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Volume 261, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS B 30 May 1991

On the possibility of Bose-star formation

I.I. T k a c h e v
Institute for Nuclear Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
60th October Anniversary Prospect 7a, SU- 117 312 Moscow, USSR t
and Instituto de Astronomla y Fisica del Espacio, Casilla de Correo 6 7, Sucursa128, 1428 Buenos Aires', Argentina

Received 3 December 1990

The relaxation time of a gravitationally bounded cloud of bosons is estimated for the case of a large phase-space density of
particles. The axionic mass and self-couplingrelaxation time are compatible to the age of the Universe if the escape velocity and
the mass in the core region satisfy the relation M< 108VSe/2floJ/4Mo. In the central part of such a cloud an axionic cosmic matter
with luminosity ~ 10 2v~/2fi-o~/4MG/yr will form. An upper bound on the self-couplingis obtained provided the mass distribu-
tion in galaxies is dominated by this kind of dark matter.

1. The dark matter of the universe still lacks iden- and the coherent oscillations of the axionic field start.
tification. Amongst other candidates of different na- The corresponding phase-space density of axions was
ture the invisible axion [ l ] is a very promising one, estimated to be very high, na >> 1047 [ 8 ]. A r o u n d the
being at the same time the most attractive solution to redshift z = I 0 4 gravitational instability grows and
the strong CP problem [2 ]. The scale of axion inter- b o u n d objects of various sizes are formed. The en-
actions is specified by fixing one u n k n o w n parame- ergy density profile in galaxies can be approximated
ter, f,, which is subject to astrophysical [3,4] and by the following function:
cosmological [ 5-7 ] constraints. The strongest lower
m~,j t'r2
b o u n d f~ > 1010 GeV is from the supernova SN 19 8 7A
~-~ 4 n ( r ~ + r 2 ) , (2)
[4 ]. The cosmological c o n s t r a i n t < 10 ~2GeV arises
from the requirement that the energy density stored rc is the core radius where the energy density is ap-
in initial coherent oscillations of the axionic field [ 5 ] proximately constant. At r>> r~. this gives a linear de-
or produced by the decay of cosmic axion strings [ 7 ] pendence of the total mass, M ( r ) ~,'l/'plVr
2 2 r , and fiat
does not exceed the critical density (the constraint rotational curves with Vr~ const. The magnitude ofvr
from the decay o f a x i o n strings may be even stronger, characterizes the depth of the gravitational well vr ~
< 1 0 ~ GeV [ 6 ] ) . So, the main window is x / - q ) ~ v J x / 2 . The core radii that are being esti-
10~<f, < 10 ~2 GeV. There is a second window near mated from rotational curves are typically rc ~ 1 kpc
,f~~ 10 6 GeV for axions whose coupling to the elec- and v~-~ 10 -3.
tron is much suppressed. As one can see from eq. ( 1 ) the axions have an ef-
Above a temperature of the order of I GeV, the ax- fective mass m , ~ m ~ / and an effective quartic self-
ion is a massless Goldstone field with vanishing ef- coupling). ~ (mJf~)4. The purpose of the present pa-
fective potential. At late stages of the evolution of the per is to estimate the relaxation time in a gravitation-
Universe it acquires a n o n - v a n i s h i n g potential en- ally bound axionic cloud due to this self-coupling. The
ergy density conclusion is that in spite of the apparent smallness
of the self-coupling the effect could be significant as
g ( a ) ~ m~[1 - c o s ( a / ) 1, ( 1)
a consequence of the large phase-space density of
particles. I present results both for the axionic rela-
Permanent address. tions between 2 and the mass as well as keeping 2 and

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Volume 261, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS B 30 May 1991

m arbitrary, bearing in m i n d the rather wide family then it could be responsible for the activity of galactic
of light ( p s e u d o - G o l d s t o n e ) scalar particles similar nuclei and quasars (with such features as matter ac-
to the axion which are expected in various models celeration by maser b e a m s ) . Note that the mass o f
[9]. the critical (v~~ 1) Bose star is M c r i t ~ M 2 J m a ~
If the relaxation is efficient a Bose star could form. 10-6Mof~0 and the amplification coefficient for it
The gravitational stability o f the static, cold Bose gas would be D ~ 10~f7~. With a large inflow, the axions
has been widely discussed: for ideal bosons which decay earlier than the Bose star or black hole if the
carry a conserved global charge [ 10], with inclusion case M > Mc~ gets a chance. However, it is unbeliev-
of self-coupling for them [ 11 ], and for pure neutral able that collisionless particles can be concentrated
ones like axions [12]. Technically, this p r o b l e m for on such a small region! With a sufficiently large self-
the real scalar field is more complicated, but the de- coupling this is possible, since due to the small ax-
pendence o f the mass o f the star upon 2 and m turns ionic mass a Bose condensate has to form at galactic
out to be the same. However, as far as I know the densities, however, which value for 2 is sufficient?
possibility of the formation o f a Bose star has been
considered only in ref. [ 13 ] where the cooling caused 2. Assume first that the self-interaction o f a x i o n s is
by the processes aa--* a~'7 has been considered with the strong enough to establish equilibrium. Then the dis-
negative conclusion that it is never i m p o r t a n t (the tribution function will be the Bose-Einstein one:
effects of large phase-space density have not been
considered there). na =ncond + (4)
e x p ( E / O ) -- 1
The lifetime of the single-axion state exceeds well
the age o f the Universe. However, stimulated decays It is a superposition o f two contributions: the Bose
a ~ ' are possible at large phase-space density and an condensate and thermal excitations. The m a x i m a l
axionic Bose star (or any one, if the constituting pure value which the energy density of non-condensed ax-
neutral bosons have a coupling with ~'~,) manifests it- ions can take is ethor ~rn]Vr3. C o m p a r i n g this to the
self as a radio source [ 12 ]. Moreover, after reaching energy density profile in galactic halos, eq. ( 2 ) , one
the critical density satisfying the condition [ 14 ] gets that at r < Mel/rn a X/~'--~-- r, the energy density ega~
is larger than ether, and the usual conclusion would be
D ~ m~v~ Rm~ fa 104u~_ _ f F 0 ' > l , (3) Eco,d = %al -- e~her. However, in the gravitational field
all Bose condensates are collected just in the center
where fl0 - = / 1 0 ~ GeV, all inflow of new axions will o f the gravitational well and the axions cannot satu-
be transformed into radiation. In what follows v~ or rate the energy density of the galactic halos at r < r,.
v~ reflects the contribution of the axionic energy den- The mass o f this part o f the halo is
sity to the depth of the gravitational well. C o n d i t i o n
M ( r, ) ~ 10111~4c2( 30 eV/m~)2/23/2 , ( 5)
(3) is valid for a distribution o f axions that is general
isotropic in m o m e n t a , b o u n d e d in the gravitational where v3-= vr/10 -3. Axions in thermal equilibrium
well. The m a x i m a l luminosity which, in principle, could not form galactic halos, since ma < 30 eV. (This
could be reached due to the incident flow of axions is a way to obtain also the restriction on the neutrino
from the halo region is L ~ Mz~v~. This is even larger mass since due to Fermi statistics for neutrinos n, ~< 1
than the m a x i m u m luminosity of observed quasars. always. The limit on the neutrino mass could be by
If the configuration is not exactly spherically sym- an order o f magnitude stronger if one assumes that
metric or isotropic in m o m e n t u m space, than the ra- the energy density profile of dark matter coincides up
diation will be concentrated in beams. Typical quas- to the core radius with that one obtained from rota-
ars (I mean here also active galactic nuclei as well as tional curves. )
the SS433 object) have relativistic jets which are very The conclusion is: if axions constitute the main part
narrow and cold (even contain emission lines). So, of dark matter in halos then their mean phase-space
it was proposed in refs. [ 12,14 ] that if it would be- density has to satisfy the inequality n, >> 1. Consid-
come possible to concentrate a considerably large in- ering the collision integral for self-interaction o f ax-
flow of axions on a very small spot, R < 109Ue.flO1 c m , ions we cannot neglect the Bose statistics factors

Volume 261, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS B 30 May 1991

on the time-scale o f the violent relaxation o f the ini-

dn(pl, x)
-- 2poli I (2n)a34( ~ P~")[Mt-~12F[n] tial distribution and the energy flux o f the accreting
condensate will be L=Mplvr. 2 3 If the total mass o f the
d3pi axions in the core region does not satisfy inequality
(6) ( 9 ) , then ZR> tff everywhere in this cloud. Relation
[ I (2n)32poi ,
( 9 ) is also valid for a gravitationally b o u n d cloud
where (suppressing the x - d e p e n d e n c e o f n ) without extended halo with M b e i n g its total mass and
vr the corresponding escape velocity. In what follows,
F[n]- [l+n(Pl)] [1 +n(p2)]n(p'l)n(p'2) one has to understand all inequalities on M i n an out-
- [l+n(p])][l+n(p'2)]n(pl)n(p2). (7) lined sense. Using standard axionic relations for 2 and
m one gets M I , ~ lx v(]5,,7/3
/r . tt~-
l 0 i/3 ~]1//
Note, that the only static solution to eq. ( 6 ) is the
The relaxation time is smaller than the age o f the
distribution function eq. (4). ! consider the collision
universe if
integral locally. F o r example, the transition in the
M < 3 109,~, l / 2 t 'ia ~t t t p [ tI tvl~] ' ~ 7 / 4 " 5 tl
/211d -- Izr (10)
point x to the state Pl = 0 (Bose c o n d e n s a t e ) will r lvJQ =~v12, ~

mean that the particle loses its angular m o m e n t u m

which gives with axionic p a r a m e t e r s
and is now on the energy level E = ' ( x ) .
M 2 , ~ 3 X 11~,
( - - 1 / 4 /IA
J10 ~vlC) -
3. Neglecting the detailed structure o f the kinetic
The Bose condensation will occur in objects satisfy-
equation we can estimate the relaxation time as
ing this inequality on a time-scale smaller than the
age o f the Universe. In equilibrium roughly half o f
ZRI__ d l n n 1 [Mfi 1262 the particles have to condense, the other half will ex-
7 ~ , (8)
dt 10 m~v~ cite to higher energy levels or escape from the cloud.
We can estimate the energy flux in the accreting con-
where 6= [mJ(2n)3]fd3pn(p) is the energy den-
densates as L~M/'rR. This will be also the y-lumi-
sity. Note that in the case n < 1 one gets rff ~ ~ vcy6/m,
nosity expected from the central spot. We can esti-
where a is the corresponding cross section. W h a t is
mate the lifetime o f this (bright) object as TR. We have
new due to the Bose statistics at large phase-space
density, is the square law d e p e n d e n c e o f the relaxa- "rio ~ 10-2flo v/- 1M4, ( 12 )
tion time on the density o f particles. Note also that
eq. ( 8 ) has nothing to do with any kind o f large scale L~O.3vrIO M8 3 f l o- - M1yro , (13)
coherence o f the field when the 6 2 dependences also
appear. This is just the consequence o f the fact that where Ms ~M/IOSMo and rio =rR/101yr. We see
n>>l. that it is possible to obtain, in principle, a luminosity
I shall c o m p a r e the relaxation time to the free fall and lifetime c o m p a t i b l e to quasar characteristics. In
time as well as to the age o f the universe. Let us mea- o r d e r to get an axionic maser [ 12,14 ] the degree o f
sure for convenience the distance from the center o f concentration o f the collisionless stage o f the evolu-
the gravitational well in terms o f the mass which is tion o f particles should be weaker by six orders o f
contained within this scale. Substituting the energy magnitude in comparison with eq. (3). But this is still
density profile eq. ( 2 ) into eq. ( 8 ) one finds that the a rather strong concentration (the condition is more
relaxation time is smaller than the free fall time tff impressive in terms o f length R < 1 0 - 3 x / ~ p c ) and
1 / x / ~ up to the scale with a flat spectrum of initial perturbations one hardly
m <)t z/3 ( M p i v r / m ) 7/ 3 = M i , , (9) predicts a sufficient n u m b e r o f such objects in the
visible part o f the universe. However, a few remarks
where I assume for brevity that the core radius is are in order.
smaller than this scale. If this is so then the total mass (i) The initial spectrum o f cosmological perturba-
o f the particles which undergo condensation will be tions could have more power on smaller scales and,
> M~, and the process o f condensation will take place for example, inflationary universe models are capa-

Volume 261, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS B 30 May 1991

ble to predict [ 15 ] a peaked or power-law spectrum even opinions [16] that in a stationary distribution
for isothermal perturbations. the core region is practically zero with the gravita-
(ii) There is no r o o m to make condition ( 3 ) tional potential remaining regular. Consensus about
weaker since a coupling to '/is strongly restricted in ref. [16] has not been reached but we can assume
any model by stellar evolution arguments. On the that dark matter distributions with a core region sat-
contrary, up to now there was no restriction on self- isfying condition ( 1 1 ) are not improbable. It does not
coupling. Moreover, we can get it assuming that the mean that the core region of the whole galaxy satis-
energy density distribution of axionic-like d a r k mat- fies this condition, but there could be dark matter
ter in galaxies coincides with that one obtained from density peaks of smaller scales (with total mass larger
rotational curves, eq. (2), i.e. rc ~ 1 kpc and Vr~ 10-- 3 than 1142.) for which this is true. Substituting then
for the dark matter distribution also. Then the eq. ( 12 ) into eq. ( 13 ) we get
2<10 28(m/10 3eV)7/2 (14) L ~ 1O- 2L'Sr/Zflo I/4 2-103/4 MG . ( 15 )
has to be satisfied otherwise the center o f mass o f W i t h axionic p a r a m e t e r s we could reach the charac-
every galactic nuclei will shine with the luminosity of teristics of the brightest quasars with the ( u n n a t u r a l )
the brightest quasar. ( I f the particle has the coupling assumption vr~ 1 only. However, with vr~ 10 - 4 this
to ~'7 being much suppressed in comparison to the ax- gives the luminosity of the smallest mysterious com-
ionic one, then, when violating (14), the dark matter pact radio sources like Sgr A*.
contribution to the rotational curves will be altered
and a black hole will form in the center.) As far as 4. Axions were produced initially in a state with
the scale ( 1 1 ) is not so far from a reasonable one, it very high phase-space density. Those are axions both
is enough to increase the ratio 2/IYt 7/2, say, by a fac- from the cosmological oscillations a = A sin (m~ t) and
tor 10 ~3 with respect to the standard axionic relation p r o d u c e d via the decay o f axionic strings, because for
in order to push M2, towards typical parameters of them n, >> T,.o T m3 / m ~4 ~ 104f 40, where Tcq~ 1 eV is
galactic cores. In order to check this possibility one the temperature of equal m a t t e r and radiation den-
could c o m p a r e the specific dependence of the lumi- sities, Tm~ 1 GeV is the t e m p e r a t u r e at which the ax-
nosity L ~ v4/r 2, eq. (13), with the observable char- ionic mass switches on. The point is that during the
acteristics of the cores of active galactic nuclei and collisionless evolution the p h a s e - s p a c e density is
their luminosity. If this is not possible for the invisi- conserved. We used, however, in the above estima-
ble axion, it could be true for one o f the majority of tions a distribution spread out in the gravitational
hypothetical light ( p s e u d o - G o l d s t o n e ) scalar parti- well, n a ~ e / v , -3m a 4, which is much smaller than the
cles [ 9 ]. cosmological phase-space density. The Lynden-Bell
(iii) In the previous paragraph (ii) the assump- distribution is actually a coarse grained distribution.
tion was used that the core region for the dark matter The fine grained one will give a very complicated pic-
distribution does not satisfy condition ( 10 ) and then ture o f well-mixed axionic flows, each one with the
2 was increased up to values at which relaxation is same (conserved) phase-space density. So, we have
efficient for a typical galactic core. Violent relaxation to analyse to what extent this can change the collision
in a self-gravitating system leads to the Lynden-Bell integral.
distribution function n ~ exp ( - 2 E / v 2), where E = Suppose for simplicity, that in a given point x any
v2/2 + ~ ( x ) is the dimensionless energy. The distri- flow fills with constant phase-space density n = n . . . .
bution is the same for particles with different masses a cubic cell o f linear size By, and those cells are dis-
in one gravitational well. Note that the energy den- tributed r a n d o m l y inside a sphere v< vs. Then the
sity profile eq. (2) with r e = 0 is the exact solution to term in the collision integral eq. ( 6 ) proportional to
the equations o f gravitational equilibrium with this n(p~ )n(p'~ )n(P'2) gives
distribution. So, rc is a subject to the initial condi-
tions. However, the non-linear stage o f the collapse rR I ~ IMfi 12man 2 (51))3 N ( S v ) 2 N *, (16)
of cold dark matter is not well understood. There are L~r

Volume 261, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS B 30 May 1991

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