Você Sabe Onde o Inglês Pode Te Levar. Nós Sabemos Como Levar o Inglês Até Você

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Voc sabe onde o ingls pode te levar.

Ns sabemos como levar o ingls at voc.

i i

i Process i

Learning Process
T exposes SS uses it
SS knows
SS to target and makes
language mistakes

teaches corrects corrects

T exposes
SS learns SS uses SS uses it
SS to target
something some of it correctly

T T exposes SS uses it T exposes

SS to target and SS to target
corrects language selfcorrects language
i i

i i

Dont leave correction to be
done by instinct.
It is something you have
to think about
Jeremy Harmer
Mistake Error
A mistake is a slip up: Errors are when the
you know the correct student does not know
thing to say, but by the correct form, term, or
accident said the wrong usage.
thing. Once an error has been
If it is repeated too often, identified, we need to
it has become an error. consider the type of error
and how best to deal with
On the Spot Delayed

Students confidence. At the end of a section,

Be careful not to jump practice, or activity (error
on one student for correction makes a nice
making a mistake. transition between parts
of the lesson).
Write the errors or say I
Voc sabe onde o ingls pode te levar.
Ns sabemos como levar o ingls at voc.

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