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Innovative Journal of Business and Management 4: 2 March April (2015) 35 41.

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Kanu Raheja

Assistant Professor, MBA, Satpriya Group of Institutions, Rohtak


Corresponding Author: Training and Development is an important function of Human Resource
Kanu Raheja management. It aims to improve employees skills by making them learn
Assistant Professor, MBA, Satpriya new techniques of doing work. It helps, updating their knowledge of doing
Group of Institutions, Rohtak work which results in increasing their efficiency and hence, results in
increasing productivity of an organisation. Since Human resource is the
Key Words Training, development, most important asset of an organisation so, making best use of them is
Employees, work performance, possible with the help of training which leads to their as well as
Productivity, supervision. organisations development.

2015, IJBM, All Right Reserved

Training and development is a function of human Industry has been changed to create a smarter workforce
resource management concerned with organizational and yield the best results
activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals The name of the discipline has been debated, with
and groups in organizational settings. It has been known by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in
several names, including "human resource development", 2000 arguing that "human resource development" is too
and "learning and development.[1] evocative of the master-slave relationship between
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an employer and employee for those who refer to their
organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and employees as "partners" or "associates" to feel comfortable
learning or behavioral change takes place in structured with. Eventually, the CIPD settled upon "learning and
format.[2] development", although that was itself not free from
Training and development -- or "learning and problems, "learning" being an over-general and ambiguous
development" as many refer to it now -- is one of the most name, and most organizations referring to it as "training
important aspects of our lives and our work.[3] The official and development"
and ongoing educational activities within Training and development encompasses three main
an organization designed to enhance activities: training, education, and development.
the fulfillment and performance of employees. Training and Training: This activity is both focused upon, and
development programs offered by a business might include evaluated against, the job that an individual currently
a variety of educational techniques and programs that can holds.
be attended on a compulsory or voluntary basis by staff.[4] Education: This activity focuses upon the jobs that an
TRADITIONAL AND MODERN APPROACH OF TRAINING individual may potentially hold in the future, and is
AND DEVLOPMENT evaluated against those jobs.
Traditional Approach Most of the organizations Development: This activity focuses upon the activities
before never used to believe in training. They were holding that the organization employing the individual, or that
the traditional view that managers are born and not made. the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and
There were also some views that training is a very costly is almost impossible to evaluate.[5]
affair and not worth. Organizations used to believe more in TRADITIONAL AND MODERN APPROACH OF TRAINING
executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be AND DEVLOPMENT
changing. Traditional Approach Most of the organizations before
The modern approach of training and development is never used to believe in training. They were holding the
that Indian Organizations have realized the importance of traditional view that managers are born and not made.
corporate training. Training is now considered as more of There were also some views that training is a very costly
retention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian affair and not worth. Organizations used to believe more in

Raheja/Methods Of Training And Development

executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be constantly having to give directives on what should be
changing. done.[7]
The modern approach of training and development is that Difference between Training & Development?
Indian Organizations have realized the importance of Training:- means learning skills and knowledge for doing a
corporate training. Training is now considered as more of particular job and
retention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian increase skills required for a job.
Industry has been changed to create a smarter workforce Development:- refers to the growth of an employee in all
and yield the best results.[6] respect It is most concerned
Importance of Training and Development with shaping the attitudes.
I. Help in addressing employee weaknesses: Most 1.Training generally imparts specific Development is more
workers have certain weaknesses in their workplace, which general in nature skills to the employees. & aim at overall
hinder them from giving the best services. Training assists growth of the executive.
in eliminating these weaknesses, by strengthening workers 2.Training is concerned with maintaining Development
skills. A well organized development program helps build up & competencies improved current job
employees gain similar skills and knowledge, thus bringing performance. For future performances.
them all to a higher uniform level. This simply means that 3.Training is short term perspective. Dev. Is long term
the whole workforce is reliable, so the company or perspective.
organization doesnt have to rely only on specific 4.Training is job centered in Nature. Dev. Is career
employees. concerned in nature.
II. Improvement in workers performance-A properly 5.The role of trainer or supervisor is All dev. is self dev. and
trained employee becomes more informed about the executive very important in training. has to be
procedures for various tasks. The worker confidence is also internally motivated for the same.
boosted by training and development. This confidence 6. Training divided into three groups: Development
comes from the fact that the employee is fully aware of methods are:- Workers or Operative Group
his/her roles and responsibilities. It helps the worker carry Position Rotation Training
out the duties in better way and even find new ideas to - Supervisory Group, Conference
incorporate in the daily execution of duty. - Management Group, Service etc.[8]
III. Consistency in duty performanceA well organized Training Methods:
training and development program gives the workers A. On-the-job Training Methods:
constant knowledge and experience. Consistency is very 1. Coaching
vital when it comes to an organizations or companys 2. Mentoring
procedures and policies. This mostly includes 3. Job Rotation
administrative procedures and ethics during execution of 4. Job Instruction Technology
duty. 5. Apprenticeship
IV. Ensuring worker satisfaction-Training and 6. Understudy
development makes the employee also feel satisfied with B. Off-the-Job Training Methods:
the role they play in the company or organization. This is 1. Lectures and Conferences
driven by the great ability they gain to execute their duties. 2. Vestibule Training
They feel they belong to the company or the organization 3. Simulation Exercises
that they work for and the only way to reward it is giving 4. Sensitivity Training
the best services they can. 5. Transactional Training
V. Increased productivity-Through training and A. On-the-job training Methods:
development the employee acquires all the knowledge and Under these methods new or inexperienced employees
skills needed in their day to day tasks. Workers can learn through observing peers or managers performing the
perform at a faster rate and with efficiency thus increasing job and trying to imitate their behaviour. These methods do
overall productivity of the company. They also gain new not cost much and are less disruptive as employees are
tactics of overcoming challenges when they face them. always on the job, training is given on the same machines
VI. Improved quality of services and products- and experience would be on already approved standards,
Employees gain standard methods to use in their tasks. and above all the trainee is learning while earning. Some of
They are also able to maintain uniformity in the output the commonly used methods are:
they give. This results with a company that gives satisfying 1. Coaching:
services or goods. Coaching is a one-to-one training. It helps in quickly
VII. Reduced cost-Training and development results with identifying the weak areas and tries to focus on them. It
optimal utilization of resources in a company or also offers the benefit of transferring theory learning to
organization. There is no wastage of resources, which may practice. The biggest problem is that it perpetrates the
cause extra expenses. Accidents are also reduced during existing practices and styles. In India most of the scooter
working. All the machines and resources are used mechanics are trained only through this method.
economically, reducing expenditure. 2. Mentoring:
VIII. Reduction in supervision-The moment they gain the The focus in this training is on the development of attitude.
necessary skills and knowledge, employees will become It is used for managerial employees. Mentoring is always
more confident. They will become self reliant and require done by a senior inside person. It is also one-to- one
only little guidance as they perform their tasks. The interaction, like coaching.
supervisor can depend on the employees decision to give 3. Job Rotation:
quality output. This relieves supervisors the burden of It is the process of training employees by rotating them
through a series of related jobs. Rotation not only makes a

Raheja/Methods Of Training And Development

person well acquainted with different jobs, but it also train a large number of workers in a short period of time. It
alleviates boredom and allows to develop rapport with a may also be used as a preliminary to on-the job training.
number of people. Rotation must be logical. Duration ranges from few days to few weeks. It prevents
4. Job Instructional Technique (JIT): trainees to commit costly mistakes on the actual machines.
It is a Step by step (structured) on the job training method 3. Simulation Exercises:
in which a suitable trainer (a) prepares a trainee with an Simulation is any artificial environment exactly similar to
overview of the job, its purpose, and the results desired, (b) the actual situation. There are four basic simulation
demonstrates the task or the skill to the trainee, (c) allows techniques used for imparting training: management
the trainee to show the demonstration on his or her own, games, case study, role playing, and in-basket training.
and (d) follows up to provide feedback and help. The (a) Management Games:
trainees are presented the learning material in written or Properly designed games help to ingrain thinking habits,
by learning machines through a series called frames. This analytical, logical and reasoning capabilities, importance of
method is a valuable tool for all educators (teachers and team work, time management, to make decisions lacking
trainers). It helps us: complete information, communication and leadership
a. To deliver step-by-step instruction capabilities. Use of management games can encourage
b. To know when the learner has learned novel, innovative mechanisms for coping with stress.
c. To be due diligent (in many work-place environments) Management games orient a candidate with practical
5. Apprenticeship: applicability of the subject. These games help to appreciate
Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of management concepts in a practical way. Different games
practitioners of a skill. This method of training is in vogue are used for training general managers and the middle
in those trades, crafts and technical fields in which a long management and functional heads executive Games and
period is required for gaining proficiency. The trainees functional heads.
serve as apprentices to experts for long periods. They have (b) Case Study:
to work in direct association with and also under the direct Case studies are complex examples which give an insight
supervision of their masters. into the context of a problem as well as illustrating the
The object of such training is to make the trainees all-round main point. Case Studies are trainee centered activities
craftsmen. It is an expensive method of training. Also, there based on topics that demonstrate theoretical concepts in an
is no guarantee that the trained worker will continue to applied setting.
work in the same organisation after securing training. The A case study allows the application of theoretical concepts
apprentices are paid remuneration according the to be demonstrated, thus bridging the gap between theory
apprenticeship agreements. and practice, encourage active learning, provides an
6. Understudy: opportunity for the development of key skills such as
In this method, a superior gives training to a subordinate as communication, group working and problem solving, and
his understudy like an assistant to a manager or director increases the trainees enjoyment of the topic and hence
(in a film). The subordinate learns through experience and their desire to learn.
observation by participating in handling day to day (c) Role Playing:
problems. Basic purpose is to prepare subordinate for Each trainee takes the role of a person affected by an issue
assuming the full responsibilities and duties. and studies the impacts of the issues on human life and/or
B. Off-the-job Training Methods: the effects of human activities on the world around us from
Off-the-job training methods are conducted in separate the perspective of that person.
from the job environment, study material is supplied, there It emphasizes the real- world side of science and
is full concentration on learning rather than performing, challenges students to deal with complex problems with no
and there is freedom of expression. Important methods single right answer and to use a variety of skills beyond
include: those employed in a typical research project.
1. Lectures and Conferences: In particular, role-playing presents the student a valuable
Lectures and conferences are the traditional and direct opportunity to learn not just the course content, but other
method of instruction. Every training programme starts perspectives on it. The steps involved in role playing
with lecture and conference. Its a verbal presentation for a include defining objectives, choose context & roles,
large audience. However, the lectures have to be motivating introducing the exercise, trainee preparation/research, the
and creating interest among trainees. The speaker must role-play, concluding discussion, and assessment. Types of
have considerable depth in the subject. In the colleges and role play may be multiple role play, single role play, role
universities, lectures and seminars are the most common rotation, and spontaneous role play.
methods used for training. (d) In-basket training:
2. Vestibule Training: In-basket exercise, also known as in-tray training, consists
Vestibule Training is a term for near-the-job training, as it of a set of business papers which may include e-mail SMSs,
offers access to something new (learning). In vestibule reports, memos, and other items. Now the trainer is asked
training, the workers are trained in a prototype to prioritize the decisions to be made immediately and the
environment on specific jobs in a special part of the plant. ones that can be delayed.
An attempt is made to create working condition similar to 4. Sensitivity Training:
the actual workshop conditions. After training workers in Sensitivity training is also known as laboratory or T-group
such condition, the trained workers may be put on similar training. This training is about making people understand
jobs in the actual workshop. about themselves and others reasonably, which is done by
This enables the workers to secure training in the best developing in them social sensitivity and behavioral
methods to work and to get rid of initial nervousness. flexibility. It is ability of an individual to sense what others
During the Second World War II, this method was used to feel and think from their own point of view.

Raheja/Methods Of Training And Development

It reveals information about his or her own personal

qualities, concerns, emotional issues, and things that he or
she has in common with other members of the group. It is
the ability to behave suitably in light of understanding.
A groups trainer refrains from acting as a group leader or
lecturer, attempting instead to clarify the group processes
using incidents as examples to clarify general points or
provide feedback. The group action, overall, is the goal as
well as the process.
Sensitivity training Program comprises three steps (see
Figure 1)

It is a collection of reality testing, rational behaviour,
decision making, etc. A person in this ego state verifies,
updates the reaction which she has received from the other
two states. It is a shift from the taught and felt concepts to
tested concepts.
All of us show behaviour from one ego state which is
responded to by the other person from any of these three
Principles / concepts of training
Fig 1 1) Training tends to be most responsive when trainees feel the need
5. Transactional Analysis: to learn
It provides trainees with a realistic and useful method for 2) Learning is more effective when reinforcement given
analyzing and understanding the behavior of others. In inform of rewards and punishments
every social interaction, there is a motivation provided by 3) In the long run awards are better than punishments
one person and a reaction to that motivation given by when behavioral change is desired
another person. 4) Rewards are better when immediate results after
This motivation reaction relationship between two persons training are expected
is known as a transaction. Transactional analysis can be 5) Reinforcement has a positive correlation with size
done by the ego (system of feelings accompanied by a of reward
related set of behaviors states of an individual). 6) Negative reinforcement may have a disruptive effect
Child: 7) Participation and discussion are a must when a trainee is
It is a collection of recordings in the brain of an individual expected to change attitudes, values and social beliefs
of behaviors, attitudes, and impulses which come to 8) Feedback to the trainee on how he is performing after
him/her naturally from his/her own understanding as a training is important
child. The characteristics of this ego are to be spontaneous, 9) Practice makes perfect. New skills & behavioral norms are
intense, unconfident, reliant, probing, anxious, etc. Verbal facilitated through practice and repetition
clues that a person is operating from its child state are the 10) Meaningful training material through which the trainee
use of words like I guess, I suppose, etc. and non verbal understands the general principles is better than asking
clues like, giggling, coyness, silent, attention seeking etc. them to memorize few isolated steps[10]
Parent: The 25 Most Popular Apprenticeships
It is a collection of recordings in the brain of an individual According to the U.S. Department of Labor apprenticeship
of behaviors, attitudes, and impulses imposed on her in her database, the occupations listed below had the highest
childhood from various sources such as, social, parents, numbers of apprentices in 2001. These findings are
friends, etc. approximate because the database includes only about
The characteristics of this ego are to be overprotective, 70% of registered apprenticeship programsand none of
isolated, rigid, bossy, etc. Verbal clues that a person is the unregistered ones
operating from its parent states are the use of words like, Boilermaker
always, should, never, etc and non-verbal clues such as, Bricklayer (construction)
raising eyebrows, pointing an accusing finger at somebody, Carpenter
etc. Construction craft laborer
Cook (any industry)
Cook (hotel and restaurant)
Correction officer
Electrician (aircraft)
Electrician (maintenance)
Electronics mechanic

Raheja/Methods Of Training And Development

Firefighter 6. Track progress.

Machinist Have metrics in place to monitor whats been
Maintenance mechanic (any industry) completed. Break the program down into sections so you
Millwright will know how far employees have come and whats left.
Operating engineer You may want to utilize a tool like a spreadsheet on which
Painter (construction) each employees name is placed on the left side in rows and
Pipefitter (construction) course sections are placed on top in columns. This will
Plumber create a matrix in which you can reference when necessary
Power plant operator and conveniently track the program every step of the way.
Roofer 7. Encourage feedback.
Sheet-metal worker Upon completion, you should have your HR
Structural-steel worker department meet with employees to obtain feedback. This
Telecommunications technician is the time when employees can discuss the strengths and
Tool and die maker [11] weaknesses of the program, what they learned, and their
7 Steps to Develop an Effective Employee Training Program overall experience. Meeting one on one is ideal because
1. Identify goals. youre likely to get more honest and unbiased feedback.
Its hard to be successful without knowing exactly From there, your HR department can spot patterns and
what youre trying to achieve. Thats why brainstorming know if anything needs to be addressed. This information
sessions to determine your businesss needs are important. should help to fine tune your program in the future.
In one industry, employees may need to learn the An effective training program is one of the best
fundamentals of customer service. In another, they might ways to prepare employees for success. By equipping them
need to know how to operate different types of machinery with the tools and knowledge to perform their jobs, you can
and how an assembly line operates. Regardless of the expect better performance and a more cohesive unit. The
details, knowing your goals will dictate how you approach long-term effects are often higher productivity, better
program development. company culture, and increased sales.[12]
2. Acquire training resources. EVALUATION OF TRAINING
Unless there is immediate access to all training Evaluation of training compares the post-training
materials, you will need to purchase them from the results to the objectives expected by managers, trainers,
appropriate vendors. This might include computer and trainees. Too often, training is done without any
software, an online course, or books. In some cases, the thought of measuring and evaluating it later to see how
provided materials will cover every aspect of the training well it worked. Because training is both time-consuming
process where no customization is necessary. Other times, and costly, evaluation should be done. The management
you may need to customize certain things so that the axiom that nothing will improve until it is measured may
materials address the specifics of your company. apply to training assessment. In fact, at some firms, what
Related: The Complete 7 Step Guide to Improving Your employees learn is directly related to what they earn,
Hiring Practices which puts this principle of measurement into practice.
3. Create a schedule. One way to evaluate training is to examine the
Depending on the length and complexity of a costs associated with the training and the benefits received
training program, it might take a few days to several weeks through cost/benefit analysis. As mentioned earlier,
to complete. Figure out roughly how long it will take and comparing costs and benefits is easy until one has to assign
create a schedule. You may want to have employees attend an actual dollar value to some of the benefits. The best way
the program together to streamline it, or break it down into is to measure the value of the output before and after
smaller groups if necessary. Be sure to take into account training. Any increase represents the benefit resulting from
any potential setbacks and try not to overwhelm team training.
members with excessive information in a short period of However, careful measurement of both the costs
time. Learning new skills is a process, and training should and the benefits may be difficult in some situations.
be done gradually so employees can fully digest one lesson Therefore, benchmarking training has grown in usage.
before moving on to the next.
4. Find a trainer.
Rather than doing training evaluation internally,
Recruit an experienced professional to guide team
some organizations are using benchmark measures of
members throughout their orientation to keep things
training that are compared from one organization to
running smoothly. You may want to use an in-house
manager who has direct experience in your business, or
To do benchmarking, HR professionals in an
you can hire a professional trainer. This individual will lead
organization gather data on training and compare it to data
trainees, give lectures, answer questions, provide feedback,
on training at other organizations in the industry and of
and do anything else thats required to educate employees.
their size. Comparison data is available through the
5. Communicate effectively.
American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) and
Its smart to hold a meeting before begininng
its Benchmarking Service. This service has training-related
where you can provide a brief rundown on what the
data from over 1,000 participating employers who
program will entail and what employees can expect. You
complete detailed questionnaires annually. Training also
should also explain what the expectations of everyone are
can be benchmarked against data from the American
and that the course should be taken seriously. Finally, its a
Productivity and QualityCenter and the Saratoga Institute.
good time to respond to any concerns that employees may
In both instances, data is available on training expenditures
have and clarify any issues.
per employee, among other measures.

Raheja/Methods Of Training And Development

LEVELS OF EVALUATION then a behavioral indication of the interviewing training

It is best to consider how training is to be could be obtained. However, behavior is more difficult to
evaluated before it begins. Donald L. measure than reaction and learning. Even if behaviors do
Kirkpatrick identified four levels at which training change, the results that management desires may not be
can be evaluated. The ease of evaluating training becomes obtained.
increasingly more difficult as training is evaluated using
reaction, learning, behavior, and results measures.
Employers evaluate results by measuring the effect
But the value of the training increases as it can be
of training on the achievement of organizational objectives.
shown to affect behavior and results instead of reaction
Because results such as productivity, turnover, quality,
and learning-level evaluations. Later research has
time, sales, and costs are relatively concrete, this type of
examined Kirkpatricks schematic and raised questions
evaluation can be done by comparing records before and
about how independent each level is from the others, but
after training. For the interviewing training, records of the
the four levels are widely used to focus on the importance
number of individuals hired to the offers of employment
of evaluating training.
made prior to and after the training could be gathered.
REACTION The difficulty with measuring results is
Organizations evaluate the reaction level of pinpointing whether it actually was training that caused
trainees by conducting interviews or by administering the changes in results. Other factors may have had a
questionnaires to the trainees. Assume that 30 managers major impact as well. For example, managers who
attended a two-day workshop on effective interviewing completed the interviewing training program can be
skills. A reaction- level measure could be gathered by measured on employee turnover before and after the
having the managers complete a survey that asked them to training.
rate the value of the training, the style of the instructors, But turnover is also dependent on the current
and the usefulness of the training to them. However, the economic situation, the demand for product, and the
immediate reaction may measure only how much the quality of employees being hired. Therefore, when
people liked the training rather than how it benefited them. evaluating results, managers should be aware of all issues
involved in determining the exact effect on the training.
Learning levels can be evaluated by measuring EVALUATION DESIGNS
how well trainees have learned facts, ideas, concepts, If evaluation is done internally because
theories, and attitudes. Tests on the training material are benchmarking data are not available, there are many ways
commonly used for evaluating learning and can be given to design the evaluation of training programs to measure
both before and after training to compare scores. To improvements. The rigor of the three designs discussed
evaluate training courses at some firms, test results are next increases with each level.
used to determine how well the courses have provided
employees with the desired content. If test scores indicate
The most obvious way to evaluate training
learning problems, instructors get feedback, and the
effectiveness is to determine after the training whether the
courses are redesigned so that the content can be delivered
individuals can perform the way management wants them
more effectively.
to perform. Assume that a manager has 20 typists who
To continue the example, giving managers
need to improve their typing speeds. They are given a one-
attending the interviewing workshop a test at the end of
day training session and then given a typing test to
the session to quiz them on types of interviews, legal and
measure their speeds. If the typists can all type the
illegal questions, and questioning types could indicate that
required speed after training, was the training beneficial? It
they learned important material on interviewing. Of course,
is difficult to say; perhaps they could have done as well
learning enough to pass a testdoes not guarantee that the
before training. It is difficult to know whether the typing
trainee can do anything with what was learned or behave
speed is a result of the training or could have been
achieved without training.
One study of training programs on hazardous
waste operations and emergency response for chemical PRE-/POST-MEASURE
workers found that the multiple-choice test given at By designing the typing speed evaluation
the end of the course did not indicate that those trained differently, the issue of pretest skill levels could have been
had actually mastered the relevant material. Also, as considered. If the manager had measured the typing speed
students will attest, what is remembered and answered on before and after training, he could have known whether the
learning content immediately after the training is different training made any difference. However, a question remains.
from what may be remembered if the test is given several If there was a change in typing speed, was the training
months later. responsible for the change, or did these people simply type
faster because they knew they were being tested? People
often perform better when they know they are being tested
Evaluating training at the behavioral level involves
on the results.
(1) measuring the effect of training on job performance
through interviews of trainees and their coworkers and (2) PRE-/POST-MEASURE WITH CONTROL GROUP
observing job performance. For instance, a behavioral Another evaluation design can address this
evaluation of the managers who participated in the problem. In addition to the 20 typists who will be trained, a
interviewing workshop might be done by observing them manager can test another group of typists who will not be
conducting actual interviews of applicants for jobs in their trained to see if they do as well as those who are to be
departments. If the managers asked questions as they were trained. This second group is called a control group. If, after
trained and they used appropriate follow-up questions, training, the trained typists can type significantly faster

Raheja/Methods Of Training And Development

than those who were not trained, the manager can be [4]
reasonably sure that the training was effective.
There are some difficulties associated with using this and-development.html
design. First, having enough employees doing similar jobs [5]
to be able to create two groups may not be feasible in many nt
situations, even in larger companies. Second, because one [6]
group is excluded from training, there may be resentment [7]
or increased motivation by those in the control group, [8]AIM COLLEGE-HISAR Management Training &
which could lead to distorted results, either positive or Development (OBH-412)
negative. Additionally, this design also assumes that [9]
performance measurement can be done accurately in both -methods-on-job-training-and-off-the-job-training-
groups, so that any performance changes in the methods/5421/
experimental group can be attributed to the training. Fig [1]
Other designs also can be used, but these three are Fig [2]
the most common ones. When possible, the pre-/post- [10] Rupak Dixit Apr
measure or pre-/post-measure with control group design 18, 2011 HRM Training
should be used, because each provides a much stronger and Development
measurement than the post-measure design alone[13] [11] Olivia Crosby, Apprenticeships, Occupational Outlook
Quarterly, 46, no. 2 (Summer 2002), p. 5

How to cite this article: Raheja, Kanu. Methods of Training And Development. Innovative Journal of Business and
Management, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 35-41, mar. 2015. ISSN 2277-4947.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 25 Mar. 2015.


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