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Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322

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Contemporary Clinical Trials

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c o n c l i n t r i a l

Integrating depression and chronic disease care among patients with

diabetes and/or coronary heart disease: The design of the TEAMcare study
Wayne Katon a,, Elizabeth H.B. Lin b, Michael Von Korff b, Paul Ciechanowski a, Evette Ludman b,
Bessie Young c,d, Carolyn Rutter b, Malia Oliver b, Mary McGregor b
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, United States
Group Health Research Institute, Seattle, WA, United States
Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, United States
Epidemiologic Research and Information Center, Veterans Affairs of Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, WA, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Diabetes and coronary heart disease (CHD) are two of the most prevalent medical illnesses in
Received 2 November 2009 the US population and comorbid depression occurs in up to 20% of these patients. Guidelines
Accepted 21 March 2010 for management of diabetes and CHD overlap for healthy lifestyle and disease-control
recommendations. However, the majority of patients with these medical illnesses have been
Keywords: shown to have inadequate control of key risk factors such as blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, or
blood sugar. Comorbid depression has been shown to adversely affect self-care of diabetes and
Coronary heart disease
CHD, and is associated with an increased risk of complications and mortality. Interventions that
TEAMcare study have improved quality and outcomes of depression care alone in patients with diabetes and CHD
have not demonstrated benets in self-care, improved disease control or morbidity and mortality.
This paper describes the design and development of a new biopsychosocial intervention
(TEAMcare) aimed at improving both medical disease control and depression in patients with
poor control of diabetes and/or CHD who met the criteria for comorbid depression. A team
approach is used with a nurse interventionist who receives weekly psychiatric and primary care
physician caseload supervision in order to enhance treatment by the primary care physician. This
intervention is being tested in an NIMH-funded randomized controlled trial in a large integrated
health plan.
2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction evaluations of case-management services for patients with

complex chronic disease have not yielded anticipated improve-
Complex patients are characterized by multiple, poorly ments in disease control or cost reductions [4]. While disease
controlled chronic diseases complicated by psychological and management interventions for single conditions, including
behavioral impairments including depression, unhealthy life- congestive heart failure [5], diabetes,[6] and depression [7],
styles, and poor adherence to medication regimens [1]. Com- have been shown to improve control of these chronic con-
plex patients account for a disproportionate share of U.S. health ditions, it remains unclear how to improve outcomes in com-
care costs [2]. How to improve care for complex patients is plex patients who have multiple poorly controlled physical and
one of the major challenges facing medicine today [3]. Recent psychological conditions [4].
Among patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and/or
diabetes with comorbid depressive illness, recent research
Corresponding author. Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, has assessed whether overall health outcomes can be im-
University of Washington School of Medicine, 1959 NE Pacic Street,
Box 356560, Seattle, WA 98195-6560, United States. Tel.: +1 206 543 7177;
proved by effectively treating depression [811]. The ratio-
fax: +1 206 221 5414. nale for this approach is that in patients with diabetes and
E-mail address: (W. Katon). CHD, there is a high prevalence of co-existing depression

1551-7144/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322 313

[12,13] and this comorbidity is associated with increased care organization with 30 primary care clinics in Western
medical symptom burden [14,15], additive functional impair- Washington State. Fourteen GH primary care clinics in a 90-
ment [16], poor self-care (adherence to diet, exercise, mile geographic region of Western Washington State were
cessation of smoking or taking disease-control medications included in this study.
as prescribed) [17], higher medical utilization, costs [16,18], The study was funded by the National Institute of Mental
macrovascular and microvascular complication rates, and Health (NIMH) Division of Intervention and Health Services
mortality [1921]. However, three trials of collaborative Research. The randomized controlled trial proposed to test a
depression care versus usual primary care among patients primary care based multimodal intervention aimed at improv-
with diabetes and comorbid depression have shown that ing quality of care for complex patients with poorly controlled
improving quality of depression care and depressive out- diabetes, CHD and depression with usual primary care. The care
comes has not resulted in improvements in diabetes self- management intervention was provided by nurses who had
care or HbA1c levels [810]. Similarly, the largest depression previous training in enhancing quality of care for patients with
effectiveness trial in patients with CHD and comorbid diabetes. The nurse care manager role was designed to support
depression has shown that improving depressive outcomes management of complex patients by the primary care physician
was not associated with decreased cardiac events or mortality (PCP) and to strengthen the support of primary care manage-
[11]. One possible interpretation of these results is that man- ment by relevant consultative specialists. Other goals for the
agement of multi-condition patients with comorbid physical care manager were: to work in partnership with the patient to
and psychosocial impairments requires an integrated biop- develop a shared denition of signicant problems, provide
sychosocial approach that simultaneously addresses their patient education and support, agree on specic targets/goals
physical and psychological problems. Optimal care of com- and an individualized action plan, offer support and problem-
plex patients may also need to target behavioral risk factors solving to optimize self-management, closely monitor adher-
such as exercise and medication adherence. ence and outcomes, and facilitate return appointments to the
Despite evidence that team approaches (such as collabo- PCP or specialist for patients with adverse outcomes or side-
rative care) integrated with primary care improve quality of effects. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the
care and disease outcomes of single chronic conditions such GH Institutional Review Board and a Data Monitoring Safety
as depression [20], CHF [5] and diabetes [6] most systems of Board reviewed methods prior to initiation and outcomes every
care are struggling with how to improve quality and reduce 6 months thereafter.
costs of care for complex patients with multiple chronic
diseases and psychological impairments [4]. An integrated 2.1. Sample recruitment
medical and psychological care management model that im-
proved quality and outcomes of care for these complex GH electronic medical records data were screened for
patients might be a more cost-effective approach to organiz- patients with diabetes mellitus (all ICD-9 250 codes) or with
ing health care as it could be implemented for a broad range CHD (all ICD-9 diagnosis codes 410414 or ICD-9 procedure
of patients, as opposed to disease management programs that codes 00.66, and all 36 coronary artery procedure codes (CPT)
target patients with particular chronic diseases. Since over 33510 to 33523, and 33533 to 33536, 33572, 92973 to 92975,
90% of Medicare beneciaries have more than one chronic 92977, 92980 to 92982, 92984, 92995 and 92996). The
condition and 71% of Medicare beneciaries with depression electronic medical record was then used to identify poten-
have 4 or more chronic conditions [2], the potential sig- tially eligible patients with one or more indicators of poor
nicance of an effective approach to caring for these complex disease control within the previous 12 months: blood
patients is compelling. pressure N140/90 (based on 2 blood pressure recordings at
This paper reports the development of a TEAMcare two separate visits within 12 months), LDL N130 mg LDL, and
intervention to assist primary care management of complex HbA1c 8.5. The goal of recruitment was to screen approx-
patients with comorbid depression and poorly controlled imately 10,000 patients with diabetes and/or CHD with
diabetes and/or CHD that is currently being tested in a evidence of poor disease control for depression with a brief
randomized controlled trial. There is considerable overlap in depression screening scale in order to identify approximately
guidelines for management of diabetes [22] and CHD [23], 350 patients with major depression and/or dysthymia on the
and major depression is found in up to 20% of patients with Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) [25]. Patients were
these diseases [24]. Therefore, a collaborative care interven- recruited between May 2007 and October 2009.
tion for multiple illnesses would target a meaningful and The trial was planned for a sample of 145 patients each in
commonly occurring cluster of chronic conditions. This paper the intervention and usual care groups, which was projected
also considers design issues encountered in developing an to provide 80% power to detect a 0.165 (SD 0.5) difference in
experimental evaluation of an integrated intervention for mean SCL-20 depression scores and a 15% difference in the
poorly controlled diabetes and/or heart disease patients who proportion of patients achieving optimal disease control on
also had major depression and/or dysthymia. all 3 measures (HbA1c b7.0% or 0.5 decrease, systolic blood
pressure b130 mm Hg or 10-point decrease, or LDL
2. Methods b100 mg/dl or 15% decrease), assuming 15% attrition.

The TEAMcare study was developed by a multidisciplinary 2.2. Screening and recruitment
team from the University of Washington and the Group
Health (GH) Research Institute, and was implemented in GH We used a brief one-page mail screener that included the
primary care clinics. GH is a non-prot mixed model health Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) [26] to identify
314 W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322

depressed patients, accompanied by an invitation letter to an intervention versus usual care based on the PHQ-9 score
from the GH Clinical Improvement Medical Director. A $2 of 10 and found signicant intervention versus usual care
bill was included with the mailing to encourage response. The effects on outcomes of depression [10].
telephone survey team called patients who did not return To recruit a representative sample of primary care
the mailed questionnaire to attempt completing the brief patients, we had few medical or psychiatric exclusions. We
screen by phone. A total of 82% of patients returned the included patients with diabetes and/or CHD who were
questionnaire or were reached by survey. Fig. 1 describes the already receiving antidepressant medications or psychother-
recruitment and reasons for ineligibility and referral at each apy from nonpsychiatrist clinicians, but who still had PHQ-9
stage of the study. depression scores 10. This decision was based on prior
The PHQ-9 was chosen as the second stage screen because it ndings that many primary care patients are exposed to
is also brief, easy to score and provides a probable DSM-IV antidepressant medications at lower than guideline recom-
diagnosis of major depression and depression severity score mended dosage and duration, and few receive an adequate
[25]. The PHQ-9 score of 10 has been found in primary care number of sessions of an evidence-based psychotherapy [27].
and aging populations to have high sensitivity and specicity Prior studies such as IMPACT [28] and Pathways [10] have
to the diagnosis of major depression based on structured found that being treated with an antidepressant medicine
psychiatric interview [25]. In our prior Pathways Study in prior to randomization did not modify depression outcomes.
patients with diabetes and depression we randomized patients Eligible patients were ambulatory, English speaking, with

Fig. 1. Recruitment ow diagram.

W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322 315

adequate hearing to complete a telephone interview and electronic medical records systems and were members of
planned to be enrolled in GHC over the next year. Medical the GH nursing staff also increased the integration of the
exclusions were terminal illness, residence in a long-term TEAMcare intervention with the delivery of primary health
care facility, planning to have bariatric surgery within care in the participating clinics. Facilitating dissemination in
3 months and pregnancy or nursing; psychiatric exclusions the GH delivery system if the trial improved patient outcomes
were: care by a psychiatrist; a diagnosis based on GH auto- was also a consideration in using experienced nurses from the
mated data of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia; use of study setting.
antipsychotic or mood stabilizer medication based on GH Three half-time diabetes nurses provided the interven-
automated pharmacy in the prior year; and mental confusion tions with caseloads of approximately 35 to 50 patients. Each
in the interview suggesting dementia. nurse covered four to ve clinics that were geographically as
far as 30 miles apart.
2.3. Randomization
2.6. Training
Patients who screened positive on the initial screen (PHQ-
2 score of 3) were asked to complete a telephone interview, Nurses received an initial 2-day training course on diagnosis
including the PHQ-9. If they had a PHQ-9 score of 10, they and pharmacotherapy of depression and an introduction to
were then invited to complete a baseline interview during behavioral strategies such as motivational interviewing, be-
the same call or at a later date and asked to give a verbal havioral activation and problem-solving. Nurses also received
consent to order laboratory tests prior to an in-person visit. updated training on glucose control, including insulin manage-
Following the baseline interview, patients were scheduled for ment, blood pressure management and treatment of high LDL
an in-person visit to obtain informed consent, collect height, and triglyceride levels. Recent treat-to-target guidelines devel-
weight, waist, and blood pressure measurements as well as oped by Kaiser Care Management Institute and used by GH for
onsite lab testing (for HbA1c, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, micro- insulin and blood pressure management were included in the
albumin, and creatinine ratio). training [29,30]. These guidelines describe medication choices
Patients were then randomly assigned by a centralized and recommended dose increments for patients with poor
randomization process to usual care or to the TEAMcare disease control. (See Appendix A).
intervention group. Patients assigned to usual care received a A psychiatrist, family physician, internistnephrologist,
letter stating they had been assigned to the control group. A psychologist and lead diabetes nurse participated in the
nurse care manager or study staff member called patients training. Core psychosocial skills that were taught included
randomized to the TEAMcare intervention to set an appoint- motivational interviewing [31], problem-solving [32], and
ment to initiate the intervention. behavioral activation [33,34]. The training included didactics,
role playing and guided reading. The training was enhanced
2.4. TEAMcare intervention design by development of a Nurse Training Manual and a Patient
Manual (Tools for Managing Your Chronic Diseases).
The TEAMcare intervention employed a treat-to-target Motivational interviewing (MI) is a collaborative, person-
approach [29] that integrated effective elements of disease centered approach to elicit and strengthen motivation for
management interventions for diabetes and CHD with change [31,35] Provider behaviors characteristic of MI include:
collaborative care for depression [22,23,30]. These elements a) seeking to understand the person's frame of reference,
included: developing an individualized care plan; systematic particularly via reective listening; b) expressing acceptance
monitoring of patient progress on disease-control parameters and afrmation; c) eliciting and selectively reinforcing the
(PHQ-9, HbA1c, blood pressure, lipid levels), and relentless client's own self-motivational statements and expressions of
treatment adjustment (treat-to-target) and support of pa- problem recognition, concern, desire and intention to change;
tient self-care to help patient achieve treatment goals. A d) monitoring the client's degree of readiness to change and
nurse care manager was added to the primary care team for ensuring that resistance is not generated by jumping ahead of
management of intervention patients. This nurse interven- the client's readiness to change; and e) afrming the client's
tionist was supervised weekly by a psychiatrist (WK or PC) freedom of choice and self-direction.
and either an internist (BY) or family physician (EHBL) with Problem Solving Treatment (PST) is a brief, practical skill-
ready access to diabetes and cardiology consultants. building treatment designed for use in medical settings [36,37]
This treatment has been shown to be successful for addressing
2.5. What type of professional should be trained to deliver the depressive symptoms associated with conditions such as
TEAMcare intervention? diabetes, as well as an approach to delivering self-management
support to non-depressed individuals with chronic condi-
Given the need for the nurse to be procient in both tions [38]. The rationale for PST is that life problems associated
management of complex patients with diabetes and/or CHD with living with chronic illness can be precipitants of de-
and depression, the intervention was delivered by highly pressive and anxiety symptoms, and that once depressed,
experienced medical nurses. The interventionists were nurses problems become more difcult to solve. PST teaches a
with extensive experience in diabetes management already structured procedure for addressing problems systematically.
working in the GH system because of their skills in glycemic, Behavioral activation is a therapeutic process that empha-
lipid and blood pressure management. They were then sizes structured attempts to increase behaviors likely to ex-
trained in collaborative depression case management. The pose patients to reinforcing environmental contingencies
fact that these nurses were accredited in using the GH and produce corresponding improvements in thoughts, mood
316 W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322

and overall quality of life [33,34]. Behavioral activation ence treatment resistance or side-effects to medications. In
strategies are ideal for implementation in medical settings addition, nurses met with the psychologist on the project
because they are brief, structured and uncomplicated com- once a month initially to review difcult patient encounters
pared to other psychological interventions for depression and in order to enhance motivational interviewing, problem-
can be delivered by health care providers other than mental solving and behavioral activation skills. The nurse, psychia-
health specialists [33,34]. Our research group has shown that trist and primary care supervisors reviewed patient adher-
this behavioral activation plan can be combined with ence to medication and lifestyle recommendations, progress
antidepressant treatment and was associated with improved on PHQ-9, blood glucose, blood pressure and LDL targets in
depressive outcomes compared to usual care [39]. weekly supervision meetings. When the psychiatrist and
primary care supervisor recommended medication changes,
2.7. TEAMcare intervention visits the nurse discussed or e-mailed these recommendations to
the PCP, who ordered changes on all medications through the
The TEAMcare intervention included a 1 h initial visit electronic record (EPIC Care).
followed by contacts by telephone and in person once or Using an ACCESS database, a clinical monitoring system
twice a month until the patient achieved his or her treatment was developed in tandem with the GH electronic medical
goals. Half of these contacts were expected to be in-person record to support the treat-to-target intervention (Fig. 3). The
and half by telephone. The rst appointment included a nurses entered tracking data after each contact, including
biopsychosocial, semi-structured history (reviewing history primary care clinic, initial enrollment date, initial and most
and treatments for depression, diabetes and heart disease), current PHQ score, HbA1c, blood pressure and LDL level. The
patient education, development of the therapeutic alliance, ACCESS tracking data allowed nurses and supervisors to view
understanding the patient's explanatory model of illness, all patients that were being followed by a 2-page printout (or
negotiation about starting depression treatment with anti- 2 computer screens). The ACCESS tracking form included a
depressant medication and/or behavioral activation, and ag for each disease-control measure that had not had a
developing an overall individualized care plan. signicant clinical improvement or reached guideline recom-
The nurse explained that treatment would occur in mended levels over a 10-week period: cases that had not
phases, starting with interventions to improve depression decreased 50% or more on the PHQ-9; not achieved a HbA1c
symptoms, then focusing on disease control of blood sugar, decrease of 0.5 or had a HbA1c level of b7.0%; not achieved a
blood pressure or LDLs and, nally, an emphasis on increasing systolic blood pressure of b130, or a decrease of 10 mm Hg,
healthy eating, exercise or smoking cessation. Nurses also or had not had at least a 15% decrease in LDL or an LDL level of
explained that they would be following the patient with this b100. Supervision started with new cases, progressed to
intervention over a 12-month period. A key task for the agged cases and then to cases in the initial stages of treat-
patient and nurse in the initial visit was to formulate an ment. While it would have been substantially more efcient
electronic version of My Better Health Care Plan (see Fig. 2), to use the EMR alone to support the TEAMcare intervention,
which would target specic goals for the nurse and patient to developing modules that support complex case management
work toward together. Each nurse had weekly supervision has not been a priority for EPICARE or other developers of
with a team of a psychiatrist and PCP to review new cases and EMR software systems. In general, complex case management
patient progress. Caseload supervision by specialists helps is carried out with stand-alone software not fully integrated
provide decision support to the PCPs when patients experi- with health plan EMR data.

Fig. 2. My better health plan: next step.

W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322 317

Fig. 3. TEAMcare tracking system.

2.8. Stepped care treat-to-target approach treated by increasing doses of prescribed antidepressants
until their PHQ-9 scores decreased by at least 50% or until
A stepped care treat-to-target approach was used in which they reached maximal dosage or side-effects limited titration.
management was guided by clinical response and outcomes Similarly, patients not already on antidepressant had an
[40]. Stepped care recognizes that patients have marked initial antidepressant medication started and dose titrated
differences in response to medication and behavioral treat- until their PHQ-9 scores decreased by 50% or side-effects
ments [29,40]. Treat-to-target emphasizes persistent man- emerged.
agement to achieve guideline-levels of disease control on For most patients not receiving antidepressant medicines
parameters that are poorly controlled at baseline [29]. In the at enrollment either citalopram was started (provided that
TEAMcare study, all patients were offered both behavioral they had not had two prior negative trials of SSRIs or side-
activation strategies and antidepressant medication to treat effects on prior SSRI trials limiting dosage adjustment) or
depression, lipid lowering and blood pressure medication for buproprion-SR was chosen as the initial antidepressant.
higher than guideline-level LDLs and blood pressure, and oral These medications were inexpensive generic medications
hypoglycemic medications and/or insulin for those with on the GH formulary. Citalopram was the SSRI chosen due to
HbA1c levels N7.0%. For patients who had high PHQ-9, LDL, the relative lack of hepatic enzyme inhibition and potential
HbA1c or blood pressure levels who were not already treated drugdrug interaction with diabetes and/or heart disease
with a medication, a medication was recommended. For medications. Buproprion-SR was chosen because of its lack of
those already on medication, the nurse initially carefully
reviewed whether the patient was taking medications as
prescribed to ensure that poor disease control was not due to Table 1
poor adherence. Nurses also reviewed self-care activities, Self-care goals, behaviors and tools.
including dietary choices, exercise, smoking and whether the
Chronic disease Self-care behaviors Tools
patient was monitoring blood sugar or blood pressure levels.
Patients were provided relevant educational materials. Depression Symptom Videotape and The Depression
monitoring Helpbook
As seen in Table 1, patients were all provided with a book
Antidepressant PHQ-9, electronic monitoring
(The Depression Helpbook) [41] and a videotape to enhance medication of outcomes
understanding about depression. Patients with abnormal blood Behavioral activation Adherence packets/reminders
sugars were provided an American Diabetes Association (ADA) Physical activity Behavioral activation
educational packet on glucose monitoring as well as the nurse workbook
Social support Pedometers, exercise log,
ensuring that patients were procient in using glucometers groups
that were routinely provided by GH. For those with poorly Blood sugar Home glucose ADA educational packet on
controlled blood pressure, an educational packet on blood monitoring glucose monitoring
pressure adapted from the American Heart Association (AHA), Medication Glucometer
was provided as well as an OMRON home monitoring blood
Physical activity Adherence packets/reminders
pressure cuff. For those with high LDL levels, an AHA Healthy diet Exercise log, classes,
educational packet on lowering low-density lipids was provid- pedometer
ed. Motivational interviewing and problem-solving techniques Foot checks Daily weight
were used for patients with poor adherence. Adherence was Hypertension Home blood pressure AHA educational packet on BP
monitored based on patient self-report as well as nurse review Medication Blood pressure cuff (OMRON)/
of automated data on prescription rells. Behavioral activation adherence home monitoring
focused on increasing pleasant activities, moderate exercise Physical activity Adherence packets/reminders
(such as walking) when possible and, for those interested, a Low salt, healthy diet Exercise log, classes,
pedometer was provided to reinforce taking an increased
Hyperlipidemia Low fat, low AHA educational packet on
number of steps per day. cholesterol diet lowering LDLs
About half of the patients in the intervention arm of the Medication Adherence packets/reminders
study had already been prescribed antidepressant medica- adherence
tions prior to randomization. If adherence with antidepres- Physical activity Exercise log, classes,
sant medications was adequate, then patients initially were
318 W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322

hepatic enzyme inhibition, lack of sexual side-effects (which PCPs were notied about depression and poor medical disease
can be particularly problematic in patients with diabetes due control. All study baseline, 6- and 12-month follow-up labs
to preexisting autonomic dysfunction affecting sexual phys- were drawn by GH laboratories and results entered into the
iology) and evidence of weight loss associated with use of electronic medical record.
buproprion in trials in patients with depression and diabetes
[42]. For those with a partial response to maximal doses of 2.11. Assessment
citalopram, buproprion-SR was often added to augment re-
sponse based on the benecial effect of this combination Table 2 describes the variables that will be collected at
in the STAR-D trial [43]. Likewise, for those with a partial screening, baseline and follow-up interviews. Screening was
response to maximal doses of buproprion-SR, citalopram completed by telephone and with use of automated data. The
was often added. Those with poor or no response to either baseline interview was completed by phone. The initial
citalopram or buproprion-SR, or the combination of these two measurements and all follow-up assessments of blood pres-
medications, were switched to an alternate medication, sure, height, weight and waist circumference were completed
which in most cases was an SNRI such as venlafaxine-XR. in-person. Research assistants blind to intervention status
A stepped care approach also guided treatment for elevated measured blood pressure three times after 20 min of rest in a
blood pressure, lipid (low density lipoporotein (LDL)), and relaxed sitting position using the OMRON Intellisense blood
glycemic control. Algorithms were based on GH and Kaiser Care pressure unit, with the mean of the second and third blood
Management Institute treatment recommendations synthesized pressure reading used in analysis. All subsequent measurement
from national guidelines. Among patients who had not yet of depression outcomes, health risk behaviors, functional im-
received pharmacotherapy, anti-hypertensives initiated included pairment, satisfaction with care of depression and diabetes/
a diuretic (e.g. hydrochlorothiazide), an ACE inhibitor (e.g. CHD were completed by the telephone survey team blind to
lisinopril), while statins and metformin were the initial medi- group status.
cines of choice for hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia, respec- Depression diagnoses were established with the PHQ-9 [25]
tively, unless contraindicated. Among patients who were already and dysthymia items from the Diagnostic Interview Schedule
prescribed relevant medications, adherence was evaluated and [44]. The PHQ-9 was used because it is brief, is recommended to
addressed by the nurse care managers as indicated. Medication be used to both dene probable major depression in real-
adjustments as described in the medication guidelines were world primary care settings and to gauge success of treatment.
recommended for the PCP. (See treat-to-target medication The SCL-20 depression scale was chosen to measure depression
guidelines in Appendix A). In the weekly case discussions of severity because it has been extensively used in primary care
intervention patients, the clinical supervisors used the treat- trials and has been found to be as sensitive to change as other
to-target approach to focus on patient response and outcomes. commonly used depression scales [45]. The Patient Global
Specic medical treatment adjustments, and self-care changes, Rating of Change for depression was assessed with a 7-point
were recommended for any patient who had not achieved their scale with options feeling worse, the same, a little better,
disease-control targets. The nurse care manager then followed up somewhat better, moderately better, a lot better or completely
with both the PCP and the patients to help implement these better [46].
recommendations. Because multiple primary outcomes included depression,
systolic blood pressure, glucose control and lipid control, we
2.9. Maintenance treatment examined the literature to ascertain whether a global mea-
sure of enhanced disease control had been developed for
Once the patient reached a maximum achievable level of diabetes and/or CHD. Given that, in addition to depression,
improvement on all four disease parameters, the nurse and two medical conditions and three disease-control parameters
patient developed a maintenance plan. This plan included (systolic blood pressure, LDL and HbA1c levels) were of in-
dosages of maintenance medication, behavioral goals (i.e. terest, a statistical approach to assessing effects across mul-
walking for one-half hour 4 times a week), identication of tiple disease outcomes was needed. We developed a plan to
prodromal symptoms associated with poor disease control, measure whether the intervention was more effective than
and stress reduction techniques. Once this plan was com- usual care over time in improving all four disease outcomes
pleted, an electronic version was provided for the PCP and the (see analysis plan below).
nurse and patient each kept a copy. After completion of this GH's computerized pharmacy and utilization records were
plan, patients were followed every 4 to 6 weeks by telephone used to measure adherence to antidepressant, oral hypogly-
calls from the nurse to review adherence, lab test results and cemic, lipid lowering and antihypertensive medication. The
to complete a PHQ-9. If the patient showed worsening of computerized pharmacy records allow examination of rells
depression, hyperlipidemia or blood pressure, she/he could of antidepressant medications and whether the patient
be offered more intense follow-up care. received an adequate dosage based on evidence-based
guideline standards for 90 days or more within each 6-
2.10. Enhanced usual care (UC) month period of time. The Continuous Multiple Gaps therapy
Measure (CMG) will be used to measure adherence to the
PCPs at GH provide medical services for patients with three classes of medical disease-control medications [47].
diabetes, depression and CHD. Specialty consultation can be The CMG is dened as the ratio of number of days the patient
obtained by self or PCP referral. After randomization, UC did not have medication available (based on rell data)
patients were advised to consult with their PCP to receive care divided by the number of days the patient should have been
for depression, diabetes and/or CHD. With patient permission, on medication [47,48]. The CMG of 20% evidence of poor
W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322 319

Table 2
Study measures and time of data collection.

Study measure Screen Baseline 6 mos 12 mos 18 mos 24 mos

Eligibility measures
Age, gender, marital status, education, work status X
6-item cognitive screen X
Diabetes and/or CHD duration X
Diabetes and/or CHD age of onset X
Type 1: Was insulin the rst Rx? X
Depression measures
SCL-20 X X X X X
Dysthymia X
# Prior depressive episodes X
Disease self-report measures
Previous myocardial infarction Hx X
Family Hx heart disease X
Health risk behaviors (diet, physical activity, smoking, checking blood glucose and blood pressure) X X X X X
Self-efcacy scale X X X X X
% on aspirin X X X X X
In-person exam measures
Height, weight, hip-to-waist ratio, waist circumference X X X
Blood pressure X X X X X
Disability measures
Sheehan X X X X X
Satisfaction with care
Satisfaction with care of depression X X X X X
Satisfaction w/ care of diabetes and/or heart disease X X X X X
Quality of care measures depression X
% reaching adequate dose and duration of antidepressants in each 6-month period X X X X X
% on antidepressant medication at each follow-up period X X X X X
% receiving N4 sessions of psychotherapy by MH professional X X X X X
Quality of care diabetes/CHD
% with blood pressure b 130/80 (or 10-point reduction in systolic, 5 in diastolic) X X X X X
% with LDL b 100 (or 15% reduction) X X X X X
% with HbA1c b7.0% (or 0.5% reduction) X X X X X
Creatine, microalbuminuria X X X
Mean HDL and triglyceride levels X X X X X
Chronic disease score (Rx risk) Automated data sources continuous measurement
Myocardial infarction
Diabetes complication score
Antihypertensive, lipid lowering and diabetic medication adherence

adherence has been correlated with adverse medical out- supply and overhead costs). Services purchased by GH from
comes [48]. We will also measure the degree of intensication external providers are assigned costs equal to the amount
of medication treatment for depression, glycemic, lipid and reimbursed by GH for that type of care.
blood pressure control for patients out of guideline range
based on automated data [49]. 2.11.1. Principal analysis
Computerized pharmacy records will be used to estimate Statistical comparisons of outcomes for the two treatment
a revised chronic disease score (RxRisk), a measure of medical groups across 6- and 12-month follow-up points will be based
comorbidity based on prescription drug use in the prior on regression models adjusting for baseline values, estimated
6 months [50]. A diabetes complication measure was also used using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) that account
to measure the number and severity of diabetes complications for correlation in outcomes. Our primary analysis will test for
based on ICD-9 and lab records in previous 12 months [51]. an overall effect of the intervention (as randomized) on 12-
The RxRisk and diabetes complication score will be used month outcomes (SCL-20, HbA1c, SBP, LDL) using a scaled
to assess the comparability of intervention and usual care marginal model [52]. This approach scales outcomes by their
patients at baseline. standard error (SE), so that intervention effects can be
Computerized health plan data will be used to identify all interpreted as effect sizes. This model will be estimated by
health plan services provided or paid for by GH during the two iterating between estimation of the covariance associated
years after randomization (inpatient and outpatient services with outcomes and GEE estimation of scaled outcomes. All
for mental health or general medical care). All outpatient and observations will be used in the GEE step; but only observa-
inpatient services provided by GH are assigned costs based on tions with complete covariate and outcome data will be used
health plan accounting records (including actual personnel, to update the SE estimate. We will use a score test to assess
320 W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322

the equality of the intervention effect across outcomes. This quadrants in Fig. 4. Most new interventions are in the upper
model will also be used to estimate the effect on medical left quadrant (costs more, but more effective), however, there
outcomes (HbA1c, SBP, and LDL). is also a possibility that, if improved depression and disease
Additional analyses will describe the relationship be- control is associated with less diabetes symptoms and com-
tween intervention status and PGI, clinical depression re- plications, there may be savings in medical costs that partially
sponse (dened as 50% decrease in SCL-20), and satisfaction or completely make-up for increased costs of providing the
with care using logistic regression models across 6- and 12- TEAMcare intervention.
month outcomes. Analyses describing the relationship be-
tween intervention status and quality of life, an ordinal 2.11.3. Baseline data
measure, will be based on linear regression. Analyses across Over an 18-month period, 214 patients were randomized
time points will be estimated using GEE and adjusted for with 82 (38%) with HbA1c levels 8.5%, 58 (27%) with LDL
baseline measures when these are available. Pearson's chi- levels N130, 115 (54%) with systolic blood pressure levels
square test will be used to evaluate between-group differ- N140 and 30 (14%) with diastolic N90, and the mean PHQ-9
ences in the proportion of patients with overall medical score was 14.3. A total of 183 (85.5%) had diabetes with or
improvement (all 3 medical measures below guidelines or without CHD and 56 (26.2%) had CHD alone.
showing clinically signicant change). As shown in Table 3, the intervention and usual care
groups were well balanced on sociodemographic and clinical
variables. The mean age of the population was in the late 50 s,
2.11.2. Cost-effectiveness approximately half were female, over half had 1 years of
We will evaluate patient costs and clinical outcomes over college, about 20% to 25% were minorities and over half were
a 2-year period after randomization. Previous cost-effective- still employed at least part-time. Western Washington pop-
ness analyses of patients with comorbid depression and ulations have similar rates of diabetes and CHD as national
diabetes have shown that the increased mental health costs estimates, but are more educated and have lower percentages
of a depression collaborative care program were offset by of Hispanic and African American populations. Almost three
savings in total ambulatory medical costs, most of which quarters were depressed for 2 years based on the dysthy-
occurred in Year 2 [53,54]. Costs and effectiveness of the mic questions from the Diagnostic Interview Schedule [44]
intervention will be compared with incremental cost-effec- and the PHQ-9 and SCL scores reected moderate severity
tiveness ratios following guidelines developed by Gold et al. levels of depression. The mean HbA1c was approximately
[55]. We will take a health plan perspective and, in the 8.0%, mean LDL levels were 106 to 109, mean systolic blood
numerator, will estimate the two-year differences in total pressure levels were 132 to 136, and the mean BMI was 36
ambulatory costs. In the denominator we will use the method to 37.
by Lave et al [56] to estimate differences in depression-free
days between intervention and control patients over a 24- 3. Discussion
month period. Bootstrap resampling with 1000 draws using
bias correction will be used to estimate condence intervals The research team has successfully recruited over 200
for both incremental cost measures and depression-free days patients with depression and poorly controlled diabetes and/or
and the ratio of incremental costs to incremental depression- CHD, developed a nurse treatment manual, trained diabetes
free days [57]. The bootstrap method will allow us to evaluate nurses in the TEAMcare approach, developed an electronic
the probability of this intervention being in each of the four disease register to track patient progress, developed electronic

Fig. 4. Incremental cost-effectiveness quandrant.

W. Katon et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 31 (2010) 312322 321

Table 3 Appendix A. Supplementary data

Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients with diabetes, CHD
and depression.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be
Intervention Usual care found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.cct.2010.03.009.
N = 108 N = 106

Age, mean (SD) 57.4 (10.5) 56.3 (12.1)

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