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China to promote global trade and prosperity

Beijing commits 124 billion USD to new silk road initiative for boosting world economy

Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the world to
participate in Beijings new silk road initiative,
which seeks/aims to promote global trade and
enhance prosperity for all. In his opening speech
at the so called One Belt, One Road Summit on
May 14th and 15th he pledged 124 billion USD to
boost new trade networks on land and sea, as
well as large scale infrastructure development.
What we hope to achieve is a new model of win-
win cooperation, said Xi. The president
expressed his hope to create a big family of
harmonious co-existence.
Ren Guoqiang, a spokesperson of the Chinese
ministry of national defence stressed, that the so-
called belt and road initiative hides no military or
geostrategic intentions. "China does not seek
dominance over regional affairs or its sphere of President Xi Jinping and Uzbek President Karimov at the summit
influence, and China will not interfere in the on the 14th, Image is courtesy of
internal affairs of other countries. Concerns The Chinese investment aims to improve infrastructure and
over these issues are unfounded as the project
therefore support the economy of smaller or struggling
only seeks to support and improve economic
development in the region and strengthen trade neighbours. The increase in business and employment
ties between Asia, Africa and Europe. opportunities could start to bridge the overwhelming gap
This economic initiative is to be a modern revival between rich and poor. Already,
of what is called the ancient silk road, that Chinese companies have provided 180,000 jobs in 20 different
connected the ancient Chinese empire to the west countries. At the centre of the initiative also stand the values of
over 2000 years ago. Ancient civilizations openness and inclusiveness and mutual learning. Operating by
flourished due to the abundance of trade and the concept of sharing mutual knowledge to acquire maximum
sharing of knowledge and president Xi hailed mutual gain, the ancient silk road brought about change and
these old routes as the embodiment of the spirit revolutionizing concepts. China hopes to apply the same
of peace and cooperation, openness and principal to this new project, stating that the One Belt, One Road
inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual initiative might be key to solving many of the conflicts present in
benefit. the Eurasian and Middle eastern region today. By linking three
The one belt, one road initiative was first continents, the new silk road has the potential to unite and
proposed in the autumn of 2013 and consists of stabilise the world economy and build a fairer and more equitable
two components: the Silk road economic belt on system of commerce. If we take the first courageous step
land and the 21st Century maritime silk road. The towards each other, we can embark on a path leading to
overland routes are to stretch over the Asian friendship, shared development, peace, harmony and a better
continent all the way to Rotterdam and Venice, future. President Xi declared in his opening speech.
connected through economic corridors such as Beijing is also engaged in allaying concerns regarding the
the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor possible control that the project would bring. Chinas
and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. At representatives stressed that the intention is not for China to
sea, the maritime routes run through the South reap the sole benefit and become the regional dominant
China Sea to Indonesia, cross the Indian Ocean economic power, but for there to be mutual benefit. The
to Africa and ending the Mediterranean Sea. initiative does not aim to bring the countries under Chinas
Over 60 countries and international organisations jurisdiction, it aspires to be an interdependent network of trade.
have been invited to take part in this project, 40 As foreign minister Wang Yi stated on the 18th of April: It was
of which have already signed trade cooperation initiated by China, but shared by other countries.
agreements. The Two-Day-Summit was attended Mara Perras
by foreign dignitaries from 57 participating
India resists Chinas advances under the cover of
PM Modi signals to Beijing that New Delhi objects to Chinas proposed New Silk Road

New Delhi
India will abstain from Chinas
newly proposed Silk Road project.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
announced the decision that New
Delhi has chosen to decline the
Chinese invitation to join the One
Belt, One Road Initiative (OBOR).
Indian officials warned of an
unsustainable debt burden and
suspected military and geopolitical
manoeuvring behind the scenes.
The government therefore refused
to send representatives to the
Beijing Summit on 14th and 15th of
Strategic concerns regarding
tangible threats to Indias security
and stability through the push of the Map of existing and planned routes, Image by The Wall Street Journal
New Silk Road have been voiced by
a number of analysts in the Indian diplomatic manner as China is also an important trading partner.
capital. They refer to Beijings Kashmir has been a disputed territory since before the partition of
alarming signals about intensifying British India, but was officially ceded to India on August 26, 1947.
trade links across the Himalayan Two wars were fought over the state, resulting in splitting of Kashmir
mountain range and planning of into two territories separated by the so-called Line of Control. One
overland and maritime routes. India part is occupied by India, the other by Pakistan. China also holds a
has expressed increasing worry small piece of uninhabited wilderness. Border skirmishes between
about what it regards as Chinas Indian and Pakistani forces are still common.
expansionist tendencies both at sea The rising tensions between the nuclear armed neighbours is closely
and on land. It fundamentally monitored by the US. Chief Admiral of the U.S. Pacific Command
disagrees with the construction of (PACOM) Harry Harris stated with view to the conflict in Kashmir: I
the so called China-Pakistan- think the relationship between China and Pakistan is a matter of
Economic-Corridor (CPEC), which concern and I will certainly be discussing it with my Indian
partly runs through Kashmir. The counterparts as India is also concerned about that.
strategically significant region in As China proceeds with building the CPEC through disputed territory,
the Himalayas is an Indian province Beijing is actually violating Indian sovereignty as high-ranking
partly occupied by Pakistan. CPEC officials in Delhi have repeatedly pointed out. Indian foreign ministry
is the keystone of Chinas South- spokesman Gopal Baglay stated that "no country can accept a project
East Asia strategy as it grants that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity."
Beijing access to the Arabian sea, China is clearly backing Pakistan in this matter, although they claim
which China seeks to widen its that China will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
influence in Indias neighbourhood. Another pressing concern was highlighted by several military experts:
The fact that Beijing has made the The Silk Road Economic Belt over land runs across Chinas northern
decision to build the corridor with border, while the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road runs along the
Pakistan, without consulting India, Indian coastline, creating a Strategic encirclement of the country.
does not bode well for future India treats it as an open secret that China has already taken foot in Sri
foreign relations between the two Lanka and Nepal.
countries, warned an Indian China has constructed and placed airfields, garrisons and missile sites
official under the condition of to the north of the Indian border and is planning direct railway lines to
anonymity. Officially India Nepal as well as pipelines and highways to the Bay of Bengal in the
expresses its concerns in a more Indian Ocean. They are using territory in Myanmar and Bangladesh to
achieve their goal. In addition, China has fortified
several small islands in the South China Sea, some
including runways and missile sites and even built an
overseas military base in Djibouti, Africa. Only a
few weeks ago it has launched its second aircraft
"We have found a growing movement of their
warships and submarines, they do it in the cover of
fighting piracy but do we need submarines to fight
piracy?" retired Indian Vice-Admiral Pradeep Kumar
Chatterjee asked while assessing the situation.
Some Western nations, including the US, have
expressed worry about the transparency of the so-
called economic initiative. "We are of the firm belief
that connectivity initiatives must be based on
universally recognized international norms, good
governance, rule of law, openness, transparency and
equality," an Indian foreign ministry spokesperson
The lack of transparency in Beijings plans is
worrying as it contributes to the anxieties among
neighbours who fear China becoming an
increasingly aggressive hegemon. Possible
backlashes for other participating nations in the Silk
Road Initiative, for example unsustainable debt
befalling host countries, have not been addressed at
all. China provides huge loans for infrastructure
projects in neighbouring countries . Amounts which
these nations may struggle to repay. This would put
the majority of the Eurasian continent under Chinas
thumb, which would then present an even bigger
threat to Indias economic stability and growth,
officials in Delhi warn.
Mara Perras

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