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Light Phase #4 Proposal Sheet/TPOL Preparation

One of the most important benchmarks in the HTH experience is the Transitional Presentation of Learning (TPOL). The
following sheets will help you reflect on your experiences this semester and design your final few weeks of the school

Reflect on some of your academic and social Strengths. Include thoughts or anecdotes about your abilities,
work habits and behaviors. How has your project work been affected by these strengths?

Learning Area Strengths Evidence/Storytelling

Science Asking Questions Bath Bomb

Language Arts Reading I am able to read larger books and annotate the
(reading, writing, passages to better understand the books.

Math Computer Illustrator We are working on making plant holders in math


Artistry/Craft Camera Angles Working in class

Group Trying to be a Leader Ownership


Ownership (putting Phase 1 portrait Taking pictures of my classmates and perfecting

your stamp on photography skills.

Reflect on some of your academic and social Areas for Growth. Include thoughts or anecdotes about your
abilities, work habits and behaviors. How has your project work been affected by these Areas for Growth?

Learning Area Areas for Growth Evidence/Storytelling

Science Learning high school chemistry The link between the chemicals and the change
equations (epoxy)

Language Arts Writing Better Blog post and being more specific
(reading, writing,

Math Get better at studying for tests I am really bad at keeping up and studying for
upcoming tests

Artistry/Craft Making soap Learning in media

Group Be more of a leader and share more In socratic seminars


Ownership (putting Give myself more credit and work Be proud of my work
your stamp on harder
Phase #4 Design

The purpose of Phase #4 is to give us all a chance to dive deeply into work that is exciting and will push us in our
Areas of Growth. These projects are student-led and will be exhibited with our Light project and at each student's
TPOL. Each student will complete the following questionnaire and meet with Mike and Andrew to critique and revise
their plan.

What are some Areas of Growth that you ought to work on? What aspect(s) of the project work would you revisit or
improve upon?
I would like to work on perfecting my writing and being more detailed. I would also like to on learning the camera
settings and learning how to perfect my technique with taking pictures helping me take much better pictures. I would
also like to get better at processing and editing my images better making them even better. I am also going to be
writing a poem that will help me improve with detail in my writing.

What specific explorations will you pursue to enrich the Phase #4 experience?

Science/Technical Bees have been going extinct for a while now so I would like to figure out what is causing that
And if we can posible fix that. There are also a lot of a lot of species of bees so I believe that the
bees that go extinct might just be one of the species of the bees.

Reading I am planning on reading articles about bees to figure out some facts for my poem and I will be
reading a poetry book so that I can see how the author shows her detail in her poems and then
start writing my poem from what I learn.

Writing I will be writing a poem and if I have time write a small book about what I found in the article that
I was research.

Photography Take a shot of a bee maybe sharing pollen or on a flower wherever am able to find a bee, I
would like to take a close up of a bee and us a fast shutter that i can get as much detail as

What is a Final Photograph that could encapsulate your growth this semester? How? Sketch a draft.
This picture would be showing my growth because the bee would be representing me and how stubborn I can be
sometimes. The flower would represent the slow process of my growth and how I am still growing and blooming there
this year always learning new things.

-Add resources/materials
-Check in with groups as we propose/go
-Clarity around purpose of the photo
-Does it have to be photography or can we do other things with light?
-What if you want to do something badly, but it doesnt involve reading or writing or etc?
-What are the limits for travel/time away?
-Who might we work with or group with?
-How important will our choice be?
-Can you work independently from school? During school?
-Time to get it done?
-Connects to TPOL? Share about all phases or just #4

-Can you include info from last semester?

-How specific should we be about areas for growth? Skills, work samples, content etc
-Can a blog serve as the language arts/writing section?
-Do you have to have a growth area and strength for each subject?
-What is the role of math?
-What does putting your stamp mean?
-Do strength/growths areas have to do with project? (out of school time)

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