Book Jacket Report: 9th Grade English: Category

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Book Jacket Report : 9th grade english

Points Earne
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 d
Front Cover Includes an Includes an Includes an Does not
illustration, illustration, illustration, include
title of the title of the title of the illustration,
book, and book, and book, and title, AND/OR
author's author's author's author's
name. Font name. The name. name.
and colors fit graphic
the emotional illustrates
content of the some scene
book. The from the
graphic book.
some scene
from the

Inside Left (front) Flap Summary is Summary Includes a Summary is

well-written includes all description of too vague.
and includes aspects of some of the Does not
all aspects of the story, but things that appear the
the story. at least one happened in student read
Paragraphs paragraph is the story. lt or understood
are well not well appears the the book.
formed. It is formed. It is student read
clear the clear the most of the
student read student read book, but
the book and the book. might not
understood it. understand it.

Inside Right (back) Flap Includes a Includes the Includes the Author's
small author's author's name
photograph name and a name and a AND/OR
or drawing of biography biography bibliography
the author, that includes that includes is missing.
the author's some some
name and a personal personal
biography facts and the facts about
that includes name of at the author.
some least one
personal other book
facts and the written by the
name of at author.
least one
other book
written by the

Back Cover Includes two Includes one Includes one Review

reviews of review of the review of the AND/OR
the book and book and book and student's
student's student's student's name is
name. Each name. name. missing.
review gives Review gives Review is a
your opinion your opinion mixture of
for a different of one aspect fact and
aspect of the of the book. opinion.
Spelling There are 3 There are 3 There are 3 There are
or fewer or fewer or fewer more than 3
spelling spelling spelling spelling
errors on the errors on the errors on the errors.
book jacket. book jacket, book jacket,
The author's but the but the title
name and the author's and author's
title are name is is not name are not
spelled always always
correctly spelled spelled
throughout! correctly. The correctly.
title is always

Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2-3 There are

grammatical grammatical grammatical more than 3
mistakes on mistake on mistakes on grammatical
the book the book the book mistakes on
jacket. jacket. jacket. the book

Vocabulary Student Student uses Student uses Student has

correctly 2 or more 1 new word, not used any
uses 2 or new words, but may not recently
more new but may not be able to studied
words (at be able to accurately vocabulary in
least one accurately define it. the book
from the define one of jacket.
story) and them.
can define
them, if

Neatness and Effort The book The book The book Very messy
jacket has no jacket has jacket is fairly and hard to
distracting almost no readable but read. It looks
errors, distracting the quality is like the
corrections or errors, not too good student threw
erasures and corrections or on some it together at
is easily read. erasures and parts. It looks the last
It appears the is easily read. like the minute
student spent It appears the student ran without much
a lot of effort student out of time or care.
getting things worked hard didn't take
just right. on it. care of it.

Persuasive/Propoganda Reviews of Reviews of Reviews of Student

Techniques book used 3 book used 2 book used 1 cannot
persuasive persuasive persuasive describe what
techniques techniques technique persuasive
and student and student and student technique
can name can name can name it was used
each and each and and show
show where show where where s/he
s/he used it. s/he used it. used it.
Class Debate : english project

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Information All information Most information Most information Information had
presented in the presented in the presented in the several inaccuracies
project was clear, project was clear, project was clear OR was usually not
accurate and accurate and and accurate, but clear.
thorough. thorough. was not usually

Organization All parts of the Most parts of project All arguments were Arguments were not
project were clearly were clearly tied to clearly tied to an clearly tied to an idea
tied to an idea an idea (premise) idea (premise) but (premise).
(premise) and and organized in a the organization was
organized in a tight, tight, logical fashion. sometimes not clear
logical fashion. or logical.

Presentation Student consistently Student usually Student sometimes Student had a

Style used gestures, eye used gestures, eye used gestures, eye presentation style
contact, tone of contact, tone of contact, tone of that did not keep the
voice and a level of voice and a level of voice and a level of attention of the
enthusiasm in a way enthusiasm in a way enthusiasm in a way audience.
that kept the that kept the that kept the
attention of the attention of the attention of the
audience. audience. audience.

Use of Every major point Every major point Every major point Every point was not
Facts/Statistics was well supported was adequately was supported with supported.
with several relevant supported with facts, statistics
facts, statistics relevant facts, and/or examples, but
and/or examples. statistics and/or the relevance of
examples. some was

Understanding Thestudent clearly The student clearly The student seemed The student did not
of Topic understood the topic undestood the topic to understand the show an adequate
in-depth and in-depth and main points of the understanding of the
presented their presented their topic and presented topic.
information forcefully information with those with ease.
and convincingly. ease.

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