Exemplar 2

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Tests in North Korea pressuring

China to Finally Act

Figure 1 North Korea's nuclear missile tests, which they claim can have the US and South Korea "completely destroyed in an
instant" (Sridharan)

WASHINGTON - As the relations between China expecting North Korea to take action that could
and North Korea grow more unstable by the day, lead to conflict between them.
China started readying missile-capable bombers China and North Korea used to have a tight-knit
in case a dangerous situation that could affect relationship between the two countries, going all
the US might arise in Pyongyang, which is located the way back to the Korean War in 1950-1953.
near China's border with North Korea. Even after the war ended, China continued to
As US defense officials watch with growing support North Korea politically and economically
concern how China is preparing its military throughout the years until the present day.
aircrafts, this situation caused the White House China has its own aims when supporting North
to raise doubts about the amount of control and Korea. After the fall of the Soviet Union, who also
influence China holds over North Korea. had a treaty with Pyongyang, China's influence
Tension continues to rise between the two has increased drastically. Therefore, China's goal
nations. A US defense official has been quoted is to have the northern part of the Korean
saying that China is preparing its military to peninsula within its control.
"reduce the time to react to a North Korea However, China supporting North Korea, despite
contingency". This could mean that China is half the leader Kim Jong-un assassinating his family
members and building a nuclear missile, makes Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "We have no
the White House doubt how long these relations information to give.", while China's Ministry of
can last before a dangerous situation will break National Defense refuted the US official's
out between the two countries. statement, "These claims aren't true. Instead,
So far, China was North Korea's only ally, the the Chinese military has been upkeeping the
country's source for energy and food and its regular levels of patrol along the China-North
biggest trading partner, as most of the imports in Korea border."
North Korea are from China and China in turn The White House knows that China is essential
buys a lot of North Korea's exports. for negotiating with Pyongyang. President
Recently, China's relationship with North Korea Trump has talked with the Chinese president on
started deteriorating on October 2006, when multiple occasions. The US is economically and
Pyongyang started its nuclear weapon testing, diplomatically trying pressuring North Korea to
which led China to take action and finally support stop these nuclear tests.
the United Nations sanctions on North Korea. Because of a potential military conflict between
However, this sanction was only supported once China and North Korea breaking out, the US
the UN agreement has been revised and the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force
punishment lessened. China only supported the decided to send out an aircraft carrier strike
agreement once the sanction has been limited to group. In addition to this, the US has sent out
luxury goods, meaning China is still mostly two destroyers, capable of firing tomahawk
economically supporting North Korea. cruise missiles. If US intelligence detects at some
The US defense official says, "I doubt how point that another nuclear test is imminent, then
committed China is, to implementing the trade the White House will consider making a
restrictions on North Korea." preemptive strike to prevent it from happening.
The US government questions Pyongyang's "This will act as a preventive measure. We need
intentions, which became clear after they to remind Beijing and Pyongyang that we are
declared that the US and their neighbour, South here and we are watching for their next move."
Korea, could be "completely destroyed in an The Chief of Staff continued to say that he was
instant". hoping that this situation can be resolved one
Several US citizens have also been detained from way or the other, preferably, resulting in a united
leaving North Korea, which increased tension Korean Peninsula without nuclear missile power
between North Korea and the US. in Pyongyang.
China is withholding information regarding the
critical situation affecting the countries. Chinese

US Taking Militaristic Approach to Deal

with Instability in Pyongyang

Figure 2 Fleet of US destroyers armed with missiles heading for Pyongyang to prepare for a potential pre-emptive strike

BEIJING - Ever since North Korea's leader Kim from the Korean War in 1950-1953. Originally,
Jong-un's half-brother, Kim Jong-nam was the Soviet Union also had a treaty in North
assassinated in Malaysia, the Chinese Korea. Ever since its fall, the Chinese influence
government has been concerned with the has increased in Pyongyang. The Chinese
stability of the North Korean regime and what its government is not planning to relinquish their
leader has in store for the world. hold on North Korea, especially when Pyongyang
China used to have a mutually beneficial is conducting more weapon tests. A Chinese
relationship with North Korea, but some tension military general stated, "We worry about the
has arisen between the two countries when stability of the North Korean regime. We need to
North Korea first tested a nuclear weapon in exert some control to ensure that Pyongyang
Pyongyang on October 2006. stops these endeavors. "
China had a long-standing relationship with The government is planning to exert all their
North Korea, supporting North Korea starting influence to negotiate and deal with the nuclear
and ballistic tests in Pyongyang, hoping to However, starting from February 26, 2017, China
terminate the nuclear program for good. But has turned away all of the ships from North
now the US is interfering, after responding to a Korea that were carrying coal as export, going
claim made by Pyongyang, that the United States even as far as to order its trading companies to
and South Korea could be "completely destroyed return the coal they had gotten from North
in an instant". Korea.
However, the US has different plans in mind for This action is supporting the UN sanctions and
the Korean peninsula. They are hoping that by enhancing its effects. This is a massive blow to
interfering in this affair, they can turn this North Korea's economy. A spokesman from
situation to their favour. At the current moment, China's Ministry of Commerce went on to
the US decided to take the offensive, sending out explain, "Coal is North Korea's most important
several destroyers with tomahawk missiles and export, a means for them to sustain their country
an aircraft carrier strike group. The White House and nation. Banning their coal exports is a
has even discussed the possibility of a necessary action that needed to be taken,
preemptive strike. especially when Pyongyang disregarded our
A US defense official was quoted saying, "We warnings to discontinue their nuclear program.
want to see a unified, pro-U.S. Korean By compromising North Korea's economy, we
Peninsula." This clearly shows the goal the White are warning them about taking further action
House has in mind. If the entire Korean peninsula and worsening the current situation. They need
were to become pro-U.S., then the US would be to realize that we will not idly stand by while
able to exert their influence to benefit their there is a threat of a nuclear weapon being
country only and gain more power in the tested in a neighboring country. We are willing
process. It is left to speculation what the US to take action against this."
would use this new-found power for, or against. The spokesman continued to elaborate, that the
So far though, China is North Korea's biggest government will not stop at banning just North
trading partner, buying their exports and Korea's coal. If the situation continues like this,
important Chinese goods to Pyongyang. In light the government is considering banning oil
of the recent situation with the nuclear testing, exports from Pyongyang as well, if these nuclear
China warned North Korea to be careful about tests continue.
their nuclear plans and that such obvious China's Foreign Minister has explained why they
militaristic actions will not be tolerated by the have opposed the harsh sanctions by the UN on
government. North Korea so far. "All of these actions have
Ever since the nuclear test in 2006, the been done with consideration for the best of the
relationship between China and North Korea has Chinese population. If the regime were to
made a drastic turn. Starting from then, the collapse because of these missile tests, then
Chinese government began supporting the there would be an influx of refugees along our
sanctions the United Nations were imposing on 870-mile-long border." He proceeded to say,
North Korea, limited at that time to luxury items. "The government did this for the people."

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