Fever Festival Training/workshop/Capacity building/Knowledge/Public Awarness

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Fever Festival Training/workshop/Capacity b

Description Budget

Funding Sources Allocated

AGS - Project grant Rp 100,000,000
Third party contribution
AGS - Matching fund (Max 50% of 3rd party contribution)

Sub budget line

Personnel/ resource person Rp 4,000,000
Fever workshop speaker fee
Fever workshop facilitator fee
Fever Festival Judges fee

Meeting package Rp 39,375,000

Fever Workshop Meeting Package (Meals and Snacks)
Fever Festival Meeting Packages (Meals and Snacks)

Travel cost Rp 8,400,000

Transport cost for SS teacher from Kupang Sub Urban
Transport cost for children from Kupang Sub Urban

Accomodation Rp 16,000,000
Accomodation or SS teacher from Kupang Sub Urban
Accomodation for children from Kupang Sub Urban

Logistic and operational


Administration Rp 1,700,000
Stationary for Fever Workshop
Stationary for Questionnaire
Stationary for Fever Festival
Publication / Promotions Rp 3,775,000
Fever Promotion Poster
Shipping Fee (Letter and Poster)
Fever Workshop Banner
Fever Workshop Documentation
Fever Festival Banner
Fever Festival Documentation

Other Rp 26,750,000
Fever Flip Chart
Fever Festival Thermometer
Fever Festival T-Shirt
Fever Mini Poster
Fever Festival Reward

Indirect Cost

Grand Total Rp 100,000,000

kshop/Capacity building/Knowledge/Public awarness

Budget Expenditure

% from total
budget unit cost Qty Total
100% Rp 100,000,000

4% Rp 4,000,000
Rp 1,000,000 1 Rp 1,000,000
Rp 500,000 3 Rp 1,500,000
Rp 500,000 3 Rp 1,500,000

39% Rp 39,375,000
Rp 175,000 35 Rp 6,125,000
Rp 175,000 190 Rp 33,250,000

8% Rp 8,400,000
Rp 100,000 16 Rp 1,600,000
Rp 50,000 136 Rp 6,800,000

16% Rp 16,000,000
Rp 150,000 16 Rp 2,400,000
Rp 100,000 136 Rp 13,600,000

0% Rp -

0% Rp -

2% Rp 1,700,000
Rp 500,000 1 Rp 500,000
Rp 100,000 2 Rp 200,000
Rp 1,000,000 1 Rp 1,000,000
4% Rp 3,775,000
Rp 50,000 15 Rp 750,000
Rp 25,000 15 Rp 375,000
Rp 200,000 2 Rp 400,000
Rp 450,000 1 Rp 450,000
Rp 200,000 2 Rp 400,000
Rp 1,400,000 1 Rp 1,400,000

27% Rp 26,750,000
Rp 200,000 30 Rp 6,000,000
Rp 20,000 300 Rp 6,000,000
Rp 50,000 150 Rp 7,500,000
Rp 15,000 150 Rp 2,250,000
Rp 1,000,000 5 Rp 5,000,000

0% Rp -

100% Rp 100,000,000
% from total











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