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It is the first time in history of Pakistan since 1947 that transgenders are
being counted in national census.

After a long gap of 19-year government has succeeded in holding the census
and it has come up with a major change as government has decided to give
transsexual community their own identity in 6th population census.

Social and Political scientists see this step of Nawaz Sharifs government very
positive and constructive.

While giving an interview to a private channel (our group) Applied

sociologist, researcher and head of sociology department, University of
Karachi (Uok), Prof. Dr. Kaneez Fatima Madani said that It is a
revolutionary step in Pakistan for minority sex

This step should have been taken long ago as we live in Islamic society as
the 3rd sex community was being suppressed and discarded socially which
was the result of lack of guidance and tolerance among the people, she

She also commented that In past few decades such community was very
much suppressed neither they were recognize as nationals nor respected
more even they were not considered as human beings which was shameful
or us as a society

According to Prof. Madani the transsexual community will hopefully have

their representation and will emerge in every social aspect of life which will
help them to enter life stream. People will show more tolerance and
acceptance towards them that will surely make a major psychological impact
not only on their community but on nation as whole.

While discussing the issue of transgenders she emphasized that the mindset
of intolerance and unacceptance needs to be change and it can only be
change by good parenting and schooling as societys first basic institution is
family. At last she wished the regards to the team working in census.

The census has started on 15th march and all the relevant data will be
collected by 15th may within two months, according to the government.

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