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Self-reflection on Individual Literacy Plan implemented at Hasting Primary School.

Week 1
Observation and analysis of Running Record indicated that decoding skills were appropriate
for the level of the text, however comprehension was poor. The focus identified for future
learning was visualising for comprehension and Tryin Lion for word solving strategies.
Discussion with Lilly during the writing task proved that she has great ideas when it comes
to planning narrative texts, however her spelling is quite poor and she is working towards
developing control over text structure and language features. I believe the writing scaffold
helped Lilly to organise her ideas in an appropriate narrative structure. To develop her skills
in using engaging language features, I introduced the strategy Writing with the Senses. A
diagnostic spelling assessment will need to be implemented to help identify where spelling
errors are occurring.

Week 2
A coloured lens was introduced for Lilly to use when reading. She said that she felt like it
helped and observation of her reading indicated a small improvement in fluency while using
the lens.
While reading Slam Dunk, there was evidence of the Trion Lion strategy being used
stopping when something doesnt sound right and going back to try again. Questioning of
the text indicated sound comprehension. Lilly was able to describe the scene, including
visuals that were not specific in the text, indicating that she was visualising what she was
Analysis of the spelling test indicated that common errors were occurring with vowel
digraphs, double consonants when changing the suffix, as well as some errors with multi-
syllabic words (not identifying all of the phonemes). As the area of most concern appeared
to be with vowel diagraphs, I developed a personal spelling journal to help identify common
spelling patterns and to use as a resource when editing her work.
I introduced editing with CUPS and we worked together to edit a sample text. Lilly then
applied this to her own writing task. She was able to identify some misspelled words,
however needed quite a lot of scaffolding to complete the editing.
Week 3
After continuing reading Slam Dunk, I introduced the 3H strategy for reading
comprehension. I asked Lilly three different types of questions which she answer well,
indicating a good level of comprehension. I then asked Lilly to write three questions based
on the text using the 3H strategy. Her comprehension was great, so a new reading strategy
was introduced Dot the Giraffe for reading with expression and attention to
Lilly completed spelling activities for the most common spelling combinations of long vowel
sounds and began to add words to her spelling journal. Observation and discussion
indicated some understanding of the spelling rules, however, retention of this might be an
Lilly completed her writing task and edited using CUPS. Her editing skills showed some
improvement. Lilly was able to use her spelling journal to find the correct spelling for some
of the words in her text.

Week 4
Another Running Record was conducted, increasing two levels from the first due to
formative assessment of her comprehension skills indicating improvement. The analysis
demonstrated that she was now reading at the instructional level for the harder text and
she needed less assistance to answer the comprehension questions. There was a decrease
in errors for syntax and meaning, visual miscues were still high due to having Dyslexia.
Lilly continued with the spelling activities, editing her sentences as she went. Her editing
skills have improved greatly this week. Using magnetic letters, Lilly was able to manipulate
sounds to create new words, indicating an understanding of the spelling rules, however her
writing proved that she was still unable to apply this when writing her own texts.

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