Exaquantum Engineering Guide Vol 1

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Instruction Exaquantum Engineering Guide

Manual Volume 1 - Administration

IM 36J04A15-01E

IM 36J04A15-01E
Yokogawa February 21st 2014
14th Edition Issue 1
Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration i

Copyright and Trademark Notices

2013 Yokogawa Electric Corporation
All Rights Reserved
All rights are reserved in this document, which is the property of Yokogawa Electric
Corporation. Information contained herein is the property of Yokogawa Electric
Unless agreed in writing by Yokogawa Electric Corporation, the licensee shall not remove,
release, disclose, reveal, copy, and extract all or part of the documentation.
Trademark Acknowledgements
Exaquantum, Exaopc and CENTUM are trademarks of Yokogawa.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,
Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 8 Pro, Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft Office 2013, Visual Basic, Visual C++,
SQL Server, MDAC, Microsoft .NET and ActiveX are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Exaquantum uses Microsoft SQL Server as part of an Integrated Value Added Solution.
Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated, and registered
within particular jurisdictions.
Ethernet is a registered trademark of XEROX Corporation.
Basic Scripting Engine provided by Cypress Software Inc., Copyright 1993 2000, all rights
All other company and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.
We do not use TM or to indicate trademarks or registered trademarks in this manual.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

ii Contents

The Highlights section gives details of the changes made since the previous issue of this
Summary of Changes
This is the 14th Edition of the document.
Detail of Changes
The changes are as follows.

Chapter/Section/Page Change
Ch 4.2 Minor update
Ch 4.5 Updates for SQL Server 2012
Ch 4.7 Minor text update
Ch 4.8 Added DVD information.
Ch 4.9 Various updates for SQL Server 2012. Changes to backup
recommendations. Minor text changes
Ch 4.10 Various updates for Windows 2012
Ch 5.4 Minor text update
Ch 6.3 Updated Exaquantum database information
Ch 7.2 Updated Exaquantum database information
Ch 7.2 Added Historian Database details

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration iii

Exaquantum Document Set

The documents available for Exaquantum are:

Exaquantum General Specification (GS 36J04A10-01E)

Exaquantum Technical Information (TI 36J04A10-01E)

Exaquantum/PIMS User's Manual (IM 36J04A11-01E)

Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual Volume 1

General Information (IM 36J04A12-01E)

Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual Volume 2

Custom Controls (IM 36J04A12-02E)

Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual Volume 3

Microsoft Excel Reports (IM 36J04A12-03E)

Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual Volume 4

Advanced Configuration (IM 36J04A12-04E)

Exaquantum Installation Guide (IM 36J04A13-01E)

Exaquantum API Reference Manual (IM 36J04A14-01E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1

Administration (IM 36J04A15-01E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 2

Network Configuration (IM 36J04A15-02E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 3

Support Tools (IM 36J04A15-03E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 4

Web Authoring (IM 36J04A15-04E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 5

PI Connection (IM 36J04A15-05E)

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

iv Contents

Table of Contents
Copyright and Trademark Notices .................................................................................. i
Highlights ....................................................................................................................... ii
Exaquantum Document Set ........................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................... iv
Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Intended Audience............................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 General ............................................................................................................................. 1-1
Chapter 2 Aggregation and Reporting Features ................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Aggregation Characteristics ............................................................................................. 2-2
2.2 Hourly Aggregations ........................................................................................................ 2-3
2.3 Daily Offsets .................................................................................................................... 2-5
2.4 Daily Aggregations .......................................................................................................... 2-9
2.5 Summation Aggregation ................................................................................................ 2-13
2.6 Differential Summation Function................................................................................... 2-15
Chapter 3 Site Work............................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Pre Installation Checklist ................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Site Readiness Checklist Prior to Exaquantum Site Installation ...................................... 3-3
3.3 Re-configuring Exaquantum for Site ............................................................................... 3-4
Chapter 4 Normal System Operation ................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Health Checks .................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Network Connection Health Check.................................................................................. 4-2
4.3 Windows OS in Windows Domain Time Synchronisation Health Check .................... 4-3
4.4 Memory Usage Health Check .......................................................................................... 4-4
4.5 Database Health Check .................................................................................................... 4-5
4.6 Live Data Feed Health Check .......................................................................................... 4-7
4.7 Event Viewer Health Check ............................................................................................. 4-7
4.8 Password Policy ............................................................................................................... 4-8
4.9 System Back Up ............................................................................................................. 4-11
4.10 Starting and Stopping the Exaquantum Service ............................................................. 4-32
Chapter 5 OPC Gateways ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 OPC Data Qualities .......................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2 Aggregation Result Data Qualities ................................................................................... 5-3
5.3 Calculation Result Data Quality....................................................................................... 5-4
5.4 Changing the Quality Code for a Yokogawa Exaopc ...................................................... 5-5
Chapter 6 System Evolution .................................................................................................. 6-1

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration v

6.1 OPC Server Addition ....................................................................................................... 6-1

6.2 Adding Clients ................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.3 Disk Space Extension....................................................................................................... 6-1
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Event Viewer.................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Database Checks .............................................................................................................. 7-4
7.3 Problems with Exaquantum Installation .......................................................................... 7-6
Chapter 8 Extending the System ........................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Configuring Custom Library for the Server Calculations ................................................ 8-1
8.2 How to Register Components .......................................................................................... 8-1
8.3 Notes on Fields of the CalcLibrary Table ........................................................................ 8-2

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vi Contents

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 1-1

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Intended Audience
The Exaquantum Engineering Guide contains tasks that need to be completed by users
within your organisation that have Windows administrative privileges. The user(s) of this
document must also be familiar with the following topics:
Windows Domain security (Users, Groups, Permissions etc)
DCOM Settings
Microsoft Excel
Configuring Networking components.
This documentation therefore assumes that the person carrying out the procedures has
knowledge and experience in the areas mentioned above. It also assumes that you have
already completed the relevant Exaquantum course(s).
1.2 General
The Engineering Guide summarises what is considered by Yokogawa as to be the 'good or
best practice' in the operation of an Exaquantum system. It is not intended that the methods
or procedures detailed in this document represent the only approach to configuring,
monitoring and using an Exaquantum system, but rather the procedures described are proven,
practical and effective.
This Engineering Guide has been divided into, Volumes and Chapters that detail various
procedures and methods. Certain Volumes or Chapters may not be relevant to your
Exaquantum system.
Volume 1: Administration
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Aggregation and Reporting Features
Chapter 3: Site Work
Chapter 4: Normal System Operation
Chapter 5: OPC Gateways
Chapter 6: System Evolution
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
Chapter 8: Extending the System
Volume 2: Network Configuration
Volume 3: Support Tools
Volume 4: Web Authoring
Volume 5: PI Connection

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1-2 Chapter 1 Introduction

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-1

Chapter 2 Aggregation and Reporting Features

This section gives details about how to create reports using the Aggregation Periods.
Exaquantum data is available in live (updating values, useful for monitoring current
situations) and historical (past values, useful for an organisations reporting needs).

When creating reports it is important to understand how aggregations work, as it is very easy
to select the wrong date and therefore display the wrong data.

This section gives details and examples of hourly and daily aggregations, showing the
potential difficulties involved and how to overcome them.
When tag values are updating every second, a report that listed all received data for any
considerable length of time would have too many values to be easily interpreted by the user.
To find specific data some filtering is required, e.g. the user may only be interested in the
highest value or the average value. Additionally, querying for aggregations rather than raw
data can substantially improve read performance.
To assist report generation, Exaquantum uses Aggregations. An aggregation looks at data
over a specified time (an aggregation period) and makes calculations based only on data
within that aggregation period. Typical calculations are max, min, mean and sum. These
calculations are made at the end of the specified aggregation period. Typical aggregation
periods are hour, day and shift. These aggregation periods can be used in Microsoft Excel
reports that can cover any period.
Note: Some useful examples of Excel report templates are supplied with Exaquantum.
For more information about reports, see the Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual
(IM 36J04A12-01E).
A report will simplify data extraction. This is best achieved by using a specified report start
date and extracting the data automatically for all the other time periods by adding an amount
of time to that date. The first value in a report may be reportdate, the second reportdate n+1,
the third reportdate n+2, and so on.
For example, a weekly report specifies a start date of day n and the report will know that
the first value for the report is that of day n, the second value that of day n+1, and so on.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

2-2 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

2.1 Aggregation Characteristics

The following points summarise the way an aggregation works:
Aggregations perform calculations based on all data values with Good or Uncertain
quality within a specified aggregation period. Data values with Bad quality are not
included in the calculation but are used to determine the quality of the aggregation result.
The quality of the aggregation result will be Good if all data values have Good quality, or
Uncertain if any data value has Uncertain, Assumed or Bad quality. If data values have
Bad quality, or Uncertain Shutdown quality, for 15%1 or more of the aggregation period
then the aggregation result will have Bad quality.
The calculation is performed after the end of the aggregation period, once all data is
To ensure data from the whole time period is included, the calculation is performed up to
one minute after the end of the aggregation period to allow for late arriving data. Most
aggregations are timestamped at the end of the aggregation period. For example: Hourly
aggregation from 01:00:01 to 02:00:00 will be timestamped 02:00:00. Minimum and
Maximum aggregations are timestamped at the time of occurrence2.
Aggregations are stored using Universal Co-ordinated Time (UTC), but
Data requests are made in local time.
Times are translated automatically by Exaquantum.
An aggregation value remains current in history until superseded by the value of the
next aggregation.
For Example:
Aggregated value v1 is written to history at the end of an aggregation period and
identified by a timestamp of t1. When the next aggregation is calculated, value v2 will
be given the timestamp t2. Therefore requesting the value for the timestamp t1 will
return value v1 and a request for t2 will return v2. If a request is made between those
times, then the last value written to history before that point is returned. This is
important in the understanding of how aggregations work and is summarised in Figure
2-1 which behaviour when aggregations are calculated every hour:

This is the default; the value may be ammended in the Registry.
This is the case for aggregations derived from raw data. For dependant aggregations, the timestamp is set to be the
period end; however this behaviour can be ammeded to use the actual Minimum or Maximum timestamp, by a
Registry setting.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-3

Figure 2-1 Example of Aggregations Calculated Every Hour


00:00 01:00 02:00


Timestamp New Value Current Value

00:00 (t1) 10 (v1) 10

00:20 10

00:40 10

01:00 (t2) 15 (v2) 15

01:20 15

Figure 2-1 shows that a request made with a timestamp of 00:40 will return the value
written at 00:00 (NOTE that Minimum and Maximum aggregations may not write values
on the production calendar period boundary). This behaviour is very useful when it
comes to creating reports, as will be explained later.
2.2 Hourly Aggregations
Hourly aggregations are normally used for daily or weekly reports.
It is important to understand that each hourly aggregation has a start point and an end point
but is only identified by its end point. The timestamp of a value is the end of the period.
For example, we will look at hourly aggregations during the day 20th January 2000.
The first hourly aggregation will begin at 00:00:01 and end at 01:00:00. The timestamp
attached to this aggregation will be 20/01/00 01:00:00.
The second aggregation will begin at 01:00:01 and finish at 02:00:00. It will have a
timestamp of 20/01/00 02:00:00.
This continues until 23:00:00. The final aggregation of the day is slightly different from
the others. It begins at 23:00:01 and ends at 00:00:00 but it has a timestamp of 21/01/00
Note: This effect can be misleading. Timestamps for the end of the day should be
noted carefully.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

2-4 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

Working with Hourly Aggregations in Reports

Normally the user specifies the start date of the report. The report will have the different
hours pre-defined, the first row will return the first value, the second row will return the
second value, and so on.
Note: The Daily report templates supplied with Exaquantum use this structure. These
reports are example templates and must be configured to the users exact needs.
There are three factors to consider when configuring a Daily report using hourly
Report Label
Final Hour
Offset Period.
Understanding Report Labels
Each aggregation covers a period of one hour. Each value will be identified for the report
reader by a label, normally a row or column heading, e.g. 05:00. Each label on the report is
normally a fixed time. This would normally either be starting at 06:00 and ending 23:00 or
starting at 07:00 and ending 00:00.
Either can be argued to be correct, it depends whether you wish to show the start points or
the end points of each aggregation period. Whichever labelling option is used the
aggregation timestamp will be the same. For both options the first period will have the
timestamp of 01:00. This would match the label in the second option which is perhaps why
this option is more common. It is possible to be very accurate and label your first value
00:00:01to 01:00:00 but this is not normally done.
The Final Hour (23:01 - 00:00)
The last aggregation in the day will have a timestamp of one day later than all of the others.
If relative report periods are used this will not cause a problem because the report will ask
for the report date + 24 hours and therefore the correct value will be provided.
However if absolute report periods are used, specifying 00:00:00 on the day of the report
will actually retrieve the value for the previous day.
Note: If absolute report periods have to be used, the final hour must have a date that is one
day ahead of the report date (REPORTDATE+1).

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-5

2.3 Daily Offsets

A report does not need to start or finish at 00:00, it can start or end at any specified time.
This is common in organisations where a nightshift may finish early in the morning, e.g.
Note: Daylight Saving Time (DST) can cause problems if the end of the daily offset is
between 02:00 and 04:00.
It is likely that a report would cover the period up to the end of a shift rather than divide a
shift in half. In this case you will need to specify a report time as well as a report date.
There are two ways to achieve this in a Microsoft Excel workbook:
Direct Timestamp Entry
Offset Calculation.
Direct Timestamp Entry
The user is normally requested to enter a date from which the hours needed for the report are
calculated. If a day begins at 06:00, the user could be asked to enter in the full time stamp,
e.g. dd/mm/yy 06:00:00. The report would then add the data for the first hour 06:01 to 07:00
to the first row and add one hour to each row after that.
Note: Ensure that your report is labelled correctly, starting at 07:00 for the first hour.
Offset Calculation
The Direct Timestamp Entry method relies on the user including the correct timestamp when
entering the date. This is unfriendly and inefficient since the offset will be the same each
day. To include an offset within your Excel workbook, add the cells as shown:
1 Create a cell that asks the user to input the date of the report.
2 Format this cell so that it accepts only a date (dd/mm/yy). Excel will add a default time
portion of 00:00:00.
3 Create a second cell that defines the offset period in hours.
Our example needs to add 7 hours to the original date specified. This will change it from
midnight dd/mm/yy 00:00:00 to dd/mm/yy 07:00:00 thus returning data for the period
06:00:01 to 07:00:00.
4 Format this cell so that it can only contain time (hh:mm:ss) and enter 07:00:00. The cell
will show 07:00.
5 Create a third cell that adds the first two cells.
6 Format this cell so that it contains time and date (dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss). Name this cell
Use REPORTDATE for the first row of data, REPORTDATE+1 for the second, and so
on. Refer to the Daily report templates for more information.
Note 1: The REPORTDATE and the offset cells should remain hidden from the user. (Hint:
Use font and fill of the same colour). They should also be protected so that they
cannot be deleted. You may wish to place these cells somewhere out of the way of
the main report body.

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2-6 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

Note 2: Using this format the user will enter the date they are interested in; the workbook
will automatically retrieve the correct values.
Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time (DST) can also affect reports using hourly aggregations and it is
important to understand how a report can be affected. The occasions when DST causes a
problem are the two days on which the local clocks change.
Exaquantum uses Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) to timestamp values. This time is
translated into local time so that the user sees timestamps only in their local time. For
example where local time is two hours ahead of UTC, i.e. 02:00 local time is 00:00 UTC.
On a normal day at the beginning of the year, timestamps will be attached as follows:
Table 2-1 Local Time and equivalent UTC Timestamp

Local Time UTC timestamp

00:00 22:00

01:00 23:00

02:00 00:00

03:00 01:00

04:00 02:00

This is not a problem as the times are automatically converted. A request for the value at
03:00 local time will be translated to 01:00 UTC. Each day has 24 hourly aggregations.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-7

Clocks Going Forward

When DST begins and the clocks go forward (assumed to be one hour change at 02:00 local
time) the timestamps will be as follows:
Table 2-2 Local Time and equivalent UTC Timestamp DST Starts

Local Time UTC timestamp

00:00 22:00

01:00 23:00

03:00 00:00

04:00 01:00

05:00 02:00

The local time request will be automatically translated by Exaquantum. However this day
will only have 23 hourly values, there being no value for 02:00 local time. Exaquantum
copes with this because a request for 02:00 local time will return the last value written to
history, in this case at 01:00 local time, 23:00 UTC. The daily report will still have 24
values, the values for 01:00 and 02:00 are the same.
Potential Problems
Calculations in a workbook based on the hourly values will be inaccurate for this day. Sum
calculations will be too high and average calculations could be either too high or too low.
Min and max calculations in the workbook will be unaffected.
The only effective solution available currently is to manually delete the aggregation value
attributed to the label 02:00 in the particular days report. This would correct all daily values
although, of course, the sum could be less that of other days since the day is one hour shorter.

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2-8 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

Daylight Saving Time Ends

When DST ends, values will be as follows:
Table 2-3 Local Time and equivalent UTC Timestamp DST Ends

Local Time UTC Timestamp

00:00 21:00

01:00 22:00

02:00 23:00

02:00 00:00

03:00 01:00

The complication when DST ends is the local time of 02:00 can refer to either 23:00 UTC or
00:00 UTC. In this case there are 25 hourly aggregations for the local time period, one of
which will not be included in the report.
Possible Problems
This will affect daily totals. The sum value, in a workbook, will be too low and average
values could be too high or too low. It is also possible that a max or min value could occur
within the aggregation that is not displayed. This value would not appear on the report.
There is no simple solution to this problem. It may be acceptable to simply be aware of the
issue. However, if all data values are crucial then a special report collecting all individual
historical values for that day and manually calculating the results is the only solution. An
alternative would be to engineer a solution whereby values were requested and displayed in
UTC only. This is beyond the scope of standard Exaquantum functionality at present.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-9

2.4 Daily Aggregations

Daily aggregations are commonly used for weekly or monthly reports.
The principle of daily aggregations is similar to that of an hourly aggregation. The
aggregation is identified by its end time but daily aggregations are almost always
timestamped one day after what may be expected. This can cause confusion when creating a
report and must be approached with care.
A daily aggregation starts at 00:00:01 and end at 00:00:00. The data values collected during
the day 20th January 2000 will be calculated at 00:00:00 on the 21st January 2000 and will
have the timestamp 21/01/2000 00:00:00. If a report requires the data values calculated for
the 20th January, the report must request the aggregation period value with a timestamp of
the 21st January.
It is possible to apply an offset to an aggregation period. This is common for daily
aggregations where a shift may finish at 2.00 am. In this case using the Daily Aggregation
example, data values would start being collected at 02:00:01 on the 20th January and the last
value would be 02:00:00 on the 21st January. The timestamp for the aggregation would be
21/01/2000 02:00:00.
This means that it is insufficient to only specify the 21st January because Excel will default
to 00:00:00 and the aggregation period will not have finished. A report would have to use a
timestamp no earlier than 02:00:00.
The offset can be up to 23 hours. This provides further complication because of when the
period might end. It is safe to assume that a period with a 2 hour offset is concerned mainly
with the preceding days data. Similarly it is safe to assume that an offset of 23 hours will be
concerned with the current days data. However, an offset of 12 hours could mean either and
the report creator will have to know which day falls into which aggregation period. In
practise, this is uncommon. More usual is to have a day that fits with the end of a night-shift,
ending no later than 08:00:00.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

2-10 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

Working with Daily Aggregations in Reports

The secret of a successful report is in correctly entering the start point. This section shows
how to select a valid report start date.
A typical report will ask the user to enter a start date for a report and add 1 to this for each
new value. Therefore if a user enters 20/1/00 as a start date for a weekly report, the seven
days would be as shown in Table 2-4.
Table 2-4

Date Value

20/1/00 Value 1

21/1/00 Value 2

22/1/00 Value 3

23/1/00 Value 4

24/1/00 Value 5

25/1/00 Value 6

26/1/00 Value 7

The difficulty arises because we have only specified half of the timestamp, the date half and
have given no time part. Thus the workbook will default to 00:00 and the value given as
Value 1 will in fact be based on data collected on the 19/1/00.
To overcome this the report creator must know the following information:
Offset used for the Aggregation Period
Date the user will enter
Data the user requires.
Points two and three may seem similar but it is important to know whether the user is aware
that aggregations are given a timestamp at the end of the aggregation period. If the user is
aware of this, and tries to adjust his input accordingly, then all corrective work within the
workbook will in fact cause incorrect values to be displayed. It is best practise to instruct the
user to enter the date for which he wants the data value and perform corrective actions
through the workbook.
These three pieces of information will allow the report creator to translate the date the user
enters, into the data the user requires.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-11

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight saving time can be an additional complication because local time is shifted twice
during the year.
All data values are stored using UTC time. This is translated backwards and forwards into
local time by Exaquantum. UTC takes no account of DST.
For example, a local time of 02:00:00 may equate to 00:00:00 UTC time before DST.
Therefore if a daily aggregation has a two hour offset the UTC timestamp for each
aggregation would be dd/mm/yy 00:00:00.
Under DST the local time of 02:00:00 will now equate to 23:00:00 UTC time. Since
timestamps are attached using UTC the timestamp will still be 23:00:00. This needs to be
included in any allowance we make for the timestamp selection.
Adding the Time Offset to a Report Date
The following example describes the addition of the time portion to the reportdate on an
Excel workbook.
You will have a workbook with columns for the days that you require. This example is for a
weekly report for the period starting on the 20/01/00 and ending on the 26/01/00. A two-
hour offset is assumed.
1 Create a cell that asks the user to input the start date.
2 Format this cell so that it accepts only a date (dd/mm/yy). Excel will add a default time
portion of 00:00:00.
3 Create a second cell that defines a period to be added to the date.
Our example needs to add 28 hours to the original date specified. This will change it
from 20/01/00 00:00:00 to 21/01/00 04:00:00 thus returning data for the period 20/01/00
02:00:01 to 21/01/00 02:00:00.
4 Format the second cell so that it can only contain time (hh:mm:ss) and enter 28:00:00.
The cell will show 04:00 but will store the extra day as well.
5 Create a third cell that adds the first two cells.
6 Format the third cell so that it contains time and date (dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss). Name this
Note: The REPORTDATE and the offset cells should remain hidden from the user.
(Hint: Use font and fill of the same colour).
The cells should also be protected so that they cannot be deleted. You may wish to
place these cells somewhere out of the way of the main report body.
7 Set up your report so that:

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2-12 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

Table 2-5 Report Data

Actual Date Reference Date

Day 1 (20/01/00) REPORTDATE

Day 2 (21/01/00) REPORTDATE+1

Day 3 (22/01/00) REPORTDATE+2

And so on until And so on until

Day 7 (26/01/00) REPORTDATE+6

Note: The drag and drop activity of adding tag values and the formulas required to do this
are not covered in this section. For more information refer to the
Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual (IM 36J04A12-01E).
Values during DST Start and Finish
Daylight Saving Time can be an additional complication, twice during the year, time
anomalies will occur.
For example, assuming a one-hour change for DST, one day a year will have 25 hours and
another will have only 23. This will not affect the function of the reports but may affect the
totals. The aggregation of 23 hours may have a sum total lower than usual and the 25-hour
aggregation may have total higher than usual. This is because of the different lengths of day
and should not be corrected. However a user may wonder why there is an increase or
decrease in values and should be made aware of the affect of DST.
Local Time
If the time zone of the report computer is different to that of the Exaquantum server,
additional time offsets must be applied in the report.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-13

2.5 Summation Aggregation

A time-based summation calculates the area under value/time curve (the aggregated value is
units per second/minute/hour/day).
Figure 2-2 Typical Summation Aggregation


00:00 01:00 02:00


Short duration values carry less weight than long duration values.
A summation aggregation without a time base, is a summation of each new value in the time
range (the aggregated value is in absolute units not rate of flow).
Figure 2-3 Typical Summation Aggregation with no Time Base

Value 3 3

00:00 01:00 02:00

14 1

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

2-14 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

When a PCS aggregated value is being read (totaliser), its values increases until a
limit is reached. At this point the value is zeroed then starts to increase again. This
value is used as an input to a calculated tag. The expression in the calculated
subtracts the previous value (stored in a manual tag) then stores the input in the
manual tag for the next cycle. If the result is large and negative, add the limit value
as you have seen a roll over zeroisation.
This calculation will periodically show the change in the PCS totaliser. Therefore if
you add these changes in any Production Calendar period and you have the total
values over a period.
The calculated and manual tag plus the OPC input/shortcut can be implemented in a
Function Block.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-15

2.6 Differential Summation Function

The differential summation function obtains the difference between the last aggregation
value and the current value at the time each aggregation is calculated. Refer to Figure 2-4.
Note1: If any data of which the quality code is BAD is input to the differential summation,
a difference between the previous and current data will not be reflected.
(The data difference will be reflected when both previous and current values have
an input with each quality code being GOOD.)
Note2: Since differential summation is performed with the number of significant digits of
double-precision real data type in place of real data type, raw data and its
calculation result may not be consistent. To ensure that the result is consistent then
the data type should be consistent.
Figure 2-4 Typical Summation Aggregation with no Time Base



Diff Sum
10 + 15 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 10 10

25 5




1:00 2:00

Differential Summation Function

Differential summation in the processing of Exaquantum aggregations is performed using the
following functions:
Sequential processing Function
Correction function based on the valid percent difference

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

2-16 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

Relationship with Other Functions

The access to the differential summation value is the same as accessing other aggregation
values (maximum, minimum or mean values). Differential summation values can also be
obtained using the following methods:
Exaquantum API (QuantumAutomationLib)
Excel Add-In, on demand aggregations
Inclusion in a calculated tag.
Re-calculation of dependant aggregations
Required Parameters
Number of decimal places to be rounded to
Summation reset value
Valid percent difference
Auto-calculation will not be performed for summation reset values. If the summation
difference value is larger than the specified valid percent difference value, no calculation is
performed as the data is considered invalid.
For the details, refer to Chapter 8 Tag Template of Exaquantum PIMS Users Manual (IM
Sequential Processing Function
The sequential processing function is to summate a difference between the last and current
values each time the original data changes.
Correction function based on the permissible rate of change
The following cases where the differential summation result is larger than the valid
percentage difference is considered abnormal, thus aborting the summation process and
executing corrective action.
If the difference between the previous and current values exceeds the valid percent
difference, the previous value is saved into a temporary buffer. Upon acquisition of
the next data, the difference between the current value and the temporary buffer value
is calculated and the difference is adopted if it is less than the valid percent difference.
If a difference is larger than the valid percent difference, no calculation is performed.
If data is outside the permissible range, the difference between the previous and
current values is calculated as normal. If next data is within the permissible range, its
value is taken. Refer to Figure 2-6.
If data is outside the permissible range in both cases, no calculation is performed and
the temporary buffer is not updated. Refer to Figure 2-7.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 2-17

Figure 2-5 Flow Chart of Correction Function based on the Valid Percent Difference

Action of valid percent difference

Previous value set to the temporary buffer.

Out of valid percent Out of valid percent

Calculate difference of difference Calculate difference of difference
the value in the temporary buffer the previous value and
and the current value. the current value.

Within the valid percent

Within the valid percent difference difference

Add the difference to the differential Add the difference to the differential
summation. summation.

Set the current value to the temporary buffer.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

2-18 Chapter 2 Aggregation and Report Features

The following figure shows an example of a correction using the valid percent difference.
Figure 2-6 Example 1: Correction Function based on the Valid Percent Difference.


Diff Sum2 10
15 + 10 + 10 40


Diff Sum1 15
10 + 15

10 5
Ignore this Value

1:00 2:00

Diff Sum = Diff Sum1 + Diff Sum2

Figure 2-7 Example 2: Correction Function based on the Valid Percent Difference

Percentage 35


Diff Sum2
Diff Sum1 15 15 5 10 + 5 + 15
10 + 15
10 10

10 5

1:00 2:00

Diff Sum = Diff Sum1 + Diff Sum2

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 3-1

Chapter 3 Site Work

This section gives details of the hardware and software requirement before the installation of
the Exaquantum system.
It is intended that the customer should use this Section to help him provide a design
specification to the Exaquantum System Integrator before the system is commissioned.
3.1 Pre Installation Checklist
Table 3-1 lists the information that is required to specify and configure your Exaquantum
system. Please make a copy of this table, complete it then give this information to the
system integrator.
Table 3-1 Pre Installation Check List

Item Description Finding Action By Due By

[A] Hardware

1 CENTUM CS Engineering Work Type: BNC/10Base2

Station (EWS). Check Ethernet
connector type.
2 Exaopc Station. Check Network Type: BNC/10Base2
Interface Connector (NIC), Ethernet
connector type.
3 Exaquantum Server has two NICs. Office LAN:
Check the Ethernet connector type
Type: BNC/10Base2
for both the NIC.
Control Room LAN:
Type: BNC/10Base2
Note: PDC/File Server and client
PCs are not in Yokogawa AUI/10Base5
scope of supply.
4 Connecting Exaquantum Server to Office LAN:
Office LAN. Usually, a hub/switch
Type: BNC/10Base2
will be provided, check the connector
type. RJ45/UTP

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

3-2 Chapter 3 Site Work

Item Description Finding Action By Due By

[B] V-Net/Ethernet Cables

1 Check that Ethernet link between Cable Length:

EWS and Exaopc station is possible,
and what cable length is required.
2 Estimate the Ethernet cable length Cable Length:
required between Exaopc and
Exaquantum Server.
3 Exaquantum Server to Office LAN Cable Length:
connection. Estimate cable length
4 Connecting Exaopc station into Cable Length:
CENTUM CS Vnet. Find out which
CENTUM CS station is the best
connecting point to hook-up Exaopc,
and estimate the cable length

[C] Power Points

1 Exaopc Station. Check the power Rating:

rating, power plug type, and number
Plug Type:
of power socket required.
No. of power sockets:
2 Exaquantum Server. Check the power Rating:
rating, power plug type and number
Plug Type:
of power socket required.
No. of power sockets:
Note: Include the power socket
requirements for all Server
accessories, e.g. DAT drive, CD-
ROM driver, etc.

[D] Software

1 CENTUM CS EWS software Comments:

revision must be R2.10 and above.
2 Minimum client PC software Comments:
specification as follows:

Note: Please refer to the Exaquantum

Installation Guide for the current
3 Exaquantum uses Microsoft Domain Comments:
Controller (DC) for user security.
Please ensure that there is an existing
DC set-up in the office LAN.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 3-3

3.2 Site Readiness Checklist Prior to Exaquantum Site Installation

Table 3-2 lists the information that is required before installation of Exaquantum. Please
make a copy of this table, complete it then give this information to the system integrator.
Table 3-2 Site Readiness Check List

Item Description Action By/Due Date

[A] DCS (in the case of new site)

1 Has the DCS been installed and powered up prior to the

installation of Exaquantum?
2 Has the DCS Tag List been finalised prior to the installation
of Exaquantum?
Note: A project backup DAT tape is required for
Exaquantum system engineering, has the DAT tape been

[B] Exaopc

1 The Exaopc station is required during Exaquantum site

Has the arrangement been made for a Yokogawa engineer to
commission the Exaopc station at site prior to Exaquantum
site installation?

[C] Network Infrastructure

1 Ethernet connection is required between Exaquantum Server

and Exaopc.
Has the arrangement been made for Ethernet cables/adaptors
and cable laying prior to Exaquantum installation?
2 Ethernet connection is required between Exaquantum Server
and Client PCs.
Has the arrangement been made for Ethernet cables/adaptors
and cable laying prior to Exaquantum installation?

[D] Exaquantum Server

1 User is required to provide a Tag List, for the Tags to be

assigned to Exaquantum Server.
Has the Tag List been provided?

[E] Training

1 After Exaquantum site installation, there may have

Exaquantum Site Training courses (depending on contract).
Has the site training schedule been fixed, and all necessary
training equipment been arranged? (e.g. LCD projector,
hands-on PC, Ethernet LAN, etc).

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

3-4 Chapter 3 Site Work

3.3 Re-configuring Exaquantum for Site

For more information about configuring Exaquantum for your site, see the Exaquantum
Engineering Guide Volume 2 Network Configuration (IM 36J04A15-02E).

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-1

Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

This section gives some typical scenarios associated with Exaquantum.
4.1 Health Checks
Various checks can be made, from time to time, to make sure that your Exaquantum System
is running healthily. These include network checks, database integrity checks and disk space
All health checks, by default, are run on the Exaquantum server but can be run on a client
computer where stated.
This section gives details of the health check procedures and the checks for potential
Frequency of Checks
The time-scales that are adopted will depend on the personnel available and the users own
For a typical system, we recommend these health checks be run every week; they do not
need to be run daily.
Under certain circumstances, the health checks can be run less frequently, contact your local
Yokogawa representative for the recommended frequency for your Exaquantum system.
The health checks may be useful as trouble shooting tools to locate system problems.
The following health check procedures are included in this section:
Network Connection
Time Synchronisation
Memory Usage
Live Data Feed
Event Viewer

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

4-2 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

4.2 Network Connection Health Check

This health check is to ensure that a network connection can be established to all computers
in the Exaquantum system. A failure in network connection will result in either a loss of
data coming into the Exaquantum Server through the OPC Gateway, or the no data being
sent to Exaquantum clients.
This health check uses the Ping command that is available on Windows Server if the TCP\IP
protocol is installed. To run this health check, open the command prompt.
1 Run a Command Prompt.
2 In the command prompt box, type Ping followed by the name of the computer you want
to connect to.
A command line will inform you that you are pinging the desired computer.
You should receive three or four lines in the form of a reply. This indicates a healthy
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other computers in your Exaquantum system.
4 Close the Command Prompt window.
You may want to create a batch file to perform this health check. The format would be very
simple, an example follows:
Ping computer1
Ping computer2
Ping computer3
Ping computer4
Ping computer5
This batch file could be kept in a folder called Health Checks on the Exaquantum Server
and run by double clicking on its name. The progress of the health check must be monitored.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-3

4.3 Windows OS in Windows Domain Time Synchronisation Health

For Windows domains, part of the standard logon procedure involves comparing the
timestamp of the logon request with the time on the Domain Controller. If the times differ by
more than 5 minutes (by default) the logon request is rejected. For this reason, all computers
in a domain must be synchronised as closely as possible. Windows achieves this by using its
own Time Synchronisation service called Windows Time (or W32Time).
If you are running Windows operating system in a Windows domain the Windows Time
Service will start automatically. The status of the time service Windows Time - can be
checked using the Services control function available from the Control Panel of your PC.
To ensure that Exaquantum communication is not affected, it is imperative to also
synchronise the OPC server to the domain controller. For information on how to achieve this,
consult your OPC server documentation.
If you require more information about Time Synchronisation or wish to discuss your
particular network configuration, please speak to your Yokogawa Representative.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

4-4 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

4.4 Memory Usage Health Check

The amount of system memory used by Exaquantum should not vary significantly. If there
is a substantial increase in memory usage, this may indicate a problem with the Exaquantum
For the Memory Usage health check, use the Windows Task Manager.
1 Right-click on a blank section of your taskbar, from the pop-up menu select the Task
Manager option. The Task Manager utility window is displayed.
2 Select the Performance tab.
There are two information boxes, CPU Usage and MEM Usage. The actual figures
displayed will vary depending on the size of the Exaquantum system and the
configuration of the computer. However, the figures should not vary greatly over time.
CPU Usage per 1 CPU
The CPU usage will change constantly depending on the operations taking place. This is
acceptable as long as the CPU Usage falls to below 30% regularly (at least 10 times a
minute). The main indication of a problem would be if CPU Usage is constantly at or above
90%. This would indicate a problem with the Exaquantum System and should be
investigated immediately. Performance Tab in the task manager, there are multi CPU Usage
graph, CPU Usage can be confirmed each CPU graph. In case of 2 CPU, CPU usage which
shows on process tab, be attention that 50% is equal to mentioned above 100%.
MEM Usage
The MEM Usage indicates the amount of virtual memory being used by the computer. Exact
figures will vary but there should be no significant growth from time to time. Make a note of
the figure shown and compare it with the values that were found last time. Any significant
growth (10% or more) should be investigated. You should also check the value against the
limit value shown. If you are near the limit value you will need to consider creating more
virtual memory.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-5

4.5 Database Health Check

There are three Database health checks to be made:
Disk Allocation. This makes sure the databases do not exceed their allocation quota. If
the databases have exceeded their allocated space, performance can be impaired.
Disk Space. This ensures there is sufficient physical disk space on the computer.
Insufficient disk space could lead to data loss.
Historian Validation. This ensures the Historian databases are correctly storing data
Disk Allocation
There are three Exaquantum databases, each of which has a specific use. The Config
database and the HistorianAdmin database are relatively small in capacity and will not
increase in size significantly during the life of an Exaquantum system.
The third database, HistorianData, contains all historical values that are written to
Exaquantum. This database can expand rapidly and can grow to be very large. Therefore it
will be necessary to archive data to an off-line source.
For more information about archiving data, see the Exaquantum/PIMS User's Manual (IM
The purpose of this section is to describe how to check the size of your databases.
1 Start the SQL Server Management Studio.
2 Input the settings below in the Connect to server window, and click on Connect.
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: Exaquantum Server name
Authentication: Windows Authentication
3 The Management Studio window will be displayed.
4 Select your Exaquantum server computer name. Click on the + sign to expand the node.
5 Select Databases and click on the + sign to expand the node. A list of all available
databases is displayed.
6 Click on the database name that you wish to view, e.g. QHistorianData.
7 Click right Mouse and select New Query.
8 In the query window, enter the following T-SQL, followed by F5/Execute to run the
EXEC sp_spaceused
This will display the total space allocated for this database, not the total space on the
computer. The space allocated will depend on how you originally configured your
Exaquantum databases.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

4-6 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Disk Space
When you have established the status of your databases you must check the amount of
physical disk space remaining.
1 Double-click on the Computer icon.
2 Right-click on the drive that the databases are held on and select Properties.
A graphic shows how much disk space is used and how much is available.
Note: The disk space used may not be full. If a database is allocated 100 MB of disk
space then that 100 MB is reserved and therefore used even if there is no data in
the database tables.
It is possible that your HistorianData database resides on a different disk to the
other two. In this case you may wish to check both disks although in practice it
is only the HistorianData database that will increase in size significantly.
You now have a guide to the status of your databases. You should know:
How much space you have allocated for each database
How much of that allocation has been used
How much free space there is on the physical disk.
Historian Validation
This ensures the Historian databases are correctly storing data values.
For more information about the Historian Management tool, see the Exaquantum
Engineering Guide Volume 3 Support Tools (IM 36J04A15-03E). This document gives
more information about how to run checks.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-7

4.6 Live Data Feed Health Check

The first step is to confirm that the OPC server is sending data to Exaquantum. To establish
this you can use the OPC diagnostic tool.
For more information about the OPC Diagnostic tool, see the Exaquantum Engineering
Guide Volume 3 Support Tools (IM 36J04A15-03E).
If you continue to have problems please contact you local Yokogawa representative for
further investigation.
4.7 Event Viewer Health Check
The Event Viewer is a useful source of information on problems and potential problems.
Any errors generated by your Exaquantum System will be written to the Event Log. This
information can be used to rectify problems before they affect data integrity or system
There are many possible messages that could be written to the Event Log. This section does
not attempt to list them all. Instead we encourage you to check the Event Logs for any
warning or error messages. Any that are found should be investigated immediately.
To view the Event Log, open the Event Log Viewer.
1 From the Administration Tools window, start the Event Viewer. The Event Viewer is
2 Use the File menu to change the log that you are viewing if necessary.
3 You should view the Application log and the System Log.
4 Investigate any warning messages (indicated by a yellow circle) and any error messages
(indicated by a red octagon).
Note: For more information, see Chapter 7.1, "Event Viewer".

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

4-8 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

4.8 Password Policy

The way current passwords are administered and the way that the Exaquantum system is
configured will influence the password policy that is adopted for your Exaquantum system.
When the IT Security Model is Legacy Model, the quantumuser account is used for
Exaquantum Service, and the EXA account is used for Exaopc execution.When the IT
Security Model is Standard Model, quantumuser is replaced by QTM_PROCESS, and EXA
is replaced by OPC_PROCESS. When connecting to CENTUM, a CTM_PROCESS account
is required. Each account can be created using the following dedicated Tools.
<QTM_PROCESS generation tool>
Please set Exaquantum prerequisite DVD (Disk 1).
<OPC_PROCESS generation tool>
Please set Exaquantum prerequisite DVD (Disk 1).
<CTM_PROCESS generation tool>
Note : DVD means CENTUM VP'S DVD
- For R4.02 or R4.03
- For R5.01 or R5.02

When deciding on a password policy it is important to note:

Due to identification checks carried out by Exaquantum, all user accounts and their
current passwords must be available to both the client computers and the Exaquantum
server computer.
The Exaquantum service user (default is quantumuser) must use passwords that do not
Take care when changing the Exaquantum service user password. Changing this
password will effect DCOM settings and prevent the Exaquantum system from
functioning correctly until Exaquantums DCOM configuration tool
(QDCOMConfig.exe) has been run on server and clients.
The Exaquantum service user account should not be used as the standard login on the
server to avoid its password becoming commonly known.
Whenever the password of the CENTUM or EXA account is changed for the HIS-OPC
against which equalisation will be run, the new password should be set on all other HIS-
OPCs to ensure that equalisation works correctly.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-9

Three possible password policies for users accounts are detailed here, with
recommendations for which to employ.
User changeable
Combination policy.
User-Changeable Passwords
In case IT Security Model is domain model, this policy will be relevant.
All user account passwords can be changed at any time by the user.
This policy provides the greatest security because passwords are changed and therefore have
less chance of being discovered. It is also most likely to match a companys existing
password policy. If the user accounts are maintained on a single Windows domain, then a
change on any workstation will be registered on the domain controller and therefore be
available to all domain computers without extra effort.
This policy is recommended for Exaquantum systems that are maintained on a single domain.
Fixed Passwords
In case IT Security Model is standalone model, this policy will be relevant.
All user account passwords are set so that they do not expire and cannot be changed.
This policy is particularly useful when workgroups or groups of local users are involved.
This is because these configurations rely on matching copies of the user accounts rather than
sharing one instance. Therefore, if a user account password is changed on one client it must
be changed on all other clients and the Exaquantum server for identification checks to be
It is therefore recommended that any Exaquantum system that uses workgroups or groups of
local users use the fixed password policy.
Combination Policy
In case IT Security Model is standalone model on domain environment, this policy will be
This is a combination of the first two policies and uses a mixture of fixed and changeable
A system that has a domain available storing password details for a range of user
accounts using a number of client computers. The system uses Local users due to certain
elements being outside of the domain, e.g. an Exaopc server in a workgroup
In this policy all accounts that can be maintained by the domain controller can have user-
changeable passwords, but those that are local to more than one computer must be fixed.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

4-10 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

User accounts and passwords are made available in two ways. They are either shared by
using a domain controller, or they exist as matching sets local to each computer that needs
them. These categories can be used to summarise the recommendations for password policy:
Shared user accounts can have user changeable passwords
Matching user accounts should have fixed passwords
When the IT Security model is set to Standard, the Exaquantum Service user account,
QTM_PROCESS, will be set automatically by the IT Security Setting Tool. Account
changes by the QDCOMConfig tool can be made in Legacy Mode only.

Changing a Password
There are two ways that a password can be changed:
Interactively on any computer
Centrally using User Manager or User Manager for Domains.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-11

4.9 System Back Up

Backing up of data is an essential requirement for any computer system. Exaquantum
system backup falls into three categories:
Database Backup
Configuration Files Backup
Entire System Backup.
Different levels of security are possible depending on an organisations requirements. This
section details backup and restore strategies that are considered sufficient for the needs of an
Exaquantum system. However, you are urged to ensure that this strategy suits your
This overview information is supplemented by more detailed information (including
suggested strategies) later in the chapter.
Backup Categories
Database Backup
This procedure is absolutely essential.
There are six Exaquantum databases:

All of which are fairly fixed in size, with the exception of QHistorianData, which contains
updating values and may grow in size with the life of the Exaquantum system. Regular
archiving of older data can stablise the size of the QHistorianData database.
Note: If the databases are lost, there is no way of recovering any of the historical data
from Exaquantum. Configuration information would also be lost. You would in
effect be returned to a pre-installation state.

The size of the historian database makes it difficult to provide an effective backup strategy
that balances the need for reliable backups and practicality. For more information and
suggested strategies, see the section on Database Backup Strategy.
We recommend that the databases are backed up every day.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

4-12 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Configuration Files Backup

This section covers mimics and reports that have been created specifically for the
Exaquantum System. It may also include special procedures and configuration code that has
been written for the system and is not included in the standard product.
These files need not be backed up daily. It may be sufficient to make a backup after initial
configuration, and then only if changes are made.
Full System Backup
The decision as to whether to undergo regular full system backups will depend on the
individual recovery strategy that is in place. It is unlikely that a full and complete backup of
the entire Windows system will be of great use to any user. This is because it is difficult to
reproduce the exact computer image using standard software. Therefore, although useful as
a means of recovering a lost file or files, a full system backup does not enable a user to
completely recover a lost system by simply copying from a tape or backup disk file. It is
worth doing a full system backup from time to time, to provide a copy of all files and to
allow checking of various settings, should a recovery be required.
In the case of a workgroup, the Security Access Manager (SAM) directory database that
contains all the user account information will be held on the Exaquantum server computer.
This database should be included in the full system backup.
Full system backups should exclude the Exaquantum databases for reasons of space.
A full system backup should only be required once a month at the most. Six-monthly or
even yearly backups could be considered.
Exaquantum Clients
It is not recommended that an intensive backup strategy be implemented for Exaquantum
Clients. There are no databases to recover, and software can be reinstalled from installation
disks. The only files that must be backed up periodically are local Exaquantum/Explorer
Mimics or workbook reports.
Exaquantum Domain DC
As part of routine domain maintenance the domain directory database must be regularly
backed up.
As dictated by system policy, but no less frequently than once a month. It is also advisable
to backup if a lot of changes are made at any time.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-13

Differential Backups
The backup strategy also makes use of differential backups.
A differential backup must be used in conjunction with a complete backup. A differential
backup will back up only data that has changed since the last complete backup. This allows
periodic complete backups to be supplemented with more frequent differential backups. The
system can still be recovered to the point of any backup, but will use significantly less time
and resources. This also has the advantage of allowing the backups to be automated; a
differential backup only needs one tape.
Database Backup Strategy
Tape Backup
When your system is first started, the databases are of an easily manageable size. At this
stage, a daily backup of all databases takes little time and can be used for ease. Over time
however, the QHistorianData database may grow to a size that makes it impractical for daily
complete backups to tape. Once this database exceeds the size of one tape (normally 100
400 GB depending on tape size and compression rate), backup can no longer be an
automated task. This is because a backup goes across more than one tape, and someone has
to physically insert a new one. Additionally, the volume of time and resources (tapes)
involved can make backing up an inefficient and costly task. The backup strategy must take
account of this and of the need for regular, reliable backups.
Disk Backup
The use of tapes for backup is becoming less frequent and SQL Server is deprecating the use
of Tape backup devices in the next release. Backing up the Exaquantum databases to disk
files is the recommended route. To provide a level of security against physical damage to the
server these backup files must either be:
1. On a remote machine on the network
2. Copied after the backup to a remote location
3. On a removable device such as a USB or hot pluggable disk
To retain a second line of defence against an unreadable backup file the same file should not
be used for the full backups every time unless it has been copied elsewhere. The copying of
files requires the management of these copies to ensure the correct one is in place prior to
any restore. A typical administration pattern would see the backup location being secured by
a corporate backup application on a daily basis timed after the Exaquantum backups have
There are several ways of backing up your databases. You could use Windows Backup or a
Maintenance Plan devised in SQL Server for instance. We recommend the use of SQL
Jobs. These can automate regular repeated functions saving time and effort. Whichever
database backup strategy is chosen, it must cover all databases on the system. These are:

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4-14 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

The Configuration database contains the configuration data for the tags, OPC gateways and
other system properties. It does not grow significantly after configuration.
The Historian Admin database contains the configuration information particular to the
historian. It will not grow significantly after configuration.
The Historian Data database contains all the historical values as they are written to the
system. This database will grow as the system is used.
The QWeb database contains the configuration information of trends created on the website,
also mimics and report files uploaded to the website. It does not grow significantly after
The ExaquantumFramework database contains the configuration information of users and
product links on the website. It does not grow significantly after configuration.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-15

Archive Databases
Data that is archived is placed in a separate database which stays on-line until it is removed.
These databases are numbered sequentially and are accessed by the historian when history
data is requested. The databases are controlled, backed up and restored by the Historian
Archiving screen. (For more information, see the Exaquantum/PIMS User's Manual (IM
36J04A11-01E).) Archive databases are read-only and do not grow.
System Databases
The system databases are created by SQL Server. Three databases, Master, Model and
MSDB, contain information about the system and the databases on it. They change little
over time but should be included in any backups to ensure consistency in the event of a
Exaquantum Recommended Backup Strategy
The recommended strategy would be to make a complete weekly backup of the five
Exaquantum databases, if possible taken at a quiet time in the week. Such a time could be
Sunday morning at 02:15.
Note: It is sensible to choose a time that avoids aggregation calculations, if possible.
If backing up to tape this backup may take some time and use more than one tape, and so
would need to be supervised. For this reason it will be necessary to choose a time when
personnel are available to change the tapes, if required.
If backing up to disk supervision is not required as there are no tapes to change, but there
must be sufficient space available on the remote disk storage before the backup is
This complete weekly backup would be supplemented by a daily differential backup of the
five databases. Each daily backup would store changes made to the databases since the
complete backup. At the end of the week, you would then have one complete backup and six
differential backups.
To restore the databases from tape backup, you would need to restore the complete backup
and one of the differential backups, depending on which day you wanted restored. Each
differential backup should only need one tape and can therefore does not need to be
supervised. When backing up to tape the only task that is required is that someone has to
take the tape out of the tape drive at the end of the backup, and put a new one in before the
start of the next day. To help prevent accidental overwriting of a tape, the automated job
will eject the tape at the end of the backup. Therefore, if the next scheduled backup time
arrived and the tape had not been changed, the backup could not continue.
To restore the database from disk backup files the correct copy needs to be put in the defined
location prior to running the restore job. The physical tape replacement of the daily tape
backup cycle is replaced by whatever copying of disk files is deemed appropriate post each
backup run.
System Databases
The three system databases are fully backed up each time either a complete or a differential
backup is run. There is little advantage in running a differential backup on these databases,
as they are relatively small. Additionally, it is not permitted to make a differential backup of
the master database.

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Recreating the Databases when using the Exaquantum website

From the R2.80 release of Exaquantum, the website Exaquantum Web was included. This
website uses two new databases:

When using the Exaquantum website, to bckupa the databases, it is necessary to remove any
connections held by the website on these databases. This is done by recycling the
Exaquantum Web application pool:
1. Logon to the Web server or Combined server as a user with local administration rights.
2. Run the Administrative Tools Window
3. Select the IIS Manger (Internet Information Services Manager)
4. In the Connections Pane (left side), Expand the Computer node (labelled with the local
server name)
5. Click on Application Pools
6. In the Application Pools pane (center), click on ExaquantumWeb
7. In the Actions pane (right side), click on Recycle
8. Close the IIS Manager
Exaquantum Jobs
There are ten jobs shipped with Exaquantum, five for backing up to tape, and five for
backing up to disk. These are for use with the suggested Backup Strategy. The jobs are
supplied in two SQLServer script files. One of this needs to be run in order to add the jobs
to the system. The files are located in the Product Tools folder of your Exaquantum
Installation, and are called:
backup job scripts.sql
backup job scripts for Disk.sql
The easiest way to run these scripts is to use the SQLServer Management Studio:
1 Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2 Input the settings below in the Connect to server window, and click on Connect.
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: Exaquantum Server name
Authentication: Windows Authentication
3 Click New Query on the Management Studio window. The SQL Server Query window
is displayed.
4 Click on the icon to Load an SQL Script (the open icon).
5 Select the backup job scripts.sql or backup job scripts for Disk.sql file in the Product
Tools folder and open it.

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6 Click on the green Execute Query button.

7 The jobs will be loaded into SQL Server.

The jobs supplied are described in Table 4-1

Table 4-1 Exaquantum Jobs

Job Name Function

Full Exaquantum Performs a complete backup of the three system databases
Database Backup to (Master, msdb and model) and a complete backup of the five
[Tape|Disk] Exaquantum databases (QConfig, QHistorianAdmin,
QHistorianData, QWeb and ExaquantumFramework).
Differential Exaquantum Performs a complete backup of the three system databases
Database Backup to (Master, msdb and model) and a differential backup of the
[Tape|Disk] five Exaquantum databases (QConfig, QHistorianAdmin,
QHistorianData, QWeb and ExaquantumFramework).
Exaquantum Database Restores the msdb and the model system databases.
restore from [Tape|Disk] Note: The master database cannot be restored using a job
and must be restored manually if required.
Exaquantum Complete Restores the five Exaquantum databases (QConfig,
Restore from [Tape|Disk] QHistorianAdmin, QHistorianData, QWeb and
(primary) ExaquantumFramework). This job restores the databases in an
unrecovered state. This is required when you have differential
backups to add to the complete backups.
Do NOT use this job if you do not have differential backups
to restore.
Exaquantum Complete Restores the five Exaquantum databases (QConfig,
Restore from [Tape|Disk] QHistorianAdmin, QHistorianData, QWeb and
(final) ExaquantumFramework). This job restores the databases in a
recovered state. Use this job either for a complete restore
with no differential backups, or for a differential restore that
follows a complete restore.

The backup jobs shipped with Exaquantum are configured with a schedule setting. The first
will perform a complete backup once a week; the second will perform differential backups
for the remaining six days of the week. The other (restore) jobs are not scheduled.
The jobs must be enabled to work. As they are not shipped enabled, they must be enabled
by the end user. For more information, see Working with SQL Jobs.
In addition to these jobs, a SQL Server Agent operator called Local Machine is also shipped
with Exaquantum. This can be easily configured to send a message to the user when a job
completes. The procedure is described in Working with SQL Jobs.

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4-18 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Running Jobs
Scheduling Jobs
SQL Server jobs can be scheduled so that they occur automatically at any given time. The
scheduler is quite powerful and can cater for schedules such as every Sunday at 02.15 or the
last Wednesday of each month. The two backup jobs shipped with Exaquantum are set to
run as follows:
Complete backup of the five Exaquantum Databases: Every Sunday 02.15
Differential Backup of Exaquantum Databases: Daily except Sunday 02.15
You are encouraged to modify the schedules to suit the user.
Note: For more information, see Working with SQL Jobs.
Failure of a Job
Occasionally a job may fail to run. This could be for several reasons such as insufficient
space on the remote disk storage, no tape in the drive or a fault in the tape driver. SQL jobs
can notify users of problems in four ways:
Event Log
A failure can list an event in your application event log. The jobs shipped with Exaquantum
are configured to add event information to the event log on completion.
A message can be e-mailed to inform someone if a job fails. This function requires the SQL
mail service to be configured and running. This is not set up by default on the jobs shipped
with Exaquantum.
On-line Error Messages
These may appear if there is a problem with a database or tape driver. These messages are
generated automatically by SQL.
Action to Take if a Job Fails
The job failures reason may be that a tape device was off-line or no tape was available.
You may also want to look in the error log created by SQL. These logs are located in the
Logs sub-folder of your MSSQL folder. They are also viewable by expanding the SQL logs
node of SQL Server Management Studio and double-clicking on the relevant log (usually the
current log).
Assuming any problem is rectified, you should perform a manual backup as soon as possible.
This can be done by manually running the relevant job.
Note: You should not run a differential backup unless there is a valid complete backup.
The Working with SQL Jobs section describes how to run a job manually.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-19

Working with SQL Jobs

To view, edit, enable or disable SQL jobs, navigate to the Server Agent section of SQL
Server Management Studio.
1 Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2 Input the settings below in the Connect to server window, and click on Connect.
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: Exaquantum Server name
Authentication: Windows Authentication
3 Expand the Server Name node (usually named after the local computer).
4 Expand the SQL Server Agent node.
5 Click on Jobs. A list of current jobs is displayed.
Five jobs are shipped with Exaquantum. These are not installed by default. The information
displayed at this stage is explained in Table 4-2
Table 4-2 Job Summary Information

Column Heading Purpose

Name The name of the Job
Category A pre-defined or custom category used to group Jobs. The
Exaquantum Jobs are grouped under the pre-defined
Database Maintenance group
Enabled Either Yes or No. When shipped, the two backup jobs are
not enabled. They must be enabled before they will work.
Runnable Whether the job is in a state where it can be run. This
should show Yes.
Scheduled Whether the job is scheduled to be run. If the job is not
enabled this field will show No.
Status This will either be Not Running or Executing
Last Run Status (run The status of the job last time it was run. This will either be
date) Succeeded or Failed. The time and date of the last run are
shown in brackets.
Next run date The time and date that the job is next scheduled to run.

Notes: The information held in the Job Summary Information is not updated automatically.
To make sure the information is up-to-date (or to update after a completed run),
right-click on the Job Name and select Refresh Job.

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Editing an SQL Job

To edit a job, double-click on the job name. This will display the Job Properties screen.
Only functions considered of use will be covered in this document (for more information
refer to the SQL Server on-line documentation). The four tabs of the Job Properties screen
General Tab
All information in this tab should be correctly set up by the default settings. The most
important item is the Enabled checkbox. This will be unchecked when shipped for the two
scheduled backup jobs. Check this box only when the job is correct and ready to start.
Steps Tab
This contains the script that runs the jobs. In essence the script is quite straight forward.
Backups and restores are covered by individual steps (for troubleshooting purposes).
For jobs that use tapes they reference a backup device referenced by a path of \\.\Tape0 (See
the Configuring Your Tape Drive section for details of how to set up your tape device).
For jobs that use disk they reference the storage location
C:\EQBackup\<DatabaseName>.bak (See the Configuring Your Backup Disk Storage
section for details of how to set up your disk storage). This will almost certainly need to be
changed as the C: drive is unlikly to have sufficient space and is physically in the
Exaquantum server even if the files are then copied off to another location.
The controls on this tab are self-explanatory. Adding and deleting steps is not recommended.
If necessary, use a separate job for other tasks you may have. You may however need to edit
the steps. Reasons for this are if, for example, you have chosen to completely rename your
databases. This is a straightforward operation that must be repeated for all backup and
restore jobs.
No other changes should be made to the steps of the jobs.
Schedules Tab
You are encouraged to change the contents of this tab to your own requirements. Default
settings schedule a complete backup at 02.15 on a Sunday morning and differential backups
at 02.15 on the other six days. These times have been selected to provide the best solution
but a user will have a better idea of their requirements. When deciding on backup times,
consider the following:
Choose a time when the system is likely to be quiet
Avoid using a time when aggregations are being calculated
For a complete backup choose a time when personnel will be available to change tapes, if
used, before backup begin or after backup completed if necessary.
For a complete backup choose a time that fits in with personnel workloads.
To change the schedule, click on edit and click on change. The resulting screen allows you
to specify your schedule. The controls are simple to use and do not need further explanation.

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Notifications Tab
It is very useful to be able to send the success or failure status of a job to a user. This is set
up on the Notifications tab. This tab gives you the option to e-mail, page or Net Send the
results to an operator. Operators are set up using the Operators screen located above the Jobs
screen. Although straightforward to set up and test, you will need to know e-mail addresses
or computer names to create an operator.
Notifications can be sent either when a job fails (recommended for e-mail or pager), when it
succeeds (not recommended), or when it completes (recommended for net send and event
log). When notices of job completion are sent, this information includes success or failure of
the job.
The e-mail option is useful when a backup operation has failed. Although you can only e-
mail one operator, this operator can be a group and so multiple notifications can be achieved.
This feature cannot be enabled in the pre-shipped versions as default settings cannot take
account of e-mail addresses. This option would therefore have to be set up on site. Sending
messages via e-mail requires the SQL mail service to be running.
For more information, refer to the SQL Server on-line documentation.
Writing to the Event Log
By default, all jobs will write an event to the application log, showing success or failure of
the operation. This should always be enabled.

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Configuring Your Tape Drive

NOTE. The use of Tapes for SQL Server backups will be deprecated from SQL Server 2014.
It is therefore recommended that the use of Tapes is discontinued.
Before you can backup in SQL Server using a tape drive, you have to add the drive to the list
of available devices. To do this, start SQL Server Management Studio.
1 Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2 Input the settings below in the Connect to server window, and click on Connect.
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: Exaquantum Server name
Authentication: Windows Authentication
3 Expand the Server Name node (usually named after the local computer).
4 Expand Server Objects node.
5 Click on Backup Devices. A list of current backup devices is shown. This list will
probably be blank.
6 Right-click on Backup Devices and select New backup device. The New Device
window is displayed.
7 Click on the Tape Drive Name radio button. A list of tape drives will be shown.
Normally there will only be one which will be named \\.\Tape0
8 Enter a name for the device in the Name field, e.g. Tape Drive.
9 Click on OK to add the device.
The tape drive will appear in the list of backup devices. It should have the name that you
entered, a physical location of \\.\Tape0 and a device type of Tape Backup.
If the details in step 7 match those on your screen, the device is set up and ready to work
with the Exaquantum backup and restore jobs.
If you have a different physical location, the jobs will not work until you have edited each
step in each job and changed the device path. Alternatively, reconfigure the tape drive to be
Tape0. This should only occur if you have more than one tape device on the Exaquantum
Server and wish to use the second device for Exaquantum Backups.
Configuring Your Backup Disk Storage
Before you can backup in SQL Server using disk storage, you have to create the folder in
which the backups will be created and grant security permissions so that the SQL job can
write to that storage location.
If you are using different physical location to the default of C:\EQBackup\, the jobs will
not work until you have edited each step in each job and changed the file path.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-23

Configuring the Local Machine Operator Account

Jobs shipped with Exaquantum are configured to perform a Net-send to the local computer
when they have finished. During the installation process, an SQL script file was added to
your Exaquantum system. When the backup job scripts file was run (see Exaquantum
Jobs), an operator called Local Machine was added to the system.

Before configuring the local computer operator account, make sure that the backup jobs
script file has been run.

To configure the local computer operator account, open the SQL Server Management Studio:
1 Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2 Input the settings below in the Connect to server window, and click on Connect.
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: Exaquantum Server name
Authentication: Windows Authentication
3 Expand the Server Name node (usually named after the local computer).
4 Expand the SQL Server Agent node.
5 Click on Operators. A list of operators is displayed.
6 Double-click on the operator named Local Machine to display its properties.
7 In the Net-send address field, replace Type computer name here with the name of the
Exaquantum Server computer.
8 Click on the Test button. You will be asked to confirm the test.
9 Click on OK and a net send message will appear on the Exaquantum Server computer.
10 Acknowledge the message and click on OK to close the Operator Properties window.
The operator is now configured. All Exaquantum jobs will notify the net-send address when
they complete.
Note: You do not have to specify the Exaquantum Server as the recipient for the Net Send.
You can enter any computer that is on the Network.
The notification is in the form of a simple pop-up message that informs the recipient that the
job has finished, and whether it was a success or failure. There is also some additional
information such as job length and the last step to run (useful in case of failure).

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4-24 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Running a Job Manually

All restore jobs are run manually. You may also wish to re-run a backup job manually if:
You are just about to make a major system change
You have just made a major change to the Exaquantum System such as a new Gateway
or Equalisation
A backup failed for some reason.
To run a job manually:
1 Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2 Input the settings below in the Connect to server window, and click on Connect.
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: Exaquantum Server name
Authentication: Windows Authentication
3 Expand the Server Name node (usually named after the local computer).
4 Expand the SQL Server Agent node.
5 Click on Jobs. A list of jobs is displayed.
6 Right-click on the name of the job you wish to run.
7 Select Start Job Step.
The job will now run manually. The status should change to executing. On completion a
pop-up message should verify the success or failure of the job. The status field will not
normally change automatically.
Viewing Job History
It may be useful to view the job history from time to time. To do this, right-click on the Job
Name, and then select View Job History. You are presented with a screen that gives a
history of the job, including success or failure and notifications sent. You can choose to
view all the individual steps in a job by ticking the Show Step Details checkbox.
Configuration Files Backup
If you have mimics and reports that have been configured on your Exaquantum system, or
any additional code that has been added since installation, you must backup these files.
The easiest way to do this is to use Windows Backup:
Note: For more information about the backup utility, see the Backup on-line help.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-25

Full System Backup

The Exaquantum system requires software to run, and also various DCOM and registry
settings to be specified. Additionally, SQL server requires configuration during installation.
Part of this configuration will involve the computer name.
If you have to recover your whole system, you may be using a replacement computer. In this
case such configuration is best done during installation, and full restores of operating system
are prone to difficulties. We therefore do not recommend a full system backup as a means of
disaster recovery.
However you may still wish to take a full system backup in order to save files that are on the
Exaquantum Server. This is really an extension to the configuration files backup, and can be
done with the Windows Server backup.
Automating the Creation of Backups (Windows Server)
The Windows Server operating system provides you with a wizard to guide you through the
process of creating and scheduling backup jobs. Follow the steps as the wizard guides you
through the process.
Restoring a Database
SQL server allows databases to be restored in a number of ways. This process has been
simplified by including SQL jobs. It is hoped that a restore will not be required as it would
indicate some fault in the system. For this reason there is never a need to schedule the
restore jobs. These jobs should be run manually.
It is not recommended that individual Exaquantum databases are restored. This is because
they are related; the QHistorianData database relies on the QHistorianAdmin database which
itself relies on the QConfig database, the QWeb database relies on data stored in
QHistorianData. This is why all the Exaquantum databases are backed up together and
should be restored together.
The following restore procedure assumes that a major failure has occurred and that all data
has been lost. The procedure covers the restore of all SQL databases, and is summarised
Check that the Exaquantum Service has stopped
Stop the Exaquantum IIS Application Pools
Restore the master and the msdb databases manually
Restore model database
Restore the five Exaquantum Databases from the last Complete Backup set
Restore the differential backups from the last Differential Backup set (optional)
Restart the Exaquantum service and IIS Application Pools
These steps are now described in more detail.
Check that Exaquantum Service has Stopped
The Exaquantum service must not be running when you restore the databases. If you are not
sure whether or not it is running, start the Exaquantum Service Manager from your
Exaquantum menu. This control will tell you whether the service is running or stopped.

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4-26 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Stop the Exaquantum IIS Application Pools

The Internet Information Service (IIS) application pools used by the Exaquantum Web
server must be stopped to ensure that the SQL restore job can gain exclusive access to the
databases being restored. The application pools are called:
Any other products that access the Exaquantum databases must be stopped and their (IIS)
application pools also stopped.
Restore the Master and the MSDB Databases Manually
The procedure to restore the master database differs from all other system and Exaquantum
database procedures. It requires SQL Server to be restarted in single-user mode. This is due
to the essential nature of the master database to the SQL Server database application. The
procedure is as follows:
1 Start the SQL Server in single-user mode (in order to have exclusive access to the server)
from a command prompt with the following command:
Sqlservr.exe m
You must have local administration rights to execute this command
Sqlservr.exe exists in the folder <SQL Server InstallationFolder>\Microsoft SQL
If the SQL Server is already started, use the SQL Server Configuration Manager (Start
All Programs Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Configuration Tools) to stop the SQL
Server Service.
2 Once SQL Server has started, use the Query Window application to restore the master
database. The T-SQL RESTORE command is used to restore the master database. (For
more information about the RESTORE command, see the SQL Server on-line books.)
3 The following example restores a master database from a tape device.
USE master
FROM TAPE = '\\.\Tape0'
Or from tape
USE master
FROM DISK = N'c:\EQBackup\master-full.bak

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-27

4 The following example restores an msdb database from a tape drive.

USE msdb
FROM TAPE = '\\.\Tape0'
Or from tape
USE msdb
FROM DISK = N'c:\EQBackup\msdb-full.bak

5 Once the restore has completed, the SQL Server will automatically be shut down.
6 Re-start the SQL Server from the SQL Service Manager. Restore the remaining system
and Exaquantum databases using the SQL Server Management Studio.
Restore Model Database
These system databases can be restored using the SQL Job named Exaquantum Database
restore from [Tape|Disk]. You should already have installed the master database if
A complete backup of the msdb and the model databases is taken every night using either the
complete backup job or the differential backup job. Differential backups of these databases
are not taken due to their relatively small size. Use the backup that matches the time you
wish to restore to, normally the most recent available. Insert the backup tape if required,
then run the job manually. The full procedure is:
1 Insert the correct tape in the tape drive, if required or ensure the correct disk file in in the
backup location.
2 Navigate to the Jobs section of SQL Server Management Studio.
3 Right-click on the job named Exaquantum Database restore.
4 Select Start Job at Step
5 If Start Job window can be shown, click on Start.
6 Wait for the pop-up message and verify the success of the restore.

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4-28 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Restore the Six Exaquantum Databases from the Last Complete Backup Set
The six Exaquantum databases can be restored using one of two Jobs, depending on whether
you are also restoring a differential backup. The distinction between the two Jobs shipped
with Exaquantum is explained in Table 4-3
Table 4-3 Exaquantum Jobs Description

Job Name Function

Exaquantum Restores the databases in an unrecovered state. This allows a
Complete Restore differential backup to be added to it. Databases cannot be used in an
from [Tape|Disk] unrecovered state. Use this job only if you are restoring a complete
(primary) backup set that will be followed by a differential backup set.
Exaquantum Restores the databases in an recovered state. Databases can be used
Complete Restore directly after the restore is completed. Use this job if you are
from [Tape|Disk] restoring a differential backup set or if you are restoring a complete
(final) backup set that will not be followed by a differential backup set.

1 Insert the first tape of the backup set in the tape drive, if required or ensure the correct
disk file in in the backup location.
2 Navigate to the Jobs section of Management Studio, right-click on the appropriate job:
Exaquantum Complete Restore from [Tape|Disk] (final)
- or -
Exaquantum Complete Restore from [Tape|Disk] (primary).
3 Select Start Job at Step...
4 Insert further tapes if required.
5 If Start Job window can be shown, click on Start.
6 Wait for the pop-up message and verify the success of the restore.
The complete backup set is now restored. You can now either restore a differential backup
set (if appropriate) or use the databases.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-29

Restore the Differential Backups from the Last Differential Backup Set
If you have run the primary restore job, you will now need to complete the operation by
restoring the differential backup set.
1 Insert the correct tape in the tape drive if required or ensure the correct disk file in in the
backup location.
2 Navigate to the Jobs section of SQL Server Management Studio.
3 Right-click on the job named Exaquantum Complete Restore (final).
4 Select Start Job at Step...
5 If Start Job window can be shown, click on Start.
6 Wait for the pop-up message and verify the success of the restore.
Your databases will now be restored to a consistent state.
Note: Some data loss will occur. The system cannot retrieve data sent from the OPC
gateway in the time between system shutdown and system start-up. This may
produce anomalies on reports that should be carefully monitored in the period after
Restart the Exaquantum Service and IIS Application Pools
Once the databases are restored you can start the Internet Information Service (IIS) application
pools used by the Exaquantum Web server must be restarted. The application pools are called:
Start the Exaquantum service using the Exaquantum Service Manager from your
Exaquantum menu.
Any other products and their (IIS) application pools stopped in the earlier step can be

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4-30 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Restoring Configuration Files

To restore configuration files that were backed up using Windows Backup, insert the
relevant tape into the tape drive and follow the restore procedure:
Note: For more information about the backup utility, see the Backup on-line help.
Disaster Recovery Plan
Naturally, it is hoped that your Exaquantum system will run reliably for its entire life.
However, outside forces such as fire or hardware failure can still cause system failure and so
it is sensible to have a disaster recovery plan in place. This section deals with the recovery
plan for an Exaquantum server. Clients should just be reinstalled with all relevant software.
The following plan is recommended for general use. You are encouraged to tailor it to your
exact needs.
The summary points of the plan are:
Replace any Damaged Hardware
You should have positively identified the cause of the failure before commencing recovery
Ensure the Network Connection is Restored
This will involve ensuring that the directory database is available on a domain-based system.
Add the User Groups (if required)
In a workgroup environment, and on some domain-based systems, the Exaquantum User
Groups are held on the Exaquantum server.
Add any User Accounts
User accounts are required to be local on some Exaquantum systems.
Note: The main Exaquantum user account will need to be given local administrator rights
on the Exaquantum server computer.
Install Exaquantum Pre-requisites
During the Exaquantum installation process the required pre-requisites are listed. The
installation process guides you through the pre-requisite installation procedures. For more
information, see the Exaquantum Installation Guide (IM 36J04A13-01E).
Install Exaquantum
The Exaquantum installation package guides you through installation procedures. For more
information, see the Exaquantum Installation Guide (IM 36J04A13-01E).
Restore Configuration Files (Mimics, Reports, Additional Program Code etc)
Use Windows Backup to restore your backed up configuration files.
For more information, see " Restoring Configuration Files".
Restore SQL System Databases
You will need to restore the SQL master database, followed by the msdb and model
For more information, see "Restore the Master and the MSDB Databases Manually" and
"Restore Model Database ".

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-31

Restore Exaquantum Databases

You will need to restore all six Exaquantum databases. Use the pre-defined SQL jobs to
achieve this.
For more information, see "Restore the Six Exaquantum Databases from the Last Complete
Backup Set".
Start the System
To start the Exaquantum system, use the Exaquantum Services Manager or the Windows
Services located in the Control Panel.
Restore any Archive Databases that are Required
Archived databases that contain history data that is used by the historian for reporting will
have to be restored to the Exaquantum system. Use the Historian Archive screen to restore
the databases. For more information about the Historian Archiving screen, see the
Exaquantum/PIMS User's manual (IM 36J04A11-01E).

If you are unsure about any stage you should refer to the relevant documentation. It is
important to consider recovery as a new installation. Failure to do this could lead to an
incomplete or incorrectly configured system.

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4-32 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

4.10 Starting and Stopping the Exaquantum Service

The Service Manager is used to start or stop the Exaquantum service. It also monitors the
progress of the start or stop operation. The Service Manager starts or stops each of the major
components of the service (for example the RTDB and Historian) in the required order. It
also provides control and monitoring for start up conditions such as History Catch-up.
The Service Manager shows the overall status of the Exaquantum service. The status can be:
Unknown: Unknown is displayed when the status of Exaquantum is unavailable. For
example, the user who is attempting to start Exaquantum does not have local
administrator privileges.
If History Catch-up at start up has been enabled (using the History Catch Up configuration
tool), the Service Manager will also show the progress of the History catch-up process. The
progress is calculated by comparing the total duration of the catch-up time against the time
that has actually been caught up; it continuously re-estimates the additional time required
before catch up is completed.
The Service Manager will also display the status of each OPC Server.
The Exaquantum server can be started and stopped manually or automatically.
1. To start or stop Exaquantum you must log on with a user account that has Exaquantum
Administrator privileges (QAdministratorGroup or QTM_MAINTENANCE) and local
administrator privileges. The account does not need to be a member of the Exaquantum
User Group or the Exaquantum administration group.
2. If Exaquantum Server service is used, the Exaquatum Web Server Service will not be
started automatically
3. If Exaquantum service is started automatically, check that the Exaquantum dependant
services are started before Exaquantum.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-33

Typical Scenarios
The Service Manager is used when it is necessary to start or stop the Exaquantum service.
Typical scenarios are:
Upgrades to the Exaquantum server software
Changes to the OPC Server configuration
Some changes to the Exaquantum configuration necessitate a restart of Exaquantum
before these changes are recognised. These are:
Changing the OPC server type
Changing the OPC server computer name
Changing the source of the timestamp.
Uncontrolled shutdown of the Exaquantum Server as a result of hardware, software or
power failure
Controlled shutdown on network failure to allow data from the shutdown period to be
recovered through History Catch-up at start up
Controlled shutdown initiated programmatically from a UPS system as a result of a
mains power failure.
History Catch-up
History Catch-up allows the Exaquantum system to recover data for the period between a
system shutdown and a restart. The data in the historian for a shutdown period will be
restored to form a seamless history of Exaquantum data. It does this by reading OPC data
from the OPC Server via the Historical Data Access (HDA) and Historical Alarm and Event
(HAE) interfaces.
History catchup time depend on shut down period, the number of tags, scan period, the load
of server system and so on.
When History catchup is running, as part of Exaquantum startup, the system load will be
high, compared with normal data gathering. This is especially true when tag update rates are
high (fast).

The data items that will be recovered during the History catch-up are:
Alarm and Event.

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4-34 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Update Rate
During a catch-up period, the OPC item update rate used by readers of an OPC tag is used.
Exceptions to this rule are as follows:
Data will be periodically recorded if the OPC Servers configuration is set to periodically
collect history data.
The fastest update rate is used when there are multiple update rates specified for one item.
This happens when the one-minute update rate is temporarily changed to 5 seconds, and
reverted to the original one minute later on. In this case restored history will be 5
seconds update rate until some period (default 48 hours) will pass.
For more detailed description of this behaviour refer to the Exaopc Manual.
Quality Codes
Quality codes are allocated as follows:
For OPC tags, a special data point with a quality code Uncertain-BeginCatch-up is
inserted at the time of commencing the catch-up with the last available value before the
shutdown. This value will be overwritten if a coincident point is read from the OPC.
If the catch-up fails in the middle of a catch-up operation, a shutdown mark of Uncertain-
Shutdown is inserted at this point.
Calculated tags have no special points inserted. Their quality is based upon the quality of
their inputs.
Aggregation items behave in the same manner as for any other shut down and start up.
The Uncertain/Shutdown marker is written at the start of the shut down period, and their
quality is based upon the quality of their input. If no data is retrieved at the beginning of
catch up, Aggregations will calculate as Uncertain based on their shutdown value until
the first catch up point is received.
History Catch-up Configuration Tool
The Exaquantum History Catch-up screen (History Catch-up configuration tool) is one of the
Exaquantum/PIMS configuration tools. It is here that the History Catch-up parameters can
be set:
Enable History Catch-up
Abort on First Failure
There are two options regarding data recovery: catch-up all downtime or catch-up from an
aggregation period boundary.
Catch-up All Downtime
History catch-up can recover data for all items between the Exaquantum Server shutdown
time and the start-up time.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-35

Catch-up from an Aggregation Period Boundary

History catch-up can recover a reduced amount of data for items between the Exaquantum
Server shutdown time and the start-up time. The catch-up to Aggregation Period Boundary
option uses the specified Aggregation Periods for the time to start the recovery of data. The
purpose is to get a consistent aggregation result for the specified aggregation period even if
the shutdown time is too long to recover the entire downtime period.
Recover Alarm and Events Data
The Alarm and Event History catch-up process runs in parallel with the live Exaquantum
system. When the Exaquntum system is live the current Alarm and Event data is collected,
stored and is available for viewing as normal. In parallel, Alarm and Event history catch-up
starts to fill the gap and, depending upon the length of the downtime, it may be some time
before the gap in Alarm and Event history is filled.
The Alarm and Event History catch-up is complete when it reaches the time that that
Exaquantum went live after starting up. This is identical to the end time of the catch-up of
the item data that took place during start up.
Note: Alarm and Events recovered during the History catch-up do not generate events for
History Catch-up Controls on the Service Manager
There are two control buttons related to History Catch-up on the Service Manager.
The effect of aborting the History catch-up process will always be to fail the Service start-
If you Abort the process, the History catch-up and the Exaquantum start-up processes are
stopped. This will cause Exaquantum to shut down.
The effect of skipping the History catch-up process will be to prematurely finish History
catch-up, and jump to the system available state. A clear warning is given to the user with
reference to this option.
It is not possible to re-start the History catch-up process after a Skip command has been
selected. All data that has not been recovered for this period will be lost.
Stopping and Starting Exaquantum to Upgrade Server Software
When upgrading the Exaquantum server software to the latest version, under normal
circumstances the process will take no more than 30 minutes. The following paragraphs give
an outline of the upgrade process.
1 The administrator checks that History Catch-up is enabled and that the History Catch-up
configuration options are correctly set. In this scenario the downtime is only 30 minutes
and the administrator will want to ensure that all the history for all the downtime is
caught up. For more information, see the History Catch-up Configuration Tool.
2 After informing the Exaquantum users of the impending system closure, the
administrator uses the Service Manager to Stop the Exaquantum service. He then carries
out the upgrade.

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4-36 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

3 When Exaquantum starts, History Catch-up is triggered automatically and data for the
entire shutdown period is retrieved from the OPC(s) Historical Data Access database
(HDA). The administrator can monitor the progress of the History catch-up through the
Service Manager.
4 Alarm and Event data is recovered from the OPC Historical Alarm and Event database
(HAE) after Exaquantum has started and in parallel with live A+E data collection.
Errors in the Data during History Catch-up
The behaviour of the Exaquantum start up, if an error is encountered during History catch-up, can
be set using the History Catch-up configuration tool (Exaquantum History Catch-up screen).
When Enable History Catch-up is selected (and Abort on First Failure is not selected) and
an OPC HDA request fails for the OPC Server, the History catch-up will be abandoned for
that OPC Server, but Exaquantum start-up will continue.

When the History catch-up process is abandoned, it is not possible to recover any data for the
shutdown period. All data for the shutdown period will be lost.

If Abort on First Error is selected and an OPC HDA request fails for the OPC Server, the
Exaquantum start-up will be abandoned. This will cause the Exaquantum start-up to fail.
Failing start-up gives the administrator the opportunity to correct the error and restart
Exaquantum. In this case, History catch-up is automatically restarted from a clean point
prior to the failure. As the Exaquantum system has not started, the data should not be lost.
The History catch-up period will cover the period of the attempted, and subsequent, restarts.
Note: It is possible that the error cannot be corrected. The administrator must then accept
that the data cannot be recovered through History catch-up. In this case, the
administrator can restart Exaquantum and control the behaviour using the
Exaquantum Service Manager control.
Excessive Recovery Time for History Catch-up
If the Exaquantum system has been shut down for an exceptional period of time, for large
systems the History catch-up process may take a considerable amount of time. In these
exceptional circumstances, a decision can be taken to accept that the data for the shutdown
period will not be recovered. In this scenario, there are two options available on the Service
Manager to the administrator:
Use Skip to prematurely terminate the History catch-up and make the Exaquantum
system available
Use Abort to abort the catch up and change the catch up setting to recover an
aggregation period rather than all data.
Note: Changing the catch up setting in this situation can only be achieved by using the SQL
Server Management Studio to change the database before restarting Exaquantum.
Check that the History Catch-up configuration is correct for the situation before stopping
Check the Event Log after a start-up and shutdown.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-37

How to Start, Stop and Shut Down the Exaquantum Server

The Exaquantum server can be started and stopped manually or automatically.
Note: To start or stop Exaquantum you must log on with a user account that has local
administration rights and is a member of one of the following groups:
QAdministratorGroup (Legacy Security Model)
QTM_MAINTENANCE (Standalone or Domain Security Model)
QTM_MAINTENANCE_LCL (Domain Security Model)
. The account does not need to be a member of the Exaquantum User Group.
Manual Control Procedure
The procedure to manually start, stop or shut down the Exaquantum server is as follows:
1 Run the Exaquantum Service Manager. The Service Manager window is displayed.
2 To start the Exaquantum/PIMS Server, click on Start. A pop-up message appears asking
Do you want to start Exaquantum?. Select Yes to start the process; STARTING is
displayed in the Status field.
3 When the Exaquantum/PIMS Server has started, you will hear a beep from your PCs
speaker. The Status field displays RUNNING.
4 To stop the Exaquantum/PIMS Server, click on Stop. A pop-up message appears asking
Do you want to stop Exaquantum?. Select Yes to stop the process; STOPPING is
displayed in the Status field.
5 When the Exaquantum/PIMS Server has stopped, you will hear a beep from your PCs
speaker. The Status field displays STOPPED.
6 To stop the Exaquantum/PIMS Server and shut down Windows, click on Shutdown. A
pop-up message appears asking Do you want to stop Exaquantum and shutdown
Windows ?. Select Yes to confirm.
7 When the Exaquantum/PIMS Server has stopped, you will hear a beep from your PCs
speaker and Windows shuts down.

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4-38 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Automatic Start
To start Exaquantum automatically at boot time the following configuration of the services
should be set:
Table 4-4 Services configuration for starting Exaquantum automatically

Scenario Service Setting Comments

Server Only Exaquantum Automatic The Exaquantum service will
start the Exaquantum Server
Exaquantum Server Manual
Web Server Exaquantum Automatic The Exaquantum service will
Only start the Exaquantum Web
Exaquantum Web Server Manual
Server service
Server and Exaquantum Automatic The Exaquantum service will
Web Server start the Exaquantum Server
Exaquantum Server Manual
Combined and Exaquantum Web Server
Exaquantum Web Server Manual services

The procedure to follow to ensure that the Exaquantum processes start automatically when
the Exaquantum machine restarts is given below.
1 Run the Administrative Tools window.
2 From the Administrative Tools window, run the Services window (Figure 4-1).
Figure 4-1 Services Window

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-39

3 Select Exaquantum service, right mouse click and select Properties. The Exaquantum
Service Properties window (Figure 4-2) is displayed.
Figure 4-2 Service Properties Window

4 In the Startup type field (Figure 4-2) select Automatic.

5 Click on OK to save the change and close the Service window.
6 Click on Close to close the Services window (Figure 4-1).
Automatic Stop or Shutdown
To stop the Exaquantum processes you cannot rely entirely on the Windows Shutdown
mechanism. If Windows shutdown occurs on an Exaquantum Server before the Exaquantum
Server processes have been shut down, data loss may occur.
The Exaquantum processes may be shut down from a script using the ExaQAgent command.
This may be used on a system with an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). It should be
called soon after the power fails to allow enough time for the Exaquantum/PIMS Server
processes to shut down before the Windows shutdown occurs.

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4-40 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

The ExaQAgent Command

The ExaQAgent command can be used to programatically control the starting and stopping
of the Exaquantum Server.
Local admin privilege is required to access and run the ExaQAgent command.
Its run-string options are as follows:
ExaQAgent /start
ExaQAgent /stop [timeout (default:600000 ms)]
ExaQAgent /shutdown [timeout (default:600000 ms)]
/start Start Exaquantum Server
/stop Stop Exaquantum Server
/shutdown Stop Exaquantum Server and shutdown
The timeout options allow the maximum time to perform the Exaquantum Server shutdown
before abandoning the operation. For the shutdown option, if the timeout occurs while trying
to stop the Exaquantum processes, then the NT shutdown will be initiated.
Shutdown with Windows Script
When Windows is shutdown whilst Exaquantum is running, it is possible that Exaquantum
will not shutdown cleanly and data may be lost. To ensure this does not happen without the
knowledge of the administrator, a script can be configured to execute during the windows
shutdown procedure.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-41

Operational procedure
The following explains the procedures for:
1 Registration of the Shutdown Script
2 Removal of the Shutdown Script
3 Setting the Timeout Period
4 Operation of the Shutdown Script
Registration of the Shutdown Script
Perform the following steps to register the Exaquantum shutdown script in the Windows
shutdown settings.
1 Locate the Run or Search dialog.
2 In the Run or Search dialog, type in "gpedit.msc" and click "OK".
3 The Group Policy console is displayed.
Figure 4-3 Group Policy console

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4-42 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

4 Open Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) - Windows Settings - Computer Configuration - Local

Computer Policy and double-click Shutdown. The Shutdown Properties panel is
Figure 4-4 Group Policy console Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)

Figure 4-5 Shutdown Properties

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-43

5 Click the Add button and the Add a Script panel will be displayed.
Figure 4-6 Shutdown Properties Add a script

Figure 4-7 Add a Script dialog

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4-44 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

6 Enter the path for <Exaquantum Installation Folder>\System\WaitEQshutdown.exe in

the Script Name field and click OK.
Figure 4-8 Add a Script dialog

Figure 4-9 WaitEQshutdown.exe

7 Click OK to complete the operation.

Figure 4-10 Shutdown Properties dialog

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-45

Removal of the Shutdown Script

Perform the following steps to disable the Exaquantum shutdown script:
1 Locate the Run or Search dialog.
2 In the Run or Search dialog, type in "gpedit.msc" and click "OK".
3 The Group Policy console is displayed.
Figure 4-11 Group Policy console

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4-46 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

4 Open Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) - Windows Settings - Computer Configuration - Local

Computer Policy and double-click Shutdown. The Shutdown Properties panel is
Figure 4-12 Group Policy console Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)

Figure 4-13 Shutdown Properties dialog

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-47

5 Select the <Exaquantum Installation Folder>\System\WaitEQshutdown.exe entry and

click the Remove button.
Figure 4-14 Shutdown Properties dialog - Remove

6 Click OK to complete the operation.

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4-48 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Setting the Timeout Period

If Windows is shutdown while Exaquantum is running the configured shutdown script will
be executed. . If the shutdown script is not completed within the configured timeout period,
windows shutdown is executed. In this case, collected data may not be saved. This is because
Exaquantum is not stopped correctly. Follow the steps below to set the time out period:
1 Double-click QSystemConfigTool.exe in the <Exaquantum Installation
Folder>\Developer Tools folder.
2 The System Configuration panel is displayed. Select the General tab.
3 Set the timeout period for the "Timeout Exaquantum shutdown after" field in "PC
shutdown measures" section.
Set sufficient time for Exaquantum to shutdown. The items to consider in setting this timeout
are the number of registered tags, connected clients and the UPS availability.
When "Notify Clients on Server Shutdown" is not selected (in general tab), the termination
processing is reduced as clients are not notified of the server shutdown. However, this will
leads to un graceful connection loss to the server from the client and error messages may be
displayed. In this situation the client user should close the client application and await the
restart of the server.
The default is 10 minutes.
Figure 4-15 System Configuration panel

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 4-49

4 Click "OK" to complete the operation.

Note: Maximum wait time for scripts whose default is 600 seconds. When Exaquantum
timeout Period sets more than ten minutes, it is necessary to change wait time for
script. It can be prevented shutdown in ten minutes.
In case time out period sets more than 10 minutes, Perform the following operation to
change the Maximum wait time for scripts.
1 Locate the Run or Search dialog.
2 In the Run or Search dialog, type in "gpedit.msc" and click "OK".
3 The "Group Policy" console is displayed.
Figure 4-16 Group Policy console

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4-50 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

4 Open Computer Configuration Administrative Templates - System - Scripts - and

double-click Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts. The Maximum wait time for
Group Policy scripts panel is displayed.
Figure 4-17 Group Policy Object Editor

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Figure 4-18 Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts Properties

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4-52 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

5 Select Enable and set wait time in seconds area, and set Maximum wait time for Group
Policy scripts.
For Not Configured , the Default wait time is 600 seconds.
If the timeout period is set to 30 minutes, then maximum wait time is set to 1800 seconds.
If the timeout period is set to 1 hour, then maximum wait time is infinite.
Figure 4-19 Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts Properties - Enabled

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6 Click OK to complete the operation.

7 The Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts is now enabled.
Figure 4-20 Group Policy Object Editor

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4-54 Chapter 4 Normal System Operation

Operation of the Shutdown Script

The following dialog is displayed when Windows is shutdown, Exaquantum is running, and
WaitEQshutdown.exe is registered as a shutdown script.
Figure 4-21 Exaquantum shutdown dialog

When Exaquantum has shutdown the dialog will be closed.. The time from when the
shutdown was invoked to now, Timeout Duration, is displayed as in the image below:
Figure 4-22 Exaquantum shutdown dialog Timeout Duration

When the Terminate Now button is clicked a confirmation message dialog is displayed. If
YES is clicked Exaquantum will be terminated. If selecting this option there is a possiblility
that data may be lost.
Figure 4-23 Terminate Now dialog

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 5-1

Chapter 5 OPC Gateways

All Exaquantum data values are accompanied by a data quality indicator made up of a 32-bit
integer. The bottom 16 bits indicate the Primary Quality, and the top 16 bits indicate the
Secondary Quality.
The Primary Quality gives the main indication of the Quality of the data, and is all that most
users need. The Secondary Quality provides additional information to the Primary Quality.
Details of the assignment of information in the 32-bit data quality indicator are given in
Table 5-1 and Table 5-2.
Table 5-1 Quality Indicators

Use Bits Meaning Use by Exaquantum

Secondary 31-16 See Table 5-2. Specific Exaquantum codes used to
Quality complement the bottom 16 bits.
(Top 16 bits)
Primary 15-8 Used by OPC values but See OPC Data Qualities (5.1).
Quality Vendor specific
(Bottom 16
7-6 Primary data quality : Used to indicate if the value is
00 BAD 0 Good, Uncertain or Bad.
10 (Not used) 128
11 GOOD 192
5-0 Used by OPC values but See OPC Data Qualities (5.1).
Vendor specific

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

5-2 Chapter 5 OPC Gateways

The Exaquantum Secondary Quality codes are as follows (0x indicates that the value is in
Table 5-2 Secondary Quality Codes

Code Used By Description Bottom 16 bits

0x0000 All components None. See Table 5-1

0x0001 Scripted calculations Bad Calculation. 0x0000 Bad

and aggregations

0x0002 Aggregations Estimated Value. Varies

0x0003 Items Offline the status when an item is 0x0000 Bad

first created.

0x0004 Historian Offline Archive 0x0000 Bad

(A dummy value inserted by the
historian at the beginning of a period
of archived data that is offline, i.e.
where a history query contains a
period of archived data that is offline.)

0x0005 Historian Not Available 0x0000 Bad

(A dummy value inserted by the
historian at the beginning of a period
for which history data is not available,
i.e. before the time that historisation

0x0006 Items Shutdown - written by an item to 0x0040

history at shutdown. Uncertain

0x0007 OPC Interface OPC Error - written to items when a 0x0000 Bad
fault occurs with communication to
the OPC Server.

0x0008 Time Change The Exaquantum Server time has been Can be 0x0040 -
changed Uncertain or
0x0000 - Bad
depending on the
extent of the time

0x0009 Begin Catch Up Indicates the start time of History 0x0040 -

Catch Up. This value will be Uncertain
overwritten if a coincident point is
read from the OPC.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 5-3

5.1 OPC Data Qualities

Data read from the OPC Server has additional Quality information held in bits 0-5 and 8-15
(Table 5-1). This information is preserved for raw data items read directly from the OPC
Server, but is lost (always zero) for derived data such as Aggregation results and Calculated
Note: For the Exaopc OPC Server, the mapping of Function Block states to Quality codes
is configurable. This may lead to similar data from different OPC Servers or
Exaquantum systems not having identical Data Qualities.
For more information about Quality Codes for the Exaopc Server and qualities, see
the Yokogawa Document IM 36J02A11-01E.
5.2 Aggregation Result Data Qualities
The data quality for an aggregation result is derived from the input item based on the
following algorithm:
If the input item has a Primary Quality of GOOD for at least 85% of the aggregation
period, then the aggregation result data quality is GOOD; otherwise the aggregation
result data quality is BAD and the Secondary Quality is Bad Calculation (0x0001).
Note: The %Good value can be configured using Microsoft SQL.
The latest value of an aggregation result is updated each time the input value changes, not
just at the end of the aggregation period. In this case, the Secondary Quality is set to
Estimated Value (0x0002), and the Primary Quality is calculated based on the above
Note 1: An input item data quality is treated as follows:
Input of Good for 100% of the time = GOOD
Input of Bad for > 15% (good between 0 85%) of the time = BAD
All other inputs = UNCERTAIN.
Note 2: For the time that the Exaquantum service is not running, i.e. the Exaquantum Server
is shutdown, the input Primary Quality is taken as BAD.

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5-4 Chapter 5 OPC Gateways

5.3 Calculation Result Data Quality

The data quality for a calculation result is derived from the input item based on the following
If all input items to a calculated Tag have a Primary Quality of GOOD when the
calculation is evaluated, then the calculation result data quality is GOOD; otherwise the
calculation result data quality is BAD, and the Secondary Quality is Bad Calculation
Note 1: The input data quality takes the worst of the input quality values. If most of the
quality values are good with one uncertain then the data quality value is set as
Note 2: Calculations are evaluated at server start-up or when they are initially created, and
when any one of the inputs change Value or Data Quality.
Data Quality Examples
The following table shows examples of common data qualities:
Table 5-3 Data Quality Examples

Quality Quality Primary Secondary Meaning

value as value in Quality Quality
a 32 bit hexadecimal

192 0x000000C0 Good None A Good Value

393280 0x00060040 Uncertain Shutdown A value read from history indicating

a shutdown.

65536 0x00010000 Bad Bad Calculation An aggregation result if the input

item is not GOOD for 85 % of the
period. See Aggregation Result Data
Qualities (5.2).

131264 0x000200C0 Good Estimated Value An aggregation result latest value

calculated before the end of the
aggregation period. See Aggregation
Result Data Quality (5.2).

Exaquantum accepts three data qualities, good, bad and uncertain. There are 26 recognised
states for data, all of which are assigned one of the three quality codes.
It is possible to decide which quality flag should be assigned to each individual data status.
If a tag is undergoing maintenance, the quality code assigned by default is 'bad'.
You may have mimics configured to highlight tags that unexpectedly show a 'bad'
quality. To avoid having tags that are known to be off-line causing a highlight, it
may be preferred to set the Maintenance status so that it displays an uncertain data

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 5-5

5.4 Changing the Quality Code for a Yokogawa Exaopc

The following procedure deals with changing the quality code assignments. For more
information about Exaopc refer to the Exaopc documentation.
On the Exaquantum OPC Server, open the Exaopc Setup Window.
1 Run the Exaopc Setup Window from the Yokogawa Exa folder.
2 Select the Quality Code tab.
The 26 data states are shown. The quality code assigned to each one is indicated via the
radio buttons.
Note: The third state (uncertain) is not named on this screen.
3 To change the quality code, click on the radio button next to the data state you want to
To change the quality code for Maintenance State from Bad to Uncertain, click in
the right Maintenance State radio button.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

5-6 Chapter 5 OPC Gateways

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 6-1

Chapter 6 System Evolution

6.1 OPC Server Addition
For more information about the adding an OPC server, see the Exaquantum Engineering
Guide Volume 3 Support Tools (IM 36J04A15-03E).
6.2 Adding Clients
For more information about adding client to the Exaquantum system refer to the Exaquantum
Engineering Guide Volume 2 Network Configuration (IM 36J04A15-02E).
6.3 Disk Space Extension
As the business life expectancy of the Exaquantum system is measured in years, it is natural
to expect that business changes will occur and that these changes will affect the rate at which
Exaquantum uses the disk space that has been allocated. The most common events that
affect the growth rate are:
Natural growth
Adding new tags
Increasing the rate at which data is stored
Retaining data on line for longer periods
Adding new functionality.
Either singly or in combination these events may cause the Exaquantum database to outgrow
its current location and necessitate the addition of disk space and movement of one or more
of the data files to new physical disks or partitions.
Note: This procedure applies to Exaquantum databases only. If system databases need to
be moved, then SQL Server must be re-installed on the new disk or partition.
Each Exaquantum database stores its configuration and data in a number of files. This
allows finer control over the distribution of Exaquantum data across several disk partitions of
the same disk or multiple disks.
If we examine the Historian Data database structure we will find that schema information is
held in the QHistorianData.mdf file (Primary file) while data is distributed across two data
files QHistorianData1.ndf and QHistorianData2.ndf (Secondary files). The transaction log
for this database is held in QHistorianData_log.log. Together these files make up the
physical storage for the Historian Data database.
The Historian Data database is divided into these files in order to facilitate the re-distribution
of the data due to size constraints or to improve performance. If the data files become too
large for the current disk partition then it may only be necessary to move one of the data files.
Performance gains could also be realized by splitting heavily used databases such as the
Historian Data database across different physical disks. In RAID systems the data is already
striped across all the physical disks so no performance gain will result from moving files
across partitions.
Table 6-1 lists the files that make up each of the Exaquantum databases.

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6-2 Chapter 6 System Evolution

Table 6-1 Exaquantum Databases

Database Filenames Type

QConfig QConfig.mdf Primary

QConfig1.ndf Secondary

QConfig2.ndf Secondary

QConfig _log.ldf Log

ExaquantumFramework ExaquantumFramework.mdf Primary

ExaquantumFramework_1.ndf Secondary

ExaquantumFramework_2.ndf Secondary

ExaquantumFramework_log.ldf Log

QWeb QWeb.mdf Primary

QWeb_1.ndf Secondary

QWeb_2.ndf Secondary

QWeb_log.ldf Log

FrameworkSchema FrameworkSchema.mdf Primary

FrameworkSchema_log.ldf Log

QHistorianAdmin QHistorianAdmin.mdf Primary

QHistorianAdmin.ndf Secondary

QHistorianAdmin_log.ldf Log

QHistorianData QHistorianData.mdf Primary

QHistorianData1.ndf Secondary

QHistorianData2.ndf Secondary

QHistorianData_log.ldf Log

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 6-3

Planning a Database Move

Make sure that it is possible to recover the database by taking a security copy of the database
to external media.
Before moving one or more files or databases, it is necessary to ensure there is enough disk
space on the new device or partition. You must also know the initial location of the data
By default all Exaquantum database are held in the MSSQL\Data directory on the drive
where SQL Server was installed. This is where the required files must be moved from after
the database has been detached.
In order to find the current sizes of the database files that are to be moved, and the location
of these files (if they have already been moved from the default SQL Server data directory),
it is necessary to use SQL Server Management Studio.
Display the SQL Server Management Studio
1 Run the SQL Server Management Studio.
2 Input the settings below in the Connect to server window, and click on Connect.
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: Exaquantum Server name
Authentication: Windows Authentication
3 Expand the entry for the database server and Databases. A list of all Exaquantum and
system databases is displayed.
4 Right-click on the database you want to move.
5 In the Console menu select Properties. The Database Properties window is displayed.
This window shows the name, location and current size of each file that makes up the
database. Click files in the left area for the databases log file.
6 Record the information for the files that will be moved.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

6-4 Chapter 6 System Evolution

Moving Database File(s) Overview

There is no single command that allows existing database files to be moved. Instead the
following procedure must be performed, in this order:
Detach the database
Move the database file(s) to the other disk/partition
Attach the database specifying the new location of the moved file(s).
Note: When attaching a database, the name and physical location of the primary file must
be specified. The primary file contains the information needed to find the other
files comprising the database it is necessary to specify only the location of the files
that have changed location.
For example, files originally located on the C:\MsSQL\Data subdirectory that are
now located on the D:\MsSQL\Data subdirectory.
Any files that have changed location must be specified. Otherwise, SQL Server
will try to attach the files based on the file location information stored in the
primary file. If the files have changed location, they will not be found, and the
database will not be successfully attached.
SQL provides two stored procedures to detach and then re-attach the database:
Both take the name of the database that is being operated on; sp_attach_db takes
one or more paths to the files whose location has been modified.
Using SQL Server Query Window
SQL Server Query Window allows SQL statements to be executed against SQL Server
databases. In order to detach and attach databases it is necessary to execute two stored
procedures using Query Window.
1 Run the SQL Server Management Studio.
Note: The SQL Server name can be . (period) as we are operating on the same server.
2 Input the settings below in the Connect to server window, and click on Connect.
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: Exaquantum Server name
Authentication: Windows Authentication
3 Click New Query on the Management Studio Window. The SQL Server Query
Window is displayed.
The SQL Server Query Window by default will connect to SQL Server and select the
master database. All commands for detaching and attaching other Exaquantum
databases can be made from the master database context.
SQL queries or stored procedures and their parameters can be entered. Once a command
is entered, pressing the tick icon checks its syntax. The window is now split into two
panes. The lower pane holds status messages and returned results.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 6-5

On the SQL Server Query Window, click the green play button (or press the F5 key on
the keyboard) to execute the command.
How to Move a Database
1 Take a security copy of the database.
2 Stop Exaquantum, if it is running.
3 Stop all other applications that access SQL Server and ensure that no Query Windows
within SQL Server Management Studio are accessing the database to be removed.
4 Start SQL Server, if it is not already running.
5 Identify the database and database files to be moved as described in the Planning section.
6 Launch the Query Window application so that detach and attach stored procedures can be
issued. Refer to the section Using SQL Server Query Window on how to start and use
this application.
7 Issue the sp_detach_db stored procedure in the SQL Server Query Window; in the top
pane of the SQL Server Query Window, enter the following command:
sp_detach_db @dbname=<Name of the database to detach>
8 Click on the blue tick symbol to check that the format is correct. The message The
command(s) completed successfully. will be displayed in the lower pane of the SQL
Server Query Window.
9 Click on the green play symbol (or press the F5 key on the keyboard) to execute the
detach command.
Note: If the detach operation was successful, the following status message will be
displayed in the SQL Server Query Window status pane:
Successfully detached database <Name of the database to detach>.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your
system administrator.
If the database name is not correct (mistyped), then in the SQL Server Query
Window status pane the following message will be displayed:
Server: Msg 15010, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
The database <Name of the database to detach> does not exist. Use
sp_helpdb to show available databases.
If another application is still accessing the database then the following error will
be displayed:
Server: Msg 3702, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
It will be necessary to shut down the application before continuing.
Cannot drop the database <Name of the database to detach> because it is
currently in use.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your
system administrator.

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6-6 Chapter 6 System Evolution

10 Move the required files that were identified during the planning stage of this process to
their new locations. The files can be moved in the normal manner using Microsoft
Windows Explorer.
11 The database must be reattached by executing the sp_attach_db stored procedure in
SQL Server Query Window. The sp_attach_db takes the name of the database that is to
be attached, followed by the location and name of the primary file for the database, and
the location and names of all files that have been moved.
sp_attach-db @dbname=<Name of the database to attach>,
@filename1=<Primary file path/name>,
@filename2=<Additional moved file path/name>,
12 On successful attachment of the database, in the status window of SQL Server Query
Window, the following message will be displayed:
Successfully attached database <Name of the database to attach>
If the path and/or filename of the primary or one of the moved files is incorrect, in the
status window of SQL Server Query Window the following message will be displayed:
Server: Msg 5105, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
Device activation error. The physical file name <File path/name> may be incorrect.
13 Restart Exaquantum.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 7-1

Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
7.1 Event Viewer
This section covers the functions of the Event Viewer that are considered of use. However,
in the case of any system failure, we recommended that users follow the procedures detailed
in this section to make better use of the facility. For more information about the Event
Viewer, refer to the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer Online Help.
Error and information messages that are generated by Exaquantum are written to the Event
Log during the normal operation of Exaquantum and therefore, the Event Log is a primary
source of troubleshooting information. Event Logs can also be saved, and when necessary,
sent electronically to enable troubleshooting to be carried out at other support locations. A
copy of the relevant event log is always useful when analysing problems reported with
It is good practice to examine the event logs regularly verify good working order of the
Exaquantum system.
All Exaquantum modules can write to the event log as can most external applications.
There are three types of event log; System, Security and Application.
This records events logged by the Windows system components. For example, the failure of
a driver or other system component to load during startup is recorded in the System log.
This records security events. This helps track changes to the security system and to identify
any possible breaches to security. For example, attempts to log on to the system may be
recorded in the Security log, depending on the Audit settings in User Manager. You can
view the security log only if you are an Administrator for a computer.
This log contains errors relating to security. It is rarely used when troubleshooting
Exaquantum problems as the only messages likely to appear in this log are from DCOM
errors and these are normally duplicated in the Application Log. However, in the case of
suspected DCOM errors, it can be useful to access this log.
This records events logged by applications running on the computer, such as the various
components that make up Exaquantum.
The log files (System log, Security log, Application log) are located as follows.

Folder name : %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs

System log file name : System.evtx
Security log file name : Security.evtx
Application log file name : Application.evtx
Note: It is the Application event log that most users of the Exaquantum system will use to
troubleshoot Exaquantum servers.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

7-2 Chapter 7 Trouble Shooting

There are various levels of severity for each log entry. The levels of severity are identified
by symbols: error, warning and information.

Error messages can help determine any problems with an Exaquantum system particularly in
the application log. They must be given prompt attention. For example, problems with
missing or faulty tag IDs will appear as will any problems with writing data to the historian.

Warning messages are of interest to a user but do not necessarily need immediate attention.
An example is a warning that a hard drive is getting near capacity. Although important to
address, these warnings are not normally a direct result of running Exaquantum. These
messages are more common in the system log and are not often of use for Exaquantum

Information messages typically inform users that expected events took place, eg starting the

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 7-3

Using the Event Viewer

There are two ways in which the Event viewer should be used.
System Administration
It is recommended that the Event Log is checked at least every week, preferably every day.
This should be the role of the system administrator.
Note: The Event Log can be accessed from a remote computer.
Using the Event Log for Trouble Shooting
The following points are a given as a guide or starting point for any trouble shooting
1 Check the system log for any errors that are related to Exaquantum.
2 Access the application log. Identify the earliest Error Message logged.
3 View the events in chronological order to build up a picture of what has happened.
4 Identify the last service start time before the errors started.
5 Identify what was happening immediately before the error (s) appeared.
6 Identify the Exaquantum function in which the error has occurred. For example:
Was it during an archive?
Was it during an Equalisation?
Was the user trying to create manual or calculation tags?
Was the user adding an entry to one of the product tools?
Was anything else happening on the system at the time?
7 Establish the following:
Did the error occur during start-up or normal operation?
What the user was doing at the time of the error?
This approach will determine the basic information required to assess the individual errors
and their meanings.
Advanced Trouble Shooting
The Event Log is a very useful first source of trouble-shooting information. However
sometimes it is not possible to understand the full nature of an error without further analysis
of the cause. There are a number of support tools shipped with Exaquantum that allow an
advanced users further on-site diagnosis to be performed. For more information, see the
Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 3 Support Tools (IM 36J04A15-03E).

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

7-4 Chapter 7 Trouble Shooting

7.2 Database Checks

There are six Exaquantum databases, each of which has a specific use. The Configuration
and the QHistorianAdmin databases are relatively small in capacity and will not increase in
size significantly during the life of an Exaquantum system.
The Historian data database, QHistorianData, contains all historical values that are written to
Exaquantum. This database can expand rapidly and can grow to be very large indeed.
Therefore it will be necessary to archive data to an off-line source.
For more information about archiving data refer to the Exaquantum/PIMS User's Manual
(IM 36J04A11-01E).
The purpose of this section is to describe how to check the size of your databases.
Checking the Size of the Databases
1 Run the SQL Server Management Studio.
In the left pane, in the node called SQL Server Group, click on the + sign to expand the node.
2 Select your Exaquantum server computer name. Click on the + sign to expand the node.
3 Select Databases and click on the + sign to expand the node. A list of all available
databases is displayed.
4 Right Click on the database name that you wish to view, eg QHistorianData.
5 Select Properties.
The General Page shows the size and space available.
Note: This is the total space allocated for this database during setup, not the total space
on the computer.
The space allocated will depend on how you originally configured your Exaquantum
When you have established the status of your databases you should also check the amount of
physical disk space remaining:
1 Double-click on the My Computer icon
2 Right-click on the drive that the databases are held on and select Properties.
A graphic shows how much disk space is used and how much is available.
Note: The disk space used may not be full. If a database is allocated 100 MB of disk
space then that 100 MB is reserved and therefore used even if there is no data in
the database tables.
It is possible that your QHistorianData database resides on a different disk to the
other two. In this case you may wish to check both disks although in practise it
is only the QHistorianData database that will increase in size significantly.
You now have a guide to the status of your databases. You should know:
How much space you have allocated for each database
How much of that allocation has been used
How much free space there is on the physical disk.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 7-5

Potential Problems and their Solutions

A few of the more common problems and how to resolve them are given in this section.
QHistorianAdmin and QConfiguration Databases
These six databases should not cause any administrative problems, as they are not subject to
significant growth in capacity. Once they are created there should be no need to check them.
QHistorianData Database
This is the database that holds all updating values and it is the one that will increase in size
during operation. There are two things to monitor:
Database approaching full allocation
If the database is close to full, data may be lost. Yokogawa recommend that users
maintain five percent free space in QHistorianData as contingency.
Physical disk containing database is nearly full.
If physical disk fills up, it may not be possible to manully increase the database size, or to
create an archive. Yokogawa recommend that ten percent free disk space is maintained,
on the disks that hold the files for the QHistorianData database. If this disk space is
already less than ten percent, please refer to the section "Low Physical Disk Capacity".
Database approaching full allocation
During the creation of, or expansion of the databases you may have specified the amount of
space to be reserved for the HistorianData database.
Database Reaching Full Allocation
By default, databases created in Microsoft SQL Server are set to autoexpand. This means
when they fill their allocated capacity, they will expand at a rate set-up during creation. This
is normally by a percentage of current size. However the process of auto-expand will slow
down the performance of Exaquantum. For the QHistorianData database, auto-expand is
disabled for this reason.
Increasing Allocation for a Database
To increase the space allocated you should first check that there is sufficient space available
on the physical hard drive. It is difficult to give an accurate figure as to how much of the
hard disk it is safe to use. As a guide, you should always have space equal to at least 10% of
your database size. This is to ensure that your database or any other software will not
completely fill the disk which could lead to data loss.
For more information, refer to "Using the Exaquantum Database Expansion Tool" in the
Exaquantum Installation Guide (IM 36J04A13-01E).

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

7-6 Chapter 7 Trouble Shooting

Low Physical Disk Capacity

If your physical disk space is almost full we do not recommend increasing the allocation for
your database.
If your remaining disk space is less than 10% of the HistorianData database then you should
do one of the following:
Move the database to a larger disk
Increase the size of the disk you are using. For more information, see Chapter 6.3, "Disk
Space Extension
Archive history data to free disk space.
7.3 Problems with Exaquantum Installation
This section provides reference information for some advanced administration tools. This
information is included for completeness, but it is not intended that these tools should be
used out of context.
Only users familiar with the following applications should use these tools.
QDCOMConfig Tool
QDCOMConfig.exe is supplied with Exaquantum to help DCOM and Service configuration.
It is located in the following location:
\Yokogawa\Exaquantum PIMS\System
QDCOMConfig is used quietly by the Exaquantum Installation program to set up the correct
configuration. Therefore it is not normally necessary to run QDCOMConfig unless some
part of the configuration must be modified after installation.
Note : QDCOMConfig Tool can be used Legacy Model only.

Using QDCOMConfig
QDCOMConfig may be run on an Exaquantum Server computer or an Exaquantum Client
It must be run by users who have local Administration rights.
For further information on using QDCOMConfig and entering the required information
please refer to Accessing The Domain Quantumuser Account in IM 36J04A13-01E A
Exaquantum Installation Guide.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration 8-1

Chapter 8 Extending the System

8.1 Configuring Custom Library for the Server Calculations
Users may configure custom COM objects for integrated use within calculation scripts.
To achieve this, proceed as follows:
Write a component to provide a set of automation interfaces (this is not covered in this
Register the component into the Exaquantum system
Restart Exaquantum to make the functions recognised by the RTDB
Configure calculations to make use of custom functions (See the Exaquantum/PIMS
Users Manual).

8.2 How to Register Components

A table CalcLibrary in the QConfig database is used to register custom components. There
is no specific tool provided for this purpose. Users may use SQL Servers Management
Studio to register components.
The CalcLibrary table contains one row for each external library component for use within
Table 8-1 CalcLibrary Table

Column Name Comments

ObjectName Name to be used for the instance of this object, e.g.


ProgId The ProgId of the component, e.g.


IsGlobal Indicates if object should be global (shared by all


IsNamed Indicates if object should be named.

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

8-2 Chapter 8 Extending the System

8.3 Notes on Fields of the CalcLibrary Table

If the IsGlobal flag is set, a single instance is created to be shared by all calcs. Otherwise
each calc gets its own instance created when the calc is started and is released when the calc
is shutdown. It is recommended to set this flag to avoid otherwise incurred overhead.
If the IsNamed flag is set, the ObjectName must be used to reference the object from script,
e.g. QQualityHelper.IsGood( lqual )
Otherwise object properties and methods may be referenced like intrinsic functions, but care
must be taken to avoid namespace conflicts, e.g. IsGood( lqual )
In the case of namespace conflicts, the behaviour is undefined. It is recommended that
IsNamed should be set TRUE to avoid namespace conflicts.
Note 1: The system is shipped with a system library QQualityHelper configured as an
example, in which the IsNamed flag is set to False. This is to preserve backward
compatibility. As stated above, setting the value to TRUE is usually recommended.
Note 2: Any malfunctioning library functions can cause a serious hazard for the entire
RTDB functions. Debug library functions thoroughly before they are put into

IM 36J04A15-01E 14th Edition Issue 1 February 21st 2014

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