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CPQ Cloud-Accounts

Receivable Integration
Implementation Overview

Oracle CPQ Cloud Product Management

April 2015
1. Integration Overview
2. CDM Integration
3. Credit Check Integration
4. Accounts Receivable Integration


Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may
not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should
not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or
functionality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 2

CPQ Cloud, Customer Data Management, Credit Check, and
Accounts Receivable Integration Overview
When the Transaction is
finalized in CPQ Cloud, the
sales rep clicks the Create
Start Invoice button.
Transaction data is then
sent to AR.

The sales rep

enters a CPQ Cloud requests
customer a credit check based
company name If company name is valid on the verified-by- AR receives transaction data and invoice
If credit check is approved creation begins.
in CPQ Cloud and CDM returns the customers CDM customer
An approval message is returned
then clicks Account Number and Bill To Site company name.
to CPQ Cloud and displayed on
Customer Details. Number, which are both displayed
the user interface. The sales rep
CPQ Cloud checks in the CPQ Cloud user interface. Note: Credit Check
is free to proceed in CPQ Cloud.
CDM for functionality is a
customer details If company name is invalid part of Oracle
If credit check is rejected
based on the CDM returns error messages, which Fusion Financials.
A rejection message is returned
company name. are displayed in the CPQ Cloud user
to CPQ Cloud and displayed on
interface, and the CPQ Cloud user
the user interface. The sales rep
cannot proceed with order
cannot proceed.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 3

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Prerequisites Integration Dependencies
CPQ Cloud version 2014 R2 or later CDM integration must be
Base Reference Application is implemented in CPQ Cloud to
deployed on the environment perform Credit Check integration
Customers with QuickStart sites can still CDM and Credit Check integrations
perform the integration, but many must be implemented in CPQ Cloud
integration files will need to be manually to perform AR integration
modified. Contact CPQ Cloud Product
Management for more information.
Important Note: This document gives a high-level overview of what must be created in CPQ Cloud to enable integration with CDM,
Credit Check, and AR, but it does not included detailed instructions for how to create each component.
Refer to each Integration White Paper (linked to at the end of this document) for detailed administration instructions.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 4

CPQ Cloud-Customer
Data Management
Implementation Overview


Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Preparing for Integration
CDM Requirements CPQ Cloud Components to Create for
Fusion Sales Cloud Release 9 or CDM Integration
later 4 Attributes
Fusion CDM web services that must 1 Action
be running: 1 Validation Rule
OrganizationService operation
findOrganization 4 Library Functions
CustomerAccountService operation 1 Step Transition (Document View)
2 Data Tables

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 6

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Five new attributes must be created in CPQ Cloud to enable integration with CDM:

Attribute Description Visible on the CPQ

Cloud Layout

Customer Company Name Populated by the sales user, and used to check for customer data in CDM. Yes

Account Number Populated by CDM based on the Customer Company Name. Yes

Bill To Site Number Populated by CDM based on the Customer Company Name. Yes

Party ID Populated by CDM based on the Customer Company Name. No

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 7

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
One new action must be created to accomplish integration with CDM:

Action Description Visible on the CPQ

Cloud Layout

Invoked by the CPQ Cloud user. This action begins the process of retrieving customer
Customer Details details from CDM based on the customer company name by triggering the necessary Yes
library functions.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 8

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Validation Rule
One Validation rule must be created in the Oracle Quote to Order Commerce Process:

Validation Rule Name Action Constrained Condition Description

The CPQ Cloud user will not be able to click Submit when
Account Number and Bill the Account Number and Bill To Site Number attributes
CustomerDetails Submit To Site Number are both are both blank. A message will be displayed to instruct
blank. the CPQ Cloud user to click Customer Details to retrieve
the data for these attributes from CDM.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 9

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Library Functions

Four new Library Functions must be created and will run when the CustomerDetails
action is fired.

getTemplateLocation getUserAttributes getPassword invokeWebService

Retrieves the correct Retrieves a username Retrieves a password Invokes the correct
XML template file from for CDM. for CDM. Fusion CDM web
the File Manager so it service to populate the
can be populated by a XML template file with
Fusion CDM web CDM customer data.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 10

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Step Transition (Document View)

Add the new Document View to the "Sales Rep" or "Default" Participant Profile unless
advised otherwise. This view will hide the new Customer Details action based on the
current step.

Action Steps Action is Shown Description

The Customer Details action will be available for the CPQ Cloud sales
Customer Details Start, In Progress
user to invoke until the Transaction reaches the Approved step.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 11

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Data Tables
A new INT_SYSTEM_TEMPLATES data table will contain links to the TCA-OrgService and TCA-AccService XML template
files in the File Manager. This data table will be queried by the new getTemplateLocation Library Function to retrieve
the template files so they can be populated with CDM customer data.
A new INT_SYSTEM_DETAILS data table will contain Fusion CDM web service names, usernames, and end points. This
data table will be queried by the new CPQ Cloud Library Functions getUserAttributes and invokeWebService to populate
the XML template files using table data and Fusion CDM web services.

Actions Customer Details

Library getTemplateLocation getUserAttributes getPassword invokeWebService

(Hard Coded)





Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 12

Next Steps
Implement CPQ-CDM Reference Integration

For detailed instructions on creating the components

in CPQ Cloud necessary to enable integration with
Fusion CDM, as well as access to additional sample
files and resources, see the Implement CPQ-CDM
Reference Integration white paper.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 13

CPQ Cloud-Financials
Credit Check
Implementation Overview

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
CPQ Cloud Components to Create for Credit Check Integration

1 Attribute
1 Action
1 Validation Rule
6 Formulas
4 Library Functions
1 Step Transition (Document View)
2 Data Tables

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 15

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
One new attribute must be created in CPQ Cloud to enable integration with Credit Check:

Attribute Description Visible on the CPQ

Cloud Layout

Credit Approval State Displays the Credit Approval status as being either accepted or rejected. Yes

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 16

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
One new action must be created to accomplish integration with Credit Check:

Action Description Visible on the CPQ

Cloud Layout

Invoked by the CPQ Cloud user. This action begins the process of checking the
Credit Check customer company names credit in Financials Credit Check by triggering the Yes
necessary library functions.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 17

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Validation Rule
One Validation rule must be created in the Oracle Quote to Order Commerce Process:

Validation Rule Name Action Constrained Condition Description

The CPQ Cloud user will not be able to click Create

Credit Approval State Invoice when a credit check has not been performed or
equals Credit check when a request for a credit check came back as rejected.
Credit Check Validation Create Invoice
request is rejected or is A message will display to tell the user to request a credit
blank. check, or that an invoice cannot be created because the
credit check was rejected.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 18

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Six formulas must be created in Formula Management to correctly formulate the Total
Contract Value, which will be used in the Credit Check:
Attribute Formula
listPrice_l _price_item_price_each
if( ( customDiscountType_l = "Amount Off" ), customDiscountValue_l,if( ( customDiscountType_l =
customDiscountAmount_l "Percent Off" ), ( listPrice_l * ( customDiscountValue_l / 100 ) ), if( ( customDiscountType_l = "Price
Override" ), ( listPrice_l - customDiscountValue_l ), 0 )))
if( ( customDiscountType_l = "Price Override" ), customDiscountValue_l, ( listPrice_l -
customDiscountAmount_l ) )
netAmount_l netPrice_l * requestedQuantity_l
if( ( priceType_l = "One Time" ), netAmount_l,if( ( priceType_l = "Recurring" ), ( netAmount_l *
contractedPeriods_l ), 0 ))
totalContractValue_t sum(contractValue_l)

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 19

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Library Functions

Four new Library Functions must be created and will run when the Credit Check action is fired.

getTemplateLocation getUserAttributes getPassword invokeWebService

Retrieves the correct Retrieves a username Retrieves a password Invokes the correct
XML template file from for Credit Check. for Credit Check. Fusion Financials Credit
the File Manager so it Check web service to
can be populated by a populate the XML
Fusion Financials Credit template file with
Check web service. accepted or rejected

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 20

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Step Transition (Document View)

Add the new Document View to the "Sales Rep" or "Default" Participant Profile unless
advised otherwise. This view will hide the new Credit Check action based on the current

Action Step Action is Shown Description

The Credit Check action will be only be available for the CPQ Cloud sales user to
Credit Check Approved
invoke when the Transaction has been approved.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 21

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Data Tables
A new INT_SYSTEM_TEMPLATES data table will contain a links to the CreditCheck XML template file in the File Manager.
This data table will be queried by the new getTemplateLocation Library Function to retrieve the template file so it can
be populated with accepted or rejected data.
A new INT_SYSTEM_DETAILS data table will contain the Fusion Financials Credit Check web service name, username,
and end point. This data table will be queried by the new CPQ Cloud Library Functions getUserAttributes and
invokeWebService to populate the XML template files using table data and Fusion Financials Credit Check web service.

Actions Credit Check

Library getTemplateLocation getUserAttributes getPassword invokeWebService

(Hard Coded)





Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 22

Next Steps
White Paper on CPQ-Credit Check Integration

For detailed instructions on creating the components

in CPQ Cloud necessary to enable integration with
Fusion Financials Credit Check, as well as access to
additional sample files and resources, see the White
Paper on CPQ-Credit Check Integration.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 23

CPQ Cloud-Accounts
Receivable Integration
Implementation Overview


Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Preparing for Integration
CDM Requirements CPQ Cloud Components to Create for
Fusion Sales Cloud Release 9 or AR Integration
later 36 Attributes
Fusion AR web service that must be 3 Actions
running: 1 Validation Rule
InvoiceService operation
processInterfaceLine 6 Library Functions
3 Step Transitions (Document Views)
2 Data Tables

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 25

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
In order for CPQ Cloud to give all necessary Transaction data to Fusion AR for order creation, 36 new
attributes must be created in the Oracle Quote to Order Commerce Process:
2 customer company attributes populated by CDM
6 line-item/order attributes
17 contract and billing attributes
8 general transaction attributes
3 additional attributes populated by AR
Invoice Date
Invoice Number

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 26

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Three new actions must be created to accomplish integration with Fusion AR:

Action Description Visible on the CPQ

Cloud Layout

Invoked by the CPQ Cloud user. This action sends Transaction data to Fusion AR by
Create Invoice Yes
triggering the necessary library functions to begin the process of creating an invoice.

Invoked by the CPQ Cloud user. This action sends a request to cancel an in-flight
Cancel Invoice Yes
order to Fusion AR.

Invoked by the CPQ Cloud user. This action sends a request to cancel a line item off of
Cancel Line Yes (line-level)
an in-flight order to Fusion AR.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 27

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Validation Rule
One Validation rule must be created in the Oracle Quote to Order Commerce Process:

Validation Rule Name Action Constrained Condition Description

No line items are present The CPQ Cloud user will not be able to click Create
No Line Validation Create Invoice
on the Transaction Invoice on a Transaction that des not have any line items.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 28

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Library Functions

Six new Library Functions must be created and will run when either the Create Invoice,
Cancel Invoice, or Cancel Line actions are fired.

getTemplateLocation getUserAttributes getPassword invokeWebService getMaxLines invokeARInvoice

Retrieves the Retrieves a Retrieves a Invokes Fusion Limits how many Sends the
correct XML username for password for AR web services line items are request (either
template file Fusion AR. Fusion AR. to populate the sent in one to create an
from the File XML template invoice request invoice or to
Manager so it file. according to an cancel an
can be populated AR limit. If the invoice) to AR.
by Fusion AR number of line
web services. items on a
exceeds this
limit, multiple
requests are sent
to AR.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 29

Preparing CPQ Cloud for Integration
Data Tables
A new INT_SYSTEM_TEMPLATES data table will contain links to Fusion Financials XML template files in the File
Manager. This data table will be queried by the new getTemplateLocation Library Function to retrieve the
template files so they can be populated with AR invoice data.
A new INT_SYSTEM_DETAILS data table will contain Fusion Financials web service names, usernames, and end
points. This data table will be queried by the new CPQ Cloud Library Functions getUserAttributes and
invokeWebService to populate the XML template files using table data and Fusion Financials web services.

Actions Create Invoice OR Cancel Invoice OR Cancel Line

Library getTemplateLocation getUserAttributes getPassword invokeWebService getMaxLines invokeARInvoice


(Hard Coded) (Hard Coded)







Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 30

Next Steps
Implement CPQ-Receivables Integration

For detailed instructions on creating the components

in CPQ Cloud necessary to enable integration with
Fusion AR, as well as access to additional sample files
and resources, see the Implement CPQ-Receivables
Integration white paper.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 31

CPQ Cloud-AR Integration White Papers



Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 32

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