeopmaS "j septeji t5am~^ J;e lie '^one bpenc^^ jebjmn-
can^^ hapaS he pceal ^an -j hjaie'^^ Ibypian a3p Sam ]7e

he hyne apptpe 'j J^onne he hme^* ppipan onjmnej? he

pceal jelomlice li'Sne psetan beo]iep ]?iC5ean^^ Si la^p

peo stpenjS^^ ]?93pe^'' VYV'^^ P^ joman b?epne -j pop-


PiS j'cjiup'-^^ "j piS pceb^^ jeniin j^yppe pylpan pypte

paeb^*^ cj
jiopan cnuca^^ topomiie lei^e to Sam pcuppe he
byS jehseleb.

eac, n. " his, B. ^ seclipan, 13. ; cliyien,H. * l^ajion, B.
" bleebpan, H. '
'Syn'um, II. ' pecne^a, H. B. albeS, B.
H. omits the search for an English equivalent. '" hajxe, B.
" hyjme, B. ''
'' ajoji, II. ^^ hjuc, B. " biceji, B.
'^ -m^e, B. '" pjtene, B. ''
secnocobe, B. ^^ li'Son, II.
-horn-, II. ' ]?on, B. -' bjjync, B. ^'^ -cen, B. -''
B. omits. '-' V. has some holes in the leaf, but must have omitted
five words. " hicsaii, B. -'^
frjioens'S, II. '-'
j^ape, B.

stone ; and moreover also they cleave together, and Ghomkl.

they are within hollow, and then the seed is therein
In case that stones wax in the bladder, 'and in

case that a man may not mie, take of these stones by

weight of five pennies, give to drink in wine it ;

breaketh to pieces the stones, and forth leadeth

the mie.

Staves acreS" CLXXXI. Delfinium

siafis agria.
1. This wort, which one nameth Gra(fic, aypla, and Bot.

by another name lousehane, hath a leaf as a vine, and

a straight stalk, and it hath seed in green pods of
the size of peas, and it is three cornered, and it is

austere and swart ; it is, however, within white, and

bitterish to the taste.
2. For the humours of the body, take fifteen
grains of the seed of this wort, pounded in lithe beer
administer it to be drunk it purgeth the body ;

through spewing and after that the sick hath drunken


the drink, he shall go, that is, %ualh about, and bestir
him before that he speweth, and when he begiuneth
to spew, he shall frequently swallow some lithe liquor
of beer, lest the strength of the wort burn the throat,
and choke him.
8. Against scruf and against scab, take
or scurf,
seed of this same wort and roses, pound them to-
gether ; lay to the scurf; it will be healed.

^ This article is from Dioskorides, iv. 156. The painting,

MS. v., fol. 69 b, is Bryonia cretica. iToccpvXr} aypia would
be ivild vine. MS. T. has a drawing degenerate from the true

rcupy, H. B. " j'cseb, B. ^'^
H. omits from ymh to yxb in the
next paragraph, confounding two leechcrafts. "' cnoca, B.

piS to]7a j'ape -j toSjieomena jenim )?yffe ylcan

pypte j^aeb on ecebe healbe J>onne on
j'eoS liif' muS
Of Sam ecebe lanje hpile Ssejia''^ toSa j'ajx -j Ssepa^
toSjieoiiiena^ j ealle ]78ef muSef popjiotubnyppa* beotS


Deos pypt: 6e man jojijonion *j o'bjium naman^

nemnej? byS cenneb^ on bijlon j'topum'^
'j on paeton
be Syppe pyjite ip pseb ]5 hype pypt-

Tpuma py jeanlicub J^sepe^ neebpan lieapbe Se man

jopjon nemneS "j ^a reljpan^^ liabbaS Jjsep Se eac^^
ip pseb sejSep je eajan je nopa ^^ je nsebbpena liip.^'^

6ac^^ pe pypurpuma^^ jehpylcne man him jeanhcaS

hpilon on^^ jolbep hipe^'' hpilon on^^ peolppep 'j ]7onne
Su j?ap pypte mib hype pypttpuman niraan pylle Sonne
papna )?u ^ hy na punne^ ne^^ bepcme Sy Isep hype
hip^^ 'j hype miht py apenb^^ ]?uph Seepe^^ punnan
beophtnyppe '^^ popceopp^* hy^^ ponne mib^^ anum
pojan -j ppyf'e heapbon^^ ipepne *j pe J>e hy^^

ceoppan^^ yflle Sonne py he ppam apenb*^'' popSy^*

hit nyp alypeb f man ^^ hype pyptpuman anpealh ne^^
jepeon mote. 8e ]?e ]?ap pypte^* mib him hapaS
sejhpylce ypele pot fpaSu^^ him onjean ^^ cumenbe he
popbuje]? je pop Son pe ypela man hyne popcyppe]?
oSSe him onbujej?.

hiy, H. ^ }>8epa, H. )>apa, B., twice. ' peomena ? H.

* -nyj'j'e, H. ; -nej-p, B. ^ -nobe, B. ^ H. leaves out the equi-

valent seeking words. ''
csenneb, H. B. ** biglu jropu, B., also psetu.
"jjape, B. '"telspan, H. " eac, H. '^ ^oj-an, B. hip, B.

>* eac, H. "^ -ptp-, H. '" op, v., twice. '' hipe, B. ' -nan, H.
V. omits. H. B. 22 B.
ne, H. B., but 20 ^jj,^ 53^ 21 apaenb, ]>ape,
-neppe, B. ^4 .-,
y^ jj, adds ;
pop, B. omits. ^s
y^^^^ 33 ^ mib, H.
-ban, B.heapbon, H.
i^g^ g ceoppan, H. 2<) ^" pjiam
Sej'senb, H. ajwnb, B.;
popl^iS, B. ^^ man, H. ^^ II. makes
" aniiea[l]hne " one word; which alters the construction. ^* pypce, H.
" pjja^u, H. '*" ongeanbe, an error, H.

4. For sore of teeth and of gums, take seed of this Staves acre.
^^t. clxxxi.
same wort, seethe it in vinegar; let him hold then
in his mouth some of the vinegar for a long while ;

sore of the teeth and of the gums, and all the rotten-
i ness of the mouth shall be leechened.

Sea holly.^ CLXXXII. Eryngium

1. This wort, which is named yopyoviov, and by
another name sea holly, is born in secret places, and
in wet ones. Of this wort, it is said that its root is
compared to the head of the monster which men name
the Gorgon, and the twigs * have, as is also said, * That is, the
1,1 T 1 1 i> J
root suckers.
both eyes and nose, and colour oi serpents.
2. Also the root will make any man resemble itself,

whilom of hue of gold, whilom of silver. And when

thou wilt take up this wort with its roots, then
beware thou that no sun shine upon it, lest its hue
and its might be spoiled through the brightness of
the sun. Carve it off then with a crooked and very
hard iron, and he who will carve it, then let him be
averted, for it is not permitted that man may see
his root unharmed. He who hath this wort with him,
avoideth every evil footswathe or track coming on
against him ;
yea, for it the evil man turneth himself
about, or giveth way to him.

* In the mediasval marginal notes to Dioskorides, yopyoviov

is a name, and a not unsuitable one, for the Sea holly,

Eryngium maritimum. Though the drawings in MS. V. and
the Vienna MS. are quite different, each has a head of Medusa
forming, or ending, the root.


Deoj' yy]^'^ ]^e man milotij^ ^

^ oSpum naman^
nemneS b3>S cenneb**^ on bejanum j'topiim
*j on pfetum
j aj' pyptre ]m
niman* on pani-
jcnbuni^ monan^ on 'Sam mon];e ];e man aujuptup
liateS jenim ];onne J^one'^ pyjittpuman^ ^yY]"^ VS'V^^
jeppiS^ to anum liepeP^ ]?]ia3be^^ *j aholi to Smum
ppypan^^ ]>y jeape ne onjitft )7U bymnyppe J)inpa
eajena^^ oSSe jip heo ]?e belimpe'S^"^ heo bjijeb-
lice jeppiceS "j )>u by ft hal l?ep l?ececpaept^^ yr

PiS sma tojunje jenim ]^y]'pe ylcan pypte pos
fmype^'' J^sepmib'^ hy^^ beo^ jelicSejude '^^ eac^^ yp be
\>yYyG pypte^"^ p?eb ^ heo on jeajie tpijea-^ blope.'


Deop pypt J)e man

oJ>pum naman^'"' bulbuf *j

nemnej? yp tpejea^^ cynna^^ )?onne yy ]?eop

peab^^ 'j
pi^ J>a)p majan^^ pajie ppemjcnblic*^^ ];onne yp
o8ep byteppe on bj^pjmcje^^ peo }^p pcillobep [^eepc-
ben^^ eac^^ ]?am majan nythcjie {Tejj^eji liapaS ptpanj^''
mrojen ^j li}^ to mete ^ej^ijebe mj^celon Sone licliaman**^'


In margin, melilotis, H. - II. omits the ineffeclual phrase;
O., fol. 14 = 56 b, condenses. '
cxnneb, II. B. *
nnne, O,
^ -be, O. " raona, O. '
J>ane, (). ^ -me, O.
"^ heyelb, B.
Sei'F)', O.
11. braibe, O. '- j-jKOjiun, II,
'^ on he, O. omits. '''
l^mu ease, O. '^
hal l>rc)* H^tcy 1., 11.

"'-bob, B. ; afonbon, 0. '^

r^ypa, B.; fmure, O. " K^p, B.
'"his, B. 2"-Sobe, B. ^' eac/ll. - ^yr,. q. ^^ cj)ij)a, II.

cupa, B. ^* boge, 0. " 11. omits what comes to notliing ; O.

omits two lines. -'^
tyef,]\a, II. B. -' cynna, II. "'*
fieab, II.
2" '"
mfisan, II. ^^ j-pamsebhc, II. -m^e, B. ^- secj'epen, O.,
fol. 38 = 10. ^' eac, II. ^* fcjisens, II. ; omitting man, writing sen,
^^ lichoman, II.

CLXXXIII. Melihfua"
ojficinalis ?

1. This worfc, which and by another is named milotis,

name is produced in cultivated and in wet

places. This wort thou shalt take up in the waning

of tlie moon, in the month which hight August take ;

then the root of this wort, and bind it to a yarn

thread, and hang it to thy neck that year thou shalt ;

not feel dimness of thine eyes, or if it befall thee, it

suddenly shall depart, and thou shalt be hale. This

leechcraft is a proved one.

For tugging of the sinews, take ooze of this ilk


wort, smear therewith; the spasm shall be alleviated.

It is also said of this wort, that twice in the year
it blossom eth.


1. This wort, which is named /3oA/3oV, and by another Hi/acinthus

(' (Sib-
name , is of two kinds ; the one is red, and
n ' 1 ' 1
thorp), other-
beneficial tor sore of the
I* 1
maw ;
the other is bitterisn wise Muscari
to the taste; it is called (rxiAAcoSr)^ ; it is also more
profitable for the maw ; eitherof them hath strong
main or virtue, and when partaken of for meat, they
much strengthen the body.

* The gloss iu H., " mcllilotif corandreg,^^ and the officinal

character of the herb, favour this identification. The figure,

MS. v., fol. 66 a, does not make one think of it. Dioskorides,
iii. 48, has no such tales.

^ This article came originally from Dioskorides, ii. 200,

on the iSoXjSo^ eUhy-oq. The figure in MS. V. is fantastic.


pi)7 jefpel -j pi6 fot able 'j piS jehpylce jebepeb-

nylTa* jenim J>ap pypte pylpe jecnucube^ o^^e mib
hunije jemencjebe^ 1^5^^ ''^o ^^i^ pape J^e man J70iiiie

PiS paetep. peocnyppe^ jemm );ap ylcan^ WV^^ TP^

pe seji cpsebon ^ecnucube^ leje to j^am innoSe

hy^ mib humje jecnucube^^ hunba plitap jelacniaS "

*j hy eac^^ ppylce mib pipope jemencjebe^^ -j tojelebe^^
hy ^sey lichaman ppat jeppiSa]?*^'^ 'j eac^^ fpa pome hy
J78ep majan pap^'' ^eli6i-^ai^}^

Pi6 punbela hy pylpe^^ acennebe^^ beoS

]?e ]?uph
jenim J?yppa pypta^^ pyjitpuman^^ jecnucube^^ mib ele
j mib-^ hpsetenan-^ melupe *j mib^* papan Sam 5eme'ce
J?e ]7U cly^an^^ pypce leje to Sam punbum eac^'' hyt^^
apeopmaj)^^ ^one^^ leahtop J>e jpecap hoftopytupas
hata^ f yp pcupp psep heapbep 'j eac^^ J?one^^ ]?e

hy^* achopap nemna^ f yp pceb^^ pe poji opt f heapob

pexe^^ bepeapa^ esec^^ PPylce mib mib ecebe o^Se'^^
huni^e^^ jecnucube ^'^
hy op })am anbphtan*^ nebcopn
6ac^^ ppa pome*^ on ecebe jej^ijebe hy** )?8epa*'^

mnoSa toSunbennyppe**^ -j tobopj'tenyfle*^ jehBeleS.

be*^ )?yppe pypte*^ yf ^seb
f heo op bpacan^^ blobe
acenneb^^ beon pceolbe^^ on^^ upepeapbum^* muntum^^
on ]?iccon beappum.^

Sebpecebneffa, B. ;
segabejiunse, H. ;
segseberebnynae, O. - -cobe,
O.; secnocobe, B. ^ -ma&nsebe, H. B.; semeggeb, O., a method
of expressing the sound frequently seen in old English. '
le, H., lay.
peoc-, H. ; -nejje, B. ''

ylcan, H. omits. ' secnocobe, B. ge- ;

cnube, II., by contraction. ^ eac, H. " hi^, B. '" gecnocobe, B.

" -cna, H. '2e4c, H. =*

-msens-, B. H.; of this, two letters
are omitted in V. " -lebe, B. geppi^a^, B.
''^ ' eac, H.

" rape, V. fap, H.;

' -ega'S, B. ' J)ur> he fulfe, O.
^^ ^2 _jjja^
acsennebe, H. B. HfT^ J'lp'ce, B. q^
2^ gecnocobe, B,; cnuc, O., imperative. '^^
H, omits from mib to mib.
"-nil, B.; faecune, O. -" cly^am, O. -'eac, II. -^ heo, O.
29%-, H. '">ane, O. ^' Ut2C^, B.; hseta^, O. ^2 ^.^c, H.
^Hn, O. 311115, ^- =''*rcb, B. 3j:eaxe, B.

For swelling, and for gout, and for any injury,

2. Art. clxxxiv.

take this wort, pounded by itself, or mingled with

honey lay it to the sore, for which a man needeth


For water sickness or dropsy, take this ilk wort


pounded as we before said lay it to the inwards. ;

Also pounded with honey, it cures the rendings of

hounds and also further mingled with pepper, and

laid on, restraineth sweating of the body and it also ;

similarly alleviates sore of the maw.

4. wounds which come of themselves, take
rootsof these worts, pounded with oil, and with
wheaten meal, and with soap, in the manner in which
thou wouldst work a poultice lay to the wounds. It ;

also purgeth the defect which the Greeks hight Tr/Vupa,*

that is, and also that which they
scurf of the head,
name a-x^wpag, that is, scab, which often robbeth the
head of the hair. Also, it likewise pounded with
vinegar, or with honey, purgeth away face flecks from
the countenance.
5. Also, in like wise swallowed in vinegar, they heal
inflation and fracture.^
6. Of this wort, it is said that it was produced
out of dragons blood, on the top of mountains, in
thick forests.

* Kat itlrvfot, kou axui^oc(; a.'K(i(T\K'i\yjiv<n dvv oitrS yirpu), Diosk.

So that the syllables hof to are unaccountable.
^ 'P^y/xara, Dioskor.

^' eac, H. ; eac, B. ^s

o^^gj.^ q 39
j^^nj^^ ^ 4o
his, B. ; -cobe, O. anpican, O., as in other places, neglecting
consonants which required an effort to utter. *-
Cac, H. *^
B. O. ^* his, B. *5 j,ajaa,
B. O.; J^sejia, H. " to^unnyrj-e, V.
-nerre, B. *^ Bi, O. pjpte, H. ;
pyrt, O. =
oj: bpacan, H.
^1 ac8&nneb, H. B. ^2 j-colbe, B. ss
^^^ jj^ 54
upearben, O.
uj-'onpeapbon, H. m^nct^^ jj,. jnute, Q. as
beajiepum, H.

X 2


Beos pyp'c ]?e^ man colocyn]?!]- ajjiia f yf cucupbita

aj]ie]^tip ]?e^ man eac^ ppijiUam nemne]? heo eal ypa
o6e]i cyjijrsette* piS J?a eojiSan'"' hype teljpan^ to-
bpaebe];^ -j heo hapa^ leap cucumepe jehce -j
tophtene -j heo hapa]? psej'tm pmepealrne *j bytepne pe
yf to nymenne^ to J?am timan ]?oune he asptep hip
3]iennyppe^^ pealpa^.^^

PiS innoSep aj'tyjmnje jenim j^ypep'^ pa^ptmep

hnepcnyppe^^ mnepeapbe butan^** ]?am cypnlun tpejea''
peneja^^ jepihte on hSan^'' beope jecnucube^** pyle
bpmcan hyt aptypej?^^ J;one mno^.

ha, B. 2 |,a, B. H. ^ eac, H. ' -yecte, H. B.
^ eojvbann, V. telgpa, B. ' -bpebe'5, B, he, Y.
H. hyrr^T? H.
9 niraene, -nej'j-e, B. " jealupa^, H. B. '"

-nejje, B. " bucon, B. '^ -lum tpeppa, IT.; tjH'jiia, B.
'" paene^a, B. '
li'Son, II.
Secnncobe, B. '" -pa'5, B.

clxxxv. (Jucuinis

1. This worfc, which is named xoXox,vv(})g uypiu, that

is, cucurbita agrestis, wild goiird, which is also named
frigilla,^ just as another gourd spreadeth abroad its

stems upon the earth, and it hath leaves like the

I cucumber, and deeply cut (lohed and serratedy), and it

hath a spherical fruit and bitter, which is to be

gathered at the time when ifc is turning its greenness
to fallow.
2. For stirring of the inwards, inward
take the
neslmess of this fruit, without the kernels, by weight

of two pennies ;
give it, pounded in lithe beer to be
drunk; it stirreth the inwards.

^ Our text is originally from Dioskor., iv. 178. Not figured

in MS. V.
^ Frigilla, gl. Laud, 567, fol. 60 c, alo.

SaeAd' BJET iECyPra cynmj- ibpajituy^ psef

haten -^ octauiano J?am cayepe liiy ppeonbe^ beelo^
bobabe^ ]7yppum^ pojibum J7up cpeSenbe COonejum^
bipenum^^ ic eom ^epip piiipa mrejena^^ "j pnytjpo *j

hpsefiejie^^ ic^^ pene

f ];u nseppe to Sup myclep^*
msejnep Isecebomum become fpylcum*^^ ppa ic jeppejn^^
(Sa pe ppam sepcolapio pepbon Ic^^ ]3 ]?a pop Siiijie

"j ]7e peopSne pipre J^j^pep to jepitanne p yp
be pylbbeopa^^ Isece cpseptum fpa f pel jesseb yp.^^

Medicina de taxone. i.

Sum py}eppete nyten f pe nemna'S taxonem f


yp bpoc^^ on enjlipc^^ S^poh ^ beop 'j him ]70iine op

cpicum J?a tej? op abo^^ pa jie he msepte hsebbe 'j pup
cpeS- on naman pjep gelmihtijan^^ jo^^p ic pe opplea^* 'j
pe p>ine tep op abeate -j ponne hy p}^SSan on hnenum^^
hpsejle bepinb -j on jolbe oppe on peolppe~^ bepypc ]?

hio'^^ ne msejen^^ pmum hce sethpman^^ hapa mib pe

Sonne ne pceppeS^^ pe ne tunjol -^^ ne hajol ne

ptjianj ptopm ne ypel man ne polbepenbep apiht

hep SAT^AD, BL - cynmc, B. ^ \>e egypta t^e ibparruf ; so O.
opens. lapartus, Lat. MS. Harl. 4986. '
haten, H. ^ j:]xeonba, B.
frunbe, O. ^ haele, B. '' bobobe, H. ^
hifu, B. 'monju, B.
momsum, H. '"bipau, B. " maesna, B. '- hpsetJpe, B.
'^ ic, H. ^^ mycelef, H. '*
rPY^*^^ ^c> ^-j ^^ erasure. '^ je-

niens, B.; Sen^aeSn, II. ''

Ic, H. ^^ j^ylbeopa, B. '^ This
sentence is incomplete, a verb is wanting, as fenbe, ppite. -" bpoc, II.

'-' en^lifc, II. " abo II. "^ naman aelmihcigef , H. -' ojaj-lea, B.
2^ -num cla"Se, then omitting four words, H. ^^ reolj-jie, H.


They say that a king of the Egyptians, Icl-


partus be was liigliten, boded or sent a message of

health to the Csesar Octavianus, his friend, thus
queathing or saying :
" By many examples I am aware
of thy virtues and prudence, and yet I ween that
thou never earnest to know leechdoms of thus mickle
main, or such as I learn are those which we obtained
from iEsculapius. I then make it known for thine
instruction, and for that I wist thee worthy of this,

to wit, that is, of leechcrafts of wild deer or wild

beasts;" as far as it is well said.

Drawing of a brock i.

2. There is a four-footed neat, which we name

taxonem,^ that brock in English; catch that deer,

and do off the teeth from him while yet quick or

alive, those which he hath biggest, and thus say :

In the name of ^ I thee slay, and beat thy teeth

. . .

off thee and then subsequently wind them up in a


linen rail or garment, and work them in gold or in

silver, that they may not touch thy body have them :

with thee, then shall scathe thee neither heavenly

body, nor hail, nor strong storm, nor evil man, nor

^ In mediaeval Latin ;= Italian, Tasso ; a gray, a brocke, a

badger (Florio) ; French, Taisson ; Spanish, Tejon.
^ There is no need to imitate the irreverence of the text.

hi, B. '^
mason, B. '''^
-lijunan, B. ^^^
yc-^Me^, B.
^' tungal, H.

ne ]?e aemjef^ ypelej* onhpme^ bepe]; oSSe jyp \>e^

lipfBt ypeley biiS h]\aj>e liyt byS topliren j-pa ysey

iibbiaj' jypbel]' ])iBy pitejan Nim J^onne ]7one ppyj^paii''
pot j;one fupcSpan^ 8ipyum^ popbum j ))up cpej? on
naman ]?8ep lijzijenban jobey ic'' ]?e nime to Isece-

bome fjonne on ppa hpylcum jeplite o"S^e ^epeohte

ypa Su bifc^ yijepaept <
^ \>n
f jebijep jip ]m
Sone^ jzot mib ]?emib hip jelynbe pmyjie^^

pa liopp l?a pe pyn^^ on peoppe^- o]>])e on senijpe able

hio him ppam ahylbej;^^ *j hpep tib him opep byS

'-j J7eah hyt mycel abl py h]ia]?e heo on pej jepire]?.

CQenj^* hyp blob py]7 l^^tlum pealre hoppum -j

mulum -j on pole pmnen^^

selcum pi]?eppe'cum neate^^ )?e

op]>e on senijum yple^^ bo ]?u]ih hopn on muS septep

]?8ep beopep mihte -j epne ymb J^peo niht hy^ beoS hale.

Diy bpsejen jepeoS on J>pim peptpum^^ elep on nipon^^

cpoccan oS ]?pybba bsel py bepeallen psetelj^a* 'j healb

hyt jip hpa py on heapob pp93ce aprep bae]?e pmype^^

mib on ]?pim nyhtum^^ he byS jehseleb '^^ -j ppa eac 24
]?a pet 'j ]?eah man

py on hpylcpe unjepenbenblicpe^^
able -j unhalpenblicpe ^^ peo pipe hme hseleS -j lacnab

Nun hip lippe to bsel j bebealp^^ 9Gt ]7am ymblipj-pp-

tum ]?inpa lanbjemsepa
'j J>inpa buphftaSola -j ];a

heoptan^^ aet ]?inum buphjeatum behele -^^ )7onne ];u

*j Jme beoS alypbe hale to pepanne^^ -j ham to

senile)*, B. - anpyuene, H. ; onjiyne, 13. *
\>e, V. 13. omit,
nn]>]'ian, II. ^ yup'5 jian, H.
>yru, 13. ' ic, H. The
construction required \>u bifc twice, but not so in MSS.; rymle, inserted in
margin, H.; r]>a, B. "'Son, V. '*
rmyjia, B. " yyn^ B. ^'-
feyope, B.
'3 ah-, II. * CDaengc, H. B. '^ ncate, B. ''^
jmnien, H,
'^ yjele, B. ** hig, B. ''
refcpej', B. " niim, B. -> rmyjia, B.
" ohjium nihcejme, H., the latter word having been tampered with.
-^ Sehaileb, B. 2' e^^, li. -bebl-, II. -
-])nb-, IF.

-^ -bel}-, II. B. -8 heopte, B. -" behela, B. ^^ jajaenne, B.


aught of pestilential, nor shall the touch of any evil Brock.

damage thee, or if somewluit of evil be to thee,

rathely it shall be torn asunder, as was tlie girdle of
Obadiah^ the prophet. Then take the right fore foot
with these words, and thus say In the name of the :

. . I take thee for a leechdom

. . then in what- ;

soever conflict or fight thou shalt be, then thou shalt

be victorious, and thou shalt do well in it, if thou
hast the foot with thee. With his suet smear the
horses which are in a fever, or in any ailment it ;

shall retire from them, and the hour of life shall be

prolonged to them,^ and though it be a mickle ailment,
quickly it shall depart away.
3. Mingle his blood with a little salt for horses
and mules, and any four-footed neat which are
struggling with pestilence, or with any evil ;
put it

by means of a horn on the deers (beasts) mouth, and

so for about three nights ; they will be hale. Seethe
his brain in three sextarii of oil in a new crock, till

that the third part be boiled away; bottle off, and

preserve it. If any
be troubled with head-
racking pain after the bath, smear him therewith for
three nights he will be healed.
; And so also the feet.
And though a man be in any chronic^ and incurable
disease, this manner will heal and cure him. Take
his liver, divide it, and delve it down at the turnings
round of thy land boundaries, and of thy borough
wall foundations,^ and hide the heart at thy borough

^ Jeremiah ? chap. xiii. Not in the Latin.

" Dumtaxat si uita superet," Latin. If they are not
downright dead. The not very clear Saxon text does not say
that, at least.
c " Comitiali morbo," Latin.
^^ '
Circa fundus," Latin.

cyjijienne^ eall pol by); apej aptypeb -j ^ seji jebon

ysdy nalit pce)?)7eS ^^ 'j by]? lytel pjiecne^ ppam pype-*
CuJ? yp eac'^ ]> hip hyb ip bjiyce^ hunbum -j ealluin^
pij^ejipetum nytenum pi(5 polep on to bonne
hapa hybe^ pellpticceo
]?8epe ^^ on Jjinum pceon " ne
jepelept^^ ]?u jepm on pmum potum 8u haljupta
capepe ic^^ pylle f Su jelype
]) ];ip pilb beop^^ pell
pjiemaS^^ jip }>u pmum clsenpunj bajum );8ep^^ pu
pcBjiefc^'' jeonb eapSan ymbhpyjipt^^ hyp pliepc^^ je-
poben etept -j J^ijept liyt byj) 50b pe *j );inum

Gip hpam hpset ypelep ^ebon biS ^ he^^ ne mseje

hyp pynlupta bpucan peoSe ]7onne hip pceallan-^ on
ypnenbum pylle psetepe 'j on hunije *j 'Sicje )7onne
peeptrenbe J^py^^ bajap pona he biS jebeteb.'24

Arts 5, 6, 7, 8, pig blobep pleppan ]?onne eallum mannum sy peo-

are thus placed i<. ,_ ,_i
pontyne nilita eaio mona septep punnan petl janje seji
. i

are not in the monan upnyne^^ cyme to bam tneope be man hateb
Latin, and do ^ ^

not belong to
mopbeam 'j op Sam
x v u
feppel mib pmpe pynptjian mm i

the badger.
hanba mib tpam pmjjmm f ip mib puman^*^ -j

mib^^ hpmj pmjpe hpitne^^ seppel pe ponne ^yt^^ ne

peabije ahepe hyne ];onne iipp-^^ -j upp apip^^ he bitS
bpice to'^^ Sam upepan bsele J>asp lichaman -^^ 6pt bo
hyne abune *j on lut^^ he biS behepe to 8am neoSpan^^
bsele ]?8ep lichoman^^ sep Son^'^ pu }7yfne seppel mme.

cypanne, H. - rc8e)j>e(5, H. B. yjisecne, H. B.
=' * jrepe, H.
^ eac, H*. " An erasure, bpyce omitted, II. ' ealbum, H.
)?ape, B. " hybe, V. omits. '"
-jticce, B. " j-con, B.
seyelfr, H. '' ic, H. " H.
pilbeoji, >5 ^-^^araa^, H. > )>a]i, B.
'^ jTpe^-, II- rPrt, B. ;
hpyPIt:, H. '
jlr, B. -'
11. adds
"^ j-^allan,
till; pepubura, B. "'
ho, B. B. -'
>piS, B.
No further goes the Latin " de taxone." ^5 (^p. jj_ jg j,(iiiian,
mib hir Jjuman, H. '^7
j^^.^ hij.^ u, hjjicne, B. '-
jqit, B.
3"upp, H. ^'
ajiir, II. ; np 'd]ny, B. ^^ j^q^
^^ interlined.

gates ; and thine shall be released ^ in

then thou Brock.

health to go about and home to return all pestilence ;

shall be driven away, and what was ere done shall

naught scathe, and there shall be little mischief from
fire. Known also it is that his hide is useful to
hounds, and to all four-footed neat, to put upon them
as a preservative against the peril of pestilence. Have
fell pieces of the hide on thy shoes thou shall never

feel distress in thy feet, thou holiest Caesar I will !

that thou shouldst believe that this wild deer benefits

well, if on thy cleansing days, where thou
travellest through earths circumference, eatest his flesh
sodden, and partakest of it it shall be good to thee ;

and to thy hosts

4. If to any one anything of evil has been done,^ so ^y * ^ knot,

that he may not enjoy his lusts, then seethe a coillon

of the brock in running spring water and in honey,
and let him partake of it, fasting for three days soon ;

he will be mended.
5. c For flux of blood when to all men the moon is ;

seventeen nights old, after the setting of the sun, ere

the uprising of the moon, come to the tree which is

hight morbeam, and from it take

or mulberry tree,

an apple, that is, a berry, with thy left hand with

two fingers, that is, with the thumb and the ring
finger, a white apple or berry, which as yet is not
ruddy then lift him up, and up arise this is useful
; ;

for the upper part of the body. Again put it down, and
lout down over it ; it is behoveful for the nether part

^ Per quam tu ire et redire soles. Our text interprets

^ Varies from the Latin.
c Not in the Latin, MS. Harl. 4986, nor ed. 1538.

33 J?am lichoman, H. ^i
i^^^^ jj ^ ^^ iiiieo'^it]i3in, H.; ny'Sepan, B.
3^ -haman B. ^7
^p }>onne, H.

CpeiS ]7onne J^aj' ppapape pope

popb apj' app app

pjiolpapam pantopani
opiim temep^

ptanep J>onne J;u )7ap popb jecpeben lisebbe


'pone seppel -j hine })onne bepmb on peolc jieabum'"^

jobpebbe 'j peoS ]70nne ept mib pceate oJ>pep 30b-
pebbep j behealb f pep Isecebom ne lipme ne psetejiej'
ne eop^an ];onne neabj)eapp^ py -j pe upepa bvel pyep
lichoman * on sem^um pape oSSe on eappepum ^
jeppmce ppiS on pone anbplitan^ jyp hyt py on pam
neoSpan'' bsele ppiS on pa pambe.

Pi5 pipep pleppan jenim pone camb pe heo ana liyjie

lieapob mib cembe^ 'j nsenij^ man sep mib cembe'^ ne
seprep cembe ^^
Unbep Sam "cpeope mopbeame cembe^^
pep^^ bype peax^^ ^ psep^* on pam cambe^^ jepolije
[^epomnije -j aho^^ on upptanbenbe tpi^ pjep moji-
beamep 'j ept ymh hpile claene bi^^ tojepomni^e -j

^ehealbe^^ f bype biS lascebom psepe^^ (5e bype beapob

psep^^ cembep.^^

Gpo jip beo pylle f fet bype blobjiyne cyme to

cembe ^^ ept hype beapob unbep mopbeame 'j f peax
pe on pam cambe cleopije^^ pomnije*^^ -j bo on anne^^
teli^pan 6e py abune^^ jecyppeb "j jepammje^^ ept f
bype byp leecebom.
Gyp Su pylle f pip sy jeclsenpob pe na3pjie milite
clene^^ beon^^ pypc bype pealpe op^^ pam peaxe 'j bit
set hpejo abpij^^ 'j bo on hype lic^^ ponne byp heo

aemefcace)', H.; semefcanc)-, B. --ban, H. ^ neoc, H.,

understand ne aec-. ' lie-, II. ; -liaman, B. ^ ->o't5-, B.
" -j'latan, H. ' ny]?epan, B. ^ cSbe, II. ^ maenis, II.,

comically. '" caembe, II. B, '' caembe, B., twice. '-

haji, B.
'3pex, B. 'j'ap, B. '^caembe, H. B. "* alio, B.; aho, IT.
" hi, V. '
sehealbe, B. '' t>aju', B. -^o
t>aj), B. -''
caembevN, B.;
caiin, II., half a word. - caimbe, II. B. -^ clypge, B. '-'
j-oni, II.,

of the body. Ero tliou take tliis apple or berry, say

these words : a^^, oi^, ^^, wg (^apiJiuxov uipoo (re Trpog

TTucrav aifjioppctylav Travro^ aiiiuTog ttuv ts ul[^0(rTuys:.^

When thou hast said tliese words, take the apple or

fruit, and then wind it up in a fine purple cloth,
and then bag it again in a piece of some other fine
linen, and have a care that this leechdom touch
neither water nor earth. When there is need, and
the upper part of the body labours in any sore, or
any difficulties, bind it upon the forehead; if it is
on the nether part, bind it on the wamb.
6. Ad mulieris fluxum. Take the comb with which
she alone combed her head, and with which no other
man has combed nor shall comb. Under the tree
morbeam, there let her comb her hair; let her gather
what is lost in the comb, and hang it on an
upstanding twig of the morbeam, and again after a
while, when clean, from the twig
let her gather it

and preserve it. That shall be a leechdom for her, for

the one who there combeth her head.
7. At si hoc optaverit, ut menstrua fluant, let her

comb her head again under the mulberry tree, and let
her collect the hair that cleave th upon the comb, and
let her place it on a twig which
turned downwards, is

and let her collect it again that is her leechdom. ;

8. If thou will that a woman be cleansed, who never

might be clean, work her a salve from the hair, and

dry it somev/hat, and put it on her body; then shall
she be cleansed.

* The words irpoq itaa-civ aljAoppayiav are clearly right. It was

my duty to attempt to read the rest.

omitting half the word. -^ eenne, B. -" abune, B. -^ -ran- H.,

^s ^o
carelessly. daeue, H. B. 29 ^jg^jj, H. 5^.^ jj 31
/ibp,^^ h.
^' lie, H.

II. Medicina de ceruo. [MS. 0.]

Pi]7 nsebpan^ plite heoptej" hopn hapaS mjBjen

?elcne psetan to abpijenne *^ foji pam liij" man bpuce)?
on eajpealjre.^

PiJ? lieajzob yape heoptej" hojiney axan* jzij: peneja'^'

^epseje^ bjimc'' mm anne yefuep pmep 'j 'z^o.-yiw

psetepef mm )78ep sejlipylce bseje pcenc*^ pulne 'j bpmce

f>e]' byienc eac^^ pambe yap ^ehaJ^epaS.

Pi)7 topa pajunje heojitep hojin jebsepneb "j jecnucob

);a teS jetpyme]? jip hip man piplice bpuceS.^^

Pi5 pipep pleppan heoptep hopn to bupte jebeaten

^^^ bpmce on pme pona him^^ by]? pel.
pi6 pypmap to cpellenne^^ heoptep hojm jebsepnebne
bjimce on hatum^^ psetepe ]?a pypmap he acpelleS 'j

lit apeoppe]?.^^
NaGbpan eac^^ to acpellanne^^ mm )?8ep hojmep
acxan^^ 'j ftpeb j^sep hi pyn hi^^ pleoS pona on pej.

PiS pipa eappoSnyflum*^^ J?ap uncypte jpecap hataS

hyptem cepmzam heoptep hopnep J^gep fmaeleptan
buptep^^ bpuce }?py^^ bajap on pmep bpmce jip he^*
pepopij py bpmce )?onne on peapmum psetepe
^ bi6
50b Isececpsept.
Pi}> miltan pape heoptep hopn jebsepnebne J^icje on
jeppettum bpmce ^^^ he ]?a miltan abjiijeS 'j j5 pap on
pes apyppe]?.26

* nsebpan, H. ^ -SS-5 B, ; abji-, II.

8&Sr-> H. ^ hopner
axan, H. ^ paenesa, II. B. ^ sepjege, B. ' fepinc, II.
senne, B. ^ fcsenc, B. '" ]>8&s bpsenc eac, H. " bpuce'S, B,
'2 H. omits I; but V. B. accept it. '^ hype, B.; irpbs rb (rrifiaipucuSov
" acp-, H. '^ hatu, B. ^"^
ut apyppcS, B. '^ eac, II.
'^ -lenne,
H. '" axan, H. B. '-^^
)>aji hig j-yn hij;, B.
2^ eajijob-, V. ; -nej-pu, B. -- bufcej-, B. -^
I'piSj B. -* heo,
more properly. -^ bpince, B. ^^ ScjyjipetS, B.

Painting of a hart. ii.

1. a harts horn hath main

Against bite of snake ; ^

or power to dry up every wet hence it is used for ;

an eye salve.
Against sore of head, drink by weight of five

pennies ^ of ashes of harts horn take one sextarius ;

of wine, and two of water; take of this every day a

cup full, and drink this drink. It also restraineth ^
sore of wamb.
Against wagging of teeth, harts horn burnt and

pounded steadieth the teeth, if one wisely useth it.

4. Ad mulieris fluxum. Harts horn beaten to a
dust, let her drink it in wine soon she shall be well.

5. For worms, to kill them, drink burnt harts horn

in hot water ; it killeth and casteth out the worms.

Also to quell snakes, take ashes of the horn, and


spread them where the snakes are; they soon flee

7. For the difficulties of women ; this disorder ^ the
Greeks hight va-TspiXY) ttv/^, use the smallest dust of
harts horn for three days in a drink of wine if she ;

be feverish, then let her drink it in warm water.

That is a good leechcraft.
8. For sore of milt, take burnt harts horn in a

sweetened drink; it shall dry up the milt, and put

far away the sore.

^ This title is in the MS. G., Latin :

" Ad omnes homines ;"
humores," ed. 1538.
^ " Dragmam unam," Lat.
c " Sedat," Lat.
^ " Nequissimi Grgeci," Lat., MS. G. But nequissimum
uitium was the reading of ed. 1538.
X 8 ^

PiS reteji heoptep hopn jebaBjinebne menj- ^

eceb pmyjie^ mib* ];ain hjieeblice him cyme]; bou.

Gjzt piS teteji 0}: anbplitan to bomie ^ heojitef bo]\n

jebaepnebne menj^ piS ele pmype'' 'j ])onne f be-
bpujub^ sy ept; J?u hit jempa bo ]?i]' on yunnan
upjanje^ hpsebhce hit haele)?.
6pt piS ]7am ylcan heoptep^^ hopn jebaepnebne
^^^ ^^
nijon^^ peneja^^ jepaeje bo J^aejito -j jeppyppep op
peolppe pyx peninja ^'^
jepseje ^emenj^*^ *j jejnib^^
yyipe pel 'j jepyjic to clj^J^an *j j-myjie^^ mib hyt
haele]? pel f pap.

piS cypnlu patella

f yy heoptep heajoppmb^^ jip
]?u hapapt mib ]?e ne apipa^ cyjmlu ^ Jja ]?e aep^^

apipon^^ mib hyp sethpme hy^^ on pej jepitaS.

pip jemanan to apeccanne Nim** heoptej- pceallan-'^

bpyj pypc to buj'te bo hyp bsel on pmej' bpmc ^^
apecce}?^^ pip ^emanan^ lupt.

Pi^ f ylce heoptej- pcytel -j cnuca to bufte

bo on pmep bpmc hyt hselse'S J78et ylce.

pi6 nsebpan bite heoptep jecynblimu^^ bpij to

-j jebo^^ popan bupt ];gepto^^ })]ieopa peNmja^^

' hop, H., from carelessness. - mcenj;, II. ; maenj;e, B. ^ fmyra, B.

'Saepmib, H. ^ bonne, B. " macng, H. ; raajngc, B. ' ]

j-mypa, B. ^ bebpuncen, B. ^ sunnan up-, H. ^^ heopce]-, H.

" nyson, II. ^* pajnega, H. B. '^ )>a]a, B. '* ^efjieajijef, B.
pajnesa, H. B. ^^ -miens, II ; -maesc, B., so. '^ ^mb, B.,
no se. ^ imyjia, B. ' hsele-S, B. 20 heasospinb, H.
Sep, B. 22 apisou, II. ^15, B. -'^
nim, H. -^ j-callan, B.
-^ bjienc, H. 27 apece-S, H. -^ -nan, H. ; -manan, B. =<.
leechdom is not in V. The stops are in H. given throughout in this
enigmatic manner. ^" -leomo, II, '*
S^bo, H. ^-
l>ap, B.
^^ paiueKa, II. B.

9. Against tetter, mingle with vinegar harts horn Hart.

burnt ; smear with tliat quickly cometh bote or ^^^- "

amenchiient to him.
10. Again, to get a tetter off the face, mingle with
oil burnt harts horn ; smear, and when that is dried,
renew thou it again. Do this at the upgoing of the
sun; quickly it healeth.
11. Again, for the same, apply thereto burnt harts
horn by weight of nine pennies, and by weight of six
pennies of the filing of ^
silver, that is, of litharge ;

mix and rub together very well, and work to a

poultice, and smear therewith ; it healeth the sore
Against churnels or kernels, or swollen glands,
if thou hast with thee the patella,^ that is, a harts
cheek, the churnels will not arise, and those that
before arose, at the touch of it, will depart away.
13. Ut coitus appetitus excite tur ; sume cervi testi-
ad pulverem redige, partemque in vini
culos, siccatos
poculum indito; ita appetitum ad congressum cum
muliere excitabis.
14.For that ilk; take a harts sharn, and pound
it to dust put the dust into a drink of wine it will

heal that ilk.

Painting of a snake.
15. Against bite of adder, dry to dust a harts
membra genitalia, and add thereto dust of rose by

* Litharge is a gloss in MS. H. ;

" Spuma argenti," Lat.
^ Patella is knee cap : the Latin adds, hoc est, genuinum,
that is, grinder tooth. Of the signification of heajofpinb,
though Lye and Somner give no proofs, no one can have
a doubt, who looks at the glossary printed by Somner, p. 70 b,
line 12, and reads p. 71 a, line 33, with the necessary cor-
rection of j-pinb for jpmb fpmb is in the transcript by

Junius, which is the original of the printed text cf. also ;

Wachter, jenas hea^aspen. gl. unpublished, also the Lorica.

Articles 13, 14, are not in the Latin of MS. G.


j^eydd^e on^ bjiince 'j J^icje on bdd^e j^ceapplice^ ye

^jienc^ hselejj nsebpan bite.

Pi6 ptebe 'j popjebinbe heojitej" hseji* beoS yyi^e

;^obe mib to pmeocanne pijzmannum.
piS pijzej^ jeeacnunje ban biS funben on heojitep
lieoptan hpilum^ on lijiipe ^ ylce^ hyt jejeajipaS^
[sip Su f ban on pipmannep eapm ahehft jeppiSept
j'ceapplice hpasj^e^ heo jeeacna^.

PiS inno]7a ppsece -j jip jebmb men by)? heoptep

meaph jemylteb pyle him on peapmum psetepe hpaeb-
lice hyt hselej?.

pi6 nsebpena^^ aphjenje^^ heoptep meaph ^^ jebeepneb

oS ^ hyt pmeoce o)?]?e ]?u hit mib ]>e hasbbe hit
aphjej? ^a naebpan.
Pi6 laSum Iselum^^ 'j pommum^^ heoptep pmeopo^^
jemylteb^*^ -j mib oftoppcyllum^'' jecnucub^^'j jemenjeb*^
-j to pealpe jebon 'j onjepeteb^^ punbophce hyt haelep.

III. Medicina de wipe. [MS. 0.]

lehJ?deSCT?! P^^ P^F^ eappoSnyppum^^ pe on heojia^^ inpejibhcmn^^

superspersiis'^*^^ ptopum eappe]?u ]?]iopiaS poxep leo)?u^* -j hip pmeojiu''^^
SSfSribus'^da"^ iTfii^ ealbon^^ ele 'j mib tyjipan pypc him to pealpe bo
uSs. Ms! h!*^^ on^'' pipa ptope hjiaj^e hit ]?a eappe]?u jehsele]?.

PiS heapob pape pam jelice ]7e hyt hep bupan^^

jecpeben^^ yp pmype"^ f heapob hyt hsele)? punbophce.

on, H. ^
T XC-, H. =*
bjisenc, H. ; bjiync, B. * hsep, B.
^ hpilu, B. ;
j)hilum, H., may be suspected of a late date. " i>ylce, H.,
carelessness? '-pu'S, H. ^ahohfc, H., ] is not given. ^ hpa'Se,
H. B. '" nsebpan, H. " -gee, H. B. '-
meaps, H. lIu,
^^ ponnum, II. '* j-mejio, B.; jTnepu, H. '"
semyl, H., half a
word. '' fcop-, V. ^^ secnocob, B. ^^
-ms&ns-, B. onje-
'^ hypa, B.
fecte, H.; with fem. termination? -nejjii, B. '^'

23 -j)eapb-, H. ho^^^ B. hu, H. 25 j^mejia, H.
; j-mepu, B. ;

2 -ban, H. 27 5ii^ h. 28 bu):on, H. B. 29 cj,e, H., quoth.

^ fmyjxa, B.

weight of three pennies in a drink, and let the sick Hart.

^''<- "
take of it on the day; the drink sharply healeth the
adders bite.
For strangury and harmful binding,^ harts hairs
are very good for women, to smoke them therewith.
17. For a womans conception, a bone is found in
a harts heart, sometimes in its belly that same effects ;

it; if thou hangest that bone on a womans arm, and

tiest it sharply, rathely she conceiveth.
18. For pain of inwards, and if a man have binding
or co7istipation,^ give him a harts marrow melted in
warm water ;
quickly it healeth.
For putting of snakes to flight, a harts marrow
burnt till it smokes, or do thou have it with thee;
it putteth the snakes to flight.

For loathly weals and flecks,*^ harts grease melted

and pounded with oyster shells, and mixed up, and
reduced to a salve, and applied wonderfully it healeth. ;

III. Painting of a fox.

For troubles of women, who sufler troubles in


their inward^ places, work for them into a salve a

foxes limbs and his grease, with old oil and with tar ;

apply to the womens places quickly it healeth the;

For head sore,- smear the head with the like to

what is here above said; it healeth wondrously.

* " Ad stranguiriam et aborsiun. Ex pilis ceruinis suffumi-

gabis, et mulier sanabitur," Lat. MS. G-. In the old Englisli
text I do not see that sense.
^*Ad intestinorum dolorem si turminata fuerint," Lat. ;

which has not the sense of our text but if the bowels be :

^ " Ad perniones," Lat., chillblains,
rt <
Inferioribus," Lat. MS. G.
" Bitumine," Lat. " Loca " is a frequent eufemism.
. Y 2

PiS eajiena j'ajie ejrt: jelice J^on^ ]>e hep bii}:an^

jecpeben i]" jenim ^a ylcan j'ealpe hluttjie bjiype on
^ eajie punboplice hy"c hselej?.

milran yajie yoxey lunjen^ on* harcjie oej'Can

jej'oben '^ ^ sep jecnucub^ j to bpence^ jebon J?a
miluan^ h^^t: punbojilice jehoele)? j^pa be)? hyp hpep f

]}r6 peajitan jenim poxep pceallan^ 5<^5i^i^ fpijje optr

J?iepmib^^ J?a peaptan hpa)7e hyt hy^^ tobpece]? "j on

pej abej?.

neapppe fpojietunje poxep lunjen jepoben *j

on jeppetrum pme jebon *j jepealb punbophce hit

PiS pape cypnlu^^ poxep j'ceallan^^ jenim

'j jnib
mib jelome hpaj^e hi beo^ hale.
PiS jomena^* pape poxep pma jenim -j on hunije
jepset -j jnib mib ]?a joman ppij^e opt pona him by)?

pel );8ep bpocep.

Pi^ heapob ece jenim poxep jecynb ympoh^^ ]3

heapob utan h]ia)7e ]?8ep heapobep^^ pap by)? apej^'
To pip l^mjuiii poxej- tsejlep pe ytemaspta bpel on
eapm ahanjen pu jelypeft f )?ip py to pip j^injum on
byj'msep^^ jebon.

Pi^ h]) able jeniin cpicenne^*^ pox 'j peo6 ]5 )?a ban
ane beon Isepeb aptije^^ )??ejun^^ ^elomlice j^^ in o)>eji
b?eS bo he ppa ppi);e opt punbojilice hit hsele)? "j

rejhpylce^^ jeape )?ypne-* pultum he him pceal^^

>on, H, omits. ^ bujon, B. ^ lucsen, B. * on, H.
^ gefobone, B. " gecnocob, B. ' "Sjisence, H. ^ -tan, H.
" j-callan, B. '" |>ap, B. " hij, B. ^* rapelu with pe cy over
written, H. it would baffle conjecture.
: '^ fcallan, B. * S^n*-) H-
' ymb-, H. B. "^ heaybef, H. B. '^
onpeg, H., an older form.
abyj'mep, H., crasis of preposition ; bij*meji, B. '" cpicne, H,
-" -) fnse, n. 21 j,aj), U. --'
-], H. omits. ^3 _hpyi^ n^ half a word.
byr, v., but )>irne, B. II. -^ jveal,

3. For sore of ears again, like what is here above

; Fox
Art. iii.
said, take the same salve luhen clear drip it into the ;

ear; wondrously it healeth.

4. For sore of milt, a foxes lung sodden in hot
ash, and pounded before that, and reduced to a drink,
healeth wonderfully the milt; so doth his liver that

5. For warts,*'^ take a foxes coillon rub the warts


very often therewith ;

quickly it breaketh them up,
and removeth them away.
6. For oppressive hard drawn breathing,^ a foxes
lung sodden, and put into sweetened wine, and ad-
ministered, wonderfully healeth.
7. For sore churnels,^ take a foxes coillon, and rub
often therewith soon they will be hole.

8. For sore of fauces, take a foxes sinews,^^ and wet

them in honey, and rub the fauces with them oft

soon the sufferer will be well of that plague.
9. For head ache, take a foxes naturam surround ;

the head on the outside ;

quickly the sore of the head
will be banished far away.
] 0. Ad congressus oum muliere the extremest end

of a foxes tail hung upon the arm thou believest ;

that this is done for a mockery upon the sacra

11. For disease of joints, take a living fox, and
seethe him till the bones alone be left ; let the Tnaii
go down therein frequently, and into another bath
let him do so very oft wonderfully it healeth
; and ;

* " Ad parrotidas," Lat., glandular swellings about the

^ " Ad suspirium," Lat.
c " Ad inguinum dolorem." The same mistake in ii. 12.
^ " Renes," Lat.
" Irritamentum ad coitum," Lat. MS. Gr.

jejeappian -j ele bo J^septo^ Sonne lie hme peoSe *j

hip Jjypj'um^ jemete to j?eapfe bpuce.

PiS eapena pape jemm poxep^ jeallan menc^ piS ele

bpype on J7a eapan^ hyt pel jehgele)?.
PiS eajena bymnyjye jenim poxej-^ jeallan je-
menc^eb^ mib bopan liunije -j on eajan jebon^ hyr

Pi6 eapena pape jenim poxep^^ jelynbe jemylteb

bpype on ]7a eapan^^ liim cym^^^ 50b heel.

PiS yoX: ppgece jip pe mnepa bgel ]}ey pceop^^ byj>

*j jyp hit py potabl pmype^^ mib ele ]?a pet
hy^^ habbaj? ]>?ey 'pe leohtpan janj.^^

IV. Medicina de lepore. [MS. 0.]

Pi5 hapan bpaejen on pine jepealb to

bpence^^ punboplice hyt bete];.
PiJ? eajena pape hapan lunjen onjepeteb 'j )?8ejito^^
jeppijjen f pap by)? jehseleb.

Pi^ potppylum 'j pce))})um^^ hapan lunjen upan^^ on

"j neopan^^ tojeppij^en punboplice )?a jonjaj* beoS
Dam pipum ]?e him hypa beopSop losie hapan
heoptan abpije 'j^* pypc to bufte 'j J^pibban b?Bl

jiecelpep buptej^ syle bjiincan peopon bajap on pcipum

pam J?onne )?e^^ hyt opt oSpealleJ? xxx'^/S^^ baja ^e
on pme je on pyptunje.

|>ap, B.; Jjgejito, H. ^ ^yj-um, H. B., more correctly.
^ >oxes, H. '
me&nsc, B.; mB&nj, H. ^ ^g^^ eape, H., singular
number. " yoxey, H. ^ -means-, H- B. " eagon, B.
"bo, B., imperative. '"heel's, B. " yoxef, H. ^'^~]\a,n,K.
13 cyme's, H. " rcoj-, B. '^ fj^^^pa, B. i
his, B. >'>ec, B.,
for gans. "^ bpsence, H. '" haji, B. -" scae)>'Sum, H. B.
ujon, B. ni-Son, B. ^^ _i^.^^ pj 21
^y fo^ ^^ u, ^6 ^^.

J>on e, II. -*
cig, II. B. omit.

every year lie shall prepare liimself this support, and Fox.
let him add oil thereto, when he scethoth him ; and let '^^^'

him use in this manner according to his need.

12. For sore of ears, take a foxes gall; mingle with
oil ; drip into the ears ; it healeth well.
For dimness of eyes, take a foxes gall mingled
with honey of dumble dore,^ and applied to the eyes,
it healeth.
14. For sore of ears, take foxes loin fat^ melted;
drop it into the ears; good health will come to them.
For acute pain of foot, if the inner part of the
shoe be vixen hide and if it be foot addle or gout,

smear the feet with oil; they will have so much the
lighter walk.

Painting of a hare. iv.

For oversleeping,^ a hares brain in wine given


for a drink; wonderfully it amendeth.

2. For sore of eyes, a hares lung set on and bound

fast thereto ; the sore will be healed.

For foot swellings and scathes, a hares lung

bound on above and beneath wonderfully the steps ;

are healed.
4. women, whose burthen or foetus pe-
^^For the
rishes, hy abortion, dry a hares heart, and work it to
dust, and a third part of frankincense dust admi- ;

nister it to be drunk for seven days in clear wine.

5. To them whom this oft befalleth, administer
for thirty days, either in wine, or in a preparation of

* '* Cum melle attico," Lat.; read as " attaci " by the
^ " Adeps," Lat.
c " Ad submegilos," Lat. This word is riglitlj interpreted
in VIII. 12. Did our author read somniculosos ?
d The Latin has differences.

Donne J^am pijrum J>e aejzteji beojij^jie on j'umum

ytopuin j^pmcen ]3 ylce bo^ to bpence^ jrseptenbum on
peapmum psetepe pona hyt by]? jehseleb.

Pi6 bymnyppe^ hapan jeallan pi6 hunij

jemencjeb'* -j mib jepmypeb J7a eajan jebeoptijeaj?.^
Dam mannum J^e ppmclunje ^ )?popiaS ^ hapan
lunjen 'j peo lipep pomob jemencjeb 'j peopep
peneja^ jepseje myjipan -j Sjieopa beopep^^ "j anep
humjef )?ip pceal beon apylleb on jobum ecebe 'j

pyj^j^an mib jeppetton^^ pme jepepeb "j septep J^ani

bjiince^^ pona hyr hsele]?.^^

PiS blsebpan^"* pape hapan j'lna jebjiyjebe -j raib

pealre jebprebbe^'^ 'j jehj^pfre pceap^^ on hip bpinc^^
punbophce h}^t: hsele]?.^^
}h(5 atrcojicoppan bite hapan pina ^ejyjie 'j liim pyle

picjan^^ eac hyt ip feltsepe jyp hi mon hjieape ppyl^cj)*

eac^^ pi6 plgettan hi beo^ s^^^ jepobene.

Pif) peallenbum peaxe hapan pambe peo^ o)7)7e bjiyab

on pannan on jobum pmype^^ f peax "j f heapob

J7onne nimej? ]5 peax^^ to "j peo pealp jenybeS ]5 hyt

To ]7an }5 hapan hpip'*^*
pip cenne^'^ psepneb cilb

jebpyjeb"^^ 'j jepceapen^^ oS^e jejniben on bpmc bjiin-

cen butu '^^ :5ip f pip ana hyt bjimcej? Sonne cenb^
heo anbjiojmem ne byj) f to nahte naj^ep ne pep ne

P >8efc bo, H. - bjiynce, H. ^ -nej-j-e, B. ' -meenj;-, B.

^ -tia^, B. "
rpinS-j 1^- ^ )>]i6pia"S, B. ^ -rasenseb, H. B.
' paeneja, H. B. '"
beyopef, H. B., of beaver ; V. shews erasures
of the y.
" -tu, H. ^-' For bpincan, plural, " sanabuntur."
'hKl-S, B.; bitJ sehaeleb, H. '* bji-, H. '^ -gebe sebpaebeb, H.
' fceapjra, B. " bpinc, H. ' h8el, H. '
'Sincsan, H.
eac, 11. -' fmepa, B. -^ jrex, H. -''
ceenne, II. B.
hjii>, H. " -bl>i5S-, B. -"
Sefcaien, B. 27 ^uto, II.
^^ ceenS, II.; cajnne'JS, B.

6. Next for the women, who, after child-birth are Hare.

ill at ease in some places ; reduce that ilk to a drink,
for them fasting, in warm water; soon the case will
be healed.
For dimness of eyes, a hares gall mingled with

honey, and smeared with, brighteneth the eyes.

8. For the men that suffer giddiness, a hares lung

and the liver mingled together, and myrrh by weight

of four pennies, and three of beer,^ and one of honey
this shall be boiled in good vinegar, and subsequently
infused with sweetened wine, and after that let them
drink ; soon it healeth.
For sore of bladder, shive into the mans drink a

hares sinews,t> dried, and roasted with salt, and fried

wonderfully it healeth.
10. For bite of spider, prepare a hares sinews,*' and
give them the rtian to eat; it is also good if one
swallow them raw. Also they be good against nausea,
if sodden.
11. For on a pan in good
falling hair, seethe or dress
oil a hares wamb smear the hair and the head then
; ;

the hair holdeth on, and the salve compels that it

shall grow.
In order that a woman may kindle a male child,
V . />./ iu
-^ '"'^_, .
a hares belly dried, and cut into shives or slices, or --f-*
rubbed into a drink; let them both, rifian and ivifcy
drink it if the wife alone drinketh it, then will she

kindle an avb'^oyuv*)v that is as naught, neither man


nor woman.

a Beer, Castorei," Latin.

^ " Renes," Lat.
" Renes," Latin.

Gpt: to )7am ylcan hapan j'ceallan^ pipe seyteji hype

cla^nj'unje fyle on pine bpmcan ponne cen^^ heo
ptepneb cilb.

ptp to jeeacnijenne .^ hapan cyplybb^ peopep pe-

neja^ jepseje pyle on pme bpmcan j^am pipe op pipe

j J;am pepe op pepe ponne bon hypa^ jemanan


*j jBptep )?on hy pophaebben .^ )7onne hjia]?e jeeacna^**

heo 'j pop mete^ heo pceal pume hpyle ppamma
bpucan . -j pop baeS pmypenyppe punbophce heo

PiS pcoppionep bite -j naebpan phte hapan cyplyb

jepealb on pmep bjunce f pel jeheele]?.

^ cilbum butan^^ pape teS pexen hapan bpsejen

jepoben jnib jelome mib )?a toS peoman hi beoS
clsene -j unpape.
Pi6 pambe jenini hapan helan^^ bep on
})inum heb punbophce hit haeleS.

Pi6 eajena pape hapan hpep jepoben yp 30b on

pme to bpmcenne^^ 'j mib )?am bpo)7e Sa eajan to^^
Dam mannum''''* ]>e ppam ne )7gepe teoJ>an tibe^^
jepeo^ )?8ep ylcan bpmcep^^ pmyc^^ heopa eajan^^ on
pon mib "j })am bpo]7e pecen "j }a lippe pseten *j

jniben 'j mib pmypjen.^^

piS blob pyne jebsepneb hapan lipeji -j jejmben 'j

on jeptpebeb hpa]?e hyt jeptiUe]?.

^ fcallan, B. - Caen's, B. H. ^ -eacnenne, H. *

cif, B.
^ pseneja, H. B. hype, B.
habban, B. ^ -eacn-, H.
"met, B. '" buton, B. " ppece, li. '^ hs&lan, II.; hwlan, B.
'^ gebjiuncen, B., if drunk ; bpmce, 11., drink it. " be'Sigeanne, H.
'* manu, V. '" tibc, II. '^ bjiincer, H. * fmic, H.
'" e8j;on, B, j.mypp^.u, V., with 5 over y; fmeppen, H. ;

fmyjiisen, B.

13. Again, for that ilk, after her cleansing, give in Hare.
^** ^^
wine to drink a hares coillons to the woman ; then will ^

she conceive a male child. /

14. To make a woman pregnant, give to drink in
wine a hares runnet by weight of four pennies,^ to the ''"''' ^*'y

woman from a female hare, to the man from a male

hare, and then let them do their concubitus, and after
that let them forbear ; then quickly she will be
pregnant; and for meat she shall for some while use
mushrooms, and, instead of a bath, smearings ; won-
derfully she will be pregnant. {j )
Pcdnting of a scorpion.
15. For bite of scorpion and rent by snake, let the
man drink a hares runnet administered in wine; that
healeth well.
IG. In order that for children their teeth may wax
without sore, a hares brain sodden; rub frequently
therewith the gums they will be clean and unsore.

1 7. For pain of wamb, take heels ^ of hare, bear

them on thy frock ;c wonderfully it healeth.

18. For sore of eyes, a hares liver sodden is good
to drink in wine, and to bathe the eyes with the
19. For the men who from the tenth hour of the
day see not, let them receive with their eyes the
smoke of the same drink, and reek them with the
broth and let them wet the liver, and rub and smear

20. For blood running, hares liver burnt, and rubbed
and spread on, quickly stilleth it.

^ '*
Ad dragmas iiii., Latin.
b " Talum," Latin.
^ " Uentrem," Latin. Whence Lye interprets hebcla)?,
ventrale ; it was however, as I learn from a gl. unpublished,
a thick upper garment of coarse material, like a chasuble. ^

n"^. ^u/f u.'/M ,,^c/^^AfiHM i


V. [Medicina de caprea.]

Pi6 blob jiyJie op nebbe fipjin buccan ^ yy pubu

bucca oS6e jat ^^ ysey lypeji^ ^ebjayteb pi6 ecebc* -j on
n?eyf>yjil beptunjen punboplice hpaj>e liyt Cone blobjiync

To eajena beophtnj^ppe ^ pubu buccan jealla'* je-

mencjeb^ piS pelbbeona^ hunije *j onjepmypeb ^ peo
beoplirnyf Inm to cymS.^
pier ylce msej piS jomena pape jemenj^ )7one
^eallan ^j hunij tropomne hpm J^a joman mib hyr

To eallum unc}'frum J^e on jomum beoS acenneb^'
pubujate jeallan mib pelb beona hunije jemenjeb^^
jneji^'^ pceal eac^^ jelice apejen ^ P^pop 'j cjioli myppe
peoS call on pme^'^ oJ> ^ liyt: py pel to peaipe jepojilit.
pmyjie^^ [onne )a papan joman mib baja jehpylce'^
o f hy^ halijen.^*^

Pi8 eajena bymneppe pubu jate jeallan 'j lytel piue)'

nienj^^ to pomne pmype^^ mib Spipa ]7onne beoS hi"^

Pi6 bpoppajum anbplatan'^* pububuccan^^ jeallan

oS6e jate jemencjeb^^ piS pa3tepe j on jej-mypeb

IipaJ^e hit jelacnaS.^^

PiS nebcopn J^e pexaS^ on pam anbplatan pmyjie^

nub jate jeallan ealle pa nebcopn he op J>am anbplitan
aclsenpa^ 'j ealne ]?one pom he jebynnaS.

sat, B.
' - li}-]ie, B. ' -nerre, B. * -llan, H.
* -maens-, B. H. " -ney, B. "
-jTnep-, H. cyme^, H. ,*

-maes, so, H.; -meensc, B. '" heele'S, H. " acsenneb, H. B.
'2 -rasenj;-, B. '^ )>ap, B. " eac, H. '* to j'omne, for

on j., H. fmyjia, B. " -Icne, B. '

his, B. '" halien,

H.; halisen, B. ^" raeensc, II. B. jTnyjia, B. '-''
B. 23iiale, II.; Ao/e, whole. ^*
-yht-, II. " tucan, V.

V. Pahiting of a common he goat

For blood running from the nose, a mountain


buck, that is, a wood buck or goat, a liver of this,

broken up with vinegar, and thrust into the nostril,
wonderfully rathely it stilleth the blood running.
2. For brightness of buck min- eyes, gall of a wild
gled with field bees^ honey, and smeared on; the
brightness cometh to them.
3. That
may, or, is strongy against sore of fauces,
mingle the gall and honey together; touch the fauces
therewith ; it healeth.
4. For all inconveniences that be produced in the
iiiuces, a wood goats gall mingled with honey of field
bees,^ there shall be added, weighed to a like weight,
myrrh, and pepper, and crocus, or saffron; seethe all
in wine, till it be well wrought into a salve then ;

smear the sore chops therewith, each day, till that

they heal.
For dimness of eyes, mingle together a wood

goats gall and a little of wine smear therewith ;

thrice; then be they healed.

For a spotted face, a wood bucks gall, or a goats,

mingled with water, and smeared on quickly it ;

7. For granulations which wax upon the face, smear
with goats gall ; it will cleanse all the specks off the
face, and diminish all the unsightlyness.

* " Cum melle attico," Latin.

^ It, in the neuter, refers to the process, not the gall. Gall
belongs to a verb suppressed.

-^ -maens-, H. B, Here H. fails us. ^s
peaxa"S, B.
ftnypa, B.

Pi8 eajiena pape -j ypeje pubu jate jealla mib

neopum^ ele oSSe aeppelep peape plsec jemencjeb^ *j
on J?a eapan jebon liyt liselej?.^
piS "coj? ece pubu jate jeallan mencj* piS ele
pmype^ raib ppy)?e jelome J?onne beoS hi^ hale.

Pi^ hepS^ l^yljep pape oS6e punbe jzypejate jeallan

menj^ piS humj bo to ]7ani pape hit haele)? pel.

To pipep pillan pdBy buccan jeallan menj^ piS

pecelp 'j piS netelan paeb pmype^ pone teopp mib
sd]\ pojian to ])2Qy pept jemanan
f pip onpehS^ }8ep

pillan on Sam hsemebe.

py IfBp cilb sy hpeopenbe f>
ip pylle peoc o])]>e

pcmlac mete pypejate bpsejen teoh J?uph jylbenne

hpm^^^ pyle )7am cilbe ppeljan sep J?am hyt meolc
onbypje hyt by)? jehaeleb.^^

VI. [Medicina de hirco.]

PiS homum mm jate hopn 'j leje to pype f he

bypne on pype^^ bo )?onne op J>a pcylle on nipe ppet
cnuca hyt ]7onne ppi}>e piS j'ceappum ecebe bo on j^a
homan 0)7 f hy hale pyn.

To plaepe jate hopn unbep heapob jelaeb^^ peccan'^

he on plaepe^^ S^cyppe)?.

nypu, B. - -ms&iiseb, B. ^ hsele'S, B. ^ m8&nsc, B.
fmypa, B. his, B. ' hypS, B. ^ msengc, B.,
twice. " fmypa, B. '" onyeh, V. " hjiinc, B. '2 B. omits

these words. '^ lyi^e, thus, MS. ; jyple, V. ^

Seleb, B.
l^aeccan, B. '" flsep, B.

8.For sore of ears, and sounding in them, a wood Goat.

goats gall mingled with new oil, or with apples juice,''^ ^^- '^'

and lukewarm put into the ears it healeth them.


9. For tooth ache, mingle a wood goats gall with

oil smear very frequently with that then they, the
; ;

teeth, shall be hole.

For sore or wound of the orchis bag,^ mingle a
mountain goats gall with honey; apply to the sore;
it healeth well.
M. ^Ad mulieris voluptatem augendam ; cum ture
capreoli fel commisceto, et cum urticse semine ; hoc
unge veretrum ante quam ad concubitum iverint
sic in ista copulatione mulier voluptatem percipiet.

12. Lest a child be falling, that is, be sick of epilepsy,

the falling sickness, or dream of an apparition, draw
a mountain goats brain through a golden ring; give
it to the child to swallow before it tastes milk; it

will be healed.

VI. Painting of a goat, a he goat

For erysipelatous inflammations, take a goats


horn, and lay it to the fire, so that it may burn at

the fire then remove the incrustations to a new

vessel; then pound it thoroughly along with sharp

acid ; apply to the erysipelatous eruptions, till they be
2. To get sleep, a goats horn laid under the head
turneth waking into sleep.

^ " Porri," Latin ; read as pomi.

^ " Ad ueretri exulcerationes," Latin misunderstood ; see
viii. 2.

^ This article is not found in the Latin. It is Latinized

pudoris causa.
^ " Ad sacrum ignem," Lat.

Pi^ c^'pnla yape j^meoc J?one man mib jate lifejium

lipa}>e he by); ]>sdy yajiep hal.

piS blobpyne op noj^um abpyj jate blob j jnib to

buj^te bo on f nsefj^yjiP hyt pibptanbej?.

Pi^ eajena haetan ^ ptice nipe jate cyj'e ojrep-

jepeteb mib J7a eajbpsepap him byj> hpsebhce bot.

PiS heapob ece nipe jate cype })8epto jeppij^en h}^


Pi^ por able jare cype nipe onjelejb ^ pap ;^e-


Pi6 nsebpan plite pceap * jate hojm on ]>]\y

pcenceap ^ -j )7ape ylcan jate meolc piS pme jernenc-

jebe'^ on J>py pij?ap bpince pyllice hyt^ f atroji

Pi8 mno^ep pleppan jate hopn jepceapen^^ -j pr5

hunije jemencjeb^^ -j jejniben^^ j septep J^am jej^ijeb
psepe^"* pambe pleppan he popj^pyce^.*^
PiS hpeope^^ 'j pi^ toplojen he jenim ^ psetep )?e
innan jset: by)? 'j heo hpilum^'' ut jeoteS menje^^
pone psetan piS^*^ hunije j pealte j pymle on gepenne
hip heapob^^ -j hip he mib py ppea^^ -j jnibe/22

Pi^ mno^ep heapbny/ie^^ ppa hpaet ppa he ete
menje*^ pi6 pone psetan "j pone ylcan bpince piS psep

innoSep heapbnyppe^^ f peo jetojene pamb py alypeb-^^

ppa he ma bpmce^ ppa hyt pup^oji clsenpaS.

Pi^ pone paetan bo him eac bpince^ jate blob pel f

hyne haelep.

hsejiu, B. - nor, B. 3 hael-S, B. * fcaf, B. '
J>pis, B.
^ fcsencaj*, B. ' -msenj-, B. " B.
i'piS. * hyt, B. omits.
>" corcace"S, B. " jercajen, B. '- -meeng, B. '^ secpeben, V,
i>ape, B. '^
JjpicccS, B. '* Bead hpeoyle. '^ hpilon, B.
raeense, B. '"
mib, B. 20 h%ob, B. 21
j,pga, B. ^2 ^u^^^, B.
-neffe, B. 2' ete is omitted in V. '^s
maense, B. -" -nefpe, B.
onlyreb- B, '*
bjuncan, B.

3. For sore of cburncls,^ smoke the man witli goats

liairs ; rathely he will be hole of that sore.
For blood running from the nose, dry goats blood

and rub it down to dust apply that to the nostril


it withstandeth.
For heat and pricking of eyes, new goats cheese

set upon the eyes with the eyelids quickly will be ;

amends for him, the man.

6. For head ache, a new goats cheese thereto bound ;

it healeth.
7. For foot disease,^ a new goats cheese laid on re-
lieveth the sore.
Painting of a snake.
For bite of snake, shave off shavings of a goats

liorn into three cups, and let the man drink at three
times milk of the same goat mingled with wine
rarely doth it scatter the venom.
9. For flux of inwards, a goats horn shaven and

mingled with honey, and rubbed faie, and after that

swallowed, suppresses the flux of the wamb.
For leprosy,^ and
10. for a beaten body, take the
water which is inside a goat, and which it at whiles
outpoureth; mingle the wet with honey and salt, and
always at even wash, and rub the mans head and his
body with that.
11. For hardness of the inwards,*^ whatsoever he
eateth let him mingle with the wet, and let him
drink the same for hardness of the inwards, that the
tightened wamb may be relieved according as he ;

more drinketh, so it further cleanseth.

12. Against the evil humour, have him drink goats
blood ; that will well heal him.

^ " Inguiiium," Latin,

^ " Ad pedum dolorem," Latin,
c ''
Ad peduclosos," Latin.
^ " Uentrem strictum," Lat.

Gij: inno'S J>mbe mm jate blob mib hi]ie pmeoppe -^

^ bejiene jjiyta- jemenj'*^ *j on pambe iitan ^eppiS

pimbojilice hyt: L^el)?.^

PiS selcep c5ainep naibbjian bire jate pmeojio^ 'j

hype tojib 'j peax my It: ^j jemen^^ topomne pypc yj^a

lilt man jelial jzopppeljan mseje onjzo ye \>e liim Seajip

yy ]?onne bi^ he jeh^eleb.

pe^ man ye ]>e him yeo peetep abl jseten ymcojio

jej^j^b to poylum ypelje -j bpmce^ mib cealb preteji 'j

yomob ypelje 'j bjunce^ ^eytep^^ }>am ^ate blob liym

by]; hpseb bot.

^^bjimce eyt buccan micjan "j ete najibey eaji

pselpyjite mojian yeloyt yy ye micja^^ J)
he yy oytoyt
mib pebeb.

Pi(5 eapena yajie jate micjan bo on f eajie ]5 yaji

jeliSija^ py J?8ep^^ p}T^^T ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^f^ '^ ^^ ^pyj^P^-

Pi6 cypnlu jate tojib menje^^ piS huni^e fmype^^

mib yona bi6 yel.
PiS )?eoh ppsece jate topb cneb ypy)?e f hyt yy
fpylce yealy
'j ymype ^^ mib )?a ]?eoh yona liy beoS
pi^ li)7a yajie mm jate tojib menj^^ piS yceajipum
ecebe 'j ymype^^ mib pel hyt haelej? 'j fmeoce^'^ mib
h8e]7e *j ^ ylce on pme bpmce.
PiS cancpe jate tojib jemenjeb''^^ piS hunije 'j on
)?a punbe jebon'"^^ hjiaj^e hyt hsele]?.

PI'S ypylay gate topb ymj'^jie'^^. mib )?a ypylay hyt

' fmeppe, B, ^ spitca, B. ' semjenc, B. ^ ha&le'S, B. ; V.

has hgelj>. ^ fmejio, B. '' -maenj;, B. ' 8e, B. The \> in
V. is a rubric letter. fmepo, B. ** " B. omits from bpince to
bpmce, '" veyz, B. "V. omits D. '- mi^^a, B. '''
l>aji, B.
" maense, B. fmj'jia, B.
'" j'mj^jia, B. '' msengc, B.
'" fmypa, B. '"
fmoca, B. '^^ -mien?;-, B. '^^ gebon. B.
=2 fmyjia, B.

13. If the inwards puff up, take goats blood with

grease^ of the same, and mingle barley groats, and
bind this outside on the wamb wonderfully it healeth.

14. For bite of any sort of serpent, melt goats

grease, and lier turd^ and wax, and mingle together;
work it up, so that a man may swallow it hole let ;

liim, who hatli need thereof, lay hold ^ thereon then ;

shall he be healed.
15. Let the man on whom may be water addle or
dropsy, swallow goats grease squeezed to pills, and let
him drink therewith cold water, and let him at tlie
same time swallow, and after that drink goats blood ^ ;

he will soon have amends.

16. Again, let him drink bucks mie, and eat nards
ear, or spike nard, and more or root of wall wort
best is the mie, that he be very often fed therewith.*^'
17. For sore of ears, apply goats mie to the ear; it
relieveth the sore if ratten be therein, it casteth that

18.Against churnels, mingle a goats turd with
honey smear therewith
; ; soon it will be better.
19. For thigh pains, knead thoroughly a goats turd,
so that it be as it Avere salve, and smear the thighs
therewith; soon they be hole.
20. For sore of joints, take goats turd, mingle with
sharp acid, and smear therewith, it healeth well; and
smoke with heath, and drink the same in wine.
21. For cancer, a goats turd mingled with honey,
and applied to the wound quickly it healeth.

22. Against swellings, a goats turd smear there- ;

^ " Cum resina et polline," Lat.

^ Saudaraca," Lat.

c " Accipiat," Lat.

^i ''Lotium," Latin.
^ " Melius est lotium si idem (ebulum) pasti fuerint," Lat.

z 2

hy tobjiij:^ . *j ^ehasle)? '^

^ jcbe); p liy^ ej-'o ne
PiS yma ^etoje jate tojib menj^ pit) ecebe 'j

jnnype'^ inib ]J j-aji liyt LselJ^.

PiS ypjiinjum^ jate tojib menj^ prS Imnije pmyjie^

*j on ^eleje eac J>a ppjiiiijap J^e beoS on mannep
innoSe acenneb^ liy^t tobjiijze]^.
Gate 3;eallan on pine ^ebjiuncen pipa lialan" liim
0}:abe]; -j hi^^ jehrele)?.

[vil] Medicina [de] ariete. [MS. 0.]

Pi)? peajijiaj' 'j piS j'pylaj' blacu pammep puP^ on

psetejie jebypeb *j feptep J>am on ele
"j ]'y];]nin''

aleb'^ on ]?a papan j'tope

]3 j-aji heo on pej^^ apyjijie]?

j jyp hyt bi6 mib jepeceb ]}a tojiitenan punba heo


pa peappaj' 'j t)a j'py^^]* 1-^ beo6 on mannej- hanbum

oh^e on oj^pum limum oSSe ymh )7one utr^anj j-inype^"'
mib J>ain pretan ];e bjiype op^^ liealjij'obenjie^'' pammej-
lunjenne^^ hpa]?e heo liy^^ onpej^^ ap\'ppe6.

PI'S punbj'ppmjum -j^^ anplatan piammep lunjen

j-meP^ to cojipen -j to J^am j-ape jeleb^^ j'ona hyt

Pi(5 j'cuppum pammej- jnieojiu^^ j menj^"' SaBjito^^

j'Ot^^ "j j-ealt "j ]'anb -j hyt pulla on pej ^j a^pteji

j'mype^'^ hyt by J) ept hSpe.

Sehsele'5, B, - liij;, B. ^ maeusc, B. *
rniyi^a? B.
' fpjiini^a)*, B. ^ maensc, B. ^ pnyjia, B. '^ acaenneb, B.
" I would read hamlan. ' his, B. " jmll, B. '^ p^-S, B.
" aleb, B. ' ' ape^j 1^> the preposition coalescing:. '''
fmypa, B.
' o).- h., V. omits. '' pobenan, B. '^ lunsene, B. '*'
hig, B.
apes, B. '"
Read on ? or add a word? -^ fmoel, B,
St^l<^"^> B. ^' pmejiii, B. " mtensc, B. *'^
j^ap, B.
)'6r, ]1. -^^ fmyiia, B.

witli the swellings ; it driveth tlieui away, and liealetli

them, and Lringeth about that they arise not again.

For tugging of sinews, or spasm, mingle a goats
turd with vinegar, and smear therewith it healeth ;

the sore.
24. Against carbuncles, mingle a goats turd with
honey; smear, and lay on. It also driveth away the
ulcers which be on a mans inwards.
25. Goats gall, drunken in wine, removes womens
afterbirth for them, arid healeth them.

VII. Painting of a ram.

1. Against ulcerations and against

of the skin,
swellings, black rams wool dipped in water, and after
that in oil, and then laid on the sore place,^ removes
away the sore, and if the sore is reeked, or fuonigated,
therewith, it contracts lacerated wounds.
2. b
Against ulcerations of the skin, and the swellings
which be on a mans hands, or on other limbs, or
about the anus,^ smear with the wet which droppeth
from a half sodden lung of a ram quickly it removes ;

them away.
3.For ulcerous wounds on the face,*^^ a rams lung
carven up small and laid to the sore, soon healeth it.

4. For rams grease and mingle ^ therewith

scurfs ; ;

soot, salt and sand, and wipe it away with wool,

and afterwards smear it will be after this smoother.

* " Ad
locorum dolorem," Lat. a euphemism ; and '' pro- ;

lapsa uulnera," properly " prolapsam uuluam," as in ed. 1539.

^ " Ad glauculos et cauculos," Lat., also " clauculos," which,

as appears in the same MS., fol. 68, is calculos.

c " Aut in ueretro," Lat., see Quadr., v. 10.
^^ " Ad liuores et sugillationes," Lat.
c " Adraixta sandaraca," Lat.

[vill.] Medicina de apro. [MS. 0.]

Pi^ selc jap bajiej- bjisejen jej-oben 'j to bjience

jepojiht^ on pine ealle j-aji liyt jeliSeja];.
PiS hsejij^ena^ j'ape *j teojijej- bape]- bpaejen menj^
piS liunij 'j ppi^ on punbojilice liyt liaelej?.

Pi6 nsebbpan^ bite bapej* bpsejen jej-oben 'j je-

mencjeb^ piS hunij punboplice liyt jelisele)?.
6pt piS papum "j jepunbebum^ potum bapej- lunjcn
jebeaten ppi6e j-male 'j piS liunij jemenjeb'' -j to
j-ealpe^ ^ebon lijiape lieo p j-ap jeliaele]?.

Pi6 innoSej' plepj-an nipe^ bapej- lippe pypc to

bpence^^ on pine 'j ]?onne bpmce^^ j'ona liim bi6 j-el.

^"Opaj- on pej to abonne^'^ nun bajiej- lippe 'j

j'pet]ie ap)ulbpepinbe pyl toj-omne on pine jemen^eb ^'^

j bpmce hpaSe hy^^ pleo^ on pej ppam liim.

Gip eapan j-yn mnan j-ape -j )?rep^^ pypmj'^^ j-y onbo

]7a ylcan j-ealpe heo y]' Tpyj^e 30b to J)am.
pepej' pylla to jeppemmanne nime bajiej* jeallan 'j

]'mype^^ mib fone teopj' "j ]m hjBpJ^an^^ ];onne liapa^

he mycelne luj't.

PiS pylle j-eocum men bapej- jxeallan^^ pypc to

bpence^^ on pine o^Se on psetepe ]'e bpenc^^ hyne

PiS spipcSan^'^ 'j plaettan 'j hnappunje jenim bapej-

jelynbe -j j-eoS on ];pim j-ej-tpum^"^ paetepef o]> ]5 j-e

* 5poph, V. - hyp'^ena, B. ' maensc, B. * ns&bbpena, B.,

plural. " -mjen?;-, B. " -bobii, B. '
-mns-, B.
^ j-ealte, V. nife, O. '" bjimce, B. " bjiiuce, B.
O, the rubricator of V. omitted. '^ abonne, B., -with a inserted.
" -mjens- B. '^ hi^, B. ' >a]i, B. '^ j'ojimf, B. ' fmyjia, B.
1" hyji'San, B. ^^ fcallan, B. "' bjiynce, B. 22 ^pgn^ y .

bjiync, B. -^ fpipan, O. -' ryftpej*, B.


VIII. Draiuing of a hoar.

For every sore, a boars brain sodden and wroiiglit

to a drink in wine alleviatetli all the sore.

2. For sore of the coillons and of the yard/'^ mingle

a boars brain with honey, and bind it on wonderfully ;

it healeth.
Dvaiving of a snake.
For bite of snake, a boars brain sodden and

mingled with honey, wonderfully healeth.

4. Again, for sore and wounded feet, a boars lung

beaten very small, and mingled with honey, and

reduced to a salve ;
quickly this salve healeth the sore.
5. For flux of inwards, work to a drink in wine a
new liver of boar, and then let the man drink ; it will
soon be well with him.
G. To do away the seams of wounds,^ take a boars
liver, and some sweet apple-tree rind ^ boil them ;

together in vdne, when mingled, and let the man

drink quickly they flee away from him.

7. If ears are within sore, and matter be there,

aj)ply the same salve it is ver}^ good for that.

8. Ut viri voluptas perficiatur, sume apri fel, quo


unge j)enem et testiculos ita ingentem libidinem ;

9. For a man who has the falling sickness, v/ork to
a drink a boars coillons in wine or in water ; the
drink will heal him.
Against spewing and nausea, and napping, take
boars suet, and seethe in three sextariuses^ of water

^ " Ad ueretri dolorem," Lat. ; misunderstood in vii. 2.,

V. 10.
b " Flegmata," Lat.
c " Mali pimici," Lat.
This article is not found
in the Latin ; it is here latinized
quo minus erubescamus.
" Eminis," Lat., that is, heminis.

^jubba^ bgel )'y bepeallen bo )?a3jito- bajiej- jzam^

^ bjunce he by)? bal 'j he syljz punbjiaS 'j peneS ^
hyt ]y o]?eji Isecebom f he bpanc.

Pi(5 j'tebe ^j piS blsebbjian j-ajie jenim eopepej-

blit^bpan mib ]7am micjan ahepe upp 'j abib oj? ]5 je
pa3ta op aplojen* jy ]"eoS pytSSan *j jyle etan ]?am J^e

eappo]70 )?popie'^ punbophce hit jeh^ele];.

pam ]}e unbeji hy^ mijaS bl^bpe jebpsebeb^


"j jej-ealb to etanne J^a unhsele^ heo jehsel)?.

PiS homnm^ bajiej- j'ceapii^^' 'j j'pepel je^mben on

pine -j jelome bpmce ];a homan hyt betej?.^^

IX, Medi[ci]na [de] hipo. [0.]

Pi]7 beopul]'eocny]']'e^~ 'j pic3 yyelpe jej-ihtSe pulpej-^'"^

phej'C pel jetapob ^^

'j jej'oben j'yle etan Sam ]>e ]7eajip

JT *
j'cmlac J>e hiin sep retj^pbon ne jeunjtilla^
hy^^ hme.
To j'lrepe^^ pulpej- heapob leje nnbeji ]?one pyle j-e

nnhala jiaepe]?.^''

Gip ])\i jej-yxt^^ piilpe]' ]"po]i sep'^ ]7onne hyne ne

5ejce]7]?e(S^^ he ]?e jip Su mib ];e pulpej' hjiycj
htXip^^ 'j taejl hseji ]>ii ytemseyt^n on j'lSptiete butan
pyphtu \>n Sone j'lS jeppemeft ac ]'e pulp j'op^aS ymbe

p ]>nnbau, O. " )>a)i, B. =' jam, 1^ ' aylojjeu, 15. '
-j'lSe, B.
his, B. -bjJseb-, B.
' ^ 8 _i^v^^^ II :>
oij^an, O. '"
j-ceajiu, V.
" sebece'S, B. '^
_ncnT, B. '^ fulfef, O., and so on.
" Ketaj'ob, B. '"' hit;, B. '" j-lajpe, B. A later liand in V. has inter-

lined hunbcf, but 1

ul)e]' is required, andso B. ''
unhiila Jlicpe'cN, B.
'^ " luji, -"
Seplirc, B. B. ]-caiS?>e5, B. -'
hdjaj-t, B.
haeji, B. -^ hif, B., but V. omits.

till that the third part is boiled aAvay ; add thereto

boar,s foam, and let the man drink ; he will be hole.
And he himself will wonder, and will ween that it be
some other leechdom that he drank.
11. For strangury and sore of bladder, take a boars
bladder with the mie, heave it up, and abide until
that the wet is flown off; afterwards seethe it, and
give it to eat to him who suffers the trouble wonder- ;

fully it healeth.
For them who mie imder them, and cannot
retainy a boars bladder roasted and given to be eaten,
healeth the misease.
13. For erysipelatous inflammations,''^ let the man
drink frequently a boars sharn and sulphur rubbed down
into wine it amendeth the erysipelatous eruptions.

IX. Painting of a wolf.

1. For devil sickness and an ill sight,^ give to

eat a wolfs flesh, well dressed and sodden, to him who

is in need of it ; the apparitions which ere appeared

to him, shall not disquiet him.
2. For sleep, lay a wolfs head under the pillow ; the
unhealthy shall sleep.

8. If thou seest a wolfs spoor than thou seest ere

him, he will not scathe thee, if thou hast with thee
a wolfs ridge (back) hair, and tail hair, the extremest
part thereof, on thy journey without fright thou

shalt perform the journey, and the wolf shall sorrow

about his journey.

* " Ad coxios," Lat., having sciatica, from Coxa, hip.

" Coxus, claudus," (Du Cange). " Coxendica," Ed. Sexti,
^ " Umbrosos," also, '-
a demonibus uel umbris quoe per
fautasmata apparent," Lat.
c -' Couditam," Lat., seasoned.


6a3p]ia3c on pej ro bonne jennii pulpej- )*py)>jie

^ liyt; toj'tnij^ -j jepjuS to Sam eajon hit: je-
pana^ f jap jyp hyt jelomlice ];[e]imib^ jej-myjieb

PiiS miltpjisece cpicej- hunbej- milte abjieb op pyjic to

bjience^ on pine j-yle bpmcan hyt haele]?.* 8ume nima^
hpelpej' iNylpe^ 'j ppiSaJ) on.

Pi5 pi);ejipeapb hsep onpej to abonne jip ]7U nimej-t

pulpej' meaph 'j j-mypej't^ mib hpaSe Sa j'tope ]7e ];a

haej\ beoS op apulliib^ ne jeJ^apaS j'co fmypunj f liy

ept pexen.

8e pipman j'e ];e^ hsebbe beab beajm on mno'Se jip

he^ bjiinceS meolc mib pme j hiinije je-
nienjeb^^ jelice epne j'ona hyt hyelS.
Biccean^^ meolc jip 5u jelome cilba toS peoman^^
mib j'mypeft '^^ 'j ?eth]une]'t butan^^ j^ape hy pexaS.^'^

Peapjiaj' -j peaptan on pej to bonne mm pulle -j piX3t

mib biccean hlonbe pjnS on J^a peaptan -j on pa peapjiaj-

hpa]?e hi beo^ apeje.

pam mannum pe majon hpon^^ jehypan hunbej-^^
jelynbe -j pepmobej* j-eap mib ealbum ele jemylt bpyp
on f eape^^ hyt ];a beapan jebete]?.

PiS pebej'^^ hnnbe]' jiite mm ];a pypmaj' J^e beoG

unbep pebe hunbej- tunjan j-m^ on pej ymb Iseb utan
pic tpeop j'yle ]7am ];e tojiiten j-y he bi6 j'ona hal.

^^PiS pepope mm blsecej- hunbej- beabej' ];one j-pyj^pan

poten j'ceancan^^ hoh^^ on eapm he toj'ceaceS^'^ ]7one

fcins, B. 2 j,ap, B. ^J^ynce, B. " hseleS, B.
^ milce, B., for inyl}e. " fmyjiaft, B. ^ -lob, B. **
jpat, O., qui.
heo, O. '" -mcens-, B. '' Biccan, B. '- hjicoman, B.
" -]ja)t, B. " -ton, B. ^' j)eaxa(5, B, '" lij'on,
'^ hunber, B. '^ cape, B. '='
j'ebe, B. "*'
p. in B. is omitted.
hoh, B. ^^ j'caca'5,
2' yotfcancan, B. B.

4. To remove away eye pain,^ take a wolfs right

eye, and prick it to pieces, and bind it to the bvffering
eye; it maketh the sore to wane, if it frequently
be smeared therewith.
5. For milt pain, snatch away the milt of a living
hound, work it to a drink in wine, administer it to
be drunk ; it healeth. Some take a whelps intestines ^
and bind them on.
0. For contrarious away with them, if
hairs, to do
thou takest a wolfs marrow ^ and smearest therewith
suddenly the places from which the hairs have been
pulled, the smearing alloweth not that they again
7. The woman who may have a dead bairn in her
inwards, if she drinketh wolfs milk mingled with wine
and honey in like quantities, soon it healeth.
8. If thou frequently smearest and touchest cliil-

drens gums with bitches milk, the teeth wax without

9. To do away and warts, take wool and
wet it with bitches
stale, bind it on the warts and on

the callosities quickly they be away.


10. For the men who hear but little, melt with old
oil, hounds suet and juice of wormwood drop it into ;

the ear, it amendeth the deaf

11. For tear of mad hound, take the worms which
be under a mad hounds tongue, snip them away, lead
them round about a fig tree, give them to him who
hath been rent he will be soon hole.

12.^ For a fever, take the right foot shank of a

black dead hound, hang it on the arm it shaketh ;

off the fever.

* " Ad glancomata," Lat.

^ Incisum fissumque catulum," Lat.

c " Laccanicus," Lat. "Lacca, sicra^ iibiay" Du Cangc.

Lucanicam hardly.
Arts. 12 to 18 are not in the Latin.

Papna he -J^
6u ne mi^e ]?sejv^ ye hunb jemah j'ume
men j-ecjaS ^ J^sep^ oncyjipe mannej' licliama f lie ne
mseje J;onne he cyme]? to hi]- pij:e hype mib jepej-tan.

Scmj-eocum men pypc bpenc- oj: hpitej*^ himbej-

poj'te on birepe leje punbophce hyr hseleS.

JDnite ^ pypmaj' on pej to bonne 8e on cilbura beoS*

bsepn hiinbej- Soj't "j jnib j-male menjc * pi'S hunije
j j-mype^ mib peo pelp ^ abe]? on pej Sa pypmaj-
mm eac ^ ZV^V ]^^]^^ hunb ^ebpite]; cnuca ppi6 on
hpaSe hyt hselh.^

pi6 paerejx able mm bpijne hunbej' ];o]'t pypc to

bjience'^ he hf^eleS psetep j-eoce.

bpeop5 on^^ pej to bonne hpitef hmibef ]?opt jccnu-

cabne^^ to biij-te "j jemenjeb'^ pi^ meolope^* 'j to cicle
abacen pyle etan J?am untjiuman men ?e]i ]7a3pe^^ tibe
liyj' tocymep j-pa^^ on boeje ppa on nilite ppcej^ep'^ hyt

]*y hi]' to^an biS Seaple ]'t]ianj 'j lejitep ]?aui he

lytla'S 'j on pej jepite]^.

Pi^ ])8etep able hiinbe]- ]']:)i])J}an leje ^ ]7pi^ on ]?am

mno^e ]?uph ]?one utjanj seo paetep abl ut^^ aplo])e6.

X. Medicina de leone.

Da J>e ]'Cinlac ]?]iopien etan leonpke]'c ne )7jio]7ia5

hy^^ ope]i f a3ni5 ]'cinlac.

PiS eapena leon jelynbe^^ ]'a]ie mm my It on ]'cylle

bj\ype~^ on p eape ]'ona him by)? ]'el.

J)ap, B., twice. - bpync, B. ^ hpirer, B. * msensc, B.
fmyjia, B. ''
" rcaly, B. '
^ }>ap, B. hjiretSe, B.
" hsele'S, B. bpmce, B.
'" bjieojih on, B.
" bpeojih '-
Secnocobne, B.
" v-w,~.^v.,.s.
sem8enx;eb, TJ
semen^en, v
B.; ^an-i^r.v.un
V. " melupe, "R
II Tvii.i
B. '^
])8en v.-
}>a)K', B. '"
j^i'pa, V.
'^ )']a lij'J^cji, B. '**
ur, B. =
hii, b!
gelynbe, B. -' bjup, B.

Beware tliee that tliou mic not where the hoTind

13. Art. ix.

micd some men say that there a mans body changcth


so that he may not, when he cometh to his wife, bed

alono: with her.
For a man haunted by apparitions, work a drink
of a white hounds thost, or dung, in bitter ley; won-
derfully it healeth.
15. To do away withand insects which be on
children, burn a hounds thost and rub it small, mingle
it with honey and smear therewith; the salve doth
away with the worms. Also, take the grass where a
hound droppeth his dirt, pound it, bind on quickly ;

it healeth.
16. For water addle, or dropsy, take dry hounds
thost, work it to a drink; it healeth the watersick.
17. To do away a dwarf,^ give to the troubled man
to eat thost of a white hound pounded to dust and
mingled with meal and baked to a cake, ere the hour
of the dwarfs arrival, whether by day or by night it
be ; his access is terribly strong, and after that it

diminisheth and departeth away.

18. Against water addle, or dropsy, lay a hounds
vomit upon and bind it upon the inwards the water ;

addle floweth away through the outgang, or anal


X. Braiving of a lion.

1. Let those who suffer apparitions eat lion flesh ;

they will not after that suffer any apparition.

2. For sore of ears, take lions suet, melt it in a

dish, drop it into the ear it will soon be well with it.

* These are the dwarves of the old mythology of the

Gothic races. The disease meant is convulsions.
z 7 ^


PiS gelcum yape jemylteb leon^ ^elynbe 'j ]73ejiinih^

jej^myjieb ^ sele j^ap hyt: jeliSijaS.*

Pi5 j^ma 'j pi^ cneopa leo^a pajium mm leon

jelynbe 'j heojirep meajij ^ mylt 'j jemenj topomne

ymype'' mib f jpap Ssep lichomanj yona hyt byj?


XI. Medicina de tauro.

PiS eapbunje ^j aplyjennyppe peappep

hopn jebaspnebne to acpan ptpeb J?8ep nsebpan eapbien
hy pleoS onpej.
Pommap op anbplatan to bonne pmype mib peappep
blode ealle )?apommap hyt op jenime]?.
Feappep jeallan pi's catena J^yptpu 'j jenipe menj
piS pelb beona humj bo on J?a eajan punboplice liyt

Pambe to aptypijenne mm peappep jeallan pomna

on puUe ppi6 unbep f petl neoSan pona he J?a pambe
onlype]?* bo f ylce cilbum opep 'Sone napolan be peop-
pe|? ut J^a pypmap.

piS eapena pape peappep jeallan men^ piS hunije

j bpype on "Sa eapan pona him byj> pel.

Pi^ cypnlu ^e beoJ> on mannep anbplatan pmype

mib peappep jeallan pona he byj? clsene,

Pi^ apan bite oSSe mannep pmype mib peappep

jeallan pona heo^^ bi6 hal.
Pi^ selce heapbnylTe peappep pmepu mylt pi^ typpan


leon, B. 2 |,ap, b. ^ -pab, B. ' -esa, B.
* meaph, B. ^ -msenc, B. '
r^W^, B. ^ -haman, B.
^ A folio in B. -vras here cut out before the time when Junius made his

transcript. *" bite should be masculine.


3. For any sore, melted lion suet, and smeared there-

with ; it relieve th every sore.-^
4. For sores of sinews and of knee joints, take lion
suet and harts marrow, melt them and mingle to-
gether smear therewith
; the sore of the body will ;

soon be well.

XI. Drawing of a hull.

1. Against the dwelling by one of snakes, and for

their removal scatter a bulls horn burnt to ashes

where the snakes dwell, they will flee away.

2. To remove ugly marks from the face, smear with

bulls blood ; it taketh away all tl-e marks.

3. Mingle with field bees honey^ a bulls gall, against
obscurity and darkness of the eyes, put it upon the
eyes wonderfully it healeth.

4. To stir a wamb, take a bulls gall, collect it on

wool, bind it under the seat, or rum]), below it soon ;

it relaxeth the wamb do that ilk to children over the


navel, it will cast out the worms.

5. For sore of ears, mingle a bulls gall with honey,

and drip it on the ears soon it will be well with ;

6. For churnels ^ v/hich are upon a mans face, smear

them with bulls gall soon he will be clean. ;

Painting of an aioe,
7. For bite of ape or of man, smear with bulls
gall ; soon it will be hole.
8. For every hardness, melt bulls grease with tar,<^^

a This sentence is ill worded in the Saxon text. " Adeps

leonis remissus statim inunctus omnem dolorem sedat,"
Lat., ed. 1539. I do not know that ])8epmib can mean statim.
^ " Melle attico," read as ''
^ " Lentigines," Lat.
^ " Kesina," Lat.

"j leje on ealle ];a j-aji 'j f heajibe hv^ jeliSijaS j


PiJ? jzoprojonyiTe )-'eaj\]\e[y] ineajij on jelisettrum

pme b]\mce f betej>.

pi^ selcum j'ajie bjiuice }:eaji]ie]' joji on Latum

paetejie j'ona hyc liDel]?.

PrS bji}'ce jreapjiej- joji peajim leje on ]?one bpyce

]y]?j7an hnii biS j-el.

Pi^ p8ete]\e]' bjiyne ocS^e py)^^)' ^^I^n peappej' jojv 'j

]*ceab ]?oep on.

Gyp ])\i bon beophtne anbpbtan nun }:eapjie]'
pcytel cnuca/j bjiyu ^ jnib fpiSe j-male on eceb j-mype
mib ]?one anbplatan Sonne byS he beojiht.
pip jemanan to bonne bpije peappej' j'ceallanmm
pypc to buj'te o^^e elcop jmb on pm 'j bpmce jelome
he bi(S ];y jeappa to pipj^nijnm.

XII. Medicina de elephanto.

Pi(S jehpylce pommap op bchoman on pej to nimenne
jenim y^\)en ban mib hunije jecnucub -j to jeleb

punbophce hyt ]?a pomma]'^ opjemme^.

6pt piS pommaj' op anbplatan to bonne jyp pipman
mib j)am j'ylpan bujre bsejhpambce hyjie anbplatan

j-mype^ heo )?a pommaj' apeopma)?.

XIII. Medicina de cane.

Pi5 \u on pojiepeajibon j'umepa J^ijej't

ealle j-ap jyp
hpylcne lipelpan ]7onne jyt unjej-eonbne^ ne onjiteft
]?u sen 15 jap.

jjommaf, O. '-'

gepeoiibne, V.

and lay on it will make lithe and nesh all the

; sores
and the hard flesh.
9. For bad spasnij^- let one drink in wine a bulls
marrow in heated wine; that amendeth.
10. For every sore, let one drink bulls dung in hot
water ; soon it healeth.
11. For a breach, or fracture}^ lay bullsdung warm
on the breach ; afterwards it will be well with him {the
12. For waters burning or fires, burn bulls dung
and shed thereon.
13. If thou will make a face bright, take bulls sharn,
pound and break up, and rub it very small in vinegar,
smear therewith the face; then will it be bright.
14.^ Ad concubitum perficiendum testiculos tauri ;

siccatos in pulverem redige aut etiam alterutrum in

: ;

vino comminutes crebris ille haustibus ebibat, qui hoc

philtro indiget ita promptior ad venerem erit atque


XII. Painting of a somewhat fantastic elephant

1. For any ill spot, to take it from the body, take
elephant bone, or ivory, pounded with honey and ap-
plied; wonderfully removes the disfiguring marks.

2. Again, for blemishes, to remove them from the

face, if a woman with the same dust daily, smeareth

her face, she will purge away the spots.

XIII. Painting of a dog.

1. For thou in the early part of summer

all sores, if

takest for food any whelp, being then still blind, thou
shalt not be sensible of any sore.

^ '*
Ad torminosos," Lat.
^ " Ad alopicias," Lat., baldness.
^ This article is not in the Latin. Caput velamus.


PiS pojitojenyjye bpmce hunbej- blob hyt hsele)?

Pi^ jej'pel J^sejia jecynblima hunbep heajzobpanne
jecnucab -j to jele^b punbojilice heo hselej?.
PiS cynelice able pebe hunbep heapob jecnucub *j
mib pme jemenjeb to bpence hyt haele]?.

Pi^ cancoji punb hunbep lieapob to acxan jebeepneb

"j on jej'tjiebeb hit )?a cancop punba jehsBle]?.
Pi^ j'cujxpenbum ^ nsejlum jebsepneb hunbej- lieapob
'j peo acxe J?8ep6n jebon J>a unjepij-nu hyt on pej

]}r6 pebe hunbej- j'lite hunbej- heapob jebsejineb to

acxan 'j J^seji on jebon eall f attop 'j )?a pulnyjye hyt
ut apyppeS -j ]?a pebenban bitaj' jehsele]?.

6pt pebe hunbep heapob 'j hij- lipep jepoben *j

jej-ealb to etanne ]?am pe topliten bi^ punboplice hyt
hyne jehsele]?.

To jehpylcum bpyce hunbep bpsejen aleb on pulle

-j f tobpiocene to jeppijjen peopeyityne bajaj- ponne
by}7 hyt psepte jebatob *j ]?8ep by^ )?eapp to psej'tepe
Pi^ eajppaece "j j'tice tobpec hunbe]- heapob jip

f I'pyj^pe eaje ace mm f rPyfP ^'^Z^ ^ pmptjie

eaje ace Nim f pynj'tpe *j pjii^ utan on hyt hsele]?

PiS to]? ppsece hmibep tuxaj' baepn to acxan haet

pcenc pulne pmep bo f buj't on 'j bjimce -j bo j'pa
jelome )?a te)? beo'S hale.

PiS to); peomena jeppelle^ liimbej- tux jebaepneb

-enbu, V. ^ pi'^ i> te\> jjexon butan fhre, O.

2. For gripingj^- let the sick drink hounds blood ; it

healeth wonderfully.
3. For swelling of the naturalia, a hounds head pan,
or skull, pounded and applied, wondrously healeth.
4. For the kingly disease, jaundice, the head of a

mad dog pounded and mingled for a drink with wine,

5. For cancer, the head of a mad dog burnt to
ashes and spread on, healeth the cancer wounds.
6. For scurfy nails,^ a burnt hounds head, and the

ash thereon put; that application removes away the

7. For a laceration by a mad dog, a hounds head
burnt to ashes and thereon applied, casteth out all the
venom and the foulness, and healeth the maddening
8. Again, a mad dogs head and his liver sodden and
given to be eaten to him who has been torn, wonder-
fully healeth him.
9. For any fracture, a hounds brain laid upon wool
and bound upon the broken place for fourteen days;
then will it be firmly amended, and there shall be a
need for a firmer binding up.
10. For pain and pricking sensation in the eyes,
break to pieces a hounds head if the right eye ache, ;

take the right eye ; if the left eye ache, take the left

eye, and bind it on externally ; it healeth well.

11. For pain of teeth, burn to ashes the tusks or
canine teeth of a hound, heat a cup full of wine, put
the dust in, and let the man drink ; and so do fre-

quently, the teeth shall be whole.

12. For swelling of the gums, a hounds tusk burnt

a " Ad torminosos," Lat., ed. 1538.

^ Thus '*
Ad scabiem unguium " among receipts MS. Sloane,
146, fol. 43.
A A2

'j j-male jejniben 'j on jebon t:o)?peomena I'pylaj'


hunba pe^nyfle j
Pi(S '
piSeppsebnyj-j-e ^^ se 'pe hajraS
Imnbej' heojitan mib him iie beo^ onjean lime himbaj'
ceNe :

hpe^nefj-e, B. -
-nefj^e, B.

and rubbed small and applied, extinguishes swellings

of toothroonis.
13. For savageness of hounds and contraiiousncss
he who hath a hounds heart with him, against him
shall not hounds be keen.

End of Mediclna do quadrupedibus.



In a different hand*

Diy ly feo j-elej'te eahj^alp pi^ clipsepce* -j pi^ mi]*te

'j pi^ penne 'j piS p^'pmum jihSum *j piS
*j pi^

teojienbum eajum *j selcum cu^um j-pile jenim pepep

pujean bloj-'uman ^j bilej- bloptman 'j 'Sunopclapjian

bloj'tman 'j hamop fj]^'^^ bloj'tman "j tpejpa c^iina

'j pollejian 'j neoSepapbe lilian *j hgepene
bile "j lupeptice *j bolhpunan jepuna ^a pypte

to fomne
^ psel to pomne m heoptej- msepije o^^e

on hi]' pmeopupe 'j menj ele to bo ];onne teala

mycel 'Sa eajan m *j j-mypa utepapbe *j pj'jim to
pype 'j Seoj' palp ^ help piS sejhpylcum jej-pelle to
J^icjanne 'j to j-mypianne m jpa hpylcum lime j-pa

hit on biS;

Diy nisej to eahj-alpe jenim jeolupne j-tan *j jalt

ptan *j pipop 'j peh on paeje 'j bpip ]?uph claS 'j bo
ealpa jelice micel 'j bo eal tojsebepe "j bpip ept J>uph
Imene claS ])iy ly apanban Isececpaept.

In a different hand.

PiS lunjen able Gemm hpite hape hunan

^j yj'opo
jpuban "j jalluc *j bpyj-e pypt
pyjit 'j
^ bpun

pube mepce 'j jpunbe j-pylian op eelcepe J^ij'jie pypte

XX pene^a piht -j jenim senne j-efteji pulne ealbaf

ealo6 'j peoS ]?a pyptan* oSSet j-e j-efteji ealo^ py

healp jepoben* "j bpmc selce baej fseftenbe neap pulne
calbep' "j on sepen peapmej- leetft hit ij- halupenbe
bote. b a

A later hand has inserted e to make realp. Read help's.

LEECHD0MI5. ^^75

1. This is the best eyesalve for eye pain, and for

mist, and and for worms, and for itchings, and

for pin,
for eyes running with teardrops, and for every known
swelling take feverfue blossoms, and dills blossoms, and

thunder clovers blossoms, and hammer worts blossoms,

''^ ^^

and wormwood of two kinds, and pulegium, and the

netherward part of a lily, and coloured dill,<^ and lovage,
and pellitory, and pound the worts together, and boil
them together in harts marrow or in his grease, and
mingle oil besides put them a good mickle into the

eyes, and smear them outwardly, and warm at the

fire; and this salve helpeth for any swelling, to swal-
low it and to smear with it, on whatever limb it
may be.
2. This is for an eyesalve
efficacious take yellow :

stone {ochre), and salt stone (rock salt), and pepper,

and weigh them in a balance, and drive them through
a cloth, and put of all equally much, and put all
together, and drive again through a linen cloth this ;

is a tried leechcraft.

8. For lung disease, take white horehound, and hys-

sop, and rue, and galluc,^^ and brysewort, and brown- * Herb. art. lx.

wort,e and wood marche, and groundsel, of each of

these worts twenty pennyweight, and take a sextarius
full of old ale,and seethe the worts till the sester of
ale is half sodden away, and drink every day a cup
full of it cold, and at evening a very little of it

warm, the last thing it is a healing remedy.


* Aiuga reptans, gl. ^ Parietaria officinalis.

^ Achillea tomentosa ?
^ Various herbs are known by this name.

In a different hand of the xii. century ?

Pi^ pot able 'j piS J?one bpopan mm batuluf )7a

pyjit oSeji nama titnilofa

ij- on ujie jej^eoba ^
jpeata cjiauleac mm
pef leacef heajzba "j bjij-j fpi^e
j mm Sep op )?pibban liealuef pemncjef jepihte -j
pepetpeo *j pomamfce piiiba 'j cymen -j peopSan
bel laupepbepian 'j J?epa o^ejia pypta selcef liealuef
penincjef jepihra "j vj. pipep copn unpejen 'j jpmb

ealle to bufte 'j bo pm tpa sej fcille puUe \\i if fo^

Isecaecpsept fyle j^an men bpmcan of> Sset he hal fy.

In a different hand,
AD corrvp[ti]onecd cor[poris].

Polleio Aneto Centauria mmore Ruta Saluui

Grana pionie de his equaliter fume & tribula cum

umo aut ueteri ceruifa & da bibere leuino.

Peretro Cmamomo Smapif femme Cumino

Pipero de hif equaliter tere & confice cum melle

despumato 7 uterif cum opus habueRis.

AD FLuxuM Sanguinis.

Accipe de confirma hoc est confolida & fac inde

^ulfum & da bibere femme patienti fluxum fanguinis

& fanabitur.

AD RECIPIENDAM iiienftruam.

Warantipe^ luf cum umo da ei bibere aut de foliif

fraxini Aliter Accipe fatureiam & bulk cum lacte

& da ei bibere.

glossed ppec.

4. Against gout, and against the wristdrop ; take the

wort licrmodactylus, by anotlier name titulosa, that is,
in our own language, the great crow leek ;^ take this
leeks heads and dry them thoroughly, and take thereof
by Aveight of two and a half pennies, and pyrethrum
and Roman ^ rinds, and cummin, and a fourth part of
laurel berries (o?ie fourth as onuck), and of the other
worts, of each by weight of a half penny and six
pepper corns, unweighed, and grind all to dust, and
add wine two egg shells full this is a true leechcraft.

Give it to the man to drink till that he be hole.

a Allium ursinum. Leac is masculine on the construction


with Juliet, see St. Marharete fe Meiden ant Martyr, p. 89.

^ Cinnamon.

Pi6 mnopep aptyjiunje.

Nim betonica *j psell fpy^e on pin oj7)7a on alb
eala^ -j psefc f heapob mib )7ara pofe 'j lej fi^^en
]? pypu fpa psepni abutan ]5 heajrob *j ppiS mib claSe

'j Iset fpa beon ealla niht.

Gpt piS l^get; ilce mm
lauma* 'j betonica j pejimob*
'j mejic *j feo^ on pin o^Se on oSeji pset fpy^e j

mm calfcoccef 'j bsejxn to afcen 'j mm ]7onne ^ pof

op )7a pyptaf 'j opepjeot )?a afcen mibe -j mac fpa to
leja "j psefc )7a heapob )78ejimibe 'j mm fi66on ]7a

pyjitaf psejima alia pi^utan fauma 'j bmb to J>am

heapbe alia niht.


Nim hopfellenef pota *j ept jepeexen bajic 'j bpy

fpySe 'j mac to bufte *j bjiip ]7upli claS *j mm
himij 'j feoS fpySe nim fiSSen p bujt *j mencj
j78ejito 'j ftyjie fpy^e tojaebepa ^ bo on box 'j nota
Jjenna neob fij. Gpt piS ^ ilce mm jieabftalebe
hapbuna ftemp 'j bo on aenne neopna
-j yTopo -j

pott an plepmj op Sa hapbuna 'j oSep op yfopo 'j

Spibbe op pepfc butep 'j ept ]?a pypt -j fpa J^a butjia

pop^ ^ fe pott beo pull -j feoS bij fpySe tojsebjia "j

ppmj fiSSen )?upli cla^S *j nota J^onna peapp fij

pseftenbe calb *j on nilit on hat ala oS8e bpo'S oS8e


0, For giddiness.

Take betoiiy, and boil thoroughly in wine or in old

ale, and wash the head with the infusion, and tlien

lay the wort, so warm, about the head, and wreathe

with a cloth, and so let be all right.
1 0. Again, for the same take savine, and betony,

and wormwood, and marche, and seethe in wine or in

other liquor thoroughly, and take cabbage stalks and
burn them to ashes, and then take the infusion from
the worts and pour over the ashes with it, and so
make it into a ley and wash the head therewith
and afterwards take the worts warm, all except the
savine, and bind to the head all night.

11. For pain in the chest.

Take elecampane roots and bark that has grown

again, and dry thoroughly and make into a dust, and
drive it through a cloth, and take honey and seethe
it thoroughly; after that take the dust and mingle it
therewith, and stir thoroughly together, and put
into a box, and use when need be. Again, for the
same, take redstalked horehound, and hyssop, and
stamp, and put into a new pot, a layer of the hore-
hound, and another of hyssop, and a third of fresh
butter, and again the worts and butter, and so on till
the pot be full, and seethe them thoroughly together,
and afterwards wring through a cloth and use when

need be, fasting cold, and at night in hot ale, or

broth, or water.

B c

MS. Cotton. Titus, D. xxvi., fol. 16 b.

PiS J7a blejene jenim 1113011 sejpa *j feot) Inj ytefue

*j mm ];a jeolcan j 66 ]5 lipite apej
^ [fjmejia Sa
jeolcan on anpe pannan j ppmj p pof uu ];iiph senne
claS . 'j mm eall Ppa pela bjiopena pnieC fpa fejia
aDjpa beo j eall [fpa] pela bpopena unlialjobcf elef "j

eall fpa pela liunijeC bjiopena 'j op pinoleC more eall

fpa pela bpopena ^enini j^oniie ^ ^ebo Inr tofomnc


*j ppinj tir pupil agnne cla^ "j fyle )7am nienn eran
him by^ fona fel.

MS. Harl. 6258, fol. 42. [51].

prS eafob ece on englif bpyrc^e bpofle t

pollege f
pulle on ele obSer on clane butere % fmyre f lieafob


De Beta.

prcS ealbaiin^alum lieafob ece ciiuca pa purb pat:


bete liatab 1 gnib on pa punpunge 1 ufan f heafob

pu punbraffc paf lacebomef. 6fu pip pat ylce cnuca

cylepene on ecebe 1 fmu'e p lieafob

1111b bufan ]a
eajen fona by5 liym fael. pyrce bretS. pi^ flapenbe lice
Nim f mycele fearn mSepearb ^ eallan rmbe cnuca

to fomne % mebe brofna bo }ar to 1 beppeli lime

pel pearnie. Gif fyna fcrtncon ntm mucgpyrte ^e-

beatene 1
^emengeb jelogobe fmyre mib.
pib ele

OOucgpyrte feap feop on ele fiiiTra mib.

piS heafob

ece jentm
bettontcan 1 pipor ^^igntb to gabere Ifet

ane niht hangie on cla^e T: fmira mib J7at heafob.

PiS fceancena farnyfni 1 fot ece bettontca T: jeornia


Against blains, take nine eggs and boil them bard,

and take the yolks and throw the white away, and
grease the yolks in a pan, and wring out the liquor
through a clotli ; many drops of wine
and take as
as there are of the eggs, and as many drops of un-
hallowed oil, and as many drops of honey and ;

from a root of fennel as many drops then take and :

put it all together, and wring it out through a clotli,

and give to the man to eat, it will soon be well with


For head ache, boil in oil, or in clean butter, pule-

gium, that is in English, dwarf dwosle, and smear the
head with it.

Of Beet.

For old and constant head ache, pound the wort

which hight beet, and rub upon the temples and top
of the head, thou shalt wonder at the leechdom.
Again, for the same, pound celandine in vinegar and
smear the head therewith, above the eyes the man :

shall soon be better. For a paralysed body, work a

batli. Take the netherward part of the mickle fern,^ and

elder rind, pound them together, and add thereto dregs

ofmede, and wrap^ the man up warm. If sinews shrink,
take beaten mugwort mixed with oil; when settled,
smear therewith. Again, seethe juice of mugwort in
oil, smear therewith. For head ache, take betony and
pepper, pound together, let them hang one night in a
cloth, and smear the head therewith. For soreness of

' Aspidium filiv. \

- Kead bej'jaeh.

B B 2

leaf 1 finul - ^. ribb<an ealra% jemengefenfela

pyb mylc 1 pyS pseter 1 be)?a imb. % Ad tumorem

neruorum. Plantaginis folia contunde cum modico

sale et bibe ieiunus. Bete nigre succus et radicis

minus dimidio melle admixto si naribns infundatur

ita ut palatum transeat pituitas omnes defluunt et :^

naribus et dentibus dolentibus prodest. Item ysopi

satureie sicce origani fascicules siugulos in saponc
optime per triduum macerabis hoc per singulos menses

non solum capite sanus sed et pectore et stomaclio

eris. Cui capud cum dolore findi uidetur. Succum


edere cum oleo miscetur et accetum et unge narcs

et statim sedabitur.

MS. Cott. Domit. A. 1, fol 55 b.

]?ap pyjita fceolon to penpealfe elene japleac

cepuille pgebic naep lipemnep pot liunij 'j pipuji

cnucije ealle Sa pypta -j ppmje )?upli claS -j pylle

]?onne on j^am hunije.

MS. C.C.C. 41, p. 228, margin.

PiS eahppsece (altered to ptepce).

jemm Iseppe neo'Sopeapbe enupa "j pjnnj Supli hjepenne

AsZ "J
bo fealt to ppmj ]?onne m J;am eajan.

shanks and foot ache bctony and mallow, and fennel


and ribwort, of all equal quantities, and mingle with

milk and with water; smear therewith.

These worts must do for a wensalve inula, gar- ;

lick, chervil, radish, turnip, ravens foot, honey, and

pepper. Pound all the worts, and wring through a

cloth, and boil them then in the honey.

For pain in the eye.

Take the netherward part of a bulrush, pound it,

and wring it through a hair cloth, and add salt
then squeeze it into the eye.
384 CHAliaiS.

MS. C.C.C. 41 ., p. 22G, in the margin.

Ne jiojiptolen ne jiojiholen nanuht J^sey ^e ic aje ]e

na^ mihte
Se liejiob ujme bjiilien. Ic jcj^olite j'ce

Eabelenan* anb on pobe alianjen j'pa

ic 5e);ohte cjii]"c

ic ]?ence ^ly jreoli to pinbanne* mey to o]; jreopji

janne* ^ to pitanne nvdy ^o o^pypceanne *j to
lupianne* neep to o^lyebanne. Gapmunb ^obep tSejen
pmb J^iet peoli* -j pejie ]786t peoh anb hapa J?aet peoli
j healb ]??et peoli anb pepe ham pset peoh J>a3t he
nseppe nabbe
lanbej- j^set he hit oSlaebe ne polban ]5
hit ne hupa J^set he hit oS hit^ healbe jyp
hyt hpa jebo* ne ^ebije hit him nseppe bmnan J>pym
nihtum* cunne ic hip mihta hip m?ejen anb hip
mihta* anb hip munbcpjeptaf eall he peojinije ]'pa
pyep^ pubu peopnie ppa bjieSel ]7eo fpa J^yftel se

(5e J^ip peoh o^pepjean J^ence o'bSe Sip ojip oSehtian

Scnce amen.

MS. C.C.C. 41, p. 202, margin.

PiS ymbe.

nim eoji];an opeppeojip mib )?inpe fptj^jian hanba

unbep |7inum fpi}7pan pet 'j epet po ic unbep pot puiibe
ic hit hp?et eopCe maej piS ealpa pihta jehpilce -j pi6
anban -j picS iTDmmbe *j piS ]:a micelan maiine]' tuni[;an
*j prS on poppeopp opep 5jieot ]7onne hi fpijiman *j

cpe^ fitte je pije pip fijaS to eojij-an na3ppa je pilbe

tu puba pleojan beo je fj-a jeminbije mincj' jobep fpa
bits manna jehpilc iiietep "j c];elef.

' l\cad ma. -'

Strike out Inc. '
Kead jyeji, jyp.

To find lost cattle.

Neither stolen nor hidden be aught of Avhat I own ;

any more than Herod could our Lord. I remembered

Saint Helena and I remembered Christ on the rood
liung; so I think to find these beeves, not to have
them go far, and to know where they are, not to
work them mischief, and to love them, not to lead
them astray. Garmund, servant of God, find me those
beeves, and fetch me those beeves, and Iiave those
beeves, and hold those beeves, and bring home those
beeves, so that lie, the wAsdoer, may never have any
land, to lead them to, nor ground to bring them to,
nor houses to keep them in. If one do this deed, let
it avail him never. Within three nights I will try
his powers, his might, his main, and his protecting
crafts. Be he quite wary, as wood is ware of fire,
as thigh of bramble or of thistle, he, who may be
thinking to mislead these beeves or to mispossess this
cattle. Amen.

For catching a swarm of bees.

Take some throw it with thy right hand

under thy right foot and say, " I take under foot,
" I am trying what earth avails for everything in the
world and against spite and against malice, and
" against the mickle tongue of man, and against dis-
" pleasure." Throw over them some gravel where
they swarm, and say,
" Sit ye, my ladies, sink,
Sink ye to earth down
" Never be so wild,
" As to the wood to fly.
Be ye as mindful of my good as every man is of
" meat and estate."

MS. Cott. Yitell. E. xviii., fol. 13 b.

J;iy ly )?inaii yjipe to bote.

[Smj] ymb
ypf e selce sejieii liim to helpe agios

AGIOS AGIOS [jenim tpejen] lante [ticcau . . .

jieSejiecjebe 'j pjiit on as^Sejine Cticcan [be] hpa^lcejie

ecje an pateji nopteji

: 06 enbe -j let pone [Cticcjan

];one^ be[pjiitenn]e on }?a plopie ^ J^one oS[e]pne oN

0}:ep ]?am oSpum r"cicc[a]n.

MS. C.C.C. 41, p. 292, margin.

PiS ealpa peo[n]ba jpimneffum.

bextera dommi uirtutem dextera domini ex-

altauit me non moriar fed muam et narrabo opera
domini dextera glorificata est in uirtute dextera
manus tua confrmgit inimicof multitudmem
et per
mageftatif tuge contreuisti adversariof meof mifiCti iram
tuam et comedit eof fic per uerba amedatio fie erif

mmundiffime spiritus fletnC oculorum tibi gehenna ignif

cedite a capite a capiUis a labiif a lingua a coUo

a pectoribus ab uniuerfif* compagmibus membrorum

ems ut non habeant potestatem diabuluf ab hommc
isto N. de capite de capillif Nee nocendi Nee
tangendi nee dormiendi Nee tangendi nee mfur-
o nee m meridiano nee m uifu nee m risu-

nee m fulgendo Ne[c] ef fine. Sed m nomine domini

noftri lesu cliristi qui cum patre et fpiritu fancto
unuf seternuf deuf m unitate fpiritus fancti per
omnia secula seculorum.

Ki, MS.
CHAllMS. 387

This is to cure thy cattle.

[Siug] over thy cattle every evening to be a helj)

to them, the [Take two] four edged

sticks and write on either stick, on eacli
edge, the pater noster to the end and let fall the ;

inscribed stick on the door, and the othej* ....

MS. C.G.C. 41, p. 346, margin.

"PrS fajium eajum.

Domme sancce pa"cer omnipotens seterne deuf fana

occulof hominif ifriuf N. ficut; fanaPci occulof filii

tobi ec cecorum manuf aridorum pef

claudorum faniraC egrorum refurrectio mortuorum feli-
ciraC marrirum et omnium fanctorum oro domme ut
erigaC & mluminaC occulof famuli "cui N. m qua-
cunque ualitudme confcratum medelis celestibuf fanare
dignenC tribue famulo tuo N. ut armif lufritie

inuniatur diabolo refifuat et: regnum confequatur

seuernum per.

]}r6 Capum eapum.

Kex giorie christe raphaelem angelum exclude fan-

dorohel auribus famulo dei lUi mox recede ab

annum torquenti fed m raphaelo angelo faniuatem

auditui componaf* per.

prS majan [eocnette.

Admrer noC deuC falutariC nofcer exclude angelum

lanielum malum qui Cromachum dolorem fromachi facif
ted m dormielo fancto angelo tuo fanitatem ferui tui
m tuo Cancro nomine ranat;ione[ni] ad ad tribuere


MS. Cofct. Vitell. E. xviii.

[Gij: hjiy]]7epu beon on liinjen coSoN i

:on hylle . "j basjm to axan on mibban

fuinejiej' mnelFe [bvo^ . bo] ]?9Djito liali preteji
-j jeot
on lieojia miro on mibban [fumepcf mrejj^j'e mepjen* 'j

iin^ ];ar J?jiy iealmaf ]-ee]\ ojieji [Miyepepe] nostri -j

Exiipgat: dommup -j Quicumque uulr.


Gi]: fceap Ijonyl on.*

[Deniin] lytel nipef ealoS

-j jeot; mnon a;lc ]7fe]ia

fceapa mu6 -j bo -p [In hjiaSJop fpcljon

f hconi
cym6 to bote.

MS. C.C.C. 41, p. 400 ; margin.

I'artly allitera Ic me on jnyye "^jji^e beliice j on jobe]' helbe be-

beobe ])\]>]> ]7ane fapa ftce prS J
ane fapa Heje y\^ ane ]

jpymma 5pype piS Sane micela ejfa fe biS ejlipam laS

j pi6 eal f la5 ]7e into lanb pajie fx^je jealbop ic

bejale fijejypb ic me peje popbfije ^ popcfije fe me

beje ne me mep ne jemyppe ne me maja ne jejpcnce ne
me nseppe mmum peope pojiht ne jepupj^e ac ^elisele
me felmihtiji anb funu pjioppe jaft eallef pulbjief

pypbij bpyhten fpa fpa ic jehypbe lieopna fcyppenbe

abpame anb Iface anb fpilce men mo^^fej' -j lacob j

bauit "j lofep 'j cuan ^j annan -j elizabet ftihajiie j

ec inapie mobup xpcj' 'j eac Suj'cnS Jnjua cnjla clijnje

Of uncertain signification.
CHAllMS. 389

If cattle have disease of the lungs.

. .and burn to aslies on midsummers d.iy

. . :

add holy water, and pour it into their mouth on mid-

summers morrow and sing these three psalms over

them Psalm, Psalm, and the Athanasian



If sheep be ailing.

Take a little new ale, and pour it into the mouth

of eacli of the sheep ; and manage to make them
swallow it quickish ; that will prove of benefit to

A charm or 'prayer.

I fortify myself in this rod/ and deliver myself into See VVanley,
Gods allegiance, against the sore sigh, against the^^'^^^"
sore blow, against the grim horror, against the mickle
terror, which is to everyone loathly, and against all the
loathly mischief wdiich into the land may come: a
triumphant charm I chant, a triumphant rod I bear,
w^ord victory and work victory let this ^ avail me, :

let no night mare mar me, nor my belly swink me,

nor fear come on me ever for my life but may the :

Almighty heal me and his Son and the Paraclete Spirit,

Lord worthy of all glory, as I have heard, heavens
creator. Abraham and Isaac and such men, Moses and
Jacob, and David, and Joseph, and Eve, and Hannah
and Elizabeth, Sarah and eke Mary, mother of Christ,
and also a thousand ^ of the angels I call to be a guard

* Probably a holy rood. j

^ Perhaps, thousands.
- le as feo ;
Syjib is feminine. |
890 CHAllMS.

ic me to ape piS eallum peonbum hi me pepion anb

}:]ii]?ion anb mme pope nepion eal me jehealbon men^
jepealbon papcef fcopenbe fi me pulbpef liyht; hanb
Ofep lieapob halijpa ]\op j'ljepojipa j'ceote j'oSjrsej'tpa

enjla bibbu ealle bli'Su mobe J78et me beo hanb ojzep

heajiob mattheuj' helm mapcuj' bypne leohr hjiej- pop

locoj' mm j'pupb j'ceajip anb j-cipecj J'cylb lohannej-
pulbpe jephtejob peja j-epajzhm pop5 ic jepape fpmb
ic jemete eall enjla blseb eabijef lape bibbe ic nu
pijepe jobep miltfe 50b fi6 pset jobne fm^^re 'j hhte
pmb pepe)?um pmbaf jejzpan cipcmbe psetep fimble
^ehalej^e pi^ eallum jzeonbum ppeonb ic jemete piS

Yddt ic on ]7ep selmilitian on hip ppiS punian mote

belocun pi]? )7a^ la)?an pe me lypef elit on enjla bla^
blseb jefraj^elob anb mna halpe hanb hopna picep
blseb ^ j;a hpile ];e ic on lijze punian more. Amen.

MS. C.C.C. 41, p. 216.

See Wanlcy,
p. 114.
Dip ^ man fceal cpe^an Sonne hif ceapa hpilcne man
poptpolenne. C[p]y^ 8ep he^ ^enyj oj:ep pojib cpebe*

Bethlem^ hattse feo buph ^e cpipt on jebopen pef.

feo if jemiBpfob ofep ealne mibbanjeajkb Ipa Seof biBb

pyp]?e fop mannum m*jie. per crucem xpi -j jebebe

\)e J>onne )7pipa Eapt 'j cpeS ))pipa + xpi ab oriente

^ m pe]-c anb cpe'S crux xpi ab occidente

men, MS. ; read meli. pieces is often transitional between
- lie ad ]vaui. ]' and /'.

' Strike out. * Kead )>u.

The shape of tlic s in these ''
Observe the alliteration.

to me against all fiends. May they bearme up and

keep me in peace and protect my uphold me

altogether, ruling my conduct ; may there be to me

a hope hand over head/ the hall of the
of glory,
hallows, the regions of the glorious and triumphant, of
the truthful angels. With all blithe mood I pray, that
for me, hand over head,^ Matthew be helmet, Mark
brynie,^ a light lifes bulwark, Luke my sword, sharp
and sheeredged, John my shield, embellished with glory.
Ye Seraphim, guardians of the ways Forth I shall ! \
depart, friends I shall meet, all the glory of angels,
through the lore of the blessed one. Now pray I to
the victor for Gods mercy, for a good departure,^ for
a good, mild, and light wind upon tJiose shores ; the
winds I know, the encircling water, ever preserved
against all enemies. Friends I shall meet, that I
may dwell on the Almightys, yea, in his peace,
protected against the loathsome one, who hunts me
for my life, established in the glory of angels, and in
the holy hand of the mighty one of heaven, while I
may live upon earth. Amen.

A char'in to recover cattle.

A manmust sing this when one hath stolen any

one of his cattle. Say before thou speak any other
word. Bethlehem was hight the borough, wherein
Christ was born it is far famed over all earth.
: So
may deed be in sight of men notorious, per cru-
cem Christi. Then pray three times to the east, and
say thrice, may the cross of Christ bring it back from
the east and turn to the west, and say, may the

cross of Christ bring it back from the west; and to

That is, as in a game easily insome other places, to be neuter.
won. See J. M. K. in Gentlemans Maga-
- Coat of mail. zine, 1834, p. 604.
^ Si'Syaec appears here, as well as

reducar . -j in fu]? . -j cpe^ ]7jiipa crux xfji amendie

reducanc' anh in nojiiS -j cpecS crux xpi abfcondita
funt'^ et muenta esu lubeas cpij^t ahenjon jebibon him
ba3ba pa pypfran liselon
J^get hi pophelan ne mihton

ppa nseppe Seop bsob popholen ne pyjij^e peji crueem



See Wanloy, Gip peoh fy unbejmumen jip hit jy hojip sm^ }nf
p. 114.
on liif petepa o^^e on hif bpibel jip hit pi obep
peoh finj on )?8et hopjiec anb ontenb . iii . canbella
^pipa ^ peax ne mrej hit nan man pophelan.

Gip hit yy o}7ep opp ]7onne fmj Su hit on. iiii. healpa
Sin 'j finj fejiej't uppihte hit 'j Petup Pol Patpic

Pihp . Mapie. Bpipt. Fehc. in nomine dei -j chipic.

qui quejnt inuenit.

MS. Bibl. Bodl. Junius, 85.

PrS pip beapn eacenu.^

AYanley, p. 4 1 . Maria virgo peperit Christum, Elisabet sterelis pe-
perit Johannem baptistam. Adiuro te infans si es
mascuhis an femina per patrem et filium et spiritum
sanctum ut exeas, et recedas et ultra ei non noceas

neque insipientiam illi facias amen. Videns dominus

flentes sorores lazari ad monumentum lacrimatus est

coram iudeis et clamabat lazare veni foras et prodiit
ligatus inanibus et pedibus qui fuerat quatriduanus
mortuus. Pj^it Sip on pexe Se na3ppe ne com to nanen
pyjice . 'j bmb unbep hijie ppiSjian pot ;'"'

Read reclucat. For childbirth.

2 Read est. Write this on wax which has


^ From a trimscript forwarded by never been applied to any work, and

a friend. bind it under her ri^^lit foot.

the and say tlirice, may the croRR of Christ

bring it back from the south and to the north, and ;

say, the cross of Christ was hidden and has been

fonnd. The Jews hanged Christ, they did to him the
worst of deeds they concealed what they were not

able to conceal. So never may this deed become con-

cealed. Per crucem Christi.

For the same.

If cattle be taken away privily ; if it be a horse,

sing this over his foot shackles, or over his bridle. If
it be another sort of cattle, sing over the hoof track,
and light three candles and drip the wax three times
into the hoof track. No man will be able to conceal
it. If it be other goods,^ then sing it on the four
sides of thee, and first sing it looking up. Peter,
Paul, Patrick, Philip, Mary, Bridget, Felicitas ; in the
name of God, and the church ; he who seeketh,


Pi(3 jej^tice.

ppiS Cjuytey m^el -j ymj (Sjupe (Soeji on ^ly ^ pater

nosteji . longinus miles lancea ponxit dominum et res-
titit sanguis et recessit dolor

' As furniture ; see Thwaites, ^ For a stitch. Write a cross of

Ilept. Genes, xxxi. 3G. Christ, and sing over the place this
- From a transcript forwarded by thrice.
a friend.

Pi^ uncuSum fpyle.'

ymj on Sine IjBcepmjeji m pater noster :

*j ppit
ymb f j-ajie -j cpeS Fuge diabolus Christus te se-
quitur quando natus est Christus fugit dolor ; -j

feptjuji pater noster. 'j i.i-i. Fuge diabolus;

Pi?3 toS ece.2

Sanctus Petrus supra marmoream

MS. St. Johann. Oxon. No. 17.

Pib blobpene of nofu ppiht to liiy forheafob on

xpf mel.

Scomen calcof 4-

For bloodrunning from the nose, write on the mans
forehead in the shape of a cross.

For a strange swelling. Sing - For tooth ache.
upon thy little finger a pater noster, ^ The rest is wanting. It is con-
and draw a line about the sore, and tained in Lacnunga, fol. 183.

MS. Cott. Vitell. E. xviii., fol. 13 b.

piC ly Cce coiumcille cipcul.

P|ut mib J^mef cnifeC opbe on anum

l^yj-ne cijicul

mealan fcane 'j fleah senne Cuacan on mibban


ymbha^an *j leje J^one Cuan on uppan J^am ftacan

unbep eopSan . butan ^am jeppitenan.

f he beo eall

This is the circle of Saint Columbkill.

Write this circle with the point of thy knife upon

a meal stone or quern, and cut a stake in the middle
of the hedge surrounding thy fields ; and lay the stone
upon the stake, so that it be all under ground except
the inscribed part.

c c

A(jainst theft.

ponne fe ma[n] hpet fopfuele apjut ]?ir fpijeube j bo

on ]7inne pmCupan fco unbeji ]nnum ho j^onne jeacfaxt:

]ni hit: fona.

er hx

h h

b b

n n

xh hx

When a man stealeth anything, write this in silence

and put it into thy left shoe, under thy heel. Then
thou shalt soon hear of it.
CHAllMS. 397

MS. Cott. Vitell. E. xviii., fol. 13 b.

. . . . e mjebejie ci(S on pmjie liyj:e )70iine ne

nfponS nan man ];ine beon ne hi ma[n] ne mijej
pojiluelan J>a hpile pe fe ci5 on ])Sd\ie hype biS.

Against loss of bees.

. . . . a plant of madder, on thy hive ; then no

man will be able to steal them, the while the plant is

on the hive.

Ibid. fol. 16 a.

Ut furicef jarbaf non noceantr.

pi]' if ];eo bletfunj ]??ejito.

Haf precef fuper jarbaf dicif & non dicto eof

fufpenbif hiejiofolimam ciuitate ubi furicef nee habi-
tent; nee habent poteftatem nee grana colli gene nee
triuicum conganbent:.

MS. Cott. CaUg. A. vii., fol. 171 a.

HER YS SEO Bot: )>v DV MEA?>T fine secejiaf betan

jip hi nella]? pel pexan o]7]?e j^seji hpilc unjebefe J^mj
onjebon bi5 on bpy oS6e on lyblace jenim ]?onne on
nilit 8ep byt bajije peopeji t^pp on peopep healpa
]78es lanbes 'j jemeapca bu by sep ptobon. Nim
]7onne ele 'j bunij ^j beopman *j aelces peop meolc
]?e on psem lanbe py 'j selcep tpeopcynnes bsel ]?e on
J78em lanbepy ^epexen butan beapban beaman *j selcpe
namcu)7pe pypte bgel butan jlappan anon -j bo ]?onne
babj peetep "Ssepon *j bpype ]?onne ]?pipa on )7one

PcaSol J^apa tuppa 'j cfepe Sonne "Sap popb Cpefcite

pexe & multiplicamini anb jemsenijpealba & peplete

anb jepylle teppe pas eopSan In nomine patpis

fol. 171 b. & pilu* et ppp sci Sit benebicti. Anb patep noptep
ppa opt ppa )78et oSep 'j bepe pi]?]?an 'Sa tupp to
cipcean 'j msesse ppeoft apmje peopep mseppan opep

ban tuppon 'j penbe man f 5pene to 'San peopobe -j

pi]7]?an jebpmje man J?a tupp ]78ep hi sep paepon sep

punnan fetljanje. Anb hsebbe him jsepopht op cpic-

beame peopep cjuptep mselo 'j appite on selcon enbe

COattheus 'j mapcus Lucas 'j lohannep leje f cpipuep

mael on ]?one pyt neo]?epeapbne cpeSe Sonne Cpux

mattheus Cpux mapcus Cpux lucap Cpux Sep

lohannep Nim Sonne ]7a tujip 'j pete Ssep upon on

j cpe]7e "Sonne nijon pi]?on )?ap popb Cpepcite 'j

ppa opt patep rp "j penbe ]}e J?onne eapt peapb 'j

onltit nijon piSon eabmoblice "j cpeS ponne ]7ap

popb eaft peapb Ic ptanbe ajiena ic me bibbe bibbe ic


A charra for bewitched land.

Here is the remedy, how thou mayst amend thine

acres, ifthey will not wax well, or if therein
thing improper have been done, by sorcery or witch-

Take then dawn, four turfs on the

at night, ere it
four quarters of the land, and mark how they formerly
stood. Then take oil and honey and barm and milk
of exQYy cattle which is on the land, and part of
every kind of tree which is grown on the land except
hard beams, and part of every wort known by name Acer pseudo
except the buckbean(?) only, and add to them holy
water, and then drop of it thrice upon the place of
the turfs, and then sSiy these words Crescite, that is

wax; et multiplicamini, that is and multiply; et

replete, that is and fill terram, that is this earth, etc.

And say the Paternoster as often as the other formula,

and after that bear the turfs to church and let a
mass priest sing four masses over the turfs, and let the
green surface be turned towards the altar, and then
let the turfs be brought to the places where they were

before ere the setting of the sun. And let the man
have wrought for him four crosses of quickbeam, and
let him write upon each end, " Matthew, etc." Let
him lay the cross of Christ upon the lower part of
the pit, and then say, etc. Then take the turfs and
set them down therein, and say nine times these
words Crescite, as hefore, and the Paternoster as

often, and then turn eastward, and lout down nine

times humbly, and then say these words :

I stand towards the east

For grace 1 entreat
I pray the Lord glorious
I pray the Lord good and great

)7one msepan bomiiie bibbe 6one miclan bjiihten bibbe

fol. 172 a. Ic J70ne halijan lieojronjiicer peajib* eojiSan ic bibbe 'j

up heojzoii -j oa yoj^an j^ancta majuan -j heoponep

^ lieah jieceb f ic mote ]?]]' jealbop mib jijie

bjiilirnes ro^um ontynan )?ujih rjiumne jej^anc apeccan

]?a]' psefcmap us to pojiulb nytre jepylle ]?ay polban mib

pcpte jeleapan plitijijan )?ap pancj tupp ppa pe piteja

Cj^seS ]?8et pe hsep be ape on eopJ?pice fe ];e selmyppan

bselbe bomlice bpihtnes j^ances penbe pe ];oniie iii

j'unjanjep aptpece ]7onne on anblan^ anb apim peep

letaniaj' anb cpeS );onne SCS SCS SCS o]> enbe pmj

J^onne benebicite afenebon eapmon "j majmpicat

'j pateji noptep in -j bebeob hit cpipte 'j pancra

'j )?9epe lialjan jiobe to lope ^j to peopj^mja

fol. 172 b. 1 ]^^^ ^"^P^ t f ^^^^ ^5^ ^ eallon J^am pe him un-

bep^eobbe pynt Sonne ^ call pie jebon ponne nime

man uncup p?eb jBt almesmannum anb pelle him trpa

ppylc ppylce man set him nime anb jejabepie ealle

hip pulh ^eteojo tojiubejie bojnje ponne on pam


I pray the holy

Heavens ruler
Earth I pray
And heaven above
And the sooth
Saintly Mary
And heavens might
And halls on high
That I may this gibberish
By grace of the Lord,
With teeth disclose
Through firmness of thought,
Wake up the quanting crops
For our worldly Aveal,
Fill up the fields of earth
With firm belief
Prank forth these grassy plains
As said the prophet,
That he on earth honour should have
Whoso his aims
Hath dutifully dealt out
Doing his Lords will.

Then turn thyself thrice according to the suns course,

and then stretch out along and there count the litanies,^
and then say the Tersanctus to the end then sing the ;

Benedicite with arms extended,^ and the Magnificat,

and the Paternoster, thrice, and commend it to Christ
and to St. Mary and to the Holy Rood, for love, and
for reverence, and for grace for him who owneth the
land, and all them who are subject to him. When
all that is done, then
one take strange seed of
almsmen, and give them twice as much as was taken
from them, and gather all his plough apparatus to-
gether then let him bore a hole in the iDloiigh beam

* Evei7 saints name counting as - In the position of the crucified

one. Jesus.

beame ftop 'j pmol anb jehaljobe j'apan 'j jehaljob

fealr mm J?onne f jseb pete on faey pules bobij cpe^S

]70nne ejice epce ejice eop]?an mobop jeunne J?e

j'e alpalba ece bpihten secejia pexenbpa anb ppiibenbpa

eacmenbpa anb elmenbpa pceap ta henpe ^ pcipe psestma

'j ]?8epe bpaban bepe psestma* 'j psepe bpitan hpsete

psestma -j ealpa eop]?an psej'tma jeunne him ece

bpiliten 'j hip hahje J?e on [hjeoponum pynt

j78Gt hyf yp)7 j'l 5eppi)7ob pi^ ealpa peonba jehpsBne

j heo pi jebopjen piS ealpa bealpa jehpylc

fol. 173 a. ]7apa^ lyblaca jeonb lanb papen. Nn ic bibbe

'Sone palbenb pe 'Se Sap populb jepceop f ne

py nan to ]>xy cpibol ptp ne to faes cp^ptij man

]?8et apenban ne maeje popub ^ ]?uf jecpebene

henfe requires emendation

' hajia ]7e ?

as an interim reading I would

offer \>iyy(i. The genitives are ^ Read yo]\b : the penman had
partitives. Bejie, ]>])oete, are made written ])0]iulb and then erased 1.


and put therein sty rax and fennel and hallowed soap
and hallowed salt, then take the seed as above, and
put it on the body of the plough, then say,
Erce Erce Erce
! ! !

Mother Earth *
May the Almighty grant thee,
The eternal Lord,
Acres waxing
With sprouts wantoning,
Fertile, brisk creations,
The rural crops,
And the broad
Crops of barley
And the white
Wheaten crops
And all the
Crops of earth.
Grant the owner
God Almighty
And his hallows
In heaven who are.
That his farm be fortified
Gainst all fiends, gainst each one,
And may be embattled round

Gainst baleful blastings every one,

Which sorceries may
Through a land sow.
Now I pray the wielder of all,

Him, who made world of yore

That there be none so cunning wife
That there be none so crafty man
Who shall render weak and null
Words so deftly neatly said.

^ eojiJ>an is vocative. | - Loquacious woman,

40 4< CHARMS.

)70iine man J?a j'ulh pop(5 bpiijre anb j^a jzopman

fuph onj'ceote. Cpe^ J?oniie hal pef )7U polbe ppa

mobop beo )7U jpopenbe on jobes jrsefjme jiobpe

^epylleb pipum to nytte.

Nim j7onne aelces cynnep melo anb abacse man In-

nepejibne lianba bpabnse hlap "j jecneb hme mib

meolce "j mib halij psetepe *j lecje unbep J?a pop-

man pupil cpej>e ]7onne pul secep pobpep ppa cmne

beopht blopenbe Jm jebletj'ob peop)? ]78e]' habjan no-

man }e ^as heopon jepceop 'j Saj' cop)7an J:e pe on

bpiaj? pe 50b ]'e J^aj' jpunbaj- jepophte jeunne up a

jpopenbe ppe '^ uy copna jehpylc cume to nytte

cpeS ponne 111 Cpepcite In nomine patpip pit

benebicti Amen. ^ patep rip );pipa.


Then let one drive forward the plough ^

and cut the
first furrow ; then say,
Hail to thee, mother earth
Mortals maintaining ;

Be growing and fertile

I By the goodness of God,

Filled with fodder
Our folk to feed.

Then take meal of every kind and let one bake a

broad loaf, two hands,
as big as will lie Avithin his
and knead it with milk and with holy water, and lay
it under the first furrow. Then say,
Land filled with fodder
Mankind to feed
Brightly blooming
Blessed become thou
For the holy name
I Of him who heaven created,
And this earth
On which we live,
May the God who made these grounds
Grant to us his growing grace,
That to us of corn each kind
May come to good.
Then say thrice, " Crescite, etc." and the Paternoster

' Sulh is feminine, ^|>elstans Dooms, xvi. p. 83 ; Edgars Laws, i. p. 111.


Printed by George E. Eyee and Wiixiam Spottiswoode,
Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.
For Her Majesty's Stationery Ofl5ce.

By the Record and State Paper Commissioners,

or under the Direction of the Right Honourable
the Master of the Rolls, which may be pur-
chased of Messrs. Longman and Co., London;
Messrs. J. H. and J. Parker, Oxford and Lon-
don Messrs. Macmillan and Co., Cambridge and

London; Messrs. A. and C. Black, Edinburgh;

and Mr. A. Thorn, Dublin.


RoTULORUM ORiGiNALimi IN CuRiA ScAccARii Abbreviatio. Henry

Edward III. Edited hy Henry Playford, Esq. 2 vols.
folio 1810). Price
(1805 25s. boards, or 125. Qd. each.

Calendarium Inquisitionum post Mortem sive Escaetarum.

Henry Richard
III. III. Edited hy John Caley and John
Bayley, Esqrs. Vols. 2, 3, and 4, folio (18061808; 18211828),
boards vols. 2 and Z, price
: 2\s. each; vol. 4, price 24s.

LiBRORUM Manuscriptorum Bibliothec^ Harleian^ Catalogits.

Vol. 4. Edited by The Rev. T. H. Horne. (1812), folio, boards.
Price 18s.

Abbreviatio Placitorum, Richard I. Edward II. Edited by The
Right Hon. George Rose and W. Illingworth, Esq. 1 vol.
folio (1811), boards. Price 18s.
Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Indices. Edited by Sir
Henry Ellis. Small folio (1816), boards (Domesday-Book,
vol. 3). Price 21s.
Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Additamenta ex Codic.
Antiquiss. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Small folio (1816),
boards (Domesday -Book, vol. 4). Price 21s.
[leechd. I.] E E
Statutes of the Realm, large folio. Vols. 4 (in 2 parts), 7, 8,
9, 10, and 11, including 2 vols, of Indices (18191828). Edited
by Sir T. E. Tomlins, John Raithby, John Caley, and
Wm. Elliott, Esqrs. Price 31 5. 6c?. each; except the Alpha-
betical and Chronological Indices, price 30*. each.

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