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Betl Aksakal, Bra Uysal, Ezgi Kangal, pek ztrk

CEIT 319 - Instructional Technology and Material Development Reflection

We have chosen the Seasons as our unit because we think that it is a topic from
childrens daily lives and we could find a lot of different activities related with seasons and
we can support them with several visuals.

First, we think about activities that we can prepare about seasons. After finding some
possible activities we chose some of the best ideas and tried to improve them. After deciding
our three activities, we have chosen the tools that we can integrate into these activities. We
have used Prezi,, Weebly, Animoto, Google Forms and Popplet. We have used these
tools for several purposes such as teaching and making assessments after the activities.

While preparing our activities our main purpose is that preparing activities which
children will have an active participation. We tried to use open ended questions in order to
make children more involved into the subject and encourage them to think critically.
For the evaluation part, we used Google Forms. We prepared an activity for children to
also involve the families/ guardians of the children. A google form that makes children to
practice once they are in home so that they can practice with the help of their parents.

We have tried to consider all phases of the ASSURE Model while designing our plan
about seasons. For the Analyze Learners phase; we identified the students. While
identifying the students, we focused on their age, developmental stages and their background
knowledge about the seasons concept. For the State Standards and Objectives phase; we
have determined some objectives for our activities and we used the ABCD model while
stating our objectives. For the Select Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials
phase; we have decided on what kind of strategies and technologies that we can use while
conducting our activities and giving the seasons concept. While choosing the strategies,
materials etc. we mostly focus on the prerequisites of the concept that we chose and the
educational needs of the children in the age group that we determined. For the Utilize
Technology, Media, and Materials phase; we used the tools that we know in details. We
prepared the technologies that we will use while conducting our activities, and while
preparing these tools the main purpose of us is providing student-centered learning
experiences for children. For the Require Learner Participation phase; we tried to
support childrens learning by providing necessary technology and media. The activities that
we prepared require active participation of the students. For the Evaluate and Revise
phase; we planned what kind of assessment tools that we can use and also we tried to prepare
Betl Aksakal, Bra Uysal, Ezgi Kangal, pek ztrk

effective methods to evaluate childrens learning because we know that the evaluation part is
really important and it shows us whether our objectives worked or not.

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