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With 1.6 billion followers, Islam is the 2 nd largest religion on earth after
Christianity. It is also the youngest Semitic (originated in the middle east),
monotheistic religion as it was introduced in 610 A.D by the prophet Muhammed.

Born in 571 C.E in Mecca (Arabia), in a powerful family, Muhammed was a

caravaneer when he was chosen by Allah (God) to found a new religion, Islam
(surrender and submission, in peace). By that time, in this region, only
polytheistic religions existed apart from small communities of Christians and
Jews. When he was 40, Muhammed received the words of god by the angel Jibril
(Gabriel for Jews and Christians). During 23 years, he submitted to God (Muslim)
and regrouped the divine messages in the Koran, started converting people,
became a political leader in Medina and walked over Mecca to destroy idols. He is
considered as the last prophet after Noah, Abraham, Jesus...

The Koran is the heart of Islam. Divided into 114 parts (Sutras) and 6236 verses,
it includes doctrines and moral principles as well as rituals and rules of the
community. The Koran contains 3 teachings: God is unique, almighty and the
creator of everything ; God gives the laws ; and god will reward good actions at
the Last Judgment. Muslims believe in Allah, angels, in the Holy Books (which are
the Torah, Jesus Gospel, King Davids Psalm and the Koran), in the Last Judgment
and in predestination (men are free to do what they want but everything is seen
by Allah). Islam is constructed on 5 pillars. Shahada (faith) says that there is no
god but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet. Salat (prayer), must be done 5
times a day: after taking off their shoes and accomplished the ritual wash,
Muslims kneel and pray in direction of the mecca. Zakat (charity) is a religious
tax of 2.5% of incomes. During the 9 th month of the Muslim calendar (Ramadan),
Sawn is a period of 30 days of fasting; between sunrise and sunset Muslims cant
eat, drink, smoke, or have sex in order to become more spiritual. Hajj is the last
pillar. This sacred pilgrimage to Mecca is the largest annual crowd on earth (3
million people) and is considered as a rite of passage, accomplished at least once
in a lifetime.

Islam contains 3 main branches. The Sunnis are 85% of Muslims; they only follow
the tradition of the prophet (Al-Sunna). The Shias are majority in Iran, Iraq,
Yemen, Syria and Lebanon and have a clergy of Mullahs (priests) and Mujtahids
(judges) to administrate the religious life including punishments (fatwa). Finally,
The Kharijites (1%) reject wealth and luxury and are located in Algeria, Tunisia,
Libya and Oman.
When the Koran and the Sunna are respected, the Charia (the right way) is
followed in every aspect of everyday life. At birth, the first words a Muslim hears
is the Shahada, babies are named 7 days later after a revered figure. Boys are
often circumcised even though it isnt mentioned in the Texts. At 7, children start
studying the Koran in the Madrasa (Koranic school). Girls have to wear the hijab
(veil) after 12. Marriage is a duty, generally organized by the families. Polygamy
is allowed, a man can get up to 4 spouses. During his life, a Muslim cant be
polytheistic, deny his faith in Allah, disown his parents, murder, commit adultery,
steal, lye, gamble and eat pork or drink alcohol. During the final hours of his life,
a Muslim must face Mecca and recite the 36 th surah of the Koran and will be
buried facing the Kaba.
In the Mosque (Muslim place of worship), Muezzins call for prayer 5 times a day.
Mosques are built with the plan of Muhammeds house and are the heart of the
community. Some people can sleep, pray, read, hang out or study there. In
Muslim countries, a follower mustnt have to walk more than 10 minutes to find
one. Inside, there is no representation of Allah or human and green is everywhere
(it is Muhammads favorite color, the one that will dress people in Heaven), the
Mihrab shows the direction of Mecca, the prayers are in front of it, on small
carpets (sajada), and the Imam (the one in front or priest) directs the pray and
reads the Koran, men and women are separated. Friday is the holy day as God
created Adam on Friday, it is a day for rest and pray and all the community goes
to the Mosque.

Hadrien Renault 749 words

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