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Writers Workshop Mini-lesson Planning Form

Unit of Study: Opinion Writing (Elaboration) Date: 2/14/17

Mini-lesson Topic: If/ Then
Connection We are continuing to talk about opinion writing.

Yesterday we talked about....... The past few days we have talked about using a Good Question to
Today I will teach you........ start off your opinion piece to get the reader to feel strongly about
** Ive noticed in your writing. your topic.

Today I will continue to teach you how to use if then statements

so if your reader is doing one thing you can convince them to do
something else.

Teach Write two statements on the board:

What are the steps?
Will I use an anchor You love chocolate
chart? Mentor texts?
What will my language People celebrate Valentines Day.
sound like?
Ask: How are these two statements connected? Do they have a
relationship? (Have conversation about this)
Watch me as I .......
Did you see how I ....... Let me show you how I can put these two statements into an IF/ THEN

Explain: The author of these two sentences is attempting to convince

reader by making an If/ then move. The reader sees that IF you like
chocolate THEN you should celebrate Valentines Day.

Revise and reread: IF you like chocolate THEN you should celebrate
Valentines Day

Discuss how we have connected the two ideas. The author wants the
reader to connect these two statements whether they are true or not
just to convince the reader of something.

Write two statements on the board

You dont to get sick.

Washing your hands is a good way to help you stay healthy.

Ask: How are these two statements connected? Do they have a


Have students combine these sentences with a IF/ THEN relationship

IF you dont want to get sick, THEN washing your hands is a good way
to help you stay healthy.
Active Engagement Think about the article that you are writing your opinion about. Turn
How will students and talk with your partner. What is an example of an IF/ THEN
participate & practice? statement that you could add.

Turn and talk to your partner Think about your reader. Is there something that they are doing or
about ...... believe that you could then convince them to do something else?

Link When you want to convince your readers of something or to do
Name the skill/strategy something, you can write an IF/ THEN.
Invite students to try it.
We will try to today as we write our opinion. You can also do this
Today and every day....... when you write your own opinions in the future.
Who thinks they will try this
strategy today?

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