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Alyssa Prydz

English 9H/Period 6

Reflection on Reading
This semester, reading was a struggle, yet I completed it by reading the third, fourth, and

fifth Harry Potter sequels. I decided to continue reading the Harry Potter series as I read the first

and second books during the first semester, and wanted to continue to enjoy the rest of the series

this semester. I am definitely motivated to finish the sixth and seventh books of the series over

the course of the Summer as I was not able to read them during the school year. This semester, I

put made stronger effort to avoid procrastinating, and it definitely helped, but as the semester

started to come to a close, I found myself reading the final chapters of Harry Potter and The

Order of Phoenix, which contains eight-hundred and seventy pages. I began reading and but soon

thereafter found myself waiting until the last minute to finish the book. To improve, next year, I

will definitely manage my time wisely by reading in a routine manner, as I am going to take an

AP class next year that requires me to manage my time in a much more efficient manner.

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