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Alice in Wonderland

Chapter 1: In the hutch.

Alicia was in her garden with her sister, when she sees a white rabbit pass by.
Alicia follows him, gets into the burrow and falls into a tunnel that seemed endless.
He falls into a robe full of doors and according to what he will touch or drink there
increases as his size decreases. Try to take different to penetrate by a small door
that overlooked a beautiful garden.

Chapter 2: The Pond of Tears.

Failing to do his job (going through the door) he starts to cry, and as his size was
enormous, in a short time, a pond forms with his tears. Then, when dwarfing, swim
to the shore and meet with a mouse and a series of animals. To dry, it makes a
jumbled career.

Chapter 3: A Jumble Race and a Long Story.

Alicia distributes prizes to all, receiving also her prize. The mouse promises to tell
him his story and the reason for his hatred of cats. He begins to tell his story, but
being interrupted insistently by Alicia, retires offended. At the mention that Alicia
makes of her cat, soon all the rest of the animals are removed. Alice starts to cry,
but soon she hears a few steps: It was the rabbit
. Chapter 4: The rabbit sends a visitor.
The rabbit came looking for his gloves. The rabbit took Alice for her buccaneer and
sent Alice to look for her gloves. Upon reaching this Alice takes the gloves, but
here again a succession of resizing occurs as you drink or eat something, so much
that on some occasion grows so much that not enter almost all his body in the
house, or to dwarf as much as To disappear. He then runs out and runs into the
forest, where he meets a puppy dog who wanted to play with her. He manages to
escape running.
Chapter 5: The caterpillar's advice.
Sitting down to rest near a lake, he discovers a blue caterpillar, smoking a narquil
pipe. It keeps a conversation in which the caterpillar seems to contradict everything
that Alicia says. Finally the caterpillar gives the solution to Alice to return to its
normal state. Again it increases and decreases its size by biting a fungus. He
encounters a dove that sees Alicia with her very long neck confusing her with a
snake. Already in its normal size, Alicia walks and finds a small house.
Chapter 6: Pork and Pepper

He sees the lackey fish and the lackey anticipates that they will not hear it if it
strikes. Alice enters and finds the duchess sitting with a child in her arms in a
kitchen filled with smoke, with a kitchen and a smiling cat. Then he escapes into
the forest, and meets the cat on a branch, which smiled at him. This is a drawn cat,
which tells you where the hat and the hare live.

Chapter 7: A crazy tea.

Alicia takes the tea in a way stranger than she could imagine with the hat, the hare
and the dormouse. After several arguments, Alicia moves away from the place. It
finds a tree with a small door, so it penetrates it, finding itself in a long hall, after
which, it penetrates by a small passage to the desired garden.

Chapter 8: The Croquet Field of the Queen.

It is found with three gardens that they painted a rose-red rose bush, of red, that
had been planted by the mistake and that by the queen realized when passing by
hai, the mandarines to cut the head. Then we came to a line of soldiers, courtiers,
groves, and finally the king and queen. The queen orders that he cut off the head
to the three gardeners, but it was not fulfilled, due to the interposition of Alicia. The
queen invites Alice to play the craquet. The party begins and disembarks in a
strange and disorderly way. The cat appears and Alice starts talking to him.
Appeared the king and the queen and like the cat is a handle of the hand, the
queen's mine that did not cut the head, but the belt does not agree that he cut the
head that is not attached to his body. The cat disappears while each one of his
opinion. As the cat is of the duchess, they send her to bring (she was condemned
to death for slapping the queen). The duchess was talking to Alicia. Soon
everyone, except the king and the queen and Alicia, were doomed to death. The
game is suspended. The king forgives them all and Alicia and the queen go to the
forged turtle.

Chapter 9: The Story of the Set Turtle.

A group lead an Alice to join with the Crooked Turtle. Upon arrival, the turtle was
very distressed and begins to tell its story. (Materials that he studied, the vigodon
de laugostas, poetry, etc.).
Chapter 10: The rigodn of the locusts.

The turtle told its story, until a voice was written that indicated that the trial was
about to begin. Alicia and the group went there.

Chapter 11: Who roared the pancakes?

The trial begins: 1st witness: The hat: This could not give any testimony, and says
he can not shut up because he now has the floor. The king allows him to leave.
2nd witness: The cook of the duchess, who did not want to present her testimony.
The dormouse intervened, so they repressed, pinched, etc. And in confession, the
cook disappears. 3rd Witness: Alicia.

Chapter 12: Alicia's Witness.

During the trial, Alicia had grown a lot and when they got up all the jurors fell. The
king ordered them to return to their places so that they could continue. Alicia did
not know anything about the matter at hand, but I still triggered some confusion in
the jury. And just when the queen orders Alice to cut off her head, she is awake
and is in her sister's lap. Alicia tells her the dream she had. Then the sister sleeps
and dreams, imagining all the characters in Alicia's dream, and knowing that when
she wakes up, she would return to reality and that every sound of the dream would
be replaced by the caller of the farm and imaginatively projecting future life Of his
sister Alicia.

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