NASA 171087main 03-08-07

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March 8, 2007 Vol. 12, No.


Endeavour, Discovery prepped Next ELV launch, AIM, to

for missions STS-118, -122 study highest clouds

Shuttle Update: In bay 3 of istrative support personnel to its plex annual pass, lunches and after-
the OPF, Discovery has been pow- monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. on noon snacks, an official Camp KSC
ered down and thermal protection Tuesday. The meeting will be held at T-shirt, four complimentary admis-
system operations are under way. the Courtyard by Marriott on 3425 N. sion tickets to the U.S. Astronaut Hall
This week, the orbiter is being wired Atlantic Avenue in Cocoa Beach. of Fame, the Camp KSC graduation
for the "Station to Shuttle Power Kimmarie Barrett, with the Lockheed ceremony and a certificate of completion.
Transfer System," or SSPTS. The Martin Information and Technology For more information and regis-
SSPTS allows the space shuttle to Division, will speak about "Getting tration details, call 449-4444 or visit
stay docked at the International Space Rid of E-mail Clutter." Guests are the Web site: kennedyspacecen-
Station longer by providing its power welcome. An optional dinner costs
and preserving its consumables. The $11. Please RSVP by Monday to
Are You "Sleep Aware"?
orbiter is scheduled for power-up in Debbie Carter at 426-3003 or e-mail
March 5-11 is National Sleep Aware-
late March. Discovery is targeted to Reservations
ness week. Although snoring may be
fly on mission STS-122. can also be made through the chapter
harmless for most people, it can be a
Web site at iaapcentralbre-
ELV Update: The next symptom of a life-threatening sleep Regular chap-
scheduled ELV launch is the AIM disorder called sleep apnea, espe-
ter meetings are the second Tuesday
spacecraft, aboard a Pegasus XL ve- cially if accompanied by severe day-
of each month.
hicle, from Vandenberg Air Force time sleepiness.
Base in California. AIM is a two- Send Your Kids To Camp — For more information, visit the
year mission to study Polar Meso- The spring session for Camp KSC is Web site at
spheric Clouds, or PMCs, the Earth’s scheduled for March 26-30. Summer This health tip is brought to you
highest clouds, which form an icy camp sessions are available June 4 by KSC Health Cliques. You can visit
membrane 50 miles above the surface through Aug. 17. Regular tuition is the new KSC Health Cliques Web site
at the edge of space. The primary $295 per child, per session. There is a to find out if you know the health tip
goal of the AIM mission is to explain 10-percent discount for badged em- of the week! For comments regard-
why PMCs form in the first place and ployees and contractors of Kennedy ing KSC Health Cliques, call Kris
what is causing the mysterious Space Center, Cape Canaveral Air Calderone at 867-3414 or e-mail
changes in their behavior. The AIM Force Station, Patrick Air Force Base,
satellite carries three state-of-the-art and retired KSC personnel. or call Lauren Ratner at 867-4566 or
instruments: Cloud Imaging and Par- Based at the U.S. Astronaut Hall e-mail Lauren.Ratner-1@ksc.
ticle Size, Solar Occultation For Ice of Fame, Camp KSC offers children
Experiment and the Cosmic Dust Ex- entering second through ninth grade
Did You Know? The O&C Mission
periment. an out-of-this-world experience to
explore space as never before. Spring Briefing Room will be closed from April 1
IAAP Meets Tuesday, Features camp hours are from 9 a.m. to 4:30 through June 30 for major facility renova-
E-Mail Clutter — The Central Bre- p.m. with extended early drop-off and tions. The room will be unavailable for
vard Chapter of the International As- late pick-up hours available free for any usage during this time. For additional
sociation of Administrative Pro- badged employees. Campers receive information, please contact Brent Seale at
fessionals, or IAAP, invites all admin- a complimentary KSC Visitor Com-

KSC Countdown is published every Tuesday & Thursday. Deadlines are 10 a.m. Mondays & Wednesdays.
E-mail news to For questions or information, e-mail or call 321-867-2815.
Find KSC Countdown on the Internet at

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