Contract of Indemnity2

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Contract of Indemnity Contract of Guarantee

A contract where one party A contract of guarantee is a contract

promises to save the other from of perform the promise or discharge
any loss caused to him by the the liability, of a third person in case
conduct of promissor himself or of his default. The person who gives a
any other person is called contract guarantee is called the surety; the
of indemnity. persons in respect of those default the
Section 124 of law deals with this guarantee is given is called the
contract principal debtor, and the person the
Essential parts of Indemnity whom the guarantee is given is called
Contract the creditor.
1. Contract has to be valid. Section 126 of law deals with this
2. There must be a loss. contract
3. The loss must be caused either by Essential parts of Guarantee Contract
the promisor or by any other 1. Existence of Creditor, Surety,
person. and Principal Debtor: there must exist
4. Indemnifier is liable only for the a principal debtor for a recoverable
loss debt for which the surety is liable in
Rights of the indemnity holder case of the default of the principal
1. Right of recovering Damages: debtor.
Indemnity holder can recover 2. Distinct promise of surety: There
damages from indemnifier. must be a distinct promise by the
Indemnifier is oblige to pay the surety to be answerable for the
damages in a suit in respect of any liability of the Principal Debtor.
matter to which the promise of 3. Liability must be legally
indemnity applies. enforceable: Only if the liability of
2. Right of recovering Costs of suit: the principal debtor is legally
Indemnity can also recover the enforceable, the surety can be made
cost of the suit which he has filed liable.
against the indemnifier 4. Consideration: As with any valid
3. Right of recovering Sums: All contract, the contract of guarantee
sums which he may have paid also must have a consideration. The
under the terms of a settlement in consideration in such contract is
any such suite, if the settlement nothing but anything done or the
was not against to the orders of the promise to do something for the
promisor and was one which benefit of the principal debtor.
would have been acting for the 5. It should be without
promisee to make in the absence misrepresentation or concealment:
of the contract of indemnity, or if Section 142 specifies that a guarantee
the promisor authorized him to obtained by misrepresenting facts that
compromise the suit are material to the agreement is
invalid, and section 143 specifies that
It is a bipartite agreement between the a guarantee obtained by concealing a
indemnifier and indemnity-holder. material fact is invalid as well.
Liability of the indemnifier is 6. Concealment: The creditor must
contingent upon the loss. disclose all the material facts
Liability of the indemnifier is primary regarding the contract to the surety
to the contract. before entering into a contract. but if
There is only one contract in a the creditor conceals fact of contract
contract of indemnity - between the from the surety, and thus obtains
indemnifier and the indemnity holder. consent the contract is invalid
The reason for a contract of indemnity It is a tripartite agreement between the
is to make good on a loss if there is Creditor, Principal Debtor, and Surety.
any. Liability of the surety is not
Once the indemnifier fulfills his contingent upon any loss
liability, he does not get any right over Liability of the surety is co-extensive
any third party. He can only sue the with that of the principal debtor
indemnity-holder in his own name although it remains in suspended
Examples animation until the principal debtor
1. A wheelchair manufacturer enters into defaults. Thus, it is secondary to the
an agreement with a large hospital to contract and consequently if the
provide 500 wheelchairs at a discount principal debtor is not liable, the
price. The manufacturer asks that an surety will also not be liable
indemnity clause be included in The undertaking in a guarantee is
the contract, in which the hospital collateral to the original contract
agrees to protect the company from between the creditor and the
any losses or lawsuits should patients principal debtor\
be injured while using any of the There are three contracts in a contract
wheelchairs. In doing this, the of guarantee - an original contract
hospital indemnifies the wheelchair between Creditor and Principal
company, or the hospital Debtor, a contract of guarantee
guarantees indemnity for any losses or between creditor and surety, and an
injuries that may occur. implied contract of indemnity between
2. Lola has a homeowners insurance the surety and the principal debtor
policy on her home in Texas. The The reason for a contract of guarantee
insurance company has agreed to
is to enable a third person get credit
indemnify Lola against damages to
her home and the personal property The guarantor fulfills his liability by
kept there, from many types of paying any debt to the creditor, he
damage, including fire, burglary, steps into the shoes of the creditor and
and liability if someone gets injured gets all the rights that the creditor had
on Lolas property. A visiting neighbor over the principal debtor
trips on a crack in the walkway and Example
falls, breaking her arm. Lolas 1. A guarantees to B the payment of a
insurance company would protect bill of exchange by C, the acceptor.
Lola from the medical bills and other The bill is dishonored by C. A is liable
losses claimed by the neighbor by not only for the amount of the bill but
paying the claim. also for any interest and charges
which may have become due on it.
2. On the request of Ali, Hassan
Promises to the employer of Ali that is
Ali commits a fraud, Hassan shall be

Conclusion: -
After having a deep discussion on the two, now we can say that these two types of contract are
different in many respects. In indemnity, the promisor cannot sue the third party, but in the case
of guarantee, the promisor can do so because after discharging the creditors debts he gets the
position of the creditor.

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