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HIF20 Name: _______________________

Appliance Infomercial
Weve come a long, long way .... gone are the open fire and cast iron pots;
welcome to kitchen appliances that make every job easier than ever before!

This assignment is completed in groups of three (3). Each member is responsible for two (2)
criteria components and must record the work they have completed daily on the log sheet. All
members must be equitably involved in ALL aspects of the assignment including research,
infomercial creation and presentation as well as food preparation.

Step 1: Choose an appliance available in the classroom (approval by teacher)

Step 2: Research Criteria for Infomercial Reporting:

Usingyour own words describe:

a) at least five (5) features of your appliance; be brand specific (what does it do?)
b) a how to guide for use - assembly, start, change pieces, clean, etc.
c) six (6) or more safety tips for using your specific appliance
d) at least five (5) unique recipes/foods that can be made in your appliance as well as
an alternative type of equipment (ie. whisk vs. fork)
e) a three component comparison of three other brand-specified, similar appliances
f) the benefits of choosing your brand specific appliance & when it is best used

This information should be submitted as either a presentation, webpage or word

document (PDF format) via D2L dropbox. It is to be a visual presentation utilizing both
words and graphics to explain the specific brand appliance.

** remember to cite all materials/resources used in the bibliography**

Step 3: Presentation
Create an Infomercial (using props) that includes and explains:
a) features of the appliance: point them out to the class
b) demonstrate proper assembly, use and handling for the appliance
c) discuss safety concerns related to use of this appliance
d) suggest alternative recipes and other types of equipment for your appliance
e) name the three comparative brands and your rating components
f) state the benefits your appliance offers when to best use this appliance
d) provide a sample of food from using your appliance (made in advance or if time
permitting based on your appliance, during your infomercial)

Step 4: Food Lab Planning, Food Sample and Presentation Days

A schedule for food prep and presenting will be developed through consultation with
teacher. All members are to participate in food preparation and appliance presentation.

Step 5: Submission
All groups will submit research on: _________________________________
All groups will present on assigned date. Presentations may be pre-recorded for
presentation; this option must be approved with teacher.
For the comparison of brands create a table similar to this, additional categories may be added.

Brand Name Features Capacity Cost Your Ranking

Rubric Appliance Infomercial

Names: ___________________ _____________________ __________________

Group Presentation Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Key Concepts 10 marks
* appliance and brand clearly identified
* assembly and proper/safe use is stated / demonstrated
* features of appliance are explained with detail & demo
* safety tips clearly identified and demonstrated
* suggests five recipes and an alternative equipment
* incorporates comparative brands
* benefit of using appliance & when best used
Overall Presentation / Communication - 10 marks
* speaking is clear, effective and professional
* presentation is creative and stimulates interest
* information is accurate and relative to appliance
* all group members participate fully

Individual Research & Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Research - 20 marks
* indicates the features of appliance
* provides guide for - how to assemble, start, change pieces, etc.
* provides safety tips for appliance
* five (5) recipes that can be made with appliance & alternative
equipment suggested
* includes comparison chart of three other similar appliances
* clearly states benefits of choosing this appliance & when it is
best used
Presentation / Communication - 10 marks
* speaking is clear
* volume & tone is acceptable
* presentation is creative and stimulates interest
* information is accurate and relative to appliance
Organization & Planning - 10 marks
* work log is submitted on presentation date or earlier
* bibliography of research included with research
* involved with food planning & preparation arrangements
* sample is made, served and cleaned up efficiently
Work Completed Log Appliance: _________________________


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