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Module Three: Lesson Plan Two

SPED 775: Practicum with Exceptional Children & Youth

University of Kansas

Dr. Cynthia Mruczek

Brent Seager

March 24, 2017

Lesson Plan Template


Unit Title Little Known Historical Fact Friday
Subject Area Learning Strategies (SPED-Direct Service Course)
Lesson Title Little Known Historical Fact Friday Seven-United States Landmarks
Length of Lesson 49 minutes
Audience Description Number of students: 4
Race: White
English Language Proficiency: N/A
Gender: Three female students and one male student
Exceptionalities: One student with autism, one student with OHI, one student ED, and one student OHI,
HI & Turner Syndrome.
Cultural Considerations:
Two students were born and raised in the surrounding community that the school is in and
currently reside in the community.
One student was born and raised in an adjacent community and does not live in the community
that they attend school in.
One student was born and raised overseas, and is part of a military family; the student currently
resides in the community where they attend school.
All four of the students appreciate and understand the diverse make-up of the school and
community and are respectful to the diversity, background, and experiences that each student
brings into the classroom.
Other information:
Two students in this class have Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) in place, these are in the
classroom binder for reference as necessary.
One student has a Hearing Impairment (HI) and recently received hearing aids, the student is still
adjusting to these and may need a reminder to keep them in, also there is an FM device available
for this student, if they refuse to wear their hearing aids (the FM device is located in my
collaboration space room 3402).
Please begin the lesson by introducing yourself to the students, ask them how their evening was
and if they have any big plans for the evening or weekend. Then explain the lesson, expectations,
and address any questions during this time.
Paper copies of the Power Point and quiz are available for all students.

Two students in the classroom will not have access to the iPad and will need to complete their
assignments and activities on paper.
Please review the Power Point Presentation with the students, have them complete the assignment
which is on the last slide of the presentation.
Once the assignment is complete, please have them turn it in either online, please put the paper
copies in the classroom binder in the fourth hour folder.
The students will then share what they have written with the class, it will be discussed for each
Once each student has shared their topic, the students will take a quiz over the information to
determine their level of engagement and comprehension during the lesson, all quizzes are on
This assignment will also allow the students an opportunity to continue developing their writing
When the students complete the quiz, they will play a Kahoot game for extra credit, the
information to access the Kahoot game is contained within the sub folder information.
Please document all of task behaviors, concerns, and etc. and I will address these upon my return.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Ms. Sorrell at extension 2562, and she will get
you in contact with the administrator Mr. Gray or the SPED Department Chair Mrs. Pollard.
IEP Goals (where List the IEP goals for the student(s) as it pertains to this lesson.
available) The student will increase their social and emotional skills by being able to give socially
appropriate comments with at least 80% accuracy in 30 minute timed probes.
The student will produce writing that rates 3 in Ideas/Content, Organization, and Sentence
The student will answer at least 8 comprehension questions with 80% accuracy.
The student will use self-regulation skills in order to monitor and engage in school appropriate
behaviors in the classroom with at least 80% accuracy.

Objectives The students will learn about iconic United States landmarks and how these have become an icon of
the American culture, while being able to relate any personal connections, experiences, or heritage
with the landmarks.
The students will learn how to relate personal experiences and connections to those of other
cultures, traditions, communities, and heritage.
The students will learn about the history of iconic United States landmarks, little known facts, and

their significance in American History.

The students will use the information from the presentation to work on developing and refining
their writing and research skills.
The students will also use creative writing techniques to describe the significance and other
personal connection to the landmark of their choosing.
The students will continue to practice and establish social skills and appropriate interactions
through sharing their information for the assignment and participating in the activity following the
Standards SECD: Self-Management Understanding and practicing strategies for managing thoughts and
behaviors, reflecting on perspectives, and setting and monitoring goals; A. Understand and
practice strategies for managing thoughts and behaviors. 9-12: 7. Apply effective listening skills
in a variety of setting and situations.
SECD: Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving: 2. Organize personal time and
manage personal responsibilities effectively; 9-12: a. Utilize time and materials to complete
assignments on schedule.
Kansas State Department of Education, 2017.
Assessment (formative The students will be formally assessed through the assignment portion of the Power
and/or summative) Point Presentation; which will be a written assignment and will use creative writing
The students will be informally assessed through classroom observation.
The students will be informally assessed through the whole classroom discussion of
sharing the topic that they wrote about.
Summative assessment will occur with the quiz following the power point presentation
and written assignment.
Resources (texts, The students will need an iPad with internet connection and access to the online Canvas
technology, materials, course; to access the Power Point presentation, assignment, and resources for the assignment.
etc.) The students without access to an iPad will need paper copies of the Power Point presentation,
assignment, and other resources to complete the assignment.
Access to a laptop and overhead projector for the Power Point presentation and Kahoot game.
Paper, pens, and pencils for students without technology access.
Classroom binder with student information, assignments, schedule, and other important
The students will all need paper copies of the quiz.
Accommodations and Modifications have been taken into consideration for the lesson,
students needing additional time will be given this for the lesson, students completing the quiz
will begin the Kahoot game, students still needing to complete the quiz will go out of the
Incorporation of other The lesson incorporates research and writing skills that are used in the Language Arts courses.
subject areas The lesson also incorporates information and concepts about historical facts, landmarks, and

cultural heritage that are used in the social studies curriculum.

The lesson also incorporates social interactions with the sharing of information which is also
included in the Interpersonal Skills (Social Skills) curriculum.
Introduction # of minutes: 10
(anticipatory set, Prior to the start of the lesson, the teacher will conduct a short triage and check in with each
thinking device, advance student to prepare the students for the lesson.
The students will then review assignments for the remainder of the week.
organizer, lesson The students will then be given the objectives of the lesson.
hook) The students will then be given the hook of the lesson which will include to name a few
famous landmarks that they have visited or want to visit anywhere in the United States; this will
help prepare the students for the lesson.
Description Rationale
UDL Engagement: With the use of triage and personal
Optimize relevance, value, and experiences, the students will
authenticity. better understand the objectives of
Promote expectations and beliefs that the lesson and be more engaged
optimize motivation. and motivated to participate in the
lesson and activities.
With the use of asking the students
to name a few famous United
States landmarks that they have
visited or want to visit will help to
National Center on Universal Design for prepare and engage them for the
Learning, 2014. lesson.
Lesson activities # of minutes: 35
(content, methods, The students will watch, listen, and interact with the Power Point presentation and lecture,
procedures, formative informal and formal assessment will be used to determine student engagement.
The students will then be given the necessary materials to begin the assignment from the Power
assessment) Point presentation, informal assessment will be used in observation to ensure that the students
can complete the assignment.
The students will then participate in a whole group discussion to review their assignments and
ideas with the entire class, informal assessment will be used to determine student engagement
and involvement.
The students will submit the assignment to be formally assessed and graded.
The students will take a quiz over the information contained in the Power Point and will be
formally assessed on this.
The students will then participate in the Kahoot game to review information and concepts
covered in the Power Point presentation, informal assessment will be used to determine skill and

objective acquisition.
Description: Rationale:

UDL representation: The students will be provided

Highlight patterns, critical features, big information that may or may not be
known about famous landmarks and their
ideas, and relationships. relationship with the United States and
Illustrate through multiple media. how this has worked to influence them as
American citizens.
The use of Power Point and a Kahoot
review game will allow the students to
learn the concept using multiple media
formats and styles, which will engage
and motivate the students throughout the
National Center on Universal Design for Learning, lesson.
UDL engagement: The students will share the information
Foster collaboration and community. that they have provided in an appropriate
Promote expectations and beliefs that and structured setting, which will help to
optimize motivation. foster a sense of community in the
The students will be learning about
famous United States landmarks, the
assignment expectations and opening of
the lesson promote clear expectations and
content of the lesson, which will motivate
National Center on Universal Design for and engage the students throughout the
Learning, 2014. lesson.
UDL action & expression: The students will use electronic, paper,
Use multiple tools for construction and and other resources to design and
composition. complete their assignments, and
Use multiple media for communication. participate in the activities contained
within the lesson, such as the Kahoot
review game.
Multiple media formats will be used to
present information to the students;
Power Point will be used to present the
bulk of the information and the Kahoot
game will be used to reinforce and

review the information and ideas

presented throughout the lesson.
National Center on Universal Design for
Learning, 2014.

Closure # of minutes: 4
The lesson will close in which each student will be asked to name one new fact that they learned
from the lesson.
Students will then discuss one thing that they like about the lesson.
Students will then discuss one thing that could be added or improved with the lesson.
The students will discuss any challenges or concerns that they faced with the writing portion of the
lesson, which will help to design future lessons and activities that involve writing.
UDL principle & description (at least 1):
Provide multiple means of Action & Expression Principle: To guide appropriate goal setting.
When the students discuss challenges or concerns with writing, this will help to guide goals and
instruction for future writing assignments and activities to help the students acquire missing skills
or address deficits in this area.
Provide multiple means of Action and Expression: Optimize access to tools and assistive
technologies. This will be accomplished by allowing the students to complete assignments and
activities in the classroom using electronic, paper, and other formats of their choosing, to promote
the best style of learning and expression by each student.

National Center on Universal Design for Learning, 2014.

Kansas State Department of Education. (2017). Kansas Social, Emotional, and Character Development Standards. Retrieved from:


National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2014). Retrieved from:

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