Kidnap Quiz 2 6th

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Colegio Aurora de Chile

English Subject

Kidnap! Quiz 2

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________________________

Class: ____________________ Total score: 40 points Your Score: _________ /45 points.

Objective: Demostrar comprensin lectora de texto narrativo adaptado. Identificando vocabulario

temtico, personajes y sus caractersticas, lugares e ideas principales de captulos 3, 4 y 5.

I. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. (5 pts) II. Match the words with their definition (6 points)
1. Cars need _____________ to work. a) pocket ___man.

2. __________ there isnt much time Rita says. b) boss ___ a person you work for.

3. Im _________________ Max says. Where is the boss?

c) place ___not thinking well.
d) stupid ___place in your coat to put things.
4. Are you _______________ me? Thats not true!
e) smart ___where something is.
5. Tom __________ his phone into the back of the car.
f) guy ___quick thinking
Throws gas hurry kidding worried

Reading check
III Choose the correct alternative. (9 points)

4. The name of the school is 7. The men want to kidnap

1. Tom and Rita stopped at
a) Jodie- Anne Ryans
a) The school a) Hillside School b) Anastasia
b) The gas station b) Brightwater School c) Rita
c) The bookstore c) Townhill School
8. Anastasia is Jodie Anne Ryan`s
2. The two men are looking for 5. The girl in the shop shows Tom a a) sister
a) A car a) map b) daughter
b) A cellphone b) magazine c) boss
c) The map c) comic

3. In Ritas coat pocket, Tom sees 6. Rita is the 9. Anastasia is

a) a magazine a) Boss a) the coach
b) a book b) Queen b) the pitcher
c) a map and a cellphone c) Movie Star c) the kidnapper
Colegio Aurora de Chile
English Subject

IV. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct option. (10 pts)
1. Tom needs some money / gas 6. Give me the girl! Max pocket / shouts at Jodie Ann

2. Joe and Max are waiting for the police / the boss. 7. Rita is the kidnapper / movie star
3. Joe must look for a black car / blue van 8. Rita wants five / three million dollars for Anastasia
4. Rita has a gun / cell phone in her hand
9. Anastasia makes a bridge / snowball
5. There is ice on the food / road
10. Anastasia plays basketball / baseball

V. who says? Match the people with the lines. (6 points)


I need some gas Im worried Max, Freeze!

Where is the boss?

Oh no! My cellphone is Dont ask stupid question, I play baseball with the
dead Mr. Smart-guy boys at my school

VI. Match the sentences with the pictures. (9 points)

1. After twenty minutes, Tom needs
some gas.

2. Joe and Max are on the road looking

for the map.

3. Tom shows the map at the girl in the


4. The girl at the shop shows tom a


5. Tom tells Rita, the men want to

kidnap Anastasia.

6. Rita tells Tom, shes going to the shop

to call the police.

7. Tom sees the map and a cellphone in

Ritas coat pocket.

8. Rita gets into the car with a gun in her


9. Rita sees Max and Joe.

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