Job Description of Staff Working in BHU PDF

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JOB TITLE - Medical Officer (MO)

BPS - 17


1. Scope

The HEALTH OFFICER incharge BHU is not only a medical man

responsible for provision of health care including preventive and
curative, but is also an administrator and liaises with community,
formally through VHW and TBA etc. and informally through his
contacts with people for community development.

2. Administrator

2.1 The HEALTH OFFICER Incharge is the resident HEALTH

OFFICER. He is available 24 hours for emergency cases. In
the morning & evening he sits in the BHU for his routine
duties as per notified time schedule.

2.2 For the purpose of discipline, the HEALTH OFFICER

incharge BHU is immediate officer and leader of the BHU
health team which, in addition to the BHU staff and out-
reach workers, includes those working at satellite clinics,
sub health centre, MCH centre, TB clinic, dispensaries etc.
in the revenue limits of BHU. All reports/complaints made
by him will carry weight and action must be taken by the
competent authority. In case, the HEALTH OFFICER is not
satisfied by the action, or if undue delay occurs, without any
prejudice by his seniors, he will report to the higher
authorities/echelon in the hierarchy.

2.3 All the staff working at BHU and out-reach workers would
mark their daily attendance in the register maintained by the
HEALTH OFFICER and kept in his office. They will operate
from BHU.

2.4 He prepares and maintains duties roster for BHU health

team and organizes it in accordance with the objectives set
for the BHU. In this regard, he must observe principle of
effectiveness and efficiency. In other words, he ensures
efficient utilization of human resources available to him.
2.5 He is responsible for cleanliness and general maintenance,
in all respect, of BHU. His performance evaluation will be
based on achievement of the objectives laid down for BHU
and BHU health team.

2.6 He supervises and ensures efficient utilization of material

and monetary resources available to the BHU health team.

2.7 He, in the capacity of incharge BHU health team, is

responsible for data gathering; demographic profile,
epidemiological characteristics and health statistics (of
union council/BHU's revenue limit).

2.8 He should facilitate the task of local planning and goal

setting. He shall, in this respect, provide information on
local conditions. Based on this information, the HEALTH
OFFICER would also think and propose certain plans and

2.9 He should ensure maintenance of stock register by the

concerned officials in the BHU and attached health facilities.
Any requirement, additions or replacements, he shall pass
to the DO (H) and the same channel will be observed after
receipt of the indented items. The HEALTH OFFICER would
verify all such receipts before disbursements.

2.10 He is controlling officer for the BHU health team and all the
bills, applications etc from the staff are channeled through
him. Any correspondence, without having been forwarded by
him, shall not be entertained at the DO (H) etc office.

2.11 In the capacity of HEALTH OFFICER incharge BHU, it is his

responsibility that all the forms and registers for all the
facilities under his control are kept updated and the
information required by the higher echelon in the hierarchy,
is submitted in time.
3. Community Development

3.1 Activities of the BHU health team are essentially aimed to

help individual communities to attain a level of health so as
to make them socially and economically productive. The
primary health care has been considered to be the most
suitable approach to achieve such objective. This includes
clean environment and water supplies, care of mothers
during pregnancy and child birth (MCH), family planning,
nutrition, health education, immunization and early
treatment of diseases. The HEALTH OFFICER BHU is
responsible for provision of these component activities to the
recipient individuals and communities.

3.2 To achieve its aims the BHU health team, under the
guidance of the HEALTH OFFICER incharge, promotes
community participation.

3.4 The BHU health team should also work closely with the
workers from the other allied sectors, such as teachers,
agriculture extension workers and religious leaders etc.

4. Provider of Health Care

4.1 General

The HEALTH OFFICER incharge is responsible himself,

directly and indirectly through the members of the BHU
health team for provision of primary health care to the people
(see job summary and section on community development)

4.2 Preventive

(a) All the out-reach and static staff of EPI, MEP, TBCP, LEP,
ARI, DDC, CDC and other vertical programrs report to the
HEALTH OFFICER incharge for duty (in the revenue
limits of BHU).
(b) All the supplies pertaining to the programrs as given
above, are received and distributed to the respective
health workers, under his supervision. In this respect,
the HEALTH OFFICER would ensure that regular supply
of consumables is

maintained and he should take appropriate action

immediately to avoid any stock outs.
(c) He would ensure that the targets of health workers
belonging to various programrs are timely achieved.

(d) The MCH staff works under the HEALTH OFFICER, who
evaluates and sees that they perform their job in
accordance with their job description and achieve the
targets set for them.
(e) The performance evaluation and working of the
sanitation staff, in accordance with their job description,
is responsibility of the HEALTH OFFICER. He would
ensure that an optimal standard of sanitation and clean
environment is maintained. Also these measures extend
to the water reservoirs and other sources of water supply.
(f) As per provisions of Para 2.7, the HEALTH OFFICER
should be aware of the epidemiological characteristics
and the health statistics of the BHU's commanded area.
He should, therefore, take appropriate measures to
effectively combat foci of communicable diseases, if any,
before its eruption into epidemic.
(g) Family planning activities at the BHU, MCH and other
outlets of Health Department are carried out under the
supervision of HEALTH OFFICER and he shall ensure
that the targets, in this respect, set for various health
workers are achieved. He also keeps a liaison with the
family planning outlets and out-reach workers of the
Department of Population Welfare and keeps himself
abreast of their activities and achievements.
(h) On behalf of the DO (H), the HEALTH OFFICER is ex-
officio Food Inspector for the revenue limits of BHU, he is
posted in. He shall collect samples of various food items
served and or stored at hotels, restaurants, stores, and
shops for analysis by the Government Public Analyst
under information to the DO (H), who would then follow
the case for punitive action in the appropriate courts of
4.3 Curative

The curative duties of the HEALTH OFFICER include

diagnosis, treatment and referral of individual patients
coming to the BHU and the communities falling within
the revenue limits of BHU.
When a patient comes to the BHU, after having been
registered, he is examined and a diagnosis (provisional
or final) is established.
If the patient requires an out door treatment, available
at BHU, this is offered. However, if the patient needs
admission/special investigation, he will be referred to
the RHC in the first instance. In special case, patients
may be referred directly to THQ/DHQ Hospitals.
If the patient suffers from some notifiable
disease/communicable disease then the HEALTH
OFFICER would adopt appropriate measures as per
standing instructions including screening of the
locality/community, the patient has come from.
Depending upon the results of screening, he would
take measures to combat the situation. In this process
he would keep his higher authorities
informed/notified and will seek their help if required.

5. The HEALTH OFFICER will keep a record of all the events observed
and actions under taken by him, in pursuit of his duties, in the
appropriate forms and registers.

6. Medico-Legal. Any medico- legal case reporting to the BHU, the

HEALTH OFFICER after administering first aid, would immediately
refer to RHC without stitching the wound in-order to keep the
nature of injury in original shape.

JOB TITLE - Lady Health Visitor (LHV)

BPS - 9


To promote community health by working with individuals,

families and communities for the welfare of mother and children
through MCH's static and out-reach domiciliary services.

She is responsible for pre, intra and post natal care to the expectant
mothers including TT immunization advise them on appropriate
family planning methods, good breastfeeding practices, nutrition
and growth monitoring, treatment of minor diseases and referrals
in case of complications.

Her job extends to the care of infants and preschool children

including EPI, CDC, ARI, Nutrition and growth monitoring and
Health Education.

She manages all this with the help of Dai/midwife, TBAs and CHWs
who are given initial and periodical refresher training arranged and
supervised by her of their duties towards Mother and Child.

JOB TITLE - Health Technician (Male & Female)

BPS - 9


1. Duties as Officiating or as Assistant to the HEALTH OFFICER

All the duties assigned to him by the HEALTH OFFICER I/C,

health facility (BHU). However, in case when the HEALTH
OFFICER is absent or is not in position, then all his duties
(as in the job-description of HEALTH OFFICER I/C BHU) are
to be carried out by the Health Technician.

2. Duties while on Out-reach services

All the duties as contained in the Job description for the out-
reach team. The Health Technician; male and female, carries
out out-reach duties for two days a week preferably along
with the LHV of the health facility.

JOB TITLE - Dispenser/Dresser

BPS - 6, (33% Selection grade)


He performs duty, both in the out-patient and in-patient

departments and is responsible for the efficient dressing of the

He indents linen/dressing material required for dressing and

maintains the ledgers/stock accordingly.

He dispatches the dirty linen for washing and receives back the
washed linen.

He prepares and keeps the dressing trolley in order and ready

for emergency.

He prepares the dressing drums for autoclaving by himself or at

the central autoclave unit.

He accompanies the HEALTH OFFICER in the out-patient and

his in-patient's round and assists him in examination of the

He carries out dressing of the patients with simple injuries and

assists in or carries out dressing of serious injuries under the
guidance of medical attendant/officer.

JOB TITLE - School Health & Nutrition Supervisor

BPS - 17


School Health & Nutrition Supervisor (SH & NS) will be an

outreach person with base in the BHU.

He / she would be working under the supervision & guidance of

Health Officer I/C BHU.

He/she will implement the School Health & Nutrition Program in

the catchment area of the BHU.

He/she should have complete list and record of Primary &

Elementary schools in the area of jurisdiction.

He/she will be responsible to train the school teacher for health

screening of the students. SH & NS alongwith teachers, will also be
conducting health screening in the schools regularly.

SH & NS will also train the LHVs / female paramedics of the BHU,
for health screening of the girls students. They will accompany the
male SH & NS for girls school at the time of half yearly screening of

The SH & NS should be working in the field, at least three days a

week. All office work will be completed in the remaining days,
including the management of referred patients/students. He/she
would try to arrange appointments of the students with the
doctors in his/her presence.

Schools falling in the catchment area and the visit program of SH

& NS duly approved by the Health Officer I/C should be displayed
in the BHU.
SH & NS will establish communication channels with the schools,
coordinating his/her activities with them and duly informing in
advance the visit schedule.

SH & NS should be present in each school at the time of

screening. The time table should be prepared in a manner that
screening is not done in two schools on the same day.
SH & NS will submit monthly report and post screening report on
prescribed format to the Health Officers for comments and
signature. The screening report should be submitted not later
than two months after screening.

After signature of Health Officer, SH & NS will submit these

reports to the Program Director, DHDC. Where there is no PD
DHDC, the report will be submitted to DO(H).

In coordination with the schools, SH & NS would impart health

education, to create awareness amongst teachers & students about
common health problems.

He/she would ensure that the students referred for medical

attention by the teachers are seen by concerned health

He/she would provide the feed back to the concerned teachers

about the outcome of referral.

SH & NS will collect the referred slip from the teachers after
Medical Officer has given the advice and the slip is signed by the
The SH & NS will be responsible for keeping the record of all the
students referred to the medical facility i.e BHU / RHC.

The SH & NS will also keep a close liaison with parents of the
referred children and inform them of the doctors advice.

In case of referral to the RHC he/she will coordinate the visit of

students with the doctors in the health facility and ensure
treatment at RHCs.

SH & NS will attend the meetings of School Councils and brief

the members about his / her activities.

These responsibilities of SH & NS are only with respect to the

School Health Program. They will be assigned roles and
responsibilities separately for other activities as per their job

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