4cs Quarter 1 Checkpoint 1

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Patient Diet Analysis

Your name: Ryan Meese

Patient # 002

Answer the following questions. Make sure that you use correctly-formatted in-text citations that
match the works that you cited in #5.

1. Patients Existing Diet - Look at your patients information. Determine the following based on
the questionnaire the patient completed. Fill in the information in the Example Diet column.

2. Recommended Daily Allowance Use the USDAs Choose My Plate website to help determine
what a healthy meal plan would be for your patient. Provide healthy amounts of each category based
on your patients background information.

Example Diet

(What is your patient currently eating?)


(What should your patient be eating?)




Amount Carbohydrate



Amount Fat



Amount Protein








3. Blood Panel Results Compare your patients blood panel results to what is recommended for a
person of the same age and build.

Patient Information

Recommended Averages















150 or lower

Total Cholesterol


4. Continued Analysis-

Beverages have calories. What types of beverages is your patient consuming regularly? Explain the
negative and/or positive consequences of your patients beverage choices on their diet and health.

My patient consumes 4 sunkist a day along with a gatorade after her workouts. Drinking too much soda
can result in kidney problems, a messed up metabolism, and unwanted obesity. Drinking too much
gatorade can causes you to consume too much vitamin A which leads to Vitamin toxicity. A healthy
alternative is water it makes up 75% of your brain, it regulates the body temperature, feeds your body,
flushes harmful toxins out, and causes healthier skin.

Look at your patients carbohydrate measurements. Analyze your patients risk of developing high blood
sugar and/or type 2 diabetes. My Patient has a higher chance of developing high blood sugar or type 2
diabetes because she consumes 750 more carbohydrates than her recommended amount.

If your patients calorie total was greater than + or - 90 calories from the RDA, explain what health
consequences this will have for the patient: She is eating over 2,000 more calories than what are
recomended for her age and weight.

Compare and contrast LDL and HDL cholesterol measurements. Whats the difference between these?
Which is healthier? Look at your patients Triglyceride, HDL and LDL measurements. If your patient is
outside of the recommended averages for these measurements, what are the implications for his/her
health? My patient consumes more LDL than HDL on a daily basis, HDL is healthier than LDL because it is
the good cholesterol. If you consume too much LDL it could kill you and if you don't consume enough
HDL it causes low cholesterol which is bad for your health. Consuming too much triglycerides is bad for
you because it can raise your risk for heart disease.

What could a patient do to improve their cholesterol numbers? Give multiple suggestions of factors and
actions that could affect cholesterol numbers? Does your patient need to be mindful of cholesterol?
Explain. The patient could eat healthier foods for the heart, choose healthier fats like saturated fats and
she should stay away from trans fats because they are putting him at risk of heart attack, exercise more
for about an hour a day, try to lose weight, and staying away from fried foods, cookies, and crackers will
help manage her cholesterol and LDL. My patient needs to be very mindful of cholesterol because she
has very high cholesterol and its putting her at risk for heart disease,heart attack, diabetes, etc and she
needs to lower it so she she is safer, happier, and healthier.

How can a patient increase their fiber intake? Why is fiber essential to a healthy diet? A patient can
increase their fiber intake by eating whole grains at least once every meals or eating foods high in fiber
like beans lentils or cooked potatoes just to name a few examples.
5. Include 5 MLA-formatted citation used to prepare this diet analysis sheet.

"Calorie Calculator." Calorie Calculator. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017.

"How Much Fat Per Day - How Many Grams Of Fat Should You Eat?" The Best Diet Plan To Lose Fat, Build
Muscle & Be Healthy. N.p., 24 Jan. 2011. Web. 17 Feb. 2017.

"The Recommended Amount & Percent of Carbohydrates Per Day." Healthy Eating | SF Gate. N.p., n.d.
Web. 17 Feb. 2017.

"Choose MyPlate." Choose MyPlate. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

"Daily Intake of Sugar - How Much Sugar Should You Eat Per Day?" Authority Nutrition. N.p., 18 Sept.
2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

Davis, Sarah. "Effects of Too Much Gatorade." LIVESTRONG.COM. Leaf Group, 14 Apr. 2015. Web. 23
Feb. 2017.

"Low Cholesterol Diet: How Much Cholesterol Can I Have Per Day?" Low Cholesterol Diet: How Much
Cholesterol Can I Have Per Day? - Cholesterol. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

"Protein Intake How Much Protein Should You Eat Per Day?" Authority Nutrition. N.p., 18 Aug. 2016.
Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

"7 Side Effects of Drinking Diet Soda." Prevention. N.p., 08 May 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

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