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Lesson Plan Template-2

Name(s): Sinem Salam
Hatice ahin
Science integrated art activity
Unit Title
Experiencing with colors
Grade Level
Early Childhood Education (60-72 months)
45 minutes
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Cognitive Development
Children who are at 60-72 months of age (Audience) will know at least 98 percent of
children (Degree) will distinguish the colors and say which colors make the second colors
(Behavior) among to colors on the cards and materials of colors which are brought by
teacher to the class (Condition).

Children who are at 60-72 months of age (Audience) will make experiment with colors
(Behavior) at least 90 percent of them (Degree) which are given experiments materials such
as watercolor paint and paper etc. by teacher to the class (Condition).
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Colors cards, watercolor paint, boxes, pencils, papers, tool

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and

Child-centered, discussion, cooperative learning.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require
Learner Participation)]

After all of the color cards are matched and making experiments, teacher shows concept
map from the computer related with colors from For example, there will be two
boxes on the top and one of them is red and the other one is blue. Under these boxes, there
will be another box. This box will be purple but we wont say this. Children will predict it
and the teacher change the color of the box.

Individual Learning Activities Making experiment about colors and

matching colors cards.

Group Learning Activities In the last part of the activity, children will
predict the colors as all groups.
Teacher comes to the class. S/he brings some cards related to colors. Children examine these
cards. Then, they start to speak about colors. The teacher asks some questions. What are the
primary colors? What are the secondary colors? Do you think how we can create these
secondary colors etc. After the teacher take attention of children by asking these questions,
they look colors cards together again. There are cards of red, yellow, orange, blue, white,
pink, green and purple. They talk about which primary colors create which secondary colors.
Then, the teacher distributes materials such as watercolor paints, papers etc. After, the
teacher shows one card such as purple. Kids, do you think which color create the purple?
Lets find. Later, children will make the brush touch to red color and release it to the water.
The water will be red. Then the children will make the brushes touch the blue paint and
release it to the water. The water color will be purple. The experience will go on like this
with other colors. After finishing the experiment, teacher distributes the cards of the colors
such as blue, yellow, pink, orange, red, white etc. S/he asks children to match the primary
colors with the secondary colors as a reinforcing activity. After every child finishes the
matching, they all together check whether their matchings are true or not. After this
matching and experiment activities, teacher opens tool and they start to match the
mix of primary colors and the secondary colors.
Measurement & Evaluation
Teacher start to ask some question related with this activity:
What did we do in our activity?
Which colors did we use in experiment and matching activity?
Is it easy to match primary colors with secondary ones? How did you feel to do them and
make experience? Why or not?
Which ones are primary colors?
Which ones are secondary colors?
Daily-life Question:
Which colors are your clothes?
Which colors do you like in your daily life? Why?

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Children match cards which colors are primary
Individual Performance and secondary individually.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Children discuss colors in and decide
Group Performance which colors can be in empty boxes together.
Homework (optional) Teacher sends notes parents to tell what they
did related with colors and wants them to
speak with these primary and secondary colors
together with their child. Then, parents want
children to draw picture about colors. Children
bring their drawings and tell their friends in
the classroom.
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
If teacher cant open for activity, she can use colors card for this activity. For
example, the teacher will put two cards such as red and blue to floor. Then, s/he will leave
the under blank of cards. Then, the student will place true cards.

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