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Document Transfer and Manipulation (DTAM) Standard

for Telematic Applications

Kouji Nakao and Hans Detlef Schulz
Kouji Nakao, OS1 Systems Group KDD R&D Labs., Saitama, Japan
Hans Detlef Schulz, DANET GmbH, GS TD,Darmstadt, FRG

ABSTRACT Multimedia Services and communications The contept of T.400 series of Recommendations,
are getting major topics among computer applications called Document Architecture Transfer and
and telecommunication services. In the telematic Manipulation", is described in Recommendation T.400.
applications, document bulk transfer, document The basic idea o f T.400 and T.500 series . o f
conferencin and remote document handling have Recommendations i s t o separate , t h e technical
now been &used t o be standardized in C C l l T SGVlll specifications of Telematic Services into a set of
as lnte rated Document Communications for Recommendations describing:
MultimeJia Services. This is important not only - the equipment participating i n t h e
because documents are considered as multimedia service/a pplication,
objects, but also because document communications - the information architecture which may be
can be combined w i t h voice and image communicated,
communications. Since 1985, Document Transfer and - and the ap ropriate communication protocol
Manipulation (DTAM) protocol has been designed and su porting Loth, t h e equi ment and the
developed t o be suited and used in common for inErmation t o be communicatet?
these communications. DTAM will soon provide a The relevant equipment characteristics are defined in
powerful communication platform as a complete OS1 T.560 series of Recommendations.
application protocol useful in telematic services as The information architecture called "Open Document
well as many other applications. Purpose of this paper Architecture(0DA)" is defined in T.410 series .of
is t o introduce the current activity on DTAM standard Recommendations which are jointly worked out with
in CCITT, and describes i t s applications and ISO/I EC JTC 1/SC 18MIG3. The document ap p Iicat1o n
relationship with other communication environments. profiles (DAP) are specified in T.500 series o f
1. Introduction :he telematic communication protocol, called
Multimedia Services and communications are gettin Document Transfer and Manipulation (DTAM)", is
major topics among computer applications a n i defined in T.430 series o f Recommendations as an
telecommunication services. In t h e telematic useful communication platform. The communication
applications, document bulk transfer, document application profiles (CAP) are specified in T.520 series
conferencin and remote document handling have of Recommendations.
now been &used t o be standardized in C C l l T SGVlll Structure of Recommendations T.400 and T.500 series
as " Inte g rated Docu ment Co mmu n icat ion s " f o r is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Multimedia Services. This is n o t only because
documents are considered as multimedia object, but
also because document communications can be
combined with other media communications such as T. 400 series
voice and image. Telematic applications are therefore
related t o Multimedia Services and communications. T. 411
From the standpoint o f the above Integrated Operational
Document Communications, SG Vlll has started t o Service8 &
work o n T.400 series and T.500 series of
Recommendations since 1985 re arding Document
Architecture, Transfer and Mani ufation. This concept 1
is an extended interpretation o?OSl as it defines the T. 500 - T.559
complete environment in which communication takes series
place, including equipment characteristics, information
architecture, and general aspects of Telematic Services PROFILES
(e.g. Quality of Service). Application Application
Document Transfer and Manipulation (DTAM)
protocol, which is the communication part of T.400
series, namely T.430 series of Recommendations, has
been designed and developed t o be suited and used T. 560 - T.569
i n common f o r t h e above h i g h l i g h t e d series
communications. DTAM will soon provide a powerful
communication platform as a complete OS1 TERMINAL
application protocol useful in telematic services as GATEWAY & Gateway
well as many other applications. CHARACTERISTICS
This paper introduces the current activity on DTAM
standard in CCIlT, and describes i t s applications and Fig. 1 Structure of Recommendations T.400 and
relationship with other communication environments. T.500 series
2. Overview of Recommendations related t o DTAM 2.2 Overview o f T.430 series of Recommendations
2.1 Structure o f T.400 and T.500 series o f DTAM, T.430 series of Recommendations, defines the
Recommendations means of a direct communication, and provides a

common communication platform useful in telematic DTAM provides direct documents transfer between
services as well as many other applications including end systems in a reliable manner which has resulted
Multimedia Services. T.430 series i s a set o f in a suitable version currently available from CCIlT.
Recommendations, whereof: This is not based on Client - Server model, but based
- Draft Recommendation T.430 Communication Model on the traditional concept o f end - t o - end
ives an introduction and defines the basic model communication in C C l l l SG Vlll such as Teletex and
9or end t o end communication,
- Recommendation T.431 defines the application rules
Telefax. Detailed descriptions are shown in 3.3.
0 Document Manipulation
for T.430 series, DTAM provides document manipulation based on the
- Recommendation T.432 defines the DTAM service, Client - Server model. In this communication, a client
- Recommendation T.433 specifies the DTAM protocol. could manipulate documents stored in the remote
- Recommendation T.434 specifies Telematic File server system by using manipulation operations such
Transfer format, as delete, modify, and move. Stud on this .DTAM
- Draft Recommendation T.435 defines Abstract function is now being continueJ and will be
Service Definition for Document Manipulation, completed in the next C C I l l study period. (1993 -
- Draft Recommendation T.436 defines Protocol 1996). Detailed descriptions regarding manipulation
Specifications for Document Manipulation. are shown in 3.4.
Although, originally conceived t o communicate ODA 3.3 Document Bulk Transfer
documents, DTAM is well suited for a variety of
media communications because it i s based on well DTAM Document Bulk Transfer i s used for conveying
established OS1 standards. documents which are ODA and / o r other types of
documents t o the remote DTAM - User. The requester
3. DTAM Communication Functions who requests the document bulk transfer should have
3.1 DTAM in relation t o the Application Layer a data token in an appro riate manner. It is provided
Structure by D-TRANSFER service wEich is a provider confirmed
type defined in T.432 as in Fig.2.
The structuring o f the OS1 application layer is
described in I S 0 9545 (ALS : Application Layer
Structure). DTAM conforms t o the principles
described in ALS. That is, DTAM-SE is an application
service element (ASE) which is used in conjunction
with at least ACSE.
An exception is contained in the DTAM transparent
mode, which has been defined t o guarantee
compatibility for the Group 4 Facsimile application
and might only be used by this application. In this
DTAM Service Provider

Fig. 2 D-TRANSFER service


case, ACSE and t h e presentation layer are

transparently passed through. The document bulk transfer is composed of two
A l t h o u g h DTAM-SE i s o n e ASE, several different sets o f procedures depending on the
"communication application profiles" of DTAM are Transfer Modes, Transparent mode or Normal mode.
defined t o support different requirements. This leads 0 Transparent mode : Every reliable function is
t o the fact that different application contexts are provided by DTAM without using RTSE supporting
defined based on the use of DTAM-SE and ACSE. For the following procedures :
example, ap lication contexts for document bulk a)Transfer Procedure for transmission of a complete
transfer a n 8 document manipulation, described document ;
hereafter, are separately defined by DTAM - RTSE - b)Transfer-Resume Procedure for retransmission of a
ACSE and DTAM - ROSE - ACSE, respectively. partial document for resuming purpose ;
3.2 DTAM Communication features c) Transfer-Interrupt Procedure t o interrupt the
transmission of a document in case o f error;
DTAM has the following communication features. As d)Transfer-Discard Procedure t o interrupt the
f o r document bulk transfer and document transmission of a document in case o f error and
mani ulation, further detail communication functions indicate that the art of the document already
are &scribed in section 3.3 and 3.4 respectively. transmitted has t o e: deleted
0 Capabilities Information ExSFange
The Transfer-Interrupt and Transfer-Discard
DTAM provides t o exchange capabilities information" Procedures result in a D-TRANSFER indicationkonfirm
not only at the association establishment phase but t o the DTAM - User t o indicate the failure of the
also in the middle o f association in order t o transfer, and the user is then responsible for
negotiate user's capabilities by which the end-systems initiating a new transfer (complete or partial
can agree on. document). This mode is only used by G4 facsimile
A user is able t o exchange any t pes o f information application.
as "capabilities information" whicl are, for example, 0 Normal mode : RTSE services are used t o
the ODA-DAP t o be supported, the manipulation support document bulk transfer in a reliable
functions that are necessary, and the non-basic manner. This mode is used by MM(Mixed mode)
parameters t h a t are required on the o u t p u t and PM(Processab1e mode) communications, and it
processing capabilities of the receiver. is expected t o be used for future general document
0 Information communicated by DTAM
bulk transfer applications.
Information exchanged and manipulated by DTAM is
called Document in general. It covers any types of 3.4 Document Manipulation
information considered in telematic communication In order t o provide document manipulation functions,
environment. For example, ODA, SGML, AV1 a general manipulation protocol is now being
information, Videotex frame information, and designed and specified by DTAM. Furthermore, DTAM
Multimedia information are categorized in the will provide communication platform in a general
documents. However, since DTAM had initially started manner t o cover any type o f applications t o sup ort
t o work on ODA documents, it is therefore well document manipulation. The following items are Lasic
prepared b DTAM t o negotiate ODA capabilities, elements t o construct document manipulation
transfer andYmanipulate ODA documents. functions under DTAM environment.
0 Document Bulk Transfer

(1) DTAM document manipulation model (2) Information Model for Document Manipulation
The Document Manipulation environment comprises A DTAM Server offers its users operations on
two atomic objects, the Document Manipulation documents and on the environment which determines
Server (DTAM-Server) and the Document Manipulation the capabilities h o w t h e document can be
User (DTAM-User). The DTAM-Server supplies the manipulated.
DTAM port abstract services t o the DTAM-User. The Documents may be substructured objects t o be
DTAM-User consumes the DTAM port abstract services considered as DTAM Manipulation Objects (DMO). For
supplied b the DTAM-Server. Fig. 3 depicts the example,
DTAM moJel and Table 1 lists up the DTAM port -0DA document, substructured into several types of
abstract services. objects, classes, styles, content etc. For example,
delete operation is carried out as shown in Fig. 4.
In this case, three paragraphs which are
(7q Abstractservice DTAM-User
substructure of ODA document are requested t o
- 0 D A Document Application Profiles (DAPs),
substructured into different semantic features, such
as paragraphs, footnotes, tables of content etc.
-any other types of structured documents, such as
-any other types of data in a structured form.
Abstractservice (3) Identification o f DTAM Manipulation Objects
DTAM document manipulation provides t h e
operations t o handle a previously identified document
Fig. 3 Document Manipulation Model for different purposes, such as delete, move, partial
read etc. The operations consist of three subsequently
Table 1 List of Operations for Document Manipulation identified groups : one for handling of the complete
document, one for handling o f the structured parts of
Manipulation Type 1 DTAM port abstract services the document (e. . paragraph, figure), and one for
handling the dderently structured content of the
Management of document - DialogueStarUEnd document (e.g. character, raphic primitive).
manipulation operations - DialogueInterrupt/ Resume
- OpenDocument I CloseDocument
In the case o f handlin 07
the structured parts of the
ODA document as. ifustrated in Fig. 4, DMO is
specified by identification of Document Fragments
Non altering operations - Get, Search which is studied in ODA group (ISO/IEC JTClISC18MIG3
- Lock/Unlock and CC!lT SGVlll 4.27).
Altering operations - Create, Delete, Modify (4) Basic Procedure of Document Manipulation
- Replace, Copy, Move The following procedures are considered as a basic
- Synchronize, Call-Macro protocol sequence for document manipulation.
0 DTAM association establishment
I Token
- MTokenGive
- MTokenFlease
The initiator creates a DTAM association for the
application association linkin between DTAM - User
and DTAM - Server. During #is establishment, each

DTAM -Server

Request octet-aligneh : I, 1denWi.cation of Document Fragments
- start !
! component
object : Object-id 3 0 j! DTAM - PM
! end !
! component !
! object
L. -. - .- .- .- .-. -. -. - .- . :-?!jse_tlid3_ 11.1
Delete Result
~ ~

: Success +DELETE oueration Delete Result : Success

DeleteResult : NULL -success--
Fig. 4 Exampleof Delete Operation to ODA document

DTAM service user exchanges its own application
capabilities includin manipulation capabilities. These
capabilities indicate8 from the pacner are interpreted DTAM Association Start
as the partner's receiving capabilities, and are not (including Manipulation Capability indication)
recognized as capabilities invocation.
8 Manipulation dialogue start
Prior t o manipulating documents actually, DTAM
provides t o manage a set of mani ulations as a
manipulation dialo ue. At the start o r the dialogue,
manipulation capaklities information is negotiated
and invoked. Within the dialogue, manipulations are
carried out for documents selected and opened. One
of the purpose o f the management of this dialo ue is
t o recover from unexpected termination 09 the
application association. Since the association and the
manipulation dialogue are completely independent
each other, in case o f abrupt termination o f
association, the current manipulation dialogue is still
active and will be able t o be resumed in the Hmipulation Dialogue End
forthcoming association establishment.
d Document open I
IDTAM Association
Documents t o be manipulated should be selected and
opened by a DTAM-User. After the document open,
$ Termination
:Document manipulations DOC : Document

he could manipulate the document. He could open Fig. 5 An Example of Documents Manipulation
more than two documents within a manipulation including Dialogue
@ Document create, delete, modify,
The DTAM-User could manipulate documents opened
beforehand. Furthermore, he could manipulate among 0 ODA Documents
0 Multimedia Information
more than two documents, e.g. copying a part of one
document t o another document. I 0 Any Other Information I
0 Document close
After the manipulation of the document, he closes
the document t o stop manipulating and t o register it
as the result of a sequence of manipulations. This
operation is not in conjunction with the forthcoming
end of the manipulation dialogue.
@ Manipulation dialogue end
After all the manipulations for the documents used,
the DTAM-User will issue a manipulation dialogue
end in order t o terminate a series of document DTAM Service Provider
manipulations. This operation will not take place in
conjunction with an association termination. He could Fig. 6 DTAM Communication Platform
start another new manipulation dialogue, if any.
8 DTAM association termination Group 4 Facsimile is supported by the DTAM
After all the activities for document manipulations, transparent mode which realizes a backward
the DTAM-User terminates the association t o close the compatibility for the Telefax Group 4 equipment
communication between DTAM service users. already places in the market. Technically, there is a
Fig. 5 illustrates a n example o f document lar e alignment between the DTAM transparent mode
manipulation procedure. In this case, three an! the communication platform of X.400(84) on one
documents are opened and manipulated between hand, and between the DTAM normal mode and the
DTAM service users within a single manipulation communication platform of X.400(88).
dialogue. However, DTAM transparent mode (Group 4) and
DTAM normal mode are specified for different types
4. End-to-End Applications Supported by DTAM of applications, and hence there is no intention t o
DTAM provides a common communication platform replace the DTAM transparent mode by the DTAM
useful in telematic services based on T.400/T.500 series normal mode in the Group 4 application.
as well as many other applications including 0 ODA Processable Mode, Mixed Mode and File
Multimedia Services. That is t o say, DTAM Transfer application
communication functions described in Section 3 are ODA processable mode and mixed mode have been
available in common for any applications supporting initially targeted as options of the Teletex service.
document communications as depicted in Fig. 6. Now, DTAM has defined ODA document transfer
The end-to-end applications supported by DTAM over (mixed mode and processable mode) and a binary file
the common communication platform are currently transfer as the end-to-end communications supported
identified as follows. by DTAM normal mode, independently if the relevant
4.1 Document Bulk Transfer Application terminals are participatin in a service or not.
This communication can %e clearly distinguished from
The following applications are defined : the scanner-to-printer situation i n t h e DTAM
0 Group 4 Facsimile application transparent mode, described above.
Group 4 is the option of the Telefax service that is This DTAM bulk transfer for ODA and file transfer
defined for the ISDN network by use of an OS1 represents the f u l l ali n m e n t o f Telematic
protocol stack in the B-channel. It enables the users communication platforms fecause the underlying
t o communicate facsimile documents as ODA final communication platforms are identical (based on
form documents in a high speed, high quality RTSE). In this context, DTAM has the role t o support
environment. t h e PC-to-PC ( e n d - t o - e n d ) c o m m u n i c a t i o n
(Intentionally over ISDN).

based on the Store-and-Forward concept o f
4.2 Document Manipulation Application communication, e.g. MHS.
The following three specific applications are Store-and-Forward applications are defined by C C l l l
identified. The first application has already been X.400 series of Recommendations. As X.500 series of
standardized, but the last two applications are now Recommendations, they are related t o the DOAM
under study. communication concept currently defined by ISO/IEC
JTCl/SC 18, upon which also DFR(Document Filin and
0 Videotex lnterworking
Due t o differences among videotex systems, CClTT has Retrieval) and RDT(Referenced Data Transfer7 are
been studying interworking problems since 1977. In based.
Intercommunication of DTAM based applications with
the 1985-1988 study period, a new series of the MHS (X.400) and the Directory Services (X.500)
Recommendations, T.101, T.564, T.504, T.523 and will be defined in a CClTT Recommendation T.330
T.541, was defined for videotex interworking throu h series. The basic communication procedure for
fateways. In the gateway configuration, a user w60 intercommunication w i t h Store-and-Forward
elongs t o the local videotex system accesses the applications will be described in the Recommendation
remote external videotex system via gateway facilities. T.430 series.
Two types o f gateway systems are considered. One is As far as the relation t o DFR in ISOllEC JTCl/SC 18 is
a Local Host (LH) located at the user side, and the concerned, DTAM and DFR have. jointly identified
other is an External Host (EH) located at the remote areas o f work where the coordination is necessary. It
videotex center side. The communication is carried is intended that the cooperative work roject
out between the LH and the EH usin the DTAM between SC18 and SG Vlll will be uided gy the
document manipulation (e.g. delete vi3eotex frame complementary nature of the work o! both groups.
and create new frame); however communication The result should make the standards o f SC 18 on
rocedures outside of gateways, such as an interface
E etween the LH and the user terminal, are left
completely as a local implementation.
DFR available f o r incorporation i n t o CClTT
Recommendations as w e l l as m a k i n the
Recommendations o f SG Vlll on DTAM availa%le for
0 Document Conference Application incorporation into ISO/IEC JTCl standards.
This type o f application enables two human users t o 5.2 DTAM Support for Other Environments
execute a common work on one or more documents.
For example, as shown in Fig. 7, docyments are DTAM service and protocol also support direct
generated and prepar:? by the partner A", and is communication in a distributed environment. This
sent t o the partner B" at the beginning of the mechanisms are related t o the Distributed Amlication
communication. Afterwards, one of the partner select Framework (DAF).
a document "D" t o identify for conferencing. In this Close liaison between CClTT SG V!l Q.19 (DAF) and
stage, a partner could manipulate the identified CClTT SG VlllQ.27 (DTAM) has been installed t o ensure
document by DTAM, and if necessary, the other that the Distributed Application Framework also
partner could also manipulate it alternately. In the covers the requirements o f the End - t o - End
final stage, both partners are able t o have the same communication environment defined by DTAM for the
document which is a result o f the manipulation from telematic applications.
the conference. On the other hand, the liaison shall ensure that the
communication features defined by DTAM are in line
Document with the overall concepts of the Application layer
defined by CClTT SG VII.
6. Conclusion
Taking into account the various communication styles
and various user requirements under the different
environments, it would be highly desirable for
protocol designers t o specify valuable communication
functions in reply t o the user requirements on call
Based on the above philosophy, DTAM has specified
the basic functions of document bulk transfer for
telematic applications and will soon provide the
further functions for document manipulation based
Fig.7 Document Conference Application with on the end - t o - end communication model
Telephone cooperating with CClTT SG VI1 (DAF) and ISO/IEC
0 Remote Document Handlin Application Aiming at the useful protocol means for integrated
This ty e o f ap lication ena%Ies a human user (e.g. document communications, including multimedia
throug: his worrstation) t o select and identify one or environment, DTAM shows great promise as a
more documents in the Server located in a remote communication platform useful in telematic services as
side, or rearrange structured organization in the well as many other applications. DTAM is the only
Server. In the case o f updating the content o f standardized communication platform that supports
documents selected, he could afterwards manipulate both document bulk transfer and document
the content o f documents by using DTAM manipulation in OS1 communication environment.
manipulation commands such as replace, move and
modify attributes.
5. Relationship with O t h e r Communication
5.1 Relation t o the Distributed Office Applications
Telematic applications, based on the end-to-end
communication model defined by DTAM, are
supported t o intercommunicate with applications


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