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Homework for the Week of June 2 June 9

LANGUAGE Read at least 10 minutes every night. After you read, identify the
elements of the story. Try to make inferences while you read
(about how the character is feeling, about what is happening).
Bring your bag back
to school by June Use the provided paper bag to create an artifact bag with 5-7
9th, 2017. items that tell something about yourself. You can use pictures if
the objects are too large, or you cant bring the item to school.
Be creative! Bring your bag back to school by Friday, June 9.
In class, we will randomly pick a bag, take out each item, and make
an inference based on each object (e.g., Bookmark I can infer
that this person likes to read because theres a bookmark in their
bag and I know a bookmark is used to mark a page when we are
not done reading a book.).

FRENCH Read at least 10 minutes every night. After you read, identify the
elements of the story. Try to make inferences while you read
(about how the character is feeling, about what is happening).

Dicte on Friday, Review the Mots magiques from last week: voler, nager, ramper,
June 9, 2017. grimper, sauter.

Do the er verb worksheet (conjugate the verbs in the present

MATH Find the missing number in this pattern (show your work):

a) 23, 25, ____, 29, 31, ____


+2 +2 +2 +2 b) 40, 45, 50, 55, ____, ____

2, 4, _6_,8,_10_
c) 98, ____, 94, 92, 90, ____

d) 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, ____, ____

Student Name: ______________________ ______ Parent Initials

Please return your completed homework on Friday, June 9th, 2017.
Le prsent de lindicatif des verbes du premier groupe

Pour conjuguer les verbes du premier groupe au prsent de lindicatif,

enlve le er et ajoute les terminaisons suivantes :

voler => vol__

Je e Je vole
Tu es Tu voles
Il/elle/on e Il/elle/on vole
Nous ons Nous volons
Vous ez Vous volez
Ils/elles -ent Ils/elles volent

1. Nous (jouer) __________ au soccer.

2. Je (grimper) __________ aux arbres comme les singes.

3. Ils (parler) __________ bien le franais.

4. Vous (manger) __________ beaucoup parce que vous avez faim.

5. Tu (dcouper) __________ le papier avec des ciseaux.

6. Mlle Dinh et Mlle Nouri (aimer) __________ danser et chanter.

7. Marc (danser) __________ lcole avec ses amis.

8. Elle (nager) __________ dans la piscine.

9. Les kangourous (sauter) __________ trs haut.

10. Les serpents (ramper) __________.

11. Il y a un oiseau qui (voler) __________ dans le ciel.

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