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Module Four Journal: Assessment for Learning

SPED 775: Practicum with Exceptional Children & Youth

University of Kansas

Dr. Cynthia Mruczek

Brent Seager

April 2, 2017

Teaching video name: Formal Lesson Plan Date: 03/31/2017

Observation Meaning Research
At 29:14 in the video, I can Providing clear learning In the Stiggins & DuFour,
be observed setting clear targets allows the essential 2009, article, the essential
learning targets in the Kahoot elements to be used in elements of setting a
review of the information that educating the students, which foundation for productive
was provided to the students will allow them to use and assessment is discussed and
in the presentation. build upon the knowledge. the guidelines are put into
place. In the video
observation, I can be seen
putting into place the first
element, which is to set a
clear learning target (Stiggins
& DuFour, 2009, p. 642-643).
The clear learning target
closely aligns with the UDL
principle of action &
expression in guiding
appropriate goal setting
(National Center on
Universal Design for
Learning, 2014).
At 3:43 in the video, I can be Providing the students with In the Sacks, 2014, Blog, it
observed fostering creativity, an opportunity for discusses the importance of
engagement and mastery in engagement, creativity, and developing and fostering
my discussion with a student mastery will allow them to creativity, engagement, and
during the power point have more access to the mastery within the
presentation. curriculum in the classroom curriculum to improve the
and prepare them for learning outcome for ELL students,
and engagement in other however, I believe that this is
classrooms. the case for all students. In
the video, I can be observed
fostering creativity,
engagement, and mastery in
the discussion that I am
having with the student
(Sacks, 2014). This closely
aligns with the UDL principle
of engagement through
fostering collaboration and
community (National Center
on Universal Design for
Learning, 2014).
At 13:17 in the video, I can In the observation, I am In the Chatterji, 2014, Blog,
be observed implementing a having the students recall a testing and validating

new principle in the lesson to fact that was previously assessment is essential to
help validate the assessment learned and applying it to a ensure that the information
that would occur in the new concept to help validate and assessment procedures
Kahoot review game. the assessment that would are in place to reliably assess
occur in the Kahoot review the students. Reliable and
game. Providing the students valid assessments ensure that
with valid assessment is the students are learning the
imperative to ensure that the necessary concepts and
necessary elements are in information and can apply
place to accurately and them appropriately (Chatterji,
productively assess the 2014). This concept is
students. closely aligned to the UDL
principle of representation
through activating and
supplying background
knowledge (National Center
on Universal Design for
Learning, 2014).

Observation One

In the first observation at 29:14 in the video, I can be observed using the essential
elements of setting a foundation for productive assessment as discussed by Stiggins & DuFour,
2009, through the first element of setting a clear learning target. The clear learning target is
provided in the Kahoot review game that the students are participating in to determine skill
acquisition of the information contained within the lesson. According to Stiggins & DuFour,
2009, setting a foundation for productive assessment is one of the most important aspects in
order to ensure that conditions are in place for productive and meaningful assessment to occur. I
agree that setting a clear learning target is essential in allowing the students to understand the
expectations, which will also help with classroom management and engagement (Stiggins &
DuFour, 2009, p. 642-643). The clear learning target is also closely aligned with the UDL
principle of Action & Expression in guiding appropriate goal setting, which is essential in
providing the students with an opportunity to practice and develop the necessary skills to set
their own and goals with the guidance of the teacher (National Center on Universal Design for
Learning, 2014).

Observation Two

In the second observation, which is located at 3:43 in the video, I can be observed
discussing with a student about her family member that works for the government and how it is
significant to the lesson and information begin discussed. This observation shows how I could
foster creativity, engagement, and mastery into the lesson using UDL principle of engagement
through fostering collaboration and community. According to the Sacks, 2014, Blog, the use of
fostering creativity, engagement, and mastery in the curriculum is vital for student success and
comprehension of the information for ELL students, however, all students benefit from fostering
creativity, engagement, and mastery. While I foster creativity, engagement and mastery
throughout the lesson, I believe that this observation demonstrates this, and the student that was
discussing their family with me struggles at times in the classroom with engagement (Sacks,
2014). The use of fostering creativity, engagement, and mastery was present in this lesson and
works to suit the educational needs of all students (National Center on Universal Design for
Learning, 2014).

Observation Three

In the third observation at 13:17 in the video, I can be observed implementing a validity
check for instruction and assessment using asking questions about previously learned
information and having the students relate it to a new concept and idea. According to the
Chatterji, 2014, Blog, testing the validity of an assessment is an essential element of providing
the students with instruction, information, and assessment that will allow knowledge and
learning to transfer across all subject and content areas. Also, it is vital that the assessment is
valid and appropriate for the instruction occurring in the classroom, which can be determined
throughout the lesson by asking questions to check for understanding (Chatterji, 2014). The use
of validity testing for assessment that I used in this lesson closely aligns with the UDL principle
of representation using supplying and activating background knowledge, as this allowed me to

determine if the instruction and assessment were appropriate and valid for the students (National
Center on Universal Design for Learning, 2014).

Chatterji, M. (2014, March 17). Validity, test use, and consequences: Pre-empting a persistent

problem [Weblog post]. Retrieved from:

National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2014). Retrieved from:
Sacks, L. (2014, June 17). Its not enough to talk the talk [Weblog post]. Retrieved from:

Stiggins R. & DuFour, R. (2009). Maximizing the power of formative assessments. Phi Delta

Kappan, 90(9), p. 642-643.

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