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The Arusha Declaration this was the declaration which was proposed by (TANU),

Tanganyika African Nation Union onJanuary,1967 which was aimed to explain the
meaning of socialism and self-reliance and their relevance to Tanzania and it was
conducted at Arusha region and at the same time TANU adopted the Arusha
Resolution at which the government and public institutions of mainland of Tanzania
instructed to implement the policies which would make Tanzania into a socialist and

It was under Mwalimu Julius KambarageNyerere who was the first president of
Tanzania under Tanganyika African Nation Union,(TANU) party which was formed
in 1945 in which on 16 th February ,1967 all private commercialBanks were
nationalized and full compensation to those private Banks out of which the( N.B.C)
Nation Bank of Commerce was formed and thus why Arusha declaration is seemedas
landmark in social economic and political development in the history of Tanzania
due to the fact that some principles were proposed in order to enhance the
socialism and self-reliance policies such as equality, education, health, democracy,
political education and leadership and the freedom struggle.

Many authors and poets/poetess have tried to give out their views about the issue of
socialism and self-reliancewhich was discussed during theArusha Declaration and
they explain and make some criticism on the principles which declared and how do
they implemented, by referring to books SALMA`S SPIRIT which written by
A.M,Hokororo and SATANIC TORTURES which written by
AloisSamiaMmasi and some poems like DEVELOPMENT ,LIVE AND LET
DIE which both of themcomposed by KundiFaraja and HOLLOW HEADS by

It is true that the Arusha Declaration is the landmark in social economic and
political development in the history simply because of the principles which declared
during that period of declaration atArusha which reflects the Tanzania societys
development though most of the principles does not succed for a large extend as

Equality;this is the situation in which all people within the society means male and
female are treated equally in order development to be brought in the society any
kind of discrimination should be denied as KundiFaraja potrayed in her poem

Live and let Die used to state this issue of equality by comparing the rich and
poor people how do they livein the society as the poetess says

Let them eat brother

Because the rich nations

Are not yet ready
To die a little
So that the poor nations may live

This means that the rich ones are not ready to help the poor so that to maintain the equality status
in the society and thus why during the ArushaDeclation three things were discussed in terms of
equality maintainance as communal decision making and degree of access and ownership in
which people should be included which for otherhand can lead to the development of a certain
nation like Tanzania and thus why Arusha Declaration seen as the landmark in social economic
and political development

Also during Declaration agriculture was discussed as the basic of development and almost 45
million shillings was spent on agriculture development on 1967 where various companies and
slogans established like juhudinamaarifa in agriculture and the support of SIDO and the Rural
Development Bank in making sure that agriculture become succefully.In referring to novel
SATANIC TORTURES the character who is the main one John Masinde who faces with a lot
of problems due to the fact that his uncle Lelo together with her auntNkasalina they bewitched at
him and thus why he decided to attend to various witchdoctors like Joseph of Dovyaof
Shinyanga where he spend a lot of money which make him become bankrupt where he decided
to go back and establish agriculture for the purpose of serving his family and send her daughter
to KiboshoGirlsSecondary School also he applied for a Bank loan and succeeded to get some
money also Messrs Tanzania Dairy Farming Company,Ngerengere,delivered at the farm twenty
two pigs of which twenty were pregnant gilts and to were serving boars.This show how
agriculture serving peoples life and brings development in the society and change life style of
the people.This indicate that though most of Tanzanians tries to practice agriculture but still they
leg behind due to their poor farming methodologies and low support from the government and
thus why MrMasindes pigs dead because he lacks some money for buying pigs food.

Education also is among of the principles which declared in Arusha declaration in order to bring
development to the people and to make them to have right decision making in all aspects of their
life.In referring to AloisSamiaMmasisnovel,he takes us to character John Masinde who is seen
as the only an educated person among the family members and is the one who decided to write
secretly to the President of the United Republic of Tanzania,giving him details of the oppressive
manner in which his uncle Lelo treating them by using superstition methods to be witch and to
send evil spirits to their family though his struggle does not help much because the Director of
Criminal Investigations Department,the Regional Police Commander and the Regional Criminal
Investigation Officer they bribed by Lelos second wifes lover Kaka Makenya who given them
shillings 3000/= this means that most of Tanzanians are adviced to use their education in
fighting for their rights even though various hardship in attainment but one day yes, not only that
but also education should be used in personal liberation which for the other side can improve life
standard of most Tanzania as Mr.Masinde built beautiful houses to himself and to his parents.
And during Arusha Declaration three strong enemies were condemned which are ignorance,
diseases and poverty which seen to be the threats of development in our country.

Also during Arusha declaration political education and leadership discussed a lot because it
entertained much in socialism form of leadership in which the socialists undermined the
existence of corruption, theft and loss of public money and goods and other abuse of public
office and ordering people to fulfill their duties. This also defined by KundiFaraja in her poem
she tries to give out on how leaders use their powers which they have entrusted by their people
by pretending that they are national builders while not,she says on her second stanza of the poem
as follow;-

He looks into the files

To see the demands

Of the millions of people

Who for since Uhuru

Have just managed to survive

They ring one message

Man of the people

You have always been telling us

What we need

So people are asking for why demands which were required for does not fulfilled though is the
only one who asked their citizens what they need ,this indicate that how leaders like this one are
supposed to be given political education so that when they entrusted power they must implement
to their position and accomplish promises which promises people and this should be done
through various political seminars and public discussions so that to enhance our slogan of
socialism and self-reliance education and on the other hand are the leaders who are seem to be
source of development within the society, not only leaders but though even normal people should
be careful in select people who are capable and ready to die a little to their people not only
looking for what they promise to implement hence Tanzania it will be a rich country in the

The freedom struggle: in Africa has advanced since 1967 where many countries like
Mozambique, Angola and Guinea-Bissau. In the fighting for economic independence, co-
operation with other Third World Countries has increased since February 1967 although
difficulties have not been absent. The country is supposed to overcome the difficulties and to get
agreement on treaty revisions which will enable all partner states to work together also co-
operation with others is highly needed so that a certain society it become developed hence most
of Tanzanians be free in all spheres of their life, this is identified by JwaniMwaikusa to his
poem Hollow Heads where people try to fight for their freedom but still they are denied by the
upper class something which is very dangerous in any development simply because people
depend each other in social economic and political advancement ,in the poem the poet says in the
last two stanzas:-

Alright my friends

Its the battle and Ill fight it

Ears and wits and eyes and speech,

And a strong conscience:

These are my weapons.

And I will fight to the last cell

This indicates that in struggle for freedom even though you will incur with many problems but a
person he/she is supposed to fight for till the end of his/her life and that is why the poet declared
at the last stanza that a persona he/she will fight the battle till the last cell so people especially

Tanzanians are they encouraged to abandon the issue of coward in their mind so that they can
achieve what is right within the society and for the large extend all spheres oflife like economic
political and social will be grown up and hence can change peoples standard of life.

Also in A.M.Hokororos novel SALMAS SPIRIT the Author explains on how people struggle
for their freedom, this is verified in the book when SalumKondo decided himself with the
assistance of his friend Sam or Mr.Mbogo and his wife Mrs.Kondo to go to the witchdoctor
Mr.ToboaTobo at Mlingotini so that he can free himself from the spirits which for a long time
makes his life to be in chaos and make him to live in vacuum and feel as he is not a human being
at all , though the method he uses it is so hates by thesis but we see he succeed to free from the
spirits of his wife Thuena and daughter Salma who died five years ago due to the car accident
which happened when their car invaded by the group ofbeers when they were on the way from
Tanga which make Mr.Kondo to lose the direction of the car which make the whole family to lost
life except himself who is also added to hospital due to the injures he got. This means that many
people when get problems they find any alternatives so that to accomplish the problems
facesthem hence make people to be free from evils .In the society many people having problems
but because of various believes fails to solve their problems by believing that it is the sin to
attend to witchdoctorsfor the sake of getting cure for diseases and spirituals hence making their
life become difficult.

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