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Unit Plan

Name(s): Sla Karpat
Deniz Akyel
Unit Content

Unit Title

Grade Level [ASSURE (Analyze Learners)]

48 60 Months

3 lesson hours

Prerequisites [ASSURE (Analyze Learners)]

Children know matching and grouping.
Children are familiar with forming patterns by using 2 different objects.

Sequence of the Content

Topic1: Square
Topic2: Triangle
Topic3: Circle
Unit Plan

Week Learning Activities Measurement Explanations


Outcome & Evaluation (If any)

Cognitive Teacher brings Teacher -

Development materials which observes the
Objective 12. are shapes as students during
Geometrik square and the activity and
ekilleri tanr. introduces them do the
(Indicators: to children. To assessment by
Gsterilen do this, she uses asking
geometrik eklin popplet which questions after
ismini syler. shows square the activity.
Geometrik and items that
ekillerin are shaped
zelliklerini square. They
syler. discuss about
Geometrik the
ekillere characteristics
benzeyen of square.
1. Week

nesneleri Teacher

gsterir.) distributes the


square shaped
papers to each
child and wants
them to form
their favorite
animals by
using these
papers. After
forming them,
children color
their works. By
this way,
understand the
of square better.
Objective 12. Teacher brings Teacher -
Geometrik triangle shaped observes the
ekilleri tanr. materials to students during
(Indicators: class. She the activity and
Gsterilen introduces do the
geometrik eklin triangle shape assessment by
ismini syler. to children by asking
Geometrik showing the questions after
ekillerin infographic the activity.
zelliklerini made with
Objective 14. Infographic
Nesnelerle includes both
2. Week

rnt oluturur. triangle and


(Indicators: square shapes.

Nesnelerle zgn In this way,
bir rnt children
oluturur.) remember the
square shape.
Then, teacher
square and
triangle shaped
cards to
children and
want them to
form their
Objectives 7. Teacher Teacher -
Nesne veya introduces the observes the
varlklar circle shape students during
zelliklerine with a video the activity and
gre gruplar. made with do the
(Indicators: animoto. Then, assessment by
Nesne/varlklar she uses asking
ekline gre presentation questions after
gruplar.) made with prezi. the activity.
Objective 12. This Also, the
Geometrik presentation teacher uses
ekilleri tanr. includes three survey made
(Indicators: shapes which with Google
Gsterilen are square, Forms to
geometrik eklin
3. Week

triangle and understand

ismini syler. circle. Then, whether

Geometrik teacher brings 3 children

ekillerin boxes to the internalize
zelliklerini classroom and square, triangle
syler.) want children to and circle
find the square, shapes.
triangle and
circle materials
which she hid
before the class.
Children are
expected to
group the
shapes they
found by using
the boxes.

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